gotta have youu -------- s...

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微信扫一扫精选音乐每日推送!求几道初中英语.1、We have scarves ------- a very good price---only 2 dollar.Here is a gift ------- you.It’s ------- your grandpa.(用介词填空)2、All the students have finished their home-work ------- Zhang Hua.A:and B:without C:or D:exceptMy little sist_百度作业帮
求几道初中英语.1、We have scarves ------- a very good price---only 2 dollar.Here is a gift ------- you.It’s ------- your grandpa.(用介词填空)2、All the students have finished their home-work ------- Zhang Hua.A:and B:without C:or D:exceptMy little sister is interested ------- science.A:with B:from C:at D:in Lily usually goes to school ------ footA:in B:on C:with D:by (选择)3、Mr Brown talked us and asked us about our summer holidays .(改正,有一处错误)
1、分别是 at for from2、D except除了D be interested in 是固定用法,对...感兴趣B on foot 也是固定用法,是步行的意思3、talked 后面要加to
We have scarves ona very good price on only 2 dollarHere is a gift for youit's belongs to your grandpaddb Mr Bwown talked to us and asked us about our summer holidays.
1. we have scarves for a very good price.- only 2 dollars
here is a gift for you. It's from your grandpa2. All the students have finished their homework expert Zhang Hua
My little s...
1. for from2. D D B3.Mr Bwown talked to us and asked us about our summer holidays.
1. at for from2. D D B3. Mr Brown talked to us and asked us about our summer holidays.
1.on on for from2.D D BMr brown talked with us and asked us about our summer holidays.希望我的回答能对你有所帮助,呵呵
您可能关注的推广Hiend Audio, DIY, Hi-Fi, Stereo, Electronics site, for lovers of high-fidelity music reproduction. High-End Vacuum Tubes. Silicon. Do-It-Yourself Audio Systems. Schematics: amplifiers, speakers, horns, CD, DAC. Circuits, Topologies, Acoustics, Cables, Speakers, Voltage Regulators, Equipment Upgrades, Modifications, Problems, Solutions, Tips, Tricks. ------ Dla pasjonatów Hiend Audio, najwy?szej wierno?ci odtwarzania muzyki na sprz?cie budowanym, modyfikowanym samemu. Wiedza: elektronika, uk?ady lampowe i krzemowe, wzmacniacze, g?o?niki, kolumny, tuby, DAC, kable, DIY, porady, sztuczki, problemy, rozwi?zania, tor audio.
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Joe Grado. . RIP. /content/joe-grado-915 &
Ostatnio kolega zapyta? mnie o kwestii sekwencji za??czania anodowego wraz z ?arzeniem, na nierozgrzanych lampach mocy, i czy jest sens rozdziela? czasowo za??czenie ?arzenia od anodowego, no i jak to wygl?da “czasowo” dla du?ej lampy mocy. Tutaj poda? kilka przyk?adów lamp bezpo?rednio ?arzonych oraz po?rednio ?arzonych. No wi?c odpowiadaj?c krótko: To wygl?da “dziwnie”. Dziwnie o &
Ever mused about a “Straight Wire With Gain” ? If you have ever implemented a Push-Pull topology with an Ultra-Linear architecture in the output stage, you have actually made a fair attempt at “linearizing” the output stage of your amplifier. The basics are more or less well known: If you strap a pentode in “pentode mode”, &
A small Dutch loudspeaker manufacture: Blanco Nu Luidsprekers. They came up with a KILLER configuration, with an ingenious concept: A high voltage amplifier output, driving a high voltage membrane … cuttng down the schizophrenic sequence of stepping *DOWN* with the signal … only to step it *UP* again within the electrostatic loudspeaker. By eliminating &
Sklejka z wk?adk? gumow? Sklejka li?ciasta o budowie krzy?owej z ob?ogami (warstwami zewn?trznymi) z forniru brzozowego lub olchowego. ?rodek mo?e by? wykonany z forniru brzozowego lub olchowego. Wk?adka gumowa, o grubo?ci 2,5 lub 3,5 mm, znajduje si? symetrycznie w ?rodkowej warstwie sklejki. Sklejka posiada w?a?ciwo?ci g?usz?ce i t?umi?ce drgania. Produkowana w nast?puj?cych typach sklejania wodoodporna &
