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micheal batty 的文章 building a science of city 大概讲的什么,有人翻译过这篇论文吗?
刘伦 剑桥大学土地经济系博士研究生
龙瀛 北京市城市规划设计研究院高级工程师,城市规划工学博士,剑桥大学国家公派访问学者
B=Mike Batty
高级空间分析中心(Centre for Advanced
I: Your new book is titled as the “new” science of cities. Which
“old” science is it compared with? Can we put it this way, that the
academia has made a substantial amount of achievements in urban
complexity and network research to give impetus to a “new
It’s a good question. One thing which I say in the book is that
there is not just one new science. There are many new sciences of
the city. And the reason why I call it “the new science” is because
many of the techniques and tools are relatively new, compared to
the older science. The older science was related to urban
economics, social physics, central place theory,
transportation-type theory, etc. In other words, the old science
was what was loosely called “regional science”. And it was based on
much more static and cross-sectional view of cities, which takes
while the newer science is based on the idea of
evolving cities and complexity theory. To some extent, a way of
talking about the new science is to say all of the new tools and
techniques, which have come over the last twenty to twenty-five
years, and it is related to complexity theory. So there are many
different dimensions in which we can characterize the new science,
such as disaggregation, bottom-up thinking, evolution and so
answer to the second question is yes. The urban complexity theory,
network science are two main areas that have pushed into the new
ways of looking at the city. I think one of the key things is the
idea of networks and flows. It is really changing the emphasis on
location. It is not that location is not important, of course it is
important, but networks and flows are particularly important in
this particular new science, and also the dynamics of
I: You highlighted flows, interaction and network. Generally what
CASA has done and meanwhile is expecting to do in this new science
highlighted field?
We group CASA get a lot of interesting ideas and methods which
relate to, on the one hand, the morphology of cities, the shape and
size of cities, and also the idea of connectivity in cities, the
network. Those two things are important to us. We are also quite
interested in scaling in city size. Another part of CASA, which I
have less to do with but is consistent with, is what Alan Wilson is
doing with dynamics, sort of short-term dynamics where you have
bifurcations and perturbations. So you have static models of the
city, which could be put into a dynamic framework and then generate
rapid change, such as emergent things like shopping center. These
models are in part and parcel. They represent more of the old
science, but the dynamics of them represent more of the new
From AUM (Applied Urban Modelling) conferences held in the previous
several years, there were two model groups, one the top-down macro
models like MEPLAN and the other bottom-up micro models like
UrbanSim. Would it be more appropriate to combine the both types in
one integration? Say, the macro model is responsible for estimating
zonal scale simulation results, which are further used by micro
model to “allocate” them in a bottom-up
In some senses, most of the models in the applied models conference
come from the “top-down”, even UrbanSim. But as these models got
more detailed, they moved into disaggregation. So you can see in
the development of urban modelling that people began fifty years
ago with aggregate models, and then began to disaggregate
populations and introduce a little bit of dynamics into these
static models. And then in parallel with these models, there is a
new view of transportation behavior which is reflected in economics
in discrete choice models, or so-called disaggregate demand models.
