leonardo de vincia vinci birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free

英语翻译1.The moment I got home,I found I had left my jacket on the playground.2.Professor James will give us a lectrure on the Western culture,but when and where hasn't been decided yet3.Leonardo da Vinci ()is said to have bought birds _百度作业帮
英语翻译1.The moment I got home,I found I had left my jacket on the playground.2.Professor James will give us a lectrure on the Western culture,but when and where hasn't been decided yet3.Leonardo da Vinci ()is said to have bought birds
英语翻译1.The moment I got home,I found I had left my jacket on the playground.2.Professor James will give us a lectrure on the Western culture,but when and where hasn't been decided yet3.Leonardo da Vinci ()is said to have bought birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.4.--- I'm going to leave at the end of this month.--- I don’t think you should do that until you've found another job.
非谓语动词1. He is said ____________________________(在国外学习)for two years, but I don’t know which country he is in.(study)2. I never dreamed of _____________________________(会有这样的机会)to study in the hospital.(there)3. It isn’t like her ______________________________(说出这样的话) like that.(say)4. The visiting expert preferred giving lecturers to students______________________(被邀请)meetings at times.(invite)5. What a great load the mother felt ______________________(如释重负)her mind the moment her lost son turned up.(take)6. Having good table manners means ___________________________________(知道如何使用刀叉).(know)7. Instead of sending people, we can send robots ___________________(装备计算机的)and other tools to the moon.(equip)8. I forgot __________________________(提前提醒你)because I was really occupied with the work.(advance)9. ____________________________(埋头读书),he paid no attention to things around him.(burry)10. He is said ___________________(在设计)a new computer program now, but I don’t know when he will finish it.(design)11. This is the explanation _____________________(提出的) by him.(put)12.
The woman ________________________(站在老师旁边的)is my mother.(stand)13. The week _______(圣诞节后的), many African-American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.(follow)14. _____________________________(偷窃钻石)the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.(steal)15. I think it difficult to _______________________________(记住所有的单词),because there are too many.(remember)16. _________________(一返回), they were praised as national heroes.(on)17. John received an invitation to a dinner, and with ______________________(工作已完成), he gladly accepted it.(finish)18. __________________________(解释得很清楚), the question is finally understood by all of us present.(explain)19. When I was passing the National Hall, I heard the clock _____________________(正在建的).(strike)20. The building ___________________ (正在建的)on the river is the Science Museum.(build)21. He was standing ________________(抓住)a tree that grew against the wall.(hold)22. Think it over. You may have a lot of ways __________________(改正此句).(correct)23. In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ___________________(过去的生活).(use)24. Robert is indeed a wise man. How often I have regretted ___________________(没有采纳他的建议)!(take)25. Danny has worked hard for long __________________________(实现他的梦想)and now he is popular.(realize)26. I am always full of energy. ____________________________(每天进行大量的锻炼)is my secret.(plenty)27. ______________________________(受到严重污染), it may be a bit too late to protect the river.(suffer)28. The negotiation between the two countries broke down, ____________(未达成)an agreement.(reach)29. When you’ve finished with book, ________________________(不要忘了放回)on the shelf, will you?(forget,put)30. All flights __________________(被取消) because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the rain.(cancel)31. Though we felt a little disappointed, we still______________________(一直鼓励)our basketball team32. The squirrel was luck that it just _____________________________ (未被捉住).(miss)33. ________________________(排队等了半个小时),the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.(wait)34. Paul doesn't have to _____________________(强迫学习). He always works hard.(make)35. How about two of us ___________________ (散步) down the garden ? (take)36. Please keep me __________(知道)any change of your address as soon as possible. I'd like to call on you in time. (inform)37. A boy and a girl ___________________________ (被当场抓住作弊)in the exam and punished by the school. (catch)38. We all know that, _______________________ (如果不谨慎处理),the situation will get worse.( if , deal)39. Christmas is a special holiday when the whole family _____________________(应该聚在一起). (suppose)40. To save class time , our teacher ___________________ (让学生做一半的练习 )in class and complete the other half for work.