about an interview with noelproblem 和 about a problem with an interview

about an interview problem 和 about a problem with an interview_百度知道
about an interview problem 和 about a problem with an interview
第二个主要是指 面试这件事 有问题? 我知道第一句 about an interview problem 意思是 关于一个面试中的问题:这个面试就有问题我理解的是: 第一个主要是指 面试题中 有个问题 我不会做?
请指教 谢谢大家。 第二句 about a problem with an interview 是同样意思吗请问 这两句话是一个意思吗。不知我这个样理解正确不? 还是应该翻译为
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Apr 13, 2010STLport: An Interview with A. Stepanov
May you introduce yourself?
I was born in Moscow, USSR, on November 16, 1950, and studied
Mathematics at the Moscow State University. But I never became a mathematician.
I could not really get excited about Tamagawa numbers, Coxeter groups and
other things that I was supposed to specialize in. Hardy's hope that his
mathematics is never going to be applied is not for me. I need to do something
a little bit more real. I was fortunate, however, to see some great mathematicians
at work and became totally immune to a pseudo-mathematical rigor that unfortunately
is so common in Computer Science. So becoming a programmer was a really
good thing for me. In 1972 I became a member of a team developing a new
minicomputer to be used to control large hydroelectric power stations.
I participated in all parts of the design, from architecture and hardware
testing to OS (my first published paper was on real-time operating systems)
and programming tools. I learned first hand about both software reliability
- power stations are hard to reboot - and efficiency - the water is coming
down in real time.
At that time I also discovered books of two great computer
scientists from whose work I learned the scientific foundation of my trade:
Donald Knuth and Edsger Dijkstra. Knuth taught me the answers. Dijkstra
taught me the questions. Time and time again I come back to their works
for new insights. My next important career step was spending 5 years at
the Computer Science Branch of General Electric Research Center in Schenectady,
NY. I worked on a very high level language called Tecton and read a lot:
from a plethora of papers on programming language design to Logical Summa
of William of Occam - Aristotle and medieval logicians knew a lot about
different kinds of logical structures that appear in the natural languages
and their formal properties. At that time I started a fruitful research
collaboration with Dave Musser which is still going on. In 1984 I became
an assistant professor at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, NY. Teaching
Computer Science did me a lot of good - I managed to teach all kinds of
graduate courses, learning a lot of new material in the process. I also
developed a large library of algorithms and data structures in Scheme.
This work led to a development (together with Dave Musser) of Ada Generic
Library. After a brief stint at Bell Labs, where I worked on a library
of algorithms in C++, I moved to HP Labs in Palo Alto (1988). I spent the
next 4 years working on storage systems: I had to learn how to program
disk controllers. In 1993 I was given a brief opportunity to return to
my research on generic programming. STL is a result of this. In 1995 I
moved on to Silicon Graphics, where I have been trying to establish a group
to work on further development of STL.
You mentioned William of Occam. William of Occam used to
say "Entia non sunt multiplicanda" - I could translate that as
"[abstract] objects are unnecessary". It seems that you have
applied the razor of Occam to OOP. Starting from algorithms rather than
from objects kinds of reminds me the medieval quarrel on universals. Is
It is a pretty analogy, but I do not think it is right. I
never thought of OO as related to a realist philosophy and I am not a nominalist
at all. As a matter of fact, the Franciscan school: Alexander of Hales,
Bonaventure and Scotus are much closer to Augustinian/Platonist tradition.
Occam was a strange fellow anyways. As the editor of his Opera Omnia Gideon
Gal used to say: "But the fellow was really mad!"
For most Italian readers, the name "Stepanov"
goes in pair with STL. Does STL mean Standard Template Library or Stepanov
and Lee? And what was the role of D.Musser and A.Koenig in STL history?
Well, it does really mean Standard Template Library. I did
make a joke in my interview with Dr. Dobb's journal about STL standing
for "Stepanov and Lee," but it was a joke. I have been collaborating
with Dave Musser for almost 20 years. Our collaboration has been so close
that it is difficult to say who contributed what. His is not on the list
of the official STL authors only because in the short period of time when
the proposal for the standard had to been written, he was busy doing something
else. Andy Koenig is responsible for explaining to me the structure of
the abstract C machine. STL, in a sense, is an application of generic programming
techniques that Dave Musser and I have been developing to a C machine model.
If it were not for Andy, I would be still dealing with boxed, heap-allocated
objects and pining for garbage collection. And, of course, Andy and Bjarne
Stroustrup are responsible for putting STL into the standard. Meng Lee
was a perfect collaborator at the stage when it was necessary to move from
beautiful ideas to a complete implementation. She kept me focused - I tend
to lose interest after the problem is solved - if I know the solution,
why bother making it known to the rest of the world. She was putting grueling
hours into the code and the document. In a sense, she was the only person
who believed that something practical could c I think,
that at that point both Dave Musser and I actually lost hope that we could
explain to anybody what we had been doing for quite a while.
