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Tomonobu Itagaki On Dead or Alive 5: &My Daughter Was Totally Ruined& - Siliconera
Tomonobu Itagaki On Dead or Alive 5: &My Daughter Was Totally Ruined&
. December 2, 2014 . 12:32pm
Remember Devil’s Third? That’s the third-person shooter being created by Tomonobu Itagaki, formerly of Team Ninja. Nintendo announced at E3 this year that they would be publishing the game, and had Itagaki’s studio, Valhalla, demonstrate it during their E3 livestream.
Of late, Itagaki has taken to Facebook to interact with his closest fans, and has been assuring them that Devil’s Third has come a long way since its E3 reveal, at least in terms of visual quality.
While replying to a fan asking about shooting mechanics, Itagaki : “This is a screenshot from the E3 build in June… good news for you guys here. The amount of progress we’ve made since then will surprise anyone. Higher-quality textures, improved weapon and environment models, better lighting… it’s looking completely different now.”
In another reply, Itagaki posted: “Buttons/levers assignment were changed from E3 version. Plus, HUD’s UI was changed, too.”
Prior to co-founding Valhalla Studios, Itagaki used to work at Team Ninja, where he developed Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive. Despite the fact he resigned from Team Ninja years ago, Itagaki is still rather attached to the Dead or Alive series, which he helped create, and it looks like he isn’t happy with the way the more recent games have turned out.
In response to a fan complaining about Dead or Alive 5, Itagaki : “I have started to find how/what I can do for my daughter/DOA. Straightly speakin’, my daughter was totally ruined, spoiled. I can’t/shouldn’t avert my eyes from that fact. Many DOA fans here are crying, I will do something for DOA after I finished Devil’s Third.”
Itagaki was part of Team Ninja owner Tecmo until 2008, following which he left the company
for unpaid bonuses. Ever since, he has had less-than-flattering things to say about the company, including one story about how
into releasing Dead or Alive 2 before it was complete. Read more stories about
on Siliconera.
Video game stories from other sites on the web. These links leave Siliconera.
&div&&img src="//secure-/cgi-bin/m?ci=us-603339h&cg=0&cc=1&ts=noscript" width="1" height="1" alt="" /&&/div&11 Ways Growing Up Abroad is Ruining My Daughter’s Life. | elephant journal
Via Crystal Blueon Oct 17, 2014
After living abroad for a year and a half now (in the Mexican Caribbean and the Marshall Islands) with my 7-year-old daughter, I have compiled a list of the many reasons this has ruined my daughter’s life forever.
I have ruined my daughter’s life because…
1. She gets confused as to which language to speak.
She thinks and operates in another language now, and has had to overcome the hurdle of not only knowing but learning the language, and figuring out how to rise above language barriers and find a humanitarian commonality from which to make friends.
This will for sure work to her disadvantage, as a child, when continuing to make diverse friends internationally, as a teenager when remembering that all humans are equal, and also later in life in graduate school or her professional job, which will most likely require bilingualism by then, if not trilingualism as a unique ability and necessary standard in the global workplace. She might even get paid more (eek!).
2. She doesn’t have a TV.
Instead of watching TV, she is snorkeling the open ocean, exploring turquoise , hiking ancient ruins, and trekking pacific islands. God, the nerve.
To be outside adventuring, exercising, discovering nature coming to life right before your very eyes, touching it, smelling it, hearing it. I mean, TV is so much better. I wish we had one.
3. None of her friends are American.
All of her friends are Mexican. Argentine. Italian. Spanish. Marshallese. What a bummer.
She has had to understand and accept what other cultures are like at such a young age. She has had to learn about global diversity and understanding and respect early or she wouldn’t have any friends. In our globalized world today, this will definitely work against her when she becomes the spokesperson for global compassion and equality because her roots of this conceptual understanding run so deep.