(have)41. __________(值得考虑) what makes &convenience& foods so popular,and introducing better ones of your own. (consider)42. The ocean and seas ____________ (环绕着岛屿)are deep blue and many of New Zealand's cities lie on a bay. (surround)43. ________________________ (没有足够的食物吃), many animals died of starvation in search of the new land. (enough)44. I heard the couple next door _______________________ (吵了整整一个晚上). (quarrel)45. His new book _______________________ (包含折有用信息) has been well received. (contain)46. Your father is angry with you for __________________ (在外呆这么晚). (stay)47. __________________________ (有这么多的人用英语交流)every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English .(with)48. When IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch announced that Beijing would host the 2008 Olympic Games, _____________________ (所有看他的中国人)on TV burst into cheers.(wacth)49. The government _______________________ (允许吸烟喝酒) but not taking drugs. (tolerate)50. A reporter begins by contacting people __________________ (被采访的) and then prepares questions. (interview)51. A reporter must know how to ask the right questions and ___________________ (怎样让人们谈论) (get)52. ______________________ (为了写这个故事), I had to contact famous museums around the world and interview both Chinese and international experts in the field.(write)53. Her father won't marry her until the poor young _______________________(请人装修那个房子).(decotate)54. The burglars gained entry to the building after their ____________________ (弄坏报警器). (disable)55. ______________________ (失败了好几次), the young scientist still kept on making his experiments in chemistry.(fail)56. The giant dam of the Three Hydropower project ____________ (坐落在)the Yangtze River was finally completed on May 20,2006, nine months ahead of time. (locate)57.________________________(穿着白色制服), he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (dress)58. Jill thinks we should phone Kate now, but John _________________________(建议给她打电话) later. (suggest)59. The book was so funny that ________________________________(我禁不住笑起来) from beginning to end.60. ______________(为了解释他们所看到的), the build a theory about the way in which things happen and the cause and effects. (explain)61. Knowing who we are means _______________________(我们怎么想) and what we like to do. (know)62. I know the feeling of _______(被忽视) isn’t nice, but you can’t draw your attention with such a strange hairstyle. ( ignore)63. I want to write something but my pen is ___________________(哪里都找不到).(find)64. Leonardo da Vinci () ___________________(据说) kept birds in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. (say)65. She’s having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn’t know ______________(像谁求救). (turn)66. The glass doors have taken place of the wooden ones at the entrance, ____________(让自然光照进来) during the day. (let)67. The flowers his friend gave him will die ___________________________(除非每天浇水).(water)68. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just ________(为了看一眼) the sports stars. (have)69. ___________________________(面对艰难的形式), Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. (face)70. With the price of oil _________________(上升), the economy of that country is slowing down. (go)71.---- Sarah _______________________(让人把自行车修了) the day before yesterday, didn’t she? ----- No, she did it herself.72.He hurried to the booking office _________________________(却被告知) that all the tickets had been sold out. ( tell)73. Energy drinks _________________________(不允许制作) in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand. (allow)74. The mother ___________________(感觉自己变得越来越冷) and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battle field. (grow)75. As the light turned green , I stood for a moment, _____________(没有动) and asked myself what I was going to do. (move)76. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to __________________(使他的笔头英语进步) in a short period. (have, improve)77. _________________________(没有) to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead. (fail)78. School children must be taught ________________________(怎么处理) dangerous situation. (deal)79. __________________________(没有人求助) in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless. ( turn)80. ________________________________(谈及他写的所有的曲子), I think this is probably his best- known one. (speak)81. ________________________(乘坐了) the rides at the Headland, visitors can take a shuttle to the lowland. (enjoy)82._____________________________(不知道怎么做), he turned to his instructor for advice. (knowing)83. Making eyes contact by ________________________(直视)someone’s eyes is a way to show interest. (look)84. Of the seven days in a week, Saturday _________________(据说是最佳的选择) for a wedding in some countries. (choice)(课桌打开和关上的噪音) could be heard outside the classroom.(close)86. Sorry, I can’t give you any ideas about the project. With(脑子里有如此多的工作), I almost break down.(fill)(了解)their them.(know)88. 切断电源) quickly, he prevented an accident.(cut)89. We mustn’t risk被困住)a storm.(catch)(以一个共同的主题为基础).(base)91. Many people come to visit theme parks, 寻求刺激和娱乐)写一本新书)on how to develop a child’s reading skill.(work)(扔他们的帽子) into the air, the fans of the winning team let out shouts of victory.(throw)94.
