中考英语短文填空空 during an earthquake

@cooco.net.cn 试题Net中心b&53. B&
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填空题During an earthquake, to take an elevator is the fastest way to run away from a falling building. 参考答案N
1.填空题 参考答案fire risks2.填空题 参考答案foreshocks3.填空题 参考答案N4.填空题 参考答案Y5.填空题 参考答案NG
最新相关试卷How to protect yourself during an earthquake_图文_百度文库
How to protect yourself during an earthquake
& 内蒙古包头三十三中学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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包头33中2012---2013 学年度第一学期期末考试
日期:2013 年1月18日
第I卷 (共115分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does Jim mean?
A. His car is under repair.
B. Tina can’t use his car.
C. His car is new.
2. Where are the two speakers now?
A. At the cinema.
B. On the subway.
C. In the taxi.
3. How much will the woman pay?
A. 12 pounds
B. 20 pounds
C. 24 pounds
4. What makes the man angry?
A. The woman’s snore.
B. The cat’s screaming
C. The dog’s barking
5. Where is the man now probably?
A. At his office.
B. At the cinema.
C. At a bus stop.
6. Why did the woman go to he mall yesterday?
A. To buy clothes for herself.
B. To buy presents for her son.
C. To take pictures and videos.
7. What didn’t the woman buy?
A. Baby clothes.
B. A toy car.
C. A camera.
8. What’s the weather like now?
A. It is raining.
B. It is windy.
C. It is snowing.
9. What is Jordan actually doing now?
A. Sleeping.
B. Playing computer games.
C. Studying.
10. What will Jordan do?
A. Make a snowman.
B. Do his homework.
C. Stay at home.
11. What are the two speakers doing probably?
A. Making a call.
B. Looking for keys.
C. Playing at a party.
12. What didn’t the boy do at home?
A. He had dinner.
B. He watched TV.
C. He fixed the drawer.
13. Where were the keys found?
A. In the dinning room.
B. In the living room.
C. In the washing machine.
14. What is the woman?
A. A reporter and traveler.
B. A volunteer and sportswoman.
C. A volunteer and traveler.
15. What did the woman do in Africa, 2007?
A. She taught English and constructed a building.
B. She traveled with local people.
C. She caught fish and collect fruit.
16. How did the woman travel across the Caribbean?
A. By hot-air balloon.
B. By sailboat.
C. By plane.
17. What is the speaker most probably?
A. An editor.
B. A painter.
C. A teacher.
18. Why did the speaker visit so many cities?
A. To go sightseeing.
B. To take pictures.
C. To make friends.
19. What will not be introduced in the new column?
A. Some western photographers.
B. Basic skills on photography.
C. English words about photography.
20. What does the speakers plan to do?
A. Meet his fans.
B. Teach communication skills.
C. Build a photography club.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21. -----Is there anything wrong with my eyes?
-----_________. There is nothing serious.
A. It depends
B. Take your time
C. Take it easy
D. That’s right
22. They didn’t tell me a ______time, but I guess the party is going to begin at 9 p. m.
A. special
B. specific
C. temporary
D. permanent
23. I ______such a foolish mistake if I had been a little more careful.
A. wouldn’t
B. didn’t make
C. hadn’t made
D. wouldn’t have made
24. The girl wanted to go to the concert, but ______she ought to study for the test.
A. on the other hand
B. on the contrary
C. on the whole
D. in a word
25. Not until ______from work at about 12 a.m. did the children stop making noise.
A. he came back
B. came he back
C. would he come back
D. did he come back
26. -----I’d pay for the meal.
-----No, no, let me ______you to it.
C. entertain
27. ______the fog, we should have reached our school in time.
A. In case of
C. But for
D. In spite of
28. It’s only when I failed the exam ______I found I was lazy.
C. whether
29. Sarah made _______to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.
A. herself
30. -----Have you got any particular plans for the coming holidays?
-----Yes. ______, I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.
A. If possible
B. If busy
C. If anything
D. If ever
31. _____in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad.
A. To stand
B. Standing
32. The trees _____in the storm have been moved off the road.
A. being blown down
B. blowing down
C. blown down
D. having blown down
33. ______to sunlight for too much time, you will do harm to your skin.
A. Exposed
B. Having exposed
C. Being exposed
D. Exposing
34. At present the hotel is almost empty, but I’m sure things will start to _____in the spring.
A. take up
B. pick up
C. hold up
D. bring up
35. -----Are you enjoying your stay here?
