how whatare you?"什么意思

how long什么意思及同义词
沪江词库精选how long是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语
&He doesn't care how many words there are in the line as long as the last words rhyme, so the meter is appalling.&
How long ago hath been,and is.
&How long can I keep this book&You can keep it tiff next month&
Well, how long do you want to go on the trip?
&But the chances are against it, and there is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and robust we are. &
&But how much love has the inch-long grass, For three spring months of the light of the sun?&
How much longer are you going to beat your brains out over that letter? You are not writing a novel, you know
The summons will explain how to respond, how long you have to respond, and to where the response must be made.
We take the measurements of sth. to see how long, tall, or wide it is.
When people ask me how long I've been married to my wife, ! always say twenty-three years, even though it has only been ten.
1. 怎样,如何
6. 以任何方式,无论用什么方法
1.[英格兰人姓氏] 豪。Howe的变体
a. 给以基本知识的
[ how-to ]的复数形式
n. 尴尬的局面
n. 【口】[U]
(=how-do-you-do)困境, 令人难堪的局面
phr. 隆头鱼
phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属
节日包裹焦虑症(指因为没收到本该在圣诞节前送到的某件网购物品而感到焦虑不安的心理。)口语天天练:How are you going to pay?口语天天练:How are you going to pay?朝花夕吟百家号How are you going to pay?你要怎么付款?不住在美国的人,或是刚来美国的人听到这句话一定觉得丈二金刚摸不著头脑。其实这句话跟Charge or debit这句话很像,问的就是你要用什么方式付款如信用卡(credit card)提款卡(debit card)或是现金(cash)来付帐。这句话在"电子情书"这部电影中曾出现过,在男主角去女主角的书店买东西时,店员就问男主角这句,汤姆汉克就答cash。就是付现的意思了。本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。朝花夕吟百家号最近更新:简介:2017这个世界让我更辉煌作者最新文章相关文章被外国人问“How are you?”时该怎么回答?被外国人问“How are you?”时该怎么回答?北京新东方百家号关于问好,我们从英语书里学习到的是“How are you?”“I am fine thank you,and you?”那么标准答案就这一个,如果我想表达不同的心情,用什么回答比较好呢?首先我们要明白“How are you?”的使用情景:通常在二人会面时询问,作为打招呼的方式之一,如果你正巧碰到你的朋友正在经历些不好的事,比如他摔了一跤,你就不要使用“How are you?”了~除了“How are you?”,还有以下几种打招呼的问法:“How are you doing?”“What's up, man?"“How was your day?”无论以上哪种问法,当你回答近况时,最好不要只学会一句“I am fine thank you,and you?”。首先,如果你最近过得比较好,甚至想跟你的朋友一起分享,你可以回答:1.I'm great thanks. Listen,……2.I feel amazing,……过得一般般,一切正常,可以这么说:1.Not too bad!2.Can't complain! / Mustn't grumble!最后,如果过得不好,需要倾诉,可以这么说:1.Pretty bad!2.Awful!3.worse!本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。北京新东方百家号最近更新:简介:Language is power!作者最新文章相关文章点爆社交圈的10句开场白!你还在跟歪果仁说hello!How are you ?点爆社交圈的10句开场白!你还在跟歪果仁说hello!How are you ?每日青竹百家号出国之后或者路遇外国帅小伙儿你和歪果仁交流的开场白常常是这样吗?“hello!How are you ?""Fine,and you ?"emmmmmm。。。然后就木有然后了。。。为了拯救这种国际尬聊课代表教给你10句点爆社交圈的实用开场白。学起来!用起来!1. So, what do you do? 你是做什么工作的?这样的问题适用于第一次认识和接触某个新认识的朋友。问问别人是做什么的。当然了,如果对方一看就是个学生,那就可以跳过这一问了。可以改问:So, are you a student? What are you studying? Where do you study?....Example answers:- Right now, I’m a student. I’m in my second year of pharmacy school. How about you? What do you do?- That’s a good question! I do a little bit of everything: some writing, some photography and some graphic design, too. What do you do?发现没?为了把话题进行下去,不做“话题终结者”,回答完别人的问题后应该反问一句,“那你是做什么的呢?” ,在接下来的例子中也会提到这一点。2. How’s (summer) treating you? 最近过得还好吗?这句话字面意思是,最近夏天(秋天、生活、等等)对你照顾得还好吗?往往是对你的状态有些许了解的朋友会问这样的问题。Example answers:- Oh, it’s been really great. No complaints here! And how’s it going for you?Not bad, can’t complain! And how is your summer going?- It’s treating me pretty well! I’ve gotten a lot out of it so far. And how’s summer going for you?3. So, what have you been up to lately? 你最近都在干嘛啊?这个是真的熟人之间的问话方式,“最近都干什么好玩儿的事儿啦?” 或者也可以问 “How’s it going?”Example answers:- Not much. My last class is on Thursday, so I’m excited about that! What have you been up to?- Let’s see…Well, I started a new job last week, but other than that, everything is pretty much the same. What have you been up to?- What can I say? Nothing too exciting. Things are good—how about you?4. So what do you do when you’re not working/studying?