
当前位置: &
& 我的家乡_650字
My hometown used to be a backwardplace, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildingsand the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life.
While in recent years, with thedevelopment of society, my hometown has been greatly changed. Now the roads aregetting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on theroads. Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads. They canprovide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomescleaner and brighter. What's more, you can see many modern and beautifulbuildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People areenjoying a comfortable life now.
【花园作文】 池锝网
本文已影响 人
篇一:英语作文地点的表达 地点的表达 一、“地址”的表达 (一)表示“在某村”:in + the village of + 村名。如: In the village of Huaxi在华西村 (二)表示“在某县”:in + 县名 + county。 In Lingtai county 在灵台县 (三)表示“在某市”:in the city of + 市名。 In the city of Beijing 在北京市 (四)表示“在某省”:① in + 省名+province。② in the province of +省名。如:in Shanxi Province 在陕西省 (五)表示“在门牌号,街道”:at +门牌号(基数词) + 街道名+ (Street/Road)。如:at 1203 Washington Street在华盛顿大街1203号 at 88 Pingliang Road 在平凉路88号 (六)综合表达是:at +门牌号+ 街道名+ Street, in the city/village of +村名/市名, in +县名 + county, in the province of +省名。 【注意】①英语表示地址是从小地名开始,逐步到大地名。②如地名过多,可多用几个表示地点的介词,不要多用表示领属关系的介词of。③ 除门牌号用介词at, 其他均用介词in。 二、“方位”的表达 (一)表示“方位”的句式: u A + lies/ is + to+ the + 方位名词+ of + B。表示“A地与B地领域相对或相望”,属外部位置关系。如: Ireland lies to the west of Britain.爱尔兰位于不列颠之西。 v A+ lies/ is + on + the +方位名词+ of + B 。表示“A地与B地领域接壤”,属毗邻位置关系。如: Guangdong lies on the south of Human. 广东在湖南的南面。w A+ lies / is+ in + the +方位名词+ of + B。表示“A地在B地领域以内”,属于内部位置关系。如: Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海位于中国的东部(在境内)。 x A + lies/ is + off+ B。表示“A地位于离B地不远的海上。如: The island lies off the East coast. 这座岛在东海岸附近。 y A + lies/ is + on + the + river/coast。表示“A地在?河畔或海滨”,on the后跟河畔或海滨名称。如: London lies on the River Thames.伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。 (二)表示“坐落”的句式 u 某地 + be located in/at/on?某地坐落于?。如: The new building will be located in the center of town.这座大楼将建在市中心。 v 某地 + be situated in/on/at...某地坐落于?。如: The school is situated in the suburbs.这所学校位于郊外。 w 某地 + be surrounded by/with?某地被?环绕着/包围着。如: The city is surrounded by suburbs.城市被郊区包围着。 三、“方向”的表达 (一)表示“在东南西北”用:inin the east/west/north/south,指“朝/向东南西北” 用to/towards + the +方位名词。如: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.日出于东而没于西。 (二)表示“朝??方向”用: u主语 + face/look + 方位副词(east, west, north, south)。 The window of my room faces (to the) south. 我房间的窗朝南。 v主语 + face/look + to /towards the 方位名词(east, west, north, south)。如: Our domitory faces east (to the east, towards the east).我们的宿舍朝着东方。 w用in the direction of. [短语] in all directions朝四面八方;in every direction向四面八方。 He walked in the direction of the river bank. 朝河岸走去。 (三) 表示“在??左/右”: 泛指用on the left/right;具体指明“在某地某物左右”用on the left / right of +地点名词,表示“向(朝)左/右”用to the left/right of。如: There is a deep valley on the right of the road and a grassy plain on the left of it. 路的右边是一个深谷,左边是一片草原。 四、地点介词归纳 1. in the heart of在?中心 2. in the middle of 在?的中间 3. in the centre of在?中央 4. in front of在?(外部)前面 5. in the front of在?(内部)前面 6. in the back of在?背后 7. at the back of在?(内部)后部 8. at the side of在?旁边 9. at the bottom of在?之底部 10. at the end of在?末端, 在?的末尾 11. at/on the top of 在?的顶部 12. at the foot of 在?的脚下,在?的底部 13. at the entrance of在?的入口处 14. at the gate of 在?