MP3播放器 换 麦克风连接电脑有时显示的是可移动磁盘有时显示MY AUDIO

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900、1800 和1900 网络。有关网络的更多信息,请向您的服务供应商咨询。在使用本设备的各项功能时,请遵守各项法律法规并尊重当地习俗,以及他人的隐私及合法权益(包括版权)。
本设备支持基于tcp/ip 协议的wap 2.0 协议(http 和ssl)。设备的部分功能,如彩信(mms)、网络浏览、即时信息、支持显示状态信息的通讯录、通过浏览器或彩信下载内容等,都要求所用网络支持相关技术。第三节
使用入门手机概览安装SIM 卡当您登记移动电话号码时,您将取得一张由网络运营商提供的SIM卡(用户身份识别模块)。有了这张SIM卡,您就可以使用该手机的各项功能,在SIM卡中存储了许多通信时所需的参数,并可存储个人资料,包括PIN码(个人识别码)、电话簿、短消息及其它额外的系统服务。使用SIM卡推出工具打开SIM卡槽,将SIM卡放入警告:请勿扭曲或划伤SIM卡,也不要让它接触静电、灰尘或浸水;若SIM卡遗失,请立即与您的网络运营商联络,以便寻求协助。在安装你的SIM卡之前请首先关机。将SIM卡如右图所示方向竖直插入手机顶部的SIM卡槽中。注意:SIM卡属于微小物体,请不要让儿童接触SIM卡以免儿童将其误吞入口中手机附带附件
要拨打国际长途电话,请按两下* 输入国际长途码(“+”字符代表国际拨出代码),然后输入国家或地区代码、区号(请根据需要输入,且区号前无需加“0”) 和电话号码。
通话记录通话记录本手机可以记录未接电话、已接电话和已拨电话的电话号码。手机如果在开机状态且位于网络服务区内时,在网络支持情况下,它才能记录未接电话和已接电话。在未接电话、已接电话和已拨电话功能列表下,您可以查看通话的时期和时间、编辑或删除列表中的电话号码、将号码保存至电话簿。1、未接: 可查看最近您未接听的电话号码的列表(网络服务)。2、已拨:可查看最近您已拨出或试拨过的电话号码的列表。3、已接:可查看最近您已接听来电的电话号码的列表(网络服务)。4、清除:您可以选择删除最近通话记录中的未接电话、已接电话、已拨电话列表中的号码。第六节
也、匕、与、经手写输入法该手机支持手写输入法, 手写输入是一种非常人性化的输入方式,手写功能给人们带来的方便已经得到了大家的认可。本手机支持手写文字的输入法,您只需点击右下角的手写按键,在文字输入栏手写文字,在屏幕下方选择字符。此手机有复制粘贴功能,将光标点在需要复制的字前边,停顿一秒,斜下拉字体背景色为黑色,手指松开会自动弹出选择项“剪切,全部剪切,复制,全部复制”,选择后,将光标放在需要粘贴的地方,停顿一秒,会自动弹出“复制全部,剪切全部,粘贴”,选择选项完成此功能。数字输入法在此输入法状态下按数字键输入对应的数字。符号输入法点选图中所示符号位置,可切换至符号输入法,点选需要的符号即可选择需要的符号。第七节
重要须知:打开信息时请务必小心。信息可能包含恶意软件或其他可能对您的设备或pc 造成危害的因素。第八节
彩信编写和发送彩信1、选择主界面→彩信→写信息。2、在收信人:栏中输入一个电话号码或电子邮件地址。要从存储器中提取电话号码或电子邮件地址,请选择查找。3、编写您的信息。要增加文件,请按选项,然后选择需要加入的文件夹及文件内容。4、要在发送之前预览彩信,请选择选项→预览多媒体信息。5、点击完成,选择发送或其它。只有具备兼容功能的设备才能接收和显示彩信。信息的显示效果可能因不同的接收设备而异。无线网络可能对彩信的大小有限制。如果插入图像的大小超出该限制,则设备可能缩小图像以便通过彩信发送。请向您的服务提供商咨询是否提供了彩信服务(mms,网络服务) 以及如何申请开通该服务。第九节
设置模式设置选择主界面→设置→模式设置,可以根据不同的情况选择不同的模式1、双模开,此模式支持双卡双待,两个卡同时使用2、仅SIM卡1(2)开,可以选择单卡模式使用3、飞行模式,当选用“飞行模式”时,您不能拨打或接听包括紧急电话在内的任何电话,也不能使用其他需要接入网络的功能。若要拨打电话,您必须先切换至其他情景模式以启动电话功能。Wi-FiWi-Fi设置决定了手机是否使用本地WiFi网络来连接Internet。由于WiFi使用的是无线局域网,所以只要此网络覆盖地点都可以连接。在某些地点,使用WiFi网络可能收到限制,请向当地有关部门咨询。更多请查看(第二十八节Wi-Fi)蓝牙您可以使用蓝牙无线技术与其他兼容设备建立无线连接。兼容设备可能包括手机、计算机及耳机和车载套件等配件。使用蓝牙连接功能,您可以发送图像、视频片段、音乐和声音片段以及记事本;与兼容 pc 建立无线连接 (如传送文件)。
由于支持蓝牙无线技术的设备通过无线电波进行通信,所以您不需要保持本设备和其他设备相互正对。只需保证建立蓝牙连接的两台设备之间最大距离不超过 10 米 (约 33 英尺) 即可。不过,蓝牙连接也可能因为墙壁等障碍物或其他电子设备而受到**。
