1.what's your favorite animal?(改为同义词句) what _____ do you _____ _____ ?

what‘s your favourite animal?的同义句【what ainmai do you后面是什么
what‘s your favourite animal?的同义句【what ainmai do you后面是什么
the answer is :what animal do you like best ?
后面是 like best.
What animal do you like the most?
which animal do you like best? what animal do you like?
like most/best
>>>句型转换。1.What’s your father?(同义句)What_________ your..
1.What’s your father?(同义句)What_________ your _________ _________?2.Are you from China?(同义句)_________ you _________ _________ China?3.There’s only one baby in the room.(对画线部分提问)_________ _________ _________ _________ there in the room?4.The man is his father.(对画线部分提问)_________ _________ the man?5.There is a big monkey in the zoo.(改为复数)There _________ _________ big_________ in the zoo.6.She often goes walking after supper.(对画线部分提问)_________ _________ she often _________ after supper?7.There is some money in my hand.(对画线部分提问)&&_________ _________ in your hand?
1.is&& father’s job&&/ does&&father do2.Do&&&&come from3.How many babies are4.Who is5.are some&& monkeys6.What does&& do7.What is
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“句型转换。1.What’s your father?(同义句)What_________ your..”主要考查你对&&特殊疑问句,可数名词(单数名词,复数名词),不定代词,疑问代词,系动词,there be 句型&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
特殊疑问句可数名词(单数名词,复数名词)不定代词疑问代词系动词there be 句型
特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what、who、whose、which、when、where、how、why等。 特殊疑问句的基本结构是“疑问词+一般疑问句”。其回答应当是具体的。特殊疑问句句末一般用降调。&例如:How do I get there?&&&&&&&&&&&&&Why not?&&&&&&&&&&&&&What about the sports news? 常用疑问词可先分为3种:疑问代词:what(什么)who(谁,作主语)which(哪个,在一定范围内选择)whose(谁的,指附属关系)whom(谁,作宾语)疑问副词:when(何时,询问时间)where(何地,询问地点)why(为什么,询问原因)how(如何,询问手段,方式,工具以及程度)疑问形容词:what(which,whose)+名词例词:what time(什么时候) what colour(什么颜色)... ...how much(多少) how long(多长)... 特殊疑问句的特点:一、 特殊的疑问词: 特殊疑问句要由疑问代词或疑问副词开头,询问的内容不同, 使用的疑问词也不同。我们学过的疑问词有what(询问事物), how much(询问价格), what time (询问时间,尤其是点钟), what kind of(询问种类), why(询问原因),who(询问人), where(询问地点) 等等。如: —What is this? 这是什么? —It's a key. 这是一把钥匙。 —How much is it? 这个多少钱? —It's twenty dollars. 二十美元。 —What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪一类型的电影? —I like action movies. 我喜欢动作片。 二、特殊的语序:特殊疑问句由疑问词开头,其构成是“疑问词 + 一般疑问句”。如: What time is it? 现在几点钟? Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?特殊疑问句有两种语序:1.如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:Who is singing in the room﹖whose bike is broken﹖2.如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语)What does she like?What class are you in﹖Where are you from﹖What time does he get up every morning﹖How do you know﹖&三、特殊的答语:特殊疑问句不能用yes, no来回答,而应根据它所询问的内容直接做出回答才行。如: — What time is it, please? 请问几点了? — It's 7:30. 七点半了。 — Where are they? 他们在哪儿? —They're in the playground. 他们在操场上。 —What's your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的科目是什么? —English. 英语。 四、 特殊的语调: 一般情况下,特殊疑问句要用降调(↘)来读。如: Who's ↘that? How old is↘Jack?可数名词:是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。 名词单数变复数的规则:
巧记以f\fe结尾的可数名词复数妻子骑牛拿起刀,wife,calf,knife ↑追得贼狼满街跑,thief,wolf →→→变f或fe为v,再加es碰倒架子丧己命,shelf,self,life ↓手帕树叶半空飘。handkerchief,leaf,half ↓名词复数的不规则变化:1.不规则形式:child→children(儿童)man→men(男人)woman→women (女人)an Englishman→two Englishmen(英国人)foot→feet(脚)tooth→teeth(牙)mouse→mice(老鼠)ox →oxen(公牛)goose→geese(鹅)2.单复同形:deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese, species,means,Swiss除人民币,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar, a meter,twometers3.集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数:people police cattle是复数(OK :a person,a policeman,ahead of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss )(Error:a people,a police,a cattle )表示国民总称时,作复数用。(The Chinese are industries and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。)4.以s结尾,仍为单数的名词maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。news是不可数名词。5.表示由两部分构成的东西,glasses(眼镜) trousers (长裤) clothes(衣服)若表达具体数目,要借助数量词pair(对,双)a pair of glasses& two pairs of trousers suit(套)6.