的门口 15. at the edge of 在?的边缘16. at the head of 在?的最前面 17. at the base of 在?的底部 18. in the fields of在?领域 19. on the right /left side of 在?左边/右边 20. on the border of在?的边界上 21. in the suburbs of 在?郊区 22. close to/ near在?附近 23. next to与?邻接 24. next door to与?相邻 (一)表示“在某年”: ① in + 阿拉伯数字(读的时候用基数词,从后到前,分两截来读)。如: He was born in 1971. (1971读作nineteen seventy-one) ②使用year时,year放在数词之前。如: in the year 253 B.C. (253 B. C. 读作two five three B.C. ) 在公元前253年。 (二)表示“在某月”: in +月份名词(开头第一字母要大写), 如:in January / February。 (三)表示“在某月某日”: ① on + 月份+ 序数词(th可省略, 但读时要念出来)。如: National Day is on Oct. 1. ② on + the + 序数词+ of + 月份。如: National Day is on the 1st of October. (四)表示“在某整点钟”: at +基数词 (+ o'clock / sharp)。如:Our meeting will begin at five o’clock. (五)表示“在几点几分”: ①不超过半小时用“at + 分钟 + past +小时”,表示“几点过几分”。如: at twenty past six.六点过二十分 ②超过半小时用“at +分钟 + to +小时”,表示“几点差几分”。如: at a quarter to twelve十二点差一刻 ③表示“半小时”用half, 表示“一刻”用quarter。 (六)“某年某月某日某小时某分”的综合表达,按“at + 小时 + on + 月份 + 日期的序数词,+年份”写出, 年份前常用逗号。如: 在日8点半:写作:at half past eight on September 2(nd), 1993. 二、“世纪、年代、节日、星期”的表达 (一)表示“在某世纪”: ① in + the +序数词+ century。如: in the eighteenth (18th) century 在公元十八世纪。 ② in + the +百位进数加’s。如:in the 1900’s 在二十世纪。 (二)表示“在某年代”: ① in + the + 阿拉伯数字加“’s” 或“s”。如: in the 1930's在二十世纪三十年代。 ②表示某年代的早期、中期和晚期,可以在定冠词后,年代前添加 early,mid-,late。如: in the early 1920’s 在二十世纪二十年代早期, in the mid-1950’s 在二十世纪五十年代中期。 (三)表示“在某日(节日/星期)”:on +某日(节日/星期)。如: on Monday, on Children’s day,on Chrismas Day篇二:英语作文 四下作文教案 第一单元作文(写校园的景色)
一、习作内容: 我们都爱自己的校园,它也许像一座美丽的花园,绿草如茵,花团锦簇;它也许仅有平房,几棵老树,一个小操场。不管怎样,在可爱的校园里,我们都度过了许多快乐的日子。让我们到校园里走一走,看一看,选一处景物,仔细观察一下,把观察到的按一定的顺序写下来。注意把内容写具体,语句写通顺。如果不想写校园里的景物,也可以写别处的景物,或者写校园里发生的事。
?要指导学生写中会联想和想象。 写校园里发生的事,要侧重以下几点:
? 要指导学生个性化写作,写出自己独特的生活体验。
① 引导学生走进校园里的春天,感受校园里春天的美好,培养学生观察自然的兴趣,激发他们对大自然的热爱之情。 ②能具体明白地描写生活中观察到的景物或者由此引发的联想。 ③积累描写春天景物的成语和古诗句,激发课外阅读兴趣。
1. 关于习作知识点的了解:
?了解什么是景物的静态和动态的特点。 ?明白如何根据景物的特点来联想和想象? ?了解校园里景物的顺序和重点。? ? 2.关于习作素材的搜集:? ?自己先观察校园里的景物,确定教学指导的范围。? ?搜集描写相关景物的素材,如图片、文字、诗歌等,以备教学之用。??有条件的可以制作多媒体课件。? ?熟悉写景作文的基本写法和章法。? ?写一篇下水文。? ? 二、备课策略思考? 青年教师朋友:本次习作教学,我们应该采取什么样的策略呢?? ? 武老师:小学作文,是一种心灵的舞蹈。只有内心有了独特体验后,才能舞得婆娑,舞得蹁跹。小学作文,也是一种心灵的歌唱,应让小学生为心灵舞蹈,让文字绽放,充分地为孩子的心灵积累丰富的“存折”,要跳出作文看习作,树立大作文观,大练习观,让读书、活动、习作、育人等综合实践活动成为提高学生作文素质的战略策划。孩子的心灵丰富起来,才能生窍而开窍,才有可能将生活和阅读的体验以及心灵的感悟结合起来形成表达上的创造,以儿童的视角和言说方式写出童真之文、童心之文、童趣之文、童性之文。? ? 本次习作指导的策略预设如下:? ? ?本次习作应该指导学生以写春天里的校园景色为主。写其他季节的景物也可以。??创设习作的情趣是拨动心弦,打开情感闸门,发展儿童心灵的首要方法。在作文教学时,教师首先要创设一个富于激发儿童情绪、情感和思想的情境,将儿童引到情思的情境之中,当儿童的情思被激发起来,使之产生愿意读书、急于表达的愿望时,读书、作文才能达到好效果。? ? ?如我们指导小学生写校园里春天的作文,就先带孩子们去校园里找春天、看春天、画春天,议春天,这样就能唤起儿童的欢乐心情,孩子们的情绪高涨,情思活跃,又怎能写不出好文章呢!通过教师的课堂引导,让孩子们大胆想象、进行启发式思考,引导学生张开心灵的双翼,使学生在自己已有的生活空间和知识空间中展翅翱翔。? ? ?本次习作的要求是观察一处景物再把观察到的景物写下来。要按一定顺序,内容具体,语句通顺。在上学期的作文训练中,曾安排过写一处景物的内容,这次应在原有的基础上提高一步,特别是要求按一定顺序把景物写具体。? ?本次习作教学可参照下列步骤进行。? ? ?.事先布置学生去实地观察校园里的一处景物,提出观察的基本要求。? ?.观察后认真思考:准备写哪一处景物?这一处景物有什么特点?按什么顺序来写?怎样把这些特点写具体,要把观察和思考紧密结合起来。? ?.相互交流。? 分小组或在班上相互交流自己的构思,在交流中得到相互启发。? ?.拟写草稿。教师巡视,及时发现优点和问题,针对有代表性的问题进行作中指导。指导的重点一是写具体,二是按一定顺序写。? ? ?.部分学生完成后,可选一篇较为典型的文稿做点评,肯定优点,指出问题,然后要求学生对自己的习作作一次修改。然后二次习作,创新练习,写出自己的个性体验。 ?1单元作文教学设计 一、前作文:未成曲调先有情
生:枝条上的是小芽, 还是花苞 生:叶子是什N颜色 和冬天时, 看起来有什N不同 生:看看草地上有多少不同的小花 生:看到哪些不同颜色的花 生:闻闻看, 草地的气味 花的气味 生:闭上眼睛, 用你的身体感受春天 生:春天早晨的阳光照在身上, 有什N感觉
生:春天的阳光和冬天(夏天)一样吗 有什么不同 生:春天有哪些颜色 生:春天的草地上有什N 生:春天的校园里有哪些不同的花 生:春天的叶子有什么特别的地方 生:春天的校园可以发现哪些不同的小动物 生:春天的校园有哪些自然, 美妙的声音 生:?? 5.同学们真的很聪明,想出了这么多的新主意。今天我们就一起来探究一下校园的春天,描述一下校园的春天,好吗?