And from those comes the idea of highly-disaggregate agent-based
models of the transportation systems, where individual travelers
are modeled individually in this sense. So the trend is the
breaking-down of populations which perhaps in some of the regional
models like MEPLAN have been in zones of
households. So
there is a consistent line of development from top-down to
bottom-up. For example, the UrbanSim models were a little bit more
aggregate twenty years ago when Paul Waddell began those models. In
the transportation domain you get this disaggregation of models
from aggregate trip distribution into travel demand models and then
into household activity models, where individual activity patterns
are modelled. For example, the TRANSIMS and MATSim models are
transport models that model individual’s trip-making decisions
during the day. And those models are truly agent-based and
bottom-up. Now most of models in the applied models’ field tend to
interface with the transport models. In other words, the transport
models used to be built inside of the aggregate models, but no
longer are they built so. For example, the UrbanSim model
interfaces with a transport model. It could be any kind of
transport model as long as it generates trips. And the Marcial
Echenique models, the original MEPLAN models, did the same except
that the transport models were built by MEPLAN as well, but the
travel demand has been separated out to some extent in these
choice model),或称为分解需求模型(disaggregate demand
trip distribution)到出行需求模型(travel demand model)再到如今的家庭活动模型(household
there are another cluster of models, which emerged not from this
particular tradition, but from GIS. They are land development
models, for example SLEUTH model, which are more micro. These
models are again quite different in some senses that they don’t
deal with transportation behavior and they mainly deal with land
development. They are not as widely applied in practice. There are
some of them like Metronomica, the Dutch one, which do interface
with travel demand models, etc. And there is the general cluster of
agent-based models, of which there are not many that have been
developed specifically for urban systems.
are one or two which don’t really take the applied urban modelling
view point. They don’t really rely on that. They are built quite
separately from the bottom-up perspective, although they do tend to
have aspects in them that are similar in part to the various
aggregate and disaggregate models like MEPLAN. Examples of these
models are not easy to specify. There are some examples in Tokyo.
They tend not to have recognizable names or acronyms like MEPLAN or
SLEUTH. They are just one-off. Models like MEPLAN, SLEUTH,
Metronomica, or UrbanSim have probably been applied in several
places. So it is like a kind of software package of models. But
there are quite a lot of models out there which are just one-off.
So they are more difficult to characterize, to classify. You can
see that they have got bits of different models in them. There are
quite a lot of those models around.
Is the relationship between macro and micro models a flow of
evolvement, or they will be integrated in the
I think we are in a situation that it is quite possible to build
integrated models as you suggest which have aggregate and
disaggregate, or macro and micro features in them. Increasingly I
think that model building has moved to a situation where you can
develop particular aspects of models for particular problems. So we
are moving to a situation where you can take little bits of models.
That book represents a series of tools that you can use in relation
to building a model. There are different things in these models
that can be packaged in different ways for different sorts of
problems. So rather than integrate macro and micro, the best
features of each can be taken out and applied to specific problems.
Many models are general models that are applied to a variety of
different situations. But increasingly I think models are being
adapted to particular situations.
I: So, more problem-oriented?
Absolutely. Japan is just one instance. There are models also in
Europe and North America which don’t quite fit the category of
aggregate or disaggregate like MEPLAN, TRANUS, DELTA, andAlex Anas)
models. And they don’t fit the UrbanSim and system dynamics model
after Forester, such as MARS developed in Austria, neither. They
develop their own software and they pull bits out of
I: Do you think we are still going to produce those comprehensive
and transferable models, or we will do more problem-oriented
We will do both I think. The field is still expanding a bit. There
was a slow expansion from quite a lot of modeling in the 1960s and
1970s, and then more of a low for a number of years, and then a
pick-up again in the 1990s. I think there is more expansion on all
fronts going on. These things are not massively dramatic, but are
gradually being extended. So I think we will see both a
continuation of the reasonably big comprehensive models and new
individual models which are problem-oriented. And you will see some
of the aggregate models are tuned to be problem-oriented as
I: The golden age for quantitatively understanding cities in 1960
to 1970 was damped by social theory and Marxist. A main reason for
this is not well addressing planning problems and lack of practical
applications. Now it is the other golden age, what could we do to
avoid the previous problem and do better this time
There is no question that there is a new interest in these things,
which is also coinciding with the interest in the smart cities, big
data and all these kinds of stuff, which are not quite the same as
modeling. In some senses, the difference this time is that within
the 1960s, particularly in the US, a lot of ideas were transplanted
really from system analysis and system development, which were
being developed in the military and defense related aspects, to
municipality governments. It wasn’t easy to get the transition
right. Often the techniques and the tools were not well adapted.