另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思goods (货物) waters (水域) fishes (各种鱼)可数名词变复数的几种形式:&1) 单数名词加s: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers.  &2) 以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches.   3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.    4) 以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs,proofs, chiefs. &5) 以o结尾的名词,有些加es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes.&&其它加s: radio s, zoos, pianos, photos.    6) 不规则名词:foot→feet, goose→geese, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→men, woman→women, mouse→mice. 7) 单复数同形的名词:sheep,fish,dee. 注意:fish表示种类时,也用fishes这样的形式。 不定代词:即不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。初中常用不定代词有:some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone), no(nothing,nobody,no one), every(everything,everybody,everyone,),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either, neither等。一般来讲,修饰不定代词的词要置于其后。不定代词用法例举:①一般用于肯定句中的不定代词:some, someone, somebody, something 例如:They can speak some Japanese. ②一般用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中的不定代词:any, anyone, anybody, anything 例如:Is there anyone at home? ③一般用于句中表示否定意义的不定代词:no, no one, nobody, nothing 例如:I have no watch. There is nothing wrong with the machine. ④不定代词one指代可数名词,既可指人,亦可指物,它可以代替上文中出现的单数可数 名词,指代复数名词时可以用ones。 例如:I do not have a pen, can you lend me one? I like small cars better than large ones. ⑤none通常只用作名词,在句中作主语、宾语等。意为“没有任何(人或物)”,既可指人,亦可指物。none后常跟of短语,其后用复数可数名词或不可数名词。 例如:None of them knows the answer to the question. ⑥both, all both指两个人、物或群体;all指三个以上的人、物或群体或泛指一切事物。 例如:My parents are both teachers. &&&&&&&&& &All of my friends are football fans. ⑦every, each each一般用于指两个或两个以上的人或物,侧重个别;every用于指三个或三个以上的人或物,侧重全体。而且each所指对象在上下文中已十分明确。 例如:Each student went to see that films. (学生至少二人) &&&&&&&&&&& Every student went to the park.(学生至少三人)&&&&&&&& ⑧other, the other, others, the others, another other具有名词和形容词性质,既可指人,亦可指物。other常与定冠词the连用。不定冠词an与other连用则组成another。other只作形容词或代词,表示“其他的,别的”,不可单独使用。 例如:Do you have any other questions? the other作形容词或代词,特指两者中或两部分的另一个或另一部分。 例如:The bookshop is on the other side of the street. &others相当于“other+名词”,泛指“别的人或物”,只有名词性用法。 例如:Some are planting trees, others are watering them. the others相当于“the other+名词”,表示“剩下的,其余的”,特指除此之外的全部 人或物。 例如:There are forty-six students in our class. Two of them are foreign, the others are all Chinese. another作形容词或代词,泛指三个或三个以上不定数目中的“另一个”。 例如:This pen is too expensive, please show me another. ⑨either, neither either指“两者中的任何一个”;neither指“两者中无一”,具有否定意义。 例如:You can take either half. Neither of the books is good. ⑩many, much, most many和much具有名词和形容词的性质,都表示“许多、大量”。Much一般只能指代或修饰不可数名词,many只能指代或修饰复数可数名词。Most指“大部分、大多数”。 例如:Many boys like playing soccer. We have much homework to do every day. Most students think so. (11)few, a few, little, a little a few 和a little 意为“少数、少量”,其意义是肯定的。A few指代或修饰复数形式的可数名词,a little指代或修饰不可数名词。Few 和little意为“几乎一点没有”,具有否定意义。 例如:He has a few friends here. Hurry up! There is little time left. 不定代词的用法:不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语和状语。位置不定代词+形容词不定代词+to do作主语Both of them are teachers.他们两人都是教师。作宾语I know nothing about this person.我对这个人一无所知。作表语This book is too much for a child.这本书对一个小孩来说太难了。作定语There is a little water in the glass.玻璃杯里有一些水。作状语I can't find my book anywhere.我在任何地方都不能找到我的书。修饰不定代词的词,一般情况下要后置。疑问代词:疑问代词在句中起名词的作用,用来构成疑问句。常用的疑问代词有:  &what, who, whose, whom, which, whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever    疑问代词在句中应位于谓语动词之前,没有词性和数的变化,除who之外也没有格的变化。&what, which, whose还可作限定词。 Whose books are these on the desk?桌上的书是谁的?What was the directional flow of U. S. territorial expansion?美国的领土扩张是朝哪个方向的?What events led to most of the east of the Mississippi River becoming part of the United States? 哪些事件使密西西比河以东的大部分土地归属于美国?疑问代词在句中起名词词组的作用,用来构成疑问句。疑问代词有下列几个:指 人: who, whom, whose指 物: what既可指人又可指物: which疑问代词说明:一、无论是做疑问代词还是限定词,which 和 what 所指的范围不同。what所指的范围是无限的,而which则指在一定的范围内,例如:Which girls do you like best?你喜欢哪几个姑娘?What girls do you like best?你喜欢什么样的姑娘?