桃红柳绿 春色满园
春意盎然大地春回 大地回春 富于春秋
春满人间 柳暖花春
满脸春风杏花春雨 阳春白雪 一年之计在于春满脸春色
满面春风 满袖春风
满园春色妙手回春 春风得意
满园春色关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。叶绍翁《游园不值》 等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。──宋?朱熹《春日》 万树江边杏,新开一夜风。满园深浅色,照在绿波中》──唐 王涯《春游曲》 草树知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲。──唐 韩愈《晚春》 天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。──唐 韩愈《早春呈水部张十八员外》 不知细对谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。──唐 贺知章《咏柳》 春来江水绿如蓝。能不忆江南?──白居易《忆江南》 竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。──苏轼《题惠崇〈春江晚景〉》
1.小游戏:走进成语岛。说一个关于春天的成语。比一比谁聪明。 2.小游戏:想象春天美。说一句想象春天的话,注意用上比喻或拟人的手法,赞美春天。比一比谁想的一句话新颖有趣。
[设计意图:通过做关于春天的小游戏,以激发学生的热爱春天的情趣,激发学生的创新思维,为做好了铺垫。] 二、中作文:奇思妙想我能行
1.师:春天已经悄悄地来了,你从什么地方感受到了春的气息?春天你们想出去找找春天吗? 2.同学们,让我们在脑子里放放电影,还记得校园中哪些地方最让你觉得最美呢? 【学生从花草树木、鸟兽虫鱼等方面,说一说校园春景】
3.春天来啦,校园里的景物变化很大。校园里的景物也很多,我们按什么顺序来说呢? 生:按地点变化的顺序 生:按景物的类别说 生:从静态和动态两方面来说 生:?? 4.我们知道了说的顺序,请大家在小组内按一定的顺序说一校园里春天的景物的美丽?比一比谁聪明,说的最棒。【小组内交流】
生:抓住形状、颜色的特点 生:抓住静态、动态的特点 生:抓住气味的特点 生:用拟人的方法是,会更有趣。比如:校园里的花儿都张开了笑脸。 生:我觉得可以引用古诗来赞美。比喻说操场上的小草,就可以用上“草色遥近却无”的诗句?? 生:??
1.听了刚才同学们的谈论,我觉得大家对校园里的春天的美丽知道的很多。如何把我们感触了的校园春色用生动的语言描述出来,还需要“更上一层楼”。为了帮助大家“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”,老师特意为大家搜集了一些精彩的范例。相信大家一定会喜欢的。读一读下面的佳作片段,说一说你的感悟和收获。 2.展示佳作,引导评议,读中学写。
【展示佳作片段二】篇三:写地理位置英语作文 Step ⅠLead-in 1. (写作要点)Suppose you are a guide to describe a place to tourists, what subjects(主题)will you introduce ? 2.(词汇和句型)Which words, expressions and sentence patterns will be used by you when describing a place?
StepⅡ Organization of the composition Introduction (Para1): set the scene (name and location of the place/building, reasons for choosing the place/building) Main Body (Para2-3): Overall look and particular details (Place: sights, facilities, free- Building: first look and specific details) Conclusion (Para 4): Feelings and final thoughts about the place / building plus recommendation
Step Ⅲ Description (一) 介绍地理位置(Location) 1. “位置”的表达 (1) be situated in, be located in/on/to (2) be/lie in/on/to+ 方向 e.g.: Guangdong lies on the south of Human. The island lies off the East coast. 这座岛在东海岸附近。 Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海位于中国的东部(在境内)。 Ireland lies to the west of Britain.爱尔兰位于不列颠之西。 (3) be/lie off +某一地点,常为海岸等(常指水中岛屿等,意“相隔、相离”) e.g.: Many islands lie off China's east coast. (4) lie/be on the river/ coast of (A地在?河畔或海滨) e.g.: London lies on the River Thames.伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。 (5) There stands(使屹立)?. e.g.: There stands an old temple on the top of the mountain. (6) be surrounded by/with? e.g.: The city is surrounded by suburbs.城市被郊区包围着。
2. “方向”的表达(1) east, south, west, north , northeast , northwest, southeast, eastern, southern, western, northern ?? (2) in the middle/centre of (3) at the foot of, on the top of? (4) To the east/west/north/south of ??. is?..
e.g.: West of the city stands a tall building. 3 “地位”的表达 political/commercial/cultural centre, the capital of, the (second) largest?..in China/ in the world
4. “海拔”的表达: SP. lies + 数词 + metres above sea-level。某地海拔?米 e.g.: Tibet lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea-level. 西藏平均海拔4000公尺
5. “地址”的表达 (1)表示“在某村”:in + the village of + 村名。e.g.: In the village of Huaxi (2)表示“在某县”:in + 县名 + county。 e.g.: In Hanshou County (3)表示“在某市”: ①in the city of + 市名 ② in + 市名 City。 e.g.: In the city of Changde/ in Changde City (4)表示“在某省”:① in + 省名+province。② in the province of +省名。 e.g.: in Hunan Province/in the Province of Hunan (5)表示“在门牌号,街道”:at +门牌号(基数词) + 街道名+ (Street/Road)。 e.g.: at 1203 Washington Street在华盛顿大街1203号 at 86 Xiwang Road 在希望路86号 (6)综合表达是:at +门牌号+ 街道名+ Street, in the city/village of +村名/市名, in +县名 + county, in the province of +省名。e.g.: at 86 Xiwang Road, Jiangjiazui town, Hanshou county, Hunan Province, China 【注意】①英语表示地址是从小地名开始,逐步到大地名。②如地名过多,可多用几个表示地点的介词,不要多用表示领属关系的介词of。③ 除门牌号用介词at, 其他均用介词in。 【Practice】 中国位于亚洲东部,太平洋的西岸。China lies in the east of Asia and on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean.? 这个美丽的公园坐落于湖的沿岸。The beautiful town is located along the shore of the lake.? 这个村子坐落在群山之中。The village lies among the mountains.? 新教学楼坐落在学校的中央。The new teaching building lies in the center of the school.? Guangzhou, Capital of Guangdong Province (广东省会), lies in the south of China? .The temple stands on the top of/at the foot of the mountain. (stand)? Located (locate) in the smallest continent---Oceania, Australia is the sixth largest (第六大) country in the world.? Standing (stand) on the top of the mountain, the temple has experienced many changesin this area.? The beautiful town is located (locate) to/ on the west of the lake.?