本设备支持第 1.2 版蓝牙规范,并支持以下模式:高级音频传输模式、基本图像模式、文件传送模式、免提模式、耳机模式、对象推送模式。为确保可在本设备和其他支持蓝牙无线技术的设备间进行互操作,请使用经认可,适用于此型号设备的配件。请向其他设备的制造商咨询,以确定其设备是否与本设备兼容。
您可以录制 .wav 格式的录音。
排序方式My Music——音乐文件夹
视频录像器您可以录制 .avi 格式的视频短片。录制视频短片。选择主界面→录像器。暂停后如果想要继续拍摄点开始键,如果存储直接选择右下角的键,会提示您是否存储。视频选项
网络服务本手机支持无线局域网(Wifi)、WAP服务、以及SIM卡供应商的支持网络服务。使用前您应确保您需要的网络服务功能已经申请开通成功。网际网络服务首页:登陆主页。主页是您在启动的连接设置中所设定的WAP 站点。如果您没有进行设置,将使用厂商预先设定的站点。书签:打开书签列表;选择书签可进行浏览、新建、编辑、设置主页或删除该书签等。网络历史记录,该项记录您之前上网所浏览过的网址。已存网页:您通过存储的网页请输入网址:您可以输入任意一个WAP 站点。服务收件箱:存放服务商发过来的消息。设置:进行上网浏览的设定,如果您处在无线局域网中,修改设置档选择WIFI。如果您使用GPRS网络,在设置档中选择您的网络运营商。WAP您的手机支持基于无线应用协议(WAP)的服务。您可以访问您的网络运营商所支持的服务。该服务功能表可让您获取有关新闻、天气预报和飞机航班之类的信息。注:GPRS 服务需要网络支持,必须开通后且处于GPRS 网络覆盖区域时,才能使用GPRS 服务。数据帐户GSM 数据:选择其中一个帐号进入:1、名称:该帐号的名称,选择编辑可修改。2、号码:该帐号的号码。3、使用者帐号:拨号服务器(不是WAP 网关)的帐号名。4、密码:拨号服务器(不是WAP 网关)的密码。5、线路型态:选择线路型态,模拟或数字。6、速度:选择合适的传输速度。7、网域:IP 地址。GPRS 数据:选择其中一个帐号进入:1、名称:该帐号的名称,选择编辑可修改。2、GPRS 连接点:输入APN。3、使用者帐号:拨号服务器(不是WAP 网关)的帐号名。4. 密码:拨号服务器(不是WAP 网关)的帐号密码。5. 认证模式:选择认证的加密方式。WIFI参考第二十六节 WIFI连接管理对您手机连接的网络进行管理,选择断开可断开您当时连接的网络。第三十二节
I835User Manual1.Guidelines for Safe and Efficient UsePlease read this information before using your mobile phone. These instructions are intended for your safety. Please follow these guidelines. Do not use your phone in an area where a potentially explosive atmosphere exists such as chemical plant, gas station. Keep out of children’s reach.Use earphone to make or answer a call during driving for an emergency, otherwise please pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving conditions so require. Do not use your phone on plane. Please turn off Auto Power before boarding. Mobile phones may affect the operation of cardiac pacemakers, hearing aid and other medical electronic equipments. Care shall be taken. The warranty covers only original components and parts.Do not attempt to disassemble or modify your phone. Please contact designated service station in case of phone failure. Do not charge your phone without battery mounted.Charge your phone in an area where ventilation and heat-emission is excellent and where is far away from combustible and explosible material.