Lignofol Materia? drzewny warstwowy prasowany na gor?co pod wysokim ci?nieniem z fornirów bukowych lub brzozowych powlekanych specjalnymi ?ywicami fenolowymi. Cienkie arkusze fornirów nas?czane s? ?ywic?, która przenika do struktury komórkowej drewna. Nast?pnie w fazie prasowania w wysokiej temperaturze nast?puje jej utwardzenie. Dzi?ki temu otrzymany materia? ma znacznie wy?sze w?a?ciwo?ci fizyczne i mechaniczne ni? drewno wyj?ciowe. &
High-endowy serwer muzyczny QAT MS5 Na polskim rynku dost?pne s? urz?dzenia firmy QAT, która produkuje nowoczesn? elektronik? wysokiej klasy: serwery / streamery, wzmacniacze, odtwarzacze CD i przetworniki DAC. Oferta serwerów sk?ada si? z niedrogiego RS3 oraz topowego MS5, który dysponuje wbudowanym twardym dyskiem oraz nap?dem do ‘ripowania’ p?yt. Procedura ta odbywa si? za pomoc? opartego &
Poni?ej niezwykle ciekawy artyku? Pana Adama Zapotocznego, dotycz?cy analizy skuteczno?ci akustycznych mat filcowych marki PLUSFELT.
Pan Zapotoczny jest znany jako autor stron które s? w ca?o?ci po?wi?cone samodzielnemu budowaniu wysokiej klasy nag?o?nienia Hi-Fi, Hi-End.
Przedruk za zgod? Autora.
Artyku? ?ród?owy tutaj: “….. Krótki test skuteczno?ci – Akustyczne Maty Filcowe marki PLUSFELT
Stressed out? Nerves shattered? Ever thought about “slowing down” and “letting go” – just a bit? Relaxing a tad? To “Go with the Flow” … of classical music? Via an internet streaming channel? Check this one out: The stream: The site: Quote: About Classical KING FM 98.1 Founded in 1948 by Dorothy &
The fully Commercial and Professional 833a based, Single Ended Amplifier. A recent creation and offering of Amplifon. Made in Poland – with Pride. Ladies and Gentlemen, so this is how a professionally crafted transmitter valve based SET amplifier can look like. It is the professional utilities and technical facilities, with all the proper tools for &
Informacja prasowa 2 lutego 2015 Targi ISE 2015 w Amsterdamie Ju? w przysz?ym tygodniu – od 10 do 12 lutego 2015 roku – odb?d? si? w Amsterdamie targi ISE 2015 (Integrated Systems Europe). W?ród 1044 wystawiaj?cych si? firm profesjonalnego AV oraz zintegrowanych systemów elektronicznych nie mo?e zabrakn?? luksusowych marek nale??cych do koncernu Harman. Na specjalnie zaaran?owanym &
No i masz Ci Babo Placek ! Jak przekraczam maksymaln? dopuszczaln? warto?? pr?du na wyj?ciowym transformatorze g?o?nikowym (przy 2x GU80) … to mi to trafo zaczyna si? przegrzewa?. Czyli i tak ?le, i tak niedobrze. Zamawiaj?c “mniejsze” gabarytowo trafo – ?atwiej jest uzyska? dobre parametry pracy, w kwestiach takich jak np. pasmo przenoszenia od góry, &
A new piano composition by Elizabeth Spano. Recorded by C-Note Productions Inc. Bravo, Elizabeth ! Keep up the good work. “Elizabeth Spano – On A Cloud (LIVE) (Pure Piano) !!” /watch?v=C4Yo6GEC5Oc For my tastes – slightly melancholic. Very beautiful and feminine. Reflective. A totally
”new” and “different” Elizabeth, as compared to some of her previous &
Voila. The SINGLE STAGE tube power amplifier. With only ***THREE*** components in the signal path. A very interesting development indeed. I returned to the concept of the “High Voltage” version of Ultra-Linear, but connected to the Suppressor Grids (S3). The amplification of the single stage tube pair simply skyrocketed. So did the cathode currents. Fortunate &
A “Triodelington”, is a “Darlington”, where the driver is a vacuum tube, and the power output device is a bipolar junction transistor The concept originates from a Mr. Darius-Karim Mottaghian-Milani, who is a Radio and TV services person, operating as “Radio Darius Solingen”.
