
I have my lessons in Peking University.
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英文翻译class begins:&&&& go to class:&&&& fulfi ...
例句与用法Mrs. biggs is ill and will be unable to take you today .比格斯夫人病了,今天不能给你们上课了。Unacceptable , i can ' t even concentrate today ,太过分了,我今天都没法认真上课了In came our teacher and the lesson began我们的老师走了进来,接着就开始上课了。 It ' s time for class . please stop talking该上课了。请不要讲话了(请停止讲话) 。 It ' s 10 a . m . everybody should be in class现在是上午10点.大家都应该去上课了16 it ' s five to five now . 17 it ' s time for class现在是五点差五分。该上课了。 It ' s time for our class . / let ' s begin our class我们该上课了。让我们开始上课吧! I better - i ' m gonna go to class , so . all right我最好,我要去上课了,那.好吧Where are you going ? the class starts tonight ,你去哪儿啊?今晚就开始上课了Where are you going ? the class starts tonight你去哪儿啊?今晚就开始上课了更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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All rights reserved点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来到英语微课堂,我们是一家人,我们彼此相爱!抛媚眼你会,可是“抛媚眼”英文怎么说?你知道吗?今天,小编就来和大家一起学习一下几个经常用来表达这个现象的习惯用语!  1. give the eye 抛媚眼,送秋波  To give就是:给。Eye就是:眼睛。Give the eye从字面上来解释没有什么意思。作为一个习惯用语,give the eye是指男女之间的眼神。  要是一个年轻男子give the eye, 那就是说,他对某个女孩子感兴趣。Give the eye也同样可以用在女孩子身上。下面就是一个例子。例句里说话的人的名字就算是Don吧。他是一个大学生。现在他正和他的朋友Willy在校园里的咖啡休息。Don对Willy说:  例句-1:Willy, don't look now, but when you get a chance take a look at that girl sitting over there alone. I think she's in my biology class. And, you know& something - I think she's trying to give me the eye. Maybe I ought to go over and say hello.  Willy, 你现在先别看。等一会有机会,你看一看那边独自坐着的那个女孩子。她好像是我们生物课里的一个同学。你知道吗,我觉得她在对我暗送秋波。也许我该走过去打个招呼。  2. give the once-over 非同一般地看某人  Once在中文里就是:一次; over有许多解释,例如越过,上面,完了等。 Give the once-over的意思是:非同一般地看一个人。 Give the once-over这个说法实际上是和give the eye的意思是一样的。也就是说,这两个习惯用语可以换着用。  我们也来举一个例子。这一次也是Don这个大学生和他的朋友Willy在校园里的咖啡馆,一个挺漂亮的女孩子独自坐在附近的一张桌子上。  可这次情况就不一样了。Don已经去和那位女孩子打了招呼,刚刚回来向Willy报告结果,他满脸笑容。他说:  例句-2:When I give the once-over, she finally gave me a nice smile so I went over to tell her: &haven't we met someplace before?& She asked me to sit down and we got acquainted and look at this, Willy - she gave me her phone number!  当我盯着她看的时候,她终于对我笑了一笑。所以,我走过去对她说:“我们是不是以前在什么地方见过面?”她让我坐下,我们就这样认识了。你看,Willy, 她把她的电话号码都给我了。  美国年轻人在想认识一个他喜欢的女孩子的时候往往会说,我们好象以前见过面吧 - 也就是: haven't we met someplace before? 他们经常用这句话来问对方,实际上是借了这个话题来认识对方。当然,女孩子对男孩子感兴趣时也可能会这么说。  3. size up 估量;符合要求  Size这个词本身的意思是:尺寸。例如,一个人的腰围有多大,胸围有多大等。但是,size和up合在一起就成了习惯用语,意思是:当你刚见到一个男孩,或一个姑娘的时候,你对对方是否漂亮所形成的第一个印象。下面我们再接着上面两个例句的情节来举一个例子。现在的Don年纪已经大了一点,而且还结了婚。  那一天,他下班后在马路上碰到他的老朋友Willy, 俩人就到酒吧去喝一杯酒,聊聊天。Willy就问Don, 怎么样,结婚了没有啊?Don回答说:  例句-3:Oh, yeah, I'm settled down all right. I married Barbara a as soon as I met her I right away sized her up as the girl I wanted to marry. It took her three more years to agree, but we've been very happy and already have a daughter with more on the way, I'm sure.  噢,对,我已经成家了。我大约三年前跟Barbara结了婚。我一见到她,我就觉得她是我理想的妻子。过了三年多,她才同意跟我结婚。我们现在很幸福,已经有了一个女儿,我肯定我们还会有更多的孩子。点击“阅读原文”查看亲子班学员参加英文歌唱大赛视频!↓↓↓英语微课堂(yywkt123) 
点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来Chinglish 你肯定听过了,那你有没有听过我们中国各地的方言Chinglish?最近有位英语老师上传了一个视频,将我们国家最典型的十几个带有浓重方言气息的Chinglish总结了出来,一起看看模仿得地不地道?点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来到英语微课堂,我们是一家人,点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来人生不如意事十有八九,莫言弃点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来绘本,是喷涌而出的语言的世界。绘本让孩子感受生的欢乐,给予孩子生的力量,也是让成人恢复青春活力的语言的点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦!“We are a family,We love each other!欢迎来yywkt123英语微课堂,国内第一家手机端英语教学平台。由多位知名英语教育专家倾力打造,学员遍布海内外,我们是相亲相爱的一家人。主打课程:英语口语,亲子英语启蒙,中高考英语,大学四六级。热门文章最新文章yywkt123英语微课堂,国内第一家手机端英语教学平台。由多位知名英语教育专家倾力打造,学员遍布海内外,我们是相亲相爱的一家人。主打课程:英语口语,亲子英语启蒙,中高考英语,大学四六级。上课用英语怎么说_英语口语
【英语口语】 学习啦编辑:焯杰
本文已影响 人
  attend class
  go to class
  have a class
  在上课 in class
  去上课 go to class
  上课认真 have Class seriously
  1. They skip rope and play catch, waiting for the bell.
  2. Evans had rheumatic fever, missed school and fell behind.
  3. If I don'tshow up for class this morning, I'll be kicked out.
  4. teachers at the chalkface
  5. Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved.
  6. When did the new teacher arrive on the scene?
  7. We will have class in the theater this afternoon.
  8. Mrs. Biggs is ill and will be unable to take you today.
  9. I have to go now because I must be punctual for class.
  10. The students assemble for class at 8 o'clock in the morning.
  11. I will inquire when to begin our lessons.
  12. He takes [ makes ] notes in class.
  他上课 记 笔记 .
  13. He often reviews today's lessons for tomorrow.
  14. He didn't come to class yesterday.
  15. It's time . Let's begin our lesson.
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学习啦 版权所有“今天已经是第十天了”用英语怎么说?明天就要上课了
Today is the tenth day!希望能够帮到楼主


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