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血脂过多高血脂病高脂血症,血脂过多血脂过多, 高脂血
例句与用法Clinical observation on hyperlipemia with zhitiaokang capsule治疗高脂血症30例临床观察Wei pinkang experience of treating hyperlipemia魏品康治疗高脂血症的经验Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture on senile hyperlipemia神经元特异性烯醇化酶的影响Effect of crocus seed oil on lipid metabolism in rats with hyperlipemia西红花籽油对大鼠脂质代谢的影响Analysis of 52 cases of senile hyperlipemia and their correlated disease52例老年高脂血症与相关疾病的分析Effect of acupuncture on blood - lipid level in patients with hyperlipemia针刺对高脂血症患者血脂水平的影响Explore the cause of difference of syndrom differentiation of hyperlipemia高脂血症中医辨证分型不一致探因Effect and mechanism of hyperlipemia treated by jian - wei - er - chen decoction加味二陈汤治疗高脂血症的作用和机理研究The summary of 64 cases of hyperlipemia treated by mingzha shouwu jiangzhi tang明楂首乌降脂汤治疗高脂血症64例报道Clinical observation on hyperlipemia treated by huoxue tongmai huatan decoction活血通脉化痰汤治疗高脂血症的临床观察更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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例句与用法6 f , xiu ping commercial building , 104 jervois street , sheung wan , hong kong香港上环苏杭街104号秀平商业大厦For vehicles exceeding 7 metres in length from jervois street into mercer street , sheung wan米车辆由上环苏杭街左转入?沙街The section of jervois street from its junction with cleverly street to a point about 20 metres west of the same junction急庇利街由其与苏杭街交界处起,至同一交界以南约Temporary banning of left turning movement for vehicles exceeding 7 metres in length from jervois street into mercer street , sheung wan临时禁止长度超逾7米车辆由上环苏杭街左转入?沙街The western kerbside lane of cleverly street from its junction with jervois street to a point about 8 metres south o and急庇利街由其与毕街交界处起,至其与苏杭街交界处止的路段Zhan park to jervois landscape architectural tone for the integrated chinese classical gardens of the essence , the layout became stressed lingnan water village , concise and imposing structure , simple and free and easy style詹园建筑以苏杭园林为基调,综合中国古典园林之精髓,强调岭南水乡的布局脉络,结构简洁而凝重,风格古朴而洒脱。 Zhan park covering sand , the park owner huang much new president personally design , and from jervois employ hundreds of garden skilled craftsman and built to last five years , zhan park master mind , for parents to build a quietly elegant refined , the old age care homes , and therefore earliest zhan park , now the courtyard and garden . is particularly zhan zhan park on the old personal diet詹园占地百亩,是由园主黄远新先生亲自设计,并从苏杭聘请数百名园林能工巧匠历时五年而建成的,詹园主人的初衷,出于为父母建造一处淡雅精致、颐养天年的静心居所,因此最早的詹园,即现在的四合院和后花园,是詹园上下尤其是詹老太的饮食起居之地。 &&
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中文翻译【航空】全向(无线电)导航系统 〔very high frequency omnirange 〕。
例句与用法Vor very high frequency omnidirectional radio range超短波全方向式无线标识Vor - very high frequency omnidirectional range甚高频全向信标A . tag . haben sie die antwortenschreiben vor der uni bremen erhalten您好,您收到不来梅大学的回信了吗? B rectangular shanks e and end pieces f not vor internal splines拉削工具.长方柄e和端件f Vor test - equipment伏尔测试设备Vor test - signal伏尔测试信号This is why it must be posed in advance , pro - posed ( vor - gestellt ) , as it were因此,这个问题必须像是事先就想像出摆到面前来的那样。 Wir m ssen gegen ber rechten abweichungen wachsam sein , aber vor allem " " linke " " abweichungen verhindern警惕右,但主要是防止“左” Right turn make a 360 degrees , hold on mk vor maintaining 10000 feet , you are no6 igs approach右转360度在mk等待,保持10000英尺,你是第六个igs进近。 