
Contents Map内容纲要第一部分 英语A, B, C基础篇&简明扼要的介绍英语语音、词汇、语法的基础知识。
功能会话&Unit 1 Introduction介绍&如何介绍别人和自我介绍&May I introduce myself? I am …Allow me to introduce Mr. Wang to you.Nice to meet you, Peter.&&Unit 2 Greetings问候&如何问候和回答,闲谈以及结束谈话&Hello, Mr. Wang.How’s everything with you, Mr. Wang?I haven’t seen you for ages.Remember me to your father.&&Unit 3 Invitation 邀请&如何邀请和客人赴邀时的语言表达&Would you like to have lunch with me?You’ve come at the right time.Please make yourself at home.&&Unit 4 Saying Goodbye道别&如何结束交谈,道别,和分别时祝愿&I’m afraid I have to leave now.Hope to see you again.Goodbye, Peter.I wish you a pleasant journey, Tom.&&Unit 5 Asking the Way问路&如何问路,指路&Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Beijing Zoo?Go straight down this street to the end of the block. It’s on the corner on your left.You can’t miss it.&&Unit 6 Talking About the Weather谈天气&为避免涉及别人隐私而常以天气为话题,如何表达天气&Nice day today, isn’t it?What’s the climate like in Beijing?It’s going to be clear for a change.&&Unit 7 Expressing Thanks and Responding道谢及回答&如何道谢与回答&Thank you very much, Tom.I’m very much obliged to you.It’s very kind of you.I can’t thank you enough.My pleasure.&&Unit 8 Making Apologies and Responding道歉及回答&如何道歉与回答&I’m awfully sorry, but I’ve lost the pen you lent me.I must apologize for losing my temper.Oh, it doesn’t matter.That’s all right.&&Unit 9 Time and Dates时间和日期&时间和日期的语言表达&What time is it now?It’s seven o’clock sharp.Today is August fifteenth.&&Unit 10 Making Telephone Calls打电话&如何在电话中交谈&May I speak to Mary?May I ask who’s calling?Hold on, please.&&Unit 11 Making Suggestions 建议&如何提建议和接受建议&I suggest you buy this dictionary.If I were you, I would accept the invitation.How about a picnic?&&Unit 12 Asking for Help请求帮助&如何请求帮助和主动提供帮助&Could you please lend me your bike?I wonder if you could lend me your bike.May I help you?&&Unit 13 Likes and Dislikes喜欢和厌恶&如何表达自己喜欢和厌恶的感觉&Are you keen on detective novels?I’m crazy about classical music.I don’t care for potato.&&Unit 14 Sightseeing观光&旅游观光的语言表达&I’d like to look around this city.I’ve never dreamed it would be so scenic.&&Unit 15 Sports体育运动&体育运动的语言表达&Our team beat their team 3 to 1.He broke the world record in the javelin throw.&第五章
场景会话&Unit 16 At the Department Store在商店&如何在商店挑选商品、询问价格以及换货等等&I’d like to buy…. Have you got anything better (smaller, bigger, etc)?How much is this?&&Unit 17 At the Bank在银行&办理自己需要的银行业务:开户头、存款取款、兑换外币、贷款的表达&How do we open a checking-saving account?I’d like to put / withdraw some money into / from my account.I’d like to change 100 U.S. dollars to RMB.&&Unit 18 At the Barber’s shop 在理发店&在理发店里的语言表达&How do you like your hair done, sir?I’d like a crew cut.Please dye my hair red.&&Unit 19 At the Post Office在邮局&办理自己需要的邮政业务:购买邮票、寄信(挂号、航空)、寄送包裹、汇款的表达&Do you have commemorative stamps?I’d like to send this letter to New York.How much is an airmail letter to the People’s Republic of China?&&Unit 20 In the hospital 在医院&在医院看病、陈述症状、检查、医嘱的语言表达&What’s the trouble with you?I’ve got a bad cough and my chest aches.Let me take your blood pressure.Take one of these pills three times a day after meal.&&Unit 21 In the Restaurant在餐厅&安排座位、询问菜肴情况、点菜以及付帐的表达&Can we have a table by the window?What are your specialties for lunch today?May I have the bill, please?&&Unit 22 In the Hotel在旅馆&预定房间、得到需要的酒店服务以及离开时办理手续的表达&I’d like to book a single room.I want a room tonight.I’m going to check out tomorrow.&&Unit 23 At the Subway Station在地铁站&询问地铁站、要搭乘的地铁号以及票价、要否换乘等等的表达&Could you tell me how to go to the platform?I wonder if I could have an underground map.&&Unit 24 At the airport在机场&买机票、登机等的语言表达&I’d like to buy a seat on a flight to Tokyo on the 2nd of October, please.Could you tell me what I have to do with my excess baggage?&&Unit 25 On a Bus在公共汽车上&询问汽车站以及乘坐公共汽车的表达&May I know where the No.68 bus stop is , please?Do you stop at the zoo?How often do they run?&&Unit 26 In a Taxi在出租车上&乘坐出租车的表达以及和司机攀谈&Where to, sir?Please take me to this address.What places of interest are there in the city?&&Unit 27 In the Campus在校园&校园里日常教务、平时学习以及同学之间聊天的表达&May I ask a question?Why don’t we take it easy this weekend?&&Unit 28 At home在家里&在家日常的语言表达&What’s for breakfast?It’s time to get up!This is the last of the milk.I intend to go to the store today.
&Abbreviation used in this book 本书所用的缩写n. = noun 名词v. = verb 动词vt. = transitive verb 及物动词vi. = intransitive verb 不及物动词a. = adjective 形容词ad.= adverb 副词prep. = preposition 介词pron. = pronoun 代词
&&&&&&&&&& 目& 录
第一部分 英语A, B, C基础篇&5第一章 拼写与发音&5Ⅰ 字母表&5Ⅱ 国际音标&6Ⅲ 英语发音技巧&6第二章 会话基本词汇&9Ⅰ 基数词&9Ⅱ 序数词&9Ⅲ 日期&10Ⅳ 衣&10Ⅴ 食&11Ⅵ 住&12Ⅶ 行&12Ⅷ 常用英文姓名&13Ⅸ 国名和地名&14Ⅹ 基本动词&14第三章 简单句型介绍&20Ⅰ 英语句型的成分&21Ⅱ 英语句型的种类&21Ⅲ 英语的时态&23Ⅳ 被动语态&25Ⅴ 虚拟语气&26第二部分 功能场景对话&27第四章 功能会话&27Unit 1 Introduction介绍&27Unit 2 Greetings问候&31Unit 3 Invitation 邀请&36Unit 4 Saying Goodbye道别&41Unit 5 Asking the Way问路&44Unit 6 Talking About the Weather谈天气&50Unit 7 Expressing Thanks and Responding道谢及回答&55Unit 8 Making Apologies and Responding道歉及回答&59Unit 9 Time and Dates时间和日期&63Unit 10 Making Telephone Calls打电话&70Unit 11 Making Suggestions 建议&76Unit 12 Asking for Help请求帮助&82Unit 13 Likes and Dislikes喜欢和厌恶&86Unit 14 Sightseeing观光&90Unit 15 Sports体育运动&95第五章 场景会话&99Unit 16 At the Department Store在商店&99Unit 17 At the Bank在银行&106Unit 18 At the Barber’s shop 在理发店&112Unit 19 At the Post Office在邮局&117Unit 20 In the hospital 在医院&123Unit 21 In the Restaurant在餐厅&131Unit 22 In the Hotel在旅馆&139Unit 23 At the Subway Station在地铁站&147Unit 24 At the airport在机场&152Unit 25 On a Bus在公共汽车上&157Unit 26 In a Taxi在出租车上&162Unit 27 In the Campus在校园&167Unit 28 At home在家里&174