There were problems of data, problems of computation, and problems
of financing and funding, etc. And also the cultural difficulties
were not making these models work and be used by planners and
policy makers, who didn’t have any real sort of feel for these
approaches. So, to some extent, there was reaction against this
style of modeling by, as you say, social theory, political economy,
Marxism, and so on. The interest moved away from urban and regional
modeling and system approaches of planning in the late 1970s. And
it was often said that “the models are part of the problem, not
part of the solution”. In some senses, the issue was that the
models themselves contained within them various things that
planners and policy makers wanted to change. It was the structure
of things.
at the same time in parallel what began to grow was GIS, sort of
because computers were being down-sized, miniaturized, and made
much more available. And it was only in the 1990s, perhaps even
more recent than that in the 2000s, that we got in a situation
where data was much less of a problem, computational pair was no
longer a major issue in term of these models. You can say that all
of these things are coming together, are giving a new impetus to
modeling. And at the same time, there is the idea of putting
computers into cities in different ways and generating new data
from the method. So this is also coinciding with this renewed
interest in modeling.
smart-city-time movement is running in parallel to this interest in
modeling. Smart city and urban and regional modeling are really
quite different in many ways. Urban and regional modeling is just a
set of tools and techniques that are used to think about the
cities. Maybe that are some aspects of the smart city such as very
fine-scale problems of movement and transport, emergency vehicles,
police vehicles, very detailed transport system disruptions, and so
on. All of these things are what the smart city technologies are
designed to improve. So as part of that, some styles of operation
and research modeling is being developed in the smart city movement
by IBM, CISCO, etc. The urban and regional function within these
models is much more related to bigger questions of housing policy,
transportation policy, policy which is thinking about what is
happening over a longer time span basically. Smart cities are
dealing with short time spans, the day basically, or the peak
hours, or what is happening over a couple of days or weeks. Whereas
the urban and regional modeling has been talking about the dynamics
over a much larger time span, say six months, five
could be done to avoid the previous problems, it is a big issue.
Because in some instances, this is not a precise science in any
sense. It is extremely fuzzy around the edges. And there is a lot
of ambiguity. So I think we need to continue learning from the past
experience. I hope so we will do better this time around. But you
never know.
I: Could you explain a bit more about what the “structural problem”
of models were in the 1960s to 1970s?
The main issue I think was that the models were predicting. That
was not really what planners and policy makers were interested in.
They were particular interested in community renewal and
regeneration, housing problems. In that particular context, the
models were not very good simulation. The aspects of the city that
were most important to policy during those times were not easy to
articulate. The housing market is an extremely difficult market to
predict. It is much easier to make predictions about the retail
market, in terms of the impact of shopping and so on. Perhaps it is
easier to make predictions within the commercial context. But the
housing market is completely a mixed market of private and public.
And the people producing the supply are very different in scale and
size from the people who have the demand, which are individuals. So
you have a lot of distortions in those markets, such as the
mortgage market. The ability to actually even build in a timely way
on the part of construction industry and the developers is a
problem. Those issues I think were thought about in the early way
of models. But the models that were built were not very good at
getting to grips with the underlying logic of how those markets
work. So that was one of the main issues.
the theory of the city was lacking really. We didn’t have good
theoretical basis for building the models. So they didn’t perform
well. They gave poor results. This was very true in rather narrow
areas of application, such as allocation models of urban services.
In New York, for example, in the 1970s, there were a variety of
models built to look at emergency services, fire police, ambulance,
etc. They were predicting how these things would respond. And the
predictions they made were essentially wrong and they added to the
problems. In other words, you are predicting where these things
might break out, so you deploy your fire engines to these points.
