1.It _____ when hei got to give it upup. A. is snowing B. was

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First English Training Center
1. If you work hard you will soon catch __________the other students.
C. up with
2.We ____________a nice talk about the plan yesterday morning.
C . having
3.There are about twenty students in the class, but Mike is____________ strongest.
4.Decide for yourself. This one __________ that one?
5.It __________ when he got up.
A. is snowing
B.was snowing
C. has snowed
6.There' s still quite a lot to go round, __________ you like some more?
7.-What will you do tomorrow ?
-I'll go __________ tomorrow.
A. fishing
C. to fish
8.I don' t need any help. Mind __________ own business, please.
9.He __________ into the office building when the fire bell rang.
A. was going
C. has gone
10.The suggestion __________ all right.
B. is sounded
C. has sounded
11.Just a moment. I'll go with you as soon as I __________ my face.
A. will wash
B. shall wash
C. have washed
12.It is very important. __________ you or I must do it.
A. Neither
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PETS 一级B 教材 Unit11_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。PETS 一级B 教材 Unit...每题读两遍。 1. [A] [B] [C] 2. [A] [B] [C] 根据录音中的...公共英语三级-PETS3级写作B节—综合写作_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。三、综合...1 套用常用句型和写作模 板进行练习 2 读高分范文 2 背诵高分范文 3 积累...公共英语一级(B)分类题好恶 第一部分 情景对话 1、 A: ___ (你喜欢看电视吗)? B: Yes. But I like listening to mdlo more. 2、 A: How do you...PETS-1B 应试分析
1 第一部分:试卷分析: 笔试试卷结构与答题参考...(共5小题,每小题2分):从右边一栏中分别找出一个与左边一栏的含义相符的选项.../ 全国公共英语等级考试(1 级)模拟试题(2) 第一节:单项...从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将...PETS 2 2014年3月真题_从业资格考试_资格考试/认证_教育专区。第一部分 听力 第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[...2016 年 9 月 PETS2 真题第一节 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完...2014年9月PETS2听力真题_其它语言学习_外语学习_教育专区。2014年9月PETS2听力...每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并...PETS2高考难度模考题_从业资格考试_资格考试/认证_教育专区。英语听力模拟试题第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个...PETS 5 Part B 解题指导_英语考试_外语学习_教育...Miao 2 二、正确认识 ? 此部分虽然是一种新的... 上传我的文档
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1、Mark lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would 1 soon. They sent for a doctor. Two days 2 the doctor came and looked over the sick man. 3 asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen 4 paper in the village, because no one could write.The doctor 5 up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine on the 6 of the house. “ Get this medicine for him.” he said, “and he will soon get 7 .” Mark’s family and friends did not know 8 to do. They could not read the strange words. Then a young man 9 an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his carriage(马车) and drove to the nearest 10 . He bought the medicine there, and Mark was soon well again. ( )1.A. wake B.cry C.moved D.die ( )2.A. late B.later C.ago D.before ( )3A. The sick man B.Mark C.The doctor D.The farmer( )4.A.and B.or C.then D.also ( )5.A.picked B.held C.made D.looked ( )6.A.wall B.window C.ground D.door ( )7.A.well B.worse C.bad D.good ( )8.A.when B.what C.where D.whick ( )9A.thought B.hit C.caught D.had ( )10. A.shop B.farm C.hospital D.village 参考答案:DBCBADABDC 2、Peter and Mike were in 1 class.Peter was born in a 2 family.But Mike’s father was a businessman(商人)and got 3 money.When Peter got into trouble(困难)he always helped him.Peter liked to have sports.He was good at 4.He ran 5 than any others in their class It was Sunday.Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic.Mike took a lot of food there.It was a 6 ay.The birds were singing and there were all kinds of flowers.They ate and drank then went 7 in the river.They had a good time.Suddenly they heard a great noise.They found it was a tiger behind a big tree.They were both very 8 .Peter put on his shoes quickly and was going to run away.Mike stopped him and said:“It’s no use for us.The tiger runs 9 faster than us.Let’s find a way.”“It doesn’t matter.”said Peter:“I’m 10 I'll run faster than you.”1.A.same B.different C.difference D.the same
B.happy C.poor D.bad
3.A.many B.lot C.any D.much 4.A.ran B.running C.run D.runs 5.A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.best 6.A.sun B.rain C.rained D.sunny 7.A.fish B.to fishing C.fishing D.fished 8.A.happy B.afraid C.sad D.exciting 9.A.more B.much C.many D.little 10.A.afraid B.worried C.sure D.glad 参考答案: 1—5 DCDBB
6—10 DCBBC
语法选择题:Choose the best answer from the choices given:  1.     There ______ a pair of glasses but there ______ no books on the desk.  A. are, are               B. is, is             C. is, are           D. are, is  2.     Nobody but Tom and Mary ______ in the laboratory.  A. are               B. had been         C. were           D. is  3.     She would have come if we ______ her.  A. invited           B. have invited     C. had invited       D. would have invited  4.     ______ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand.   A. Had it not been   B. Without being   C. Not being       D. Not having been  5.     It is high time that the boy ______ sent to school.  A. is               B. was             C. be               D. is to be  6.     The speech ______, a lively discussion started.  A. having been delivered       B. being delivered     C. was delivered             D. be delivered   7.     Henan had a larger population ______ in China.   A. than any province         B. than all the other province  C. than other province       D. than all the provinces  8.     Renting a room outside cost ______ living a dormitory for a month.  A. twice much as   B. as much as twice     C. twice as much as         D. twice more  9.     You must give it back to ______ it belongs to.  A. that             B. who                 C. whomever           D. what  10.   It will be some time _______ the final results.  A.     up until they know     B. before they know       C. up to the time they are able to know  D. until they know.11.
