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They don?t take ` –s/ -es? in the third person. She cans play the piano beautifully. They are followed by an infinitive without `to’. She should to eat.
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Presentation on theme: "They don?t take ` –s/ -es? in the third person. She cans play the piano beautifully. They are followed by an infinitive without `to’. She should to eat."— Presentation transcript:
They don?t take ` –s/ -es? in the third person. She cans play the piano beautifully. They are followed by an infinitive without `to’. She should to eat more vegetables. They function like auxiliaries in Negative and interrogative sentences. Can you speak louder, please? Do you can speak louder, please? You shouldn?t talk like that. You don?t should talk like that. They have no –ing, infinitive nor past participle forms. canned canning to can They provide additional and specific meaning to the main verb of the sentence. You mustn?t drink that water, it?s dangerous. They don?t have all tenses. They use other verbs to do that Can → Be able to Must → Have to
To express present ability:She can play the guitar To make a request:Can I borrow your pen? To offer to do anything: Can I help you? To ask for permisssion:Can I leave earlier? Yes, you can. To express possibility or impossibility:Learning a language can be a real challenge It can?t cost more than a dollar or two. To express past ability: Nancy could ski like a pro by the age of 11. To express possibility: Extreme rain could cause the river to flood the city. To make suggestions:You could see a movie or go out to dinner To make a request:Could I use your computer to email my boss? In conditional sentences: We could go on the trip if I didn?t have to work.
To express Obligation: You must obey the rules. To express necessity: Students must pass an entrance examination to study at this school. To express certainty:This must be the right address!. Have to ( PRESENT, PAST, FUTURE ) To express Obligation:He has had to leave early. To express necessity:The soup has to be stirred continuously to prevent burning To express certainty:This answer has to be right.
Mustn?t To express prohibition: We mustn’t talk about it. It's confidential (We have a strong obligation NOT to talk about it) Don’t have to To express that something is not necessary: We don't have to get there on time. The boss is away today. You don't have to come if you don't want to. (There is no need)
To Advise:You should focus more on your family and less on work. To recommend: When you go to Berlin,you should visit the palaces in Potsdam. To express expectation:By now, they should already be in Dubai. To express Obligation:I really should be in the office by 7:00 a.m OUGHT TO Should and ought to are very similar, and can often replace each other.They are both to talk about obligation and duty, to give advice, and to say what we think it is right for people to do. You ought to focus more on your family and less on work Should is much more frequent than ought to.
To offer:Would you like some tea?. To invite:Would you like to go to the cinema? To express repetition in the past:When I was a kid, I would always go to the beach. WIL L Request / Demand / Order (less polite than would) Will you please close the door? Prediction / Assumption: I think it will rain on Saturday. Promise: I will stop smoking. Spontaneous Decision: Can someone give me a ride? I will
To express Possibility:It may rain tomorrow To make a request (formal): May I open the window, please? Give permission: Johnny, you may leave the table when you have finished your dinner. To express possibility: Your purse might be in the living room. To make a request ( very formal): Might I borrow your pen? To make suggestions: You might visit the botanical gardens during your visit.
NEED /NEEDN?T Need is not a modal, but it is used in affirmative sentences, like have to, to express obligation and necessity. I need to cook dinner tonight. Needn’t, on the contrary, is a modal and indicates lack of obligation. The past form of needn't for lack of obligation is needn't have: You needn't go to the meeting. We needn't have mentioned it - they already knew.
+ - ? I can goI can’t goCan I go? I must goYou mustn’t go(Must I go?)/Do I have to go? I should goYou shouldn’t goShould I go? I ought to goYou ought not to go(Ought I to go?)/ Do you think I ought to go? POSITIVE, NEGATIVE AND QUESTION FORMS
Ads by Google第三人称单数:
vt. & vi. 吃,喝; 吃饭 take in through the mouth and swallo have a meal
vt. 消耗,毁坏; 侵蚀,腐蚀,蛀蚀 d use up, damage, or destroy
eat&:&吃, 喝, 消 ...
"She was eating a banana"
"What did you eat for dinner last night?"
"We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls"
"I didn't eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation"
"This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat"
"What do whales eat?"
worry or cause anxiety
"What's eating you?"
use up (resources or materials);
"this car consumes a lot of gas"
"We exhausted our savings"
"They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"
cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air,
"The acid corroded the metal"
"The steady dripping of water rusted the metal stopper in the sink"
用作动词 (v.)
