再审宣告无罪 无罪英文怎么写

网页版学习工具宣告英语怎么说沪江词库精选宣告英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息例句&Let us announce our Te Deum from the pulpit, nevertheless, Monsieur le Cure,things will arrange themselves.& “神甫先生,我们不妨把要做大弥撤那件事在下次礼拜时,向大众宣告一下,会有办法的。”In most cultures, the sharing of food is a kind of communion, an acknowledgment of friendship, or declaration of peace. 在许多文化中,分享食物是一种交流的方式,友谊的信号,或和平的宣告。&Ushers,& said the President, &enforce silence,I am going to sum up the arguments.& “执达吏,”庭长说,“教大家静下来,我立刻要宣告辩论终结。”When the detachment arrived at the Piazza di Venezia, a second volley of fireworks was discharged, to announce that the street was clear 当那一队人马到达威尼斯宫的时候,第二遍燃放爆竹的声音响了起来,宣告街道已经肃清。When a judgment is pronounced, the litigant must be informed of his right to appeal, of the time limitation, and of the competent appellant court. 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。Found guilty of heresy and &corruption of the young,& he was condemned to drink a cup of hemlock 法庭宣告他犯有传播异端邪说和“腐蚀青年”罪,判处他喝一杯毒汁。&However, in cases where the seller has delivered the goods, the buyer loses the right to declare the contract avoided.& 但是,如果卖方已交付货物,买方就丧失宣告合同无效的权利.A person shall have the right to request the return of his property, if the declaration of his death has been revoked. 被撤销死亡宣告的人有权请求返还财产。The right wing of the Kuomintang, dominated by the new militarism, broke away from the left Kuomintang Government at Hankow 国民党的右翼,在新军阀的控制之下,跟汉口政府宣告决裂。Sound [ toll,ring out ] the death knell for [ of ] sth. 给某事敲丧钟,宣告某事物告终相似短语 未说明标识符 宣布...结束 n.报关 报关物品 通告分红 取缔 申报资本额,法定资本 货物报税 标称效率 已宣布分配的股息相似单词 v.[T] 1.宣布,宣告;声明 2.断言,宣称,表明 3.申报(收益);申报(应纳税品) 4.板球(在击球员还未全部出局时)宣布结束赛局,宣布停止击球 v.[I] 1.申报 adj. 公开表明的,公开宣布的 ad. 公然地 n. 宣告者叫定王牌的人 【计】 预先说明的 a. 自命的 [ declare ]的第三人称单数 a. 未申报的,未经宣战的 例行程序说明词 【计】 多重说明的翻译推荐 proscription absolve readout annul convict penalize declare bankruptcy outlaw declare proclaim 【经】 judicial avoidance 【法】 solemn war最新单词 hard prolonged corridor initiative Chinese senior rend rockingThe following error occurred:
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英文翻译invalidated&&&&declare sth. ...... &&&&&&x... &&&&&&galipidine... &&&&&& lose effectiv ...... &&&&&&invalidated... &&&&&&decl d null and void... &&&&&&annul... &&&&&&null and void... &&&&&&judicial avoidance... &&&&&&voidable marriage... &&&&&&avoidance clause... &&&&&&invalidated bonds... &&&&&&extra judicial avoidance... &&&&&&supplementary grounds for avoidance... &&&&&&action of nullity... &&&&&&extrajudicial avoidance... &&&&&& acquit / discharge forgive free release p ...... &&&&&&acquittal... &&&&&&constant failure rate period... &&&&&&a olutio... &&&&&&he was acquitted of the crime... &&&&&&declaration declarationofinabilitytopay... &&&&&&acquittal in law... &&&&&&null and void... &&&&&&constant failure intensity period... &&
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