4. She doesn’t have a big house or new car anymore.
She has a room and a
that she shares with her mom. I feel bad not providing her with this American dream anymore and replacing it with an international dream of experiences, rather than material items and luxurious comforts that make us comfortable but don’t challenge our soul.
I feel bad no longer having a big house and being tied down to life and pressures and responsibilities and stressors that affect my child as well.
I feel bad not having two living rooms and three bathrooms anymore so that half of the house goes to waste, yet takes up room on the block that homeless people could be living in, and ringing up utility bills that are more expensive than a plane ticket to another amazing paradise.
5. She doesn’t have a lot of plastic toys.
She doesn’t have that many toys here, because we need to fly, and because this is a society not as interested in hoarding plastic crap. She has a few Barbies, but not the Barbie convertible, salon, restaurant, dream house, jacuzzi tub and poodle club or whatever other Barbie accessories are available. We keep it simple.
Take the Barbie to the cenote, that’s her jacuzzi. Brush the Barbie’s hair, that’s the salon. Or better yet, play with sticks and shells and sand and palm leaves and coconuts and the ocean.
She has long forgotten about her entire playroom and bedroom and loft and den and living room and dining room full of dollies and horsies and blocks and brain teaser puzzles and purses and play kitchens and easels and play pianos and my little ponies and my little sparkles and whatever else I packed up in a million boxes and drove off to Goodwill last year.
She has never even mentioned any of it.
And now, when she is good, we go snorkeling. She now realizes that money doesn’t buy this happiness. She realizes that a new doll won’t bring her the same happiness that seeing her favorite rainbow fish will, and that comforts don’t either.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, which fosters detachment and repels greediness, cultivates simplicity, natural love, , and outdoor adventure, all tragic things that will in no way ever work to her benefit, now or later down the road.
I hope she can someday forgive me for this.
6. She doesn’t know about stress.
Her mother has time for her. She is not running here and there and going to dinner parties and running in for dinner groceries and waiting for a Redbox and getting road rage in the rush hour traffic, and being on the cell phone the whole time during the madness.
Her mother has time for her, all day, all night, rarely stressed, no car, a basic phone for safety, together 24 hours a day adventuring and sharing and laughing and being unstressed and happy and free.
She knows flow and ease. I am not too busy for her anymore because I am making money to provide our big house that we don’t need and other things that bring conveniences and comforts of a different world, and provide external happiness and accomplishment to a culture that judges each other by the size and location of their houses instead of the character of their heart.
7. She is .
She is a strong, independent, intelligent adventurer who learns from mistakes and finds answers for herself. She busts into that new school of Mexicans not knowing a word of their language and makes 10 friends in two seconds. She free dives the Caribbean and remote Pacific, swims in big waves, hikes barefoot, eats foreign foods and is never ever scared or even blinks an eye. Talk about adaptation and zest for life! This will suck later when she travels alone, confidently goes off to college or scuba dives for the first time at age eight.
8. The world is her classroom, and nature is her playground.
She is learning the stars in the sky, the way ocean tides work, the different fish in the sea, that Mayans sleep in hammocks and palapas stay really dry, that tortillas are made over coals and the taxi ride from town to the beach is 50 pesos for locals.
She is learning how to make baskets out of coconut leaves and what fish are toxic to eat and what snakes are poisonous and when coconuts rot and the colors of the sky at sunset and when it’s about to rain and how to count to a million in sand granules and km and Celsius conversions and what lychees taste like.
She is so curious. She craves knowledge, adventure, happiness and more beautiful life.
9. She is thankful.
She is thankful for the little, free things in life. I mean big things, like sunshine and seahorses, like baby turtles and fresh drinking water, time with mommy, bare feet, health, understanding another language, colorful reef, universal friendships and rainbows.
Not stuff. She is not thankful for stuff. She is thankful for nature, and for things that we have that others do not, putting life in perspective. She is not thankful for a new boat we have that a classmate doesn’t, but for flip flops when our neighbors don’t have any, or thankful for a fan at night for sleeping or a shower with hot water instead of cold. She is thankful for free adventure and life exploration.
