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Saturn workers and managers share information, authority, and decision making. The Saturn car was a market triumph. But Saturn took seven years to roll out the first model and drained $5 billion from other car project. GM had been selling Saturn at a loss to build up market share.  
In 1992, GM’s labor costs were $2358 per car, compared with $1872 for Chrysler and $1563 for Ford. That made GM 40 percent less productive than Ford. These figures do not begin to approach those of the Japanese, whose automotive productivity surpasses all U.S.corporations.    CHRYSLER  In auto industry downturns, Chrysler was always the weakest of Detroit’s Big Three auto makers (GM, Ford, and Chrysler). Founded in the 1930s by Walter P. Chrysler through a series of mergers with smaller companies such as Dodge and DeSoto, Chrysler prided itself on superior engineering, especially in engines and suspensions. In the 1940s and 1950s, Chrysler grew into a small, highly centralized firm with very little vertical integration. Unlike Ford and GM, Chrysler relied on external suppliers for 70 percent of its major components and subassemblies, becoming more an auto assembler than a huge vertically integrated manufacturer such as GM. Although Chrysler did not develop a global market for its cars to cushion domestic downturns, its centralized and smaller firm could potentially move faster and be more innovative than its larger competitors.  During the late 1980s, Chrysler lost several hundred thousand units of sales annually because it did not make improvements in engine development and in its mass-market cars—the small subcompacts and large rear-wheel drive vehicles. There was no new family of mid-priced, mid-sized cars to rival Ford’s Taurus or Honda’s Accord. Customers could not distinguish Chrysler’s key car models and brands from each other, and thus migrated to other brands. By the early 1990s, fierce price cutting had upped Chrysler’s breakeven point (the number of cars the firm had to sell to start making a profit) to 1.9 million units, up from 1.4 million  
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   土星的工人和经理分享信息、权力和制定决策。土星汽车在市场上是成功的。但是土星花7年时间生产出第一辆样车,并且从其它项目中挪来50亿美元。通用汽车一直以来赔钱卖土星以争取市场份额。  1992年,通用汽车每辆车的劳力成本是2358美元,相比之下克莱斯勒是1872美元,福特是1563美元。这是的通用的劳动生产率比福特低40%。这些数字距离日本的很远,日本的汽车劳动生产率超过所有美国公司。
  克莱斯勒  在汽车产业低迷时期,克莱斯勒一直是底特律三大汽车产商(通用、福特和克莱斯勒)中最弱的。1930年代,通过兼并一系列的小公司如道奇、德索托,沃尔特P.克莱斯勒建立了克莱斯勒公司,克莱斯勒以其出色的工程技术而骄傲,特别是发动机和悬挂。在年代,克莱斯勒通过很小的纵向整合发展为一个小的、高度集中的公司。不像福特和通用,克莱斯勒依靠外部供应商提供它的70%的零件和次组装,与其说像通用那样是一个纵向整合的生产商,还不如说是一个汽车组装者。尽管克莱斯勒不为其汽车发展全球市场以缓冲国内市场低迷,它的集中和更小的公司可以有潜力发展更快,而且比那些大的竞争对手更有创新。
  Saturn workers 是土星的工人吗?
  Saturn 也许是个公司的名称
  Saturn 是GM汽车的一个车型


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