大学英语作文大全 如何选择专业

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& 就业时选择高薪还是好的职业-大学英语作文_900字
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Do You Prefer High Salary or A Promising Job?(观点题材)
When it comes to the choice of career, some people prefer the job with high salary. Why? Their reasons run as following: to begin with, high salary can b in addition, with high salary, they can do whatever they want.&
But some others prefer to choose a job with promising future. They base their choice on the following reasons: on one hand, a promising job itself means a raise and pro on another hand, job with a bright future will bring them honor and sense of pride.
As for me, if I&m left to make the choice, I&ll not hesitate to choose a promising job. First of all, I appreciate the honor and challenge it brings to me. At the same time, if I work hard, it will offer me a lot of opportunities including high salary, good position, etc.
1大学英语写作教学的现状   英语写作是一种综合运用英语知识的实践活动。又是一项创造性的技能,是听、说、读、写四项技能中最难掌握的一项,一直是我国英语学习者的薄弱点。客观地讲,在不少学校,英文写作能力的培养一直受到大学英语教师的关注;在英语各级各类考试中英语作文也一直占有一席之地,一般为15%。近年来全国四六级英语统一考试对写作进行了统计,统计结果表明,在全国四六级英语考试中。写作部分历来是考生最感棘手、失分比例最高的测试项目之一。作文成绩的低下已成为部分考生不能取得理想成绩,甚至不能通过考试的一个老大难问题,英语作文总体水平长期徘徊不前。为此,我们不得不在大学英语课程的&写作教学&方面去找原因,并寻求破解难题之法。   2大学英语写作成绩徘徊不前的主要原因   出现这种作文得分长期停滞不前的状况,原因何在?作者结合自己的实践经验和调查研究,概括起来主要有几下几点原因:   2.1没有一本专门训练非英语专业大学生写作能力的正式教材   大学英语的教材,一般包括精读和听力,然而教师却没有使用过一本专门的写作教材。1999年4月,由外语教学与研究出版社出版的《新编大学英语》教材,虽然在每单元中都有一个写作练习,但内容仅限于照范文作文,或者是按所给作文题目写文章。2006年6月,由上海外语教育出版社出版的《大学英语》第三版,似乎更加重视写作,在每个单元的最后一部分。都设有&Guided Writing&专项练习,但如果将几册书的这部分合在一起,你会发现这些写作技能训练往往是零碎而且不连贯的。   2.2长期以来。学生对英语写作既不重视。也不感兴趣   由于学生平时接触的语言知识大多是输人性的(如听力、阅读)&属于被动接受,所以一旦到了输出阶段(如写作文或者开121讲英语),多数学生就会感到力不从心。在绝大多数学生的心目中,能讲一口流利的英语就成了学习英语的最高目标,很少有学生能意识到英语写作能力在13后工作中的重要性。所以,学生&对英语写作缺乏兴趣,有的甚至对英语写作产生了畏惧心理,其英语写作能力和写作成绩始终处于停滞或徘徊的状态,写出的文章在内容、结构以及语言方面均存在严重的问题&。   2.3教学时间严重不足   我们都知道,学习大学英语的学生均为非英语专业学生,他们本身的专业课课程压力很大。而他们学习大学英语的周学时一般为4学时。在这有限的课时内,教师必须完成所有的教学任务:精读和听力,此外还有许多的练习题。要想圆满地完成这些。就得花大量的时间。由于时间的限制,教师无法对学生进行专门和系统的写作训练,只有点到为止。在这种情况下,教师很难帮助学习大学英语的大多数学生迅速地提高自己的写作能力。   2.4英语写作练习的批改质量通常不高   因为批改学生的作文需要花大量的时间,担任大学英语课程的教师一般都有很重的教学任务,教师们往往不愿意布置写作作业。更为可怕的现状是,因为近年高校扩招,每个班级的人数太多,教师不可能做到学生交来的每篇作文每次都批改,于是不少学生或者是偷懒不写,或者是草率对付,更有甚者,干脆照抄参考书或同学的文章来&打发&老师。因此,作文评阅中存在的普遍现象是作文改得比较粗。而且在传统的批改方式中,老师往往是&越俎代庖&,剥夺了学生积极思考的机会,也挫伤了学生的积极性。   3如何加强大学英语写作教学   作者建议从以下几方面改进大学英语写作教学:   1)教材编写单位应根据最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,编写出可在1个学期的教学时数(约72学时)内使用的教材。内容应包括英语写作知识和写作技能的介绍,各类文章的基本格式。标点符号的正确使用,不同文体的写作方法等。比如:描述经历、观感、情感和发生的事件的基本方法;求职信、个人简历、会议通知等应用文的格式;如何在规定的3O分钟内。用120个词来表达自己的观点,并使文章逻辑清楚、语意连贯等。