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添加方式2.搜索微信号ikekenet添加即可。The Nineteen Villages of Bagan, Myanmar(Burma)
Ancient Capital of
Bagan Hotel Reservation
The Nineteen Villages of Bagan
(1) Nagabo
Nagabo is situated at E 94.8757° N 21.1767° and is now a
palimpsest of Bagan era and later
buildings, located to the east and southeast of modern Taungbi
(2) Nagakyit
Nagakyit is situated at E 94.8946° N 21.1929° and was located
between the Wetkyi-in stream and the Shwezigon Pagoda, according
to an inscription in the Shwezigon that mentions a village
called Naga Kyitmaw.
(3) Anurada or Myinkaba
Anurada is situated at E 94.8654° N 21.1552° and is today called
Myinkaba, and is the only Pali name found among the nineteen
(4) Ywasaik
Ywasaik is situated at E 94.8918° N 21.15° and is estimated to
have been near the modern villages of east and west Phaw Saw.
The &third palace&, said to have been founded by King Thike-tine-min
in 514 AD, is believed to have been located here on the
perimeter of the Bagan archaeological zone.
(5) Nyaung U
Nyaung-U is situated at E 94.9101° N 21.2011° and it is a modern
market town and administrative centre, retains its archaic name.
Housing developments in the area make new archaeological
discoveries difficult, though open excavations from construction
work remain potential sources of information.
(6) Kyaussaga
Kyaussaga is situated at E 94.8681° N 21.1277° and, it is east
of the present day Thiripyitsaya village, is south of New Bagan
and on the southern bank of Ye-O-Zin stream. Thiripyitsaya is
said to have been the second capital, located near the
Lawkananda pagoda, a riverside structure that prominently marks
the southern extent of the city.
Kyinlo is situated at E 94.9133° N 21.0792° and is a site in a
cultivated field east of Kinka on the
Bagan-Chauk road, and north of Kyaukkan.
(8) Taungba
Taungba is situated at E 94.9656° N 21.1259° and is a village
near the road between Nyaung-U and Kyaukpadaung, within view of
the Tooth Relic Pagoda on Tuyin Mountain. It was relocated in
modern times due to highway construction. There are several
sites of historic and archaeological significance. The Phaya Hti
Saung or Hti Ta Hsaung pagoda, located one kilometre northwest
of Taungba village, is reputed to enshrine bodily relics of the
medieval monk, Shin Arahan, who is credited with being mentor to
King Anawrahta.
(9) Yonhlut
Yonhlut is situated at E 94.9647° N 21.1133°, also known as Yon
Hlut Kyun, is a name that has
been variously translated as Free Rabbit Island, Free Animal
Forest, A Jungle Where Rabbits Were Set Free, or The Place of
the Hare's Release. To confuse matters, an island in the
Ayeyarwady River opposite Bagan is also called Yon Hlut Kyun,
although its claim to historical status barely goes back 50
(10) Myegedwin
Myegedwin is situated at E 95.0024° N 21.1337°. The present
village of Mye-thindwin is only
150 years old, but the area is claimed in local folklore to have
been the birthplace of Bagan's first king, Thamuddarit.
Zi-o is situated at E 95.0411° N 21.1087°. Numerous abandoned
furnaces for smelting iron have been located near this village.
The unrestored Gu Gyaung pagoda complex near Mye-thindwin
features a stupa on the western side of a small temple There is
also a brick foundation of a third structure, eight by ten
(12) Kokko
Kokko is situated at E 95.0195° N 21.0989° and was abandoned,
according to local records, in 1878 and families transferred to
neighbouring villages, including Mye-thindwin. Locals believe
that Myin-kwe-min, said to have become king at Bagan in AD 716,
was the son of a wealthy man from Kokko. On an unexcavated mound
of potsherds up to two metres high, remains from the Bagan and
Ava periods have been recovered.
(13) Kokkethein
Kokkethein is situated at E 95.06267 N 21.03181 and is claimed
by the people of Panidwin to be the original name of their
village. It is one of several villages in the eastern hinterland
of Bagan with a substantial presence of old furnaces for
extracting iron from natural iron nodules in the soil.
Tuti is situated at E 95.0163° N 20.9850°, modern Suti, has at
least three fields nearby which contain old potsherds. A hint of
antiquity is contained in the name of the village monastery,
Than-bo or &iron smelting&. There are old iron furnaces nearby,
and local people report digging up bronze bowls with lids.
(15) Nyaungwun
Nyaungwun is situated at E 94.9905° N 20.9597°, the present
Tetma village, is near the southernmost tip of the Tuyin
mountain range. Its older name was Nyaung Bin or Banyan Tree
village, on account of big banyan trees that once surrounded it.
Around the village are old and ruined furnaces for smelting
(16) Ywamon
Ywamon is situated at E 95.0707° N 21.2861° and is an abandoned
settlement known today as
Shwetaung Ywahmine, near Letpanchibaw.
(17) Letpanchibaw
Letpanchibaw is situated at E 95.0627° N 21.2828°. It is an
excavation site where artifacts found included potsherds,
domestic utensils, stone and bronze weapons, beads, ear plugs
and stone rings.
(18) Onmya
Onmya situated at E 94.8675° N 20.9065°.
(19) Singu
Singu is situated at E94.8675° N 20.9065° are in the canonical
list of nineteen villages.
