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【三部曲】:1.阅读题干(抓准问题的点)----2.找回全文(迅速定位)-----3.寻找选项(直接看到那个对的人,其他不用细看! 这是省时妙招~)
而总结题:1. 细节一定不选; 2. 原文没有出现过的术语、概念、例子一定不选, 一般来说正确的选项是:全文大意/ 某段的总结
定位/定点题 包括 细节题, 列举题, 作用题
核心题& && &包括 结构题, 总结题
P (Passage) 1( 第一篇).1 (第一题) 以此类推。
段一: 总结能源不足
段二: 蒸汽机的发明
7/14 定位题
4/14 同义词题
2/14 核心题
1/14 插入句子题
& &原文:回归逻辑上一层: Great Britain in particular was experiencing an energy shortage. 再看标记句子所表达的意思: 煤很多,但是没有使之产生能量的有效方式。故选C
析:看题干: 定点题- 细节题
& & 原文: 原文中涉及the problem of energy, 定位在后半段:However.... power machinery.&&
析:看题干: 定点题- 列举题
& &内容定点: development/ cotton mills&&
& & 原文: 段内第七句验证了A
& && && &&&段内第五句验证了B
& && && &&&段内第四句验证了C
& && && &&&D无体现。
析:看题干: 同义词题
& & apparent 明显的
析:看题干: 定点题- 细节题
& &比较简单:定位第二段第七句
& & consequent 随之发生的
析:看题干:核心题- 结构题 (保证正确的前提是看过全文)
& &干扰选项B: 选项主要总结了第二段的内容:蒸汽机所产生的机械能对于纺织厂的影响,棉布成为了当时英国最重要的出口物。
& &但B并没有判断第二段在整篇文章里所扮演的角色。回到第一段的第一句,本文的TS:historian have sought to identify crucial elements in the eithteenth-century rise in industry...many give prominece to the problem of energy. 便可得知,第二段展示了十八世纪工业革命中能源问题的重要性。
析: 看题干: 定位题 - 细节题
& &回归原位直接定位coke出现的句子:第三段第二、三句。
析:看题干:定位题 - 列举题
& &第三段第二句验证A
& & 第三段第五句验证B
& & 第三段第四句验证C
& & D未体现;
析:看题干: 同义词题
& & initiate 开始,创始,发起
析:看题干: 定位题: 细节题&&imply
& & Imply就说明文中并未直接说。 但是已经提供了证据。 第四段第一句话: 蒸汽和铁使交通有所变革,但是仍存有不足: 运重物很贵,马仍是主要力量。 然后第四句的However 暗示了这些改变, 因为蒸汽机completely transformed in rail transportaiton.&&故运重物便宜了,马也不再是主要力量。
析:看题干: 同义词题
& &比较简单: accustomedd to 习惯
&&B 句子内容重点是steam-powered locomotives. 而在第四段中只有在However后面才开始说steam engine. 在BCD的位置,只有B合适,因为从时间顺序来看,应该是首先说第一次用蒸汽机的问题,然后再说改进和作用。
核心题: 总结题&&
&&1. disregard错 (与第一段主要内容相反)
&&2. 第二段主要内容
&&3. 第四段主要内容
&&4. 第四段主要内容
&&5.&&began to import raw cotton and high-quality iron 错。&&精铁是自制的。
&&6. 火车站招工和工厂招工的人力矛盾未提及。
2~ 4. 沙漠里植物的生存
5~ 7&&沙漠里动物的生存
6/13 定点题
3/13 同义词题
2/13 核心题
1/13 句子插入题
析:看题型: 定位题-列举题
& & 从第一段的第三句话开始,一直描述水的重要性。 A未涉及。
析:看题型: 定点题- 细节题
& & 从“the seeds then lie dormant until the next wet year& 可以推知during a dry year, ephemerals都处于dormant的状态,故选B
析: 看题型: 核心题
& & 第三段从内容上判断从属于第二段,定位第二段第二句: there are two general classes. 之后讲了第一种long-lived perennials.并在第三段详细介绍第二种ephemerals. 故选B。
& & vigorously and produce large numbers of flowers and fruit应该是逻辑等价词,能长出大量水果和花应该说明长得好。 故选D
& &counter反击,反对&&故C
析:看题型:定点题- 细节题
& & 题干关键词: root systems
& && &直接定位到第四段第五句 have a limited amount of mass above groud and ...&&故选A
析:看题型: 同义词题
& &assured = 确定的,有保证的
析: 看题型: 定点题-- 细节题
& &回归原文: Among these plants, these指“another class of desert plant-- phreatophyte 故选C.
