给一些goblin invasionn sports的...

收集的一些口试练习题 - 饮水思源
饮水思源 - 文章阅读  [讨论区: Interpretation][][][][][][][][][][][][]
发信人: (亲亲卡农), 信区: Interpretation
题: 收集的一些口试练习题
发信站: 饮水思源 (日13:58:51 星期天)
The Chinese government has decided to slow down the explosive growth of the nu
mber of college and university students. The government maintains that the inc
rease of the number of college and university students has resulted in a serie
s of problems featuring the expansion of campus, overloaded work for teachers
and university graduates’ failure to get proper employment. The surplus of un
iversity students has become one of negative problems with the result of rapid
development of China’s economy. Experts from the research centre of high edu
cation under the Ministry of Education have pointed out that the social expect
ation for high education has been growing high.
Now the number of university students is 5 times as many as that of 1998, and
the total number of university students has exceeded 23 million. The effort o
f the government in raising the education level of the whole nation has benefi
ted China a lot in its process of modernization and economic reform and enhanc
ed our competitiveness in international arena. With the growing maturity of Ch
ina’s economy and the popularity of high education, university graduates, at
present, are likely to face the problem of unemployment, and university diplom
a is no longer a guarantee of permanent employment.
China’s economy will start its transformation. This will make the government
happy and help them get the support from private sectors. The Chinese governme
nt has been looking for the solution to the imbalanced growth between prospero
us cities in the eastern coastal areas and undeveloped rural areas. Currently,
8 hundred million out of 1.3 billion population are living in those poor area
s. The Chinese government will encourage this kind of industrial relocation. C
hina’s public expenditure in 2006 will see a big increase in the fields of pu
blic health and education. Most of Chinese farmers have no pension nor hospita
l-treatment insurance. They have to afford expensive tuition fees or their chi
ldren’s education. They try to avoid paying for some unnecessary expenses wit
h small income they’ve saved. These worries have hindered for a long time the
development of China’s domestic consumption.
Road accident is becoming a new epidemic threatening human life. In 1990,
car accident was the 9th killer and will be the 3rd one of human life in 2020
without forceful preventive measures. Researchers point out the mortality in c
ar accident in the world will grow at least by 66% in future 20 years. Noticea
bly, there still exists the gap between the rich countries and the poor countr
ies in this aspect. The death rate in road accident in the former countries wi
ll rise by 66% while in developing countries such as China and India, this fig
ure will increase by 92% and 147% respectively. Experts point out road acciden
t will not only result in severe casualties but lead to heavy social and econo
Reforming the income distribution system, regulating the income distribution o
rder and establishing a
scientific, rational, fair and just social income dis
tribution system will bear on / affect the fundamental interests of most peopl
e and the full play of initiative and creativity of a large number of official
s and people. This must be taken in priority and implemented well. In economic
growth, much importance should be attached to social fairness and rationaliza
tion of income distribution pattern. We should intensify our effort to regulat
e our income distribution so as to allow all people to share the fruits with t
he result of reform and opening-up and construction of socialist modernization
. We should actively promote the reform in income system and further comb the
relations of distribution to improve its system. We should concentrate on incr
easing incomes of poorer people, expanding the moderate-income population, eff
ectively taxing high-income earners and banning illegal income so as to narrow the income gap between regions and social members.
China’s 11th Five-Year Program has pointed out that tourism in China shoul
d be developed into one of the pillar industries so as to increase domestic de
mand. According to the Chinese media, the State Council expects that the annua
l revenue from foreign tourists will hit $53 billion dollars in 2010, an incre
ase of 80% over 2005. Last year, the number of foreign tourists coming to Chin
a stood at 120 million person-trips and will exceed 200 million in 2009 by est
China’s economic growth mode has started its shift from foreign capital-do
minated one to domestic consumption-oriented one. Therefore, the State Council
call for all tourist sectors at various levels to facilitate the increase of
domestic demand through the growth of tourist consumption so that tourism , as
service industry, can play a leading role as same as agriculture and manufact
uring do in our national economy. Tourist industry can boost the development o
f other related industries, such as, transportation, catering and entertainmen
t. As a result, it can help China’s economy free from export-relying / depend
ent economic growth mode.