&第一部分 英语A, B, C基础篇第一章 拼写与发音&Ⅰ 字母表&& 英语共有26个字母,大小写两种形式。在书写英文字母时要注意:在下列情况下字母要大写:1)&句首单词的第一个字母;2)&书名,标题的所有字母或第一个单词与其它有实际意义单词的第一个字母;3)&专有名词的第一个字母;4)&国家,机构,组织名称的缩写词的所有字母;下面我们先来复习一下英语的26个字母及其发音(注意仔细听录音):A a [??]&B b [???]&C c [???]&D d [????]&E e [??]&F f [??]&G g [d??]H h [????]&I i [??]&J j [???]&K k [???]&L l [??]&M m [??]&N n [??]O o [??]&P p [???]&Q q [????]&R r [??]&S s [??]&T t [???]&U u [???]V v [???]&W w [????????]&X x [???]&Y y [???]&Z z [???]&&
Ⅱ 国际音标语音最小的单位是音素。英语共有48个音素。音标是音素的符号,必须写在方括号([& ])内,以示与字母相区别。本书采用国际音标,现分类列表如下:1. 元音以及音标举例(注意仔细听录音):[??]&[???] eat (吃), [t???] team (队)&[??]&[???] her (她),[????] work (工作)[?]&[??] it (它), [???] Tim (人名)&[?]&[??????] farmer (农民),[??????] worker (工人)[?]&[???] men (男人),[???] set (设置)&[??]&[????] rain (雨),[w???] wait (等)[?]&[???] man (男人),[s??] sat (坐)&[??]&[????] grow (成长),[h???] home (家)[??]&[????] park (公园),[d???] dark (黑暗的)&[??]&[????] sky (天空),[????] wait (等)[?]&[????] box (盒子),[k??] cock (公鸡)&[??]&[???] boy (男孩),[????] noise (噪音)[??]&[????] port (港口),[????] cork (软木塞)&[??]&[???] how (如何),[???] out (外)[??]&[????] food (食物),[d??] do (做)&[??]&[???] hear (听),[???] dear (亲爱的)[?]&[???] foot (足),[t??] took (拿)&[??]&[???] hair (头发),[?????] dairy (奶场)[?]&[???] bus (汽车),[???] cut (切)&[??]&[???] sure (确信),[???] tour (旅行)
2. 辅音(注意仔细听录音,体会细微差别):[?]&[????] play (玩),[???] cup (杯子)&[??]&[???????] change(改变),[????] match (比赛)[?]&[???] boy (男孩),[???] buy (买)&[??]&[???] edge (边缘),[???????] gentle (温和的)[?]&[????] take (拿),[???] sit (坐)&[??]&[?????] seats (座位),[????] gets (得到)[?]&[????] date (约会),[????] food (食物)&[??]&[ ?????? ] friends (朋友),[?????]words(单词)[?]&[???] king (国王),[???] can (能)&[??]&[????] tree (树),[????] match (比赛)[?]&[???] good (好的),[???] get (获得)&[??]&[????] draw (画),[?????] drink (饮料)[?]&[????] face (脸),[?????] friend (朋友)&[?]&[????] match (比赛),[????] meet (遇见)[?]&[????] five (五),[?????????] volleyball (排球)&[?]&[????] noise (噪音),[???] pen (钢笔)[?]&[????] thank(感谢),[????] tenth(第十)&[?]&[ ??? ] thing (东西),[????] bring (带来)[?]&[???] this (这),[???] with (以)&[?]&[????] left (左边的),[?????] small (小的)[?]&[???] sit (坐),[???] miss (小姐)&[?]&[????] help (帮助),[???] hear (听到)[?]&[???] zoo (动物园),[????] noise (噪音)&[?]&[????] read (阅读),[????] right (右边的)[?]&[???] sure (确信),[???] she (她)&[?]&[????] work (工作),[????] wait (等待)[?]&[ ?????? ] pleasure (快乐),[ ????? ] measure (测量)&[?]&[ ??? ] you(你),[ ???? ] youth (青春)
&&& Ⅲ 英语发音技巧A: 重音(Accent) 英文的单字若是有两个以上的音节组成,发音时就会产生强弱的现象,这种现象称为“重音”(Accent)。在此,所谓的“音节”(Syllable)指的又是什么呢?要言之,即“可以一口气发音者”,比如boy, man等就是一个音节。必须吐两口气的单词如paper, people等,就称为两个音节的单词;必须吐三口气的,如potato, difficult等,就称为三个音节的单词。换言之,可说一个母音造成一个音节。至于两个音节以上的单词为何会产生发音强弱的现象?原因不外乎以下几点:1.&与其他类似发音的词语产生区别。2.&使发音容易进行。3.&强调意义上重要的部分。由于讲英语时,重音是非常重要的,平常若有不懂的地方,必须养成查字典搞清楚的习惯。特别是也有因重音的位置使词义产生变化的情况,请留心注意。&record [???????] (记录)动词 重音在后&record[???????] (唱片)名词 重音在前&desert [??????] (沙漠)名词& 重音在前&desert [???????] (抛弃)动词& 重音在后
B: 句子的重读(Sentence Stress)正如英语单词存在发音强弱的现象,一个英语句子里,也有某一个单词特别发音的现象,这就称为句子的重读。这随句子的类型而有不同,但也会因说话人的主观意识,或者视个别情况而起变化,没有固定的规律可循。下面提供一些典型例子供参考,希望对读者在讲英语时有所帮助。(斜体的地方重读)1.Did Mr. Wang give her a book?王先生给了她一本书吗?No, but Mr. Li did.没给,不过李先生给了。2.&id Mr. Wang give her a book?&&&& 王先生给了她一本书吗?No, but he lent it to her.没给,不过他把书借给她了。3.Did Mr. Wang give her a book?王先生给了她一本书吗?No, but he gave her a pencil.没给,不过他给了她一支铅笔。4.Did Mr. Wang give her a book yesterday?王先生昨天给了她一本书吗?No, but he did last week.&& 不,他是上周给的。&5.Are you a student? (疑问句句首)你是位学生吗?6.Who did it? (疑问句句首)这是谁做的?
C: 语调(Intonation)&& 什么是语调?语调有何作用?&语调是指语音的“旋律”,也就是声调高低的变化。这在一定程度上是由重音控制的,因为在声调高低的比较中,重要的变化只出现在重读音节上。大体上,说英语时有两种语调,一种是上升调“Rising tone”,一种是下降调“Falling tone”。上升调随着句子的终了往上扬,下降调则往下降,分别以[↑]、[↓]的记号作出标志。一般来讲,降调用于肯定的句子,命令以及带有疑问词的问句,具有一种完整和结论性的口气。升调用于其他各种问句,一切表示怀疑的语句,特别是表示保留意义的句子,具有一种非完整性的口气。1.&可用Yes和No回答的疑问句采用升调。Are you ready? ↑准备好了吗?2.&重复别人的话时采用升调。A: This is a pen. ↓这是一支钢笔。B: Pen. ↑&钢笔。3.&请人从二者中选择其一时,前者用升调,后者用降调。Are you Chinese↑or Japanese↓? 你是中国人还是日本人?4.&视升调或降调而带有不同意味的句子。(a)&I beg your pardon. ↓对不起。(b)&I beg your pardon. ↑请再讲一遍。5.&无法用Yes, No来回答的问句用降调。What’s your name? ↓你叫什么名字?6.&一般的句子采用降调。I went to the zoo yesterday. ↓我昨天去了动物园。7.&命令句采用降调。Take me to the station. ↓带我到车站去。8.&感叹句采用降调。How wonderful this gift is! ↓ 这件礼物真棒!9.&附加问句采用降调。She is a popular singer, isn’ t she? ↑她是位很受欢迎的歌手,不是吗?10. 谈到数种事物时,前面的用升调,最后一种用降调。&&& I like apple ↑, orange ↑and melon.↓&&& 我喜欢苹果、桔子和香瓜。
第二章 会话基本词汇我们下面学习一下英文会话必须的一些基本词汇。英美国家的儿童并没有学国际音标之前就能说一口纯正的英语了,同样,我们中国人小时候学会说话也是在学习汉语拼音之前,因此模仿声音是学会纯正语音的关键所在。请大家尽量模仿录音,掌握下面常用单词的读音。Ⅰ 基数词&1& one [???]2& two [???]3& three [????]4& four [???]5& five [????]6& six [????]7& seven [??????]8& eight [???]9& nine [????]10& ten [???]11& eleven [???????]12& twelve [?????]13& thirteen [?????????]14& fourteen [?????????]15& fifteen [?????????]16& sixteen [??????????]17& seventeen [???????????]18& eighteen [????????]19& nineteen [??????????]20& twenty [???????]21& twenty-one [???????????]32& thirty-two [??????????]43& forty-three [???????????]54& fifty-four [??????????]65& sixty-five [????????????]76& seventy-six [?????????????]87& eighty-seven [????????????]98& ninety-eight [???????????]100& one hundred [????????????]101& one hundred and one [????????????????????]1000& one thousand [????????????]一万& ten thousand [????????????]十万& one hundred thousand [?????????????????????]百万& one million [???????????]一千万& ten million [??????????]一亿& one hundred million [????????????????????]
