fuckparents you hardso hard 和f...

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······114网址导航i lie awake and try so hard not to think of you
i lie awake and try so hard not to think of you
he who has no name
another birthday approaches........oh lord shoot me now
christmas... tis the season to be jolly... i guess.....
ARe u happy now Jonathan.... i updated.....lol
i know ive been da mad stranger bt lifes been hectic and time to update this has become very limited.milestones that have happend since i last updated:- One of my closests mates 21st (Rachy Marie u da bestest!!!)- well actually thats the only interesting thing thats actually happend.. that i can remember any way(well barely remember)it was on 18th of this month.Me and my mate flea thort it was free beer and wine.. ya knw .. the usual 21st free alcoholic beverages.....FUK WUR WE WRONG!!!!We brought heaps of alcohol so we cld continue drinkng after it finisht (twas held at the RSA so ya knw .. full of grand old fullahs so party closed at 12... LAME!!!) n e waes..... we get there (an hour an fifteen minutes fashionably late may i add) and Rachie cums up to me and flea and tell us its OPEN BAR TAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those three words were music to my hears! i went hard... so did every one else so i didnt look like a complete hungus and its was brilliant..... the 21st was primo.. everiwun lukt wicked... birthday girl.. ABSOLUTELY glowing! and everiwun jst mingled and enjoyd demselves! twas great... embarast da shit owta hur like i sed i wld... i mean... thats wat best friends are for!lol n e hoo.... b4 da actual 21st i hada mish and a half tryna find miss thing a pressie...went to this new shop thats opend up in town called dollars and sense... MOST PRIMO SHOP EVER! Fownd the most coolest staind glass frog windchime (she has a mad obsession wit frog memorabilia kinda like me wit cows....but dats another story!) and i fulli fell in love wit it n HAD TO BUY IT FOR HUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all in all twas a brilliant nite..... drank heaps at the party.... drank even more wen we got bak to ma mate fleas.....in comerd owt hard.....wat im trynah say is dat.... I FUCKN HADA BLAST!!!!Big ups to ma freshly transformed 21 yr old chicky chick RACHY POO!!!! wuff u! MWAH! xoxoxoxoxoxoworks still the same.... work shit hours for shit pay.... do have the power to change the situation.... then again cant be fukt....vicious vicious cycle!n e waes i think ive said way to much alrdy ... dnt worry im still alive and kicking ... jst trynah find time to fit everithng n2 plc is hard lol.... note to self.... mst invest in a time managemnt manual....Note to self....again....mst remember to fit in time to go and invest in a time managemnt manual...oh geez... u read this far... u mstve been bored!lol
hay hay hayyeah i know... havent been on here for awhile... but dont threat....im still alive and kicking! BARELY!lolive kinda settled down since the last time ive updated. no more livin lavida loca jst trying to sort my so called life out. it has its moments but other than that cant complain really.patience....i will learnthats all i gota say about that.hope everyones keeping safetill next time... and i promise it will be more indepth!
woah i havent been on here in ages.. its all foreign like....well nothing much has been happening.. same old shit different day.. you know da dilly n wat not.all i gota say is that things have happend n the past couple of months that have made me realise theres no point in living with regret.no point in holdning a grudge. and things that seem to be getting in the way is just there to test us.Lifes too short, i know that now. i also know that ive gota make the most of every opportunity that i get and not take it for granted.