And then when fires do break out or crimes are committed or
whatever, they are in the wrong places. Because the models were
wrong basically.
models were not wrong, but the problems were too complicated to
predict. The process of the actual way the firefighters and the
police responded to things was not built into the models. So
consequently, it didn’t take account of the fact that you had all
these changes going on at the local level. There would be local
changes which the models couldn’t take account of, e.g. fire
fighter may not turn up to work. You know that happens in a lot of
services in the cities. Trains get cancelled, more because people
don’t turn up to work rather than there being some problems on the
track. My train today got cancelled in King’s Cross. A lot of that
happens in Britain and in lots of places. To some extent, people
would react if they feel that the system was too organized for
them. And the models didn’t get to the basis of the patterns of
crime, fire and emergency services in this particular instance. The
actual patterns were very difficult to predict. You didn’t quite
know where fires were breaking out in certain places. And it wasn’t
just to do with the fact of buildings, such as that old buildings
are very fire-risky and so on, but also behavioral factors, related
to gangs, social mix. That is one of the basic things why models
are too simple. These models could be fairly complicated, but they
are too simple for the problems at hand.
I: So we can put these problems as uncertainty
Absolutely. Uncertainty, and the lack of information about what the
underlying behavioral patterns are for the agents who we are trying
to model. Because often the agents might appear to act rationally.
But in fact they are probably acting rationally in a much more
complex framework that we weren’t able to take account in the
I: Are we going to be able to take account of uncertainty in the
It is extremely difficult. It is a good question. We need to think
about how we enable our models to deal with this uncertainty in
some way. And probably means we need to carry out things that we
know about. We have not carried out much more sensitivity testing
of the model, which is the possibility to build different models on
the same problem instead of just one model. That is to apply
several models from slightly different perspectives and to look at
the range of results. So we just need a bigger arsenal of tools
being employed from different perspectives on these things. That
sounds very expensive, although as these models get easier to build
and they would get better. And it is possible we might be able to
do more along those lines. There are quite a lot of suggestions in
the literatures over the years that we need to build more than one
model. That happens from national economy. The economic structure
of a country is modelled using several different econometric models
in most countries. And they have a kind of basket of results, which
they pull and discuss. And I think that certainly in the US and
here, and I guess even presumably in China too, there are several
different econometric models that are used to look at big economic
issues on the month by month basis. And they are all producing
slightly different results. So the people that are making policies
have a view about the differences between the results in some
sense. And that have never been carried out at all in
I: As you mentioned in our previous
seminar, cities are becoming more complex so fast that it poses a
major challenge for urban simulation. How do you think can we
tackle with this challenge? To develop models in small pieces, and
on different levels of sophistication, or other
That is a very good question. The cities are becoming more complex,
faster than our ability to keep up with them. I think we can tackle
it certainly, and we are tackling it. And there is the move to get
better and better data, the move to actually develop different
sorts of models of the system. Models by their very nature are
simple and they have to be. That is the definition of model. They
have to be relatively simple or pick out certain aspects, which are
important to the complexity. So if things are getting more complex,
there might be more aspects to pick out, to embody in one or more
models. So that has to be an issue.
models in small pieces, yes. I think that is a reasonably good
strategy. That is not in line with what I was saying earlier on
that some of the newer models are from a problem perspective and
are picking the best and the most appropriate from these other
main-style models. And building them on different levels of
sophistication, yes. I think all of those things are things that
need to be done in terms of dealing with complexity.
other issue, of course, is that our ability to predict is on the
extreme scrutiny. It is under a lot of attention. It is quite clear
we sort of know that we can’t predict the future, but we are trying
to predict conditionally. And this I think is we’ve yet to get to
grips with what prediction means in social systems. We are learning
a lot at present time about predictability. And I think there are
some other things happening too. We are getting more opportunities
to experiment in cities, in limited kinds of ways, because things
can be done in a very short term and make an impact and can see how
population respond. So I think there are some new opportunities
being posed by information technology on this, by the idea that we
have access to various kinds of information and information devices
that enable us to respond quickly to different stimulus. And from
this we should be able to learn quickly. In other words, we could
figure out if something is trending, and figure out what impact
this might be having on the population. That is just one simple
example. I think there would be many other sorts of examples where
limited experimentation can be developed without intruding on the
population in any way. And we can try to tie up causes with
effects. So I think that is quite an important issue too. Also
there is the idea of crowd-sourcing, the idea of producing new
dataset which we did not have before by asking people. I think it
is a very important issue. So that is the whole variety of things
that can be done to deal with the increasing complexity.