(比较不同的文化), we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.(compare)(排名第三) of all the competing countries.(throw)考虑), I think he has done pretty well indeed.(account)(在车祸中严重受伤),the driver was still able to make a phone call.(injure)98. W等待结果) of the experiment.(wait)参观了) the WaterCube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic games.(show)(让她去买) some hot dogs for the meeting.(have, pick)101. I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t (提及职位已升) when we talked in the phone.(mention)(考虑到他的能力和经验), he should have done better.(consider)103. We finished the run 在不到规定的一半时间内). (allow)104. He is very popular among his students as he always (试图使他们感兴趣) in his lectures.(make)(在风暴中被吹倒的) have been moved off the road.(blow)按计划完成规划) and we’ll have to work two more hours a day.(complete)107.Y(她是脚受伤了)so much.(wound)受到欢迎) into their society.(welcome)(有这么好的酒) in this town.110.He was observed
and help himself to what he liked before the owner came back.(slip)(结果发现) that the train had left.(only)(邮寄出) automatically, the e-mail will be received by all the club members.(mail)113.Don’t respond to any e(要求个人信息), no matter how official they look.(ask)(接收这个决定)without any consideration.(accept)投入使用) in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdown.(put) 没有完成) the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.(complete)117. I don’t know whether you happen听说过), but I’m going to study in the U.S.A this September.(hear) (引起)by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.(cause) 119. 去买)?(buy)120.More and more people are signing up for Y(利用) the health and relaxation benefits.(take) (小偷被抓).(catch)122. for too much tine will do harm to one’s skin.(expose)123. With a lot of difficult problems (解决), the newly-elected president is having a hard time.(settle)他不能够) to inform me of the change in the plan.(able)125.The accident is said 因为) the driver’s careless driving and the thick fog.(result)126. Limited natural resources should be made full use of (满足) of energy.(meet)讨论) at the following meeting.(discuss) (坐在餐馆外面). Waiting to have dinners.(seat) (造成巨大损失) to the people’s properties.(cause)(碰巧正在与一个邻居聊天) over the fence.(happen ,that)负担者一个八口之家), he had to work hard to make ends meet.(burden)132. Holms and W (让灯亮着) for half and hour.(with)133. I’m sorry to (让你久等了), Jane . You see, I was caught in the traffic jam.(keep)134. you don’t know what great difficulty I had(设法弄到这张票). I hope the film is really worth seeing.(manage) 辍学) at an early age. Otherwise she would be sitting in the well-lighted classroom now.(drop) (再踏上这块土地).(set)137.The man denied (偷窃了任何东西) at the supermarket before he was questioned by the police.(steal)
介绍你) to the host at the party, but I forget.(introduce.)139. Finally she got too tired and fell asleep at the desk, her right hand still _____________ (握着一只钢笔). (hold)140. He seemed ____________________________ (觉察到) that he was being followed, so he stopped in front of a store as if he was intending to buy something. (sense)141. His best-seller novel &the Alchemist& is said _________________(被译为) over twenty languages by the end of last year. (translate) 142. I have checked all the basic equipment ___________________ (赠送) the mountainous area next week. (give)143. It's not like him _______________________ (保持缄默) about the matter all the time.(keep)144. As a senior English teacher, I 'd appreciate __________________ (使我的学生讲) wonderful English. (have, speak)145. All his neighbours thought he was a strange man, for he ___________________(把所有的窗户都关上) all the year around. (keep) 146. __________________ (比较) his oral speech, his listening is improving faster.(compare)147. ____________________ (考虑)all possibilities, I really believe that I'd prefer not to make any change now.(consideration)148. He lay on the grass ______________________(手臂交叉) under his head. (with, cross)149. With _____________________(他的钱用完了),the lazy middle-aged man began to steal other's money in the city. (run)150. _______________________ (不要让水白流) while you brush your teeth.151. John did well in the exam. He came home _________________(带着幸福的微笑). (wear)152. The girl _____________________(有希望成为优秀的画家) if she is well trained in an art school. (promise)153. His eyes _______________ (盯着那张旧照片),he called up the hard days spent in the country when he was young. (fix)154. ________________ (从事教学)for forty years, the old professor retired last month. (engage)155. It ____________________(很值得花一番功夫) to learn how to do it by oneself.(worth, make)156. At the moment we had nothing to do but __________________ (求助于他).(turn)157. _____________________ (有很多工作要做),the boss had to refuse to be attend a party at the weekend.(with)158. __________________(没有公共汽车),they had to walk home from the office.