Do not make your phone close to magnetic material such as magnetic disk and credit card to avoid demagnetization.Do not expose your phone to liquid. In case of exposure to liquid, disassemble the battery and contact our designated service station.Do not use your phone in too high or do not expose your phone to extreme sunshine and high humidity.Do not clean your phone with liquid or cloth soaked with detergent. Please abide by corresponding rules and laws when you take a picture or record with your phone.Do not drop, throw or strike your phone to keep shell and components well.: The company shall not be responsible for phone failure caused by not abiding by the above guidelines or improper use. In case of discrepancy in this manual and your phone, please refer to your phone. The company shall preserve the right to modify this manual at any time without notification.2.PreviewAbout your deviceThe wireless device described in this guide is approved for use on the (E) GSM 900, 1800 networks. Contact your service provider for more information about networks.When using the features in this device, obey all laws and respect local customs, privacy and legitimate rights of others, including copyrights.
Copyright protections may prevent some images, music (including ringing tones), and other content from being copied, modified, transferred, or forwarded.
Your device may have preinstalled bookmarks and links for third-party internet sites. You may also access other third party sites through your device. Third-party sites are not affiliated with Nokia, and Nokia does not endorse or assume liability for them. If you choose to access such sites, you should take precautions for security or content.
To use any features in this device, other than the alarm clock, the device must be switched on. Do not switch the device on when wireless device use may cause interference or danger.
Please make a copy for all the information stored in the phone. Please read the user menu to get detailed safety instruction before you are connecting with other device, don’ t connect with incompatible devices. NetworksTo use the phone you must have service from a wireless service provider. Many of the features require special network features. These features are not avail other networks may require that you make specific arrangements with your service provider before you can use the network services. Your service provider can give you instructions and explain what charges will apply.Some networks may have limitations that affect how you can use network services. For instance, some networks may not support all language-dependent characters and services.
Your service provider may have requested that certain features be disabled or not activated in your device. If so, these features will not appear on your device menu. Your device may also have a special configuration such as changes in menu names, menu order, and icons. Contact your service provider for more information.
This device supports WAP 2.0 protocols (HTTP and SSL) that run on TCP/IP protocols. Some features of this device, such as MMS, browsing, and e-mail require network support for these technologies.3.IntroductionPhone preview Assemble SIM cardWhen you register as a subscriber with a network operator, you get a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. With SIM card you can use all functions of the phone. The SIM card keeps parameters used for communications and your personal data including PIN (Personal Identity Number), phonebook, SMS and other system service. Warning: Do not bend or scratch SIM do not expose SIM card to static electricity, please contact operator for help in case of SIM lost. Turn off your phone before inserting SIM card. Please assemble SIM card as illustrated in pictures below: Warning: SIM please keep out of children’s reach since small children may swallow them!Phone Included Accessoriesstereo earphone
Listening to music, watch videos and telephone. To speak using built-in microphone. Press the central button
to answer or end a call, when listening
music, press this button once to play or pause songs.USB use USB data cable to connect mobile phones and a computer for transferring data and chargingUSB Power Adapter
USB data cable will use USB power adapter link to mobile phones, and then plug it in to a power outlet to charge mobile phoneSIM Card Tools
fetch the SIM cardMobile phone holster
For the protection of mobile phones, to avoid wear and tearAssemble batteryUse only original batteries and fittings intended for use with your phone. Suggest placing your battery in protection box when it is not used. Please assemble battery as illustrated in pictures below. A new battery may achieve its best performance after continuous full discharge for several times.Charge your battery in time since over-discharge will damage your battery.When battery is charged full, cut down power supply first, and then remove the charger. Connect the charger as illustrated in picture below.Gradual increase of battery bar appears on the screen when charging, and static full battery icon appears after the battery is fully charged.It is normal that battery heats during charging.Battery usagesBattery performance may be affected by many factors such as wireless network configuration, signal strength, o functions or settings, phone components, voice and data transmissions or other application modes.To enable best battery performance, please abide by following rules:A new battery or one that has not been used for a long time sh The battery should be charged in temperature closeIt’s normal for the battery that has been used for long time to take longer time to be charged full. When the talk-time or standby time is noticeably shorter, it’s time to replace your battery. We recommend that you use only batteries approved by our company. Poor quality components will be harmful to your phone and dangerous! When the battery is empty or has not been used for a long time, it may take some time before the battery icon appears on the screen after being connected to charger. Note: take care of environment and your safety and do not dispose randomly! Warning: any short circuit may lead to explosion, fire or personal injury! Switch on and off the phoneDon’t switch on the phone in some forbidden area. You can switch on and off the phone by pressing the power button as showed in the picture.You can lock the screen by touch the button lightly.If the phone request for input the PIN, please input the right PIN (It may displayed as **** after input), then choose the “OK”. When the first time you switch on the phone and it is on the standby mode,
it would request you whether get the network service from the ISP. Please affirm or refuse. Volume turnnerYou can set the volume by the side button while you are talking, listening the music or other multimedia. And this button also control the volume of ring tone, alarm and other voice.