I: Though the academia has made a lot of progress in urban
simulation in the past decades and there’s a growing number of
“clients”, like governments, funding bodies, becoming interested in
simulation, it has not yet been applied vastly in planning
practice. According to our experience in China, it is a complicated
process to persuade planners the simulated results. There are
always a portion of them doubting urban models. Could you comment
on the application performance of urban models up to
Different cultures develop different styles of thinking about these
models. So, for example, in the US, there is a much stronger sense
of we call it technological optimism. They are optimistic about
technology than there is in, say, Britain. Although that is
changing a little bit because of the impact of new technology is
still found in computers and so on. So I think that in different
places you have different sorts of reactions. In the 1960s and
1970s in the US, there was very strong optimism on the part of
policy makers and planners that these tools would be useful in some
way. Of course they were found out not to be as useful as people
suggested even there. But here, for example, there was much less
optimism that these tools would be useful anyway. So there are many
less application of urban models in Britain per capita than you
find in the US. There are probably some that David Simmonds
Consultancy does, some for London, and the southeast E one
or two transport consulta MEPLAN did do some,
but that is ended now. MEPLAN had a big model of southeast England,
which to some extent the DELTA model has taken over from that. The
company that owns MEPLAN now I think is still working with models,
but much less so. Whereas in the US you will find that most big
cities would have models of various sorts.
I: But UK is the hometown of urban models?
Probably more the US. I think the real home was U Penn, which was
probably the main one in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
I: Not California Urban Future model?
Well, that was one. But that was Penn-Jersey transportation study
or Penn-Jersey model with Britton Harris. And also Alonso was PhD
student at U Penn. So there was a lot of emphasis in U Penn. And U
Penn was called the home of regional science. So in many senses, U
Penn and possibly Berkley to a limited extent. And then to some
extent the UK. The UK started a bit later and there were really
three or four groups in the UK. We had a group at the University of
Reading in the early 1970s. And then by the end of 1970s the
biggest groups were here in Cambridge and at Leeds. Leeds and
Cambridge are by far the biggest groups. And then the Leeds group
is still there, but they are much more involved in spatial analysis
now, largely because Alan Wilson who was at Leeds moved sideways to
other things. The Cambridge group is always quite strong through
MEPLAN. And also the David Simmonds Consultancy here is spin-off on
TRANUS as well. And there were one or two other places. Liverpool
had some emphasis within MUSSA and so on. And that was about it. So
there were four or five centers back then. And then it got down to
two centers by the 1980s. And then I think the Leeds center changed
a little bit. It is still quite quantitative and also transport
too. At UCL, there was never a strong quantitative modeling group
until we started CASA about nearly twenty years ago, maybe eighteen
years ago. That became stronger. But there were small individuals
doing certain things all around the country. There were various
people who were in UCL planning. That one Scott, for example, was
in location allocation modeling within the late 1960s and 1970s.
Wilson was involved better when he was in CES (Center for
Environmental Studies). So, bits and pieces. And then outside the
UK and US, you got to some extent Australia, CSR in Australia. But
that disappeared about twenty years ago, and it is great it
gradually becomes back a bit.
back to the question. You have a strong physical planning
orientation in China, which is architecture and urban design
orientated. And in this country, and certainly in the US, there was
always a much stronger transportation lobby, a transportation
planning, engineering kind of emphasis. And that made a big
difference in the US and to some extent a big difference here. So
there are some quite big transportation groups. We are not really
talk about that. But the transportation group at Berkley in the
1960s was very strong. That led to various models that were built
in Berkley of the San Francisco Bay Area. There were various
Larry-style models and other kind of econometric models built, but
linked to transport. And that continued because the CUF models were
developed by John Landis, which was quite late in the 1980s or
1990s. And of course Waddell with what UrbanSim is now in Berkley.