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Travel Myanmar Net这是个机器人猖狂的时代,请输一下验证码,证明咱是正常人~VOA Special English - British Singer Adele Is Number One in America
British Singer Adele Is Number One in America
By June Simms and Caty Weaver
Photo: AP First lady Michelle Obama was introduced by Aissatou Hamidou Diallo, 13, from Burkino Faso, at the White House on Tuesday. The reception marked the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day.
DOUG JOHNSON: Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC in VOA Special English.
I'm Doug Johnson. This week, we play music from Adele's new album, which is number one on Billboard's top two hundred ...
And we answer a question from Thailand about former basketball star Michael Jordan ...
But first, a report on the state of women and girls in the United States.
Women in America
DOUG JOHNSON: March is National Women's History Month in the United States. It is a time to recognize, honor and celebrate the important part that women play in shaping America's history. It is also a time to call attention to the social, political and economic?problems facing women and girls. Faith Lapidus has our story.
FAITH LAPIDUS: Earlier this month, the White House Council on Women and Girls released a historic report on the condition of women in America. It is the first time since nineteen sixty-three that the government has released such a detailed report on the subject.
The report is called "Women in America: Indicators of Social and Economic Well-Being."
The report says women have made major progress is several important areas. But, it says, there is still much work to be done.
Women today are more educated, have better jobs and earn better pay than at any other time in history. There are also more women than men graduating from high school, enrolling in college and attending graduate school. In fact, women are expected to represent nearly sixty percent of all college undergraduate enrollment by the year twenty nineteen.
All of these advances represent major progress for women. However, the White House report also noted some serious problems.
For example, female workers continue to be paid less than male workers. The report said that in two thousand nine women at all educational levels earned about seventy percent of what men earned. Women were also more likely than men to live in poverty. This was especially true for unmarried women with children. Twenty-eight percent of this group had income levels that were below the poverty line.
President Obama noted such inequities in his Presidential Proclamation for Women's History Month. Mr. Obama said countries are more peaceful and successful when their female citizens enjoy equal rights, equal voices and equal chances for success.
He also said the United States must lead by example in protecting women's rights and supporting their empowerment. Women are fifty-one percent of the total population in America.
National Women's History Month grew out of National Woman's Day which was first celebrated in the United States in nineteen hundred and?nine. The observance was celebrated worldwide as International Women's Day in nineteen eleven. Congress expanded it into a month-long celebration in the United States in nineteen eighty-seven.
This year's National Women's History Month celebration is called "Our History is Our Strength." Programs and ceremonies are planned around the country to celebrate women's successes.
Michael Jordan
APMichael Jordan at a Chicago Bulls game last month with former teammate Scottie Pippen
DOUG JOHNSON: Our question this week comes from Thailand. Kitichai asks about the career of Michael Jordan, his favorite American basketball player.
Michael Jordan is widely considered the greatest basketball player of all time. He is most famous for playing for the Chicago Bulls, but later in his career he played briefly for the Washington Wizards.
Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born in the Brooklyn area of New York City in nineteen sixty-three. He went to high school and college in North Carolina. He played basketball at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was chosen to play for the Chicago Bulls in nineteen eighty-four.
Michael Jordan played for the Bulls for thirteen years. During this time, the team won six championships. Jordan became one of the highest scoring players in the National Basketball Association. He averaged thirty points a game during the regular season. He was recognized as the NBA's most valuable player five times during the regular season.
Michael Jordan became famous for the way he jumped through the air to throw the ball into the net and score points. This skill earned him the nicknames "Air Jordan" and "His Airness." Jordan also became known around the world for appearing in advertisements for companies including Nike, Gatorade and Coca-Cola.Michael Jordan also won gold medals in nineteen eighty-four and nineteen ninety-two representing the United States basketball team during the summer Olympic Games.
Jordan retired from the Chicago Bulls in nineteen ninety-four to play minor league baseball for one season. He retired from the team permanently in nineteen ninety-nine. He played briefly for the Washington Wizards starting in two thousand one.
In two thousand six, Michael Jordan bought a minority ownership in the Charlotte Bobcats professional basketball team. In two thousand ten, his company, MJ Holdings, reached an agreement to buy the team from the Bobcats' majority owner. Last March, Michael Jordan became the first former National Basketball Association player to be majority owner of an NBA team.
Adele's "21"
ReutersSinger Adele arrives at the Brit Awards in London last month
DOUG JOHNSON: British singer Adele's new album has taken first position on Billboard Magazine's Top Two Hundred Albums chart in its first week. Her recording "21" now is headed into its second week at number one. The smoky voiced twenty-two-year-old sings about heartbreak on her new album. Bob Doughty plays some of the new songs.
BOB DOUGHTY: Adele recently told a reporter that she has not healed from the end of the relationship she sings about in "21." She laughed and said she would not recover until she fell in love again.
Here she is with the fiery "Rolling in the Deep."
However, Adele can feel very secure about her career. Her first album, "19," was released two years ago. It charted in the top ten of Billboard's Top Two Hundred Albums. It sold more than one million copies around the world. And Adele won Best New Artist at that year's Grammy Awards. Here Adele slows down the beat with "Take it All."
Adele is beginning a concert series in the United States in May. Current plans have her first appearing in Washington, D.C. May twelfth. Her last show is expected to be June twentieth in the "home of country music," Nashville, Tennessee. We leave you with Adele performing "I'll Be Waiting," from her album "21."
DOUG JOHNSON: I'm Doug Johnson. Our program was written by June Simms and Caty Weaver who was also the producer.
If you have a question about American life, write to . We might answer your question on this show. So please include your name and country.
Join us again next week for , VOA's radio magazine in Special English.
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