-----Yes. I wish I ______have to leave so soon.
C. mustn’t
D. didn’t
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights. It
me of how many people I’ve seen who take the yellow light as a
to go faster. I also can’t understand why people don’t move when the traffic light has turned green. Above all, there are those
situations in which someone doesn’t even
that the light turns red, and just keeps going. That is why so many
happen! All these situations make me
the purpose of traffic lights.
, it’s even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at
crossroads. Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to
traffic. And I’ll do my best to
the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I’m
It occurs to me that my
have done much the same for me
teaching me how to live. They have given me many
lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to
with joy and purpose. They have also given me some red lights
my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires. And there
have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, and to
school regularly and work hard.
If I obey these rules, my life will be as
as it can be. Just as I’m wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I’m walking across the street, I’m wise to pay attention to the “
signals” given to me by my parents.
suggests B.
informs C.
reminds D.
37. A. sight B. signal C. message D. switch
38. A. instant B. exciting C. dangerous D. cautious
39. A. notice B. sense C. remember D. feel
40. A. events B. problems C. situations D. accidents
41. A. think of B. wonder about C. care for D. worry about
42. A. Besides B. Anyway C. Instead D. However
43. A. noisy B. narrow C. crowded D. key
44. A. control B. direct C. improve D. serve
45. A. learn B. obey C. protect D. carry
46. A. supposed B. used C. devoted D. delighted
47. A. teachers B. friends C. leaders D. parents
48. A. in charge of B. in fact of C. in terms of D. in danger of
49. A. safe B. green C. beneficial D. helpful
50. A. live B. share C. work D. communicate
51. A. unless B. when C. before D. till
52. A. still B. even C. only D. also
53. A. start B. attend C. leave D. miss
54. A. good B. colorful C. meaningful D. healthy
55. A. traffic B. light C. life D. confidence
第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
William Butler Yeats, a most famous Irish writer, was born in Dublin on June 13, 1865. His childhood lacked the harmony(和睦) that was typical of a happy family. Later, Yeats shocked his family by saying that he remembered “little of childhood but its pain”. In fact, he inherited(继承) excellent taste in art from his family-----both his father and his brother were painters. But he finally settled on literature, particularly drama(戏剧) and poetry.
Yeats had strong faith in the coming of new artistic movements. He set himself the fresh task in founding an Irish national theatre in the late 1890s. His early theatrical experiments, however, were not received favorably at the beginning. He didn’t lose heart, and finally enjoyed success in his poetical drama.
Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats’ poems attract much admiring notice. The subject matter includes love, nature, history, time and aging. Though Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms, he brought modern sensibility to them. As his literary life progressed, his poetry grew finer and richer, which led him to worldwide recognition.
He had not enjoyed a major public lift since winning the Nobel Prize in 1923. Yet, he continued writing almost to the end of his life. Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40, he would probably now be valued as a minor poet, for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75. After Yeats’ death in 1939, W.H. Auden wrote, among others, the following lines:
Earth, receive an honored guest:
William Yeats is laid to rest.
Let the Irish vessel(船) lie.
Emptied of his poetry.
56. Which of the following can describe Yeats’ family?
A. It filled Yeats’ childhood with laughter.
B. It was shocked by Yeats’ choice.
C. It was a typically wealthy family.
D. It had an artistic atmosphere.
57. According to the passage, what do we know about Yeats’ life?
A. Yeats founded the first Irish theatre.
B. Yeats stuck to modern forms in his poetry.
C. Yeats began to produce his best works from the 1910s.
D. Yeats was not favored by the public until the 1923 Nobel Prize.
58. What kind of feeling is expressed in W. H. Auden’s lines?
B. Sympathy
C. Emptiness
D. Admiration
59. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Yeats’ literary achievements.
B. Yeats’ historical influence.
C. Yeats’ artistic ambition(雄心).
D. Yeats’ national honor.
In Indonesian 2-year-old boy who hit the headlines last month due to a 40-a-day cigarette addiction has reportedly cut down to 15-a-day from 40, after the child received treatment.
