What ghost days!days matter是什么么?

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For Real Ghost Hunting Here•
Ghost hunting is the process of investigating locations said to be
haunted. A ghost &hunting party& will involve 4-8 individuals
who work as a team to collect evidence of paranormal activity. Ghost
hunters usually record data in a scientific manner, making observation
using electronic equipment of various types, EMF Meters,
digital thermometers, infrared and night vision cameras, handheld
video cameras, digital audio recorders, and computers. Organized teams
of ghost hunters are also called paranormal investigation teams. &Real
ghost photos - real ghost stories.& you decide!
For more of the top 100 places to
see a real ghost and have a Paranormal Encounter. Please visit here!
Some of these Top 100 Most allegedly haunted places
are known for their haunted cemeteries, houses, buildings, Roads,
hotels, & battlefields and churches. And in some cases a city
may be listed and in other spots a haunted hot spot. Please feel free
to use this as a Paranormal Travel Guide when planning your
next haunted destination ghost hunt or vacation. There are literally
thousands of haunted places around the world, and this list only compiles
a small number of them.
So please read these very haunted ghost stories and
watch a real ghost video or two. And be sure to visit our
to find more then your heart should take. This web site is not for
the squeamish. These Very real Haunted places are sid to be the best
places to capture a real ghost on film, video, or digital voice recorder
or have a real paranormal encounter.
HAUNTED AMERICA TOURS Official Web Site is a ghost tour
our information is only as reliable as readers'
contributed ghost and haunted reports. We assume no credit for your
adventures, and accept no liability for your misadventures. Use common
sense. Read our ghost hunting recommendations. Before visiting any
&haunted& site, verify the location, accessibility, safety,
and other important information. Never trespass on private and/or
posted property without permission from the proper authorities.
The World's 100 Most
Haunted Places
State Is The Most Haunted?
Lisa Lee Harp Waugh's The 2009 Most Haunted State To Hunt Ghost In America
New Mexico
New Mexico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Carolina
North Carolina
North Carolina
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
North Carolina
New Jersey
New Jersey
North Dakota
Rhode Island
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
West Virginia
South Dakota
South Dakota
New Hampshire
New Hampshire
West Virginia
North Dakota
North Dakota
To see the full article visit here:
Critics of ghost hunting say there is
a total lack of scientifically testable and verifiable evidence in favor
of the existence of ghosts, despite centuries of interest in the subject.
And of course a personal experience that the person who encounters a real
ghost or proof never forgets.
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for anyone just starting to get into Ghost
Hunting or any other types of hauntings.
Related Search For Ghost Hunter
Ghost hunting is
practiced by many paranormal investigation groups
whose members sometimes promote their findings on
the web as proof of hauntings. These findings are
generally challenged by skeptics as wishful thinking,
pareidolia or the product of scientifically unsound
practices and beliefs. Critics question ghost-hunting's
methodology, particularly its use of instrumentation,
as there is no scientifically-proven link between
the existence of ghosts and cold spots or electromagnetic
The Ghost Club, founded
in London in 1862, is believed to be the oldest
paranormal research organization in the world. Famous
members of the club have included Charles Dickens,
Sir William Crookes, Sir William Fletcher Barrett
and Harry Price.
Early &ghost hunter& Harry Price In the
mid 1880's, William James, philosopher and founder
of the American Psychological Association and brother
of Henry James suggested applying scientific method
to paranormal questions such as the existence of
ghosts or spirits. He found allies in England such
as Alfred Russel Wallace, Cambridge philosopher
Henry Sidgwick and his wife, Eleanor, Edmund Gurney,
and others to form the core of the Society for Psychical
Research to collect evidence concerning apparitions,
haunted houses, and similar phenomena. The investigators
gathered case studies, attended s&ances,
designed tests of claimants' veracity, and ran what
came to be known as the Census of Hallucinations,
which counted apparitions of persons who were said
to have made spectral appearances on the day they
Similar investigation into hauntings was undertaken
by Harry Price through London's National Laboratory
of Psychical Research during the 1920s, and later
in the 1950s and 60s by American independent researchers
such as Hans Holzer and Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Other paranormal and parapsychological investigators
like Loyd Auerbach, Christopher Chacon and William
Roll were each independently conducting field and
laboratory investigations in the 1970s and 80s,
long before reality TV cast a spotlight onto this
subject matter.
Ghost hunting is nothing new, it just
takes a deep interest in specters, spooks
and shades to get the ball rolling. The
search for ghosts to many die hard's is
more of a proving ground for those that
wish to see if there is more to life then
just our daily existence. Others now a
days seem to do it for the kick of just
getting scared.