So that was the timeline of all of this, There is a strong link to
transportation same here. Big transportation centers at Imperial
College are very strong. There are probably five or six
transportation centers. Transportation modeling is stronger than
land use modeling in the UK. And I think you also got a lot of
strength in Europe as well now, like ETH.
in terms of the question you asked about applications in planning.
In Britain there was sort of gradual change from architectural
approach to planning towards more of a social science approach of
planning in the 1970s. So most planning schools here don’t do this
sort of stuff either, but they don’t do urban design either. They
do a lot to do with economic development in cities, such as the
development process, the social structures of cities, social
welfare. So a lot of planning schools now in Britain are really
non-design and non-technical. And that is different again from what
is in China. So you got the same sort of reaction in different
countries like in Britain. A lot of planners would not be very
comfortable with this sort of models because they really don’t
consider that you can actually make predictions of the near future
with respect to the way like this. And they think that the world is
too complicated, too complex. And in terms of China, I don’t know,
I imagine that a lot of people who are interested in design and
prescription would not be very comfortable with prediction. Because
I assume that the design process is informed by these tools. The
planning support system is such that you have the iteration between
some kind of proposal and some kind of prediction of its impact,
etc. And that might be a problem. Also the basic lack of training,
the lack of exposure to these ideas is an issue.
only way around is that the education system should be adapted in
some sense. That can take a long time to change. It is very
difficult to say that you can do one thing if several things need
to happen. And that is also difficult to say that there may not be
some good things in term of the way planners actually do planning
in China compared to here. So the design side is not all bad. It
could be useful in some sense. We can probably do it with more
design here. So there really is no magic formula for knowing how to
deal with this problem.
I: So the major obstacle lies in education?
Education is one thing. But it is also the ability to know how to
deal with scientific tools. A lot of scientists and non-scientists
believe that science can produce magical answers. And the big
difficulty is that the magical answers are unknown. In planning it
is particularly a cube because the whole notion of planning is to
make up the answers. So, in some extent, it is this tension between
what we can model, except that being part of behavior, and what we
want to change, which is also related to behavior. That’s a big
tension that education in the broader sense can help, but not
necessarily education… In the broader sense I think that needs to
be thought through by a lot of different people that are involved
in planning and prediction and so on. So, education yes, to some
extent, but also reflection on what is being done in cities. So it
is the wider context. It is about the policy makers as well. Policy
makers are probably not very happy about models. It may be because
what we need to do is to let cities develop more spontaneously and
that conflicts against policy makers. Policy makers are in the
business of making policy. They see their rationale for making
decisions about the future, to optimize in some sense. It is not
saying that one should not optimize, but lots of prediction might
tell you what you should not optimize as well as what you should
optimize. And that is a difficulty for many policy makers to do
nothing really, rather than to do something. They ought to do a lot
less of something than what they might want to do.
I: But according to my experience, policy makers in China tend to
be friendlier with models than planners… Is UCL combining
quantitative education in its planning education system, or you are
going to do so?
The issue is in UCL we have several different groups of people
involved in cities, like here in Cambridge. In Bartlett of Planning
we teach them a course in GIS, but that is it. There is no teaching
in anything quantitative, or even theoretical in terms of urban
theory. So they don’t learn about urban economics or anything like
that. But in the Bartlett we have a master’s degree, which we have
just started and is very orientated towards what we do. We teach
modeling in that degree. We are just starting a new master’s next
year in smart cities and urban analytics which will have a lot of
this sort of stuff in. It will be built on existing master’s, which
is quite a small course. It is more a kind of feed course of PhD, a
Master by Research. So we teach modeling as part of that. Alan
Wilson teaches a spatial interaction model and I teach cellular
automata and agent-based modeling. So that gives a broad view.