AntennaThere is a internal antenna in the phone. Don’t touch the antenna area when it transmit or receive the signal if necessary.
It could infect the talking and may cause the phone working under more power request state by touching the antenna.USBWhile the phone is turn off, it could work as a flash memory. When the phone connected with the computer via the data cable, the computer will display two mobile disks(The first one is the phone’s memory, the last one is the external T-FLASH memory). Choose any one of the disk, then you can exchange the data. At the same time connect with computer, the USB is charging the phone. Swing for shift the musicYou can shift the music by swing the phone while the audio player interface. Clockwise swing will shift to last song, anticlockwise swing will shift to next song.Direction selectThe pictures or video files displayed by the phone could circumgyrate as phone transverse or vertical circumgyrate.Touch screenPress any icon lightly to access the program:You can drag it up or down to scroll the screen. And in some program you also can drag it left or right. Rapid sliding fingers can quickly scroll the list menus, and will not select or activate any of the content.:You can blowup or deflate the pictures by puff or fold your two fingers on the screen. Standby modeWhen the phone is ready, and you didn’t input any words, the phone will switch to the standby mode.4.Phone callTo make calls1、Input phone number,then press the “Call”. 2、Press the “Recent” could access the list of recent call records.
3、Please refer to the “Contacts” to using the contacts name and phone number.
To make international calls, press * for two times then you get the symbol "+"(which will allow you to the local international telephone prefix), then input the country code and Integrated phone number.
You can press the volume turner to set the volume of voice while talking.
Answer or decline the incoming call.Pick up the call by click the “Answer”; to end the call by click the “Decline”.Decline the incoming call by click the “ Decline or press the power on/off button.
Choose the “mute” while you are talking, the other side could hear you.CallingTo increase or decrease the volume in the process of calling, press the up or down side key, during a call to choose mute, small keyboard, H-free , add Calls, Hold, contacts need to press the main button, and then click the icon to enter.<font color="#
Touch "mute" then
phone ring tones can be changed to mute, call press the "mute" during calling, you can still hear the other speak, and the other side can not hear you speak.2、small keyboard
You can use the small keyboard to enter information, you need to click “ hide keyboard” to r after using a small keyboard, click on the "end call" to hang up .3、 H-free
Touch the hands-free, calls is in the state of speaker4、add Calls
During a call, if you need to contact third-party call, you can click "Add call"5、Hold
click maintain button, the call connection status can be maintained, but you can not be heard with each other6、contacts
Click "Contacts", you can find the telephone numbers you need and call or send text messages to increaseCall waitingGo to main menu→ Settings → Phone→ Call Waiting→ Active. Then the network will inform you if you have a new incoming call while you are talking(Network service).
You can click the “Answer” to pick up the waited call while talking, and the first call would be kept.Call records
Please refer to chapter 5th. Call recordsContacts Please refer to chapter 9th ContactsVoice Mail SeverVoice Mail Services is a Network Support feature and may be billed. Contact your service provider for more details on billing and settings. This will automatically redirect incoming calls to the Voice Mail centre when you cannot accept a call so that the caller can leave a message on the Voice Mail system of service network. Dial the Voice Mail box number to access your Voice Mail. At most you can set two Voice Mail Servers.Editor: You can add / edit number in short message box, so the voicemail will be more efficient. Connect to the voice: call the voicemail number you set, listen to voice mail.BROADCAST MESSAGE Broadcast Message is a Network Support feature and refers to public messages sent by your network operator. If the broadcast message service is activated in your SIM, you can receive messages on all different subjects from your network operator such as the Weather, Taxis, Hospitals, etc. Contact your network operator for available subjects.Enter the “Broadcast Message” submenu to carryout the following operations.Receive Mode: Set this option “ON” to receive broadcast message send by the service provider.Read Message: Select to read the received broadcast message send by the service provider.Languages: Sets the language for broadcast message.Channel Setting: To set the channel title and ID for the Broadcast Message in order to filter the broadcast you don’t want to receive.5、Call recordsCall recordsThe phone could record missed calls, received calls and dialed calls in power on state and do support by the networks. In the list of missed calls, received calls and dialed calls, you can check the date, time of the calls and also can edit, delete the phone number, or save to your phone book.
1、Missed call: You could check the list of recent missed calls(Network service). 2、Dialed call: You could check the list of recent dialed calls.3、Received call: You could check the list of recent received calls.(Network service)。4、Delete: You could delete the phone number in the list of recent calls.6.InputInput methodChoice of input methods are pinyin,stroke, english uppercase,english lowercase and number.You can’t use all input methods under any circumstances. Please always check the instruction symbols on screen in order to make sure the current input method.