(二)介绍人口(Population) 1. 询问“人口”: What’s the population of + 某地? 这个国家有多少人口? 2. 表述“人口”的数量: (1) The city has a large/ small population (of ?) 某地人口众多/稀少(有?? 人口) e.g.: China has a large population of 1300 million. (2) The population of ?is? e.g.: The rural population of the county is 400,000. 这个县的农村人口为40万。 (3) The population increases/ decreases? e.g.: The population here is increasing year by year/ rapidly. (4) The population has grown to? (5)The city, with a population of?, is ?, It is a ?. with a population of?.
e.g.: Beijing, the capital of China, is a large city with a population of over 12,000,000. (6) 数词+ percent of the population are ...百分之?的人口是? e.g.: Eighty percent of the population here are farmers. 百分之八十的人口是农民。 【Practice】 这个村子有5000人, 大多数人为渔民。The village has a population of 5000, most of whom are fishermen.? 中国人口众多,有十三多亿人口。China has a large population of 1,300,000,000.?Australia has a population of about 20 million.? China is a developing country, with a population of 1300 million.? The population in this city is increasing year by year.? It covers an area of 10,000 square kilometers with a population of (人口) over 2million.?
(三)介绍面积(Area) 1. 表示“占地面积”的句型: (1) ?? has/ covers an area of/ takes up ...square kilometers/ metres。 某地占地?面积。 e.g.: The small town covers an area of 5 square miles. 小镇占地5平方英里。 Xingjiang takes up about one-sixth of our territory.新疆占我国国土的六分之一。 (2) It’s a city/town/school?.. with an area of??square kilometers e.g.: It’s a town with an area of over 100 square kilometers. 城镇 面积 100多平方公里 (3) The size of??+ is?. ??. + is + 数词 + long and +数词 +单位词 wide。某地多长多宽。 e.g.: The garden is 30 metres long and 20 metres wide. 这花园长三十米, 宽二十米。 2. 常用度量单位:inch英寸, foot英尺, mile英里, millimeter 毫米, centimetre厘米, metre米, kilometers公里, square metres平方米, square k(来自:WWw.CdfDs.Com 池 锝 范 文网:描写花园的英语作文)ilometers 平方公里。【Practice】 我们学校很大,占地120亩。 Our school, which covers an area of/takes up 120 mu.?
汉寿县全境东西长78公里,南北宽40公里。? Hanshou County is 78 kilometres long from west to east and 40 kilometres wide from north to south.? Tiananmen Square, the largest square in the world, covers/ has an area of one million square kilometers.? =Tiananmen Square, covering an area of one million square kilometers, is the largest square in the world. This square is 2000 meters long and 1500 meters wide.?
(四)介绍气候和历史(History) 气候:warm, dry, humid, cold, sunny, stormy, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy? with four-distinct/ clear-cut seasons篇四:高考英语作文----地点介绍类说明文(经典原创) 地点介绍类说明文 《李华欢迎你》 迎接第一个晨曦,李华在这等你,慢点来吧不着急,他年年都留级。 语言特点 1. 时态:多用一般现在时 2. 方位词准确运用,过渡语使用恰当 3. 遣词造句要简洁,不可过分渲染或模棱两可
sb要来sp, 请李华介绍…
你的英国朋友Bob即将到你所在的国际学校学习。 应他要求,请你写一封e-mail 历史:40年历史,2006年重建 (1句) 2. 位置: 教学大楼的左面,大操场的西面,面朝学校大门(1句) 3. 结构:占地750平方米,三层,一楼游泳池,二楼排球、篮球、羽毛球场、三楼有报告厅(2句) 4. 特点:设备现代,环境优美(1句) 5. 开放时间:6:30 a.m. -10:00 p.m., 周末照常开放。(1句) Dear Bob, I am so glad to hear that you are coming to study in our school. (写信目的gym. (具体介绍(祝愿I am looking forward to your coming. Sincerely yours, Lihua
(09.全国) 介绍以下内容: 1. 简况:长800米、600多年历史、300余家商铺; 2. 位置:天安门广场南面; 3. 交通:公共汽车17、69、59等路,地铁2号线; 4. 特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。 参考词汇:步行街:pedestrian street;当当车:trolley car; 地铁:subway Dear Sarah, Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.(写信目的)(具体介绍)Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old. Along this 800-metre street, there are more than 300 but (祝愿)I’m sure you’ll like it. Looking forward to your coming. Yours, LiHua
(06.四川) 假设你是李华,你的新西兰笔友NickDear Nick, I'm glad to hear that you're coming to Sichuan in August. (写信目的)(具体介绍)Sichuan Province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys(享有)many world-famous places of interest, such 1 (祝愿)I'm sure you'll have a good time. I'm looking forward to your coming. Yours sincerely, Li Hua
(03.全国卷) 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Bob来信请你在学校附近为 500元。注意:1. 词数:100左右;2. Dear Bob, I’m so glad to learn that you’re coming in September.(写信目的) I’ve found a place for you. It’s a small flat the school. In fact, it’s only one stop. (结尾)Do you think you’d like it? If not, I can try and find another place for you. Just let me know. Yours,
Lihua (06.全国卷I、II)假定你是李华。应英国朋友Bob两幅图中的相关信息。 内容要点: 1. 图书馆的位置:前有花园,后有教学楼 2. 内部环境:宽敞、有书架、报刊、书籍等 3. 图书馆功能:借阅、借阅数量和借期 4. 开放时间 5. 合适的结尾 June 8 Dear Bob, Thank you for your last letter asking about our library. (写信目的) (具体介绍)Our library is in the center of the school. There is a beautiful garden in front of it and our classroom building (简单总结)We all like our library very much. 2 Best wishes. Li Hua 广告宣传 (07.全国)应包括: 1. 地点:据白山入口处500米; 2. 房间及价格:单人间(共20间),100元/天;
热水淋浴; 3. 餐饮:餐厅(中、西餐),咖啡厅(茶、咖啡); 4.
