
来源:  【】 
  1为了提高自己的英语水平,把知识和实践结合,在朋友的介绍下,我来到了龙海学友教育补习机构,开始了我的执教之路。该学校是经教育行政主管机关批准成立的专业中学学培训机构,我的实习地点是福建漳州龙海市,这里是风景秀美的旅游区,这里有我的汗水和欢乐。我的实践内容是教培训班的学生英语课程。由于教学经验很浅,对于教学活动的程序和要求都不熟悉了,我对于教学工作不敢怠慢,认真学习,深入研究教法,虚心向学校里有经验的老师学习,获得了不少的关于中学英语教学现状的信息和对于英语教学的知识技巧。学校总负责人也为我安排了一位专门的指导教师――赵老师。在王老师的耐心指导下,我学会了如何写备课笔记,如何活跃课堂气氛,如何用简单的英语句子和同学们进行课堂交流等等。特别是她和另几名教师教我的小游戏,使我在课堂上很好地调动了学生的积极性,令我受益匪浅!  2今天新来了俩个同事,都是漳州师院的。她们都比我一个大二,一个大三,但是她们看起来挺干练的,一问才知道她们从大一起就在周末兼职了,因为家里经济压力比较大的原因她们从大一起就自己解决生活费了,一个女生告诉我大一的时候她每个周末会骑两个小时的自行车到一个小学生家里当家教,上课的时间也是两小时来来回回的感觉一天都在忙碌虽然钱不多一个小时20元但是很充实。她面带微笑的给我描述那些但是还是想我想到了很多,想想在大学的时候有多少学生在学校攀比挥霍,他们可曾想过穷人家的孩子为了区区40元要如何去努力呢。包括今天新来的两个同事,住在一起的老师一共9个,有教数学,化学,物理和英语的。虽然中学的时候我的物理还是不错的,但是我还是选择了自己的专业英语。学友负责人是个挺帅的男老师,他姓卓他自己是教化学的是化学组的组长。他给每个老师分配了一下各自的教学任务额课件。我是英语教研组的组长助理也许是因为我是大四的学生吧就把这个职位分配给我了,不知道能不能做得很好但是我会尽力的,既然来了就要做好。她还给老师没人发了两套工作服和工作牌挺职业的感觉。整理好自己的东西我就进了房间,还好有空调不热,美美地睡一觉明天好好工作。相信自己能行的。  3今天早上我们一早起来就唱了学友教育的主题歌《我相信》感觉充满了斗志,接着我们看了一集《赢在中国》感受颇深,这是在学校的时候从来没有去关注过的东西。下午我们沿街发学友教育的传单,要每个店面一家一家的发过去每人发300张,发的过程中你要去给每家店主介绍学友教育,还要收集20条建议,发传单不难一家一家的介绍过去才是最难的。因为以前很少主动和陌生人说话现在一说还要说那么多,刚开始进到店里的时候还好店主没有对我表示反感,耐心地听我介绍了学友教育可能是因为他也有小孩在中学读书吧。聊着聊着的时候店主还给我倒了杯水。进入下一家店的时候是一家服装店,里面很都客人我给店主和客人都发了传单,但是店主好像不我的样子,说她们不需要这些,我突然意识到可能是我影响了人家的生意了换位思考要是我是店主我也不希望我在做生意的时候被别人影响的。接着我就学聪明了看到店里没人的时候我才进去。和店主们谈了很多他们也给了我们很多很好的建议,比如暑假期间能不能解决孩子食宿问题啊,小班教学人数能不能再少点这样老师就能顾及班上每一个同学了等等。我都记录好了回去可以总结下反馈给负责人。300份总算发完了,好像完成了个巨大的工程。晚上老总请我们吃了海鲜大餐还不错哦。  4卓老师给我们说前几天的培训重点还是放在备课上,备课一定得充分,只要能调动学生的积极性,上课效果就好。上课内容要丰富,现实,教态要自然,讲课要生动,难易适中照顾全部,就自然能够吸引住学生。学友有一对一的学生还有小班的学生,所以在备课的时候我格外关注细节,作为老师每天都要有充足的精神,让学生感受到一种自然气氛。我们都知道英语是一门外语,对初学者而言,既生疏又困难,在这样一种大环境之下,要教好英语,就要让学生喜爱英语,让他们对英语产生兴趣。否则学生对这门学科产生畏难情绪,不愿学也无法学下去。教案也是教学前的重头戏,以前从来没有备过,为了做出实用的教案,我专门在网上查找了相关的资料。为了第一节课的教案,我接连奋斗了两个晚上,总算捣鼓出一篇像样的教案。虽算不上精品,但至少在上讲台前要有充足的准备。教学中,备课是一个必不可少,十分重要的环节,备学生,又要备教法。备课不充分或者备得不好,会严重影响课堂气氛和积极性,曾有一位前辈对我说:“备课备不好,倒不如不上课,否则就是白费心机。”我明白到备课的重要性,因此,每天我都花1&&&
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Copyright & 2004- 网 All Rights Reserved 中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-初中英语作文大全四篇
   1.关于环保  how to stay healthy  would you like to keep healthy like the others do? now let me tell you
something about staying healthy.  1. food. to keep yourself healthy, you shouldnt eat something that have
too much oil, calory or salt. for that can cause a lot of diseases. the right
way to keep healthy is to eat more vegetables and fruits.  2. exercise. another way which is always be ignored is to excercise more.
an average of steps a normal adult have per day is 10000 - 15000. youll find
yourself more healthy after changing the steps to 15000 - 20000 per day, and
youll get more fit easily by that.  thats my own easy methods of staying healthy. ill be glad if you have any
ideas about that and have a discussion with me!  2.运动  my favorite sport  there are many kinds of sports that i enjoy, such as swimming, running, and
dancing. however, the sport that i like most is basketball. when i was in junior
high, i started to play basketball in school. at that time, i found i had loved
deeply this sport. now, i would like to watch basketball games as much as i can.
the basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.  3.春节  myspringfestival  last year’s spring festival is special. my uncle and my aunt came back from
shanghai. my family were very happy to keep the spring festival with them. and
it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals.  on new year’s eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together.
my mum did some cooking with my aunt grandparents and i watched the new year tv
programmes. at about six o’clock, we had a special family dinner. we all thought
the dumplings were delicious.  on the first day of the new year, we visited our relatives. in the
afternoon, we went shopping in jiefanf road. my uncle bought some jay’s cds. he
likes jay’s music very much. there were so many people on the road. it was more
alive than any other time of a year.  on the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend in the
country. there were much bigger trees than in the city. and the animals were
more beautiful than in the city. we all enjoyed ourselves.  i had an interesting spring festival. how about you?  4.出游  an unforgetful trip  i went chong qing in july 22.it is a city which was built near mountains.
so people call it mountain city\. in chong qing,i went to the red stone center,
to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. it is a terrible and
awful trip. there are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons.
and most of the prisons are good, they didnt want to tell the bad people where
the other people were. they lived in very small houses. no good food to eat, no