析:看题型: 句子改写
& &先看高亮句子&&
& &第一个层次的主谓宾: escape involves such actions. 也就是说aestivation是其中一种。 这个信息不能被漏掉。 故A符合” one way animal escape.
析:看题型: 定点题 -- 细节题 ---推测题
&&infer题一般来说不会直接出答案。 定位到第五段第二句: reduce their body temperature during hot season,也就是说动物要寻找可以降温的地方或者torpor,自行降温。 答案中只有A符合。
析: 看题型 : 定点题-- 细节题
& &&&定位第七段第三局,选D
... 插入句子题目出错... 跳过
析: 看题型: 核心题
& &&&定位plants
& && & 锁定第二段关于perennials 第三段关于annuls / ephemerals 第四段关于perennials
7/14 定点题
4/14 同义词
1/14 句子改写
1/14 插入句子
1/14 总结题
第一段: 地理位置介绍 + 发展基础
第三段: 进一步发展,脱离宗教,创造写作
第四段: 硬件改造,青铜创造
析:看题型: 定点题-- 列举题
& & 定位第一段第三句至第五句
& & C未涉及
析:看题型: 定点题 -- 细节题
& & 关键词: elite, 回归文章出现elite的句子,最后一句强调了“these conditions&, 回去逻辑上一层,寻找conditions:定位到倒数第三句和第二句, 再回到答案,选择D
析:看题型: 同义词题
& &sustain 保持
析:看题型: 定点题 ---细节题
& & 定位第二段第二句: center on impressive temple complexes bulit of mud brick.
析:看题型: 同义词题
& & sovereign 统治
析:看题型: 定点题 --- 细节题
& &关键词: appearance of writing
& &&&比较简单,直接对应第三段第三句话即可。
析:看题型: 定点题 ---作用题
& & 关键词: dropped from 2000 to 600.
& && &找到原文在段落中的位置,回到逻辑上一层,也就是上一个句子: a more economical approach...中可以看到,减少是为了更有效率的使用。
析:看题型 --- 定点题 --细节题
& & 直接定位到本段最后一句话, Texts dealing with economic matters predominated.&&故C
析:看题型--定点题 ---细节题
& &&&定位本段第一句话, developed first as a more efficient way of makeing pottery.&&故B
析:看题型 --同义词题
& &engrave 雕刻&&故A
析:看题型 -- 句子改写
& & 本句含有同位语从句。 一个discovery, 怎样的discovery, if copper was mixed with tin, they can produce bronze. 这就是同位语从句的主要意思,选项中不可漏掉这个意思。 故筛选后应选A
析:看题型 -- 同义词
& & 比较简单, widespread, 大量传播的,广泛的。
析: 看题型 ---插入句子
& & 句子关键词, diverse life, engaged in a variety of occupations. CD关于写作,明显排除。 A与B之间,A前面是secular rulers后面是职位。 该句子的内容恰好可承接住上句的现世领导,并为下一句的occupation开了头。&&而B中的system与前一句的trading联系密切。 故选A。
析:题型-- 核心题 ---总结题
& & 1.定位第一段关于elite出现的理由,可知自然资源稀缺不是理由
& & 2. 关于Eridu,只强调了关于god的内容,其他未涉及
& & 4. priests 未涉及。
End. 解释肯定有瑕疵,片面,不足或者错误的地方,希望版友热烈讨论,如有错误,我会及时修改。
另外,有些题目,如果解析不太明白,随时提出来,大家讨论。 :)
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我就是想问下C选项也包含aestivation,为什么不选,是因为or的原因吗?一直不太懂这种句子的同义转化,不是说不能leave out information吗,为什么正确选项里面没有涉及到新陈代谢减慢?