When entering text, switch the input method, press the indicator repeatedly until the necessary instructions input symbols is displayed on the screen.Pinyin inputPinyin characters have been shown,. You only need press the pinyin character which you need, the phone will provide a reasonable combination of the pinyin characters.
Use Pinyin input method to input Chinese:
1、You only need press the pinyin character which you need to input this pinyin character. (The letter "ü" on the screen corresponds to the "v").
2、Scroll to the desired character, and then click and select.
Stroke inputThis input method compose largely Chinese character's stroke divides into five kinds::横、竖、撇、点和折。
Using stroke input method:
1、According to standard stroke order, input corresponding stroke. If you are unsure about the need to bring ownership of the number of strokes or stroke categories, you can press the "?" In And then continue to enter the number of strokes behind the other. In the input region,you can enter a question mark("?") to indicate the number of strokes.
2、Scroll to the desired character, and select OK. Coded strokes stroke shape
stroke shape name
Handwriting inputThis touch screen of the phone support the handwriting input. You can use copy and paste, in the front of the word, pause a second, select the section of word, the word background color is changed, when fingers release, then it can popup option menu automatically: "cut, all cut, copy, copy all ", at the cursor on the needs of to paste, pause one second, it will automatically popup" to copy the whole, cut all, paste ", select the option to complete this feature.Number input Press the numbers showed on the screen to get the same numbers.Symbol input When you are using the number input, you can press the “#+=”, to get more symbols.7.MessageEdit and send the SMS 1、Main menu →SMS →Option →Write message.
2、Write you message in the blanks.3、You can choose Save and Send, Save, Send To Many. You can input the phone number or get from the
Contacts for the Send To Many.
Read and reply SMS1、If you
want to read the received message, just choose it.In message display interface,you can directly dial the contact's phone, or save the contact numbers to the phone book.
you can go to the Main menu →SMS, and choose it to read message later2、If you want reply the SMS. Please go to Send .Interface into editor status to edit message. 3、Send:
Important Not: Please be careful when you are reading the message. It may contain some software that could caused he damage of your PC. 8、MMSEdit and send the MMS 1、Main menu →SMS →MMS →Write message.
2、If you want add some files when you are editing you MMS, go to the Option and add the contents.3、You can go to the Option →Preview to preview the MMS before you send it. 4、Press Done, and choose Send or others. Only for some compatible device could receive and display the MMS. The MMS’ display may different
from the different devices. The size of MMS may limited in the networks. If the input pictures are out of the range, the device may
reduce the size to send it. Please inquire to the local ISP for the MMS service. 9、PhonebookPhonebookThis phone has business card like phone book. The information of each contact stored in this phone include of : three numbers(phone number, family number, company number), company name, e-mail, fax number, the contacts stored in the SIM card could only edit the name and phone number.
Options:1、Quick Search: This is a short cut method to quickly search for a contact in the phone book. By entering the first character of any name, you can see the full list of names starting with that character. You can either select or type the next character of the name to get the exact entry. Use the keypad to enter the characters.2、Add New Entry: To add a new contact to the phone book, you can save the number either in “SIM Card” or “Phone” memory.3、Copy All: To copy the all contacts either from SIM to Phone or Phone to SIM.4、Cancel: Cancel the operation。10、SpeedDialAdded your frequently used numbers to the speed dial, such as friends, relatives, you can quickly make calls and save your time.Enter SpeedDial from main menu,then click edit, select any icon and enter, choose the often used number, and click Done to finish your choice.Choose the name of the icon to call, you can quickly make calls.<font color="#. CalendarYou could check detailed date information here. You can add and view calendar of past and future taskAdd Event: Please click , and enter the event information, and then click "Finish."Event information you need to enter are: the task name, end date, end time, alarm , priority (refer to Section 13th)<font color="#. ClockWorld ClockSelect the Clock in the main menu.