China is a unified multi-ethnic country with time-honored history and splendid
ancient civilization which has endowed the Chinese nation with extremely rich
cultural heritage. This rich and colorful cultural heritage is the crystalliz
ation of the wisdom and civilization of the Chinese people, the fundamental co
mponent of Chinese culture, the bond of affections between all ethnic groups,
the foundation of national unity, the important bridge to transmit and inherit
Chinese civilization and also the reflection of our aspiring national spirit.
The scope of intangible cultural heritage covers: poems, fairy tales, epics, s
tories, legends and proverbs that have been spread orally among people for a l
folk performing arts like traditional music, dance, drama, quyi, acr
obatics, puppet show, shadow play, etc.; folk practices like rituals, festival
s, sports, competitions, production related and
ditional knowledge and practices related to nat tradition
and cultural space related to the above-mentioned express
However, with the acceleration of globalization and modernization, dramatic ch
anges have taken place in China’s cultural ecology: intangible cultural herit
age is confronted with great challenges and a lot of orally and behaviorally t
ransmitted cultural heritage disappe a great deal of trad
itional craftsmanship is on the a large number of preciou
s objects and materials of historical and cultural values are destroyed, deser
ted or lost
arbitrary misuse and excessive exploitation
of intangible cultural heritage occur from time to time. Therefore, the protec
tion of intangible cultural heritage brooks no delay.
加过多,农业增产和农民增收难度依然较大。 只要我们坚持以科学发展观统领全局,继续
The above statistics show that the national economic and social development is
on the upbeat featured by fast yet stable economic growth, improved enterpris
es efficiency, rapid income growth for urban and rural households, stable mark
et prices and brisk external and internal demands. However, it should be noted
that there are prominent problems that call for our attention, such as rapid
growth of investment in fixed assets and of bank loans, and difficulty in main
taining agricultural growth and increasing farmers’ income. However, as long
as we continue to guide the overall economic and social development by a scien
tific approach to development, continue to pursue prudent fiscal policy and mo
netary policy , maintain the continuity and stability of various macroeconomic
policies of the central government, enhance the monitoring of the trend of ec
onomic development, and adopt relevant measures to solve the existing problems
, the national economy will keep its fast yet stable growth.
10. 据说,大学生是重要的消费群体,此话用在中国最合适。中国有1500万的本科生大军
It is said that university and college students are important consumers. It is
especially true in China which has an army of 15 million undergraduates whose
desire of consumption for hi-tech products, cosmetics, fashions and other fam
ous brands is becoming stronger, and they are shaping their habit of consumpti
on for future. The potential market represented by college and university stud
ents will be more promising in the future. It is estimated that the number of
students(including undergraduates and postgraduates) will increase by 30 milli
on in 2010.
A recent survey of college and university students’ consuming trend, values a
nd outlook, life style and influence by famous brands has forcefully indicated
that college and university students in big cities have powerful potential of
consumption. Studies show that the most popular products college university s
tudents like to buy are IT products and digital telecommunication products, an
d their pursuit of famous brands comes from their expectation of becoming newl
y-rich after graduation.
11. 伦敦、纽约和东京等大城市在我们的想像中巍然耸立。人们依然把这些地方与财富、
Big cities, like London, New York and Tokyo erect magnificently in people’s i
magination. People usually associate these big cities with fortune, prestige a
nd future. The past five decades have witnessed the expansion of big cities. T
he number of cities with the population of over 10 million has been increased
from two in the past to twenty at present. Today some well-known cities as Rio
de Janeiro, Mexico City and Bombay are added to this list.
However, we can not find on this list some general trends, one of which indica
tes the assembly in the currently-rising economies of the cities with rapid gr
owth of population. Among those 150 cities with the fastest growth of such lar
ge population, China has the most, 55 ones
while Indonesia and India have 12
and 10 ones respectively.
