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those of you w/ cold nodules
jsut recently i was told i have an enlarged thyroid. the right side is 2 xs the size of the left w/ 3 nodules. the iodine scan said that they ae cold. it been 2 months since my sonogram and my dr said that it looks bigger.
my question is has anybody had this and not be cancer? i am really nervous.
its wierd because all my thyroid tests have been normal as far as blood work tsh t3 and t4
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My Dr. said I could have that test but at this point I've decided to have 1/2 the thyroid removed due to needle biopsy showing &atypical& cells that were found.&&She said that the hot/cold test (cannot recall exact name) would be able to better predict the %'s of node being benign or malignant but said in my case it is pointless as I'm having the surgery.
Odds Odds Odds, %'s, %'s, %'s .. they drove me crazy in the beginning but now I'm sitting back realizing I cannot change what it will be but have an education and am prepared for what they find.&&
I wish they had a better way to determine the outcome before surgery .... but unfortuantely, not yet in our lifetime yet.
My Dr. said I could have that test but at this point I've decided to have 1/2 the thyroid removed due to needle biopsy showing &atypical& cells that were found.&&She said that the hot/cold test (cannot recall exact name) would be able to better predict the %'s of node being benign or malignant but said in my case it is pointless as I'm having the surgery.
Odds Odds Odds, %'s, %'s, %'s .. they drove me crazy in the beginning but now I'm sitting back realizing I cannot change what it will be but have an education and am prepared for what they find.&&
I wish they had a better way to determine the outcome before surgery .... but unfortuantely, not yet in our lifetime yet.
thanks so much ladies. i am very nervous. i just wan to get the needle aspiration done.
i am so nervous. it doesn help w/ my heart problems too
thanks so much ladies. i am very nervous. i just wan to get the needle aspiration done.
i am so nervous. it doesn help w/ my heart problems too
I'm sure you are nervous - and probably scared to death.&&Take a breath, this may seem overwhelming but it is manageable.&&You're right, the stress isn't good on your heart or your mind.
The chances of your nodules being malignant are still slim.&&However, *If* (and only IF) it is malignant, it's not the end of the world.&&The vast majority of thyroid cancers are VERY slow growing and VERY curable.&&In fact, as those of us who have had thi if you have to get cancer, this is the one to get.&&
Please schedule time to speak with your doctor and read some of the online resources.&&FNAs aren't always conclusive (there are quite a few posts about that lately) and it may be good for you to sit down with your doctor and explore all the options.&&You may want to take a friend with you too - often when we are emotional we don't hear (or remember hearing) everything that is told to us.&&Having another person there can help.
Breathe.&&&&Hang in there!!
I'm sure you are nervous - and probably scared to death.&&Take a breath, this may seem overwhelming but it is manageable.&&You're right, the stress isn't good on your heart or your mind.
The chances of your nodules being malignant are still slim.&&However, *If* (and only IF) it is malignant, it's not the end of the world.&&The vast majority of thyroid cancers are VERY slow growing and VERY curable.&&In fact, as those of us who have had thi if you have to get cancer, this is the one to get.&&
Please schedule time to speak with your doctor and read some of the online resources.&&FNAs aren't always conclusive (there are quite a few posts about that lately) and it may be good for you to sit down with your doctor and explore all the options.&&You may want to take a friend with you too - often when we are emotional we don't hear (or remember hearing) everything that is told to us.&&Having another person there can help.
Breathe.&&&&Hang in there!!
Hi Hollyloxx
I know that you can't help but be nervous and I'm sorry, this stuff is frightening.&&As I'm sure you know, &cold& nodules do have a higher incidence of malignancy than &hot& nodules but according to one of the best thyroid information sites out there:
Eighty-five percent of thyroid nodules are cold, 10 percent are warm, and five percent are hot. . . . 85 percent of cold nodules are benign, 90 percent of warm nodules are benign, and 95 percent of hot nodules are benign.&& Although thyroid scanning can give a probability that a nodule is benign or malignant, it cannot truly differentiate benign or malignant nodules and usually should not be used as the only basis for recommending treatment of the nodule, including thyroid surgery.&&()
Here are some great sites you might want to look at regarding your nodules:
These sites, and some of the postings on this forum, might give you some reassurance and help you discuss with your doctor what the next steps may be for your treatment.