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zyx123321 发表于
我就是想问下C选项也包含aestivation,为什么不选,是因为or的原因吗?一直不太懂这种句子的同义转化,不是 ...
赞同。。表示很坑爹,为什么c错。。。我开始分析是escape involves A, B C 三种方式,这样可以解释c是错的。。。。
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  Perceptions of the visible world were greatly altered by the invention of photography in the middle of the nineteenth century. In particular, and quite logically, the art of painting was forever changed, though not always in the ways one might have expected. The realistic and naturalistic painters of the mid- and late-nineteenth century were all intently aware of photography&as a thing to use, to learn from, and react to.
  Unlike most major inventions, photography had been long and impatiently awaited. The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper, were already familiar&the device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice. What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre (), who perfected a way of fixing them on a silvered copper plate. His discovery, the &daguerreotype,& was announced in 1839.
  A second and very different process was patented by the British inventor William Henry Talbot () in 1841. Talbot&#39;s &calotype& was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph. The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image. This &negative,& as Talbot called it, could then be used to print multiple positive images on another piece of treated paper.
  The two processes produced very different results. The daguerreotype was a unique image that reproduced what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail and could not be duplicated. The calotype could be made in series, and was thus the equivalent of an etching or an engraving. Its general effect was soft edged and tonal.
  One of the things that most impressed the original audience for photography was the idea of authenticity. Nature now seemed able to speak for itself, with a minimum of interference. The title Talbot chose for his book, The Pencil of Nature (the first part of which was published in 1844), reflected this feeling. Artists were fascinated by photography because it offered a way of examining the world in much greater detail. They were also afraid of it, because it seemed likely to make their own efforts unnecessary.
  Photography did indeed make certain kinds of painting obsolete&the daguerreotype virtually did away with the portrait miniature. It also made the whole business of making and owning images democratic. Portraiture, once a luxury for the privileged few, was suddenly well within the reach of many more people.
  In the long term, photography&#39;s impact on the visual arts was far from simple. Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather than its destined successor. Even those artists who were most dependent on photography became reluctant to admit that they made use of it, in case this compromised their professional standing.
  The rapid technical development of photography&the introduction of lighter and simpler equipment, and of new emulsions that coated photographic plates, film, and paper and enabled images to be made at much faster speeds&had some unanticipated consequences. Scientific experiments made by photographers such as Eadweard Muybridge () and Etienne-Jules Marey () demonstrated that the movements of both humans and animals differed widely from the way they had been traditionally represented in art. Artists, often reluctantly, were forced to accept the evidence provided by the camera. The new candid photography&unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken&confirmed these scientific results, and at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, suggested new compositional formats. The accidental effects obtained by candid photographers were soon being copied by artists such as the French painter Degas.
  Paragraph 1: Perceptions of the visible world were greatly altered by the invention of photography in the middle of the nineteenth century. In particular, and quite logically, the art of painting was forever changed, though not always in the ways one might have expected. The realistic and naturalistic painters of the mid- and late-nineteenth century were all intently aware of photography&as a thing to use, to learn from, and react to.
  1. What can be inferred from paragraphs 1 and 2 about the effect of photography on nineteenth-century painting?
  A Photography did not significantly change the way people looked at reality.
  B Most painters used the images of the camera obscura in preference to those of the
  C Painters who were concerned with realistic or naturalistic representation were
  particularly influenced by photography.