二、Whom是who的宾格,在书面语中,它作动词宾语或介词宾语,在口语中作宾语时,可用who代替,但在介词后只能用whom, 例如:Who(m) did you meet on the street?你在街上遇到了谁?(作动词宾语)Who(m) are you taking the book to?你要把这书带给谁?(作介词宾语,置句首)To whom did you speak on the campus?你在校园里和谁讲话了?(作介词宾语,置介词 后,不能用who取代。)
三、疑问代词用于对介词宾语提问时,过去的文体中介词和疑问代词通常一起放在句首,现代英语中,疑问代词在句首,介词在句未,例如:For what do most people live and work?大部分人生活和工作的目的是什么?(旧文体)What are you looking for?你在找什么?(现代英语)
四、疑问代词还可引导名词性从句,例如:I can't make out what he is driving at.我不知道他用意何在。Can you tell me whose is the blue shirt on the bed?你能告诉我床上的蓝衬衣是谁的吗?Much of what you say I agree with, but I cannot go all the way with you.你说的我大部分同意,但并不完全赞同。疑问代词用法:1. 疑问代词有who, whom, whose, which和what, 都是用来构成疑问句的:Who is calling? 谁打电话来?Whom do you want to speak to? 你想找谁接电话?作主语时用who,作宾语时用whom,在口语中用who作宾语时也不少:Who did you mean? 你指的是谁?Who are you talking about? 你们在讲谁?直接跟在介词后时只能用whom:With whom did you come? 你和谁一道来的?(口语中说“Who did you come with?时更多一些。)2. 其他三个疑问代词可用作:1)主语:What’s your address? 你的地址怎样写?Whose is better? 谁的好一些?Which of these is yours? 哪一本是你的?2)宾语:What do you mean? 你是什么意思?Which do you like better? 哪一个你更喜欢一些?Whose have you chosen? 你选了谁的?3)表语:What’s her name? 她叫什么名字?Whose is it? 这是谁的?4)定语(这样用时有些字典标作形容词):What time does the train leave? 这列火车什么时候离开?Which room shall we stay in? 我们住哪间房?Whose passport is this? 这是谁的护照?系动词:亦称连系动词。作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语,亦称补语(形容词),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。系动词的分类:1)状态系动词用来表示主语状态,只有be一词,例如:He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)2)持续系动词用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如:He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。This matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。3)表像系动词用来表示"看起来像"这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look, 例如:He looks tired. 他看起来很累。He seems (to be) very sad. 他看起来很伤心。4)感官系动词感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如:This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布手感很软。This flower smells very sweet.这朵花闻起来很香。5)变化系动词这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run.例如:He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。She grew rich within a short time. 她没多长时间就富了。6)终止系动词表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out, 表达"证实","变成"之意,例如:The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。The search proved difficult. 搜查证实很难。His plan turned out a success. 他的计划终于成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)系动词使用的注意事项:系动词本身有一定的词义,不能单独作,后面必须与连用。复习时,必须注意以下几个问题:
如:The door was closed.
后者侧重于强调主语是所示动作的承受者,表示动作;句中可以用由by引导的。如:The door was closed by me.
d还要注意“由be+ V-ing所构成的与“由be+ V-ing”所构成的进行时态的区别。
前者侧重于说明主语具有的特征或存在的状态,也可说明主语是什么。如:My job is teaching English.
后者侧重于强调主语正在做某事。如:Mr Wang is reading an evening paper now.