An interesting read.;d= & &
Whist browsing though resources that are made available on the web, I took note of this very well written piece of text.
A water system analogy, that is very intuitively presented, and allows the absolute freshman to get a grip of the working of a vacuum tube. Specifically, a triode. A good read for the &
A “T”-junction of THREE resistors. Two cathode resistors R1, R2, of two triodes, with their respective currents routed to ground, but via a common, shared resistor R3. Boring? DC Conditions? Things get interesting, actually, as there are also AC signals present here. In-phase, or out-of-phase. This is a story of a shared cathode drain feedback &
{{ updated
It turned out that the asymmetry of the setup, that I observed, is a result of a blown silver mica capacitor, which was hidden / integrated with the tube socket.
It was rated for 500V, between S3 and Cathode, which would be a reasonable value if the S3 was reasonably used.
{{ Updated : Just a quick reminder … }} DEATH is … PERMANENT. ( You have been Warned ! ) DEATH is … PAINFUL. ( Again: You have been Warned ! ) Life-long paralysis is … uncomfortable. ( Again: You have been Warned ! ) {{ And this is NOT about Happy Haloween ! }} &
The new, noval socket based, Head-Phone Amplifier (HPA) Kit from , by John Broskie. Just arrived. This will be an interesting Kit to assemble, as the integrated board features (and is configurable into) two distinct modes of operation: Voltage Mode, but what is even more important: the Current Mode of Operation. Yes! – This is a &
GU80 playing music on a makeshift, fast-and-dirty, single ended … contraption. Films and photos: /video.php?v=875 /video.php?v=849
It’s good to have an umbrella whilst in the middle of a heavy rain. It’s even better to have a firm grip of the sidewalk, so as to hold and KEEP it upright, despite rapidly changing side winds. To keep your head dry. This is a story of *AUDIO* Rain, an Umbrella, and two Gutters. Recently, &
A pair of Push Pull semi-monster transformers from Leszek Ogonowski has just arrived
… … But do not even bother to look for these on those web pages. In theory – they do NOT exist. But in praxis – they DO. That is the nice difference between “Theory” and “Praxis”. A significant &
& A Penny for your thoughts …. Has anybody used a scaled up, wooden version of an automatic submachine gun suppressor, as a topology for a transmission line base
audio speaker system ? How does it sound ?
A friend of mine was recently working on speaker box design. The insides fo the enclosure were a little large, so the first natural idea that comes to mind is such so as to cover or otherwise alter the internal walls of the enclosure with some sound absorbing materials. The general idea was to control &
“… What do I need to consider when I start my first electronics Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project? … How do I handle assembly of my first Hand-made amplifier? … Is there any need to adjust the voltages somewhere? … Or I simply solder all the elements together, connect the contraption to the power supply and see if &
Merry Christmas to You All out There ! Best Seasons Greetings, and wishes of lots of Love, Health, Prosperity and Happiness. Lots of successes in your professional, as well as fulfillment in your private lives. May your DIY Audio Projects turn out to be fully successful, and may your Audio Systems Sing ! Best Regards, Ziggy.