Images of a two-year-old boy smoking cigarettes have shocked people in Indonesia. The little boy, Ardi Rizal from Sumatra, is addicted to nicotine and smokes 40 cigarettes a day. His father, Mohammed Rizal, thinks there’s no problem with his son’s bad habit. He told reporters that his child looked healthy and that it was the only thing that was important. He went on to explain how Ardi took up smoking when he was 18 months old. That was when he gave his son his first cigarette. Now he’ he screams if his father doesn’t let him smoke.
Ardi’s story is part of a worrying trend in Indonesia. It has one of the worst smoking records in the world, with a population of 250 million people. Government statistics show 25 percent of Indonesia teenagers have smoked and that about 3 percent are regular smokers.
Indonesia is the world’s third largest smoking nation. It is reported that over a third of the country smokes, and 90% of the country’s smokers smoke a native cigarette which has twice the levels of tat and nicotine in an average cigarette used around the world. Cigarettes are everywhere and smoking is still seen as a socially acceptable practice. Many people in the country do not know the health risks connected with smoking.
Health Minister Endang Sedyaningsih said preventing youngsters from smoking would be very difficult because people believe smoking is a good thing. She said tobacco companies are well like because they sponsor many things from education to sporting and public events. She added, “ This is the challenge we face in protecting youth from the danger of smoking”.
60. Why did the Indonesian boy hit the headlines?
A. Because he smoked too much for his age.
B. Because his parents were both heavy smokers.
C. He fought against smoking.
D. Because his parents forbid him to smoke.
61. What does the underlined word “hooked” mean in the second paragraph?
A. Curious
C. Addicted
62. Indonesians who smoke regularly _________.
A. are seen as anti-social people.
B. sometimes worry about their health.
C. can’t realize the harm to them.
D. receive good education.
63. It’s not easy to forbid the youth to smoke because___________.
A. the government is in favor of smoking
B. smoking is not considered a bad thing.
C. tobacco companies encourage people to smoke.
D. the youth have formed the habit of smoking.
George Prochnik would like the world to put a sock in it. He makes his case in a new book, listening for Meaning in a World of Noise. Here he explains himself(using his indoor voice):
“We’ve become so accustomed to noise, there’s almost a deep prejudice against the idea that silence might be beneficial. If you tell someone to be quiet, you should like an old man. But it’s never been more important to find continuing quiet. Silence focuses us, improves our health, and is a key to lasting peace and satisfaction.
“We need to excite people about the sounds you start to hear if you merely quiet things down a little. During a Japanese tea ceremony, the smallest sounds become a kind of art-----the spoons making a light ringing sound on a bowl, the edges of a kimono(和服) brushing against the floor.
“Deaf people are very attentive(专注的) in almost every aspect of life. If two deaf people are walking together, using sign language, they constantly watch out for each other and protect each other by paying steady attention to the other. They are concerned yet also fully aware of their surroundings. Even deaf teenagers! We in the heating world can learn from them. If we remove the powerful blasts(一阵阵) of noise, we become aware of an extraordinarily rich world around us-----of little soft sounds and the sound of footsteps, of bird songs and ice cracking(开裂声). It’s astonishing how beautiful things sound when you really listen.”
64. What does the phrase “to put a sock in it” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A. to be quiet
B. to be colorful
C. to be full of love
D. to be attentive to someone
65. What does Prochnik say about us?
A. We are used to quietness
B. We have to put up with noise.
C. We do not think silence to be beneficial.
D. We do not believe lasting peace to be available
66. Which of the following is true according to Prochnik?
A. We need more sounds in our lives.
B. There is nothing to be learned from the deaf.
C. We are not aware how rich the world around us is.
D. There is too much noise at a Japanese tea ceremony.
67. It can be inferred from the text that ________.
A. we can benefit a lot from old people.
B. it is a good idea to use sign language.
C. there is no escape from the world of sound.
D. it is possible to find how beautiful things sound.
Earthquakes strike suddenly at any time of the day or night, but there’s no way to tell them. If an earthquake happens, it may cause many deaths and injuries and great damage. Decide how and where your family will get together if separated. Choose an out-of-state friend or relative that the family members can call after the quake to report where they are and how they are. Know the safe place in each room: under the strong tables, desks, or against inside walls. Keep enough food, water and other things, including a flashlight, a radio, medicines and clothing.