Ⅱ 序数词&第一& first [?????]第二& second [???????]第三& third [????]第四& fourth [????]第五& fifth [????]第六& sixth [?????]第七& seventh [???????]第八& eighth [????]第九& nineth [?????????]第十& tenth [????]第十一& eleventh [???????]第十二& twelfth [??????]第十三& thirteenth [??????????]第十四& fourteenth [??????????]第十五& fifteenth [??????????]第十六& sixteenth [???????????]第十七& seventeenth [????????????]第十八& eighteenth [?????????]第十九& nineteenth [???????????]第二十& twentieth [?????????]第二十一& twenty-first [?????????????]第三十& thirtieth [????????]第三十二& thirty-second [??????????????]第四十& fortieth [????????]第四十三& forty-third [???????????]第五十& fiftieth [????????]第五十四& fifty-fourth [???????????]第六十& sixtieth [?????????]第六十五& sixty-fifth [????????????]第七十& seventieth [??????????]第八十& eightieth [???????]第八十七& eighty-seventh [?????????????]第九十& ninetieth [?????????]第一百& hundredth [?????????]第一百零一& one hundred and first [??????????????????????] Ⅲ 日期&年& year [????????]今年& this year [???????]去年& last year [?????????]明年& next year [?????????]月& month [????]这个月& this month [????????]上个月& last month [??????????]一月& January [??????????]二月& February [?????????]三月& March [?????]四月& April [???????]五月& May [???]六月& June [?????]七月& July [??????????]八月& August [???????]九月& September [?????????]十月& October [????????]十一月& November [?????????]十二月& December [????????]周& week [????]本周& this week [????????]上周& last week [??????????]下周& next week [??????????]星期日& Sunday [??????]星期一& Monday [???????????????]星期二& Tuesday [????????]星期三& Wednesday [????????]星期四& Thursday [???????]星期五& Friday [???????]星期六& Saturday [???????]天& day [???]两天& two days [????????]今天& today [??????]昨天& yesterday [????????]明天& tomorrow [????????]前天& the day before yesterday [???????????????????????]后天& the day after tomorrow [???????????????????????] Ⅳ 衣&衣服& clothes [??????]西装& Western-style clothes [????????????????????]T恤衫& T-shirt [?????????]上衣& coat [????]夹克& jacket [???????]大衣& overcoat [?????????]衬衣& shirt [????]裙子& skirt [?????]连衣裙& dress [????]裤子& trousers [????????];pants [?????]睡衣裤& pyjamas [??????????]浴衣& bath-robe [?????????]内衣& underwear [????????]女内衣& undies [??????]男内衣裤& skivvies [???????]内裤& underdrawers [???????????]男内裤& underpants [??????????]女内裤& women’s panties [???????????????]三角裤& briefs [??????]游泳衣& swimming suit [?????????????]游泳帽& swimming cap [???????????]雨衣& raincoat [?????????]帽子& cap [???]短袜& socks [????]长筒袜& stockings [????????]袜子& stockings [????????];socks [????]手套& gloves [?????]领带& tie [???]围巾& scarf [?????]皮鞋& leather shoes [??????????]雨鞋& rain shoes [?????????]凉鞋& sandals [???????]球鞋& gym [????];sneakers shoes [?????????????]拖鞋& slippers [???????]腰带& waistband [??????????]]&Ⅴ 食&早餐& breakfast [?????????]午餐& lunch [?????]晚餐& supper [?????]正餐(午或晚) dinner [?????]便餐& a light meal [???????????];a simple meal [?????????????]野餐& picnic [???????]冷餐& buffet [??????]宴会& banquet [????????]中餐& Chinese food [???????????????]西餐& Western food [????????????]饮食& diet [5daiEt]一顿饭& meal [????]筷子& chopsticks [??????????]勺子& spoon [?????]叉子& fork [????]刀子& knife [????]餐巾& napkin [???????]杯子& cup [???]玻璃杯& glass [?????]盘子& plate [?????]碗& bowl [????]壶& pot [???]茶壶& teapot [???????]牙签& toothpick [????????]锅& kettle [?????]瓶子& bottle [?????]胡椒& pepper [?????]辣椒& hot pepper [?????????]葱& onion [??????]蒜& onion [??????]油& oil [???]盐& salt [?????]酱油& soy sauce [????????]醋& vinegar [???????]糖& sugar [?????]黄油& butter [?????]奶酪& cheese [?????]煎的& fried [?????]烤的& roasted [???????]煮的& boiled [??????]红烧的& braised [??????]蒸的& steamed [?????]面包& bread [????]烤面包片& toast [?????]米饭& rice [????]米粥& rice porridge [????????????]汉堡包& hamburger [?????????]三明治& sandwich [????????]饺子& dumpling [????????]肉& meat [?????]猪肉& pork [????]牛肉& beef [????]羊肉& mutton [?????]鸡& chicken [???????]鸡蛋& egg [??]鱼& fish [???]菠菜& spinach [????????]西红柿& tomato [?????????]胡萝卜& carrot [??????]土豆& potato [?????????]&
Ⅵ 住&房子& house [????]房间& room [????]大楼& building [???????]摩天大楼& skyscraper [????????????]公寓,套间& apartment [??????????]礼堂& auditorium [?????????????]餐厅& dining room [????????????]宿舍& dormitory [?????????]男宿舍& dormitory for boys [?????????????????]女宿舍& dormitory for girls [??????????????????]传达室& the gate house [?????????????]接待室& drawing room [????????????]办公室& office [?????]休息室& lounge [??????]教室& classroom [?????????]浴室& bathroom [?????????]卧室& bedroom [???????]厨房& kitchen [???????]汽车房& garage [??????????]厕所,洗手间& lavatory [??????????];toilet [???????]墙& wall [????]窗帘& curtain [???????]窗子& window [???????]门& door [????????]地板& floor [??????????]天花板& ceiling [???????]砖& brick [????]瓦& tile [????]玻璃& glass [?????]
Ⅶ 行&公共汽车& bus [???]小汽车& car [???]出租汽车& taxi [??????]卡车& trunk [?????]汽车& automobile [????????????]三轮车& tricycle [?????????]自行车& bike [????];bicycle [????????]无轨电车& trolley bus [??????????]电车& tram [????]地铁& subway [???????]火车& train [?????]马车& wagon [??????]手推车& wheel barrow [???????????]轮船& steamer [???????]小船& boat [????]渔船& fishing boat [???????????]飞机& plane [?????]喷气式飞机& jet-plane [??????????]拖拉机& tractor [???????]车费& fare [???]飞机场& airfield [????????]火车站& station [????????]公共汽车站 bus stop [????????]公路& highway [???????]铁路& railway [????????]柏油路& asphaltroad [????????????]林荫路& boulevard [??????????]桥& bridge [?????]街道& street [??????]
Ⅷ 常用英文姓名在汉语中,姓在前,名在后。英语则刚刚相反。名字(Given Name)在前头,姓氏(Surname)在后面,例如Tom Smith,汤姆•史密斯,其中汤姆(Tom)是名,史密斯(Smith)是姓。下面列出一些常用的英文姓名(注意仔细听录音,掌握姓名的发音):
常用的英文男名&1. 迈克尔& Michael [??????]2. 克里斯托夫& Christopher [?????????]3. 马修& Matthew [???????]4. 乔舒亚& Joshua [???????]5. 安德鲁& Andrew [???????]6. 丹尼尔& Daniel [???????]7. 贾斯丁& Justin [????????]8. 大卫& David [???????]9. 赖安& Ryan [??????]10. 约翰& John [????]11. 斯蒂文& Steven [???????]12. 罗伯特& Robert [??????]13. 詹姆斯& James [??????]14. 尼古拉斯& Nicholas [????????]15. 约瑟夫& Joseph [????????]16. 布赖恩& Brian [???????]17. 乔纳森& Jonathan [?????????]18. 凯尔& Kyle [????]19. 肖恩& Sean [????]20. 威廉& William [???????]
常用的英文女名&1. 埃斯拉& Ashley [?????]2. 杰西卡& Jessica [????????]3. 阿曼达& Amanda [???????]4. 萨拉& Sarah [??????]5. 布列塔妮& Brittany [????????]6. 梅甘& Megan [??????]7. 詹妮弗& Jennifer [????????]8. 妮科尔& Nicole [???????]9. 斯蒂芬妮& Stephanie [????????]10. 凯瑟琳& Katherine [???????]11. 劳伦& Lauren [???????]12. 雷切尔& Rachel [????????]13. 萨曼塔& Samantha [????????]14. 希瑟& Heather [????????]15. 伊丽莎白& Elizabeth [?????????]16. 丹妮尔& Danielle [???????]17. 克里斯蒂娜& Christina [??????????]18. 艾米丽& Emily [??????]19. 蒙妮卡& Monica [???????]20. 南希& Nancy [??????]
常用姓氏 爱迪逊& Addison [??????]阿里& Ali [??????]安德森& Anderson [???????]鲍德温& Baldwin [?????????]本德& Bender [??????]布莱克& Blake [?????]布兰登& Brandon [????????]科比& Colby [???????]科林斯& Collins [???????]科尔森& Colson [???????]弗格森& Ferguson [?????????]福尔曼& Forman [????????]福斯特& Foster [??????]戈德曼& Goldman [?????????]格兰特& Grant [??????]哈迪& Hardy [??????]哈里斯& Harris [??????]霍恩& Hawn [????]哈德逊& Hudson [??????]杰克逊& Jackson [???????]凯利& Kelly [?????]金& King [???]卢米斯& Loomis [???????]洛德& Lord [????]洛伦& Loren [????]路易& Luigi [?????]麦克唐纳& MacDonald [??????????]马丁& Martin [???????]梅森& Mason [??????]米歇尔& Michel [????????]墨菲& Murphy [??????]纳尔逊& Nelson [??????]纽曼& Newman [????????]罗宾斯& Robbins [???????]罗伯茨& Roberts [???????]罗森伯格& Rosenberg [????????????]施密特& Schmidt [????]史密斯& Smith [????]斯特恩& Stern [?????]托马斯& Thomas [??????]汤普森& Thompson [???????]特纳& Turner [??????]沃尔什& Walsh [?????]威廉姆斯& Williams [????????]威尔逊& Wilson [??????]温莎& Windsor [??????]
Ⅸ 国名和地名&中国& China [???????]中华人民共和国& The People’s Republic of China[????????????????????????????????]朝鲜& Korea [?????????????????]日本& Japan [???????]新加坡& Singapore [??????????]印度& India [??????]美国& The United States [????????????????????]加拿大& Canada [???????]古巴& Cuba [???????]巴西& Brazil [???????]阿根廷& Argentina [?????????????]俄罗斯& Russia [?????]德国& Germany [?????????]法国& France [??????]英国& England [????????]瑞典& Sweden [???????]丹麦& Denmark [????????]意大利& Italy [??????]西班牙& Spain [?????]葡萄牙& Portugal [??????????]冰岛& Iceland [????????]奥地利& Austria [???????]希腊& Greece [?????]亚洲& Asia [?????]