Beijing、Hong Kong、Taipei、Manila、Tokyo、Melbourne、Guam、Canberra、Sydney、Solomon、Auckland、Tonga and other places time. AlarmSelect the Alarm。
Alarm setting:Name
Function DescriptionAlarmFreq
Set the day of the alarm from Mon to Sun. AlarmOnOff
Alarm on or off.AlarmTime
Slide the roller on the screen to set the time for the alarm. The time format is the same for the Alarm and Clock. If the battery still have power while the phone is power off, the alarm will keeping on working. The system already sets 3 off alarms, you could activate one or all. Each alarm could set for the different time and date. The phone will display the current time and date when the time for alarm. The phone will stop the ri and if you press the snooze, the phone will stop the ring for about 4 minutes. If the phone is power off when the time for the alarm, the phone will still ringing. If you stopped it, the phone will ask you whether need power on . Press “ No” for power off the phone, press the “ Yes” for power on. Stopwatch.Select the Stopwatch function Press the “Start” for counting. Press the “Split” for record more times. Press the “Stop” for stop the timer, and “Start” to continue. Press the “Reset” to delete the record.The phone’s other function still effective while counting.<font color="#. TasksThis function could set the alarm to remind you the arranged schedule, and also can store your schedule. To add a new task information, the operation is as follows:1、Task name: click on the name o2、end datetime: set t3、Alarm: Open or close the alarm clock to remind。4、Priority:According to the importance of the task, choose priorities。14、MailBefore in normal use your e-mail, please register e- and set up mobile mail account, click E-mail account option, the new account, according to your e-mail prompt to add to the phone.Send and receive: Receive and send your e-mail Edit E-mail: preparation of mail, fill in the recipient, cc, bcc, subject, attachmentsInbox: The storage location of e-mails to receiveOutbox: The storage location of e-mails ready to sendSent: the storage location of e-mails which has been successfully sent Drafts: storage location
of e-mails witch is not completed or preservation of e-mail Clear mailbox: delete the e-mails in the Inbox, Outbox and other e-mail Delete marked emails: The option to delete the mailbox of the e-mailTemplates: Template messages have been edited for your use case15.SettingMode settingsSelect main menu → Settings → mode setting, you can choose
different mode according to different situation.1、Dual SIM open,This model supports the dual-SIM , you can use
two SIM cards at the same time2、Only SIM1(2) open, Can choose it to use a single card mode3、If you want to set the phone as going to ask you for the Airplane Mode each time when power on, please go to Main menu →Setting →Airplane Mode →Query when power on. Choose the Normal Mode to cancel the Airplane Mode.
You couldn’t dial or receive any phone call and also couldn’t connect to the networks. If you want to dial a phone call, please change to normal mode. WiFiWi-Fi setting determines whether or not to use mobile phones to connect to the local WiFi network Internet. As a result of using wireless local area network, so as long as the network coverage locations can be connected. In some place, the use of WiFi network can be restricted, please refer to the local departments. For more please see the (28th Wi-Fi)BluetoothYou could use the Bluetooth technology to connect with other compatible devices. The compatible devices include of mobile phone, computer, earphone, and others. By using the connecting of Bluetooth, you could send the picture, video, music and notes. Or connect with PC. Since the Bluetooth device is using the wireless wave, so you don’t need to keep the devices in the same position. Just make sure the distance between the two Bluetooth devices is less than 10 meters (about 33 feet). But the connecting of Bluetooth may disturb by the blocks such as wall and other electronic products. This phone supports the Bluetooth 1.2, and the lower edition. It supports: Audio transmit mode, basic picture mode, document transmit mode, hand-free mode. In some place, may have the limit of using the Bluetooth technology, please query the local ISP.By using the Bluetooth technology, it will consume the power faster and may reduce the life of battery.
When the device is locked, it is unable to using the Bluetooth connecting. Calibration Mode
If there are deviations phone click on the calibration,select the main interface - Settings - calibration mode.Sound EffectSupport Normal, Bass, Dance, Classical, Treble, Party, pop, Rock music effective. To provide enhanced sound effects and bass for your pSound effects to provide a closed, equalizer, echo sound, stereo surround sound audio playback.BrightnessTo set the LCD brightness and brightness time. WallpaperTo change the wallpaper through the system and user define. GeneralAbout:It display the operator name, memory practice capability, memory useable capability, phone book capability, software version, software build time, Bluetooth name, and Bluetooth address.?
Usage1、Last call time:To check out last call’s time.2、Reset all time:To reset all the call records.3、Call cost:Should support by the ISP. 4、SMS Counter:To check for the quantity of sent messages and received messages. And also can delete the information about the quantity. 5、GPRS Counter:To check for the flux of send and received GPRS.Time and Date:To set the home city, time/date, 24-hour time, and time format. Language:By default, your phone is set to English Language.encoding: can choose different fonts encoding Display characteristics1、Screen saver: can set to open or close the screen saver and select your favorite screen saver 2、Power on display3、Power off displaySecurity setupSIM1 lock: You can open the SIM card lock with your SIM card PIN code, it would make your phone more secure.Fixed dial: This feature can set fixed dial up to open or close.Barred dial: add the number witch you do not want to call or prohibitted number added to the list, to open or turn off this feature.Change Password: to change the PIN code, it is necessary to open the SIM card lock?