The Future of Thermionic Valves We have observed from previous sections that when first developed, vacuum tubes were used to perform a large variety of roles. However, the rise of more efficient solid–‐state devices subsequently led to their replacement from many of their original applications. More specifically, solid–‐state became and still is, the technology of &
… Present Day Thermionic Devices Following on from the past, thermionic devices have held some stead into present day despite competing technologies such as the silicon transistor often taking their place. However, while its applications in computing have for the most part ceased to exist, thermionic valves still have distinct advantages over newer technologies in &
The End of Thermionic Valves? – The Report ( A reprint – Part I ) Introduction: The aim of this paper is to investigate the invention and early development of thermionic valves, the applications they are still used in at present and whether they will continue to play an important role in the future. After &
Do you like to listen to good music?
The illusion of “being there”?
That somebody is simply standing in front of you, or behind you … and singing?
Good sounding Hiend-Audio Systems can be either purchased, or built by yourself (DIY = Do-It-Yourself), or … both. Many fans of Hiend Audio rather prefer to modify, upgrade factory devices, so as to achieve a better sound from a properly designed, commercial product, albeit one that suffers from the lack of those few little “magical” touches, tricks and add-ons. Touches, that will turn such a factory grade device into a truly singing masterpiece. They say that you get the “best of both worlds”: the professional “looks, gloss and finishes” of a “marketable” commercial product, but at the same time, with a relatively small additional construction, DIY effort, it is possible to make it SING.
Whichever way you do it, it is the ultimate listening experience that counts. The MUSIC.
These pages are dedicated to all those of you, who love good sound, but also love electronics, the smell of a hot soldering gun, a drill, screwdriver, etc. For those, who love to get their hands “into things”. To get them busy, occupied. Somtimes even dirty. For those, who love both silicon based, as well as vacuum tube technology based solutions. For those, who like to learn about circuits, topologies, issues, problems, challenges, limitations, but what is more important: about the solutions.
” But will I cope?
Am I fit for it ? ”
As for DIY and modifications: The Web is full of valuable DIY projects – both the easy ones, as well as the more advanced ones. Full of “solutions”, of well documented and easy to follow projects, of schematics and designs, of whole devices, methods on how to modify and enhance them, or various parts, modules, sub-assemblies and building blocks that constitute necessary add-ons to your Signal Path – on your pursuit to achieve a better sounding system:
Power regulators, Clocks, DAC boards, Amplifiers, Pre-amplifiers, Buffers, be it tubed or in silicon, speakers, even interconnects and speaker cables …
The information is OUT THERE. Yours for the picking. Yours to use. It is just a question of finding it, digesting it, understanding it, choosing the optimum solutions, and implementing it.
There is readily available advice from electronics loving audiophiles out there. From those who KNOW.
Those who tried it and who share the results of their experiments. All of this is readily available on the web.
As the Polish saying goes:
One who “wants” seeks for a way.
One who “wants” not – seeks for a reason.
{“Kto chce – szuka sposobu.
Kto NIE chce – szuka powodu”}
**** WARNING *****
Hiend-Audio and hi quality audio music reproduction is a disease.
It is incurable.
And it progresses.
” … Yes, the sound IS very satisfying, … but it could always be just a bit …. better
I hope you enjoy my website. More about me and my disease – on the “About me” page.
By the way, some of my “oldest” blog entries started rolling off the “Recent Posts” tab on the right side of the page, due to limited space.
However, they are still accessible by the “Archives” navigator on the left side of the page. If you dig deep enough, you might even get to the very first one.
It was called: “Hello World!”.
If you got that one, then you got them all.
