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索取 基本解释索取[suǒ qǔ]词典:需要;要求,请求;[法]召唤;询问,盘问。词典:请求…; 要求…;找…;自找麻烦。词典:准确的;严密的;精密的,精确的。词典:敲诈;曲解。词典:惩罚;索取;处罚;批评。索取 汉英大词典索取[suǒ qǔ] extort:  例:索取财物    ex    索取赔款        索取资料        她写信索取一些目录。    She wrote off for some catalogues.    许多人来信索取样品。    Many people have written into us asking for samples.索取 网络解释1. 1. ask for:搭乘别人的汽车要分担汽油费;使用亲友的电话要交电话费;朋友们一起去吃饭(have a meal),通常是各付各的钱(go Dutch小孩子在家帮妈妈洗碗也要索取(ask for)报酬;甚至有时父母到儿女家小住还需2. claimv:civilizationn.文明,文化 | claimv.声称,自称,主张;对...提出要求,索取 | clapv.拍手,(用手)拍,击 n.拍手,鼓掌3. send for:see with half an eye一目了然 | send for派人去请,召唤;索取,定购 | send in呈报,提交,送来索取 双语例句1. 索取1. 基金契约的不完全性决定了基金契约权利配置的重要性,契约的核心问题是契约权利的配置问题,而剩余索取权和剩余控制权如何在非人力资本和人力资本中配置取决于双方博弈的结果,这种权利配置不是固定不变的,而是一个动态演进过程,契约权利配置最终决定于要素所有者的谈判力。&&&&The imperfect nature of mutual fund contracts makes the allocation of contractual rights a critical issue. How the residual claims and control are allocated between human capital and non-human capital depends on the result of their gaming. The allocation process is not constant, but rather dynamic. Chapter Ⅱ.2. 2. 务必向医生索取一张最新的国际疫苗接种卡片,并在旅行时携带。&&&&C. Always get a fully updated international vaccination card from your doctor and bring it on your travels.3. 3. 阐明国家公职人员利用人民赋予的权力,大肆索取、收受贿赂,必将会坑害回家,损害党和国家的声誉与威望,离间人民群众同党和政府之间的关系,挫伤群众建设社会主义的积极性。&&&&Thesis explain that it will endanger prestige of the sate and the Chinese Communist Party and relation between the party and government with the masses and positive that the masses construct are socialist that the state government-employee extort and accept bribe, using the power that the people give.4. 4. 而由于这样的对世界的理解引出的价值观是向大自然斗争和索取,人类社会在这种思维方式指导下一方面取得了高度的物质文明,但同时也受到了自然界严酷的惩罚。&&&&The human society on the one hand has obtained the high material civilization under this kind of think and on the other hand, the human society has also suffered severe penalty from nature.5. 从一个汽车修理部向另一个发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。&&&&Many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this6. 只是肯定他们并不是索取你的信用报告,然后把你的极限。&&&&Just be sure they`re not going to ask for a copy of your credit report before raising your limit.7. 二。依据电脑处理个人资料保护法及政府资讯公开法等相关规定,本表仅限被保险人本人或其现投保单位始得查询索取。&&&&Two. Processes individual material protection method and government information public method based on the computer and so on related stipulation, this table only limits insured or it presently takes out insurance the unit beginning to result in the inquiry claim.8. 我们已经开出光票向你方索取这批货的价款。&&&&We''ve drawn on you for payment of the invoice..9. 9. 查问阁 是否持有本/吾等的资料及有权索取该等资料&&&&Check whether you hold data about me/us and the right of access to such data10. 10. 同时,来编辑部索取刊物、查询新闻信息的人络绎不绝,使得其供不应求。&&&&Streams of people came to the editor office to request for the magazine or inquire about the information they needed every day.11. 11. 资本的本性决定了它必然无节制无止境地向自然索取,浪费资源,破坏环境,这是由一定的社会关系、社会制度决定的客观规律,并不依个人的意志为转移。&&&&&&The nature of capital inevitably determines its uncontrolled and open-ended demand from nature, waste of resources and damage of the environment, and it is the objective laws determined by certain social relations and social systems, and can not be changed by individual will.12. 灵活的分享规则、不可转让性和有限的期限把专业合伙制的剩余索取权和业主制企业、合伙企业和有限公司区别开来。&&&&&&Flexible sharing rules, inalienability, and limited horizons distinguish the residual claims of professional partnerships from those of the proprietorships, partnerships, and closed corporations observed in other activities.13. 泛博消费者应该自觉索取发票,这既是消费者的合法权利,也是每一个公民应尽的义务。&&&&&&Bo Pan-conscious consumers should obtain a copy of the invoice, which is both the legitimate rights of consumers, but also the obligation of every citizen.14. 改革企业制度,给予人力资本所有者剩余索取权,使人力资本所有者的地位得到确实的提高。&&&&&&Reform company system, give manpower capital possessory the rest demand right, the position that makes manpower capital possessory gets really rise.15. 911查询·英语单词15. 从当家花旦到制景工人,歌剧院中充满了阴谋和谣传,每个人都在争夺自己的位置,防卫自己的领地,索取更多的东西。&&&&&&From prima donna to stage hand the Opera House was governed by everyone jostling for position, defending their own territory and scrabbling for new.16. 16. 李世民平定东都之后,有的妃子私下向李世民索取隋宫里的珍宝,还为她们的亲戚谋官做,都被李世民拒绝了。&&&&&&Binh Dinh Dong Li Shimin, after all, some concubine privately to obtain Sui Gong Li Shimin of the treasures inside, but also for their relatives to seek official to do, were Li Shimin rejected.17. 慾望是索取,索取你想要的一切。&&&&&&And lust is taking, to take everything you want.18. 黄衣边检官找到了索取贿赂的借口,气哼哼从嘴里吐出一句话:200卢比。&&&&&&Yellow border officials found an excuse to extort bribes, gas Hengheng spits out a word from the mouth: 200 rupees.19. 上海——记者被残忍殴打致死事件罕见地指出了中国新闻业腐败、金钱至上的软肋,许多记者收受贿赂虚报好的新闻并以掩饰公司不为人知的秘密为由索取贿赂。&&&&&&SHANGHAI — The savage beating death of a reporter has shone a rare light on the corrupt, money-driven underbelly of Chinese journalism, where many reporters take bribes to write good news and extort companies to suppress their dirty laundry.20. 为保证甲乙双方的合法权益,防止一些不遵守贸易规范的人以不正当的方式向甲方或乙方索取佣金,从而损害甲乙双方的利益,东诚公司特制定以下合约&&&&&&In order to ensure the right and benefit of both party are not damaged by somepeople who doesn`t obey the trade rule and asked commition from party A or party B by side-wind way, Docheng company The constitute a contract with the item as following索取是什么意思,索取在线翻译,索取什么意思,索取的意思,索取的翻译,索取的解释,索取的发音,索取的同义词,索取的反义词,索取的例句,索取的相关词组,索取意思是什么,索取怎么翻译,单词索取是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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