good water to drink.they had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but
they still said nothing.  i think they are the heros in that century. i will follow their spirit.初中英语作文:描写春夏秋冬四季的英语作文(共四篇)
Four Seasons exchange, in exchange for the pay and benefits, in exchange for the care and joy, carefully listening and feeling the warmth and care four seasons strong, touching and that the return of the feminine and the masculine mind.
Spring, reviving everything. Gently twist the spring a beautiful posture, to wake up sleeping in the underground life.
In the branches, it is already bursting out with a beautiful life, they are trying to grow with, it seems that the only way to return the land nourished, they grow with and happy to grow with, and strive to make their own blooming the most beautiful colors.
Qingqing lake, Yang Liu Yiyi. Thin thick willow shoots open, gently cage corner to bixi live, semi-curved springs, luring countless butterflies attracted countless bees, confused the hundreds of thousands of hiding behind the fragile soul in the text. They enjoy the bloom, for the sole reward that nourish their land and wake-up to their spring.
Spring breeze woke up everything, but also blow the return of their awake heart. That heart, in the flower-decked in the bud gradually.
The heat of summer, passion Bengjian the pond, the lotus is also busy in the summer return of contributions.
Pool filled with green lotus leaves, lotus, of course can not miss this good opportunity to gather in small groups quietly opened in the pool. Their posture so that the number of literati who are intoxicated, Zhou's more that it wrote "Reminiscence": 出淤泥而不染, Zhuo-Qing Lian without demon, in the pass outside the straight, non-vine are not sticks, incense Yi-Qing Yuan can and can not Lex Xie Wan Yan. Finally, it has become eternal Excellent phrases, it became famous encouraged his numerous people with lofty ideals. Are poets know why it spit fragrance? ! Their fragrance only to return the caress summer moisture and water.
Summer brings the vitality of life, but also brought a return of the heart's passions. That heart, in the heat of summer in the increasingly growing and expanding.
Golden autumn of the fruit. Orchard and every tree covered with fruit, they are bright red, glistening yellow. They know that their body is a crystallization of flowers and fruit trees. The body of their
their body inside exudes the fragrance of flowers. They are designed to return the whole body of fruit trees and flowers Yanyinqipan selfless dedication.
"Luo Hong is not a heartless objects, rendering them visually more Huhua Enriching the soil." Dyed in the branches of autumn leaves, when the sun penetrates its body, it smiling: return of the day has arrived. It branches jump jump, beating the steps, drop, and fall into mud. It is gratifying just because of the soil reported parenting, but also for the continuation of life.
Autumn harvest of the fruit, has reaped rewards the heart of the young fruit. Sinking heart, stands where the fruits of vine covered with hearts.
Yin Yi Su-wrapped Blues Wong, Mandala silent, a plant has quietly returns - plum. It quietly upright branches, even if hit by snowstorms. Spring, summer, fall, it has been quietly brewing, waiting for this moment of the outbreak of the beautiful. It is selfless to grow with, so that poets often as it is recited: a corner a few sticks of plum, cold alone open. Yao is not snow, only subtle fragrance.
Winter Snow-capped, with or without taking the plum flower bloom, but also did not return with th cold biting, blowing billowing plum fragrance, but also returns the heart of distributed wind billowing the charming fragrance.
Into the four seasons, to feel the joy of beating the four seasons is paid, and the return is the pulse of happiness, silently watching the heart of return gradually sprout, grow, blossom.
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关于我们 -& -& -& - 网站地图 -& - 人才招聘 -雅思解释类大作文模式化范文四篇
雅思大作文解释类题目分为三种,分别是RS, RE, R.LB, 后两种小类型在业内鲜有人提及,但其实07年以后都时常会考到。解释类题目是业内许多老师所忽视的领域,因为他们觉得考的少不值得讲,但今年却考了8次,充分反映了剑桥官方反预测的欲望和动向,所以以后解释类是必须要准备的。
The issue of environmental protection has been in limelight recently. Some people maintain that protecting the environment is of considerable significance, but they take no actions. In this article, I intend to explore its causes and offer some possible measures.
The primary source of this problem is that environmental protection may bring some inconvenience to individuals& daily life. In addition to this, efforts to protect the environment will probably damage the economic interests of some industries.Another contributing factor is that the selfishness deeply rooted in human nature is likely to urge individuals to shirk this responsibility to others. Finally, citizens are not motivated to take actual actions for the sake of environmental protection.