{{ … this website is undergoing continuous development / changes, so funny things may happen every once in a while whilst displaying / navigating … }}
Permanent link to this article: /
Joe Grado. . RIP. /content/joe-grado-915 &
Ostatnio kolega zapyta? mnie o kwestii sekwencji za??czania anodowego wraz z ?arzeniem, na nierozgrzanych lampach mocy, i czy jest sens rozdziela? czasowo za??czenie ?arzenia od anodowego, no i jak to wygl?da “czasowo” dla du?ej lampy mocy. Tutaj poda? kilka przyk?adów lamp bezpo?rednio ?arzonych oraz po?rednio ?arzonych. No wi?c odpowiadaj?c krótko: To wygl?da “dziwnie”. Dziwnie o &
Ever mused about a “Straight Wire With Gain” ? If you have ever implemented a Push-Pull topology with an Ultra-Linear architecture in the output stage, you have actually made a fair attempt at “linearizing” the output stage of your amplifier. The basics are more or less well known: If you strap a pentode in “pentode mode”, &
Sklejka z wk?adk? gumow? Sklejka li?ciasta o budowie krzy?owej z ob?ogami (warstwami zewn?trznymi) z forniru brzozowego lub olchowego. ?rodek mo?e by? wykonany z forniru brzozowego lub olchowego. Wk?adka gumowa, o grubo?ci 2,5 lub 3,5 mm, znajduje si? symetrycznie w ?rodkowej warstwie sklejki. Sklejka posiada w?a?ciwo?ci g?usz?ce i t?umi?ce drgania. Produkowana w nast?puj?cych typach sklejania wodoodporna &
Lignofol Materia? drzewny warstwowy prasowany na gor?co pod wysokim ci?nieniem z fornirów bukowych lub brzozowych powlekanych specjalnymi ?ywicami fenolowymi. Cienkie arkusze fornirów nas?czane s? ?ywic?, która przenika do struktury komórkowej drewna. Nast?pnie w fazie prasowania w wysokiej temperaturze nast?puje jej utwardzenie. Dzi?ki temu otrzymany materia? ma znacznie wy?sze w?a?ciwo?ci fizyczne i mechaniczne ni? drewno wyj?ciowe. &
High-endowy serwer muzyczny QAT MS5 Na polskim rynku dost?pne s? urz?dzenia firmy QAT, która produkuje nowoczesn? elektronik? wysokiej klasy: serwery / streamery, wzmacniacze, odtwarzacze CD i przetworniki DAC. Oferta serwerów sk?ada si? z niedrogiego RS3 oraz topowego MS5, który dysponuje wbudowanym twardym dyskiem oraz nap?dem do ‘ripowania’ p?yt. Procedura ta odbywa si? za pomoc? opartego &
Poni?ej niezwykle ciekawy artyku? Pana Adama Zapotocznego, dotycz?cy analizy skuteczno?ci akustycznych mat filcowych marki PLUSFELT.
Pan Zapotoczny jest znany jako autor stron które s? w ca?o?ci po?wi?cone samodzielnemu budowaniu wysokiej klasy nag?o?nienia Hi-Fi, Hi-End.
Przedruk za zgod? Autora.
Artyku? ?ród?owy tutaj: “….. Krótki test skuteczno?ci – Akustyczne Maty Filcowe marki PLUSFELT
Stressed out? Nerves shattered? Ever thought about “slowing down” and “letting go” – just a bit? Relaxing a tad? To “Go with the Flow” … of classical music? Via an internet streaming channel? Check this one out: The stream: The site: Quote: About Classical KING FM 98.1 Founded in 1948 by Dorothy &
Informacja prasowa 2 lutego 2015 Targi ISE 2015 w Amsterdamie Ju? w przysz?ym tygodniu – od 10 do 12 lutego 2015 roku – odb?d? si? w Amsterdamie targi ISE 2015 (Integrated Systems Europe). W?ród 1044 wystawiaj?cych si? firm profesjonalnego AV oraz zintegrowanych systemów elektronicznych nie mo?e zabrakn?? luksusowych marek nale??cych do koncernu Harman. Na specjalnie zaaran?owanym &
No i masz Ci Babo Placek ! Jak przekraczam maksymaln? dopuszczaln? warto?? pr?du na wyj?ciowym transformatorze g?o?nikowym (przy 2x GU80) … to mi to trafo zaczyna si? przegrzewa?. Czyli i tak ?le, i tak niedobrze. Zamawiaj?c “mniejsze” gabarytowo trafo – ?atwiej jest uzyska? dobre parametry pracy, w kwestiach takich jak np. pasmo przenoszenia od góry, &
A new piano composition by Elizabeth Spano. Recorded by C-Note Productions Inc. Bravo, Elizabeth ! Keep up the good work. “Elizabeth Spano – On A Cloud (LIVE) (Pure Piano) !!” /watch?v=C4Yo6GEC5Oc For my tastes – slightly melancholic. Very beautiful and feminine. Reflective. A totally