(there)159. Mary felt herself _____________________ (被迫采取行动) to defend herself. (force,take)160. As he was fluent in both languages, _____________________ (他毫无困难地转换)from Chinese into English. (problem)161. ________ (为了被录取)a university in the UK,international students must display a strong ability in spoken and written English.(admit) 162. The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have ___________________ (区别对错). (distinguish)163. So many section managers ______________ (缺席),the board meeting had to be put off until next week. (absent)164. The heaviest snow continued to fall over large parts of China, ___________(导致堵车). (cause)165. ---She didn't speak to me yesterday. She was unhappy. ----Well, she seemed ________________ (被告知)about it.(tell)166.----It is understandable for him to make such mistakes.---- You are right, ________________________________(考虑到他只是个新手).(consider)167. After the teacher made an explanation, Tom, _____________________(意识到自己的错误), corrected his paper. (realize)168. She sat waiting for her husband, with ______________________(灯火通明) in the bedroom late in the night. (burn)169. The young man _______________________(被指控抢劫银行的) was sure to be sentenced to three years in prison. (burn)170. There is nothing better than _____________________(洗个热水澡) after a whole day’s work. (bath)171.The young girl, ______________________(气愤地指着) her boss ,claimed for a higher salary.(point)172. _____________________________(从顶部往下看), it looks like a bird’s nest made of tree branches. (see)173. Reading poetry in English also opens the door to ______________________(找到新的途径) of expressing yourself in Chinese. (find) 174. I’ve worked with children before, so I know ___________________________(会是什么样子)in my job. (expect)175. “You’ll get a card ____________________________________(登记时),” said the receptionist. (check)176. The ship sank, __________________________________________(船上有30名游客). (board)177. Her trouble is that she doesn’t know ______________________(怎样改进) the teaching work. (improve)178. It is hard for him _______________________________________(接受) the fact that he has failed. (live)179. __________________________________(筋疲力尽), they decided to get some else to continue it.(give)180. We are expected _____________________________________(利用每个时机) to learn more.(chance)181. In fact, no one enjoys ___________________________________________________(受到愚弄).(trick)182. ---- Do you still remember _______________________________(见过我) somewhere in Shanghai?----Yes, of course. Two years ago. (see)183. Don’t try to_________________________(让孩子们遵守)the terrible rules. (get)184. When you hang the wet clothes near fire, you will see steam _____________________(从衣服上升起).(rise)185. The teacher requires our exercise______________________(上交)immediately. (hand)186. This speech ___________________(值得一听)since it is delivered by the president. (worth)187. ________________________(暴露) to the light for long leads to injury to the skin. (expose)188. ___________________________(捐给受灾地区的钱的数目) is not known yet. (amount)189.I want you to keep me ________________________(知道) how things are going with you. (inform)190. __________________________(会说英语) give you more opportunities in job interviews.(able)191. You’ d better _________________________(把马拴在树上) in case it runs away. (tie)192.After _______________________(仔细检查), the room was locked again. (examine)193.If ______________________________(困在着火的大楼里), you should send for help. (trap)194.When he saw a boy _____________________(在水里挣扎),she jumped into the lake to save him. (struggle)195.I _________________________(后悔告诉) her the truth. (regret)196. Large poster were put up, ___________________________(告诉人们) of this concert. (inform)197. Everyone in the village likes Jack because he is good at ________________________(编笑话). (make)198. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, __________________________(而不是让它变得更难).(make)199. ______________________(看着太阳升起)above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.(rise)200. I woke up to _____________________(发现自己躺在路边).(find)201. It would be a comfortable house _______________________.(居住的) (live)202. Speak louder to ______________________ (使你自己被听见) by us all. (make)203. There is no use ________________________ (劝他戒烟). He just won’t listen. (persuade)204. The editor’s job is to __________________ (维持报纸版面平衡) and interesting to the readers. (keep, balance).205. Many hospitals recommend __________________(使用字母) DR ABC to remember what to do and when we have to think fast.(use) 206. His brain was badly hurt in the accident, _______________(导致) a failure to speak normally. (lead).207. Is this the article you want to have ___________________(翻译成汉语)? (translate)208. The young man ________________________ (染上毒瘾) was sent to hospital yesterday. (addict)209. It is very important for us students ______________________(学习一门外语). (learn)210. He didn’t know _____________________(是哭还是笑) when he heard the news. (whether).211. China has become the third country _________________.