&Ⅹ 基本动词以下是在英语会话中出现频率最高的动词,它们的适用范围很广,可以说生活中大部分的动作几乎可以用这些动词表达出来。下面只列举了一些实例,在往后的学习中,请注意这些动词是如何使用的。灵活地运用他们能使你说出意想不到的地道英语。
1.&Bring (a)&Please bring it to me right now.& 请立刻拿来给我。&& bring…to 把……带给(b)&That sad news brought tears to his eyes.那个不幸的消息使他流泪。(c)&What shall I bring you back as a present?我要带什么回来给你当礼物?bring…back 把……带回(d)&She brought up her five children.她抚养五个孩子长大成人。bring… up 抚养……长大2.&Come (a)&I came across him at the station.我在车站碰到他。come across… 碰见……(b)&I come from China.我来自中国。come from… 来自……(c)&The boy came near being drowned.这个男孩差一点淹死。come near verb+ing 几乎(d)&My birthday will come round next Sunday.我的生日将于下星期六来临。come round 再度来临(e)&It will come up for discussion at the meeting.这将在会议中被提出来讨论。&&&&&& come up 被提出来&&& (f) He did not come up to my expectation.&&&&&& 他并未符合我的期望。come up to… 符合……3.&Do(a)&This dress will do me quite well.这件衣服很适合我。do…well 适合……(b)&Did the medicine do you any good?这药对你有用吗?do… good 有益于……(c)&He did the English passage into Chinese.他把这篇英文翻译成中文。do… into… 把……译成……(d)&She did the roll wonderfully well.她把这个角色演得非常出色。do… 扮演……&& (e)&I have nothing to do with him.我跟他毫无关系。have nothing to do with… 与……毫无关系4.&Find (a)&You are always finding fault with me.你一直在挑我的毛病。find fault with… 挑剔……的毛病(b)&I found him working at his desk.我发现他正在座位上工作。(c)&How do you find yourself this morning?你今天早上觉得怎样?find oneself 觉得(d)&At last, I could find out my lost ball.我终于找到了掉的球。find out… 找到……
意外收获:find it + adj. to do sth. 如:I find it difficult to make our choice. 我发现很难作决定。
5.&Get (a)&Can you get me a copy of that book?您能给我搞到那本书吗?(b)&When will this plane get to Beijing?这班飞机什么时候抵达北京?get to… 到达……(c)&I’m getting better day by day.我一天一天好转。be getting +比较级 越来越……(d)&Shall I get Mr. White on the phone?要我找怀特先生来接电话吗?(e)&How is he getting along with his work?他的工作进展如何?get along with… 取得……的进展6.&Give (a)&How much did you give for this stereo?这台音响你花了多少钱?(b)&You have given me your cold.你把感冒传染给我了。(c)&The government gave in to the demand of the people.政府对人民的要求作出了让步。give in to… 对……让步(d)&He gave up smoking.他戒烟了。give up… 戒除……(e)&He gave himself up to pleasure.他沉溺于享乐。give oneself up to… 专注于……
意外收获:give it a try 相当于 have a try to do sth. 尝试一下作某事。&&&&&&&&&
7.&Go (a)&I went to school.我上学去了。(b)&He went mad.他发疯了。go mad 发疯(c)&For a time my father went in for golf.有一段时间我父亲迷上了打高尔夫球。go in for… 爱好……(d)&She never goes against her husband’s wishes.她从未违背她丈夫的意愿。go against… 违背……(e)&I had to go through with it as my duty.我必须视之为责任并完成它。go through with… 完成……8.&Have (a)&Will you have another cup of tea?您要不要再来一杯茶?(b)&We had fine weather yesterday.昨天的天气很好。(c)&I had a decayed tooth out. 我拔掉了一颗蛀牙。have sth. out 把某物弄出来9.&Keep (a)&You must keep it in mind.你必须记住它。keep… in mind 记住……(b)&He kept laughing for half an hour.他不停地笑了半个小时。keep verb+ing 持续做某事(c)&Keep away from a bad cold.不要染上重感冒。keep away from… 避开……(d)&He kept from talking.他避不说话。keep from… 避免……(e)&I tried hard to keep up with the class.我拼命追赶班上的同学。keep up with… 跟上……10.&Leave (a)&He left Taiwan for Beijing.他离开台湾去了北京。leave… for… 离开某地前往某地(b)&Leave the matter to me.这件事交我吧。leave… to… 把……留给……(c)&Leave me alone, please.请不要管我。leave… alone 不管,不理会(d)&The old man was left behind in the mountains.这位老人被遗弃在山中。leave… behind 把……留下11.Let (a)&Let me have a look at the picture.让我看看这张照片。have a look at… 瞧瞧……(b)&Let’s go for a walk after breakfast.早饭后我们去散散步吧。go for a walk 散步(c)&Well, let me see.哦,让我想想。(d)&Let them alone.不要管他们。let… alone =leave… alone12.Look (a)&It looks like rain.看起来像是要下雨了。look like… 看起来像……(b)&Who is looking after your children while you are away?你外出时,谁照顾你的孩子?look after… 照顾……(c)&I often look back upon the happy old days.我经常回忆以前的快乐时光。look back upon… 回忆……(d)&She looks down upon the poor.她看不起穷人。look down upon… 轻视……(e)&He is looking for the missing baggage.他正在找丢失的行李。look for… 寻找……
意外收获:look 在口语中除了作为动词使用,它还是一个常用的语气词,没有实意,只起到引导或连接作用,如:Look, I really must go now. Look, there is no need for you to hang around here.
13.Make (a)&What made me do that?是什么使我这么做的呢?make+动词原形 使某人做……(b)&She makes faces in the mirror.她对着镜子扮鬼脸。make faces 扮鬼脸(c)&Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿成的。be made from… 由……制成的(d)&We must make up for the loss.我们必须弥补这个损失。make up for… 弥补……(e)&I could not make up my mind about which to choose.我无法决定该选哪个。make up one’s mind 决心,决定
意外收获:I will make it. 我会成功的(我会做到的)。A: I hope we’re not late.B: What time is it?A: Let me see. Twenty-five after two.B: Then we’ll just make it.(那么我们刚好赶得上) It doesn’t start until half-past two.
make 具有创造的意思,它的应用非常广泛:&I’m&pleased to make your acquaintance. 认识你真高兴(初次见面的客套语)。&I make my living selling cars. 我以销售汽车为生。&I’d like to make good use of my secretarial skills. 我想充分利用我的秘书专长。&That makes sense. 有道理。
14.Put(a)&He put his hand on my shoulder.他把手放在我肩上。(b)&The rumor’s being put about that she was secretly married.传闻她已经秘密结婚了。put about 散布(谣言,想法等)(c)&I’m not putting my meaning across very well.我没表达清楚我的意思。put across 解释,表达(d)&The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony.&& 年青的恋人一直努力存钱以备举行婚礼时用。&& put aside 储蓄;节省(金钱,时间等)(e)&He put on this coat.他穿上外套。put on… 穿(戴)上……(f)&He put out the fire.他把火熄灭了。put out… 熄灭掉……(g)&His uncle put us up for the night.他的叔叔让我们留宿。put up for the night& 投宿(h)&I can no longer put up with this inconvenience.我再也无法忍受不方便。put up with… 忍受……
15.Take (a)&My mother took me to the zoo.母亲带我去动物园。(b)&I want to take an airplane at 8:30 a.m.我想搭8:30分的飞机。(c)&I’ll take a cup of coffee.我要喝一杯咖啡。(d)&It takes about ten minutes to walk to the department store.走到百货公司约要花十分钟。(e)&We must take an examination.我们必须接受一项考试。(f)&You need not take off your coat.你不必把外套脱掉。take off 脱掉(g)&The new company will take over the old one.新的公司将接收旧的。take over… 接受……
第三章 简单句型介绍在日常口语中复杂句并不多见。日常会话大都是由最简单的句子组成,因为他们最容易发音,也最容易被人理解。初学口语,切忌妄想说出多么动人的句子,请记住,口语的目的是让别人听清你所表达的意思,而不是迷惑别人,因此只要掌握最基本的句型就足够应付一般的会话。Ⅰ 英语句型的成分英语句型的成分一般可分成以下七种:成分&作用&与词关系主语&句子的陈述对象&由名词性的词组担任谓语&表示主语的动作或状态&由动词担任宾语&表示及物动词或介词所涉及的对象&由名词性的词组担任定语&修饰名词性词组&由形容词、介词词组、分词、从句等担任状语&修饰动词、形容词、副词等&由副词、介词词组、分词、从句等担任补语&一般放在宾语、主语后面说明宾语、主语情况&由名词、形容词、介词词组、分词等担任表语&说明主语情况&由名词、形容词、介词词组、分词等担任
下面以一些例句来说明:1. 主语Tom worked day and night.汤姆日夜工作。Writing poetry is not an easy job.写诗可不是一件轻松的活儿。2. 谓语The man sat under the tree.那人坐在树下。3. 宾语I read a book yesterday.我昨天看了本书。4. 定语Your company has an excellent reputation.你的公司信誉很好。5. 状语I sincerely appreciate your help.我真诚地感谢你的帮助。6. 补语We elected him director of the department.我们选他为部门主管。He was appointed director of the department.他被任命为部门主管。7. 表语The book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。
Ⅱ 英语句型的种类一、从结构上看,英语句型可分成以下三大类:句子种类&形式构成&例句简单句&由一个独立的主谓结构构成&I will accept your invitation.我将接受你的邀请。并列句&由两个或两个以上的简单句构成,由连词连接&This book is very interesting, but that one is not.这本书很有趣,那本就不怎么样了。复合句&一个独立的句子里含有一个或一个以上的非独立句,由从属连词连接&I will accept the invitation you sent me the other day.我将接受你那天寄给我的邀请。复合句是主从复合句的简称,即包括主句和从句。任何从句都要与主句搭配,才能表达完整的意思。从句有三种:①名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句);②形容词性从句(定语从句);③副词性从句(状语从句)。下面举例说明:①名词性从句a. 主语从句That he agreed to our suggestion was surprising.他同意我们的建议令人吃惊。Where he lives is quite unknown to us.他居住在哪里我们是很不了解的。b. 表语从句My suggestion is that we go there by bike.我的建议是我们骑自行车去那里。That is why I don’t like it.这就是我为什么不喜欢它(的原因)。c. 宾语从句They said that they had finished it in time.他们说他们已及时完成任务。I’m afraid he will not come back.恐怕他不会回来。②形容词性从句(定语从句)This is the student whose pronunciation is the best in our class.这就是我们班发音最好的学生。She sang a new song, which we liked very much.她唱了一首新歌,这首歌我们非常喜欢。③副词性从句(状语从句)When spring comes, it will get warmer and warmer.当春天到来时,天气渐渐暖和起来。I remember it as if it happened yesterday.我记得这件事仿佛它就发生在昨天。
二、从功能上看,英语句型可分为以下四类:句子种类&形式构成&例句陈述句&主语+谓语&I’ll send you the book.我会把这本书寄给你的。疑问句&助动词+主语+谓语&Will you send me the book?你会把这本书寄给我吗?祈使句&动词+宾语或其它成分&Send me the book, please.请把这本书寄给我。感叹句&What/How …! 或其它&What an interesting book (it is)!How interesting the book is!这本书多有趣呀!祈使句的一些常用例句:Excuse me.&&& 打扰一下。&&& Let’s go.&&& 我们走吧。Please give me a hand.请帮我个忙。Allow me to introduce myself.请让我自我介绍一下。感叹句的一些常用例句:What a pity!真遗憾!What a shame to treat you like that!那样对待你真是太不公平了!