目前,社会上缺乏一本较全面针对非英语专业大学生写作技能的系统教材。   2)教师除了根据教材在课堂上讲授写作技巧外。可充分利用网络手段,开展英语笔谈会如:每周末,在校园网的BBS栏目上,就热门话题展开讨论。学生可以不必担心自己的语法错误,想写就写,以提高写作兴趣。   3)根据自身学校定位。设计出适合各自学校学生发展的写作课程,安排专门的时间用于写作教学。比如在4个学期的大学英语教学课时中。拿出1个学期或者是相当于1个学期的教学课时(约72学时),专门用于集中训练英语写作能力。条件许可的院校,还可以根据学生需要,开设一些英语应用文写作选修课。   4)教师应当既要重视写作方法的介绍,又要多给予学生练习的机会,并认真负责地为学生批改、讲解作文,让学生在练中学,学中习得写作能力。每次作文批改后,都要对学生的作文进行讲评,学生才会明白自己的长短处,并在将来的写作练习中扬长避短。有可能的话.教师可以采取&一对一&讲解的方法,在每次学生完成写作任务后,单独给每位学生讲解文章的优缺点,这样一来,学生的进步将会更大。只有通过大量练习,学生才有可能掌握英语写作技巧。
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【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译英语作文】本文是为您准备的《英语作文范文:大学生的职业选择》请大家参考! On the Choice of Career
In recent years, there is no consensus of opinions among college students about choice of career. Some students are in favor of the view that when choosing a job, interest plays the key part and should be t while others take a completely different side, firmly believing that prosperity is more worthwhile.
People holding the first view think that interest will result in more happiness and satisfaction at work, with which they could work in a more relaxing way and make progress more easily. Otherwise, they will suffer from depression due to lack of interest. However, holders of the second view argue that one should pay more attention to the career prosperity while making a choice, which will surely lead to prosperity of a person himself sooner or later. Therefore, they believe that it is career prosperity that counts most.
Personally, I deem that prosperity is the right element to think about because career prosperity can bring about one's success both in career and in life. In this sense, only career prosperity can bring a person happiness and satisfaction in the long run.编辑点评:离六月高考不到百天,你现在做好准备了吗?如果你现在还没有开始考虑读哪一所大学的话,那么现在你应该抓紧时间了。要知道,你在大学四年的时光将决定你的命运…
The college search doesn't have to begin and end with the Ivies and the name brand schools. There are many schools out there to choose from & some known and some less known, all worthy of your attention.选学校不必非要在常春藤联合会名牌大学和知名院校中进行挑选。还有很多院校可供选择&&知名的和不怎么知名的,它们都值得你的关注。
Here's some advice for trying to find the school that works for you.当你要选一所适合自己的学校时,这里有一些建议可以供你参考。
1. Start with who you are and why you are going.以你的性格和你为什么上大学为出发点。
You need to examine yourself and your reasons for going to college before you start your search. Why, really, are you going? What are your abilities and strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you want out of life & something
or intangible?在开始选大学前,你需要问问自己,找找上大学的理由。你到底是因为什么去上大学?你的能力和优势是什么?你的弱点是什么?生活中那些看得见的和看不见的,你想从中得到什么?