(把载人宇宙飞船发送到太空) (to)212. Our team, __________________(有20人组成), is a big family that is full of love. (consist)213. Several weeks later, the couple returned from their trip abroad, ______________(结果发现) that their house had been broken into. (only) 214. A person’s success is mostly a result of ____________________(充分利用时间和精力). (most)215. She is a kind teacher, very easy _____________________(让学生接近).(approach)216. Nothing can _____________________(阻止他们目标的实现). (stop)217. The experience ______________________ (使他产生了兴趣) in the film industry. (make)218. Mary, who is always a shy girl, can’t stand _________________(当众被捉弄).(fool)219. I just want ________________________(我的计划被接受) by the majority not the whole. (accept)220. In an interview, you must try your best ____________________ (使自己被别人明白). (make)221. I still can’t figure out what it is that you _____________________(想修理). (have)222. When the evening came, I found myself _________________(独自走在街头). (walk)223. Now that you know all the facts, I’m sure you can __________________. (做出明智的选择) (inform)224. _____________________ (所有必要的东西都买), they went back home. (with)225. I sent him mails one after another, ____________________(希望有他的姐姐的进一步消息). (hope)226. The old, being _______________________(被照顾得很好), live a rich and happy life there.(care)227. Many junior middle school students choose key senior middle schools, _______________(期望考上重点大学). (expect)228. _______________(对自己的失败觉得失望) in the driving test, Huebner wouldn’t like to pick up the topic for the moment. (disappoint). 229. Mary, so you’d rather __________(待在家里看书). Why not go out to enjoy yourself? Anyway, it’s Sunday today. (stay).230. Do you happen to know the man __________________(拿着伞) walking in the rain? (rain)231. With ________________ (这么多联系要完成), I sometimes wonder why there can’t be. 25hours in a day. (finish)232. My car broke down. Where can I __________(把它送去修一下). (repair)233. The house and the surrounding farmland, originally _______________(属于一个农民), have now become mine. (belong) 234. When we got back from the cinema, we found our house _____________(闯入)and many things stolen. (break)235. Unfortunately, Bruce fell during the match and got ____________(他的左腿受伤). (hurt)236. ____________________(通过做运动)we can always stay healthy. (exercise)237. __________________(听音乐)enables us to feel relaxed. (music)238. For the past two years, I have been busy _____________(准备) the examination. (prepare)239. _______________(创造新的节日)may seem an usual way to celebrate history and culture. (create)240. She had to take several jobs _______________(付清)her debts. (pay)241. Well, why don’t we _________________(试试写)a play of our own? (write)242. _______________(意识到)that I could use a kite to attract lightning, I decided to do an experiment. (realize)243. Fly the kite when a thunderstorm ________________(好像即将到来). (appear)244. ____________________(躺在冰上), I would soon die. (lie)245. He inspired many young people_________________(参加体育运动). (take)246. ___________________(面对)a different situation, Andrew asked his brother for advice. (face)247. When __________(问及)the secret of his success, he said that he owed much of his success and happiness to his wife and children. (ask) 248. The men sat around the stove, _______________(互相开玩笑). (joke)249. The silence of the library was broken by the sound of pages ____________(翻过). (turn)250. Robert is said ____________(学习过)abroad, but I don’t know what countries he studies in. (study)251. The answer seems to be that we have a need _______________(保持联系)friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing. (touch)252. The car kept ____________________(加速)as it went down the hill. (gain)253. His grandma has got high blood pressure, so he____________________(被建议不要吃)food high in fat. (advise)254.
There are five pairs of shoes ___________________(可选), but I don’t know which to buy. (choose)255. Each day reminds us that we should __________________________________(学会尊重生命,尊重自然). (respect)256. Many people today choose their way of life ____________________________(以他们所相信的为基础). (base)257. I think the lecture by Mr. is excellent. It is ______________________(很值得听). (worth)258. In the old days he lived a bad life, with little to eat and only ____________________(住的地方极其狭小). (live)259. _________________(已经做完作业),
he helped his parents pick apples. (finish)包含各类专业文献、行业资料、生活休闲娱乐、中学教育、高等教育、幼儿教育、小学教育、应用写作文书、文学作品欣赏、武汉外校高考非谓语完成句子333题(附答案)78等内容。 
 武汉外校高考非谓语完成句子333题(附答案)。湖北英语高考非谓语动词 1. He is said ___(在国外学习)for two years, but I don’t know which country he i...  武汉外校高考非谓语完成句子333题(附答案)。湖北英语高考非谓语动词 1. He is said ___(在国外学习)for two years, but I don’t know which country he i...  武汉外校英语高考完成句子专题 非谓语动词 333 题 1. He is said ___(在国外学习)for two years, but I don’t know which country he is in.(study) ...  武汉外校英语高考完成句子专题 非谓语动词 333 题 1. He is said ___(在国外学习)for two years, but I don’t know which country he is in.(study) ...}


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