Ⅲ 英语的时态英语动词的时态由两方面组成:一、时间;二、说话者的角度。也就是说,在选用时态时,必须考虑两点:一、某行为与现实时间的关系;二、你是从什么角度描述这个动作的。例如,你想用英语说:“他做作业”这句话,首先得考虑这个动作是否做了,如果做了,就用过去时;如果在做,就用现在时;如果将去做,就用将来时。然后再考虑从什么角度说这件事,如果想说明这个动作正在进行,则用进行体;如果已完成,则用完成体。英语时态可分为十六种:&时体&&现在时&过去时&将来时&过去将来时一般体&He does the homework.&He did the homework.&He will do the homework.&He would do the homework.进行体&He is doing the homework.&He was doing the homework.&He will be doing the homework.&He would be doing the homework.完成体&He has done the homework.&He had done the homework.&He will have done the homework.&He would have done the homework.完成进行体&He has been doing the homework.&He had been doing the homework.&He will have been doing the homework.&He would have been doing the homework.
我们在下面简单介绍常用的八种:一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,过去完成时,现在完成进行时。1. 一般现在时一般现在时主要用来表示现在发生,存在或经常发生,存在的动作与状态。一般现在时的形式基本与动词原形同形,但它在使用过程中受到主语的制约。当主语是第三人称单数时,动词后面必须加s或es。例如:We like this beautiful place.我们喜欢这个美丽的地方。Tom likes this place.汤姆喜欢这个地方。
2. 一般过去时一般过去时主要对任何过去发生的事情作一般性的描述。一般过去时的形式是动词的过去式。规则动词的过去式为“动词原形+ed”,不规则动词则没有可循的规律,需要查表。例如:He wanted to take over the job.他想接管这项工作。The manager flew to Canada this morning.经理今天上午飞往加拿大。
3. 一般将来时一般将来时通常用于表示将来发生或即将发生的事情和行为。一般将来时的主要表达形式是助动词shall或will +动词原形。例如:We shall have a meeting tomorrow.我们明天开会。He will help you with the work.他会帮你做这工作的。
4. 现在进行时现在进行时表示两层含义:一、事情发生在现在;二、事情还没结束,正在进行。现在进行时由动词be的现在式+现在分词构成。例如:Tom is talking with his friend.汤姆正和他朋友谈话。I am preparing a report at the moment.我正在准备一份报告。
5. 过去进行时过去进行时也表示两层含义:一、事情发生在过去;二、事情在过去的某一时间里正在进行。过去进行时的形式由动词be的过去式+现在分词构成。例如:Tom was reading when his mother called him.母亲叫他时,汤姆正在看书。At ten last night I was reviewing my lesson in the classroom.昨晚十点我在教室里复习功课。
6. 现在完成时现在完成时用来表示过去发生的动作,这个动作或其影响延续到现在。现在完成时的形式由动词have +过去分词组成。例如:He has lived in Beijing since 1998.他从1998年起就住在北京了。I have read the novel.我看过这部小说。
7. 过去完成时过去完成时很少单独使用。它一般涉及两件过去发生的事(A与B),一件事(B)发生在另一件事(A)之前。先发生的事用过去完成时。过去完成时的形式由动词have的过去式+过去分词。例如:When I arrived the man had already left the room.我到时那人已经走了。My father told me he had worked in that company before.我父亲告诉我他曾在那家公司工作过。
8. 现在完成进行时现在完成进行时表示从过去开始并延续到现在的动作。它可以表示已经结束或可能还要持续下去的动作。与现在完成时的主要区别在于它强调过程。现在完成进行时的形式由have been +现在分词构成。例如:I have been hoping to have a car for years.多年来我一直想有一辆车。A: You are all wet.&& 你浑身都湿了。B: I have been running in the rain.& 我刚才在雨中跑步。
Ⅳ 被动语态语态指动词和主语的关系。英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。所谓主动语态指的是动作的实施者充当句子的主语。所谓被动语态,指的是动作的承受者,也就是主动语态里的宾语充当句子的主语。因此我们可以说,构成被动语态的先决条件就是谓语动词必须带宾语,也就是说,只有及物动词才能用来构成被动语态;不及物动词由于没有宾语,无法构成被动语态。被动语态的时态也与主动语态类似。从理论上说,主动语态里有多少时态,被动语态就有多少时态。实际常用的时态也跟上节所述相同。被动语态的基本形式如下:&be +过去分词 (+ by +实施者) 例如:The boy broke the window. (主动语态)= The window was broken by the boy. (被动语态)这孩子打破了玻璃窗。
下面是被动语态的一些例句:The stove was left in our yard without a delivery note.炉子就这么放在我们的院子里,连一张送货条都没有。The article was prompted by a number of letters in the newspaper.这篇文章是受报纸里几封信的启发。The entire river is polluted.整条河都给污染了。My new bicycle has been stolen again.我新的自行车又被盗了。Tom was forced to withdraw from the competition.汤姆被迫退出比赛。The matter will be looked into and dealt with as soon as possible.这件事将会被尽快调查并作出处理的。Arrangements have not been made yet.还没安排好呢。The ship was suspected to be carrying the forbidden cargoes.这艘船被怀疑装有违禁品。Has the dog been fed?喂狗了吗?
Ⅴ 虚拟语气语气主要反映说话者对他所说的事件的态度。在英语中有三种语气:陈述语气,祈使语气,和虚拟语气。前两种语气在上文已有提到,这里简单复习一下虚拟语气。虚拟语气指说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一种愿望、假设、怀疑、建议、猜测、可能或纯粹的空想等。虚拟语气所叙事情发生的时间观念有三种情况:①表示与现在事实相反;②表示与过去事实相反;③表示与将来事实相反。虚拟语气用于条件从句中时,①若表示与现在事实相反,则谓语动词表现形式为:从句:动词过去式(be一律用were)主句:would或should(用于第一人称)+动词原形。例句:If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.假如我是鸟儿,我会在天空翱翔。②若表示与过去事实相反,则谓语动词表现形式为:从句:had+过去分词主句:would或should(用于第一人称)+ have +过去分词。例句:If I had been here last night, I would have discussed the question with you.如果昨晚我在这儿,我本来会和你们一起讨论这个问题的。③若表示与将来事实相反或不肯定时,则谓语动词表现形式为:从句:动词过去式,或were to +动词原形,或should(用于各种人称)+动词原形主句:would或should(用于第一人称)+动词原形。例句:If it were Sunday tomorrow, I should go to see my friends here.明天要是星期天,我会去看望在这里的朋友。If it rained tonight, the crops would be saved.= If it should rain tonight, the crops would be saved.= If it were to rain tonight, the crops would be saved.假如今晚下雨,庄稼就得救了。虚拟语气的其它用法这里就不详述了,有兴趣的读者可以查看有关的语法书。
第二部分 功能场景对话第四章 功能会话Unit 1 Introduction介绍【Brief Introduction 简介】我们常常在各种场合遇到不认识的人。如果我们想和人交朋友或者仅仅表示礼貌时,就可能需要自我介绍。一般对方也会对你自我介绍。我们还可能通过中间人介绍认识。当介绍双方认识时,通常先将男性介绍给女性,将下级介绍给上级,将年轻人介绍给长辈。英文姓名是姓在后,名在前。在自我介绍时,为表示郑重可说出全名,非正式的情况下只说名就可以了。在执行公务时,可在介绍自己时将职位或职务名称加在姓之前。当介绍一方给另一方认识时,介绍语中要有姓名,头衔,及其与自己的关系。
【Basic Expressions 基本句型表达】Introducing oneself 自我介绍● I am Steven.&& 我是斯蒂文。● Allow me to introduce myself. I am Steven.&& 请让我自我介绍一下,我是斯蒂文。● Excuse me, my name is Steven.&& 对不起,我叫斯蒂文。● May I introduce myself? I’m Steven.&& 我可以自我介绍一下吗?我是斯蒂文。● Hi! I’m Steven.&& 你好!我是斯蒂文。● Will you please introduce me to that lady?&& 请你把我介绍给那位女士好吗?● I think I’ve seen you somewhere before. Aren’t you Sam? I’m Steven.&& 我想我以前在某个地方见过你,你是山姆吗?我是斯蒂文。
Asking someone 询问某人情况● Who are you?&& 你是谁?● May I have your name please?&& 请问您贵姓?● What’s your friend’s name?&& 你的朋友叫什么名字呢?● Who’s that?&& 那是谁?