In order to overcome this problem, I believe we must strengthen our efforts to publicize the importance of environmental protection and thus promote citizens& motivation to take actions. It is also necessary for us to enact relevant laws to punish the behaviors of polluting the environment. Another positive step would be toprovide those highly polluted industries with compensations for them to close down.
In conclusion, I believe we must all recognize how serious this problem is.
For the sake of human existence on this planet, it is suggested that joint efforts across the border should be made to rescue the only homeland on which we have survived for millions of years.
In our time and age, much debate has taken place about social equality. The disparity between the wealthy and the impoverished is being enlarged. In this article, I intend to explore its sources and provide some possible measures.
The primary cause of this problem is that social resources are allocated unevenly among citizens. Furthermore, public welfare system fails to cover those disadvantaged groups in reality. Another contributing factor is that individuals& income is always determined by their capabilities. Finally, people&s success is also directly related to one&s family background.
In order to address this problem, I believe we should foster the development of charity organizations and conduct more fund-raising activities. It is also necessary for us tolevy higher taxes from the wealthy. Another positive step would be to provide disadvantaged groups with more support such as free education and medical care.Besides, the haves are encouraged to help the poor get rid of poverty.
For the sake of social solidarity, it is vital that we take more measures to bridge the disparity between the rich and the poor. If this problem fails to be solved properly, a large number of crisis and dangers will emerge.
The issue of TV news programs has aroused wide concern in recent times. Viewers are exposed to an increasing number of violence and disaster images on TV news programs. In this essay, I intend to analyze its sources along with some effects on the individual and the society.
The chief cause of this issue is that these images are designed by the media to catch viewers& attention. In addition to this, the incidences of disasters and violence are on the rise. Another contributing factor is that the development of media technology helps individuals to access what&s happening in the world.
Firstly, nobody would disagree that violence and disaster images creates panic among the citizens. Besides, these images are likely to produce adverse effects on the physical and mental fitness of teenagers. It is also important for us to recognize that the conviction rate will increase and this may pose a threat to social stability.
In reality, this problem is unlikely to be resolved in the short term. However, it is by no means insurmountable, and I am convinced that the government should enact relevant laws to put proper restrictions on the content of media coverage.
The discussion about academic qualification has triggered a new round of heated debate in recent years. Some employers assert that academic qualifications play a more important role in their selection of employees than life experiences and personal qualities. In this essay, I will analyze its sources and offer my own perspective on this development.
The primary source of this issue is that higher academic qualifications mean higher capability. Moreover, academic qualification serves as a more efficient way to identify talents for employers. Another contributing factor is that the society harbor excessive enthusiasm and trust towards academic qualifications.
From my point of view, this is a curse for both individuals and the society. Firstly, it is an undeniable fact that it may add fuel to the culture of exam-oriented education and neglect the cultivation of students in other important areas. In addition to this,brain loss is another problem we have to face. Besides, this is likely to cause resentment among citizens of lower academic qualifications and pose a threat to social stability.
By way of conclusion, I believe that this issue is likely to become even more important in the future. It, therefore, demands our further consideration.
CopyRight & 沪江网 2015&六年级英语小短文四篇
六年级英语小短文四篇 10
There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there. 


