
描写人物动作的成语Description of action figures.○ 捏手捏脚:形容轻手轻脚地走。也形容轻薄的举动。○ pussyfooded: describe walked cautiously without any noise. Also describes the frivolity.○ 蹑手蹑脚:形容放轻脚步走的样子。也形容偷偷摸摸、鬼鬼祟祟的样子。Make one's way noiselessly to 2001: describe the pad. Also described in a sneaky way, sneaking.○ 安步当车:安:安详,不慌忙;安步:缓缓步行。以从容的步行代替乘车。○ walk in a carriage: Ann: calm, unhurried walk: slowly walk. Easy to walk instead of drive.○ 轻装简从:行装简便,随从人少。Travel light and simple, entourage,: fewer people.○ 一琴一鹤:原指宋朝赵?#92;去四川做官,随身携带的东西仅有一张琴和一只鹤。形容行装简少,也比喻为官清廉。○ simple in baggage: refers to the original song Zhao? #92; go to Sichuan to be an official, to carry things only a Zhang Qin and a crane. Describe the things Jane little, also the analogy incorruptness.○ 衔尾相属:衔:马嚼子;尾:马尾巴。马嚼子接着马尾巴。形容一个紧跟着一个,成单行前进。Title: the title, the tail is: tail: the tail of a horse. Horse bit then horse tail. Describe a followed by a forward, in single file.○ 信马由缰:信、由:听任。骑着马无目的地闲逛。比喻随便走走。也比喻无主见,随外力而转移。○ Xinmayoujiang: letter, by: allowed. Riding a horse wandering aimlessly. Random walk analogy. Also the analogy non-assertive, transferred with external force.○ 游山玩水:游览、玩赏山水景物。Make a sightseeing tour, tour, enjoy the scenery.○ 远走高飞:指象野兽远远跑掉,象鸟儿远远飞走。比喻人跑到很远的地方去。多指摆脱困境去寻找出路。○ fly far and high: refers to as wild animals far away, like a bird fly away. A man went to a very far place to. Refers to cast off predicament to find a way out.○ 扬长而去:大模大样地径自走了。March off: in an ostentatious manner, to go.○ 翻山越岭:翻:翻过;越:过;岭:山岭。翻越不少山头。形容野外工作或旅途的辛苦。Tramp over mountains and through ravines, more:::: mountain ridge. Over the many hills. Describe field work or the hard journey.○ 跋山涉水:跋山:翻过山岭;涉水:用脚趟着水渡过大河。翻山越岭,趟水过河。形容走远路的艰苦。○ travel over land and water: Bashan: across the wading through rivers: foot wading through the water. Tramp over mountains and through ravines, waded across the river. Describe a long walk hard.○ 草行露宿:走在野草里,睡在露天下。形容走远路的人艰苦和匆忙的情形。
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