
run-in是什么意思 run-in在线翻译 run-in什么意思 run-in的意思 run-in的翻译 run-in的解释 run-in的发音 run-in的同义词 run-in的反义词 run-in的例句
run-inrun-in 基本解释n. 试车, 插入部分, 口角, [计]平行式run-in 网络解释1. 试车周期& & run-down time 停转时间 | run-in period 试车周期 | run-in test 空车试验2. 磨合期& & run in n. 磨合试车 | run in period 磨合期 | run in with 驶进...3. 准备期& & 转换transformation | 准备期run in period | 准确度测验accuracy testrun-in 网络例句1. That will be important to us in the run-in. & &对我们争冠也很重要。2. I had a run-in with my mum. & &我和我老妈吵架了。3. We had a little run-in|on the first day of school. & &我们开学第一天就吵了一架4. In the market and the continuous development in the run-in, step by step toward maturity. & &在市场与发展的不断磨合中,一步一步地走向成熟。5. It is a good day for us and that will give us confidence for the rest of the title run-in. & &&这是我们美好的日子,这个我们自信应对后面夺冠的比赛。&6. After a period of run-in, and distributors have been established between the business development of good relations. & &经过一段时间的磨合之后,与经销商之间建立了良好的业务发展关系。7. She told you about our little run-in last night. & &她告诉了你我们昨晚的偶遇run-in是什么意思,run-in在线翻译,run-in什么意思,run-in的意思,run-in的翻译,run-in的解释,run-in的发音,run-in的同义词,run-in的反义词,run-in的例句,run-in的相关词组,run-in意思是什么,run-in怎么翻译,单词run-in是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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fun run是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释(为募捐举行的)公益长跑活动。:&&&&n. 1.嬉戏,娱乐,玩笑,兴趣。 2.有趣的人物[事物 ...:&&&&adj. 刚出海的,刚捉上来的(鱼),榨取的(蜜等);熔 ...
例句与用法1.My brother and i had great fun running up and down the tall, shaky steps .我和弟弟俩可高兴坏了,我们在那高高的,摇摇晃晃的楼梯上跑来跑去。2.Fun run 2007 co - organized by chung chi college faculty of medicine , cuhk崇基学院及中大医学院合办fun run 2007 3.Local and international races from a family fun run to marathons with online registration and past results从一桩家庭趣事的本地、国际的赛跑与联机登记和过去的结果跑到马拉松。 4.This is the only fun run with the course of 10km leading through the city center , starting from hibiya park toward the finish at the national stadium以日比谷公园为起点,在国立竞技场结束,是全程10公里、日本唯一的市民比赛。 5.Rotarians attending the convention in salt lake city will also participate in a 5k fun run for polio eradication on 20 june in downtown liberty park , which kicks off at 7 : 00 am盐湖城年会出席的扶轮社员将也可参加在6月20日上午7 : 00市中心区的图书馆公园为根除小儿?痹等疾病一个五公里募款路跑活动。 6.The 5 km " fun run in autumn " starts at the prince of wales hospital and ends at lingnan stadium of chung chi college on the university campus . this event is one of the celebratory activities of the 20th anniversary of faculty of medicine and the 50th anniversary of chung chi college , cuhk秋日缓跑横跨医学院及崇基学院,全程约五千米,由沙田威尔斯亲王医院出发,至崇基学院岭南体育馆结束,乃中大医学院二十周年及崇基学院五十周年的庆祝活动。
相邻词汇热门词汇runaway是什么意思?run very fast quickly是什么意思?(带音标、解释意思)_百度作业帮
runaway是什么意思?run very fast quickly是什么意思?(带音标、解释意思)
runaway是什么意思?run very fast quickly是什么意思?(带音标、解释意思)
runaway ['rʌnəwei] n.逃走的人,逃亡,亡命者a.逃亡的,逃走的 His second book turned out to be a runaway best-seller.他的第二本书成了抢手的畅销书.A runaway monk never praises his convent.逃出来的和尚从来不会说自己的庙好.The runaway horse was cornered in a field.那匹跑掉的马在田地里被圈住了.Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.热情而无知如脱缰之马.The young couple made a runaway match.那一对年轻人私奔结婚了.God knows what became of the runaway girl.谁也不知逃跑的姑娘情况怎样了.The runaway prisoner landed up ma ditch.那个逃犯最后死在水沟里.He was praised for bringing up the runaway horse.他勒住了脱缰之马受到了表扬.run very fast quickly立刻飞快地跑起来
runaway 逃跑run very fast quickly 很快的跑掉了
run away [简明英汉词典]v.潜逃, 失控un awayrun very fast quickly跑的很快但这个句子有问题,fast 和quickly 意思重叠,完全没有必要,只用其中任何一个即可。
意思是要跑反义词是chase 和run after
1. 很明显,runaway有跑掉的意思,除此之外,也有一个常用的意思,是用来修饰经济的,runaway growth,高速发展的经济。2. run very fast quickly意思是跑得很快。[r?n 'ɑ:ft?]