  D Artists used the long-awaited invention of photography in just the ways they had
  expected to.
  定位词:effect of photography on nineteenth-century painting
  解析:The realistic and naturalistic painters of the mid- andlate-nineteenth centurywere all intently aware of photography&as a thing to use, to learn from, and react to.画家都关注摄影。选3
  Paragraph 4: The two processes produced very different results. The daguerreotype was a unique image that reproduced what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail and could not be duplicated. The calotype could be made in series, and was thus the equivalent of an etching or an engraving. Its general effectwas soft edged and tonal.
  2. The word &duplicated&in the passage is closest in meaning to
  O copied
  O replaced
  O handled
  O clarified
  解析:The daguerreotype was a uniqueimage thatreproduced what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail and could not be duplicated. Unique表示特殊的,独一无二的,reproduce表示再创造,所以这种技术是无法复制的,选1
  3. The phrase &Its general effect&in the passage refers to
  O the camera lens
  O the calotype
  O the etching
  O the engraving
  解析:The calotypecould be made in series, and was thus the equivalent of an etching or an engraving. Its general effect was soft edged and tonal.指代一定前指,一般是前一句的主语,选2
  Paragraph 2: Unlike most major inventions, photography had been long and impatiently awaited. The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper, were already familiar&the device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice. What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre (), who perfected a way of fixing them on a silvered copper plate. His discovery, the &daguerreotype,& was announced in 1839.
  Paragraph 3: A second and very different process was patented by the British inventor William Henry Talbot () in 1841. Talbot&#39;s &calotype& was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph. The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image. This &negative,& as Talbot called it, could then be used to print multiple positive images on another piece of treated paper.
  4. According to paragraphs 2 and 3 which of the following did the daguerreotype and the calotype have in common?
  O They were equally useful for artists.
  O They could be reproduced.
  O They produced a permanent image
  O They were produced on treated paper.
  定位词:daguerreotype and the calotype have in common
  解析:Paragraph 2: Unlike most major inventions, photography had been long and impatiently awaited. The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper, were already familiar&the device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice.What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre (), who perfected a way of fixing them on a silvered copper plate. His discovery, the &daguerreotype,& was announced in 1839.
  Paragraph 3: A secondand very different process was patented by the British inventor William Henry Talbot () in 1841. Talbot&#39;s &calotype&was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph. The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image. This &negative,& as Talbot called it, could then be used to print multiple positive images on another piece of treated paper.
  O They were equallyuseful for artists.没有提到同样有用
  O They could be reproduced.没有提到
  O They produced a permanent image
  O They were produced on treated paper.只有calotype用treated paper
  Paragraph 5: One of the things that most impressed the original audience for photography was the idea of authenticity. Nature now seemed able to speak for itself, with a minimum of interference. The title Talbot chose for his book, The Pencil of Nature (the first part of which was published in 1844), reflected this feeling. Artists were fascinated by photography because it offered a way of examining the world in much greater detail. They were also afraid of it, because it seemed likely to make their own efforts unnecessary.
  5. The word &authenticity&in the passage is closest in meaning to
  O improvement
  O practicality
  O genuineness
  O repetition
  解析:One of the things that most impressed the original audience for photography was the idea ofauthenticity.Nature now seemed able to speak for itself, with a minimum of interference.后面具体解释authenticity 的概念,可以自然的表露,使得干扰最小化,也就是保留真实性,选3
  Paragraph 6: Photography did indeed make certain kinds of painting obsolete&the daguerreotype virtually did away with the portrait miniature. It also made the whole business of making and owning images democratic. Portraiture, once a luxury for the privileged few, was suddenly well within the reach of many more people.
  6. What point does the author make in paragraph 6?
  O Paintings became less expensive because of competition with photography.
  O Photography, unlike painting, was a type of portraiture that even ordinary pe pie could afford.