I have a small bedroom.There are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do my homework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is small,but it gives me much happiness. 
Let me take it down 

An elephant said to a mouse ,&No doubt that you are 
the smallest and most useless thing that I have ever seen .& 

&Please ,say it again . Let me take it down .& the mouse 
said . & I will tell a flea what I know.& 


Fox and cock 
One morning a fox sees a cock.He 
think,&This is my breakfast.&& 
He comes up to the cock and says,&I know 
you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?&&The 
cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins 
to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. 
The people in the field see the fox.They cry,&Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.&&The cock says to the fox,&Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.&& 
The fox opens his mouth ang says,&The cock is mine,not yours.&&Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree. 
I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king. 

其他回答 (4)
(1)My Hobbies 
I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary. 
In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one&s health, and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running at five o&clock in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play pingpong with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy. 
At home, I like to sing and play the violin. I hope I will be a singer and a violinist① when I grow up. In order to attain these goals②,I go to the teacher&s home for a lesson every Saturday, and practise singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am, I am quite happy. 
Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. When I grow up, I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learned from them. 
①violinist [&vai+linist] n.小提琴手 
②attain[+&tein] these goals达到这些目的 

(2)My English Study 
My English Study 

English is my favorite subject and I once won a second prize in Sichuan English Reading Comprehension Competition for Middle School Students. Now I&m good at English and one of the best students at English in our senior grade one . [Now I think I can use English better and I am one of the students in the class who do best in English examinations. ] . How did I learn English? 