Students also have courses on computer visualization, programming,
GIS, smart city, urban theory, etc. So, that would be the nature
that master’s is doing.
I: How long do you think it will take before quantitative becomes
an essential part of planning education?
That’s very difficult. It is going to take a few years. It is like
you have a same question in the British context -- how long would
it take for planners to be much more exposed to urban design. To
some extent, there needs to be a change in the faculty, in terms of
having more expertise in these areas. Then secondly, this is
changing slowly as more people get skilled in these things. But the
most important thing I think is that it is not so much that
planning students would do this, but that people in professional
within planning are coming from many different backgrounds. That
probably would be the main thing. And some of these different
backgrounds would be scientifically orientated. So consequently, I
think the change will come more from that in planning. Because it
is a much more fluid set of ideas and disciplines now in planning.
So there are lots of different backgrounds, some of which will be
more scientifically-literate than others. And probably the changes
in practice will come more from that. The change will also come
from different agencies dealing with planning. A lot of big firms,
big agencies, and government agencies now deal with sort of
planning. And they are all doing it from different perspectives.
The IBMs of this world have planning divisions. Big engineering
companies like ARUP have a lot of quantitative planners within
them. So the big consultancies, the big agencies, the big computer
firms, any big multi-national firm with a lot of operations would
have planning staff who would not necessarily be professional
planners in the traditional sense of the word. In fact, a lot of
our professional planners go into the development control system
instead of strategic planning. The strategic planning takes place
in different agencies now.
I: It is a big data / open data era. Will it be another requiem
after Lee’s in 1973 for large-scale urban models since some
researchers advocate that “data itself is model”? In other words,
what is the promising urban modeling diagram in such an
There is a shift towards more data intensive modeling. In other
words, modeling is much closer to data. To some extent, you can see
that in the development of GIS. GIS is basically just putting data
into a spatial information system. And a lot of GISs are simply
displaying the data in different ways. A lot of GISs are very close
to the data. And some other tools and techniques that are used to
display the data and build analysis from it are very close to the
data. So they would be data modeling, which means data itself is
the model. Of course that is happening slowly. Although one of the
key things with respect to the big data movement is that a lot of
the big data movement says that you don’t really need theory
anymore and data is enough. And I think that is a mistake. My own
view is that you will always need theory. It desperately needs
theory in big data to be able to tell you what the data is
basically. A lot of big data is highly unstructured. It just spurts
out of the fire hoses. We need to impose structure on it. So just
by searching it, we could search forever and not find the pattern
in big data. We need some kind of theoretical focus that needs to
be brought. But there is a paradigm shift going on that when we
build new models we should be a bit closer to the data.
there be another requiem after Lee’s? Lee looked at the modeling
movement and made the point that these models haven’t worked
basically in terms of their goals, etc., or for what they were
supposed to do. It is too premature for another look back. There
needs to be another wave of applications, which may be beginning.
It is hard to tell. It is more likely that there would be a requiem
in terms of the smart city’s movement, which is depend on what
happens to the smart city stuff. If a lot of that is hype, then
somebody will write some requiem for the smart city movement. It
will be requiem for smart city rather than requiem for large scale
models. So there is always a danger with new
I: You said in AUM this year that if big data is collected for long
enough, like five or ten years, longer term will emerge from the
short term, which is a paradigm shift. Could you give us a snapshot
of potential research territories driven by long term big data? How
could this unprecedented availability of data change our
understanding of cities, or they just replace the data for
calibrating existing models?
If we ever take a dataset where you can identify routine behavior
on a short term basis, for example journey to work, and you have
unique identifiers of an individual, you can see whether that
individual will shift the routine pattern. But you are not likely
to be able to see that on mass until you accumulate enough
observations over a period of some years. If you get routine
behavior where you can look at an individual or a set of
individuals using a system on a daily or hourly basis, then you can
identify trends in the data. We could really only begin to identify
trends when we get enough data. So that is when it is long enough.