  O Every style of painting was influenced by the invention of photography.
  O The daguerreotype was more popular than the calotype.
  解析:It also made the whole business of making and owning imagesdemocratic.Portraiture, oncea luxury for the privileged few,was suddenly well within the reach of many more people.也就是说以前绘画被认为是一种奢侈的东西,只有富人可以享有的东西,现在由于摄影的发展,使得平民化,普通人都可以支付的起,选2
  Paragraph 7: In the long term, photography&#39;s impact on the visual arts was far from simple.来源:频道 Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather than its destined successor.Even those artists who were most dependent on photography became reluctantto admit that they made use of it, in case this compromised their professional standing.
  7. The word &reluctant&in the passage is closest in meaning to
  O unable
  O embarrassed
  O unlikely
  O unwilling
  解析:Even those artists who were most dependent on photography becamereluctantto admit that they made use of it, in case this compromised their professional standing.甚至那些依赖摄影的艺术家都____承认他们使用摄影技术,一方动摇他们的专业地位;根据后面的解释我们可以知道,填一个否定词,不愿意,选4
  8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
  O Photography did not replace other fine arts because people felt the image looked cheap in relation to the other arts.
  O Photography was not considered a true art because people could use it to create many images cheaply.
  O Photography was so cheap and readily available that it could be purchased by people who were too poor to purchase fine art.
  O Photography not only spread quickly but also was a cheap art form and so became trie successor of fine arts rather than its poor relation.
  解析:Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather thanits destined successor.因果关系,因为截止丰富,某种意义上说,使得大量廉价生产图片成为可能,这很快被认为是艺术劣质品而不是取而代之。
  O Photography did not replace other fine arts becausepeople felt the image looked cheap in relation to the other arts.因果关系不对,不是因为人们感觉廉价,而是大量生产使得廉价
  O Photography was not considered a true artbecause people could use it to create many images cheaply. 关系正确,内容符合
  O Photography was socheap and readily available thatit could be purchased by people who weretoo poor to purchase fine art.没有说到too poor,也不是句子的重点,重点是它被认为是艺术劣质品
  O Photography not only spread quickly but also was a cheap art form and so became true successor of fine arts rather than its poor relation.比较反了,不是true successor
  Paragraph 8: The rapid technical development of photography&the introduction of lighter and simpler equipment, and of new emulsions that coated photographic plates, film, and paper and enabled images to be made at much faster speeds&had some unanticipatedconsequences. Scientific experiments made by photographers such as Eadweard Muybridge () and Etienne-Jules Marey () demonstrated that the movements of both humans and animals differed widely from the way they had been traditionally represented in art. Artists, often reluctantly, were forced to accept the evidence provided by the camera. The new candid photography&unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken&confirmed these scientific results, and at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, suggested new compositional formats. Theaccidentaleffects obtained by candid photographers were soon being copied by artists such as the French painter Degas.
  9. The word &accidental&in the passage is closest in meaning to
  O surprising
  O unintentional
  O realistic
  O unusual
  解析:Theaccidental effects obtained by candid photographers were soon being copied by artists such as the French painter Degas.词根词缀法,accident表示意外,-al表示形容词,所以是&意外的,不是有意的&选2
  10. The word&unanticipated&in the passage is closest in meaning to
  O indirect
  O not expected
  O unquestionable
  O beneficial
  解析:he rapid technical development of photography&the introduction of lighter and simpler equipment, and of new emulsions that coated photographic plates, film, and paper and enabled images to be made at much faster speeds&had some unanticipatedconsequences.词根词缀法,anticipate=expect,-ed表被动形容词,un表示否定,也就是&not expected&选2
  11. Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph 8 as a benefit that artists derived from photography?
  O It inspired artists to use technological themes in their painting.
  O It lent prestige to those artists who used photographs as models for paintings
  O It provided artists with new types of equipment to speed up the painting process.
  O It motivated artists to think about new ways to compose images in their paintings.