I often eat oatmeal as breakfast.
Do you always eat lunch at school?
If you eat too much chocolate you'll get fat.
The Chinese eat with chopsticks.
They usually eat out on Sundays.
Do you like to eat vegetable soup?
用作动词 (v.)
He was too ill to eat.
When do we eat?
We have eaten already.
Don't eat so quickly.
We eat at noon.
I will eat at home.
S+~+ adj.
Sugar canes eat sweet.
Crackers alone eat very dry.
It eats crisp.
This fish eats well.
S+~+to- v
We eat to live, not live to eat.
S+~+ n./pron.
What shall we eat?
She never eats fat.
We challenged his statement, and before long had him eat his words.
Time eats the strongest walls.
An old car eats oil.
Harvesting machines are eating their way well into many fields, in spite of the wet weather.
The Sunday Times would absolutely eat this clap.
She doesn't eat potatoes.
He ate a piece of pear.
She had never eaten Chinese food before.
What do you usually eat for lunch?
He eats a big supper.
Tigers eat meat.
She seldom eats her words.
He said no one could beat him at tennis but he had to eat his words after losing twice.
用于be ~ed结构
All the cakes were eaten by the boys.
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
I made a fierce countenance as if I would eat him alive.
Don't eat the rice cold.
John and Mary ate their dinner cold.
They usually ate the herb raw.
用作动词 (v.)
eat at (v.+prep.)
折磨 disturb
eat at sb/sth
There was something else eating at him.另有一件事情使他十分烦恼。
Loneliness ate at her heart.孤独感折磨着她。
eat away (v.+adv.)
连续不断地吃 eat steadily or continuously
Eat away, children, you are welcome to all you want.吃吧,孩子们,尽情地吃吧。
They have been eating away for more than an hour.他们一直吃了一个多小时。
The children are in the kitchen, eating away as usual.孩子们在厨房里,像平常一样痛快地吃着东西。
侵蚀,腐蚀,锈蚀; 咬坏,蛀坏 destroy
damage sth by bite
The river is eating away the bank in several places.河水正侵蚀着好几处河岸。
The sea water is eating away the base of the cliff.海水冲蚀着悬崖的底部。
Frost and weather had eaten away the mortar.风霜雨雪剥蚀了泥灰。
Rust was eating away the iron post.铁锈腐蚀着铁柱。
Cancer ate away the healthy flesh.癌症侵蚀了健康的肌体。
The rats have eaten away most of the woodwork.老鼠把木器全啃坏了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
This part has been eaten away by insects.这部分被虫子蛀掉了。
The river bank is slowly being eaten away .河岸正在慢慢地被侵蚀掉。
eat away at sth
The sea has been eating away at this cliff for centuries.千百年来海水一直在侵蚀着这悬崖峭壁。
eat from (v.+prep.)
用…吃饭 have a meal using sth
eat sth from sth
The Chinese eat rice from bowls.中国人用碗吃饭。
eat in (v.+adv.)
在家吃饭 have a meal at home
I don't mind eating in if you do the cooking.
We aren't going out.We're eating in tonight.
We shall be eating in tonight, so please prepare a big meal.
在学校就餐 have a meal at school
Most of the students eat in.
eat into( v.+prep. )
腐蚀,侵蚀 attack or make a hole in sth, especially of chemical action
eat into oneself/sth
Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves.别让腐朽的思想侵蚀你。
Acids eat into metals.酸会腐蚀金属。
The sulphuric acid ate into the parts of the metal where the coat of paint had peeled.硫酸腐蚀了这块铁上涂层剥落的地方。
Can you see where the rust has begun eating into the bottom of the driver's door?你能看得出铁锈是从哪儿开始侵蚀到司机座旁的那扇门底部吗?