Introducing others 介绍某人● May I introduce Mr. Wang?&& 我来介绍一下王先生好吗?● Allow me to introduce Mr. Wang to you.&& 请允许我给您介绍一下王先生。● Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Wang.&& 请允许我把您介绍给王先生。● Let me introduce Mr. Wang.&& 让我来介绍一下王先生。● I’d like you to meet my friend Tina.&& 我想请您认识一下我的朋友丁娜。● Meet my friend Tina, please.&& 请认识一下我的朋友丁娜。● Ms. Chen, this is Mr. Wang.&& 陈女士,这位是王先生。
What to say when being introduced 被介绍时的措词● How do you do?&& 您好。● I’m glad (pleased) to meet you.&& 很高兴见到您。● Nice to meet you.&& 很高兴见到您。● It’s a pleasure to meet you.&& 很高兴见到您。● I’m delighted to see you here.很高兴在这里见到您。● I’ve heard so much about you.&& 我听过关于您的好些情况。● Michael has often talked about you.&& 迈克尔经常谈到您。● Yes, I think I do.&& 是的,我想我认识。● Yes, I think I have.&& 是的,我想我曾见过。● No, I don’t think I do.&& 不,我想我不认识。● No, I don’t think I have.&& 不,我想我不曾见过。【Conversations会话】Dialogue 1A: May I introduce myself? I am Mr. Smith.& 我可以介绍一下我自己吗?我是史密斯先生。B: Glad to meet you, Mr. Smith. My name is Mr. Green.& 很高兴见到你,史密斯先生。我是格林先生。
Dialogue 2A: Professor Chen, allow me to introduce to you the head of our department, Mr. Wang.& 陈教授,请允许我给您介绍我们的系主任,王先生。B: How do you do, Mr. Wang?& 您好,王先生。C: How do you do, Professor Chen?& 您好,陈教授。
Dialogue 3A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.& 玛丽,这是乔的兄弟大卫。B; I'm very glad to meet you.& 我很高兴见到你。C: It's a pleasure to meet you.& 很高兴见到你。B: How do you like Beijing so far?& 到现在你觉得北京怎么样?C: It's really different from what I expected.& 与我想象的很不一样。B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.& 别担心。你很快就会习惯它了。
Dialogue 4A: Great party, isn’t it?& 这个聚会很棒,是不是?B: Yeah, really. Jane and Ted always have great parties.& 是呀,的确很棒。简和特德总是把聚会搞得很好。A: This is my first. I only met Jane last week. She and I teach at the same school.&& 我这是头一回来。我上星期才认识简。她和我在同一个学校教书。B: Oh, so you’re a teacher?& 哦,那么说你是个老师了?A: Yeah, history. What about you?&& 对,是教历史的。你呢?B: I’m in the car business.& 我是做汽车生意的。A: Salesman?& 是推销员吗?B: Yes, that’s right.& 对,你说着了。A: Oh, I see. By the way, my name’s Bob Evans.& 哦,是这样。顺便自我介绍一下,我叫鲍勃•埃文斯。B: Nice to meet you. I’m Jim Taylor.& 很高兴认识你。我叫吉姆•泰勒。
【Self Introduction 自我介绍】Good evening, everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Wang Dong. I’m from Guangdong, China. This is my second trip to the United States, and I really enjoy staying here. I am working for a trading company as an assistant manager in the overseas distribution section. Thank you.大家晚上好。很高兴见到大家。我叫王东,来自中国广东。这是我第二次美国之行,我很喜欢这里。我的工作是在一家贸易公司的海外销售部门做经理助理。谢谢!
【Key Words and Notes 关键词和注释】1. introduce vt. 介绍2. Allow me to introduce A to B. = May I introduce A to B? 请允许我把A介绍给B。(是介绍中常用的句型。)3. Excuse me. 对不起。(常用于引起别人注意和有可能打搅人家之时。)4. Will you please …… ? 请你……好吗?(非常客气的一种说法。)5. Meet sb., please. 请认识一下某人。(介绍常用句型)6. How do you do? 用于初次见面,回答也是How do you do?7. I’m glad to meet you. 在口语中常常简略为 Glad to meet you.8. delighted a. 高兴的9. hear about 听说10. talk about 谈论11. so far 迄今为止12. get used to 习惯13. in no time 立刻,很快14. This is my first. 这是我头一回。15. business n. 生意16. That’s right. 你说对了。17. by the way 顺便
【Alternative Exercises 替换练习】1. May I introduce myself? I’m Tom.& Allow me to introduce myself.& Let me introduce myself.& 我可以介绍一下我自己吗?我叫汤姆。
2. May I introduce Mr. Wang?& Allow me to introduce Mr. Wang.Let me introduce Mr. Wang.I’d like you to meet Mr. Wang.This is Mr. Wang.& 请让我介绍一下王先生。
3. Nice to meet you, Peter.& GladPleased& I’m glad to& It’s a pleasure& 很高兴见到你,彼得。
Unit 2 Greetings问候【Brief Introduction 简介】无论在东方还是西方,朋友或熟人之间在相遇时互相打招呼和问候都是很正常的。但东西方习俗还是有一些的差异。例如,中国人之间问候时说“你吃过了没有?(Have you eaten yet?)”是很正常的,但如果西方人听到这样的话,他会以为你要请他吃饭。类似的话还有“你要去哪里呀?(Where are you going?)”等等,如果西方人对中国文化了解不多,他会认为你侵犯了他的隐私。很多西方人除非在非常正式的场合,一般都非正式地互相问候。即使他们之间并非很熟,也常常直呼对方的名(first name)。然而,尽管西方人喜欢被非正式地对待,但在与不同国家的人初次见面时还是需要正式一点。
【Basic Expressions 基本句型表达】Informal Greetings 非正式的问候● Hi, Mr. Smith.&& 你好,史密斯先生。● Morning, Mary.&& 早上好,玛丽。● Mary!&& 玛丽!