10. Humanity is her family.
There are no colors anymore. There are no languages. There are people. There are beautiful human beings waiting to share friendships and be loved, waiting to be understood and accepted. She realizes that we are all equal. No matter where in the world we live, what we do, or what we look like. Here, we are the different ones, and sometimes it takes a lesson like that to really understand.
11. And last, she is learning that dreams come true.
She is watching her mommy pave her way of happiness and bring amazing things to life. Things that were once ideas in the heart are now morning activities and life perspectives.
She is learning that anything we dream up and want in this life, we can make happen. Anything that we don’t like, we have the power to change. Anything that we believe in and love, we deserve to have. Anything that makes us happy, we can experience.
She is learning that nothing is impossible, beyond reach or silly to dream.
She is learning that we have one life, and we deserve to live that the way we believe.
And she is learning that dreams are not meant to be dreams, but inspiration and encouragement to live and achieve and believe, to hope and pray and lead and do.
Relephant Reads:
Another way to do it differently:
Love elephant and want to go steady?
Bonus: Go get lost and be humbled—tips for mindful travel.
Editor: Emily Bartran
Photos: Author’s Own
Mindful Travel Tips:
Waylon and his mother talk about growing up Buddhist:
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Crystal Blue
Crystal Blue: Writer, international educator, anthropologist, adventurer, mindful liver, bohemian world traveler, dream coach, blogger at Enlightened Globetrekker, and free spirit mama to River, age 7. She recently moved from Tulum, Mexico and now lives in the Marshall Islands, South Pacific where she eats coconuts, philosophizes the good life, and relaxes in hammocks remembering when she once worked in an office before she followed her dreams. Follow her international adventure at
or on Facebook at . Visit Crystal on.
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Get Elephant Journal's DailyWake-Up Call.I was going to sleep, then write this up tomorrow (aka later today) but dammit...
I can't quite sleep just yet, the brain is slightly revved from a double bill of completely radically different horror films whose only connecting thread is Eli Roth.
I'll write about THE LAST EXORCISM tomorrow, the film he produced...
right now, I'm here to write about how Eli Roth followed up his SAG AWARD WINNING ENSEMBLE performance in INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS - to play a man judging a wet t-shirt contest in PIRANHA 3D.
Ya know...
I can't argue with how he abused his new found cred.
I think spending a day or two surrounded by crazy fit naked or bikini wearing babes...
while you get to spray them down...
Laurence Olivier never had that chance?
What about Alec Guinness?
In fact, I'm not sure of my facts...
but Eli might be the first SAG award winning actor to play a Wet T-Shirt Contest Judge...
And ya know what.
I believed it.
I believed he was wetting down those T-Shirts - because I saw how the white material just melted away to reveal a shit ton of fake boobies with pert nipples.
Maybe 30 girls.
Just in the contest - not counting the HUNDREDS in Bikinis on all sides of the frame, no matter where the camera turned... be it in a helicopter, underwater, on a crane, in a speedboat...
there were tits to be judged by us the audience members watching this film.
Directed by the crazy French bastard behind HAUTE TENSION, which I love...
and when you think of his HILLS HAVE EYES remake and that MIRRORS film...
he created a trio of beautifully shot - tonally serious horror films.
This time out, Alex Aja has decided to make a teenager - spring break lovers' wet dream of a 3D HORROR Softcore masturbation fantasy.
I can only assume that the MPAA was giggling so much that they missed the 5 minutes or so of naked Annette Kellerman/Esther Williams underwater ballet with carnal passion.
you have two underage teen characters that got on, essentially...
Doing bodyshots with lesbian kisses.
But really...
let's go back to that water ballet.
I really truly felt that it could very well be one of the most beautifully constructed cinematic moments in history that will be a centerpiece upon .
This film fully embraces the absurdity of PIRANHA.