The substance has begun eating into the woodwork.这种物质开始腐蚀木器。
The insects eat into the wood.虫蛀坏了木头。
The icy chill ate into my bones.我感到寒气侵骨。
The sea has eaten into the north shore.海水侵蚀了北岸。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Don't leave the aluminium spoon in the saltcellar.It will be eaten into by salt.别把铝勺留在盐罐中,因为盐腐蚀铝。
消耗 use part of (a reserve of money, stocks, etc.)
eat into sth
The school fees have eaten into our savings.为了支付学费,我们已经开始动用积蓄了。
The money they spent on the washing machine ate into their holiday savings.他们买洗衣机用掉了他们准备度假的一部分积蓄。
Jim's illness has seriously eaten into his small savings.吉姆因生病几乎花光了他不多的积蓄。
eat oneself into sth
They were eating themselves into their graves.他们吃喝过度,在自找死路。
对…产生不良的作用或影响 have bad effect on sb/sth
eat into sb/sth
The sort of Persian summer day here ate into you with its heat.波斯夏天的酷热真叫人受不了。
Guilt had been eating into his conscience for some months.几个月来内疚一直折磨着他的良心。
eat of (v.+prep.)
吃…中的一部分 eat part of sth
eat of sth
They ate heartily of the meal.他们饱餐了一顿。
The tiger ate of the deer.老虎吃了鹿的一部分。
eat off (v.+prep.)
使用…吃饭 eat (one's food) from (certain dishes)
Does Queen really eat off gold plates?
吃掉…的一部分 have one's meals from (a piece of food)
We can all eat off this large chicken for three days.
The boy spat out the pill after eating off its sugar coating.
吃(某人)白食 eat at the cost of (sb else)
He's been eating off his brother for weeks.
eat out (v.+adv.)
在外吃饭,下馆子 eat at a restaurant rather than at home
They can't afford to eat out nowadays.他们现在下不起馆子了。
They had to eat out because the stove broke down.炉子坏了,他们只得到外面吃。
He used to eat out in the evening.他过去在晚上常出去吃饭。
I'm too t shall we eat out?今晚我累得不能做饭了,我们去外面吃好吗?
I see no point eating out so often with a spacious and well-equipped kitchen at home.我不明白家里有这么宽敞、设备齐全的厨房,为什么还要经常到外面吃饭。
We need a baby-sitter tonight, because we are eating out.我们今晚需要一个看孩子的,因为我们要到外边吃饭。
I used to eat out in the evening when my parents were on night shifts.以前,我父母上夜班时,我常在外面吃晚饭。
侵蚀,腐蚀,锈蚀 destroy gradually by or as by erosion
Rust had eaten out the gun barrel.铁锈腐蚀了枪管。
A little oil presently eats out the colour.只要有一点油就会使那颜色褪去。
〈口〉默默忍受痛苦; 极为悲伤 be very sad
eat one's heart out
She is eating her heart out because Jim never writes to her.她非常难过,因为吉姆从来不给她写信。
She was eating her heart out for her missing child.她为她丢失的孩子在默默无闻地忍受悲痛。
She is eating her heart out because she can't go to that dance.她正在发愁,因为她不能去参加那个舞会。
It's no use eating your heart out about things that can't be helped.没有法子的事,着急也没有用。
What's done is done, and it's no use eating your heart out about it.过去的事情已无法改变,悲伤也无济于事。
eat out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
吃…中的食物 eat food in sth
eat out of sth
Make sure that the dog always eats out of his own dish.一定要让狗吃完它自己碟中的食物。
eat through (v.+prep.)
吃掉…的大部分 eat most of (food)
That boy has eaten through a week's supply in a day!
因化学作用把…蚀穿,腐蚀成洞 make a hole through (material or an object) by chemical action
The acid has eaten through the metal.
eat up (v.+adv.)
吃光; 尽情地吃 eat completely or heartily
Come on, there's plenty left!来,全部吃光,还剩好多呢!
There is plenty for us, so eat up!东西多得很,吃个痛快吧!
After swimming all afternoon, they quickly ate up all their dinners.游泳游了一下午之后,他们把晚饭一扫而光。
The children ate up all the candies.孩子们把糖果吃光了。
Ea there's a good girl!把菜都吃光,那才是个好姑娘!
