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想了解更多关于 ”指环王online“的信息,请&或请英语达人帮我翻译这几句话,万分感谢_百度知道
业相识于11前两间朋友恋却于相迫手知真痛苦离5终突破重重障碍再复合<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad现迎结晶麻烦翻译谢谢翻译加谢谢希望真认真翻译要工具谢谢
A result of studies met in 11 years ago, two years, from friends to lovers, only to fall in love a year later was forced to break up, side to know true love, suffering, separation of five years and eventually break through obstacles and then composite, 11 years later, now, ushered in the crystallization of love.
【本看已经翻译我都想答仔细看像都机器答所趁着空闲绞尽脑汁帮楼主翻译吧--记加啊呵呵】We know each other at school days 11 years ago, we became lovers after two years we know each other but we were forced to broke up after we fell in love, this misery enables us to realize what does true love means, but we finally got together by surmounting obstacles after 5 years we separated with great pain, today, we received the best gift of our love.
We met each other 11 yrs ago in school, in 2 yrs, we turned from friends to couple, broke up after 1 year, were seperated for darkest 5 years, then we got back through obstructions, now, the love is really coming to us
Because the studies acquaintance in 11 years ago, during two years, from the friend to the lover, actually falls in love with one year later is compelled to bid good-bye, Fang Zhizhen the love, the pain separates for 5 years, breaks through layer on layer the barrier finally again compound, 11 year later present, has welcomed the crystallization which loves.
For academic acquaintance in 11 years ago, two years from friends and lovers, but to love in a year, was forced to know true love, pain, and eventually break separation for five years, and obstacles to compound years now, welcomed the
11 years ago,we met each other for the first time in school. During two years, we became friends and later,lovers. However, we broke up for some reasons and at that time we knew what real love was. We seperated for five years in bitter. Luckily, we made up inspire of many difficulties. And now, we are blessed by God.很意译,呃。。
We met each other 11 yrs ago in school, in 2 yrs, we turned from friends to couple, broke up after 1 year, were seperated for darkest 5 years, then we got back through obstructions, now, the love is really coming to us 。
China is the most populous country in the world, with the rapid development of China&#39;s economy, people have more demands for their own protection, under the conditions of the market economy, and how to effectively protect the basic needs of the people, for the benefit of the people, the Government has beenthe focus of the work, under the conditions of China is also in line with the basic national conditions, the formulation of a social security system, this being guaranteed to make the health of all residents access to basic health services, government intervention, and thus the formation of the socialmedical insurance system in recent years, continues to explore the medical insurance for urban residents emerged indeed been significant achievements in the process of urban health insurance work carried out throughout the country, its basic medical insurance system for urban workers,the new rural cooperative medical system in contact with each other, and constantly improve the medical insurance system. But success also exposed some shortcomings and deficiencies that can not be ignored, which need to find the corresponding countermeasures to make up in the reform and development, innovation development. In this paper, a region of Tianjin, for example, by way analysis of questionnaires and other medical insurance for urban residents of the town&#39;s status quo, certainly the achievements of the town at the same time, found the existing problems, and propose practical solutions to these problems, on this basis, propose ideas, to develop a comprehensive set of the actual situation of the town is to adapt the program to improve the health of the town residents, their health needs, achieving universal coverage.
China is the most populous country in the world, with China&#39;s rapid economic development, people have more security for their own requirements, under the condition of market economy, how to guarantee the people&#39;s basic necessities of life, for the welfare of the people, has been the focus of government work, China is also in accord with the basic condition, to formulate the corresponding social security system, in which, in order to make the residents health security, access to basic medical services, government intervention, which formed the social medical insurance system, in the last few years of continuous exploration, medical insurance for urban residents to emerge as the times require, urban medical insurance work throughout the country in the process, has been relatively significant results, the new rural cooperative medical system and the basic medical insurance system for urban workers, interaction, and constantly improve the medical security system. But the success of the at the same time, also has exposed some disadvantages that can not be ignored and deficiencies, which needs to find the corresponding countermeasures to make, in the reform and development, innovation in development. In this paper, in order to Tianjin Jixian County don&#39;t town as an example, through questionnaire analysis of the present situation of medical insurance for urban residents don&#39;t Town, in the town of achievement at the same time, find out the existing problems, and puts forward some feasible solutions to these problems, on this basis, put forward ideas, establish a set of perfect scheme compatible with the actual situation of the town, improve the health level of the residents of the town, to meet the health needs, which are of great significance to the implementation of national health insurance.
出门在外也不愁请英文达人帮忙翻译下下面两句商务英语句子  万分感谢_百度知道
请英文达人帮忙翻译下下面两句商务英语句子  万分感谢
1.Preparation for the meeting may range from finalizing a particular task to merely being aware of the issues and having an informed opinion on the term2.The issue speaks for itself请帮忙翻译下上面两句话,最好能凭自己的水平翻译 能读的通易理解(句子是商务互讥皋客薤九鸽循龚末英语里的句子)
1.会议的准备工作可能会在“完成一个用来仅仅明白这个问题的特别任务”到“对此问题有一个长远的意见”之间波动。互讥皋客薤九鸽循龚末2.问题不言而喻 。希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~
1. 会前准备工作包括从落实一项具体任务,到了解各种可能出现的问题并对其做好应对准备方案。2. 问题本身就说明了问题。
1.会议所需的准备工作可能从 最终确定某一工作 到 仅仅能意识到问题并对此有明确的意见 不等2.问题已不言而喻ps:其实前面几位已翻得差不多了 主要在particular, informed等几个词上 我觉得这样更准确吧 呵呵


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