
Red Army's long march Monument Monument Park, the Red Army's long march to commemorate this great feat, carry forward the spirit of the Red Army and the construction of the long march. Main main monument, memorial halls, Qundiao, relief, as copper, if you have a student ID card, the elderly preferential treatment card, Jun Guanzheng, you can visit Free admission, tickets for 20 yuan Zhang. Walking around to visiting the one hour's time.long march is the leadership of the CPC carried out by a solemn and stirring, magnificent strategic shift in the history of Chinese revolution is of great significance.
红军长征纪念碑碑园,是为纪念红军长征这一伟大壮举,宏扬红军长征精神而修建的.主要有主碑、纪念馆、群雕、浮雕、铜象等, The Red Army's long march Monument Park is built to commemorate the remarkable Long March and spread the Long March-spirit of the Red Army.There are main monuments, memorial halls,sculptures and bronze statues inside.如果您有学生证、老年优待证、军官证、可以免票参观,票价为20元/张。徒步参观完大概要一个小时的时间。You can visit the park free of charge with your student ID card, army officer card or courtesy card for senior citizens. 20RMB/ticket.It takes about an hour to walk around the park.长征是中国工农红军在中国共产党的领导所进行的一次悲壮、雄伟的战略大转移,在中国革命史上具有重要的意义。The Long March is led by the Communist Party of China and committed by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army of China.It is a magnificent shift in strategic and of great significance in the history of Chinese Revolution.
红军长征纪念碑碑园,是为纪念红军长征这一伟大壮举,宏扬红军长征精神而修建的.主要有主碑、纪念馆、群雕、浮雕、铜象等,The Red Army's Long March monuments park ,is built to commemorate the
great feat of the Long March of the Red Army and carry on and promote the spirits of it,mainly including the main momument ,the emorial,group imagery/craves,basso-relievo ,copper shapes,and so on.如果您有学生证、老年优待证、军官证、可以免票参观,票价为20元/张。徒步参观完大概要一个小时的时间。 If you have a student certificate or an agedness favourable certificate or a military officer certificate,you can visit it free of charge.It is 20 yuan per tiket. It
will probably cost you an hour to walk around the park.长征是中国工农红军在中国共产党的领导所进行的一次悲壮、雄伟的战略大转移,在中国革命史上具有重要的意义。The Long March is a solemn,tragic, manful and heroic strategic displacing of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants under the leadership of Communist Party of China, bearing important significance in the history of Chinese revolution .
Red Army's long march Monument Monument Park, the Red Army's long march to commemorate this great feat, carry forward the spirit of the Red Army and the construction of the long march. Main main monument, memorial halls, Qundiao, relief, as copper, If you have a student ID card, the elderly preferential treatment card, Jun Guanzheng, you can visit Free admission, tickets for 20 yuan / Zhang. Walking around to visiting the one hour's time. 中国工农红军long march is the leadership of the CPC carried out by a solemn and stirring, magnificent strategic shift in the history of Chinese revolution is of great significance. 中文
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Red Army's long march Monument Monument Park, the Red Army's long march to commemorate this great feat, carry forward the spirit of the Red Army and the construction of the long march. Main main monument, memorial halls, Qundiao, relief, as copper,
&br& If you have a student ID card, the elderly preferential treatment card, Jun Guanzheng, you can visit Free admission, tickets for 20 yuan / Zhang. Walking around to visiting the one hour.
long march is the leadership of the CPC carried out by a solemn and stirring, magnificent strategic shift in the history of Chinese revolution is of great significance.
Red Army man expedition the monument tablet garden, is be for this one great magnificent feat commemorating Red Army man expedition , grand raise Red Army man expedition vigorous but builds. Have host tablet , memorial hall , vultures , emboss , copper elephant etc. mainly,If you have a student's identity card , old age gives preferential treatment to the certificate , the officer certificate , can be free of charge pay a visit to, for ticket price taking a look 20 yuan. Finish paying a visit to the time needing an hour presumedly on footA solemn and stirring , grand strategy being that Chinese Workers' and Peasant's Red Army is on the march in leadership of the CPC institute changes expedition greatly, on history of the Chinese revolution having important significance.