During the earthquake, you should keep a clear head and never be too nervous to know what to do. Protect your head and neck with your arms. If possible, take a book, a pillow or any other things to protect yourself from falling glass and ruins. If you are indoors, you must immediately lie under any strong furniture. If outdoors, move to an open area away from trees, buildings, walls and power poles. If you are in a narrow valley, move to the centre of it and look out for falling stones. If you are in a car, move to the side of the road and stop the car. Do not stop near buildings, power lines or under bridges. Stay in your car until the shaking stops.
Do not move a badly injured person unless he is in great danger after the earthquake. Do not use the telephone immediately unless there is a serious injury or fire. Turn on your radio for instructions and news report. Be prepared for aftershocks. If you want to leave your home, post a message inside your home telling family members where you can be found.
68. After the earthquake, you should make sure of ________.
A. the phone number of your friend who lives near your home.
B. the place where you can find your family.
C. the time when a dangerous earthquake may happen.
D. the money with which you can buy food, water and other things.
69. The writer wants to tell us_______.
A. why an earthquake is very dangerous.
B. when earthquake usually happen.
C. what to do during and after an earthquake.
D. where to stay during an earthquake.
70. After an earthquake, you should _________.
A. move an injured person quickly.
B. use the telephone immediately
C. turn on the TV to get the news reports.
D. leave a massage in your home before you leave.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Does this situation seem familiar to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar, the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently.
First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language. The most important thing is to listen as often as possible.
The Internet is really a useful tool for English students. You can download The RealPlayer . The RealPlayer allows you to use the Internet like a radio station.
Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated by limited understanding.
Here is some of the advice I give to my students:
Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything. Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times.
Do not translate everything into your native language.
Don’t concentrate on details before you have understood the main ideas.
Listen to something you enjoy.
I remember the problems I had in understanding spoken German when I first went to Germany. In the beginning, when I didn’t understand a word. I insisted on translating it in my mind. This method usually resulted in confusion.
75 Firstly, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly. By remaining calm, I noticed that even if I didn’t pay much attention, I could usually understand what the speaker had said.
A. But you can’t follow a native English speaker at all!
B. What should you do?
C. But listening is a problem for most of the beginners!
D. However, after several weeks, I got used to the new environment in Germany.
E. So, what you need to do is to find listening resources.
F. Then, after the first six months, I discovered two extremely important facts.
G. Listen for the general idea of the conversation.
第三部分 第二节阅读填空:(每小题2分,共10分)
71. __________ 72. __________ 73. __________ 74. __________ 75. _________
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,每句话至多两处错误,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Last weekend we went mountain-climbing. Even the heavy rain in the morning
could not prevent us go. Setting off very early, we went along an extreme narrow
road, all in high spirits. On every side of the road was green fields and some
farmhouses. We could hear the sound of the rain and our steps mixing with our
laughter. At noon we reached the top of the mountain. That surprised us most was the
beauty of the scenes. After having short rest and sharing the food we have brought, we
started going down. It rained more harder. We were wet to the skin, and we still sang
and laughed happily.
第二节 书面表达
1. 有利于查找资料;
2. 浏览新闻,了解信息;
3. 作为高中生,我们正在形成自己的判断力。
注意:1. 词数:100左右;2. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Headmaster,
I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Yours sincerely,
6~10 BCCBA
11~15 ACCCA
16~20 BABBC
21~25 CBDAA
26~30 BCDCA
31~35 BCABD
36~40 CBCAD
41~45 BDCAB
46~50 ADCBA
51~55 CDBAC
56~59 DCDA
60~63 ACCB
64~67 ACCD
七选五:71~75 AEBGF
Last weekend we went mountain-climbing. Even the heavy rain in the morning
could not prevent us go. Setting off very early, we went along an extreme narrow
road, all in high spirits. On every side of the road was green fields and some
farmhouses. We could hear the sound of the rain and our footsteps mixing with our
laughter. At noon we reached the top of the mountain. That surprised us most was the
beauty of the scenes. After having∧ short rest and sharing the food we have brought,
we started going down. It rained more harder. We were wet to the skin, and we still
sang and laughed happily.
Dear Headmaster,
I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom. We know you’re afraid that we may be exposed to unhealthy websites. Actually every coin has two sides. We think that surfing the Internet can bring us more advantages.
First of all, there is a lot of learning resources on the Internet and we can make good use of them. In addition, we can broaden our horizons by reading latest news online. Last but not least, as high school students, we are forming our judgment. Given chances, we are sure that we will learn to stay away from unhealthy websites.
I do hope you can take my suggestions into consideration.
Yours sincerely,
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