
邪恶是什么意思 邪恶在线翻译 邪恶什么意思 邪恶的意思 邪恶的翻译 邪恶的解释 邪恶的发音 邪恶的同义词 邪恶的反义词 邪恶的例句
邪恶[xié è]邪恶 基本解释
邪恶 网络解释1. Evil& & 在单人的游戏模式上,将可选择扮演&正义&(God)或&邪恶&(Evil)阵营,不同的阵营将衍生出不同的剧情发展. 即玩家既可以站在正义英雄一方,以对抗魔王索伦为主线上演一场正义之战,而结果也会和电影结局一模一样;另外玩家也可以反扮魔王索伦,2. wickedness& & 人们参与诸如赌博、酗酒、吸毒、各色性行为是希望藉此来满足自己,这种传统上被称为&罪恶(vice)&的行为其实暗示着邪恶(wickedness)与享乐(pleasure)的并存. 3. improbity& & 它代表着邪恶(Improbity)烈钻(Intense-Diamond):是背叛了神的另一位天使-自由天使的饰物. 他没有投靠魔王,但是也不受神的管辖,象征着自由(Freedom)4. vice& & 但是,该观点依然存在固有的理论困境,对于美德说提出的品格评价先于行为评价的说法,美德说必须提供区分美德(virtue)和邪恶(vice) 的标准,而&独立于行为评价品格必然聚焦于所拥有的美德的价值而不是美德媒介物产生的有益效果&,邪恶 网络例句1. & &I don't know-- but it was evil. & && &我不知道--但是它是邪恶。2. They will feel that it is evil. & &他们认为它是邪恶的。3. You don`t have to do evil to gain more experience and learn more about life. & &你不需要通过做邪恶的事情,来获得更多的经验,和更了解你的生命。4. But I'm telling you, her father was evil. & &但是我正在告诉你,她的父亲是邪恶的。5. And that is as bad as it, that is how it is, it is an evil world. & &这是非常不好的,但是就是这么回事,这是一个邪恶的世界。6. You are the most evil people in the world . & &你们是世界上最邪恶的人。7. But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. & &但我要告诉你们,不反抗的人是邪恶的。邪恶是什么意思,邪恶在线翻译,邪恶什么意思,邪恶的意思,邪恶的翻译,邪恶的解释,邪恶的发音,邪恶的同义词,邪恶的反义词,邪恶的例句,邪恶的相关词组,邪恶意思是什么,邪恶怎么翻译,单词邪恶是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 Resident Evil Main Title Theme翻译成中文是什么?_百度知道
Resident Evil Main Title Theme翻译成中文是什么?
正确是 ”Resident Evil (Main Title Theme)“, 游戏“生郸碃策度匕道察权畅护化危机”的主题曲的意思。
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例句与用法1.They condoned his sins because he repented .由于他的悔悟,他们宽恕了他的罪。2.A morality that condones such bloodshed is totally unacceptable to me .宽恕这种杀戮的道德是我完全不能接受的。3.He was capable of slack writing which he would not condone in others .他痛恨别人草率成篇,其实自己也有这个毛病。4.Bangladesh can not condone the violation of the principles of non-intervention and noninterference in the internal affairs of states .孟加拉国不能容忍对不插手和不干涉别国内政原则的破坏。5.People cannot condone the use of fierce violence人们不能宽恕使用凶残的暴力。 6.I see . well , as your queen i absolutely cannot condone it我明白了,作为女皇,我是绝对不能宽恕的7.I cannot condone the use of violence我不能宽恕使用暴力。 8.We should not condone the practice of saying one thing and doing another这种说一套,做一套的做法,实在不可取。 9.We should not condone the practice of saying one thing and doing another这种说一套,做一套的做法,实在不可取。 10.And god said , " but jesus , if i do that , i am condoning their evil behavior神说:若我这样做,我便会宽恕一切邪恶的行为了。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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简明英汉词典beyond[bi5jCnd]prep.在(到)...较远的一边, 超过, 那一边adv.在远处n.远处美国传统词典[双解]beyondbe.yondAHD:[b?-?nd“, b1-y?nd“] D.J.[bi86%nd, bi6j%nd]K.K.[bi6$nd, b!6j$nd]prep.(介词)(1)O past:在远处那边;过:Just beyond the fence.就在篱笆那边(2)L after:迟于;之后:beyond midnight.午夜之后(3)To a degree that is past the understanding, reach, or scope of:超出(理解、范围、眼界)之上:an evil beyond remedy.无可救药的邪恶(4)To a degree or amount greater than:大于:在程度或数量上大于:rich beyond his wildest dreams.