in measures of measures是什么意思思 是不是和 in great measure ...

翻译解释in no small measure是什么意思_in no small measure在线造句_英语in no small measure例句_in no small measure的音标读音发音及用法 -《查字典通》英语 英汉字典 &汉英字典 &首页 && &&翻译解释in no small measure是什么意思_in no small measure在线造句_英语in no small measure例句_in no small measure的音标读音发音及用法in no small measure目录解释:在很大程度上; 多半, 大部分在不小的程度上英语造句:1. Also, as pastor-leader, I was in no small measure responsible for this bogging down.作为领导牧者,我得为这事负上责任。2. We suffered in no small measure on this account.由于这个,我们受了不小的损失。3. Barely 16 years later, Cecil Rhodes had become a towering figure in finance and mining, a transformation achieved through skill and courage, and, in no small measure, bribery and ruthlessness.但短短的16年之后,他成了金融业和采矿业的大亨。他的辉煌靠的是勇气和谋略,当然,也少不了贿赂官员和残酷剥削工人。4. Inextricably interwoven with our thoughts, words are bound to influence them in no small measure.逃不掉地以我们的想法交织, 字得在没有小的尺寸影响他们。5. Many of the visitors were genuine spiritual souls, the unseen pillars of Hinduism, and their spiritual lives were quickened in no small measure by the sage of Dakshineswar.不少来访者是诚恳的灵性追求者,是印度教看不见的栋梁,这位达克希什瓦圣人并没有低估他们的灵性生命成长。6. It bequeathed to us in no small measure the priceless gift of innocence, the wonderful feeling of mirth and the invaluable sensation of being forever young.它给了我们可贵的天真,让我们感受到了欢乐的美妙以及永远年轻的那种珍贵的感受。7. The introduction of a new tax accounted in no small measure for the downfall of the government.这届政府的垮台在很大程度上归因于征收一种新税。相关词条:
《》&Copyright&版权所有&联系我们:in a measure actors是什么意思新东方背诵美文born to win第三篇companionship of books中有一段说道books introduce us into the best society.they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived.we hear what they said and did,we see them as if _百度作业帮
in a measure actors是什么意思新东方背诵美文born to win第三篇companionship of books中有一段说道books introduce us into the best society.they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived.we hear what they said and did,we see them as if they were really alive.we sympathize with them,enjoy with them,grieve with them.their experience becomes ours,and we feel as if we were [in a measure actors with them] in the scenes which they describe.请问这个in a measure actors a 与actors不是矛盾吗?
in a measure是一个词组,大多数,多半的意思
不矛盾,in a measure是一部分的意思,in a measure actors 是一部分的作者《以书为伴》原句的意思是:我们觉得自己仿佛在作者所描绘的舞台上和他们一起粉墨登场。
不矛盾 前面有measure
不矛盾,因为英语中存在名词并列表示一种组合含义,如police man......属于集合名词,将它们看成整体,就做单数。in a measure actors在此语段意思大概是“置身其内,身临其境”
您可能关注的推广in good measure是什么意思呀_百度作业帮
in good measure是什么意思呀
in good measure词性及解释 Part of speech and definition 分量足, 充分地例句 Sentences In addition to dessert, they serve fruit for good measure.除了甜点心外,他们再加上水果the car salesman threw in the radio, for good measure.小汽车推销员额外附加了无线电设备.If you like folk singing you'll get it in good measure tonight.你要是喜欢民族唱法,今晚可以尽兴了.A measure of good-will.有分寸的善意 a good mile from here.给足分量;给足分量;从这儿足足一英里.
1. The colonies were claiming a larger measure of self-government.
2. The cushions, shown left, measure 20× 12 inches and cost $39.95.
3. The local administration says the curfew is a precautionary measure.
4. Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six.