5. 欢迎预定。 Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel Baishan Mountain Hotel is now open for business. (具体介绍)Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain. It has 20 single rooms and 15
(客套话)All are welcome! 必备素材 面积 1. 2. It’s a small flat 历史 1. 2. It was built over 2000 years ago. 人口 时间 1. 2. It is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and closed on weekends. 3. 景点特色 1. …2. 3. The city, known as …, attracts 4. 表示动作的词 Go along, turn left, turn right, go straight ahead, keep going, cross the street, walk down the street, lie in, be located in, face, be ,take the first turning on your left, go straight on to the traffic light, you can’t miss it 表方位的词 In the center of, to the left/right, at the foot of, on the top of, in the distance, close to, next to, beside, opposite, facing, too blocks away, at the end of Bridge Street, at the crossing, at.. street, … is just in front of you, east of… is, on the other side of 表顺序的词 First, until, then, when you find a…, after 5 minutes’ walk/ride, finally【1】 李华在这里,活地图陪伴你
他一出面一切都顺利 他是无所不能的,除了学英语
君不见他频频留级 3篇五:关于春天的英语作文 关于春天的英语作文(ABOUT SPRING)
Spring is a wonderful season.It's getting warmer and warmer.People take off their heavy coat.The flowers begin to open .They are very beautiful and lovey.THe trees begin to turn green.The birds begin to sing here and there.It's often windy.So many people with their child to go to th park .THey like to fly kites.Look th grasses are grow up.The butterflies and the bees are flying.They are very happy too. eduzw.com
I like spring very much.Because it is very interesting and fun.What a beautiful spring!春天(Spring) Spring is my favourite season. In spring, all flowers come out, all of the trees turn green and begin to grow. In spring, I can fly kites on the playground with my classmates. I can catch the bees in the garden, and I can play chess with my brother under the trees. I can do so many things in spring, and the spring is a season with so many wishes. So I like spring. My favourite season Hello, my dear friends! What’s my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香). There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “We’re very thirsty.The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Don’t you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me? 译文:我最喜欢的季节 My favourite season你好,我最亲爱的朋友!我最喜欢的季节是哪个呢?让我告诉你。我最喜欢的是春天。我觉得春天是个可爱的季节。在我家后门有个花园。在春天,树变绿了,花也散发着芳香。有许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞。蝴蝶在跳舞,蜜蜂在歌唱。有时候,中国教育总网文档频道文会下雨,常常都是下得轻轻的。 雨水滋润了树木和花朵。我想他们会说,“我们好渴,这雨水真是及时。”真是一幅美丽的画面!你不这样认为吗?你能告诉我你最喜欢的季节吗?篇六:五年级英语作文 五年级英语范文集
My English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.
My English Teacher Miss White is my English teacher.
She’s very young and pretty. She is very shy.She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She likes singing and dancing. Her English is very good. She’s kind. We all like her very much.
My English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.
My English Teacher Miss White is my English teacher.
She’s very young and pretty. She is very shy.She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She likes singing and dancing. Her English is very good. She’s kind. We all like her very much.
My English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.
My English Teacher Miss White is my English teacher.
She’s very young and pretty. She is very shy.She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She likes singing and dancing. Her English is very good. She’s kind. We all like her very much. 【要领点评】这篇作文的题目是“我的英语老师”,是一篇介绍人物的作文。小作者开门见山,直接点题,首先介绍了英语老师的姓名,然后逐一介绍了她的外貌特征、喜好、英语水平、上课特点以及师生情感等。 小朋友们在写作文时,要注意使用自己最熟悉的词[组],以免写出一些错句子。写作时要注意意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确、书写清晰、规范等。
My Days of the week I’m a student and I am in Grade 5.I get up at six o’clock every day. I have breakfast at half past six, and go to school at seven o’clock. I have classes from Monday to Saturday. I have an English class on Friday and I have a PE class on Tuesday. I don’t have to go to school on school, and I like to go swimming on that day. 【要领点评】这篇作文的题目是“我的一周”,小作者没有说一些空话,而是从自己的亲身经历写起,叙述了自己一周七天的所作所为,并特别强调了星期天的喜好,写得自然、流畅。 小朋友们写作文时要注意人称及谓语动词的变化,要依据提示,结合自己的实际,写自己身边熟悉的事情。 My Favourite Food Do you know what this is?