"With the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains"so yeah.... its been a hectic life dat ive been leading lately. ... but hey... all im here to say is i bit my lip and avoided a catastrophe! !!!BLISS!!!"And be hopeful (hopeful) and he’ll make a way I know it ain’t easy but that’s okay.cause we hopeful"
wow... time flies when your havng fun
so as i sit here n reflect on mah day ... i can honestly say .... this has been a fukt up day ndeedBTW this b a drunkn post yallso i find myself on this comp ... eatn my fried rice... (ricey goodness) n finkn dis b da day dat everyfn has tah happenhad da biggest arguement wit a mate....it really cut me deep...dnt fink he even realises wat affect he has on me... stupid realli.da van fukt owt ... literally. i pulled over and turned da van off coz i got a fone call.. went to start it up and yeah...... it was dead.... thort it miteve been a flat battery but NO! sumfn bowt da acid leakn owta da battery was seapn n2 da wiers dat are connectd 2 da terminals and was eatn away at it... n yeah... jst fukt! longer ass story but u try typn wit double vision!HOLD UP....STUFFN FACE WIT RICE...k dats beta....ive been on da mad deprest fukn mood da last couple months... maybe its da fact dat everyfn seems as if its all guna turn to shit... wen in reality it wont or it can be preventd. not onli have i found mah self deprest n shit... im paranoid as a muda fuka... not paranoid as in theres like a conspiracy against me but more as in im questioning everything.... and thinking that everywun has sum alterior motive behind there actions.... you know how FUKT up dat is!oh yeah thers a reason why ive been drinking.... mah kuzz is movn away to AUSTRALIA!!! the traitor! it was his going away party.... i dnt want him to go away... me n him have been joind at da muda efn hip since he was born! like fukn glue man.... n now da wee lads grown up and is wantn to spread his wings over seas... i wish him all da best but im guna fukn miss him like grazy!!! but yeah... party .. booze... drunk....its a great combinationoh yeah... mah 21st went off da hizzie..... was basically drunk all weekend.... started on da friday (twas mah actual bday) and finisht drnkn on da monday morn.... it was absolutely fantabulous.....oh yeah... ever realised no ones on line at like 4 n da morn.... its quite trippy.(****note to self.....buy LARGE fried rice next time .. small way way tu small****)ihope this is all makn sense ... i knw its a bit over da place but hey.... its da fact dat im typn everything dat im finkn... kinda gets annoyn tho... coz now im typn i have a itchy arse... which means .. no one really wants to know dat... but i was finkn it n now im tryna.... NEVER MIND!mmmmmmmm tofu..............................................................................u like tofu?i like tofu!i also like crackers...and tofu...but not together...tofu burgers.. primo!lentil burgers... PRIMO...tofu and crackers like n da same area code n da same suburb in da same street in da same house on da same table on da same plate on EACH OTHER ... not appetising.... not at allnot like ive tried it.... dat wold jst be
caryzCARYW LDASJKLJOWIFKL:ZXLA:FKSPQWOdat was code for ... i dont careaskljdsioqiwkalfjeuiu3ja'af,,.zxzx,.zxc,.cdiowjefioqjfkajfmxz,.xcm,.zxc,.zxc.m,eieiwiwe,.asfd,.mfzxcm,.cm,.zeiowfjikland dat was code for ... lets get tipsyman dis code breakn stuffs hard wrkso is typnand thining and ummm sumfni dnt catre if i aint makn sense or for da fact dat i dnt gt da proper england grammer but i aint n da carin smood rite nwi.oh yeahdisregard de above..... its sum shit dat isnt relevent to n e fing!
i found my bliss in caramel whip chocolateBLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wen shit happens...................more shit happensfor fuk sakes i give up
lalalala lalalala elmos song!!! loln e ways.... im surviving this great heat wave that seems to be ripping thru palmy nth atm... suks ass reallyim sweating like a ... well umm lets not go there....oh n btw ................................................................ SMILE its the seoncd best thing to do wit ur lips ow!