Restore Factory Settings: This feature will reset the phone to the same settings as those configured at the factory. You will need to input the password to restore factory settings. The default value of Restore Factory Setting is: 1122.PhoneAdvance Settings1、Biack list: add the number you don’t want to see to the blacklist, the number will not call you2、Auto redial Auto Redial: Press the left soft “On / Off” or “OK” key to activate or deactivate the auto redial function. When enabled, the phone will automatically redial the number for 10 times until your call is answered or you press the hang up key or the right soft key to cancel the auto redial.3、Speed dial: This function can set the speed dial of the "open or closed."4、Background sound: you can choose a different background music, there are different voices and you can add your favorite music into it.5、Call time display:During a call, whether or not display your talk time.6、Call time reminder:in the call process, it can reminder you when in time.7、Auto quickly end:This feature can be based on your personal preference settings of time, the call will automatically cut off up to time.Camera
Support to choose Night Mode and Banding Function<font color="#. PhotosAll pictures take by the camera saved in the Photos. To check the next or the last picture, slide the finger to the left or right, or touch the screen lightly. Photos optional DescriptionView
can view this pictureSlide show
Loop play, you can set the number and speed of playback Print
through PictBridge, Bluetooth to printPhotos
select matrix mode or list mode to display the pictureUse as
picture can be set to wallpaper, screen saver, boot animation, shutdown animation, caller pictureRename
can change the picture nameDelet
to delete the selected pictureSort by
sort by name, type, time, size, non-sortedStorage
choose the location of file storage : memory card or phone<font color="#. CameraTaking picture
Select Main menu →Camera →the camera icon. Keep press the camera icon for taking another picture. The pictures will store in the Photos. By the function, you could take pictures by the inner camera of the phone. The lens is at the back of the phone and could display the pictures on the screen. The pictures are JPG format. You can download to the computer and check it. If the memory of the phone is not enough to store new picture, you could delete some old pictures or some data in the Files to release the space.
To press the
for the Photos list. <font color="#. CalculatorCould select the number and symbol in the screen as request. Horizontal screen can show scientific calculatorNote:This calculator is only for some simple calculate.<font color="#. GamesTo select Main menu →Games →Game menu 1、Games:This phone provides one game (Puzzle), please refer to the Help for batter understanding. 2、Game Setting:Game Audio: Audio on or off.Game Vibration: Vibration on or off. <font color="#. Sound RecorderYou could record .wav sound files.Select Main menu →Sound Recorder。
will save the record
enter the record file listSound recorder option description:New record
new recordPlay play the record file you just recordedAppend
continue recording just before storageRename
change the name of record fileDelete
delete record fileList
View all record filesSettings
can set recording storage location, format, qualityUse as
profile of the ringSend
through MMS, e-mail, Bluetooth and other files sentTo select Main menu →Files →Audio for the sound files list.
It is unable to record while talking or GPRS connecting. <font color="#. EBookTo select Main menu→Ebook→Bookshelf.1、It can read files stored in file Manager.(Support TXT)2、Please click the bottom of figure 1to view what functions they are of figure 0-9 to 3、E-book options :Find Can quickly find e-books or letters input sentence.Jump to
You can read the number, quick jump to the page where you can seeGo to bookmark
go to the specified bookmarksAdd bookmark
Add the bookmarks, and can modify the bookmark nameDelete bookmark
delete bookmarksBook info
To view basic information about e-book, size, fileSetting
Can be set according to personal preference, font, font size, page volumes, automatic volume-page volume page speed, full-screen, encoding, alignment, etc.Print
system default settingsClose
close e-books4、Open the e-book, the upward and downward sliding can page up and page down.<font color="#. FilesSelect main menu →Files→PhoneMemory card。. Phone——Stored in the phone.Memory card——Stored in the memory card.You can manage the picture, MP3, Video, E-book and other files.Received——the download file or accept file will be deposited in this locationAudio——Sound files
Delete all files
Mark several
Sort byVideos——Video files
Delete all files
Mark several
Sort byPhotos——Phone files
Delete all files
Mark several
Sort byMy Music——Music files
Delete all files
Mark several
Sort byE-book——Ebook files
Mark several
Sort by<font color="# MusicSelect main menu →Songs.
Press the “Random” for random play. Activate when the icon turn to blue. Press the “Repeat” to select repeat off/ one/ all. Activate when the icon turn to blue.
Press the “List” for the music list.
Press the volume button or slide the volume bar for the volume adjusting. Swing songs.To display music cover when is horizontal screen.Please select medium volume for listening the music. Continues high volume may cause the damage of your audition. Don’t put the phone beside your ear when the speaker effective, the sound of speaker could be very loud.
To press the Home button for go back the standby mode, and the music player still effective in the background.
Go to the music player to stop the play.