To certain extent, the rise of medium-sized cities is the result of the ea
rly success of the big cities. In 1990s, extremely large cities are growing ra
pidly along with prospering of global market, especially those big cities with
developed hi-tech industry or financial industry. The obvious evidence is the
revival of New York and London and the explosive growth of Shanghai and Hong
As we all know in history of mankind there appeared the Mesopotamian civilizat
ion in West Asia, the ancient Egyptian civilization along the Nile in North Af
rica, the ancient Greek-Roman civilization along the northern bank of the Medi
terranean, the ancient Indian civilization in the Indus River Valley in South
Asia, and the Chinese civilization originating in the Yellow and Yangtze River
Valleys. Owing to earthquake, flood, plague and famine, or to alien invasion
or internal turmoil, some of these ancient civilizations withered away, some w
ere destroyed and others became assimilated into other civilizations. Only the
Chinese civilization, thanks to its strong cohesive power and inexhaustible a
ppeal, has survived many vicissitudes intact. The 5,000-year-long civilization
is the source of pride of every Chinese.
13. 中华民族的传统文化博大精深、源远流长。早在2000多年前,就产生了以孔孟为代表
The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back
and runs a long, long course. More than 2,000 years ago there emerged in China
Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius. Taoism, represented by Lao
Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theories and doctrines that figured prominen
tly in the history of Chinese thought, all being covered by the famous term, “
the masters' hundred schools.” From Confucius to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the traditi
onal Chinese culture presents many precious ideas and qualities, which are ess
entially populist and democratic. For example, they lay stress on the importan
ce of kindness and love in human relations, on the interest of the community,
on seeking harmony without uniformity and on the idea that the world is for al
l. Especially, patriotism as embodied in the saying, “everybody is responsibl
e for the rise or” the populist ideas that, people are t
he foundation of the country and that people are more import the code of conduct of, don't do to others what you don't
want and the traditional virtues taught from generation t
o generation: long suffering and hard working diligence and frugality in house
hold management, and respecting teachers and valuing education. All these have
played a great role in binding and regulating the family, the country and the
14. 人多,不发达,这是中国的两大国情。中国有13亿人口,不管多么小的问题,只要乘
A large population and underdevelopment are the two facts China has to face. S
ince China has 1.3 billion people, I often like to say, I often like to make a
very easy but at the same time very complicated division and multiplication.
That is, any small individual problem multiplied by 1.3 billion becomes a big,
big problem. And any considerable amount of financial and material resources
divided by 1.3 billion becomes a very low per capita level. And becomes really
small. This is a reality the Chinese leaders have to keep firmly in mind at a
15. 中国在相当长时间内曾实行高度集中的计划经济体制。随着社会主义市场经济体制改
For quite some time in the past, China had a structure of highly centralized p
lanned economy. With deepening restructuring towards the socialist market econ
omy and progress in a development of democratic politics, there was gradual li
fting of the former improper restrictions, visible and invisible, on people's
freedom in the choice of occupation, mobility, enterprise, investment, informa
tion, travel, faith and lifestyles. This has brought extensive and profound ch
anges never seen before in China's history.
16. 中华民族历来酷爱和平。2000年前,秦始皇修筑的长城是防御性的。1000年前,唐朝
Peace loving has been a time-honored quality of the Chinese nation. The very f
irst emperor of the Qin Dynasty commanded the building of the Great Wall 2,000
years ago for defense purposes. The Tang Dynasty opened up the Silk Road one
thousand years ago in order to sell silk, tea and porcelain to other parts of
the world. Five hundred years ago, Zheng He, the famous diplomat navigator of
the Ming Dynasty, led seven maritime expeditions to seek friendly ties with ot
her countries, taking along China's exquisite products, advanced farming and h
andicraft skills. The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy once called the Chinese
nation the oldest and largest nation, and, the most peace-loving nation in th
17. 进入二十一世纪,人类面临的经济和社会问题更加复杂。文化因素将在新的世纪里发
Entering the 21st century, mankind is confronted with more complicated economi
c and social problems. The cultural element will have a more important role to
play in the new century. Different nations may speak different languages, but
the people's hearts and feelings are interlinked. Different cultures may pres
ent manifold features, yet they often share the same rational core elements th
at can always be passed on by people. The civilizations of different nations a
re all fruits of human wisdom and contributi they call fo
r mutual respect. Conflicts triggered by ignorance or prejudice are sometimes
more dreadful than those caused by contradictory interests. We propose to seek
common in a spirit of equality and tolerance, and carry on extensive inter-ci
vilization dialogue and closer cultural exchanges.
