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“墨菲定律”真的容易发生吗?有时,当你不断担心可能考试失败,你最终就失败了.或在班中的座位安排,你害怕坐在不喜欢的人旁边,你最终与他或她为邻.这就是著名的“墨菲定律”告诉我们的.「凡是可能出错的事必定会出错」.但是,是真的吗?在很多有关“墨菲定律”的研究,其中最有名的是“黄油烤面包”现象.当涂上黄油的烤面包跌下,多数有黄油的一面是朝下的.为了证明这一点,《电讯报》的科学栏记者Robert Matthews在2001年进行了一系列实验,有超过1000名英国学生参予.在第一项实验中,每个学生把一块烤面包放在盘子里,让它滑下,做20次,并记录是哪一边朝下.在近10000个试验中,有62%是涂上黄油的一面朝下.但你可能会问:难道是黄油的关系?这里说到Matthews'的第二个实验.这一次,面包不涂黄包,取而代之,只写上一个“B”字在一面.有58%是写有“B”的一面朝下.这证明了“墨菲定律”是正确的:如果涂上黄油的一面能朝下,它就朝下.听起来很悲观.好吧,Matthews的第三个实验可能给你带来一些希望.当学生从2.5米的高度投掷下烤面包,只有47%左右是涂上黄油的一面朝下.「涂上黄油的一面烤面包朝下,只因为我们人类不够高,让它以任何其他方式降落」,Matthews向《电讯报》说.原文如下:How does Murphy's Law work?Sometimes when you keep worrying that you may fail in an exam,you end up failing.Or during a seating arrangement in your class,when you are afraid to sit next to someone you don’t like,you end up sharing the desk with him or her.This is what the well-known Murphy's Law tell us.If things can go wrong,they will go wrong.But is it true?In many studies about Murphy's Law,the most famous one is the buttered toast phenomenon.When toast with butter fails,it lands butter-side down most of the time.To prove it,Robert Matthews,science journalist of the Telegraph,made a series of experiments with more than 1,000 British school children in 2001.In the first experiment,each student put a piece of toast on a plate,let it slide,off 20 times and noted that down which side it landed.Of almost 10,000 trials landed butter-side down 62 percent of the time.But you may ask:is it the butter that plays a role?Here comes Matthews' second experiment.This time,instead of butter,the toast had a letter "B" written on one side.It still landed 58 percent of the time on the B-side.This proved that Murphy's Law is true:if toast can land butter-side down,it will do.Sounds pessimistic.Well,Matthews' third experiment might give you some hope.When students threw the toast from a height of 2.5 meters,the toast landed butter-down only 47 percent of the time."Toast lands butter-side down because we humans aren't tall enough to let it land any other way," Matthews told the Telegraph.
1. People have to accept the fact that the global climate is warming due to greenhouse effect.2. It is an interesting question why metal can conduct electricity.3. It is still unknown when the theory was originally formed.4. It is impossible for human beings to be controlled by robots.5. The proposal about our development of local natural resources has been discussed.6. The most important thing we should do now is to protect those endangered wild animals.
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