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I finally managed to obfuscate my Android application, now I want to test it by installing the
file and running it on the emulator.
How can I install an APK file on the Android Emulator?
Execute the emulator
Start the console (Windows XP), Run -> type cmd, and move to the platform-tools folder of SDK directory.
Paste the APK file in the 'android-sdk\tools' or 'platform-tools' folder.
Then type the following command.
adb install [.apk path]
adb install C:\Users\Name\MyProject\build\Jorgesys.apk
Copy the apk file to platform-tools in android-sdk linux folder.
Open Terminal and navigate to platform-tools folder in android-sdk.
Then Execute this command -
./adb install FileName.apk
If the operation is successful (the result is displayed on the screen), then you will find your file in the launcher of your emulator.
Example : PATH=$PATH:/users/jorgesys/eclipse/android-sdk-mac_64/tools
Then run adb.
1.Run the emulator,
2.then copy your .apk file and paste into /Users/your_system_username/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools,
if you are not able to find sdk path in your mac system, do the following steps: Open finder-&select Go option on top menu -> select Go to Folder option -> it will popup a window with a textfield:
/Users/your_system_username/Library/Android/sdk/ -> now open platform-tools folder and paste your copied .apk file,
Now open terminal and type the following:
cd Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
execute the following in your terminal: ./adb install yourapkfilename.apk
if you get the following error message: error: no devices found - waiting for device, follow the step 5.
Run your emulator from Android Studio, once emulator active then repeat step 4, you will see the success message on your terminal.
If you've created more than one emulators or if you have an Android device plugged in, adb will complain with
error: more than one device and emulator
adb help is not extremely clear on what to do:
- directs command to the only connected USB device...
- directs command to the only running emulator...
-s &serial number&
-p &product name or path& ...
The flag you decide to use has to come before the actual adb command:
adb -e install path/to/app.apk
Nowadays, you can simply drag and drop the Android apk to the emulator and it will automatically starts installing.
go to sdk folder, then go to tools.
copy your apk file inside the tool directory
./emulator -avd myEmulator
to run the emulator on mac
./adb install myApp.apk
to install app on the emulator
go to the android-sdk/tools directory in command prompt and then type
adb install fileName.apk (Windows)
./adb install fileName.apk (Linux or Mac)
Copy .apk file in your SDK's platform-tools/ directory,then install the .apk on the emulator by using cmd(on windows):
adb install &path_to_your_bin&.apk
./adb install &path_to_your_bin&.apk
If there is more than one emulator running,
you can find all running emulators by this command:
adb devices
./adb devices
then you must specify the emulator upon which to install the application, by its serial number, with the -s option. For example:
adb -s emulator-5554 install path/to/your/app.apk
./adb -s emulator-5554 install path/to/your/app.apk
Download apk file from browser and then just click on it (notification area). Installation will start automatically.
Goto Shell/Terminal/, reach at android-sdk/tools directory then
adb install fileName.apk // (u can run this command on windows)
./adb install fileName.apk
//( u can run this command on linux)
Let's suppose you have to install Facebook APK on your emulator.
You can use adb to install the APK to the running emulator in OS X like this:
./adb install ~/FBAndroid-2.1.apk
And on Windows, like this:
adb install %HOMEPATH%\FBAndroid-2.1.apk
Once complete, check the apps screen of the emulator to check that the app has been installed correctly. If you need to force the upgrade of this app from a previous version, add the -r flag, like this on OS X:
./adb install -r ~/FBAndroid-2.1.apk
In Genymotion just drag and drop the *.apk file in to the emulator and it will automatically installs and runs.
Download the Apk file from net and copy it to platform-tools of your SDK folder, then in command prompt go to that directory an type:
adb install filename.apk
press enter it will install in few seconds
The first step is to run the emulator
emulator -avd & avd_name>
then use adb to install the .apk
adb install & path to .apk file>
If adb throws error like APK already exists or something alike. Run the adb shell while emulator is running
cd data/app
adb uninstall & apk file without using .apk>
If adb and emulator are commands not found do following
export PATH=$PATH://android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools://android-sdk-macosx/android-sdk-macosx/tools:
For future use put the above line at the end of .bash_profile
vi ~/.bash_profile
From Windows 7 Onwards ,
Shift + Right click in your apk file folder.
Select Open Command Window Here
Type & Hit "adb install AppName.apk"
In the command line, go inside the platform-tools folder, in your sdk folder which come with adt bundle and execute following command :
&adb install &yourFilename.apk&
Note: For above command your .apk file needs to be in same directory.
for more detailed tutorial follo :
if use more than one emulator at firs use this command
adb devices
and then chose amulatur and install application
adb -s "EMULATOR NAME" install "FILE PATH"
adb -s emulator-5556 install C:\Users\criss\youwave\WhatsApp.apk
I might be wrong, but on Windows I simply drag and drop the .apk into Android Emulator. I mean, doing all mentioned above seems to be a lot of work.
go to ADT/Android-sdk/tools directory in command prompt
1. adb install fileName.apk (Windows)
./adb install fileName.apk (Ubuntu/Linux or Mac)
you write the command on terminal/cmd
adb install FileName.apk.
Run Android Studio -> AVD Manager -> An Emulator
You can create an hello world app if there are no apps yet to run. Once the emulator has started up, you can click run button from your studio to install your hello world app (or any other app). You would notice the following commands in run window at bottom.
$ adb push /pathToApp/app-debug.apk /data/local/tmp/com.mycompany
$ adb shell pm install -r "/data/local/tmp/com.mycompany"
Then app launch command
$ adb shell am start -n "com.mycompany/com.mycompany.MainMenu" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
This is what Android Studio does. So, you can install your apk the same way. That is run the above commands inside Terminal window inside Android Studio for any specific apk.
Note: I'm doing this on OS X but same should be on other OSs.
Best way is to create a app, which opens the apk file on the emulator. You have to copy the .apk file to the download folder of your emulator. Then replace yourAppName.apk with your .apk name.
here is the code
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/download/" + "yourAppName.apk")), "application/vnd.android.package-archive");
In mac or windows . Just run the emulator and Drag and drop the apk on the home screen . It will install
1) paste the myapp.apk in platform-tools folder , in my case C:\Users\mazbizxam\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools, this is the link in my case it may change to you people
2)open the directory in CMD CD C:\Users\mazbizxam\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
3)Now you are in platform-tools folder , just type adb install myapp.apk
please ensure that your emulator is turn on , if every thing is ok apk will install
Follow the steps :
make sure you have allowed installation from unknown sources in
Use the Android Device Monitor to copy the APK to the sdcard.
Use the builtin browser in Android to navigate to
When the notification "Download complete" appears, click it.
does not help. Once you build the app, you are still faced with the problem of getting it on the emulator.
Start the console (Windows XP), Run -> type cmd, and move to the
platform-tools folder of SDK directory.
In case anyone wondering how to run cmd in platform-tools folder of SDK directory, if you are running a new enough version of Windows, follow the steps:
Go to platform-tools through Windows Explorer.
While holding shift right click and you will find the option "Open Command window here".
Click on it and cmd will start in that folder.
Hope it helps
Now you can just drag and drop the apk in emulator and it will install!
On Linux I do this:
first see which devices I currently have: emulator -list-avds
build the release cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
install it at the emulated device "Nexus5" (you are inside the android directory, else use the full path to apk): adb -s '8e138a9c' install
Thats it. You can also use ./gradlew installRelease
Simple You can upload APK to file hosting or
and use browser to install from unknown source .
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