I still prefer Joe Dante's original...
but it is miles better than PIRANHA 2: THE SPAWNING which was only partially directed by James Cameron.
But Aja's version...
The gore is pretty fucking insane.
The tits, the split-tail, the cock...
its all there.
I do need to warn those of you that can't handle puking scenes...
this has a pretty aggressive one... in 3D.
That reminds me, I saw Scott Weinberg complaining about the 3D on Twitter...
Actually with the exception of the Titles at the beginning - it worked cheesily well with the film.
Of course, I was at the Alamo Drafthouse South - whose 3D has been personally tweaked by James Cameron's techies for optimal perfection - and has been left alone since.
The result is a screen that has the ideal brightness - which is key when choosing a 3D theater.
Sadly - that isn't always the case - so your miles may vary on the 3D.
In Austin - at the Alamo South - I can say thumbs up for epic titties in 3D.
Sadly, Miss Adventures in Babysitting...
we don't see busting out.
As she's playing the Sheriff - with the Son on the Bang Boat and the little kids on this little island needing to be rescued.
The best performance by far belongs to the two naked chicks doing the underwater ballet.
Nominate this film for BEST COSTUME DESIGN - brilliant costume design.
Do we really need to award that award based upon yards of cloth used in Victorian times - or do we judge the absolute perfect minimalism that was exhibited in this film.
It is time for Sanja Milkovic Hays to thank the Academy.
But outside the European Artsy Fartsy nude underwater ballet chicks - the best performance belongs to Christopher Lloyd.
He's epic.
Hearing ol Doc Brown exclaim crazily about the Piranhas
At least 5 times in his opening scene the audience applauded...
not Christopher Lloyd's tits - but his oratory prowess.
Exclamations that make you wonder...
Why isn't he President of the United States.
I was willing to vote for him based solely upon his work on TAXI.
But here - I won't deny there's simply a nostalgic kneejerk expression of love for Lloyd.
But also... he rules.
Then there's Richard Dreyfuss' "could be Hooper" performance - and while I must admit, the audience was crazy enthusiastic about him...
I was hoping there would be more of him.
The PIRANHA are never real.
These are epic prehistoric piranha.
But they are animated to be closer to GREMLINS than predatory cock & tit eating Jesus symbols...
There's no way you can talk about the film without going gore gaga over the main attack that hits during the Wet T-Shirt contest.
I'm relatively positive that this film used more blood than any film in film history.
I'm thinking Elevator scene in THE SHINING...
times 3000.
More than that though was the crazy awesome gore by KNB.
There's crazy awesome make-up effects here that just don't stop.
For every moment that the CG fish get on your nerves, there's 6 gore gags by KNB that are just epic.
But is it a good film.
Before the film, Eli did an impersonation of Aja's intentions in making this film as described at a certain get together of a few members of the SPLAT PACK...
and the word, "Guilty Pleazhure" came out of Eli's frenchy best Aja speaking mouth.
"The guilt will cause exquisite pleazhure.
The pleazhure of guilT!"
This is that film.
You can't describe the movie as great...
other than the underwater naked makeout ballet...
which I have to say isn't quite at RED SHOES levels.
But it is way easier to pound one out to.
As I was saying, you can't describe the movie as great, but you could possibly have a great time with it.
If you don't want to see something goofily ridiculous...
then don't drop the change on the movie.
But if you and your friends want to laugh at the utter absurdity of prehistoric piranhas chewing through a woman's face and out her mouth...
or what is left of a Playboy Playmate's body that can float...
or any numbers of other absurdist goofy, ridiculously unlikely scenarios and situations...
well then, this is a pretty great time.
Just don't expect to see it anywhere near Oscar time...
unless it is for Sanja Milkovic Hays' brilliant minimalistic costume design.
Cuz that folks...
that is fucking art.
Good night and dream of 3D boobies by the bushel.
That's what this movie is all about!
Oh - and gore.
Lots of it.
And gremlin fish.
And body shots...
both meanings of that.
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