pull in官网与draw in的区别是什么?

draw in是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
pull inward
"The pilot drew in the landing gear"
"The cat retracted his claws"
direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or
"Her good looks attract the stares of many men"
"The ad pulled in many potential customers"
"This pianist pulls huge crowds"
"The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers"
shape one'
"She curled farther down under the covers"
"She fell and drew in"
"The police were closing in on him"
move into (a station);
"The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station"
"suck in your cheeks and stomach"
draw in的用法和样例:
The fisher drew in the net and found a big goldfish in it.
It's stupid trying to draw in customer with prize and gift!
The story reached a climax in chapter ten.
I'd hope that he'll arrive in time.
This film is drawing in large crowds every night.
He really fell for the new girl in school.
draw in的海词问答与网友补充:
draw in的相关资料:
draw in&:&渐短 ...
相关词典网站:pull v. 拉, 拖, 拔n. 拉, 拖, 拉力, 牵引力 英英解释:名词pull:1. applying force to move something toward or with you同义词:2. the force used in pulling3. special advantage or influence同义词:4. a device used for pulling something5. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments同义词:, 6. a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke)同义词:, 7. a sustained effort动词pull:1. cause to move by pulling同义词:, 2. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes同义词:, , , 3. move into a certain direction4. apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion5. perform an act, usually with a negative 同义词:, 6. bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover同义词:, , , 7. steer into a certain direction8. strain abnormally同义词:9. cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either
or in an abstract sense同义词:10. operate when
a boat11. rein in to keep from winning a race12. tear or be torn violently同义词:, , 13. hit in the direction that the player is facing when carrying through the swing14. strip of 同义词:, , , , 15. remove, usually with
also used in an abstract sense同义词:, , , , 16. show strong sympathy for同义词:, 17. take away
习惯用语dead pull 用力的一举; 用尽全力的一拉 [与at 连用](在)紧急关头give a pull 拉, 拖, 拔, 抽 使得到好处, 使受益have a pull 划船 [与at 连用](从...中)喝一大口酒have a
sb. [口]对...有影响力; 同某人有特殊的(可以得其帮助)have the
sb. [口]对...有影响力; 同某人有特殊的私人关系(可以得其帮助)have a
sb. [口]对...有影响力; 同某人有特殊的私人关系(可以得其帮助)have the
sb. [口]对...有影响力; 同某人有特殊的私人关系(可以得其帮助)have the pull of sb. 超过某人, 胜过某人have the pull over sb. 超过某人, 胜过某人the long pull 酒店在规定分量之外主顾的酒或啤酒pull about 把...拖来拖去 虐待, 粗暴地对待pull around 把...拖来拖去 虐待, 粗暴地对待pull ahead (of) 赶到...前面, 超越pull
停靠在...一边; 与...并排走pull apart 扯断, 扯开 指出错误, 批评pull at 用力拉 大口喝, 深吸pull away 脱身, 离开 (从危险中)逃脱 (汽车)开走pull back 往后撤, 使撤退pull down , 摧毁 推翻; 打倒 使降低, 使(价格)下降 使体质减弱, 精神不振 [口]挣[赚]钱; 得分pull for 朝...驶去, 力图到达..., 靠近 [口]协助, 帮助pull in (车)进站, 停站; (船)靠岸 勒(马) 紧缩; 紧缩开支 [口]带往警察局审问; 拘留(嫌疑犯) [美口]赚(钱)pull it [口]逃走, 尽快地跑pull off 扯下; 撕开, 剥掉 脱(帽、衣等) 努力实现 [美口]干坏事, 捣鬼; 开玩笑,
[口]得胜, 得奖, 完成pull on 穿, 戴(袜子, 手套等) 继续拉[划] 用力拉, 勒紧; 猛抽(烟斗)pull oneself together 振作起来, 冷静下来pull out 拔出, 挖出 离开, 撤走; 突然撤走 (车, 船) 驶出 渡过难关 (话等)拖长 恢复健康; 摆脱困境 (飞机)停止俯冲 (飞机)着陆前重新飞起pull over 把...拉回来 (把...)划到岸边, (把...)开到路边 从头上套下来 拉过来盖在pull round 使转向(尤指转向相反的方向) (使)恢复健康; (使)复原, (使)清醒pull through (使)渡过难关 使渡过(危险等) 使恢复健康 擦(枪膛)pull together 合作, 齐心协力; 恢复...的团结pull under (急流、旋涡等)把...卷到水底下pull up 拔起 (使) 停下 阻止 (在赛马中)追上(to, with) 责备, 斥责 移近, 拉过来pull up short 突然停住, 骤然停止pull up to 追上, 赶上pull up with 追上, 赶上
最近更新时间: 12:27:33
He pulled in for gas.
The lorry driver pulled in to the side of the road.
I must pull in, or my letter will never end.
We'd better pull in before the money's all gone.
The Bank of England has had to pull in more gold.
They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors.
The police pulled him in for questioning.
Your horse is trying to go too fast,so you must pull him in.
He's pulling in quite a bit in his new job.
direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
earn on some commercial or
earn as salary or wages
move into (a station) of trains
get or bring together
They pull him back in. A huge shadow... then they see it.
If you feel tears or anger coming on, breathe very deeply from the stomach - you should be able to see your stomach rise out and pull back in.
如果你感到眼泪或愤怒要开始了,从胃部做深深地呼吸- 你应该能够看见你的胃部起伏。
With the coat on, you could get right up close to frailty, even touch it, and it wouldn’t be able to reach out and pull you in.
Often the company would use mules instead of horses to pull its stagecoaches because the Indians had no interest in mules.
VOA: special.
We all know that in a falling elevator, you definitely do not escape the pull of gravity.
So, people started rushing to pull all their money out of Northern Rock in September 2007.
What that means is that it could eventually increase the inflation risk if the U.S. economy starts to rise because the larger the reserves are, the harder they will be to pull back in.
Our goal is to use the high-def signal that they are broadcasting on Channel 10.1 to pull in ABCs HD signal.
Absolutely, " RIM Chief Executive Thorsten Heins said in an interview, speaking of the date when the phones will become available in the U.S. "Make no mistake, everyone's trying to pull the date in.
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