5. Francis poured a generous measure of the whisky into a fresh glass.
不可计量的,无限的 (im不+measurable[adj.可测量的]→adj.不可计量的,无限的)
可测量的 (measure[v.测量,分派,权衡 n.尺寸,量度器,措施,办法]+able可以……的→adj.可测量的)
尺寸,量度器,措施,办法 (meas计量,测量+ure→v.测量,分派,权衡 n.尺寸,量度器,措施,办法)
(meas计量,测量+ure→v.测量,分派,权衡 n.尺寸,量度器,措施,办法)
可与……相比,与……相等 (com共同+measure测量→测量尺寸相同,相等)
measure up
1. 相当于,等同于
2. 合格,符合标准
a candidate who just didn't measure up.
get (或take或have)the measure of
1. 评估…的特性(或本质、能力)
he's got her measure—she won't fool him.
in — measure
1. 以(指明的)程度
his rapid promotion was due in some measure to his friendship with the king.
measure one's length
1. (旧)摔倒,跌倒
beyond measure
2. 无限度,无可估量
for good measure
1. 另外:附加于要求的数量
in a measure 或 in some measure
1. 在某种程度上
The new law was in a measure harmful.
1. “估量;分类;比较”释义下的同义词
: 指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。
: 较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。
: 专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。
衡量;估量;评估;判定 If you measure the quality, value, or effect of something, you discover or judge how great it is.&
【语法信息】:V n prep
【语法信息】:V n
I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctor's office...
A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university...
It was difficult to measure the precise impact of the labor action.
测量;度量;计量 If you measure a quantity that can be expressed in numbers, such as the length of something, you discover it using a particular instrument or device, for example a ruler.&
【语法信息】:V n
Measure the length and width of the gap...
He measured the speed at which ultrasonic waves travel along the bone.
距离(或长度、宽度、数量等)为… If something measures a particular length, width, or amount, that is its size or intensity, expressed in numbers.&
【语法信息】:V amount
【搭配模式】:no cont
The house is more than twenty metres long and measures six metres in width...
This hand-decorated plate measures 30cm across...
Their paddock measures 24 metres square.
相当数量;一定程度 A measure of a particular quality, feeling, or activity is a fairly large amount of it.&
【搭配模式】:N of n
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success...
The colonies were claiming a larger measure of self-government.
(情形严重或发展到了一定程度的)体现,表现,标志 If you say that one aspect of a situation is a measure of that situation, you mean that it shows that the situation is very serious or has developed to a very great
【搭配模式】:N of n/wh
It is a measure of their plight that few of them have anywhere to go to...
That is a measure of how bad things have become at the bank.
措施;办法 When someone, usually a government or other authority, takes measures to do something, they carry out particular actions in order to achieve a particular result.&
【搭配模式】:oft N to-inf
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
The government warned that police would take tougher measures to contain the trouble...
He said stern measures would be taken against the killers...
As a precautionary measure repeat the medication.
(标准量的)一杯(烈性酒) A measure of a strong alcoholic drink such as brandy or whisky is an amount of it in a glass. In pubs and bars, a measure is an official standard amount.&
【搭配模式】:usu N of n
He poured himself another generous measure of malt.
...a pub measure of spirits.
(音乐的)小节 In music, a measure is one of the several short parts of the same length into which a piece of music is divided.&
【语域标签】:AM 美
in BRIT, use 英国英语用 bar
非常;极其 If you say that something has changed or that it has affected you beyond measure, you are emphasizing that it has done this to a great extent.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
Mankind's knowledge of the universe has increased beyond measure...
She irritated him beyond measure.
附加地;除此之外地 If you say that something is done for good measure, you mean that it is done in addition to a number of other things.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
I repeated my question for good measure...
For good measure, a few details of hotels were included.
了解;熟悉;估量…的能力/掂量出…的分量;摸清…的底细 If you get or take the measure of someone or something, you discover what they are like, so that you are able to control them or deal with them. If you have the measure of someone or something, you have succeeded in doing this.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
The governments of the industrialized world had failed to get the measure of the crisis...