China is an ancient civilization with a history dating back over 5,000 years.
The Chinese people have made a major contribution to human progress by creatin
g the splendid Chinese civilization with hard work and ingenuity. The city of
Beijing, with its long history of over 3,000 years, stands testimony to that e
ffort. It became the nation’s capital over 800 years ago. A short distance fr
om the Great Hall of People, where we are in right now, is the world-renowned
Forbidden City. First built some 600 year ago, the former Imperial Palace is t
he largest and most complete existing ensemble of ancient royal architecture i
n the world. From Beijing’s time-honored past and the majestic Forbidden City
itself, people can learn vividly the originality, greatness and profound rich
ness of the Chinese civilization and feel for themselves the vigor, resilience
and pioneering spirit of the Chinese nation.
19. 我们将坚持以经济建设为中心,把发展作为第一要务,推动经济建设、政治建设、文
We must focus on economic development as our central task, making development
our top priority and facilitating an all-round progress in economic, political
and cultural aspects and in the building of a harmonious society. We must sti
ck to the direction of reform for a socialist market economy, step up institut
ional innovation, deepen reform aimed at galvanizing creative vitality of soci
ety and increase the inherent dynamics for economic and social development.
20. 我们将坚持对外开放的基本国策,建立更加开放的市场体系,在更大范围、更广领域
We must adhere to our basic policy of opening to the outside world, building a
more open market place and allowing the country to participate more broadly i
n international economic and technological cooperation and competition with st
ill wider and higher dimensions. We must follow a new course of industrializat
ion, endeavor to overhaul the economic structure, quickly transform the ways o
f economic growth by improving its quality and efficiency, vigorously develop
the circular economy and build a resource-effective and environment-friendly s
ociety, thus blazing a trail of development characterized by higher productivi
ty, comfortable life for the people and a sustainable eco-system.
21. 《财富》500强企业中已有400多家在华投资,外商投资在华设立的研发中心达700多家
Over 400 firms out of the Fortune 500 have invested in China. The number of R&
D centers set up by foreign investors in China has exceeded 700. As China beco
mes more developed, its cooperation with the other countries and their corpora
tions of various types is bound to increase in scale. China will keep opening
up its market, find new ways of using foreign capital, improve on legislations
and regulations for encouraging and protecting foreign investors, revamp fore
ign economic management, step up protection of intellectual property rights, a
nd work still harder to help foreign investors and create an even better envir
onment for trade and economic cooperation between China and the world.
22. 官方媒体报道,中国计划进一步向主要的工业、交通和社会领域投入约210亿美元,用
According to official report, China plans to concentrate its investment of
21 billion US dollars in industrial, communication and social sectors in its
western region with the aim at speeding up economic growth of the underdevelop
ed areas in that region. The State Commission of Reform and Development has al
located fund to those 12 industries to which are given priority, including the
fields of communication, minerals, industry and public health. Most of the fu
nd will directly go to the poverty-stricken rural areas in the west of China.
From 2000 to the end of 2005, the government has already invested about 125 bi
llion US dollars in the construction of 70 infrastructure facility projects in
those areas.
23. 中国作为出口大国的崛起给东部沿海地区带来了前所未有的繁荣,也让上亿人脱离贫
The rise of China as a big exporter has brought unprecedented prosperity to
the eastern coastal areas and also helped millions of people out of poverty.
The recent completion and open of the Qinghai-Tibet railway which is the highe
st in altitude in the world has linked Tibet with other parts of China. This n
ewly-built railway will boost in one of the least developed areas the economic
growth through/ by means of tourism, trade and investment.