Formal Greetings 正式的问候● Hello, Mr. Smith.&& 你好,史密斯先生。● Good morning (afternoon, evening), Mr. Smith.&& 早上(下午,晚上)好,史密斯先生。● How are you?&& 你好吗?● How’re things with you?&& 你过得怎么样?● How’s everything with you?&& 你一切都好吗?● How’re you getting along?&& 你生活过得怎么样?● How’s the family?&& 家里好吗?● How’s everyone?&& 大家好吗?● Glad to meet you again.&& 很高兴又见到你。● I haven't seen you for ages. How’ve you been?&& 我很长时间没见到你了。你过得怎么样?● I haven’t seen you for a long time.&& 我好长时间没有见到你了。
Response 回答● Hello (Hi), Mr. Brown.&& 你好,布朗先生。● Good morning (afternoon, evening), Mr. Brown.&& 早上(下午,晚上)好,布朗先生。● Morning, John.&& 早上好,约翰。● Fine, thanks. (And how are you?)&& 很好,谢谢。(你好吗?)● Very well. (And you?)&& 很好。(你呢?)● Not bad. (How about you?)&& 不错。(你怎么样?)● Not so well. (What about you?)&& 不太好。(你怎么样?)● Not too bad.&& 不错。● Can’t complain.&& 还过得去。● Wonderful, things couldn’t be better.&& 好极了,一切都很好。
Gossiping 闲谈● What’s new?&& 有什么新鲜的(事)?● What’s up?&& 发生什么事了?● What have you been up to these days?&& 你最近在做什么?● How do you keep fit?&& 你是怎么保持健康的?● Lovely weather, isn’t it?&& 很棒的天气,不是吗?● It’s really hot, isn’t it?&& 天气很热,不是吗?● How is your business?&& 你的生意好吗?● How is it going?&& 进行得如何?● Are you good in your studies?&& 你的功课好不好?● Say hi to your father for me.&& 代我向你父亲问好。● I don’t want anything to happen to you.&& 我不希望你发生什么事。● I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.&& 我打心底里感谢你。● We’re happy that you could come.&& 很高兴你能来。
Ending a conversation 结束谈话● I’ve got to run.&& 我必须走了。● I have to go.&& 我必须走了。● I’ll call you.&& 我会打电话给你的。● Well, talk to you later, then. Oh, and give my love to Ted.&& 好,那么回头再谈吧。哦,代我向特德问好。● Please excuse me, but I really have to be going.&& 请原谅,我真的必须走了。
【Conversations会话】Dialogue 1A: Good morning, Jerry. How’s everything?& 早上好,杰丽。一切可好?B: Fine, just fine. Thanks.& 好,都挺好的。谢谢。A: Doing anything for lunch?& 午饭的时候你有事吗?B: Well, as a matter of fact, I’ve got a lunch date with Bob Thomas.& 不瞒你说,我跟鲍勃•托马斯约好了一起吃午饭。
Dialogue 2A: Merry Christmas!& 圣诞快乐!B: The same to you!& 我也这样祝愿你!A: Are you doing anything special?& 你准备做一些特别的事吗?B: We're having some friends over. What are you doing?& 我们将和一些朋友出去。你呢?A: Oh, I'm just going to take it easy.& 哦,我只会放松一下(自己)。
Dialogue 3A: Have a nice weekend!& 周末好!B: Thanks. You too!& 谢谢!你也好!A: Do you have any plans?& 你有什么计划吗?B: Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you?& 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢?A: Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.& 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。
Dialogue 4A: Jenny!& 杰丽!B: Anne! I haven't seen you for ages. How’ve you been?& 安妮!我好久没见你了。你过得怎么样?A: Fine, just fine. And you?& 好,挺好。你呢?B: Not bad. It really is great to see you again. Where have you been?& 不错。真的很高兴又见到你。你到哪去了?A: Guangzhou. I’ve got a cousin there.& 广州。我有一个堂兄在那里。
Dialogue 5A: Please excuse me, but I really have to be going.& 对不起,我真的得走了。B: Yes, of course. It was nice to see you.& 好吧。很高兴见到你。A: It was nice to see you, too. And please give my regards to Mrs. Robbins.& 我也很高兴见到你。请代我向罗宾斯夫人问好。B: I will. Goodbye.& 我会的。再见。
【Key Words and Notes 关键词和注释】1.&在问候中,Hi没有Hello正式,但更常用。2.&Morning是Good morning的简略,常见于熟人之间问好。3.&get along 生活,融洽相处,进展4.&for ages 好久(惯用的夸张说法)5.&How’ve you been? 着重于问你过去过得怎么样?而How are you? 着重于问你现在过得怎么样?6.&Things couldn’t be better. 意为“一切不能再好了”,即“一切都很好”。7.&gossip n. vi. 闲谈8.&up to these days 意为“到这些天为止,最近”;What have you been?你在做什么?(问职业)9.&get through 度过10.&keep fit 保持健康11.&say hi to …for me 代我向…问候12.&from the bottom of my heart 发自内心地13.&give my love to 替我向…问好(口语)14.&as a matter of fact 事实上,不瞒你说15.&weekend 周末16.&cousin n. 堂兄弟姐妹,表兄弟姐妹
【Alternative Exercises 替换练习】1. Hello, Mr. Wang.& Hi& Good morning& Morning& 你好,王先生。& 早上好
2. I haven’t seen you for ages.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& for a long time&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& for several weeks& 我好几年没见到你了。&&& 好久&&& 好几周
3. How are you, Mr. Wang?& How’re you getting along& How’re things with& How’s everything with& 你过得怎么样,王先生?
4. Fine, thank you.& WonderfulFine, just fine& Very well& Not bad& Can’t complain& 很好,谢谢你。& 棒极了& 不坏& 还可以
4. Remember me to your father.& Give my love to& 请代我问候你父亲。&Unit 3 Invitation 邀请【Brief Introduction 简介】在日常生活中,邀请别人和应邀都是很常遇到的事。如果想邀别人出去,首先一定要问对方有没有空,例如要问“你今晚有空吗?”,就说“Are you free tonight?”。如果要问人有没有空做某事,例如要问“你有没有空打网球?”,就说“Do you have time to play tennis?”。注意time前面不可加冠词,如果说“Do you have the time?”,意思就成了“现在几点钟?”,和“What time is it?”相同了。
【Basic Expressions 基本句型表达】&Making an invitation 邀请● I would like to invite you to a party next Sunday.&& 我想邀请你参加下星期天的宴会。● Would you like to have lunch with me?&& 你愿意跟我一起用午餐吗?● I’ll stand for your lunch.&& 我请你吃午饭。● We’re going to have a cocktail party on Friday afternoon.&& 我们星期五下午要举行鸡尾酒会。● I hope you can join us.&& 我希望你能加入我们。● How about coming to my home tomorrow?&& 明天到我家来如何?● Will you be here tonight?&& 你今晚会在这里吗?● Could you come over and see me?&& 你能来看我吗?● Would you like to visit our office sometime?&& 你要不要找个时间来我们办公室?● Would you care to be my guest?&& 你愿意接受我的款待吗?● She put on a gala reception party.&& 她举行了一项欢迎会。● I’m going to throw a party for all of you.&& 我要为你们全体举行宴会。● We’ll give a party for her on her birthday.&& 我们要在她的生日为她举行宴会。● Don’t forget to bring your wife.&& 别忘了带你太太来。● Just come in your casuals.&& 只要穿便服来就行了。● What time can I expect you?&& 你什么时候能来?
Responding positively 肯定的回答● Thank you for your invitation. I’d be glad to come.&& 谢谢你的邀请,我会很高兴来的。● I’d be delighted.&& 我会很高兴来的。● I’d like that very much.&& 我非常高兴参加。● Of course I’ll come.&& 我当然会来。● Sounds wonderful.&& 太好了。● It’s very nice of you to ask me.&& 你真好,能请我去。● It’s nice of you to invite me.&& 你能邀请我真好。● I’ll come around later tonight.&& 我今晚会过来。● I will call on you in a week.&& 我一周之内会拜访你。
Responding negatively 否定的回答● I’m sorry, but I have a class at that time.&& 很抱歉,那个时间我有课。● I’m awfully sorry, but I have to go to Shanghai on business next week.&& 实在很抱歉,我下星期要到上海出差。● I really like to go, but I have a dental appointment tomorrow afternoon.&& 我实在很想去,但我明天下午有牙医有约。● I’d love to come, but I’m afraid I have to go to a meeting Tuesday night.&& 我很愿意去,但恐怕星期二晚上我得去开会。● Oh, I’m sorry. We’d love to come, but we’ve already made plans for that evening.&& 哦,抱歉。我们很愿意去,但那天晚上我们已经作好计划了。● Thank you. I’d like to, but I already have a date for Saturday night.&& 谢谢你。我是很想去,但是星期六晚上我已经有约会了。● I’m sorry, but I have another engagement.&& 抱歉,我另外已经有约会了。● I’m awfully sorry. We have previous plans.&& 实在很对不起,我们事先已有计划了。● I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have a previous engagement.&& 我很愿意去,但恐怕已跟别人事先有约。● I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it that day.&& 抱歉,我那一天不能去。
At the invitation 赴邀● It’s a lovely party. I’m glad I came.&& 这是个很可爱的宴会,我很高兴我来了。● How many are there in your party?&& 你们的宴会有多少人?● Well, it’s been so long since we’ve done this together.&& 哦,自从我们在一起做这事到现在,已经很久了。● You’ve come at the right time.&& 你来得正是时候。● I’m glad you’ve made it.&& 我很高兴你做到了。● You couldn’t have come at a more convenient time.&& 你来得再恰当也不过了。● Did you have any trouble getting here?&& 你到这里来有没有碰到什么麻烦?● May I take your coat?&& 我帮你拿外套好吗?● I hope you feel at home here.&& 我希望你在这儿觉得自在。● Please sit down and make yourself at home.&& 请坐,不要拘束。● Let’s have fun tonight.&& 今晚让我们乐一乐。● I’ll get you something to eat.&& 我给你弄点吃的。● We have a small gift for you. It isn’t much but we hope you like it.&& 我们有一个小礼物给你。不算什么,但是我们希望你喜欢。● Please help yourself to whatever you’d like.&& 请自己取用所喜欢吃的。● Please try some of this homemade bread.&& 请尝尝这自己做的麦包。● I’ll probably pig out.&& 我快撑死了。● Please be my guest. I am at your service.&& 请接受我的款待。我随时为你服务。
【Conversations会话】Dialogue 1A: The nineteenth of June is my birthday. I’m planning to have a small party. Could you come?&& 六月十九日是我的生日。我正计划举行一个小型的聚会。你能参加吗?B: Happy birthday to you! I’d really love to come, but I’m not sure right now. I’ll try to make it. Thank you for your invitation.&& 预祝你生日快乐!我实在很想参加,但现在还不能确定,我会尽量参加。谢谢你的邀请。
Dialogue 2A: Are you free tomorrow night?& 你明晚有空吗?B: Yes, I am.& 是的,我有空。A: Shall we have dinner together?& 要不要我们一起吃晚饭?B: Do you have a special restaurant in mind?& 你想到哪家特别的餐厅了吗?A: Yes, I do. I know a place that has excellent food.& 是的,我知道一个地方的菜棒极了。B: O.K. I’ll be happy to join you.& 好的。我会很高兴和你一起吃。
Dialogue 3A: Would you like to come to our factory for a visit?& 您愿意到我们厂来参观吗?B: Oh, yes. Thank you. I’d be glad to.& 哦,谢谢。我很愿意。A: You can look around our new workshops and the automatic machines.& 您可以参观我们的新车间和自动化机械。B: I’m sure the output of your production will increase a lot.& 我确信你们的生产产量将会大大增加。A: Yes. Our factory director wants to meet you and talk over somethings about the business.& 是的。我们厂长要见您,并和您商议一些业务上的事情。
【Key Words and Notes 关键词和注释】&1. invite vt. 邀请2. stand for 代表,代替 stand for one’s lunch 请某人吃午饭(代替某人付钱)3. concert n. 音乐会4. go fishing 去钓鱼5. treat vt. 宴请,款待6. dinner n. 正餐(一般指晚饭)7. cocktail party 鸡尾酒会8. get in touch with 跟…联系9. come around 随兴来访10. call on 拜访11. come over 过来12. on one’s way 在路上,在途中13. previous a. 在前的,较早的14. engagement n. 约会15. gala a. 欢庆的16. reception n. 招待会17. throw vt. 举行(宴会)18. casual n. 便服19. convenient a. 便利的,方便的20. have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有麻烦21. relax vi. 放松22. mess n. 混乱23. bother vt. 困扰,打扰24. make oneself at home 不要拘束25. impose on(upon) 占…的便宜,利用26. help oneself to … 自己取用…27. roll n. 小圆麦包28. pig vi. 贪婪地吃29. individual a. 单独的30. for the asking 只要申请(要求)31. at one’s service 随时提供服务32. set a table 摆餐桌;准备用餐33. salad n. 沙拉,凉菜34. be used to 习惯35. see one off 为某人送行36. have … in mind 考虑37. talk over 商量&
【Alternative Exercises 替换练习】1. Would you like to have lunch with me?& I would like to have lunch with you.& I’d like to stand for your lunch.& 你愿意和我一起吃午饭吗?