2. 要注意由转化成的系动词。
b表示主语从一种状态转变到另一种状态的系动词有become,get,go,turn,run,grow,come,fall,prove等,后面接形容词、名词或 to be+形容词,become后面接单数名词时,名词前要用,turn后面接单数名词时,名词前不用;
c表示主语继续或保持某种身份、或的系动词有continue,keep,remain,stay,stand lie,rest,stay等,后面接表示状态的形容词;
d表示判断的系动词有seem和appear,后面接形容词、to be+名词或形容词、that-clause、不定式等。
3. 要注意系动词的固定搭配。常见的有come true, fall asleep, fall ill, go bad, come right, run wild, wear thin, turn nasty等。
The newly-invented soft drinking tastes quite unique.(这种新研制的软饮料尝起来挺独特的。注意:在这句话里,taste做系动词,不能使用进行时,后面接。)
The chef is tasting the fish carefully.(厨师长正在品尝这道鱼。注意:在这句话中,taste做,可以使用,并且后面接副词做。)系动词用法点拨:1.系动词的进行时态应分情况讨论。一般地说,状态系动词无进行时态,而动态系动词有进行时态。但是在某些情况下,状态系动词也有进行时态,表示两个用途:一是表示一种短暂的、反常的状态。如:He is being kind.(一时而不能持久的性质)他装出和蔼可亲的样子。二是表示一种探询口气,使语言客气、生动、亲切。例如:I hope you are keeping well.(语气委婉)我希望你保持健康。Are you feeling any better?(语气亲切)你感觉好了些吗?试比较:Your hand feels cold.(无意识的静态性质。)你的手摸起来冰凉。不可以说:Your hand is feeling cold.(×)但可以说:The doctor is feeling her pulse.(有意识的动态动作)医生正在给她拿脉。The soup tastes good.(静态性质,无进行时)这汤的味道不错。The cook is tasting the soup.(动态动作,有进行时)厨师在尝汤的味道。
总之,系动词有无进行时态应随系动词的意义或其语境变化而变化。我们在概述某一动词的进行时态时,不能笼统地说feel,smell无进行时,应指出其意义及其语用环境。例如smell的用法可见一斑。①smell作“嗅觉”的能力时,虽是实义动词,但指的是一种性质的存在状态不能用于进行时态,常与can, could, be able to连用。The camels can smell the water a mile off.骆驼能嗅出一英里外有水。②指“嗅、闻”的动作时,实义动词,可用于进行时态。The girl is smelling the flower.这姑娘正在闻那朵花。③smell指“含有……气味”,“发出……气味”等事物性质时,半系动词,无进行时态。The dinner smells good.这饭菜闻起来真香。
2.系动词的时态与形容词的比较级连用的问题。某些含有变化意义的动态系动词如get, become, grow, turn等的进行时态可与形容词的比较级连用,表示渐进过程,其意思是“越来越……”。例如:He is growing taller and taller.他长得越来越高了。Our life is getting better and better.我们的生活是越来越好了。The things are getting worse.情况是越来越糟了。
3.所有半系动词的被动语态要分情况讨论。英语中某动词在作系动词用时,无被动语态,而作实义动词用时,才有被动语态,二者不可混为一谈。例如:不能说:The apple is tasted good.(因为taste此时是系动词,“尝起来”之意,指的是苹果的性质,无被动语态)但我们可以说:The apple is tasted by me.这苹果被我尝了一下。(taste此时指“尝一尝”这一动作,有被动语态)因此,在平时的英语教学和学习之 ,要有意注意半系动词在具体的语言环境中到底是系动词用法还是实义动词用法,要注意区分、识别。
4.瞬间动态系动词能否与时间段连用的问题英语中某些表示瞬间意义的系动词不能与“for+时间段,since+时间点,how long until+时间,by + 时间,so far”等直接连用。例如:①不能说:He has become a teacher for 2 years.应改为:He has been a teacher for 2 years.②不能说:He has turned writer since 3 years ago.应改为:He has been a writer since 3 years ago.或It is three years since he turned writer.③不能说:He got angry until his child came back home.应改为:He didn’t get angry until his child came back home.