[r?n 'aeft?]
1. Don't expect me to run after you all your life.
2. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
两只兔都赶, 一只也逮不着.
3. The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd's insistence after accusations of malpractice.
4. So let's not be hasty. After all, he can't run away.
5. After a six-mile run, Jackie returns home for a substantial breakfast.
(因为爱慕而)追求 If you are running after someone, you are trying to start a relationship with them, usually a sexual relationship.&
【语法信息】:V P n
By the time she was fifteen Maria was already running after men twice her age.
The policemen are running after a prisoner who escaped last night.
Don't bother running after the bus.
He runs after every beautiful girl in the village.
Don't expect me to run after you all your life.
苏教版牛津小学英语单词全集 - 豆丁网 ... ruler 尺子 run after 追赶 run , 奔跑跑.
- 基于个网页
初中英语短语大全 ... 52. eat up 吃光,吃完 53. run after 追赶 54. take sth. with sb. 某人随身带着某物.
- 基于5490个网页
初中英语短语大全 ... chess 下棋 after 追逐 football 踢足球.
- 基于2838个网页
我的地盘我做主 - yueming - 网易博客 ...
run after 追求;追赶;追逐 pursue vt. 从事;追赶;继续;纠缠.
- 基于1278个网页
1. 跑步之后
Our heads were steaming after running ., 跑步之后 , 我们的脑袋冒着热气.
- 基于2个网页
Let me catch my breath after running so fast ., 刚才跑这么快 , 让我喘一口气.
- 基于2个网页
1. 船体去流段
after rope 尾缆after run 船体去流段after run 船尾端部
- 基于31个网页
after run 船尾端部after run 去流段after sail 后帆
- 基于30个网页
1. 程序运行后
All the results will show in the running after generation of text documents ., 所有的计算结果都会显示在程序运行后生成的文本文档中.
- 基于5个网页
a person who is hungry is always restless , running after one and then another . in his hunger he catches hold of everything he can , only to be later consumed by it .一个心怀渴望的人是永远得不到休息的,一个接著一个地追逐不停,在渴望中他尽所能的抓住每一件事物,后来只有被它毁了。
- 基于3个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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print run是什么意思
print run是什么意思 print run在线翻译 print run什么意思 print run的意思 print run的翻译 print run的解释 print run的发音 print run的同义词
print runprint run 网络解释1. 列印數& & 列印復原 print restore | 列印數 print run | 列印螢幕資料 print screen2. (报纸、杂志等的)印刷量& & prevailing a.盛行的 | print run (报纸、杂志等的)印刷量 | probate n.遗嘱检验3. (报纸,杂志等的)印刷量& & on principle 按照原则(或道德标准) | print run (报纸,杂志等的)印刷量 | priority n.优先权,重点4. 打印数& & 打印复原 print restore | 打印数 print run | 打印屏幕数据 print screenprint run 网络例句1. It came from the first print run of 500 copies. & &它来自500份运行的第一个打印。2. This is because your printing jobs are done on a single print run yet producing large number of prints. & &这是因为您的印刷工作是做一个单一的印数尚未产生大量的印刷品。3. Of course, POD is the only print technology for run lengths of one. & &当然,按需印刷技术是惟一可以完成单个印刷品的技术。4. The book was published by Bloomsbury PLC with an initial print run of about 500 copies. & &这本被拍卖的书是布鲁斯伯利出版社最初印刷的五百本中的一本。5. Ensure quality procedures are adhered to, and the quality of the print and pass off production run. & &保证整个生产印刷过程中质量控制的持续性。6. The print campaign will run with national and lifestyle media, including Heat and Time Out. & &印刷宣传将与国家和生活方式的媒介,包括热火和超时。织梦内容管理系统7. Moreover an initial print run of 5,000 copies worldwide is expected. & &此外最初印刷5000份,预计全球运行。print run是什么意思,print run在线翻译,print run什么意思,print run的意思,print run的翻译,print run的解释,print run的发音,print run的同义词,print run的反义词,print run的例句,print run的相关词组,print run意思是什么,print run怎么翻译,单词print run是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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