You think everything will be all right in time, ______.
A. so I do
B. so I think
C. nor do I
D. so do I
Let’s go to the cinema, ______?
A. will we
B. shall we
C. must we
When you cross the road, be careful of ______.
A. traffics
B. the traffics
C. a traffic
D. the traffic
It ______ when I left the school.
A. is snowing
B. was snowing
D. will snow
All the equipment ______ before the experiment began.
A. have been prepared
B. were prepared
C. had been prepared
D. had prepared
You ______ to town to see the film yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.
A. needn’t go
B. should not go
C. had better not go
D. needn’t have gone
The faster anything is thrown into the sky, ______.
A. the higher goes it
B. the highest it goes
C. it goes the higher
D. the higher it goes
We’ve agreed ______ Spain for our holiday next year.
They have one hour to read newspapers ______ their ordinary work.
A. apart from
B. without
C. far from
D. free from
There is something ______ you said. I’ll take your advice.
A. in what
B. in which
C. for that
D. at that
ABCCB DBDBC DDBAA完形填空题:I always think of my father. I can describe him as if he were sitting next to me. I remember his smile, his eyes, and his blonde curly hair. I also __37__my father taking his medicine and following the doctor’s __38__diet. One day I asked him, “Why do you take the medicine and why are there so many things you can’t eat, Daddy?” He looked into my eyes and said, “ _39_
to worry about, dear.” Not long after that my father passed away.
I was nine years old then, so my mother didn’t tell me _40_ my father had died. I always wanted to know why he had left me. He had taken the medicine! He was young and _41_ ! Years later, I knew that he died of a heart disease(疾病). And I always thought about doing something to help people like my father. I even _42_ that I would do everything to cure(治愈)the disease. That is what I want to do most in my life.
In 2006, I took part in a health program as a _43_ to achieve my dream. I spent four weeks taking classes at a medical school. Every day, I
_44_ how doctors treated(治疗)diseases. I went to a hospital once a week, talking to the patients and comforting them. This was the most wonderful part because I saw the other side of medicine: the _45_ from doctors. From then on, every time I met people who were fighting against diseases, I would soon _46_ . I learned how some diseases can be stopped before they start.
I hope I can become a doctor and find a cure for the heart disease, and then another child will not go through the heartbreak of losing a family member. 37. A. see
D. remember38. A. strict
B. healthy
D. balanced39. A. Everything
B. Something
C. Anything
D. Nothing40. A. how
D. where41. A. strong
B. friendly
C. outgoing
D. outstanding42. A. guessed
B. decided
D. found43. A. key
D. secret44. A. heard
D. watched45. A. worry
D. gift46. A. beat
D. tellDBDBA
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。what ____ Jim do when it____? A.snow B.is snowing C.is snowing_百度知道
what ____ Jim do when it____? A.snow B.is snowing C.is snowing
what ____ Jim do when
it____?A.snow B.is snowing C.is snowing
因为Jim三单 所以排除Cwhen表示当……时 用现在时排除A选B
B,这句表示一般情况,下雪的时候Jim做什么。Jim是第三人称,所以疑问句中助动词要用does,it指天气,也是第三人称,不能用snow,表示一般情况应该用snows,而进行时is snowing是正确的。
B 第一个是三单 第二个是正在进行时
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。While she was waiting,her phone rang 是什么意思_百度知道
While she was waiting,her phone rang 是什么意思