Are you socially self-sufficient or do you need warm,
support? Talk with your family, friends and high-school counselors as you ask these questions. The people who know you best can help you the most with these important issues.你能独立生活还是需要热心的家庭援助?问自己这些问题的时候,可以和家人、朋友及高中指导员谈谈。最了解你的人能在这些重要问题上给予你最大的帮助。
2. Size matters: Your college does not have to be bigger than your high school.规模问题:你的大学不需要比你的高中大。
arts colleges have a population of fewer than 4,000 college is a time to explore, and a smaller community is more conducive to internal exploration. 大多数优秀的文科类院校的在校学生人数少于4000,这是因为大学是让人发挥探索精神的阶段,小型的团体环境更有助于自我探索。
It is not the number of people, but the people themselves and the kind of community in which you will learn that really matters. Many large universities have established honors colleges within the larger university for these same reasons.真正在乎的不是人数,而是学生本身和你在哪种校园环境里学习。出于同样的原因,很多大院校之间建立起了荣誉学院。
3. A name-brand college will not guarantee your success. 读名牌大学无法保证你的成功
Think about the people in your life who are happy and successful and find out where (and if) they went to college. Ask the same about famous people.看看你生活中那些快乐的成功人士,问问他们在哪里上的大学(如果他们上过大学)。也可以问问名人同样的问题。
You will likely find that success in life has less to do with the choice of college than with the experiences and opportunities encountered while in college, coupled with personal qualities and traits.你将会发现生命中的成功与院校的选择关联甚少,关联更多的是在大学里的经历和机遇,再加上个人能力和特点。
Employers and graduate schools are looking for outstanding skills and experience, not college . As you search for colleges, ask ab you will find many colleges that outperform the Ivies and &name brands,& even though you may have never heard of them!雇主和研究生院在寻求杰出的技能和经验,而不是毕业院校。当你在选院校时,问问学生的成果,你将发现很多院校要胜过常春藤联合会名牌大学和知名院校,虽然有些大学你从来都没听过。
4. You don&t need to pick a major to pick a college.你不必为了专业去选院校。
Very few high-school students have enough information or experience to choose a major. You need the variety and depth of college
to determine your interest and aptitude.只有少数高中生才拥有足够的信息和经验去选择一个专业。你需要根据大学培养计划的多样性和课程深度来决定你的兴趣和能力培养。
Most college students change their minds two or three times before they settle on a major, and they can still graduate in four years!很多大学生在他们选定一门专业前会有两到三次的转专业,而且他们依旧可以如期毕业!
Being undecided is a good thing and will leave you open to more academic experiences.没有选定专业是件好事,它会留给你更多的学术空间。
5. Don&t be scared by the stories.不要被人言吓到
If you only pay attention to the headlines, you might start to believe that no one is getting in anywhere! The truth is that the majority of the colleges and universities in this country admit more students than they reject.如果你只关注新闻标题,你可能就会认为每个人都要无处可去了!事实上,大多数院校录取的学生要比拒收的学生多。
If you're worried about your chances of getting admitted & and you're willing to investigate beyond the very narrow band of highly selective colleges & you'll find that you have many options that will lead to a great fit for you.如果你担心自己的入学(你愿意去调查的知名院校,虽然希望渺茫),你会发现你有很多让你受益匪浅的选择。
Be informed about your academic profile and compare it to the profile of the most recently admitted and enrolled class for the colleges you are investigating.了解掌握自己的成绩,与你在研究的大学最近入学注册的大多数学生们做个比较。
Check the college admission Web site for this information and contact them if you can&t find it. Ask your high-school counselor for additional advice and guidance as it applies to your school.登录大学招生网站找一找这方面的信息,如果你找不到它们的话,联系校方。在申请学校时,问问高中指导员寻求其他建议和指导。
6. You can afford to go to college.你可以供自己上大学。