Ghost hunting among part-time hobbyists
began to be popular in the late 1970s with the founding
of the Chicago area Ghost Tracker’s Club,
which became the Ghost Research Society (GRS) in
1981. The popularity of the Ghostbusters movie of
1984 may have boosted the proliferation of such
&ghost clubs&.
How to hunt
for ghosts the safe way: Safety tips from
different ghost hunter groups, web sites and
authors and paranormal investigators.
In the last decade, the term &paranormal
investigation& has increasingly been adopted
by hobbyist and professional groups who do not investigate
any other aspects of the paranormal such as Extra-sensory
perception and Psychokinesis, but whose sole purpose
is ghost hunting.
Brand New Ghost and Paranormal Articles:
Find out why here!
Hunters is a reality television series produced
by Pilgrim Films featuring Jason Hawes and Grant
Wilson, Roto-Rooter plumbers who investigate claimed
hauntings and ghosts as the creators of The Atlantic
Paranormal Society (TAPS). The show debuted in
October 2004 on the American Sci-fi Channel.
It should not be confused with the
original 1996 Inca Productions show Ghosthunters
produced for the Discovery Channel. The format
was sold to the US to become Ghost Hunters. The
only remaining link between the two shows is presenter
Ian Cashmore who anchored the UK/Europe show.
Cashmore piloted the US show, but chose not to
remain part of the US venture after he filmed
the promos.
Hawes and Wilson, along with other
team members, investigate locations of interest
by using electronic equipment which they feel
is capable of detecting paranormal activity. TAPS's
equipment includes digital thermometers, EMF (electromagnetic
field) scanners, infrared and night vision cameras,
handheld digital video cameras, digital audio
recorders, and laptop computers.
When investigating a location, TAPS
team members first survey the property with its
owners, who describe their experiences at the
site. Next, the team sets up electronic equipment
in the apparent paranormal &hot spots.&
The TAPS team then spends several hours taking
EMF and temperature readings, recording audio
for EVP, and filming with digital video cameras.
Afterwards, the team spends several hours analyzing
all of the data for signs of possible paranormal
A few days after reviewing the information,
Hawes and Wilson discuss their findings with the
location site owners, offer suggestions for dealing
with any apparent activity, and answer any questions
the owners may have.
Since the show began airing, TAPS
has recorded thousands of hours of audio and video
data. Most investigations, according to TAPS,
turn up cold with very little, if any, paranormal
activity occurring. The ghost hunters claim to
have several good recordings of strange mists,
odd lights, moving objects, and shadowy figures
that manifest before the camera and disappear
quickly - all highlighted at the end of the show.
TAPS does not believe every piece
of evidence gathered is proof of the paranormal.
To lend credibility to their investigations, the
team tries to debunk what they find and look for
reasonable explanations for things such as &cold
spots& (that may be drafty windows), &moving
objects& (that may have been accidentally
bumped or tugged), &phantom lights&
(that may be reflections of light from a passing
vehicle), and &strange noises& (that
may be a thumping branch or vermin in the walls).
In addition to the investigative
aspect, the show highlights personal conflicts
and relationships among members of the TAPS team,
which may be why the SciFi network categorizes
the show as a docu-soap.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed
in these pages are strictly those of the page Story author.
The contents of these pages have been reviewed or approved
by Haunted America Tours Editors. All effort has been taken
to maintain correct information at the time it was written.
Some material may be dated and is archived within this section
of our web site.
Do Not Tour
Any Haunted locations alone!
suggest, recommends and advises you to contact and
book your next haunted location tour with a established
tour group!
Many ghost tours
of Haunted location, Cities, Cemeteries, Houses,
Battlefields and Hotel tours do exist. and we do
so encourage you to take one.
Many occur daily
365 days a year and or recommended by Haunted America
Tours as the most safest of ways to visit an actual
haunted location.
Visit a Haunted
location web site and find the information and the
most accurate stories, urban legends and history
of haunted location from your personal web site
internet haunted ghost Tours first to get all the
info, then do your own investigation.
Some Haunted locations
may require permission to visit or conduct
a private paranormal investigation.
The contents of our
Ghost haunted information is a compilation of information
sent to us from you our readers and Paranormal investigators
and may not be accurate.
We at Haunted America
Tours do suggest you investigate it for yourselves
to find out the haunted truth.
Many Professional
Investigators, Ghost Hunters, and haunted authorities
in the field suggest you call ahead and contact
someone. Their help could be invaluable to you and
they may allow you the access of the particular
Haunted location
off limits area that you want to investigate.
Of course you never
know what new ghost story is there to be told. Or
Ghost sightings.
Remember It is always
better to be recognized, rather then arrested for
ghost hunting.
