require to do和doing有没有not to do

10 GIFs Only a Person with Urticaria Can Relate To
CSU can be a pain in the, well, everywhere. Here are some GIFs that you may be able to relate to if you are living with CSU.&
WHO Global Report: Bringing Psoriasis Into the Light
Following the release of the latest WHO survey results, our STLI bloggers are sharing their thoughts on discrimination, healthcare, and the future of psoriasis.
Is Your Skin Acting Hormonal? How Hormone Changes Impact Your Skin
Could monthly hormonal changes be to blame for issues with your skin? Read our latest blog for all of the details.
5 Burning Things You Want to Know About CSU
Hives? Itchiness? Swelling? We answered 5 questions about CSU that you may be too afraid to ask.&
How I Run Through the Psoriasis Stigma
Although warmer weather is a blessing to some, for those with a skin disease it can often seem like a curse. Read Melissa’s story about how she rocked her running shorts and her psoriasis.&&
Urticaria - A real problem
Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU)
You may not be familiar with the name, but you may recognise the red, itchy hives (a form of rash, also known as wheals or welts).
Psoriasis - A distressing problem
Not simply a cosmetic problem
Psoriasis is a common and often distressing skin condition. Importantly, it is not simply a cosmetic problem - even people with limited disease find the condition affects their everyday lives.
You must change your perspective to be happy
Susanne, Berlin, Germany
You just have to deal with it
Peter, Toronto, Canada
I have been through it before so I want others to know they needn’t be scared.
Supatta, Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand
I don’t want people to pity me
Ismail, Istanbul, Turkey
Urticaria & You
Sometimes, living with CSU can feel like putting your life on hold - but we want to change that.
Psoriasis & You
Sometimes, living with psoriasis can feel like putting your life on hold - but we want to change that.
Join one of our communities
and connect with other people with severe skin conditions
1st October 2015
International Urticaria Day
29th October 2015
World Psoriasis Day
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(C) 2015 Novartis AG -Hanging Leg Raise Exercise Guide and Video
Hanging Leg Raise
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Hanging Leg Raise
Also Known As: Hanging Leg Raises
Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked:
Mechanics Type:
Sport: Force:
Your Rating:
9.0Out of 10Excellent
Exercise Rating
Hanging Leg Raise Images
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Hanging Leg Raise Guide
Main Muscle:
Hang from a chin-up bar with both arms extended at arms length in top of you using either a wide grip or a medium grip. The legs should be straight down with the pelvis rolled slightly backwards.
This will be your starting position.
Raise your legs until the torso makes a 90-degree angle with the legs.
Exhale as you perform this movement and hold the contraction for a second or so.
Go back slowly to the starting position as you breathe in.
Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Caution: Perform this exercise slowly and deliberately as it takes some getting used to.
Also, do not be hasty and try to use weigh you'll have enough in your hands by holding your weight and also learning how to balance yourself so that you avoid swinging your torso.
As you get more advanced you can hold a dumbbell in between your feet.
However, you have to be very careful when adding weight to this exercise as if you add too much too quickly you could get a hernia.
Variations: This exercise can also be performed using a vertical bench that makes the exercise easier by supporting your upper back in place and by allowing you to hold yourself by placing your elbows and arms on the side pads.
Alternative Exercises For Hanging Leg Raise
Muscle Targeted:
9.0Out of 10
Muscle Targeted:
8.5Out of 10
Top 5 Rated Abdominals Exercises
Tips and Reviews - Login to rate
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Exercise Rating
I absolutely love these. It's a go-to core workout of mine when I need to squeeze one in after lifting, you're engaging all of your core so it's great. In the beginning they were difficult but after weeks of practice I love doing them. I definitely need to buy grips though because my palms start to...
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Exercise Rating
I can literally do like 30 of these non stop several times. To train your body for this exercise it is a good idea to do the following with 2 minutes of rest between each set. 15, 10, 15, 10, 15, 10, 15.
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Exercise Rating
I can barely do 3, but I'm working up to 10! lol
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I am doing it!
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Exercise Rating
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Exercise Rating
Great for your core BUT the exercise described here are &hanging knee raises& not leg raises. They're the first step to achieving proper leg raises where you keep your legs straight throughout and finish with them sticking out straight in front of you. 10 of those and you'll have steel plated...
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Exercise Rating
How can I keep my legs from swinging?
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Exercise Rating
Looking for alternative because our gym doesn't have equipment required to perform??
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Exercise Rating
What to do? Our gym doesn't offer equipment to perform this exercise? Is there an alternative that doesn't require hanging?
to rate this review.
Exercise Rating
Should have watched this before attempting at the gym a few days ago (with elbows and arms on pads). My lower back has been aching from it. I now know it is due to poor form. Won't happen again. Thank you for educating me!
to rate this review.
Exercise Rating
I absolutely love these. It's a go-to core workout of mine when I need to squeeze one in after lifting, you're engaging all of your core so it's great. In the beginning they were difficult but after weeks of practice I love doing them. I definitely need to buy grips though because my palms start to...
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Exercise Rating
I can barely do 3, but I'm working up to 10! lol
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Exercise Rating
I am doing it!
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Exercise Rating
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Exercise Rating
How can I keep my legs from swinging?
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Exercise Rating
Looking for alternative because our gym doesn't have equipment required to perform??
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Exercise Rating
What to do? Our gym doesn't offer equipment to perform this exercise? Is there an alternative that doesn't require hanging?
to rate this review.
Exercise Rating
Should have watched this before attempting at the gym a few days ago (with elbows and arms on pads). My lower back has been aching from it. I now know it is due to poor form. Won't happen again. Thank you for educating me!
to rate this review.
Exercise Rating
I can really feeling the burn in my whole abs doing this. I like doing high reps about 20 is for me.
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Exercise Rating
Love this'll always be a good one. I do this with weight strapped to my ankles to keep it challenging and it never fails!
to rate this review.
Exercise Rating
I can literally do like 30 of these non stop several times. To train your body for this exercise it is a good idea to do the following with 2 minutes of rest between each set. 15, 10, 15, 10, 15, 10, 15.
to rate this tip.
Exercise Rating
Great for your core BUT the exercise described here are &hanging knee raises& not leg raises. They're the first step to achieving proper leg raises where you keep your legs straight throughout and finish with them sticking out straight in front of you. 10 of those and you'll have steel plated...
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Exercise Rating
Added ab straps since my hands were killing me on bar
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Exercise Rating
Keeping the angle of the knees static throughout the repetition gives the best contraction. (Stabilize your center of gravity and keep the swaying to a minimum. The Lumbo Pelvic Complex should be the only joint being moved) Tighten your abs at the top of the lift and engage your lower abs.
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Exercise Rating
try to have your legs strait through the exercise
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Exercise Rating
I would consider this to be more of a hip flexor exercise than an abdominal exercise.
If you want to make it more of a abdominal exercise, you would want to add spinal flexion (as in a reverse crunch).
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Exercise Rating
do this as your first exercise and add in some exercises that you would see on Rocky movie.
There's an exercise on the 4th one that Men's Health called Rocky 4's.
It will put a whole.
Twist to your workout.
Check it out.
to rate this tip.
Exercise Rating
excellent to do as your first ab workout to get the most out the hardest area to hit.
the other ab and core workouts will help tone it out quicker.
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Exercise Rating
I fantasic exercise to bring out the lower abbs
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Exercise Rating
Great exercise! Try doing it with you legs straight out and then throw in a few pull-ups at the same time.
I also add ankle weights (2.5lbs per legs) when doing it. You will really feel the burn then!
to rate this tip.噢哦,这个页面找不到了
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