If you make the assumption that you cannot afford college based on the sticker price of tuition, you will miss out. It is difficult to talk about money, but if you investigate all the options and ask for help and advice, you will find affordable choices.因为学费,你就做出自己上不了大学的假设,那你就会错过上大学的机会。谈钱就会触到难处,但如果你对所有的可能都做了调查,然后寻求帮助和建议,你会找到上大学的机会。
Online resources, as well as financial aid workshops sponsored by high schools in local communities, are widely available to get you started. College and university financial aid Web sites offer useful information and links as well. Investigate early and ask for help.在线资源和当地社区高中赞助的经济援助,都将助你起步。院校的经济援助网站也提供了有用的信息和链接。早日调查,寻求帮助。
7. You don&t have to go to college right away, and it&s never too late.你不必现在就去上大学,它永远不会迟。
There is no such thing as the perfect time to start college. Some students benefit from a year off to work, study or travel, and these experiences allow them to be better, more engaged students.没有种说法说上大学有一个最好的时间。有些学生在工作、学习或旅游完一年后才受益大学教育,这段时间的经历让他们成为更杰出、参与度更高的学生。
Some students choose to apply to college and gain admission and then
their entrance, while others wait to apply until after they have had an alternative experience.有些学生申请读大学,获得入学资格,然后他们延迟了入学时间。而另一些人则会在他们有了一段经历后才提交大学入学申请。
Either way, admissions officers will be anxious to learn about your experience during your time off, and they'll ask you to write about it as part of your admissions process.&不管哪一种,招生办工作人员都在期待你休学时的经历,他们会要求你把它写下来作为你入学材料的一部分。
High-school and college admission counselors can provide resources for investigating alternatives that may be right for you. You could apply for an internship, study abroad, or participate in a community service project.高中的和大学的入学顾问可以为你提供调查适合你的其它院校的资源。你可以申请实习、海外留学,或是参与到社区服务项目里去。
8. The most important factor in choosing a college is fit.选大学时一个最重要的因素是要适合。
Choosing a college because your friends are going there or because of where it ranks on a list does not take into account who you are and who you will become. College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won. Finding a good fit requires time and thoughtfulness.因为你的朋友去那里上大学或是因为这所大学的排名靠前就选了这所学校,这样做没有考虑到两个方面:你是什么样的人,和你将来要成为怎么样的人。上大学像是做配对,而不是赢大奖。找到一所适合的大学需要时间和深思。
Visiting college Web sites and learning about what events take place, who visits as guest speakers, and how to get in touch with current students and faculty is a good way to supplement a campus visit & or to decide if you want to spend the time and money on a visit.登录学院网站了解发生了什么事,有哪些人作为访问学者到过学校,如何与在校学生和老师取得联系是校园参观以外的另一种好方式,或者是决定你是否要花时间和金钱去学校参观一番的好方法。
Check a school's Web site to find the admissions officer assigned to your region of the country. Send them an e-mail to ask about getting in touch with students from your area or identifying a few with interests similar to yours.登录学校网站,找到分管你所在区域的招生办。给他们发送一封邮件以便联系到与你来自同一地方的学生,或是几个和你兴趣相投的学生。
When you visit, try to build in time to sit in on classes, eat in the dining hall and hang around in the student center or other high-traffic areas. That will help you imagine yourself as part of the community.&当你参观学校的时候,尽量让自己有时间进教室坐一坐,在餐厅吃吃饭,在学生活动中心或其它人群聚集的地方走一走。这样你能把自己想象成是校园里的一员。
Talk to a few students and ask if they would make the same college choice if they had to do it again. Go back to the first item in this list as you consider the information you&ve collected about the colleges. You will have great options!和一些学生聊一聊,问问他们,如果再有一次选大学的机会,他们还会选择同样的大学吗?当你认为自己收集到了关于这所大学的信息,回到这张列表的第一项。你会做出很好的选择!&}


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