The boy was not allowed to leave the table until he had eaten up his vegetables.那男孩不把菜吃光,就不让他离开饭桌。
The mother told the child to eat up her spinach and to drink up her milk.母亲告诉孩子把菠菜吃掉并把牛奶喝完。
After playing all afternoon, we were so hungry that we ate up all the cookies in the house.玩了一下午后,我们都很饿,以至将家里所有吃的都一扫而光。
The worms will soon eat up all the leaves on the trees if we don't stop them.如果我们不加制止的话,虫子很快就会把树叶吃个精光。
The cat ate up three little mice.这猫吃了三只小老鼠。
In a short while, the cat ate up the fish.不久,那只猫便将鱼吃个精光。
耗尽; 吞没 des have a destructive effect upon
Extravagant spending ate up his savings.大肆挥霍耗尽了他的积蓄。
Rent eats up as much as 25 to 35 per cent of the whole family income.房租要耗去全家收入的25%到35%。
That big house eats up money.那幢大房子所耗费用巨大。
This new heating system eats up electricity.这个新供暖系统耗电量很大。
It's true that it's a comfortable car, but it eats up the petrol.这辆车确实舒服,但耗油量太大了。
It ate up all his time.这事把他所有的时间都占用掉了。
Idle talk had eaten up the hour before they knew it.闲谈不知不觉地耗费掉了他们的时间。
Don't let family cares eat up your interest in literary pursuits.不要让家庭操劳消磨掉你对文学研究的兴趣。
The flames ate up the building.大火烧毁了房子。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The house was eaten up by flames in no time.房子顷刻被火吞没。
Her savings have been eaten up by illness.她的积蓄因为生病全给用光了。
Wage increases were eaten up by the rise in the cost of living.工资的增加全给生活费用的上涨抵消掉了。
使苦恼,使精疲力竭 exhaust
Is something eating her up?She seems worried.她有什么伤心事吗? 她似乎很烦恼。
盲目相信,全盘接受 ac believe uncritically
He ate up the stories of their journeys.他听了他们的游记故事,相信得不得了。
When his friends told him that he was a first-class football player, he ate up their praise.当朋友们说他是一个第一流的足球运动员时,他觉得十分心安理得。
The girls told John he was a hero because he made the winning touchdown, and he ate up their praise.姑娘们说约翰是英雄,因为他在比赛中赢得了决定性的一分,约翰听了心里乐滋滋的。
迅速通过traverse (a ground, a distance, etc.) rapidly
The boat was eating her way up towards the wind.这条船迎风快速前进。
The little red car ate up the soggy miles.那辆红色小汽车一会儿就驶完了那段数英里长的湿漉漉的路。
Twenty minutes in the car ate up the distance between the two shipyards.乘20分钟汽车,就赶完了两座船厂之间的路程。
〈非正〉击败; 毁掉,搞垮 win one's opponent
He was such a clever speaker that he always ate up the opposition.他是个很精明的演说家,总能击败对手。
You shouldn't have put the new teacher in charge of th they'll eat him up.你不应该让那位新教师负责那个乱班,他们会搞垮他的。
eat up with( v.+adv.+prep. )
〈非正〉充满强烈的(妒忌、欲望等)情感 be completely and violently full of (jealousy, desire, etc.)
be eaten up with sth
She seems to be eaten up with her own conceit.她仿佛已经被骄傲冲昏了头脑。
Don't be eaten up with pride.不要被骄傲冲昏了头脑。
She was eaten up with jealousy.她妒火中烧。
He is being eaten up with curiosity.他好奇心切。
Be careful not to get eaten up with pride.注意,不要骄傲自满。
用作动词 (v.)
On the table were eats the like of which..have never been seen on this isle.
出自:J. P. Donleavy
He eat the insides of a clock and died after.
出自:J. M. Synge
Some caterpillars have made themselves unpleasant to eat.
出自:D. Attenborough
They found out he was eating his diet and his normal food.
出自:M. Amis
eat可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时跟名词或代词作宾语。作“吃”解时其宾语可以为食物,也可为a meal, one's breakfast等词。
当eat的宾语可以猜出且着重点不是宾语而是动作时,可以把宾语省略,用作不及物动词。例如:We must eat.我们必须吃饭。
“喝汤”在英语中一般不说drink soup,而说eat soup,因为西餐的汤通常盛在盘子里,汤里有肉和蔬菜,用汤勺吃和喝。不过在喝“清汤”或盛在汤碗中的汤不用汤勺时,则可说drink soup。
在美国口语中, eat还可作“使烦恼〔忧虑〕”解,常用在What's eating you〔him〕?和What's eating on you〔him〕?中,意思是“你〔他〕怎么啦?”或“你〔他〕有什么烦恼?”。例如:What's eating you?You've hardly said a word to me since you arrived this morning.你怎么啦?今天早晨你来后就几乎没有同我说过一句话。He's been in
I wonder what's eating on him.他整天脾气都坏,我不明白是什么事在烦恼他。
eat of, eat up
The lion ate of the sheep.