你不上班儿/不上学的时候一般都在干嘛?这其实问的就是你平时的兴趣爱好啦。Example answers:- Well, recently I started playing volleyball on the weekends.- Usually, I spend my free time doing activities with my family.5. Do you follow (Talor Swift)? 你会关注霉霉吗 (任意名人)?可以是最近比较火的明星,也可以是政客,比如川普大爷。但是聊政治需要功底和政治敏感度和把控度,轻易别聊,后果自负。Example answers:- Oh, yeah! I love him/that show. Why?- Sometimes. A little bit here and there. Why?- No–actually, I haven’t heard of him. Who is he?6. Would you mind giving me a hand with this? 你能搭把手帮我吗?This question is asking for help. Instead of asking a more formal question like, “Could you please help me?” most native speakers will ask for help with a phrase like this.Example answers:Sure thing! / You got it!I’m afraid I can’t. My arms hurt a lot today. Maybe (Anthony) could, though.7. So, what’s your take on (the latest movie)? 所以你对XX是怎么看的?这句话其实是问你对某件事物的看法和态度。Example answers:- Oh, I really like it! What do you think?- To be honest, I think it’s just okay. How about you?- Ehh—I don't know to be honest. What’s your take?- Hmmm, I'm on the fence...* “On the fence” 用来表示你不置可否,不知道该怎么看。8. Are you here with anybody? 你是跟别人一起来的吗?一般问这个问题的目的不单纯,哈哈哈,是在试探你是否有伴侣了,那就是说问话人多半是对你有意思Example answers:- Yeah—I came with my boyfriend.- I just came with a bunch of my coworkers.9. Do you feel like grabbing a bite? 你想去吃点东西嘛?这是邀请你离场去吃东西的开场白。You might also hear, “Do you want to grab a bite to eat?”Example answers:- Actually, yeah! I’d love to. Where would you like to go?- It depends. Where are you thinking of going?- Mmm, not today. But I’m game for grabbing a bite together later this week.- No thanks—I’m not really hungry. But thanks for asking.即便拒绝也要客气地表示感谢,或者承诺改天。10. Would you be up for a (movie/ coffee) some time? 你想以后哪天干点XXX吗?一般如果是异性这么问你,就是有特殊含义了,人家对你有意思!!不光是仅仅看个电影或是喝个咖啡这么简单!!!哈哈哈!所以在说yes前要想清楚自己的心。Example answers:- I’m down! Let’s do it!- Sure. When are you thinking of going?- It depends on what day, but yes.- I’m not really interested in seeing a movie, but thank you.怎么样,这几句话都不算太难吧?寒暄涉及的都是最基本的对话内容,你只需要多听多学多模仿,拿出自信,大胆练习,很快就能有明显提升!而且最重要的是摆正心态,不要嫌弃small talk的肤浅,说不定在你寒暄的时候,你的未来的好友正在暗中观察你哟!本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。每日青竹百家号最近更新:简介:分享我的一些信息和感悟作者最新文章相关文章There is snow on the yonder side of the mountains. 的翻译是:有在那边旁边的雪山。 It's just over yonder. 的翻译是:它结束那边。 He lives in yonder cottage. 的翻译是:他在那边村庄居住。 Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold. 的翻译是:那边天空几个世纪啜泣同情泪花在无限我的人民。 You must be quite heartless. 的翻译是:您一定是相当无情的。 The waterside flower pining for love sheds petals,while the heartless Brook Babbles on. 的翻译是:而无情的溪唠叨,爱的海滨花苦思的流洒瓣。 How can she be so heartless? 的翻译是:她怎么可以是很无情的? You must be heartless! 的翻译是:您一定是无情的! Melly and I have often said how loyal you were to his memory when everyone else said you were just a heartless coquette.& 的翻译是:梅利和我经常说多么忠诚您是对他的记忆,当所有的人说您是无情的coquette.& Such a cruel, heartless charge -- 的翻译是:这样残暴,无情的充电-- You are heartless 的翻译是:您是无情的 On this matter we are quite heartless! 的翻译是:在这个问题上我们是相当无情的! Everybody knew how cold and heartless she was. 的翻译是:大家知道多么冷和无情她是。 heartless words. 的翻译是:一个无情的暴君;无情的词。 &I congratulate you on your good fortune-does that make me heartless?& 的翻译是:& 我祝贺您使我无情的您好的时运?& & Do you know that Mary hasn't once driven over to see her father since he has been ill?& & I can well believe it.She always was a heartless girl.& 的翻译是:&您是否知道玛丽一次未驾驶看她的父亲,因为他不适?&&我可以很好相信它。她总是无情的girl.& Au unfortunate girl and a heartless man 的翻译是:澳大利亚不幸的女孩和一个无情的人 Disappointed and rather upset, each woman was secretly laying the blame on her heartless brute of a husband. 的翻译是:失望和宁可弄翻,每名妇女在她丈夫的无情的狂人秘密地放置责备。 He is a heartless man. 的翻译是:他是一个无情的人。 The homeless beggar looked to him as a merciful guardian who punished the heartless, and delighted to reward pity and sympathy. 的翻译是:无家可归的叫化子看了给他作为惩罚无情的一位仁慈的监护人,并且高兴奖励哀怜和同情。
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