中国自20世纪末开始崛起为世界经济强国,给全球带来了一定的冲击。 中国目前是
类历史上是前所未有的。中国可能在2020年超越美国,成为世界最大的经济体。 中国日益
Since the closing years of the 20th century China's emergence as a world econo
mic power has ramifications globally. China now ranks as the world's fourth la
rgest economy. Amazingly, this feat has been achieved in one generation. This
is unprecedented in human history. By 2020, it could overtake the US as the wo
rld's biggest economy. With its rising affluence and world stature, Chinese la
nguage, culture and things Chinese are gaining popularity all over - and soone
r than China experts had anticipated.
25. 首先,全球有超过3000万外国人在学华文,就读于中国高等学府的人数也相当可观。
这种趋势的发展速度相信还会加快。 另外,越来越多的华文文学作品也被翻译成外文。
效的工作,也正如火如荼的进行。 有外文配音的中国电影,不时在亚洲和西方的戏院上映
First and foremost, more than 30 million foreigners worldwide are now learning
Chinese. A significant number have enrolled in Chinese tertiary institutions.
This trend should quicken over time. In addition, more Chinese literature is
being translated into foreign languages. Also, traditional Chinese medicine ha
s widened its following in the West. More research is being conducted in US an
d European laboratories to verify the efficacies of Chinese herbal treatments.
Chinese movies, dubbed in foreign languages, are now making their regular app
earances in Asia and the West with growing audiences. Several have won coveted
international awards. Chinese movie icons have become familiar names overseas
26. 目前,到中国体验5000年文明的吸引力的游客不计其数。中国已经是全球第四大旅游
国,并将在10年内名列榜首。 2008年的北京奥运会将突出中国“柔性”的形象。更多的游
客将涌入中国,奥运会电视广播也会让世界各地千千万万的观众进一步认识中国。 最后,
Today, millions of tourists go to China to savor the myraid attractions of
its 5000-year old civilization. Now placed fourth among the world's favorite
visitor destinations, it is expected to top the list within a decade. The Beij
ing Olympics 2008 will further enhance China's softer image with increased tou
rism and through worldwide television coverage for millions of viewers. Finall
y, as Chinese is likely to supersede English as the number one Internet langua
ge within a decade, at least in terms of the number of users, it should propel
China's cultural reach exponentially.
27. 中国最近宣布,历时几个世纪对抗沙漠的战争取得了第一场胜利。在此之前,中国开
Recently China has announced the first victory in the war against desertificat
ion for several centuries. Before that, China has launched a campaign of plant
ing 12 billion trees within 5 years, which has eventually made green sand-hill
s and sandstorm-stricken areas. This victory marks the ever-growing awareness
of ecological protection in China who is trying to change the industrial model
of achieving economic growth at any cost. Currently, the government has also
announced the program of building 32 unclear power stations, which is a part o
f the program aiming to reduce the fossil fuel-reliance / dependence.
28. 中国政府认为,知识产权保护制度对于促进科学技术进步、文化繁荣和经济发展具有
中国把保护知识产权作为改革开放政策和社会主义法制建设的重要组成部分, 制定了有关
It is the Chinese government’s view that the intellectual property protection
system plays a significant role in promoting progress in science and technolo
gy, enriching culture and developing the economy. It is both an important syst
em ensuring the normal operation of the socialist market economy and one of th
e basic environments and conditions for international exchange and cooperation
in science, economy and culture. China considers the protection of IPR an imp
ortant part of its policy of reform and opening to the outside world and of bu
ilding of its socialist legal system. China has formulated relevant laws and r
egulations for IPR protection and participated in activities of international
organizations so as to strengthened international exchange and cooperation in
this field. Therefore, China’s IPR protection system is directed towards high
international standard.
There is powerful economic, social and political force that has driven rapid e
xpansion in higher education in the last several decades. Higher education is
viewed as important investment in human capital, which is essential to economi
c growth. In economic globalization, governments of many countries are willing
to enhance competitiveness by investing in higher education. Besides economic
considerations, social and political groups also intensify their effort to su
pport the expansion of higher education in the wake of popularization of prima
ry and secondary education. Higher education is recognized as an important cha
nnel for the rise of social status for the lower and middle classes. The expan
sion in higher education will provide great access and more equal opportunitie
s to the disadvantaged / under-privileged and reduce social inequality.