Red Army's long march Monument Monument Park, the Red Army's long march to commemorate this great feat, carry forward the spirit of the Red Army and the construction of the long march. Main main monument, memorial halls, Qundiao, relief, as copper,If you have a student ID card, the elderly preferential treatment card, Jun Guanzheng, you can visit the Free admission, tickets for 20 yuan / Zhang. Walking around to visiting the one hour's time.中国工农红军long march is the leadership of the CPC carried out by a solemn and stirring, magnificent strategic shift in the history of Chinese revolution is of great significance.
Red Army's long march Monument Monument Park, the Red Army's long march to commemorate this great feat, carry forward the spirit of the Red Army and the construction of the long march. Main main monument, memorial halls, Qundiao, relief, as copper, If you have a student ID card, the elderly preferential treatment card, Jun Guanzheng, you can visit Free admission, tickets for 20 yuan / Zhang. Walking around to visiting the one hour's time. Chinese Workers' and Peasant's long march is the leadership of the CPC carried out by a solemn and stirring, magnificent strategic shift in the history of Chinese revolution is of great significance.
Ulianov oblast Kurgan Oblast Sverdlov Oblast Tiumen Oblast Chelyabinsk Oblast Republic of Altai Buryat Republic Tyva Republic Republic of Khakassia
Altai Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo oblast Novosibirsk Obalst Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast Chitinsk Oblast Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Primorsky Krai Khabarovsk Krai Amur Oblast Kamchatka Krai Magadan Oblast Sakhalin Oblast Jewish Autonomous Obalst Chukotka Autonomous Okrug全是俄罗斯的地名 谢了
乌里扬诺夫州 库尔干州 斯维尔德洛夫州 Tiumen州 车里雅宾斯克州 阿尔泰共和国 布里亚特共和国 图瓦共和国 哈卡斯共和国 阿尔泰边疆区 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区 伊尔库茨克州 克麦罗沃州 新西伯利亚Obalst 鄂木斯克州 托木斯克州 Chitinsk州 萨哈共和国(雅库特) 滨海边疆区 哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区 阿穆尔州 堪察加边疆区 马加丹州 萨哈林州 犹太自治州Obalst 楚科奇自治区
Krasnoyarsk Krai
Primorsky Krai
BAIDU 里一搜 大把......
我不知道该说些什么 但是对于喜欢过的人我仍然很在乎她是否会快乐 对与没有保证的未来 我实在不敢奢求什么
同时 也感谢曾经对我付出的所有.没有遗忘,没有后悔,只有感谢!
i don't know what to say. but i still care much about the one who i loved before if she is happy now.To the uncertain future, i honestly dare not hope for anything ,meanwhile , i also appreciate it for all i have spent.I'm here ,without forgetness, without regret,only with thankness.鄙视楼上机器翻译
I don't know what should I say, but I still want to know whether the girl who I loved is happy or not. I don't have wild wishes about the non-guaranteed future. Also, I thank for all she did to me. I have no forgeting, no regret, but only thankfulness.
i don't know what i should say, but i still feel concerned in the happiness of those i have liked before,
according to an unpromised future, i really don't want to be extravagant over anything. at the same time, i also thank you for everything you have offered me. no forgetting, no regretting, only being thankful!
I did not know should say any, but regarding has liked the person I still very much cares about her whether can be joyful To with the guarantee future, I really has not dared extravagant demands any, simultaneously, also thank once pays to me all Has not forgotten, had not regretted, only has the thanks!
我不知道该说些什么 但是对于喜欢过的人我仍然很在乎她是否会快乐 对与没有保证的未来 我实在不敢奢求什么 同时 也感谢曾经对我付出的所有.没有遗忘,没有后悔,只有感谢!I do not know what to say.
For someone I loved, I do care if she will be happy.
For the unknown future, I dare not to expect anything.
After all, I am grateful for everything she had for me.
Never fo just gratitude.
I don't know what should I say, yet I still deeply concerned about loved one, wether she is happy. As to the undetermined future, I was really fear of to ask more. At the same time, I pretty appriciate what you doing before. and the last thing left was not regretting,forgetting, but appriciating.