Has he taken the measure of us and concluded that we're not willing to risk a life?...
Lili was the only person I knew who had the measure of her brother.
在某种程度上/在很大程度上 If something is true in some measure or in large measure, it is partly or mostly true.&
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
Power is in some measure an act of will...
In Britain, we have so far escaped, in large measure, either of these afflictions.
You must measure accurately.
1. 量出; 记录
They measured the strength of an electric current.
He measured the rope to see if it was long enough.
This is a yardstick for measuring whether a person is really progressive.
2. 估计, 估量
It's hard to measure his ability when we haven't seen his work.
没有见过他的作品, 很难估计他的能力。
3. 仔细考虑
He's a man who measures his words.
4. (通过竞争, 冲突等)考验某事物, 较量
You have to measure your determination with that of other people.
5. 测量;度量
6. (指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为
8. 调整;调节
9. 斟酌;权衡
1. 有…大小
That old tree must measure at least 30 metres from top to bottom.
The tailor took my measure for a new suit.
He took the measure of the cliff before he climbed it.
2. 计量制, 度量法
The measure is given in centimetres.
3. 计量单位
4. 量具, 量器
The barman uses a small silver measure for brandy.
5. 尺度, 标准
6. 程度, 地步
We did reach a considerable measure of agreement.
7. 措施, 办法
The measures had a detrimental effect.
We should take appropriate measures to improve our teaching.
8. (一定的)量,程度
9. 判断;衡量
10. (尤指酒)标准量
11. (用一种标准测量的)尺寸;大小;分量;重量
12. 限度;适度;分寸
13. 议案;法令
14. (诗的)韵律;音步
1. (测量后)有…长(或宽、高、大等)
1. the act or
"the measurements were carefully done"
"his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate"
a reference point against which other thi
"they set the measure for all subsequent work"
3. how much there is of something that you can quantify
4. any maneuver made as part of pr
"the situation called for strong measures"
"the police took steps to reduce crime"
5. a statute in draft b
"they held a public hearing on the bill"
6. (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
7. musical notation for a repeating patt
"the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song"
8. measuring instrument having a sequence of marks
used as a reference in making measurements
1. determine the measurements of something or somebody,
"Measure the length of the wall"
2. express as a number or
"Can you quantify your results?"
"This table surfaces measures 20inches by 36 inches"
4. judge th
"I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"
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方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:关于此句英语的句型与词汇请问:The swallow share the virtues of both schools in highest measure.It tires not ,nor does it boast of its power .译文:燕子充分具有两类鸟的长处,它既不疲劳,也不炫耀自已的飞翔力.其中schools 与in highest mea_百度作业帮
关于此句英语的句型与词汇请问:The swallow share the virtues of both schools in highest measure.It tires not ,nor does it boast of its power .译文:燕子充分具有两类鸟的长处,它既不疲劳,也不炫耀自已的飞翔力.其中schools 与in highest measure It tires not ,这种句型的否定式是怎样构成的?nor does it boast of its power ,是一种倒装吧?为什么要加上does 而不把boast of 提前?这是一种什么样的句型?
我可以肯定地告诉你,无视某些怪怪的用法,因为这就是新四的风格.school原意指鱼群,这里取引申义,鸟类,鸟群的意思.measure有一意思为"程度",固定用法“in a measure(一定程度上)”这里的“in highest measure”就是“最大程度上”也即“充分”;而It v.not,nor does it v.sth就是一个可用的句型来的,表示:既不也不……
1、school,作为名词还有另外一种含义,就是鱼群,可以当作量词使用表示大群的生物的意思,例如,a school of fish.题中的schools 就是鸟群的意思。2、in high measure,意为在很大的程度上,意译为充分。3、在句型It v. not, nor does it v. 中,nor does it boast of power,是一种倒装,这是固定用...


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