Royals and dignitaries from around the world were at the vor frue kirke cathedral for the ceremony来自世界各地的皇宫贵族在哥本哈根的圣母教堂参加了婚礼。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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例句与用法The storehouse is under the care of old wu .仓库由老吴看管。Wu , somebody is looking for you .老吴,有人找你呢。Wu chi chen had won my heart .吴起镇赢得了我的欢心。The japanese ring around the wu tai mountains grew tighter .日寇对五台山区的包围越来越紧。I took part in a basketball game on one of wu chi's three courts .我参加了在吴起镇3个球场之一举行的篮球赛。The battle of the red cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms , wei , shu and wu .赤壁之战决定了魏、蜀、吴三国鼎足之势。Wu wei made his way to the u.s. naval academy, served six years as a naval officer and then put himself through law school .吴伟终于进了美国海军军官学校,在当了六年海军军官之后,又在法学院毕了业。Cheung chun - chung , tseng tak - hin , wu siu - hong , yeung wai - ki ,胡兆康、杨伟基、 The tragic nature of the image of monkey sun wu - kong孙悟空形象的悲剧性本质问题On the modernity in gu yan - wu ' s economic thought论顾炎武经济思想中的近代性因素更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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音标:[ ˌmisdi'mi:nə ]&&
中文翻译英英解释n.(一般的)不正当的行为,恶劣的品行;坏事;【法律】轻罪。 commit a misdemeanour 犯轻罪。 a high misdemeanour 【法律】重罪。
例句与用法As you hope ever to be forgiven , mr . rivers , the high crime and misdemeanour of spoiling a sanded kitchen , tell me what i wish to know里弗斯先生,正因为你希望我宽恕你毁我砂石厨房的弥天大罪和不端行为,那你就把我想知道的告诉我吧。 ” From time to time d urberville exhibited a sort of fierce distress at the sight of the tramping he had driven her to undertake by his misdemeanour德贝维尔看到由于自己的行为不检点,逼得苔丝不得不步行,也不时地表现出一种强烈的不安来。 However , the turin giants have this afternoon claimed that they have already paid the price for the misdemeanours of previous employees luciano moggi and antonio giraudo然而,都灵豪门今天下午已经声称,他们已经因为之前职员莫吉和吉拉乌多的行为付出了代价。 Does n ' t that go against principles of education our society and schools are stigmatising the so - called tomboys with improper gender behaviour , condemning them for their misdemeanour , and trying to reform them accordingly现在社会学校给那些所谓的男性化女生贴上“不适当性别行为”的标志,以“行为不端”的罪名判她们有罪,并且还要改造她们。 Arab leaders continue to charge iran with a host of misdemeanours , ranging from alleged meddling in iraq , lebanon and palestine to occupying a trio of mid - gulf islands claimed by the united arab emirates ( uae )阿拉伯领导人仍然念念不忘伊朗做过的坏事,比如所谓的调停伊拉克,黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦之间的关系,真实目的却是占领海湾中部属于阿联酋的三大岛屿。 Fix , the detective , had foreseen the advantage which passepartout s escapade gave him , and , delaying his departure for twelve hours , had consulted the priests of malabar hill . knowing that the english authorities dealt very severely with this kind of misdemeanour , he promised them a goodly sum in damages , and sent them forward to calcutta by the next train于是他就把从孟买动身的时间往后推迟了十二小时,跑到玛勒巴山寺为僧侣们出主意,说他们准能得到一大笔损害赔偿费,因为他很清楚英国玫府对于这一类的罪行是十分严厉的这样他就叫三个僧侣从孟买坐了下一班火车来追踪他们的犯人。 Any person who makes , or procures to be made , or assists in making any false representation for the purpose of obtaining for himself or any other person a certificate of competency under section 6 of the boilers and pressure vessels ordinance cap . 56 , shall be guilty of misdemeanour , and render himself liable to penalties under section 55 of the same ordinance任何人如作失实陈述或协助他人作失实陈述,以图获取依照香港法例第56章锅炉及压力容器条例第6条发给的合格证书,即属犯法,根据该条例第55条可被判重罚。 &&
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