the growmore i grow ,th...

加急!英语200词作文The older I grow,the more brave i be要绝对原创,现在写,晚上我就要交.
The Older I Grow, the More Pains I HaveWhen I was young, life means nothing but eating and playing to me. I don't have to worry about shortage of money, the betray of friend or the change of a human's heart. My mother will give me almost whatever I want. And I can do anything without considering the consequence it may lead to.However, the older I grow, the more pains I have.As I entered the primary school, I have to finish my homework in time in order not to be penalized by the teachers and my parents. In middle school, I have to hide my love for the girl because it is not allowed to show your love in public. I have to study hard so as to pass the college entrance examination for the university I have been dreaming of. And in university, I have to learn how to distribute my time among those activities, my study and personal affairs. In order to hunt a good job, I have to try many times and experience a lot of failure. After working for several years, I have to consider founding a family with my love. Providing a good condition for the next generation is really a burden for everyone. I have to undergo the sadness of losing relatives. Educating child is a skillful work, and if my child goes to school, all of his or her troubles will be mine, too.Although the pains I have will become more and more, I am more and more mature to take care of them. Life is about meeting pains and solving them. Through that process, human beings become stronger. So the older I grow, the more pains I have, the more ways I know to fight these pains back.希望我的回答能够对您有所帮助,祝您天天开心!望采纳~~
Trying to become single after you’re married is just a way of saying “I don’t want to grow-up.”
Schoolchildren playing when-I-grow-up are rampant optimists, but so are grownups: a 2005 study found that adults over 60 are just as likely to see the glass half full as young adults.
I want to be a back-packer when I grow up.
While I did not play lacrosse, I did grow up a Caddyshack-quoting, Ralph Lauren-wearing cake-eater from a shiny northern Chicago suburb.
While I did not play lacrosse, I did grow up a Caddyshack-quoting, Ralph Lauren (nyse: RL - news - people )-wearing cake-eater from a shiny northern Chicago suburb.
I'll help you grow up'--and there was the tough woman who was making more money than the men.
- 来自原声例句
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