The lion ate up the sheep.
eat out, dine out
两者都有“在外吃饭”的意思。其区别在于:eat out通常只指在饭馆吃饭,不指在亲友家吃饭,而dine out可以指在饭馆吃饭,也可以指在亲友家吃饭。例如:
The single man was tired of instant noodle and ate out for a change.这个单身汉吃腻了方便面,于是下馆子换换口味。
Did you remember that we had dined out at the Smiths?你记得我们曾在史密斯家吃过饭吗?
1.用作及物动词时, eat的主语多为人,偶尔可为动物(拟人化),宾语为食物; feed的主语一定为人,宾语为动物或者是老弱病残者。例如:
We ate much the same thing for breakfast every day.每天早餐我们总是吃这些同样的东西。
The nurse is feeding the patient by means of a spoon.护士在用汤匙给病人喂饭。
2.用作不及物动词时, eat的主语可为人,也可为食物(这时主语含有被动意义); feed的主语则为动物。例如:
This kind of mushroom is eaten cooked.这种蘑菇是炒熟了吃的。
The horses were feeding quietly in the field.马群在田野里悄悄地吃着东西。
3.eat只接简单宾语, feed除接简单宾语外,还可接双宾语,而eat不能接双宾语。例如:
You may feed them anything you like.你喜欢喂它们什么就喂什么。
eat, consume, devour, ingest, swallow
这几个词的共同意思是“吃”。其区别在于:eat最常用,指放入口中经过咀嚼再吞咽下去的过程,对人或物都适用,引申指缓慢地逐渐腐蚀或消磨过程; consume指吃完全部食物或喝光所有饮料,引申指消耗光所有的物质、金钱等; devour强调狼吞虎咽地吃,引申指吞灭或毁灭; ingest是生理学用语,指咽下或吸收的过程; swallow指不经过充分咀嚼就囫囵吞入肚中,强调匆忙。例如:
The termites have eaten deep into the wood.白蚁已经把木头蛀得很深了。
The fire soon consumed the wooden building.大火不久就烧毁了这座木头建筑物。
He was devoured by hate.他满腔怨恨。
Twelve workers have ingested radioactive substances well above the permitted maximum.12名工人摄入体内的放射性物质已大大超过最大限度。
This drug can' it has to be injected.这药不能吞服,只能注射。
误 Please eat as you like.
正 Please help yourself.
析 表示“随便吃”,一般说help yourself, eat不含“随便”之义。
误 Peanuts eat delicious.
正 Peanuts are delicious.
析 eat不可与形容词delicious连用,因为delicious本身就是“吃起来可口”的意思。
误 He ate a breakfast quickly.
正 He ate his breakfast quickly.
正 He had a breakfast quickly.
析 eat a breakfast, lunch, supper等不合习惯,应该把a改为his, her, your等物主代词,或把eat改成have。
误 The doctor told him to eat the medicine three times a day.
正 The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day.
析 表示“吃药”这一概念时,一般说take medicine或have medicine,不说eat medicine。
误 He doesn't know how to use chopsticks to eat with.
正 He doesn't know how to use chopsticks to eat.
正 He doesn't know how to eat with chopsticks.
析 表示“用筷子”,可说use chopsticks或with chopsticks, with含有“用”的意义,故用use就不必再用with。
误 I have eaten at home since my graduation.
正 I have been eating at home since my graduation.
析 eat用于现在完成时必须带宾语,如不带宾语则须用现在完成进行时。
误 He said he would pay me back the money within a week, but he ate his word.
正 He said he would pay me back the money within a week, but he broke his word.
析 eat one's word和break one's word意思不同,前者意为“认错道歉,收回前言”,后者才是“食言,失信”的意思。
☆ 直接源自古语英的etan,意为吃。
eat&:&吃饭,吃东 ...
eat:eat v. 吃, 腐蚀 英英解释:动词eat:1. take in solid food2. take a meal3. used of anim…