超出他最渴望梦想的财富(5)In addition to:除…以外:asked for nothing beyond peace and quiet.除平安和平静外一无所求adv.(副词)(1)Farther along or away.在远处(2)I more:除外;更多:wanted her share but nothing beyond.除了她的一份别无所求n.(名词)(1)That which is past or to a degree greater than kno the unknown:未知的事物:超过或达到高于或经验之外的东西;未知之事:“Sputnik, the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space”(Dale Russakoff)“苏联人造地球卫星是进入未知空间的第一颗人造卫星”(戴尔?鲁萨考夫)(2)Th the hereafter.死后的世界;来世语源(1)Middle English biyonde 中古英语 biyonde (2)from Old English begeondan 源自 古英语 begeondan (3)be [by] * see by 1be [被] *参见 by1(4)geondan [on the far side of] * see i- geondan [在远处] *参见 i- 现代英汉词典beyond[bI5jRnd]prep.(1)在(到)…较远的一边What lies beyond the mountains?山的那一边有什么?(2)晚于;超过This work is beyond my grasp.这件工作非我力所能及。Don't stay there beyond midnight.不要过了午夜还留在那儿。(3)为…所不能及;多于;超出Understanding this article is beyond my capacity.我看不懂这篇文章。It's quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker.我实在无法理解为什么她会嫁给这样一个烟鬼。The fruit is beyond my reach.那个果子我够不着。His bad behavior is beyond a joke.他的不良行为超出了开玩笑的范围。Is there life beyond the grave? (喻)在阴间还有生命吗?词性变化beyondadv.在(或到)较远处;再往前去;越过Men can travel to the moon and beyond.人们能到月球或更远处去旅行。beyondn.(前面与the连用)来世,不可知的彼岸现代英汉综合大辞典beyond[bi5jCnd]prep.(1)[表示位置]在[向]...的那边, 在...之外(2)[表示时间]迟于..., 到...以后(3)[表示范围, 限度]超出(4)[常用于否定句和疑问句]除...以外The road is beyond that hill.路在山的那一边。Some shops keep open beyond midnight.有些商店营业到半夜以后。The rumour is beyond belief.这谣言不可信。I know nothing of it beyond what he told me.除了他告诉我的以外, 别的我什么都不知道。词性变化beyond[bi5jCnd]adv.在远处; 向远处; 更远地; 那面Your ball did not fall here, look beyond for it.你的球没掉在这儿, 往远处找找看。beyond[bi5jCnd]n.[the beyond] 来世继承用法beyondnessn.远方, 彼方习惯用语It is beyond me.[口]我能力所不及; 我不能理解。beyond sb.为某人所不能理解beyond oneself精神错乱; 忘形; 失态英文相关词典beyondexceeding&&&&farther&&&&past&&&&within&&&&美国传统词典beyondbe.yondAHD:[b?-?nd“, b1-y?nd“] D.J.[bi86%nd, bi6j%nd]K.K.[bi6$nd, b!6j$nd]prep.(1)O past:Just beyond the fence.(2)L after:beyond midnight.(3)To a degree that is past the understanding, reach, or scope of:an evil beyond remedy.(4)To a degree or amount greater than:rich beyond his wildest dreams.(5)In addition to:asked for nothing beyond peace and quiet.adv.(1)Farther along or away.(2)I more:wanted her share but nothing beyond.n.(1)That which is past or to a degree greater than kno the unknown:“Sputnik, the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space”(Dale Russakoff)(2)Th the hereafter.语源(1)Middle English biyonde (2)from Old English begeondan (3)be [by] * see by 1(4)geondan [on the far side of] * see i- 英汉化学大词典beyond prep.在...那边,超过,除...以外 英汉海运大词典beyond 在远处 超过的……的范围除……以外 基本词义beyond 超过…的范围,除…以外在那边,在远处 英汉计算机大词典beyond prep.在...那边(超过,除...以外 英汉医学大词典beyond n.超过,出于...之外 英汉中医大词典beyond n.超过,出于...之外,在...以外
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an evil man once went to a wise man asking for advice about starting a new life
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