  定位词:a benefit that artists derived from photography
  解析:The new candid photography&unposed picturesthat were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken&confirmed these scientific results, and at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, suggested new compositional formats.这种技术让人们相处新的方式来绘画,选4
  12. It can be inferred from paragraph 8 that one effect that photography had on painting was that it
  O provided painters with new insights into how humans and animals actually move
  O showed that representing movement could be as interesting as portrait art
  O increased the appeal of painted portraiture among the wealthy
  O influenced artists to improve techniques for painting faster
  定位词:one effect that photography had on painting
  解析:Scientific experiments made by photographers such as Eadweard Muybridge () and Etienne-Jules Marey () demonstrated that the movementsof bothhumans and animalsdiffered widely from the way they had been traditionally represented in art.让人们发现人和动物的运动和之前描述的不一样,选4
  Unlike most major inventions, photography had been long and impatiently awaited. The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper, were already familiar&the device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice. What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre (), who perfected a way of fixing them on a silvered copper plate. His discovery, the &daguerreotype,& was announced in 1839.■
  A second and very different process was patented by the British inventor William Henry Talbot () in 1841.■ Talbot&#39;s &calotype& was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph. The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image.■ This &negative,& as Talbot called it, could then be used to print multiple positive images on another piece of treated paper.■
  13. Look at the four squares HI that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage
  Although his process produced permanent images, each was unique and no reproduction of the picture was possible.
  Where would the sentence best fit?
  Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage.
  解析:Althoughhis processproduced permanent images,each was unique and no reproduction of the picture was possible.
  找到permanent image 和his 的所指
  Unlike most major inventions, photography had been long and impatiently awaited. The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper, were already familiar&the device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice. What was lacking was a way of giving such imagespermanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre(), who perfecteda way of fixing them on a silvered copper plate. His discovery, the &daguerreotype,& was announced in 1839.■
  第一个选项之前出现permanent image,以及L发明的方法来永久保存图片,后面应该放插入句,让步,选1
  14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.
  Drag your answer choices to tne spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it To review the passage, click VIEW TEXT.
  The invention of photography had a significant impact on the art of painting in the nineteenth century.
  Answer Choices
  O For a brief time, artists preferred not to paint natural or realistic images that would have to compete with photographs.
  O Before photography, Canaletto had used the camera obscura to project scenes onto a paper or glass plate.
  O The photographic processes of Louis Daguerre and William Henry Talbot both made permanent images, but only Talbot&#39;s process allowed making multiple copies.
  O The work of Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey established photography both as a science and as an art.
  O Photography made accurate images widely and inexpensively available, but this popular success also had the effect of lowering its perceived value in relation to the fine arts.
  O Photography eliminated the painted portrait miniature, led artists to accurately represent movement, and affected pictorial composition, but did not replace traditional visual arts.
  解析:分析黑体字:The invention of photographyhad a significant impacton the art of painting in the nineteenth century.强调摄影术对绘画的影响
  OFor a brief time,artists preferred not to paint natural or realistic images that would have to compete with photographs.跟主题无关
  O Before photography, Canaletto had used the camera obscura to project scenes onto a paper or glass plate. 第二段观点
  O The photographic processes of Louis Daguerre and William Henry Talbot both made permanent images, but only Talbot&#39;s process allowed making multiple copies. 细节排除
  O The work ofEadweard Muybridgeand Etienne-Jules Marey established photography both as a science and as an art.细节排除
  O Photography made accurate images widely and inexpensively available, but this popular success also had the effect of lowering its perceived value in relation to the fine arts.主题句
  OPhotography eliminated the painted portrait miniature, led artists to accurately represent movement, and affected pictorial composition, but did not replace traditional visual arts.主题句
  1-5.:CABCC 6-10:BDBBB 11-13:DAA
  14. Before photography ...
  The photographic ...
  Photography eliminated ...
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