30. 中国是一个自然灾害、事故灾害、公共卫生事件等突发事件较多的国家。各种突发事
China is a country who has more emergency cases, such as, natural disasters, a
ccidents and incidents related to public health. The frequent occurrence of va
rious kinds of emergency cases has resulted in great loss of people’s livelih
ood and property. The Chinese government has emphasized its response to those
emergency cases and achieved remarkable success by adopting a series of forcef
ul measures. To further improve the legal system, enhance the public awareness
of crisis, clearly define the responsibility of government, enterprises, orga
nizations and individuals, fundamentally prevent and reduce occurrence of emer
gency incidents, increase the government’s capability of dealing with emergen
cy cases according to law, curb and minimize and eliminate severe social hazar
ds caused by emergency incidents is a pressing task for the development of Chi
na’s legal system.
31. 青藏铁路全常1956公里。纵贯青藏高原腹地。全线海拔4000米以上地段960多公里,翻
The 1956kilo-long Qinghai-Tibet railway traverses the hinterland of Qinghai-Ti
bet plateau. 960-kilometer section of the whole railroad is located 4,000 mete
rs above sea level and the highest point 5,027 meters lies across the Tanngula
Mountain. About 550 kilometers of the tracks run on frozen earth, the world’
s longest and highest plateau railway. The three major difficulties in the rai
lway construction are frozen earth, high altitude and harsh climate and fragil
e ecological system. The construction of Qinghai-Tibet railway is an important
decision made by the Chinese government after taking into account the develop
ment of China’s west and realization of common prosperity of all ethnic group
s in China. The completion of this railroad has expanded the coverage of the r
ail in the western region, increased the investment in infrastructure faciliti
es for the development of China’s west, enhanced transportation capacity to i
nsure overall and coordinated economic and social development, and indicted another successful example in materializing the scientific concep
t of development.
32. 中国积极参与了联合国等国际机构发起的全球环境保护进程。多年来,中国派高级代
China takes the initiative to attend the global environmental protection proce
ss that is initiated by United Nations and other international agencies. For y
ears, China has been sending senior delegations of representatives to take par
t in all previous meetings of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, th
e World Summit on Sustainable Development as well as a series of preparatory m
eetings. China has undertaken fruitful cooperation with United Nations Environ
mental Programs (UNEP) in the fields of prevention and control of desertificat
ion, biodiversity conservation, preservation of ozone layer, cleaner productio
n, circular economy, environmental education and trainings, flood prevention a
nd control in the upper and middle reaches of Yangtze River, action plan on re
gional seas, and the Global Program of Action for the Protection of Marine Env
ironment from Land-based Activities (GPA). Effective means of cooperation have
been created between China and UNDP, World Bank, Asia Development Bank, and other international organizations.
33. 黄河是我国第二大河,也是我国西北、华北地区最重要的供水水源,是黄河流域及相
The Yellow River, the second largest river in China, is the most important wat
er source in the northwestern and northern China and offers critical strategic
guarantee for sustainable development of economy and society in the basin and
relevant areas. However, the water resources of the river features such outst
anding characteristics as water scarcity, significant yearly runoff variation,
uneven temporal and spatial distribution of runoff and water demand. The wate
r resources of the river only occupies 2 percent of China, but shoulders a hea
vy task of supply water to about 0.14 billion people (accounting for 12 percen
t of the country), 0.24 billion mu (39.5 million acres) farmland (totaling abo
ut 15 percent), more than 50 large and medium sized municipalities, major ener
gy bases and heavy chemical industry, as well as Zhongyuan and Shengli oil fie
lds. In the 1990s, yearly average water consumption of Yellow River is 30.7 bi
llion cubic meters, which accounts for 53 percent of average annual runoff and over 60 percent of inflow of the same period. Due to contradic
tion of supply and demand, excessive development and irrational utilization of
Yellow River water resources, in addition, the previous laws and regulations
of water allocation being unable to meet the need of water allocation of the s
pecial situation of the Yellow River, zero flow occurred in the lower reach of
the Yellow River in 21 years out of 27 years from 1972 to 1999, which added u
p 1091 days and affected severely the socio- economic development of the lower
Yellow River and attached much attentions from home and abroad.