Guess! Its colour is yellow. It’s long and thin. It looks like a small boat and crescent. Oh, it is a banana. Do you know what that is? Guess again! Its colour is orange. It’s round. It looks like a small ball and a small lantern. Oh, it is an orange. I like then a lot. I like ice-creams. I like to chew gum. Chocolates and candies are yummy. I like them very much. How about you? What’s your favourite food? 【要领点评】My Favourite Food 是一篇很成功的,小作者并不是简单地列举出自己最喜欢的每一种食物,而是有详有略地进行介绍。整篇文章用词准确、语言流畅、没有语法错误。另外,文章中出现了一些生词,可见小作者是用心查字典了。 I can help do housework I am a girl. My name is Li Ling. I’m in Class Three, Grade Five. I’mhelpful at home. I can water the flowers, empty the trash and sweep the floor. After meals, I can help my mother do the dishes. On Sunday, I can wash the clothes. What about you? Are you helpful, too? 【要领点评】本篇作文的题目是“我可以帮助做家务”,作者主要叙述自己在家帮助做的事情,介绍自己的名字,所在年级及在家能做的家务,很详细,到位。 小朋友们在写作时,应尽量写一些亲自经历的事情,这样会避免在作文时显得太空,因为只有自己经常做的事情印象才会特别深刻。写作时还要注意大小写和时态。 In The Kitchen This is the kitchen of my family. It’s big and nice. Look! My mother is cooking in it. This is a microwave and that is a stove. There is a big table here. There are many things on it. What are these? They look yummy! Oh, they’re strawberries. And what are those? They are grapes. 【要领点评】这篇作文的题目是“在厨房”里,作者根据自己家的厨房情况。介绍厨房里有微波炉和电炉,有一张大桌子和桌子上的物品等,以及妈妈在做饭,非常真实。小朋友们,可以从观察自己身边的事、物写起,利用所学的句子,描述身边熟悉的东西来训练习作。 My VillageMy village is very beautiful. There are many houses in the village. Near the village, there is a forest. A small river is in front of the village. The water in it is very clean. We can see some fish in the river. Near the river, you can see a mountain. Some flowers and grass are on the mountain. I like my village. Welcome to my village! 【要领点评】本文以“我的村庄”为题描述了自己家乡的风景。介绍了村庄的房屋、森林、河流及大山,使人看了这篇作文后确实感觉到“我的村庄”的美丽。小朋友们在写作时,可仔细想一下自己的村庄或所在城市的特点,尽量使用本单元学过的单词或短语进行叙述。 My house I am a student now. when I grow up, I want to my own house, a very beautiful house.The house must have two floors. In the house there are many good things that I like, such as a great TV set, a fridge that I can put many delicious food, a big fan, an air conditioner, a computer, and many things that I like. In front the house, there is a swimming pool, behind the house,there is a garden, I can grow flowers and grass. 汉语:现在我是个学生,当我长大的时候,我想拥有自己的房子,一个非常漂亮的房子。这个房子一定要有两层。在房子里边有许多我喜欢的好东西。比如说一个极好的电视机,一个电冰箱,我可以在里边放许多好吃的食物,一个大电扇,一个空调,一个电脑,还有许多我喜欢的东西。在房子的前面,有一个游泳池,房子的后边有个花园,我可以种植花和草。 My favourite person My favourite person is my mother. She is a kind woman. She always
friendly to everybody. My mother is _____(职业).She works from Monday to Friday, she always very busy. She likes_____(兴趣爱好,记住like后面的动词要加ing). She always gets up early in the morning,then she cooks nice breakfast for my father and me. She looks after me very well, and if I have some questions in my homework, she will help me. I love my mother very much. 每个人心中都有自己最喜欢的人。你最喜欢谁呢?为什么喜欢她/他呢?请以“My favourite person”为题写一篇小作文。 要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。 2、文章不得少于60个单词。
一、看图,以“My day ”为题,写一篇短文。(至少5句话) I get up at 6:50 in the morning. I do morning exercises at 7:10. I go to school at 7:30. I have English class at 10:00. I eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening. I do my homework at 7:00. I go to bed at 9:00.This is my day. 二、根据图画提示写几句话,说说你在周末经常或有时做的事情。(至少5句话)I usually (often) climb mountains on Saturday. I visit my grandparents on Saturday. I go shopping with my mother on Saturday. I play sports on Sunday. I play the piano at home on Sunday, too. Sometimes I take pictures. I like my weekend. 三、请以“My favourite season”为题,从季节、天气、服装、事情等几方面写一篇小短文。(至少5句话) 四、写一写,你所在或你熟悉的一个地方的四季情况。(至少5句话) There are four sesons in a year. I live in DongGuan City. It’s
warm in spring. I (We) can plant trees. It’s hot and sunny in summer. I (We) can swim in the lake (river). In fall, it’s cool and windy. I (We) can fly kite and go hiking (climb mountains) with my friends. In winter, It’s not too cold. I (We) can wear my sweater. 五、写你的生日在哪个季节哪一天,并说出季节的特点,你可以做什么活动 。(至少5句话) My birthday is March 12. It’s in spring. It’s warm. The trees are green. I can plant trees. I can fly kites. I can climb mountains with my friends. 六、请写一些你的生日是在哪个月份哪一天?在那天你经常做些什么事情,吃些什么东西,和谁在一起,心情怎样。要求不少于五句话。 My birthday is in June. It’s June 3. I often go shopping with my mother. I eat birthday cakes with my parents in the evening. I am happy on my birthday. 七、假如现在是晚上7:30,介绍你一家正在干什么?(至少5句话) It’s 7:30 in the evening. Everyone is at home. My father is writing an e-mail. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. My brother is doing homework in the study. My sister is watching TV with me in the living room.