2. I’m glad you’ve come.& You’ve come at the right time& You couldn’t have come at a more convenient time& 我很高兴你来了。& 你来得正是时候。
3. Please relax.& Please make yourself at home.& I hope you feel at home here.& 请放松一些。& 请当作自己家里一样。& 我希望你觉得这里像你家里。
Unit 4 Saying Goodbye道别【Brief Introduction 简介】道别的用语分为结束谈话,正式道别,和祝愿三类。在东方,常常有主人热情挽留客人的传统。但在西方的传统中。当客人委婉的表示离开的意思时,主人不宜强留,否则会给人带来不便或误会,这时一般说“Hope to see you again.”(欢迎下次再来)。
【Basic Expressions 基本句型表达】&Closing a conversation 结束谈话● I think I’d better leave now. It’s getting late.&& 我想现在我该走了。天色已晚了。● I’m afraid I must be leaving now. I have taken up a lot of your time.&& 我恐怕现在必须离开了。我已经占用你许多时间了。● I’ll have to be going now. Thank you very much for your entertainment.&& 我现在得走了。非常感谢你的款待。● I must be off now.&& 我现在必须离开了。● Nice talking to you.&& 跟你谈话真好。● I’m sorry I took up too much of your time.&& 抱歉,占用你太多的时间。● Well, I guess I’d better be leaving.&& 嗯,我想我最好是离开。● Well, I must say goodbye.&& 嗯,我必须说再见了。● I’m afraid I’ve overstayed my welcome.&& 我恐怕呆太久了?● I really have to run.&& 我真的必须赶时间。● Well, drop in again when you have time.&& 嗯,有时间的话,再来玩。● I had a good time.&& 我玩得很愉快。● I really had a pleasant evening.&& 我真的度过了一个愉快的晚上。● It was a very nice party.&& 这真是一个美好的宴会。
Saying goodbye 说再见● Goodbye.&& 再见。● Bye.&& 再见。● See you later.&& 再见。● See you.&& 再见。● So long.&& 再见。● Good night.&& 晚安。
Good wishes (分别时)祝愿● Bon voyage.&& 一路顺风。● Hope to see you next time.&& 希望下次再见到你。● Hope you have a nice trip.&& 祝你旅途愉快。● Have a pleasant journey.&& 祝你旅途愉快。● I wish you a pleasant journey.&& 祝你一路顺风。● Safe landing.&& 祝你一路顺风。● Give my best regards to your father.&& 请代我向你父亲致意。
【Conversations会话】Dialogue 1A: Well, I must be off now. I have an appointment at six.& 嗯,我现在得离开了。我六点有个约会。B: In that case, I won’t keep you any longer. Drop in any time.& 如果是那样的话,我不再挽留你了。(欢迎)随时到我这里来。A: OK. Goodbye.& 我会的。再见。B: See you later.& 再见。
Dialogue 2A: I just dropped in to say goodbye.& 我到这里来是跟你告别的。B: What time are you leaving?& 你什么时间出发?A: I’ll leave at 10 o’clock.& 我10点钟走。B: Take care and give my best to your parents.& 保重。代我问候你的父母。A: Thank you, I will. Hope to see you again next year.& 谢谢,我会的。希望明年可以再见到你。
Dialogue 3A: Thank you for coming to see me off.& 多谢你来送行。B: Not at all.& 不用客气。A: If I have time, I’ll come again.& 如果我有时间,我会再来的。B: You’re welcome at any time.& 随时欢迎你回来。A: Thank you for your hospitality. I hope I didn’t cause you too much trouble during my stay.& 多谢你招待。在我居留期间,但愿不致打扰。B: You’re most welcome.& 不要客气。A: I’m afraid I have to go now. The plane will take off soon.& 我恐怕现在要走了。飞机快要起飞了。B: Call us as soon as you get home.& 你一回到家里就打电话给我们。A: Certainly.& 一定。
【Key Words and Notes 关键词和注释】&1. I’d better = I had better 我最好…2. take up 占用(时间等)3. valuable a. 宝贵的4. entertainment n. 款待,娱乐5. drop in 顺便走访,(不经预约的)拜访6. have a good time 过得快乐7. in a hurry 匆忙8. Don’t bother to … 不必费事做…了9. So long. 意为“就这样,再见”,是美国俚语。10. Bon voyage. 意为“一路顺风”,源自法语。11. trip n. (短途)旅行,远足12. journey n. 旅行13. landing n. 着陆14. in that case 如果是那样的话15. not any longer 不再16. see off 送行17. hospitality n. 盛情款待&
【Alternative Exercises 替换练习】1. I’m afraid I must be leaving now.& I think I’d better leave now.& I guess I’d better be leaving.& I really have to leave now.& I must leave now.& 我恐怕现在得走了。
2. Hope to see you again.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& next time&&&&&&&&&&&&&& later& 希望再见到你。
3. Goodbye, Peter.& Bye& See you later&& So long& Good night& 再见,彼得。& 晚安
4. I wish you a pleasant journey, Tom.& Hope you have a nice journey& Have a nice journey& Safe landing& 旅途愉快,汤姆。& 一路顺风&&Unit 5 Asking the Way问路【Brief Introduction 简介】&&& 问路是每一个出门在外的人都会遇到的事。无论在东方还是西方,问路都应该有礼貌。用英语问路的第一句一般都是“Excuse me.”之类的话。注意句型“Could you tell me the way to the zoo?”里面的could并不表示过去式,而是一种比“Can you tell me the way to the zoo?”更有礼貌的委婉说法。同样的词还有would。【Basic Expressions 基本句型表达】Asking directions 问路● Excuse me. /Pardon me.&& 打扰一下。● Can you tell me the way to Spring Street?&& 你能告诉我去春天大街的路么?● Can I take a bus to get there?&& 我可以坐公共汽车到那里吗?● Could you tell me which bus goes to the Beijing Zoo?&& 你能告诉我哪辆公共汽车到北京动物园吗?● Could you tell me where to change/where I should transfer?&& 你能告诉我哪里换车吗?● Could/Would you tell me how to get to the post office?&& 你能告诉我到邮局该怎么走吗?● Could you tell me where the post office is?&& 你能告诉我邮局在哪里吗?● Would you please tell me whether I’m going the right way to the post office?&& 你能告诉我往邮局是否走对了吗?● Which way is the Beijing Zoo?&& 到北京动物园怎么走?● How do I get to the Beijing Zoo?&& 到北京动物园怎么走?● How can I find this address?&& 请问这个地址怎么找?● Does this bus go to the Beijing Zoo?&& 这辆公共汽车到北京动物园吗?● How long does it take to walk there?&& 走到那里要多长时间呢?● I wonder if you could tell me where the railway station is.&& 不知你能否告诉我火车站在哪里。● I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for the nearest post office.&& 不知你能不能帮助我。我在寻找最近的邮局。● Would you be kind enough to tell me the right way to the Commercial Building?&& 好心人你能告诉我到商业大厦怎么走吗?● Do you know a souvenir shop around here?&& 你知道附近有没有纪念品店吗?● Where can I get a Taxi?&& 我可以在哪里打到的士?● How far is it to the nearest post office?&& 到最近的邮局有多远?
Responding negatively 否定的回答● Sorry, I’m not sure where it is.&& 对不起,我不能确定它在哪里。● Sorry, I don’t know.&& 对不起}


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