5.系动词能接几种表语(从句)系动词除了接adj.\n.\prep.短语,某些adv.以外,还可接以下几种表语形式:①能接as if/as though表语从句的系动词有:look(看起来),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来),feel(觉得);appear(显得),seem(似乎)。例如:It looks as if we are going to have snow.看样子天要下雪了。He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales.他看来好像刚从我的童话故事中走出来似的。She seemed as if (though) she couldn’t understand why Laura was there.看来她好像不能理解为什么劳拉呆在那儿。It sounds to me as though there’s a tap running somewhere.我好像听到某处水龙头流水的声音。She felt as if her head were splitting.她仿佛觉得她的头要裂开了。The river appeared as if enveloped in smog.那条河好像笼罩在烟雾之中。It seems as if it were spring already.好像已是春天了。②可用于“It+系动词+that从句”结构的有:seem, appear, 不可用be, look。如:It seemed that he had made some serious mistakes in his work.好像他在工作中犯了严重错误。It appeared that he was talking to himself.好像他在自言自语。③能用不定式作表语的系动词有:be, seem, get, look, appear, prove, grow.Her job is to look after the children.她的工作是照料孩子们。He seems not to look after the children.他好像不是她的父亲。She looks to be a young girl of twenty year-old.她看起来像是一个20岁的年轻姑娘。He didn’t appear to dislike it.看不出他憎恨此事。My advice proved to be wrong.我的建议证明是错误的。He will grow to like this work gradually.他会逐渐喜欢这个工作的。④能与there连用的系动词有:be, appear, seem.There appeared to be only one room.那儿好像只有一个房间。There seems(to be)no need to go.似乎没有必要走。
6.能用两种否定形式的系动词有两个:seem, appear.举例说明:It doesn’t seem that we can get our money back.= It seems that we can’t get our money back.He seems not to be her father.= He doesn’t seem to be her father.The baby doesn’t appear to be awake.= The baby appears not to be awake.
7.后接作表语的过去分词可构成系表结构能构成系表结构的系动词通常有两个:第一个是常见的be(is, am, was等);第二个是get,口语中常用。当二者作系动词用时,它们均表示一种存在状态,而不表示被动动作;当二者作助动词用时,后接作谓语的过去分词构成被动语态。Be + P.P常可以用get + P.P.来代替,但是并不是be系动词总是可以用get来代替。Get + P.P.系表结构常用于以下两种情况:1)表示偶然的、突发性的、意想不到的被动动作的结果或状态。Last night I got caught in the downpour.昨夜我被雨淋了(表示意想不到)The new car got scratched.新车给刮坏了。(表突发性)2)表示对自身所作的事。如get dressed, get lost等。John got injured while playing football last Saturday.约翰上周星期六踢足球时受了伤。They got married last month.他们上个月结婚了。另外,要注意区分系表结构与被动语态结构的用法。There be句型:是一常见的表示“存在”的句型。该结构不表示“存在”意义的现象又广见于书面语及口语,它以否定句的形式出现,用于对某一具体行为和抽象概念的否定。There在此结构中是引导词,已经没有副词“那里”的含义。There be 后面的名词是句子的主语,属倒装结构;1.There be 句型的否定句有两种构成方式,一种是将否定副词not放在be 之后,如:There isn’t a box in the room.房间里没有盒子。There aren’t any pens on the desk.课桌上没有钢笔。There hasn’t been any rain for a week.一周没下雨了。There won’t be a meeting today.今天没有会议。另一种是在主语前加上不定代词no , 如:There is no water in the bottle.瓶子里没有水。There are no pictures on the wall.墙上没有图画。There will be no one at home tomorrow morning.明天上午不会有人在家。There might be no money left。或许没有剩下什么钱。2.There be 句型的一般疑问句是将be 放在there 之前,回答时用yes或no,后接简单答语。如:Is there a cake on the table?桌子上有块蛋糕吗?Yes,there is. / No,there isn’t.是,有。/ 不,没有。Will there be a party tonight?今晚有聚会吗?Yes,there will./ No, there won’t是的,有。/ 不,没有。Have there been any letters from your mother lately?近日你妈妈有信来吗?Yes,there have./ No, there haven’t.是,有的。/ 不,没有。3.There be 句型的特殊疑问句主要有how many和how much做引导词两种情况:How many students are there in your school?你们学校有多少学生?How much money is there in your pocket?你口袋里有多少钱?4.There be 句型的反意疑问句There is a cup on the table, isn’t there?桌子上有只杯子,是吗?There is some orange in the glass, isn’t there?杯子里有桔汁,是吗?There are a lot of letters in the mailbox, aren’t there?邮筒里有很多信件,是吗?There will be a new hospital nearby, won’t there?附近要建一家新医院,是吗?There be句型结构:1、There be 句型中的be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即“近主原则”,如:There is a lamp on the table.There are some apples in the bowl.There are five books,two pens and a ruler in the school bag.There is a ruler,two pens and five books in the school bag.2、如果主语是复数名词,却表示一笔金额或一个总数或表达一个单个概念时,则仍用单数be形式,如:There is five hundred dollars to pay.There is still another 20 miles to drive.There is duck and green vegetables for supper.3、There be 中的be 有时可以是lie,stand,used to be,seem to be,appear to be 等,如:There lies a river to the south.There lived an old man in the small house.There stood a temple near the river.There used to be a castle at the foot of the hill.4、There is(was)+no +动词ing结构相当于It is(was) impossible to +动词原形,如:There is no going home. 回家是不可能了。There is no living with him. 不能和他同住了。There is no knowing what may happen. 不可能知道会发生什么事。和have的比较:1.区别点:there be 意为存在,强调某地有某物,不表示所属关系;have 表示所有关系, 强调某人或某地有某物,这是其基本用法。如:There are some trees in front of the house.房前有些树。Tom has many friends in China.汤姆在中国有许多朋友。2.相同点:在表示结构上的含有时,既可以用there be 句型,也可以用have(has) 来表示。如:There are many long rivers in China./China has many long rivers.中国有许多长河。How many days are there in March?/How many days has March?三月份有多少天?