”new” and “different” Elizabeth, as compared to some of her previous &
Voila. The SINGLE STAGE tube power amplifier. With only ***THREE*** components in the signal path. A very interesting development indeed. I returned to the concept of the “High Voltage” version of Ultra-Linear, but connected to the Suppressor Grids (S3). The amplification of the single stage tube pair simply skyrocketed. So did the cathode currents. Fortunate &
A “Triodelington”, is a “Darlington”, where the driver is a vacuum tube, and the power output device is a bipolar junction transistor The concept originates from a Mr. Darius-Karim Mottaghian-Milani, who is a Radio and TV services person, operating as “Radio Darius Solingen”.
An interesting read.;d= & &
Whist browsing though resources that are made available on the web, I took note of this very well written piece of text.
A water system analogy, that is very intuitively presented, and allows the absolute freshman to get a grip of the working of a vacuum tube. Specifically, a triode. A good read for the &
A “T”-junction of THREE resistors. Two cathode resistors R1, R2, of two triodes, with their respective currents routed to ground, but via a common, shared resistor R3. Boring? DC Conditions? Things get interesting, actually, as there are also AC signals present here. In-phase, or out-of-phase. This is a story of a shared cathode drain feedback &
{{ updated
It turned out that the asymmetry of the setup, that I observed, is a result of a blown silver mica capacitor, which was hidden / integrated with the tube socket.
It was rated for 500V, between S3 and Cathode, which would be a reasonable value if the S3 was reasonably used.
{{ Updated : Just a quick reminder … }} DEATH is … PERMANENT. ( You have been Warned ! ) DEATH is … PAINFUL. ( Again: You have been Warned ! ) Life-long paralysis is … uncomfortable. ( Again: You have been Warned ! ) {{ And this is NOT about Happy Haloween ! }} &
The new, noval socket based, Head-Phone Amplifier (HPA) Kit from , by John Broskie. Just arrived. This will be an interesting Kit to assemble, as the integrated board features (and is configurable into) two distinct modes of operation: Voltage Mode, but what is even more important: the Current Mode of Operation. Yes! – This is a &
GU80 playing music on a makeshift, fast-and-dirty, single ended … contraption. Films and photos: /video.php?v=875 /video.php?v=849
It’s good to have an umbrella whilst in the middle of a heavy rain. It’s even better to have a firm grip of the sidewalk, so as to hold and KEEP it upright, despite rapidly changing side winds. To keep your head dry. This is a story of *AUDIO* Rain, an Umbrella, and two Gutters. Recently, &
A pair of Push Pull semi-monster transformers from Leszek Ogonowski has just arrived
… … But do not even bother to look for these on those web pages. In theory – they do NOT exist. But in praxis – they DO. That is the nice difference between “Theory” and “Praxis”. A significant &
& A Penny for your thoughts …. Has anybody used a scaled up, wooden version of an automatic submachine gun suppressor, as a topology for a transmission line base
audio speaker system ? How does it sound ?
A friend of mine was recently working on speaker box design. The insides fo the enclosure were a little large, so the first natural idea that comes to mind is such so as to cover or otherwise alter the internal walls of the enclosure with some sound absorbing materials. The general idea was to control &
“… What do I need to consider when I start my first electronics Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project? … How do I handle assembly of my first Hand-made amplifier? … Is there any need to adjust the voltages somewhere? … Or I simply solder all the elements together, connect the contraption to the power supply and see if &
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