polo shirtt protect怎么用

shirt cool_怎么样_使用方法_有了它让我们清凉一夏吧~_日亚海淘个人护理_日本购物攻略-小红书
日亚海淘回来的shirt cool ,开始有点半信半疑,价格也不贵就买来试试,后来在淘宝上发现,还有男款女款之分[哭][哭]我居然买了男款。
真心觉得小日本真是细致到了极点,大家可以看见在喷头处又一个蓝色的小开关一样的东西 ,与把手一个方向是上锁,直角方向是开锁 。装在包里也不怕会露出来,还是很贴心的设计 [酷][酷]
说下使用感吧,使用方法,将喷头对准衣领10cm处喷个2-3下 不要对着皮肤喷,确实有清凉感,但是保持的时间不太长在30分钟左右吧 。所以说要想一直保持清凉还要持续补充。我比较懒 ,就出门前喷一下 ,能凉快一会是一会~[口水][口水][口水]
shirt coolFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with .
Polo shirt outline
A polo shirt, also known as a golf shirt and tennis shirt, is a form of shirt with a collar, a
with typically two or three buttons, and an optional pocket.
All three terms may be used interchangeably. Polo shirts are usually made of
(rather than
cloth), usually
cotton or, less commonly,
, or . A -length version of the shirt is called a polo dress.
tennis shirt
In the 19th and early 20th centuries,
players ordinarily wore "tennis whites" consisting of long-sleeved white button-up shirts (worn with the sleeves rolled up), flannel , and . This attire presented problems for ease of play and comfort.
tennis champion, felt that the stiff tennis attire was too cumbersome and uncomfortable. He designed a white, short-sleeved, loosely-knit
cotton (he called the cotton weave jersey petit piqué) shirt with an unstarched, flat, protruding collar, a buttoned placket, and a shirt-tail longer in back than in front (known today as a "tennis tail"; see below), which he first wore at the 1926 U.S. Open championship. Beginning in 1927, Lacoste placed a crocodile emblem on the left breast of his shirts, as the American press had begun to refer to him as "The Crocodile", a nickname which he embraced.
Lacoste's design mitigated the problems that traditional tennis attire created:
the short, cuffed sleeves solved the tendency of long sleeves to roll down
the soft collar could be loosened easily by unbuttoning the placket
the piqué
could be worn
to protect the
the jersey knit piqué cotton breathed and was more durable.
the "tennis tail" prevented the shirt from pulling out of the wearer's trousers or shorts
In 1933, after retiring from professional tennis, Lacoste teamed up with , a friend who was a clothing merchandiser, to market that shirt in Europe and North America. Together, they formed the company , and began selling their shirts, which included the small embroidered crocodile logo on the left breast.
Polo players Paul Barr, , ,
with fellow player
(center), wearing polo shirts as part of their uniform.
Before Lacoste’s 1933 mass-marketing of his tennis shirt,
players wore thick long-sleeve shirts made of
cotton. This shirt was the first to have a buttoned-down collar, which polo players invented in the late 19th century to keep their collars from flapping in the
('s early president, John Brooks, noticed this while at a polo match in England and began producing such a shirt in 1896). Brooks Brothers still produces this style of button-down "polo shirt". Still, like early tennis clothing, those clothes presented a discomfort on the field, and when polo players became aware of Lacoste’s invention in the 1930s they readily adopted it for use in polo.
In 1920, Lewis Lacey, a Canadian born of English parents in Montreal, Quebec in 1887, haberdasher and polo player, began producing a shirt that was embroidered with the logo of a polo player, a design originated at the
near Buenos Aires. The term polo shirt, which previously had referred only to the long-sleeved buttoned-down shirts traditionally used in polo, soon became a universal moniker
no later than the 1950s, it was in common usage in the U.S. to describe the shirt most commonly thought of as part of formal tennis attire. Indeed, tennis players often would refer to their shirt as a "polo shirt," notwithstanding the fact that their sport had used it before polo did.
included his "polo shirt" as a prominent part of his original line called , thereby helping furthering its already widespread popularity. While not specifically geared for use by polo players, Lauren’s shirt imitated what by that time had become the normal attire for polo players. As he desired to exude a certain "" in his clothes, initially adopting the style of clothiers like Brooks Brothers, , and ""–style English clothing, he prominently included this attire from the "sport of kings" in his line, replete with a logo reminiscent of Lacoste’s
, depicting a polo player and pony. This worked well as a marketing tool, for subsequently, due to the immense popularity of Lauren’s clothing, a majority of English-speaking westerners began to refer to Lacoste’s tennis shirt as a "polo shirt". Still, "tennis shirt" remains a viable term for all uses of Lacoste’s basic design.
Over the latter half of the 20th century, as standard clothing in
became more casual, the tennis shirt was adopted nearly universally as standard golf attire. Many golf courses and country clubs require players to wear golf shirts as a part of their dress code. Moreover, producing Lacoste’s "tennis shirt" in various golf cuts has resulted in specific designs of the tennis shirt for golf, resulting in the moniker "golf shirt". Golf shirts are commonly made out of polyester, cotton and polyester blends, or mercerized cotton. The placket typically holds three or four buttons, and consequently extends lower than the typical polo neckline. The collar is typically fabricated using a stitched double-layer of the same fabric used to make the shirt, in contrast to a polo shirt collar, which is usually one-ply ribbed knit cotton. Golf shirts often have a pocket on the left side, to hold a scorepad and pencil, and may not bear a logo there.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
McKean, Erin (2013). . USA: A & C Black. p. 71.  .
The Story of Lacoste. Retrieved from .
The Crocodile
The Birth of the Crocodile
Butterworth, Helen.
Monday, Sept. 01, -09-01). . TIME.
, Long Island National Golf Club
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