注意:There与be中间可插入一些表推测的情态动词、表时态的短语和一些动词短语 (如和将来时be going to\ will、现在完成时 have\has + pp. 、used to结构等连用,注意其构成形式)。例如:There must be a pen in the box.There happened to be some money in my pocket.There is going to be a meeting tonight.There has been a big tree on the top of the hill.There used to be a church across from the bank.
There be + 主语 + doing +介词短语. 例如:There is a truck collecting rubish outside.There is a wallet lying on the groundThere be结构中的be动词的确定:1. there be 结构中的谓语动词be在人称和数上应与其后的主语保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is,是复数时用are。如:    && There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花。    && There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有些钱。    2. 若句子中有几个并列的主语时,be的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。如:    && There is a boy, a girl and two women in the house. && 房子里有一个男孩,一个女孩和两个妇女。    && There are ten students and a teacher in the office. && 办公室里有十个学生和一个教师。    3. 另外,在陈述句中为了强调地点,也可将介词短语提到句首。如:    && In the tree there are five birds. 树上有五只鸟。 There be结构时态:1.There be 句型中动词be可以有一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时和完成时。There is no harm in trying.不妨一试。There were fabulous wildflowers in the hills last spring.去年春天,山中有极美的野花。There will be a fine day tomorrow.明天将是一个晴天。There have been several private schools in our area this year.今年,我们这里已经有好几所私立学校了。2.There be 句型可以和各种助动词、情态动词连用。There may be a cigarette in that box.那只盒子里或许有支香烟。There must be some cakes on the table.桌子上一定有些蛋糕。There used to be a hospital there before the war.战前,那里曾经有家医院。3.There be 句型也可以和这样一些的谓语动词连用:be going to 、seem to 、appear to 、used to、be likely to 、happen to ….There seem to be a few trees between me and the green.在我与草坪之间好像有一些树。There is gong to be a meeting tonight.今天晚上有个会议。There is likely to be a storm.可能有一场暴雨。There happened to be a bus nearby.碰巧附近有辆公交车。There appears to have been a nasty accident.似乎发生了一起严重事故。4.there be 结构中除可以用be 外,还可以用其它动词。例如:There came a scent of lime-blossom.飘来一阵菩提树的花香。Once upon a time there lived a king in China.从前中国有一个国王。非谓语动词形式:There be 结构的非谓语动词形式是there to be 和there being 两种形式。在句中作主语、宾语和状语。1. there being 结构起名词的作用,直接位于句首作主语,通常用it 作形式主语,并且用for引导。There being a bus stop near my house is a great advantage.我家旁边有个公共汽车站,很是方便。It is impossible for there to be any more.不可能再有了。2. there be 结构作宾语时,通常用there to be ,常作这样一些词的宾语:expect,like, mean, intend, want,prefer,hate等。I expect there to be no argument about this.我期望关于这件事不要再争吵了。I should prefer there to be no discussion of my private affairs.我宁愿不要讨论我的私事。People don’t want there to be another war.人们不希望再有战争了。另外,作介词宾语时,如果是介词for,只能用“there to be”其它介词用“there being”The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence.老师在等着大家都安静下来。I never dreamed of there being any good chance for me.我做梦也没想到我会有好机会。3. 作状语的there be 形式,通常用“there being”结构。There being nothing else to do ,we went home.因为没有其他事可做,我们就回家了。They closed the door ,there being no customers.因为没有顾客,他们的店关门了。
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