im hating everything right now................. YOU ARE THE DEATH OF ME
im feeling isolated it suks
ITS MAH BDAY ON DA 20th JANUARY!!!!WOOT WOOT for me!!!!!i cant believe how old im turning... 21 yall... it only seemed like yesterday that i was imagining this day .... and wishing i was already 21... but now that its lyke 2 more sleeps away... kinda doesnt seem da same..... isnt as important to me any more... but at least my parents listened to me and respected my decisions in what i wanted for my 21st.so da whole low down of my 21st...... Start on friday.... finish sunday..... late sunday.... and you know whats da best bit ... ITS A PUBLIC HOLIDAY ON MONDAY!!! PHATNESS!!!!!! so i can stay in bed hung over as fuk n no one cn drag mah ass outa bed n say i have work.. coz i dnt... an its bliss!!!!! woot woot!!!so basically im having a gurls nite on friday to celebrate da ACTUAL day of birth.. then on saturday mad drinking sesh! and on sunday a big ass feed at Valentines (note to self .... attack dessert first) with all da whanau and friends WITH AN OPEN BAR TAB!!! .. lets just say after dis weekend... my parents and mah family will know how much of a piss cunt i reali am... an its nt bothering me wun lil bit!big ups to da whanau for makin my wishes cum tru! they gave me mah small gathering AND mah plane ticket to singapore!!!!! PIMPN!!!! IN other news...... ive decided not to go back n study this year..... im kinda over it for now.... i plan on living this year to its fullest potential...... which prolly means ile b wrkn mah ass off to save muney for singapore at the end of the year .... and also to pay for mah bad habits....i didnt make any new years resolutions...because i jst dnt keep to dem ..... so ile jst keep doing wat i have been doin and try n make lil changes during the year...... sounds great in theory........... but we will jst have to see...OH n tarsh b n da lil nosey shit dat she is...went snoopn for bday pressies........... AND FOUND MAH TWENTY FIRST KEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so awesome.. utterly stupendous! (or hweva u spell it)n i jst realised ................ thru dis hole entire update.... mah gramma n such has gone frm like texting to normal.... tis weird... weird for me n e ways....i fink ive said enuff lolkeep in touch peepl..... give me wishes lol jst kidn!
in 21 days im turning 21..... the madness begins!!!!and yet on the eve of new years eve im at home alone, music blaring (to da point ware my ass neighbours mite call noise control) and im playing solitaire on the comp.... theres something quite weird about this situation.... jst cnt put my finger on it....OH DATS RITE!!! ....EVERYONES AWAY FOR NEW YEARS EVE!!!!! and im stuck in palmy all be my self..... yet another new years eve spent at home sleeping... what bliss! (sarcasm... if u hvnt pikt dat up by nw)oh well... i shall roll me up a phat jay and greet the new year on a "HIGH" note.... lmao!
cheers marina fo da quizzy thing!1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before? admitting the fact that i had a problem and asking for help2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? yeah i kinda did keep to it and i highly doubt ill make any more... was a bitch and a half to keep to these ones lol!3. Did anyone close to you give birth? yes yes yes yes yes yes one of my dear dear friends Melissa had a beautiful baby boy named Jay and my other friend Mary had a beautiful baby girl named Rhiannon Emily4. Did anyone close to you die? no.. thank goodness!5. What countries did you visit? none .... that will change next year tho!6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005? more control and how everything happens... if that makes sense 7. What date from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? sometime in september ... when my mum was away travelling the globe... i mist her heaps8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? admiting i have a problem9. What was your biggest failure? not completing my course... suks big tyme10. Did you suffer illness or injury? mental illness.... yeah11. What was the best thing you bought? my fresh off the boat cds... greatest investment ever12. Whose behavior merited celebration? ummm huh?13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? where do i even begin.... i guess it was on my mates bday and i made an ass of myself14. Where did most of your money go? on ciggies!!!!! and other illegal s)15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? my best friends 21st!!! twas pimpn!16. What song will always remind you of 2005? when im gone.... and run it17. Compared to this time last year, are you:i. happier or sadder?: sadderii. thinner or fatter?: thinneriii. richer or poorer?: poorer18. What do you wish you'd done more of? listening to my parentals19. What do you wish you'd done less of? ignoring my parents20. How will you be spending Christmas? well wat i DID do was eat heaps opened pressies .. and got extremely drun..... ummm merry! lmao22. Did you fall in