rdth篇七:英语写作积累 1. 背诵句The situation being so serious,it`s high time that we took effective measures to do sth 2. 背诵句It`s imperative that corresponding laws and regulations be introduced and enforced to harness治理,利用 and curb限制, 克制, 抑制this urgent problem. 3. 背诵句Simple as the picture is,the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean. 4. 背诵句In no country other than China,it has been said,is the problem of environment /phenomenon more serious. 5. 背诵句There has been a heated discussion about a picture in the newspaper. 6. 背诵句The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to the reform and opening-up policy carried out,bringing some problems at the same time.with the following one being the foremost. 7. 背诵句The author`s real purpose is not the fact itself,bue to lead us to find what hides behind the ice-burg 8. 背诵句According to one of the latest survey conducted by a certain international organization.money spent on pets in the city of Beijing is as mush as $1,000,000,000.which can feed all the Japanese in the world for a whole year. 9. 背诵句Our human history has been filled with a variety of examples of …,with the following one being the foremost. 10. 背诵句Amoing all the touching facts relating to…that I have ever heard, noticed and experienced ,the most impressive one is …………I can think of no better examples other than……………numerous examples can be giving ,but this will suffice. 11. 背诵句Were there no something ,never would sb do something 12. 背诵句Were this situation to continue like this ,we would pay a high price./and our future generation would not bother to think of excuse for us . 13. 背诵句It`s imperative that the essence be absorbed and the drawbacks be neglected ,during this process,especially in the times of knowledge explosion ,when the news ,facts ,opinions even
rumous have been bombarding炮击, 轰炸, 攻击 us from every corner of the world 14. 背诵句With a proper law and an alert public ,it will only be a matter of time before the problem becomes things of the past. 15. 背诵句Only in a reasonable ,prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost. 要求的句子。The picture, at the first glimpse, seems to be simple ,but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning . 词组:be beyond dispute---that the plates are moving is now ~~~~ 1. few people are immune to vanity (自负, 自大, 虚荣),jealousy and pretention自命不凡,自负 2. large shopping centers provide not only pleasant environment ,abundant goods but also excellent services.万能非限定性定语从句:which left us a deep impression n+and the like /and its like /and their like 五大超俗词汇: 1. important 替换为 significant,essencial,urgent,necessary/of importance 2. very替换为it`s significantly/essentially/urgently/important 3. different替换为various/a variety of/vary from person to person 4. think /thing 经典替换词:1. individual,characters,folks代替people,persons 2. positive, favorable ,rosy (美好的), promising ,perfect ,pleasurable ,excellent ,outstanding代替good 3. dreadful ,unfavorable ,poor ,adverse (有害的) 代替bad,如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive代替 4. (an army of ,an ocean of ,a sea of,a multitude of,many ,if not most)代替many 注意:如果用many,if not most一定要小心,many后一定要有词 5. a slice of, quite a few,several代替some 6. harbor the idea that,take the attitude that,hold the view that ,it is widely shares that,it is universally acknowledged that 替代think (因为是 书面语,所以要加that) 7. affair,business,matter代替thing 8. shared 代替common 9. reap huge fruits 代替get much benefit 10. for my part,from my own perspective 代替in my opinion 11. increasing(ly),growing 代替more and more (注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing).修饰形容词,副词用increasingly. E.G. sth has gained growing popularity 12.little if anything ,或little or nothing代替hardly 13. beneficial rewarding代替helpful, be beneficial of 14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser
(n.买方,购买者)代替customer 15.exceedingly ,extremely 代替very 16.hardly unnecessary, hardly inevitable…代替nacessary,inevitable 17.sth appeals to sb,sth exert(运用, 发挥, 施加) a tremendous fascination on sb代替sb take interest in 18.capture one`s attention 代替attract one`s attention 19.facet(n.宝石或首饰的)小平面, 面, (事物的)面, 方面), demension【医】大小,尺寸,维[数] ,sphere
(兴趣或活动的)范围, 领域代替aspect 20.be indicative of,be suggestive of,be fearful of 代替indicate ,suggest ,fear 21.give rise to ,lead to, result in,trigger 引发, 引起(连锁反应)代替cause 22.there are several reasons behind sth 代替…reason for sth 23.desire代替want 24.pour attention into 代替pay attention to 25.bear in mind that代替remenber 26.enjoy ,possess 代替have 27.interaction 代替communication 28.frown on sth 代替be against ,disagree with sth 29.to name only a few,as an example 代替for example 30.next to/virtually impossible 代替nearly impossible 比较状语从句的写作方法: 1. as much as 句式:A car runs 10 times as fast as
a bike dose/runs 2. more than:the population of China is bigger than the population of Japan/that of Japan The population of China is three times larger than that of China 表示think的单词: 假定,认为assume相信,认为believe声称,宣称claim断言assert He asserted his ideas loudly and clearly.他大声明确地说出自己的想法。 坚持认为,主张 maintain陈述,认为set描述,说明depict描写 The artist depicted him strolling through a garden.画家描绘了他在花园漫步的情景。 证明prove说明,表明demonstrate,证明,证实validate+使生效;使有法律效力 You need an official signature to validate the order.你要有正式的签字,这张汇票才能生效。 坚持contend指出point out正如某人所指出,提出as sb put it相信,确信be convinced that 接受 accenpt获取,获得acquire补充,说明add说明,认知account 五大基本句型:主谓,主谓宾,主谓宾补,主谓宾宾补,主系表 补充说明 There are still several other aspects relevant to the issue under discussion ,but I have no time to explore in detail. After all ,what the picture describes tends to encompass .[?n'k?mp?s]vt.围绕;包围)a variety of subjects ranging from economics ,social ,values, personal values to cultural identity, all of which are deeply rooted in a given community .therefore ,it is difficult , I presume(vt.以为; 假定), to cover all such divergent (d?'v?:d??nt, da?-] adj.有分歧的;叉开的;发散的, 扩散的 elements in an essay of merely 200words. 总结:记住第三段的四句话: 1)增强意识2)专家参与3)复杂性4)如何应对(不讨厌原因) 1.the general public is supposed to enhance their awareness that ocean resources are essential for the environment 2.in this issue ,researchers, scholars and experts are expected to work out up-to-date solutions to sth 3.in view of the complexity of such an issue ,we must treat it socially ,economically and culturally. 4.in a sense ,it is not why sth .exists in today’s world but what we should do to copy with it 名人名言: Education 1. education is a progressive(adj.不断前进的, 有进展的, 逐渐上升的) discovery of our own ingnorance. 2. the roots of education are bitter ,but the fruit is sweet 3. education commences at (开始于)the mother’s knee ,and every word spoken within the hearsay .['h??,se?] n.传闻,道听途说 of children tends towards the formation of character(均影响其性格的形成) 4. education has produced a vast