Of course once we get five to ten years’ worth of data then we
would be able to look at different sorts of trends that are taking
place over a month, or a half year and so on. So with big data over
a very long period of time, you can look at lots of different
time-behavioral trends. For example, if I would use the same credit
card to buy my goods and etc. and this data were recorded over
twenty or thirty years’ period, you will see change in my pattern.
Because as you get older, you consume less, you consume different
things. In fact, you can see it now, such as that twenty years ago
we would buy more in the supermarket than we do now. So you could
see our lifestyle embodied in our purchases. But only when we have
enough data to do that.
I: A broader question. You said it has taken more than 50 years for
us to approach the goal of making planning rational and
establishing a science of cities, and it will take another 50 years
to make significant progress. In your mind, what’s the destination
of this long term mission? How would the discipline of planning and
urban study differ from now when this goal is
The long term mission would be to be able to get a better
understanding literally on a database basis of what is happening in
the cities. Let me give you an example of what could happen. Say
for example, we had very good remote sensing images on a daily
basis. The interpretation is such that one is able to see how
physical changes take place. Then over years, you can see buildings
being constructed or this kind of thing. You might be able to
reconstruct your 3D model from this remotely sensed data each day.
And there are a lot of changes, very micro-changes going on in the
environment each day, such as that somebody puts up a little aerial
or something like that. You could then begin to see how the city
would be changing over periods of time, just as what we are talking
about big data over long time periods. This is kind of big data.
And maybe one is building a model of traffic flow and there are
sort of changes each day in how people move, then potentially, the
models can be run in on a daily or weekly basis. So in other words,
the intelligence function of the city can be established in some
details. You can build an intelligence function that informs the
planners and policy makers of what is going on. To some extent,
bits and pieces of that exist already. You have traffic control
centers in terms of aircraft, etc. And a lot of traffic moving
around cities and above cities is captured on a daily basis and
people deal with it in terms of keeping the system running. But it
is more being extended to how land is developed, how people are
making purchases of housing, etc., which together add up to a
picture of what is happening. And to stand back, you get to have a
good tool to abstract from it, to make sense of what is happening.
Of course all of those bits and pieces are kind of there, but we
have never been able to join them up. Because it takes a lot of
efforts and a lot of funding. So this is broadly what I think a
science would begin to do. It would make planning rational and more
effective in some sense.
don’t know how long it will take to make significant progress. In
the long scheme of things, probably it will take fifty years or
longer. But in that fifty years there will be also sorts of changes
that could change what I am talking about here. In fifty years we
don’t know how we are going to be living in any sense. For example,
if you think of the last ten years, ten years of the
I: We have established Beijing City Lab for promoting quantitative
urban studies in Chinese cities, in the context that design and
qualitative studies dominates urban planning and studies in China,
especially within the body of planning agencies and research
institutes. What is your opinion and suggestions to our two months
old Beijing City Lab and its future
设计工作和定性研究一直是中国城市规划和城市研究的主流,为此我们刚刚成立了北京城市实验室(Beijing City
It is good. It is kind of like open source lab. It is open network.
I think it a very exciting development. I think one of big problems
for westerners to get to know about China is that there are so many
labs and universities. In a sense we only see the most important.
So it is always very confusing. Tsinghua, Peking, I kind of only
see that. But then, like even in Beijing itself, there are several
universities. Occasionally you see like the forestry university,
mining university and so on. And the other thing is the local
municipalities have their own city planning diversions which are
sometimes almost like research units. And then there is China
Academy of Science. That’s complicated. That is almost like
competing with universities in a way. They are doing masters’
courses and PhDs. That’s quite complicated for westerns. Because we
don't really have quite the same thing. Because we think the China
Academy of Science is a bit like the royal society, which is more a
society. But it is like kind of a notable site of research. So I
think anything to clarify that would be useful. So the network I
think is particularly good in a sense.


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