这是一个过去进行时意思为当她正在等待时,电话响了一、 概念和用法:过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作。其形式为was /were + V-ing。常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:last night,last Saturday等;或者与when,while,as引导的过去时间状语连用。例如:We were watching TV from seven to nine last night. 昨天晚上七点到九点的时候我们在看电视。What was he researching all day last Sunday? 上周日他一整天都在研究什么?时间段二、 过去进行时可以表示在过去某个时间点发生的事情。时间点可以用介词短语、副词或从句来表示。如:What was she doing at nine o‘clock yesterday? 昨天晚上九点她正在做什么? (介词短语表示时间点) When I saw him he was decorating his room. 当我看见他的时候他正在装饰房间。(when从句表示时间点)三、 在复合句中,如果主要动作和背景动作都是延续的或同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用过去进行时。例如:While he was waiting for the bus,he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报。(两个动作都是延续的) He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 他擦车时我在做饭。(两个动作同时进行)四、 通常不能用于过去进行时的动词主要有:agree,be动词,believe,belong,care,forget,hate,have(拥有),hear,know,like,love,mean,mind,notice,own,remember,seem,suppose,understand,want,wish等。静态动词 暂时性动词 过去进行时同样也不能用。例如:误:I was knowing the answer.正:I knew the answer. 我知道答案。误:I wasn‘t understanding him.正:I didn‘t understand him. 我不明白他的意思。结构组成编辑1. 过去进行时由“主语+was/were + 现在分词”构成EX: We were having supper when the phone rang. 我们正在吃晚饭时电话响了。2. 过去进行时的否定式由“主语+was/were not +现在分词”构成EX: This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV. He was repairing his bike. 昨天这个时候,杰克不是在看电视,而是在修理自行车。3. 过去进行时的疑问式由“was/were +主语+ 现在分词”组成EX: Were you playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午四点你们在打篮球吗?句型肯定句=主语+was/were+doing+其它否定句=主语+was/were+not+doing+其它一般疑问句=Was/Were+主语+doing+其它答语:Yes,I was/were.或No,I wasn't/weren’t.特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句+其它例句1、We were having supper when the phone rang. 我们正在吃晚饭时,电话响了。2、This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV. 昨天这个时候杰克没看电视。3、He was repairing his bike.他在修理自行车。4、When/While we were having supper, the light went out. 我们正在吃饭时,灯熄灭了。5、While we were talking, the teacher came in. 当我们正在谈话时,老师进来了。6、While he was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报。7、He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 他擦车时,我正在做饭。8、Tom was getting up at six o’clock every day that week. 汤姆那一周里每天都是六点钟起床。具体应用基本用法1、过去进行时的基本用法主要表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作。例:He fell asleep when he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。2. 用过去进行时表示现在主要是为了使语气委婉、客气。例:I was wondering if you can give me a lift. 我不知你能否让我搭一下车。【注】一般过去时也有类似用法,但比较而言,用过去进行时显得更客气,更加不肯定。3.过去进行时表示感情色彩与现在进行时相似,过去进行时也可表示满意、称赞、惊讶、厌恶等感情色彩,也通常与 always,forever,continually等副词连用。如:They were always quarrelling. 他们老是吵架。4.动词be的过去进行时也可表示过去一时的表现或暂时的状态。比较:He was friendly. 他很友好。(过去长期如此)He was being friendly. 他当时显得很友好。(指当时一时的表现)补充:when 的后面加一般过去时,而且动词是短暂性动词。while 的后面加过去进行时,动词是延续性动词同省同留。特殊用法1、当句子意思很清楚时,我们也可以把两个动词都换成一般过去时例:We listened carefully when the teacher read the text. 老师读课文时,我们都仔细地听着。2、表示按计划、安排过去将要发生的事。用于come,go,leave,start,arrive等表示位置转移的动词时,也可以用过去进行时表示过去将要发生的动作。例:He told me(that)he was going soon. 他告诉我他很快就要走了。3、表示故事发生的背景。例:It was snowing as the medical team made its way to the front. 那支医疗小组往前线行进时,天正下雪。4、表示一个新的动作刚刚开始,可用来引出一个新的动作。例:Five minutes later,he stood in the doorway smoking a cigarette. 5分钟后,他已站在门口抽着烟。5、过去进行时还可以和when结构遥相呼应,含有意外之意。例:I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走时突然有人喊我。6、用来陈述原因或用作借口。例:She went to the doctor yesterday. She was having a lot of trouble with her heart.她昨天去看病了。她患了很严重的心脏病。7、与always,constantly等词连用,表示感情色彩。例:The girl was always changing her mind. 这女孩老是改变主意。8、用在状语中。例:He felt asleep when he was reading. 当他阅读时,他睡着了。变化规则现在分词1. 在动词原形后直接加-inglook-looking cook-cooking read-reading2. 