population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading . 5. let early education be you will then be better able to find out the natural bent .( n.倾向, 爱好) 6. cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food for the body. 7. histpoems witty ('w?ti:] adj.&褒&机智的, 言辞巧妙的;情趣横生的;the mathematics subtle(adj.微妙的; 难以捉摸的; 细微的,zhoumi )natural philosophy (自然哲学) moral grave(伦理使人庄重) ;logic and rhetoric .['ret?rik] .雄辩言辞, 虚夸的言辞,修辞学 (逻辑辞学)able to contend. 8. a free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books 9. genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.(天才是百分之一是灵感,百分之九十九是血汗)10. information is power ,and the information
domain(n.范围, 领域,版图, 领土,地产, 产业 is the future battlefield.(信息领域将是未来的战场) 11. if you have great talents ,industry will improve them . if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency(.[d?'f???nsi]n.缺乏, 不足, 短缺) 如果你的能力一般,勤勉会补足其不足。 12.We cannot always build the future for our youth , but we can build our youth for the future. 我们不能总是为我们的青年造就美好未来,但我们能够为未来造就我们的青年一代。 Thinking 1. the men of experiment are like the ant ,they o the reasoners resemble spiders (n蜘蛛),which make cobwebs .['k?b,web(n.蜘蛛网) out of their own substance .But the bee takes the middle course : it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and field ,but transform and digests it by a power of its own. 3. give me a lever( 'li:v?] n.〈物〉杠杆,操作杆long enough and a fulcrum .['f?lkr?m] n.支撑杠杆的点,支点on which to place it ,and I should move the world . Life 1. you don’t get to choose how you’re going to die .you can only decide how you’re going to live . 2. life is a promise ,fulfill it . 3. great minds have purposes ,little minds have wishes . (伟大的头脑有目标,平凡的人们有愿望) 4. success is never final .(成功无止尽) Difficulty and courage 1. never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today .(今日事,今日毕) 2.if you lose hope ,somehow you lose the vitality [va?'t?l?ti:] n. 精神;活力;力量that keeps life moving ,you lose that courage to be ,that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all . and so today I still have a dream. (如果你失去了希望,有一天你会失去生命前行的活力,进而失去活着的勇气,这是能帮助你获得一切的素质。今天我有一个梦想。 2. in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity . 3. difficulties increase the nearer we get to the goal. 困难让我们离目标越近。 4. the pessimist [?pes?m?st] n.悲观主义者 sees difficulty in every opportunity .the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty Diligence 1. happiness is not the mere possession of money ,it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort .真正的幸福在于取得的成就和创造带来的激动。 3. diligence is the mother of good fortune ,and idleness ,its opposite ,never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes . 4. the expectations of life depend upon diligence 。的希望来自勤奋。 5. few things are impossible to diligence and skill , great works are performed not by strength ,but perseverance.[,p?:s?'v??r?ns] n.坚持不懈;不屈不挠)) 在勤奋和技能面前,没有什么不可能的事 。伟大的作品鄙视力量造就的,而是坚持 . Goals1. if you want to live a happy life ,tie it to the goal ,not the people or the things寄希望于目标而不是人或事 2. success is not final .failure is not fatal .['feit?l] adj.致命的. it is the courage to continue that counts .重要的是继续的勇气 3. set your goals high ,and don’t stop until you get there . 志存高远,勇往直前 4. words can`t move mountains .it is diligence that counts . 勤奋的力量能帮我们撼动大山,而不是语言。 5. to strive ,to seek ,to find ,but not to yield . 去拼搏,去寻找,不要屈服 Love 1. the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched ,they must be felt with the heart . Teamwork 1. trust men and they treat them greatly ,and they will show themselves great . 2. separated we fall ,united we stand .分则败,合则胜 3. as long as they think alike ,a few people can move a mountain 人心齐,泰山移 4. coming together is beginning .working together is success.团结才能生理。 常用谚语 1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 2. A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush . 3. A candle lights others and consumed itself 4. A close mouth catches no flies .病从口入 5. Action speaks louder than words 6. Adversity .[?d'v?:s?ti:] n.逆境;厄运;(经济方面的)窘境 leads to prosperity .穷则思变 7. a friend in need is a friend indeed 8. A friend is easier lost than found 9. A good beginning is half done . 10.A good book is a good friend 11. A good book is the best of friends ,the same today and forever. 12.A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 13.all roads leads to Rome 14.all that ends well is well 15.all that glitters is not gold 闪光的不一定都是金子 16. all things are difficult before they are easy 17. all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 18. a miss (n.失误, 失败, 失手; 回避)is as good as a mile失之毫厘,差以千里 19. an apple a day keeps the doctors away 20. an a man sows ,so he shall reap .种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 21. a sound mind in a sound body健全的精神寓于健康的身体 22. better late than never篇八:7A英语期末写作专练 写作专练 班级 姓名
得分 1. 以“My school”为题写一篇英语作文。提示: 1.我的学校很大,很优美。 2.大概有2000名学生,200多个教师。 3.学校后面有个大操场,还有一个大花园。 4.我们的教室在一号楼。 5.我有很多好朋友,老师助人为乐,在这里我们都很快乐。 2.以“Millie’s Day” 为题写一篇英语作文。提示: 1.每天很早起床,洗脸刷牙,然后在家吃早饭。 2.
7:50到校,上午上四节课,下午上两节课,下午进行一个小时的课外活动。 3.晚上做半个小时的家庭作业,有时读报纸或者看电视。 4.Millie 的生活丰富多彩。
3.以“My favourite Chinese festival”为题写一篇英语作文。提示: 1.介绍自己最喜欢的传统节日。 2 。节日所开展的一些活动,人们的饮食习惯。 3.介绍自己和谁一起过节日,在哪里过节日。 4
说出喜欢节日的理由。 4.以“A healty lifestyle”介绍自己的健康饮食习惯。提示: 1.以前经常吃汉堡和甜食,发胖不能运动。 2.现在不在吃那些食物了,常吃水果和蔬菜。 3.每天进行课外活动。有足够的能量来学习 4.健康的饮食习惯和生活方式对于我们来说是很重要的。 5.以“Going shopping ”为题写一篇作文。提示: 1.明天好朋友过生日,你参加生日聚会。 2.。你准备买一个价廉物美的玩具熊作为生日礼物送给他(她)。 3.请根据提示编写一段商场购物对话。xkb1.com 6.以“A fashion show ”为题写一篇英语作文。提示: 1. 本周将举办一场时装秀。 2. 你将设计一套服装参加这场秀。 3. 服装款色到色彩搭配一一介绍。 4. 你的这套衣服在时装秀上很受欢迎,们很喜欢你。相关热词搜索:
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