34. 当今世界,和平、发展、合作的潮流浩浩荡荡。经济全球化深入发展,科技进步日新
In the world today, peace, development and cooperation are the calling of the
times. Economic globalization has deepened. Science and technology are making
rapid advances. The flow of factors of production and industrial relocation ar
e gaining speed. The performance of major economies continues to improve, and
the world economy on the whole is growing steadily.
At the same time, however, the problems and challenges confronting human devel
opment have increased. New hot-spots, serious imbalances in economic developme
nt, growing gap between the North and South, prolonged increase in oil prices,
trade protectionism in new forms, increasingly acute global challenges of ter
rorism, environmental pollution, natural calamities and communicable diseases-
all these pose real threats to world peace and development. It must be pointed
out that many developing countries, particularly the African countries, remai
n in a disadvantaged position and face a host of difficulties in their develop
ment efforts. All these are major issues that the international community must
confront and resolve.
35. 全球能源安全,关系各国的经济命脉和民生大计,对维护世界和平稳定、促进各国共
Global energy security is crucial to ensuring the economic growth and people's
livelihood of all countries and to maintaining peace and stability and promot
ing common development. The accelerated economic globalization has intensified
interactions and links among various countries and regions. Every country has
the right to fully develop energy resources to promote its development. But f
ew countries can achieve energy security without joining in international coop
eration. Persistent high prices in the international energy market have advers
ely impacted global economic growth. This hurts the interests of both oil prod
ucers and consumers. The causes of high oil prices are complex, and the intern
ational community needs to increase dialogue and cooperation and take a compre
hensive approach to address the problem. This meets the common interests of al
l countries.
36. 中国高度重视能源问题。中国能源战略的基本内容是:坚持节约优先、立足国内、多
China places great importance on the energy issue. China's energy strategy can
be summarized as follows: Give high priority to conservation, rely mainly on
domestic supply, develop diverse energy resources, protect the environment, st
ep up international cooperation of mutual benefit, and ensure the stable suppl
y of economical and clean energies. China is a major energy consumer. But Chin
a is also a major energy producer. Since the 1990s, China has met over 90% of
its energy needs with domestic supply. China has rich coal reserves. Two-third
s of its hydropower resources remain untapped. The development of nuclear, win
d and bio-mass power in China has just started and there is great potential fo
r expanding energy supply from domestic sources. China's plan for its economic
and social development between 2006 and 2010 calls for doubling the per capit
a GDP of 2000 while reducing by 20% the energy consumption per unit of GDP at
the end of 2005 by 2010. We will make proper use of the international energy market and strengthen win-win cooperation with other energy prod
ucers and consumers on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to jointly saf
eguard global energy security.
37. 国际社会应该建立和完善多边防控合作机制,加快制定抗击禽流感等传染病的总体规
The international community should establish and improve multilateral cooperat
ion mechanisms for preventing and controlling communicable diseases. An overal
l plan should be promptly drawn up to fight avian flu and other communicable d
iseases. Scientific and standard prevention and control measures should be tak
en. The United Nations, the World Health Organization, the UN Food and Agricul
ture Organization and organizations for regional cooperation should play their
important role in this regard. We should deepen technological exchange and co
operation and encourage countries to provide each other with technical support
and assistance in a bid to achieve early breakthroughs in the basic research
of communicable diseases. A platform should be put in place to eventually real
ize information-sharing on prevention and control of communicable diseases in
a timely and standardized manner. Global capacity to fight communicable diseas
es should be strengthened and more technological and financial support should be given to those poor countries plagued by communicable diseas
es. High priority should be given to cooperation in epidemiology and preventio
n and control of avian flu, epidemic monitoring and diagnosis, R&D of vaccines
and drug development so that all countries can benefit from scientific and te
chnological achievements and experience in epidemic control.