以不发音字母e结尾的动词 ,去掉e再加-ingwrite-writing live-living3. 以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写该辅音字母后再加-ingbegin-beginning swim-swimming sit-sitting4. 少数几个以ie结尾的动词,要变ie为y,再加-ingtie-tying die-dying lie-lying5. 以ic结尾的动词,要把ic变成ick再加ingpicnic→picnicking,traffic→trafficking时间状语this morning,the whole morning,all day,yesterday,from nine to ten last evening,when,while,at that time.My brother fell while he was riding his bicyIt was raining when tWhen I got to the top of the mountain,the sun was shining.典型例题(1) Mary _C_ a dress when she cut her finger.A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes答案C. 割伤手指是已发生的事情,应用过去时。同 时,when表时间的同时性,&玛丽在做衣服时&提供事情发生的背景,因此用过去进行时。(2) As she _b_ the newspaper,Granny _b_ asleep.A.read; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read;fell答案B. 句中的as = when,while,意为&当……之时&。描述一件事发生的背景时,用过去进行;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。句意为 &在她看报纸时,奶奶睡着了。&句中的 fell (fall的过去式),是系动词,后跟形容词。时态比较过去进行时与一般过去时的区别1.都强调过去发生的事过去进行时强调过程,不一定完成一般过去时强调事件,一定完成p.s.:表示一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生了,第一个动作用过去进行时,第二个动作用一般过去时。或者说:过去的一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行,如果两动作一样长,则都用过去进行时。如果一个长一个短,则较长的用过去进行时。例:He played when I was studying.2.过去进行时与一般过去时,两者都表示过去发生的动作,但过去进行时表示在过去某一特定的时间点或时间段正在进行的动作,而一般过去时表示在过去时间完成的动作。例如:例:I was typing a letter last night. 昨晚我在打一封信.(可能没打完)I typed some letters last night. 我昨晚打了一些信.(已经打完)1、一般过去时往往表示某一动作已经完成,而过去进行时却表示动作在持续或未完成。(延续性动词)例:She wrote a letter to her friend last night. 她昨晚给朋友写了封信。(信写完了)She was writing a letter to her friend last night. 她昨晚一直在给朋友写信。(信不一定写完)2、一般过去时表示只做一次动作,而过去进行时却表示动作反复地进行。(短暂性动词)例:She waved to me. 她朝我挥了挥手。3、句中有a moment ago之类的短语一般用一般过去时。4、句中有at this time last Sunday, from 8 to 9 yesterday 之类的状语一般用过去进行时。过去进行时可以用来代替一般过去时,表示更为偶然而非预定的动作:例:I was talking to Tom the other day. 那天我跟汤姆聊天来着。这里的过去进行时给人的印象是这一动作既不特殊,也不引人注目。它同时还倾向于解除主语对于这一动作所负的责任。句中谁先开口说话既不清楚,也无关紧要。要注意它与一般过去时的差异:注意:进行时态只用于表示显然是连续不断的动作。如果把动作分割开,或者说出其发生的次数,就必须用一般过去时:例:I talked to Tom several times. 我跟汤姆谈过几次话。Tom washed both cars.汤姆把两辆汽车都洗了。当然,看来是并行的两个动作可以都用进行时态来表示:例:Between one and two I was doing the shopping and walking the dog.一点到两点之间我在购物、遛狗。这样用的进行时态通常和某些时间状语如 today,last night,in the afternoon连用。这些时间状语可以看做是表示某一时刻,也可以看做是表示某一段时间。如上面例句所示,某一段时间也可以用确切的时间来表示。如想问起一段时间怎样度过时,用过去进行时态要用比一般过去时显得有礼貌:What were you doing before you came here?(你来这里之前做什么工作?)要比 What did you do be- fore you came here?听起来有礼貌。另一方面, What were you doing in my room?(你在我的房间里干什么来着?)可能表示这样一种情感:我认为你没有权利在我的屋子里。但 What did you do in my room?却毫无这种含义。不用于进行时的动词感官动词:hear,see,notice,feel,taste……表示态度感情的动词:like,love,hate……表心理状态:feel,want,prefer……表占有:own,have,……表存在状态和持续:look,owe,be……用法区别编辑两者的区别如下:①when是at or during the time that,既指时间点,也可指一段时间;while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。③由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导,如:a. When the teacher came in,we were talking.当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为:While we were talking,the teacher came in.b They were singing while we were dancing.④when和while 还可作并列连词。when表示“在那时”;while表示“而,却”,表对照关系。如:a. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike.孩子们正要跑过去搬开那袋米,这时他们听到了摩托车的声音。b. He is strong while his brother is weak.他长得很结实,而他弟弟却很瘦弱。过去进行时基本结构过去进行时由 was/were 加动词ing构成。
While she was waiting,her phone rang 她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
While she was waiting,her phone rang 她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了


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