<font color="# VideosSelect main menu →Videos. Could play the videos store in the files. (The phone support 3gp、mp4、avi format files.)Horizontal screen can
full-screen playback.25、FM radioSelect the main menu→ FM radio into the FM radio interface, and plug in your headphones to listen to FM.Click Start , click the left and right icon can search manually, click , you can search intelligence.In setting menus, you can set background music, cell phone speakers, audio format, audio quality, storage location.Description for FM radio:Channel list
can directly select the list of channels, more convenientManual input
enter your favorite channel
manually ,and Jump to this Channel
directlyAuto search
click automatic search,
all channels can be directly deposited into the channel list Record
channel can be recorded into the sound file and add to file listAppend
to add sound recordingFile list
can view all stored sound file26、ThemeThere are three different styles of themes for you to choose according to personal preference27、User profilesYou can set up different mode in different situation, there are standard models, the meeting mode, outdoor models, indoor models, headset mode, Bluetooth modevarious models have different situations according to established personal settings, you may have to choose the specific circumstancesDescription for Customize:Tone setup
set up calls ring tones, power on and off ring tones, message ring tone and key tone Volume
Settings ring tones and key volumeAlert type
There are only ringing, vibration only, vibration and ringing, ringing after vibration for optionsRing type once, repetition, gradually strong Extra tone
Warning, network connection error, the call connectionAnswer mode Select any key to answer incoming call28、Video RecorderYou could record for the .avi video files.
Select Main menu →Video Recorder。f click
to save the video fileVideo
option description:Camcorder settings can set white balance, exposure compensation, night mode and so onVideo settings
on video quality, size limits, time constraints, record sound, compression formats and so onEffect settings set special effectsStorage
can choose the video into the location, phone or memory cardRestore default
confirm is will return factory default settings 29、WIFISelect the main interface → Wifi, click to
open the wireless LANwireless network status, can view network status, indicating the phone MAC addressAccess point settings, different access points can be addedSearch network, enter the search network will automatically search the surrounding network, after connected to the network, you can use Wifi to access to the Internet , send and receive mail.Once you have joined a network, as long as your phone is in the scope of the network, it will automatically connectWhen the mobile phone into a local area network, the status bar at the top of the screen will show signal strength icon, more cells, the stronger the signal is.30、BluetoothActivate Bluetooth , “open” is show at the right side means that Bluetooth has been openedSearch devices, can search the surrounding Bluetooth devices, search and enter the confirmation code to connectRemote control, link with the remote device for remote controlMy device, to show the connected
the devicesSettings, basic Bluetooth settings31、ServicesThis phone supports the network service provided by the SIM provider. Please make sure the you’ve already apply for the network service before use. WAPYour mobile phone supports WAP services to access services like News, Weather Forecast, Flight Information, WAP sites, etc. These services are especially designed for mobile phones and maintained by WAP service providers.Note: WAP is a network support feature using GPRS service. Contact your service provider for instructions about how to use their service and settings.Homepage:The homepage is the WAP site of connecting that you start up. If you didn’t set it, it will use the manufacturer’s setting. Bookmarks:Open the list, select the bookmark to surf, edit, delete, set homepage or add new bookmark. Recent Pages: It records the website that you surf before. Enter Address:You could input any WAP address. Service Inbox:It stores the messages sent by ISP. Settings:Settings for the surf.Data Account
GSM Data:Select one of the account:1、Account Name: To edit the GSM Data Account name.2、Number: Enter the connecting number of GSM data account.3、User Name: Enter the User Name for GSM data account. Default is blank.4、Password: Enter the Password for GSM data account. Default is blank.5、Line Type: Set the type of data link as “Analogue” or “ISDN”.6、Speed: Set the rate of WAP data transmission speed as 4.8Kbps, 9.6Kbps or 14.4Kbps.7、DNS: Set the DNS IP address.GPRS Data:Select one of the account:1、Account Name: To edit the GPRS Data Account name.2、APN: To set the APN address of your service provider.3、User Name: Enter the User Name of APN server. Default is blank.4、Password: Enter the Password of APN server. Default is blank.5、Auth. Type: Set the encryption method of authentication for your ID either Normal or Secure.WIFIreference section of the 26th WIFIConn.ManagementPhone connected to your network management can choose to disconnect when you disconnect the network connection.32、OtherJAVAThis phone supports Java features, we provide
some java application , for more application , you can also download and install the mobile phone Java applicationsCompassMain menu - compass, make you find the right direction
in unfamiliar places Calibration: Click left soft key icon, enter the calibration interface, rotate 2 round more to calibrate the compass, when it is finished, click the left soft key start the compass.The right soft key is for
exiting the compass.Note: when using the compass, please put the phone horizonta
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发表于: 11:37:57
好强悍。。。。原文的英文都发上来了 确实 这个虽然枯燥 但是值得一看!
发表于: 12:14:25


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