38. 发展教育,是经济社会发展的基础条件,是促进社会公平的重要手段,也有助于增进
Education is the foundation for economic and social development. It provides a
n important means for promoting social justice and enhancing mutual understand
ing among different civilizations. For developing countries, speeding up the d
evelopment of education and improving the educational level of the workforce w
ill boost employment and economic growth and help narrow their gap in knowledg
e, human resources and skills. It is of great significance to strengthen coope
ration between developed and developing countries in education. We should give
priority to the following efforts: improving the education system, raising ed
ucation quality, promoting continuing education, fostering a culture of learni
ng, strengthening international exchange, sharing educational resources, apply
ing information and communication technologies, expanding access to education,
increasing government input and strengthening capacity-building. We should en
courage UN agencies and other international organizations and bilateral aid programs to make "education for all" and "continuing education" p
riority goals, help developing countries improve capacity building in human re
sources development and ensure their equal participation in international coop
eration and rule-making in education.
39. 中国正在按照以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的科学发展观推动经济社会发展。中国
Guided by a scientific outlook on development that is people-centric and calls
for comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, we in China are w
orking to promote economic and social development. China gives high priority t
o and takes an active part in international cooperation in global energy secur
ity, prevention and control of communicable diseases and education. China will
enhance cooperation and dialogue with major oil consuming and producing count
ries in energy development, utilization and environmental protection, increase
input in international cooperation in prevention and control of communicable
diseases and deepen external cooperation in education.
40. 对内坚持科学发展,对外坚持和平发展,是中国政府和中国人民的郑重选择和庄严承
To pursue scientific development internally and peaceful development externall
y is an important choice and firm commitment made by the Chinese Government an
d people. China will unswervingly pursue peaceful development and continue to
implement the opening-up strategy aimed at win-win outcome. We will work tirel
essly with people of all other countries to build a harmonious world of enduri
ng peace and common prosperity to the benefit of all peoples.
41. 在筹办奥运的推动下,北京的经济社会发展正在按照持续、快速、协调、健康的轨道
Spurred by the preparation of the Olympic Games, the social and economic devel
opment in Beijing has maintained dynamic and sound momentum. People’s living
standard has seen constant improvement. In 2005, the GDP of Beijing increased
by 11.8 percent and the GDP per capita reached US$5,457. A large number of tra
nsport infrastructure projects have started. Six roads around the Olympic venu
es have been built, and the construction of another 25 roads as well as Subway
Line 5, Line 10 and Line 4 is speeding up. Beijing’s environment quality has
greatly improved. “Blue sky” days in Beijing accounted for 64.1 percent of
the total days in % higher than in 2000. The forest coverage rate of
the city has reached 50.5 percent, meeting the target set for 2008 two years
in advance. In addition, the increasingly dynamic cultural exchanges have enri
ched people’s life. Various events including the Beijing International Touris
m Cultural Festival have boosted the cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world. Scope and depth of the Sino-foreign cultural
exchange in Beijing has reached an all-time high. Civility and Moral awareness
of the residents is constantly improving. Campaigns to create a sound social
environment for the Olympic Games have been launched. A healthier and more har
monious society and cultural environment are taking shape. The city’s economi
c growth has maintained sound and dynamic momentum in the first half of this y
ear with a GDP growth at 12.3%. Beijing is getting ready for hosting a success
ful Olympic Games in 2008.
42. 加强对医学院校临床医学、护理专业在校生的全科医学、社区护理素质教育,加大对
College students who study clinical medicine and nursing, shall receive adequa
te education on general practitioner and community nursing. Moreover, more on-
job training shall be conducted targeting GPs and nurses. Licensing and recrui
tment system shall be rationalized, while preferential policies be formulated
concerning professional titles, salary and welfare, so that more medical talen
ts would like to serve at community level.
Promulgation of these policy documents will surely promote sustained developme
nt of community health service, and accelerate the process of building a two-t
ier urban health system based on CHS. Within this system, CHS facilities and h
ospitals shall be well positioned and collaborate with each other, so that peo
ple can enjoy convenient services. These policy measures will also enable sign
ificant progress in address expensive and inaccessible medical care problems.
No one can degrade us except ourselves
※ 来源:?饮水思源 bbs.?[FROM:]


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