love in 2005? nope.. not lucky enough yet!!23. How many one-night stands? ahahhahahahhahahahha .. oh ur being serious... my bad... umm hello it IS me.. so NONE!24. What was your favorite TV program? THAT 70s SHOw... best shit ever!!!25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?pass.... ummm ... actually ... umm nah26. What was the best book you read? book?? read&??? speak english!27. What was your greatest musical discovery? no idea28. What did you want and get? nufn29. What did you want and not get? i wanted something that ill keep on the downlow .... bt didnt achieve my goal.... guttd!30. What was your favorite film of this year? heaps and heaps aye... top of the list tho amityville horror31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? i was 20 and i had a depressing day... seemed like everyone that i cared for and wuld do n e fing for forgot my bday... was quite tragic32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? no idea aye..... kinda ... well dunno33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005? the very chique "chuck on watever u happen to find" 34. What kept you sane? gud friends... and a bottle of vodka35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? chad michael murray and umm that dude from dat program... ya knw da one!... well i no wat im talkn about so dat counts!36. What political issue stirred you the most? political wat? 37. Who did you miss? my brother38. Who was the best new person you met?it wasnt just one person .. there are plenty... Stu...Flea... Janine...Karen....Jess... love yous all heaps and heaps39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:theres no point in stressing about shit in your life... take your time let things go and eventually it all works out...40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:..and when im gone just carry on, dont mourn, rejoice everytime you here the sound of my voice..
MELI KILISIMASI! ... or in english .... MERRI CHIRSTMAS!!!!i know its late but ive been fully slack in da LJ world... jst bn preoccupied wit stuff in my life... no not boy troubles as everyone always assumes... just personal matters that have arisen over the past year.... nothing that should bring me down... aint nothing gona break my stride .. no bodys guna slow me down! hahahaha well... that was a blast from the past!n e ways xmas was PHAT!!! 2 da days n e ways..... i got so cowed out it was awsumly awsum... (n e one dat knows me personally will knw i have a facination wit da moo moos aye! .. kinda suks tho coz i always get da double up but ... hey.. wat can u do... xmas isnt about gifts .. its about food!!! lol im kiddn... i knw the true meaning of xmas so its sall gud n da hood!i mist my bro even mor this year... suckt really .... its been 6 odd years... guess u neva reali get over it.....new years shld b phat... or utterly pimpn..... well hp it is n e ways... im goin up north ... hopefully! cant wait.... n e ways.... i hope everyones all g and lukn after themslvesholla back .. coz ur main beetch misses all u fullahs hard! lol ... i so can b black f i wanna b... wait a min tarshy... u ARE black... hahahahyahahaa my bad!
for those of you who dare to read whats under this LJ cut..... i give you mad respect! so sue me i was freaking bored man..... oh and THANKS HEAPS!
i know its been ages... but in the life of tarsh.... ITS BEEN FUCKING HECTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!Course sucks ass! isnt it just fucking annoying when youve spent THOUSANDS of dollars and nearly TWO FREAKIN YEARS doing the same shit .. and then realising that ... maybe this isnt the freakin profession you want to be in.... it fucking sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i basically had an emotional break down a couple of weeks back, main reason why i havent really been updating, just fully couldnt be bothered....ive lost contact with my friends, not intentional but i guess i shouldnt have been so harsh towards them... i guess...i dunno but you would think that if they were your friends they would be semi-understanding but i guess not...oh well.mums been back from her O.E for about month now, and i kinda thought everything would be better when she got back ... but that was just wishful thinking. I think everythings worse.but i guess im only thinking that coz in my heart and in the back of my mind, my mums had enough of life here. She wants to go home, her life in new zealand is so stressful for her.i kind of understand that she'll be more happier in singapore but im aloud to be selfish and want my mum to myself at the moment. but yeah, as ive said, that sbeing selfish, yeah im 20. i should have some sort of responsibility but i dont. im too freaking lazy and expect everyone to run around after me..... not a good thing i know but yeah.... kinda ummm yeah.i would say more but im kind not in the mood again all of a sudden....those who have stuck by me the last month or so....i thank you with all my heart.
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