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a wide and varied selection of tantalizing destinations -- from
slightly off the beaten path to certifiably haunted! We have enlisted
the skills of numerous paranormal investigative organizations
and independent psychics to seek out the famous and the infamous:
whatever your fascination, be it ghosts, vampires, werewolves,
haunted places -- Haunted America Tours is the expert choice to
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of America's Ghosts!
- Information on Ghost, Hauntings
and Stories of the Paranormal and Unexplained!minutes是什么意思,ghostw是什么意思,town是什么意思,algae是什么意思,gol_百度知道Has a Ghost Been Trying to Contact You?Updated on January 30, 2015
Has a Ghost Been Trying to Tell You Something?A lot of people seem to think (especially skeptics) that simply because they personally have not seen a ghost, that the concept of ghosts is just silly. But a lot of these people don't understand that a ghost may have tried to connect with them in the past, but because the individual didn't understand the communication, it was ignored or shrugged off as a "strange" event.
I have always considered myself fortunate that I am usually (say 90% of the time) aware of a ghostly presence from the moment it comes near me, but even I have been surprised by apparitions on a couple of occasions, as you would know if you had read my other Hubs. My husband, though, is totally different and although now he will make reference to our ghostly boarders on occasion, he does not admit to any interaction with ghosts himself. That was fine with both of us until the day his mother died.
Ghosts are not the only unusual things you can find in Kaihu
When Someone You Love DiesOne of the reasons I am thrilled that I do have interaction with ghosts is because it gives me some comfort about what will happen when I die. My husband had been a staunch "nothing happens, you are dead" type person for years before he met me, and although he had relaxed his standpoint a bit over the years (he did fix the attic cover for me when I told him our ghostly boarder, Alice, was complaining about it) he was still sitting on the fence about the whole concept of ghosts and the afterlife.
But he was devastated when his mother died. He didn't realize it would hit him so hard. All of a sudden, he was hoping he would see her again in some form. To date, he hasn't. But that doesn't mean she hasn't been visiting, because she has. Which brings me to the question in this hub: has someone been trying to get in touch with you? If they are, how will you know?
Most ghosts won't show themselves in a way you might expect. | Source
The Subtle Way Ghosts Attract our AttentionThe first awareness I had that my mother-in-law was around after her death was at her funeral. It was a typically somber affair, but I kept hearing somebody laughing while we were all sitting in the funeral home. I was keeping my head down, like you do when you are sad, but this laughing kept on. Eventually, I looked up and saw my mother-in-law sitting up on a shelf above her coffin. She was having so much fun. I was trying not to laugh with her, so I quickly put my head back down but my husband noticed what I was doing and asked me what I saw. I just whispered, "Your mum is having a lot more fun than we are," and we left it at that.
But there have been other things that my husband has noticed since her death. Light bulbs b strange sounds like someone walking down the hallway or someone
laughter and familiar smells. I can always tell the difference between my mother and my mother-in-law when they visit because they both used different perfumes and liked different flowers.
Problems with anything electrical are a big indicator that someone is trying to attract your attention. I had been talking to hubby about my father and his new ladyfriend one night and as I got into bed the light on my side
then the one next to my side of the bed and then when I went to find some new bulbs the television cut off and back on again and the hall light blew. I could tell there was no problem with the electricity circuits, because the only things that blew were what I had touched or was using. Finally I just called out, "It's not my fault, Mum, he wasn't going to stay on his own forever," and I heard a sigh. Then things went back to normal, just like that.
My darling grandson - it's comforting to me to know I will be able to watch him grow up even when I am gone
Ghostly Interactions: Have These Things Happened to You?So if you are despairing the fact that you have not actually seen a ghost, or worried that you might have, ask yourself the following questions:
Have you had sporadic problems with electrical equipment?
Have you noticed a cold draft on a warm day?
Do you suddenly smell something familiar to you when there is no apparent source of the smell?
As you are drifting off to sleep, do you sometimes hear muted conversations even though you know nobody is around?
Do you notice other sounds when you're sure no one is there, like a door closing or footsteps in the hall?
Do you catch movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look there is nothing there?
These are just a few possible indicators of a ghostly presence. If you do experience them don' it's probably just someone popping in to say hello. If you want to learn more about interacting with ghosts or getting rid of them then please consider the resources in my book Can Ghosts Hurt You, which is available online.
Have you been contacted by a ghost? Yes, and it was frightening! Yes, and it was comforting. No, but I wish I would be. No, thank goodness.
by Author Nicole Canfield
by Author Nicole Canfield
by Team Wiseman
by Helen Murphy Howell
by Author Nicole Canfield
by Thomas Byers
by graceomalley
by Author Nicole Canfield
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