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大学英语作文: How to Communicate with Others?(怎样与他人沟通?)
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& & & &As human beings, we communicate throughout our lives for various porpoises. But just because we've been communicating for a long time does not mean that we are always successful or that we can&t improve our communication skills. How can we convey successful communication? Well, there are several useful tips may help you to improve your communication skills.
  First of all, listen and respond thoughtfully to others. You should spend more time listening to others instead of boasting yourself. Some of us are very egocentric, which means self-focused. If you spend too much time talking about your own stuff, the people around you may think you are a tedious and annoying person. So, the best way to do is to consider our friends& thoughts and feelings. Try to be a good listener, when you express yourself, thinks about it carefully before you really say it.
  Second, appropriately adapt messages to others. It is not enough to be sensitive and accurate when your send out your message, you pick up the best ways and respond to others to achieve your communication goals. But it does not mean to say something that the listener wants to hear. That would be unethical. Appropriately adapt messages to others means carefully editing and shaping your responses so that your messages can be understood by others and you can achieve your goals.
  Last but not least, try to interpret nonverbal messages. As we all know, unspoken messages can express powerful ideas or emotions with greater impact than mere words. You should try to observe others facial expressions or movements and give correct responds to others. You can see the emotions or attitude from one&s gesture stops. Be sensitive and appropriate interpreting others.
  Most people learn communication rules from experience, by observing and interacting with others. You can do that too, if you have enough patient and determinations.
& & 原文翻译:作为人类,我们一生都在因为不同的目的与他人沟通。但不是因为我们与他人沟通的时间长就意味着我们是个成功交流者,或者我们不能再提升我们的交流水平。我们怎样成功的与他人沟通呢?这几个有用的小建议或许能够帮助你提高自己的沟通能力。首先,认真倾听并仔细答复他人。你应该花更多的时间聆听他人而不是鼓吹自己。我们中的有些人非常自负,以自我为中心。如果你花太多的时间谈论自己的事情,周围的人就会觉得你很无趣、讨厌。所以,最好的方式是考虑下他人的想法和感受。试着做一个好的倾听者,在你真正说出自己想法之前,需要仔细考虑。第二,正确的理解他人信息。准确的理解他人的意思是不够的。当你向他人传递信息,你用最恰当的方式去回应对方,以此获得达到你的目的。但这并不意味着你要说对方想听的话。这样是不道德的。正确回应他人信息,意味着你要仔细整理你的回答,这样别人就你明白你在说些什么,你也能达到你交流的目的。最后,尝试着去理解非语言信息。我们都知道,非语言信息也能够传递巨大的能量、充沛的情感,有时候甚至超越语言信息。你应该试着去观察他人的面部表情并给与正确的回应。通过人的手势,可以了解一个人的情感或态度。了解他人,需要敏感度和准确度。大多数人通过经验,通过观察和与他人的互动来进行沟通。你也能做到,如果你有足够的耐心和决心的话。 &&
( 责任编辑:邓老师)
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