Most of us who have had thyroid cancer had no abnormal thyroid labs.&&That's part of the frustration - there is no lab work that can tell us if we have a malignancy or not.&&Has your doctor told you how large the nodules may be?
One of the best things you can do is to educate yourself about your thyroid and possible outcomes so you can partner together with your doctor(s) for your health.&&Ask all the questions from this forum you want - that is what we are here for.&&You are definitely not alone in this as many of us have been through it and there are many more going through it right now.
Hi Hollyloxx
I know that you can't help but be nervous and I'm sorry, this stuff is frightening.&&As I'm sure you know, &cold& nodules do have a higher incidence of malignancy than &hot& nodules but according to one of the best thyroid information sites out there:
Eighty-five percent of thyroid nodules are cold, 10 percent are warm, and five percent are hot. . . . 85 percent of cold nodules are benign, 90 percent of warm nodules are benign, and 95 percent of hot nodules are benign.&& Although thyroid scanning can give a probability that a nodule is benign or malignant, it cannot truly differentiate benign or malignant nodules and usually should not be used as the only basis for recommending treatment of the nodule, including thyroid surgery.&&()
Here are some great sites you might want to look at regarding your nodules:
These sites, and some of the postings on this forum, might give you some reassurance and help you discuss with your doctor what the next steps may be for your treatment.
Most of us who have had thyroid cancer had no abnormal thyroid labs.&&That's part of the frustration - there is no lab work that can tell us if we have a malignancy or not.&&Has your doctor told you how large the nodules may be?
One of the best things you can do is to educate yourself about your thyroid and possible outcomes so you can partner together with your doctor(s) for your health.&&Ask all the questions from this forum you want - that is what we are here for.&&You are definitely not alone in this as many of us have been through it and there are many more going through it right now.
I have a cold nodule and it is large. I had a biopsy and turned out it was not cancerous but&&I am having half of my thyroid removed and should not have to be on medicatione either. It has been a very scarey experience for me too especially since I have been a generally healthy person but I am relieved to know it is benign & They say the surgery either way has good recovery. It is easy to panic but dont. It is treatable.
I have a cold nodule and it is large. I had a biopsy and turned out it was not cancerous but&&I am having half of my thyroid removed and should not have to be on medicatione either. It has been a very scarey experience for me too especially since I have been a generally healthy person but I am relieved to know it is benign & They say the surgery either way has good recovery. It is easy to panic but dont. It is treatable.
thanks so much you ladies!! i spoke w/ my dr and i get the feeling that even if its benign he sounds liek he wants it to be removed.
i go for the biopsy on the 19th
wish me luck
thanks so much you ladies!! i spoke w/ my dr and i get the feeling that even if its benign he sounds liek he wants it to be removed.
i go for the biopsy on the 19th
wish me luck
Best of luck!!!
Sounds like your doctor is on top of it and if he recommends you get it out . . . well, there is a lot to that saying &better safe than sorry&
Best of luck!!!
Sounds like your doctor is on top of it and if he recommends you get it out . . . well, there is a lot to that saying &better safe than sorry&
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those of you w/ cold nodules
jsut recently i was told i have an enlarged thyroid. the right side is 2 xs the size of the left w/ 3 nodules. the iodine scan said that they ae cold. it been 2 months since my sonogram and my dr said that it looks bigger.
my question is has anybody had this and not be cancer? i am really nervous.
its wierd because all my thyroid tests have been normal as far as blood work tsh t3 and t4
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We tapped the CDC for information on what you need to know about radiation exposure
Endocrinologist Mark Lupo, MD, answers 10 questions about thyroid disorders and how to treat them
How eating more salt may actually save your life.
A deeper look into the relationship between salt and hypertension.
Why checking at new times can help.
Could you benefit from this alternative glucose testing method?
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