Italian card makers preserved the Queen, along with a King, for use in a new game, called Tarocco. Also added were a wild card (the Fool) and 21 special cards, mystical symbols that served as trumps (originally meaning &triumphs&). Among the Florentines, the trump suit expanded until their Tarocco totaled 97 cards. The game spread northwards, called Tarot by speakers of French and Tarock by speakers of German. In Germany and Austro-Hungary, the trump cards were allowed to illustrate any variety of new scenes and subjects. In all nations, the concept of trumps also came to be applied to common cards, no longer requiring any picture cards beyond the usual courts. The Tarot did not acquire its modern use by fortune tellers until the 1780s when French scholars interpreted the old Italian symbols as &hieroglyphs& from ancient Egypt, the reputed source of Western magic and occult philosophy. Now, Tarot decks are made, sold and advertised for divination, with no awareness that they were originally used in common games.
意大利的纸牌创始人保留了Q 连同K,组建一个新的游戏,叫塔罗牌 并且添加了一张百搭牌[愚人]和21张特别的牌.......[太多 不想翻 理解是什么东东就好]
镒忓ぇ鍒╁崱搴勫?淇濆瓨濂崇帇,浼撮殢镌锲界帇,鐢ㄤ竴绉嶆柊镄勬父鎴?鍙??缃楃?. Also added were a wild card (the Fool) and 21 special cards, mystical symbols that served as trumps (originally meaning &triumphs&).杩樿?琚?崱(绗ㄨ泲)銆?1鐗瑰埆鍗$?绉樼?鍙?鍏呭綋澶╂椂鍦板埄浜哄拰(铡熸湰镒忎箟镄?杈夌厡&). Among the Florentines, the trump suit expanded until their Tarocco totaled 97 cards.鍏朵腑florentines,鏉镓奶タ瑁呮墿澶у埌97濉旗绥绉戝崱浣欓?. The game spread northwards, called Tarot by speakers of French and Tarock by speakers of German.娓告垙鍚戝寳钄揿欢,绉颁负链涜翻闀灭殑婕旇?璁叉硶璇?拰寰疯?tarock浜? In Germany and Austro-Hungary, the trump cards were allowed to illustrate any variety of new scenes and subjects.鍦ㄥ痉锲藉拰濂ュ寛镄勭帇鐗岃?鍏佽?澶氱?鏂版櫙璞?璇存槑浠讳綍闂??. In all nations, the concept of trumps also came to be applied to common cards, no longer requiring any picture cards beyond the usual courts.鍦ㄦ墍链夊浗瀹?涔熸潵鍒板ぉ镞跺湴鍒╀汉鍜屾?蹇靛簲鐢ㄤ簬鏅?氩崱涓嶅啀暗瑕佷换浣曞浘鐗囧崱闄や简涓鑸?殑娉曢櫌. The Tarot did not acquire its modern use by fortune tellers until the 1780s when French scholars interpreted the old Italian symbols as &hieroglyphs& from ancient Egypt, the reputed source of Western magic and occult philosophy.涓嶆帉鎻$幇浠g殑链涜翻闀滀緵绠楀懡鐩村埌濂囱抗褰撴硶锲芥棫涔夊ぇ鍒╃?鍙峰?钥呰В璇讳负&璞〃舰鏂囧瓧&,浠庡彜浠e焹鍙婅?瑾変负瑗挎柟榄斿够镄勬潵婧愬拰闅愬尶鍝插?. Now, Tarot decks are made, sold and advertised for divination, with no awareness that they were originally used in common games.鐜板湪,妗ラ溃镄勬湜杩滈暅,骞跺岽鍑哄箍锻婂崰鍗?娌℃湁璁よ瘑鍒板畠浠?师链?敤浜庡睿鍚屾父鎴?
意大利卡庄家保存女王,伴随着国王,用一种新的游戏,叫塔罗科. 还说被卡(笨蛋)、21特别卡 神秘符号,充当天时地利人和(原本意义的&辉煌&). 其中florentines,杀手西装扩大到97塔罗科卡余额. 游戏向北蔓延,称为望远镜的演讲讲法语和德语tarock了. 在德国和奥匈的王牌被允许多种新景象,说明任何问题. 在所有国家,也来到天时地利人和概念应用于普通卡 不再需要任何图片卡除了一般的法院. 不掌握现代的望远镜供算命直到奇迹当法国旧义大利符号学者解读为&象形文字&,从古代埃及 被誉为西方魔幻的来源和隐匿哲学. 现在,桥面的望远镜,并卖出广告占卜, 没有认识到它们原本用于共同游戏.


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