First, I read a lot of English, beginning from junior time [the time when I was a junior middle school student ]. I read many English stories and jokes. I didn&t get bored because the stories and jokes were interesting. Thus I have got to be more and more interested in English and learned a lot of the language through reading widely. 

Second, I have kept a diary in English. I just write down what I do, what I see and what I think of every day. I try my best to express myself in the most simple words. In this way Ihave improved my writing ability a lot. On the other hand, this diary writing has also helped me to form the habit to think in English. 

The above are my two ways of English study. Would you please try them if you&re interested? 

(3)My Favorite TV Program 
My favorite TV program is &Animal World&. We can watch the program every Sunday evening. The program tells us the story of animal life. We can learn the animals& habits and their natural surroundings. 
In the Shanghai Zoo, there are also many animals. But in the program we can see more animals. It gives me a chance to learn about the other creatures. Animals are our friends. It is wrong to kill them for food. We must do our best to protect them. I hope I can do something for the wild animals. 

(4)The Book I Like Best 
Everyone has his own favorite book, I am also. The book I like best is &Three Days to See& written by an American deaf-and-dumb woman author and educator---- Helen Keller. It is very positive. I like it very much!Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. 

An Unforgettable Challenge

When I was ten years old, I began to chat with foreigners. But I was very shy. Gradually, I became more and more confident with foreigners’ help.
The following year, I went to Yangzhou with two foreigners. I became their guide. First, we came into the Shouxi River. They wanted to look around the river by boat. I told them the price. Then we got into the boat. When we looked out at the sight, we all felt very beautiful. After that, they went to buy souvenirs. The sellers couldn’t speak English. Though it was very hard, I tried my best to listen to their words carefully and translate the sentences. They bought some souvenirs with my help. Next, we went to a small zoo, and we took some photos. There were not many animals. When we felt hungry, we went out and had lunch. After lunch, we visited some old houses. They learned more about Chinese history.

This wasn’t only a big challenge but also an unforgettable challenge. This opportunity made me confident and brave.
I hope I can catch many opportunities in the future, then I can speak English, because I think practice makes perfect.

My Dreams

I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends.
I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world.
I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well.
I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.” 

The source of Energy

A summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin, not on the Earth, but in the S in fact, at the Sun&s very center. It is here that is to be found the source of the energy that the Sun constantly pours out into space as light and heat. This energy is librated at the center of the Sun as billions upon billions of nuclei of hydrogen atoms collide with each other and fuse together to form nuclei of helium, and in doing so, release some of the energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms. The output of light and heat of the Sun requires that some 600 million tons of hydrogen be converted into helium in the Sun every second. This the Sun has been doing for several thousands of millions of year. 

the nuclear energy is released at the Sun&s center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation like light and radio waves, only of very much shorter wavelength. This gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms inside the Sun to be reemitted at slightly longer wavelengths. This radiation , in its turn is absorbed and reemitted. As the energy filters through the layers of the solar interior, it passes through the X-ray part of the spectrum eventually becoming light. At this stage, it has reached what we call the solar surface, and can escape into space without being absorbed further by solar atoms. A very small fraction of the Sun&s light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth.

Types of Speech 
Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speech or writing, but not considered appropriate for more formal situations. Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority. Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified. Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than in writing. 
Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech. Some slang also passes into standard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity followed by obscurity. In some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. Every generation seems to require its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events. It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the creation of a large body of slang expressions. First, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and situa second, a diverse population with a large third, association among the subgroups and the majority population. 
Finally, it is worth noting that the terms &standard& &colloquial& and &slang& exist only as abstract labels for scholars who study language. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expressions. Most speakers of English will, during appropriate situations, select and use all three types of expressions. 



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