What is the origin of STL? Has STL been conceived to be
what it is now, that is "the" C++ Standard Library, or does it
come from some other project? Could you tell us a history of STL?
In 1976, still back in the USSR, I got a very serious case
of food poisoning from eating raw fish. While in the hospital, in the state
of delirium, I suddenly realized that the ability to add numbers in parallel
depends on the fact that addition is associative. (So, putting it simply,
STL is the result of a bacterial infection.) In other words, I realized
that a parallel reduction algorithm is associated with a semigroup structure
type. That is the fundamental point: algorithms are defined on algebraic
structures. It took me another couple of years to realize that you have
to extend the notion of structure by adding complexity requirements to
regular axioms. And than it took 15 years to make it work. (I am still
not sure that I have been successful in getting the point across to anybody
outside the small circle of my friends.) I believe that iterator theories
are as central to Computer Science as theories of rings or Banach spaces
are central to Mathematics. Every time I would look at an algorithm I would
try to find a structure on which it is defined. So what I wanted to do
was to describe algorithms generically. That's what I like to do. I can
spend a month working on a well known algorithm trying to find its generic
representation. So far, I have been singularly unsuccessful in explaining
to people that this is an important activity. But, somehow, the result
of the activity - STL - became quite successful.
I used to think at complexity requirements in STL as mere
constraints on the efficiency of the implementation. You seem to imply
that complexity is a true functional requirement. Is it so?
You select different algorithms depending on complexity of
the fundamental operations provided by the data structure. Disk and tape
are functionally equivalent as SCSI storage devices, but woe to the software
designer who would attempt to use the tape as if it were a disk. In terms
of STL - you can always implement p + n for forward iterators, so why bother
providing random access iterators?
What about Generic Programming? I only found some columns
by A.Koenig in JOOP on "generic programming". Generic programming
is definitively absent in most C++ programming books, including Coplien,
Meyer, Stroustrup, Lippman and so on. I think STL could be described as
"Programming C++ the way you would never thought possible". Do
you agree?
STL, at least for me, represents the only way programming
is possible. It is, indeed, quite different from C++ programming as it
was presented and still is presented in most textbooks. But, you see, I
was not trying to program in C++, I was trying to find the right way to
deal with software. I have been searching for a language in which I could
express what I wanted to say for a long time. In other words, I know what
I want to say. I can say it in C++, I can say it in Ada, I can say it in
Scheme. I adapt myself to the language, but the essence of what I am trying
to say is language independent. So far, C++ is the best language I've discovered
to say what I want to say. It is not the ideal medium, but I can do more
in it than in any other language I tried. It is actually my hope that someday
there will be a language designed specifically with generic programming
Could you explain to a modest C++ programmer what Generic
Programming is, what is the relation of Generic Programming with C++ and
STL, and how did you come to use Generic Programming in a C++ context?
Generic programming is a programming method that is based
in finding the most abstract representations of efficient algorithms. That
is, you start with an algorithm and find the most general set of requirements
that allows it to perform and to perform efficiently. The amazing thing
is that many different algorithms need the same set of requirements and
there are multiple implementations of these requirements. The analogous
fact in mathematics is that many different theorems depend on the same
set of axioms and there are many different models of the same axioms. Abstraction
works! Generic programming assumes that there are some fundamental laws
that govern the behavior of software components and that it is possible
to design interoperable modules based on these laws. It is also possible
to use the laws to guide our software design. STL is an example of generic
programming. C++ is a language in which I was able to produce a convincing
I think STL and Generic Programming mark a definite departure
from the common C++ programming style, which I find is almost completely
derived from SmallTalk. Do you agree?
Yes. STL is not object oriented. I think that object orientedness
is almost as much of a hoax as Artificial Intelligence. I have yet to see
an interesting piece of code that comes from these OO people. In a sense,
I am unfair to AI: I learned a lot of stuff from the MIT AI Lab crowd,
they have done some really fundamental work: Bill Gosper's Hakmem is one
of the best things for a programmer to read. AI might not have had a serious
foundation, but it produced Gosper and Stallman (Emacs), Moses (Macsyma)
and Sussman (Scheme, together with Guy Steele). I find OOP technically
unsound. It attempts to decompose the world in terms of interfaces that
vary on a single type. To deal with the real problems you need multisorted
algebras - families of interfaces that span multiple types. I find OOP
philosophically unsound. It claims that everything is an object. Even if
it is true it is not very interesting - saying that everything is an object
is saying nothing at all. I find OOP methodologically wrong. It starts
with classes. It is as if mathematicians would start with axioms. You do
not start with axioms - you start with proofs. Only when you have found
a bunch of related proofs, can you come up with axioms. You end with axioms.
The same thing is true in programming: you have to start with interesting
algorithms. Only when you understand them well, can you come up with an
interface that will let them work.
Can I summarize your thinking as "find the [generic]
data structure inside an algorithm" instead of "find the [virtual]
algorithms inside an object"?
Yes. Always start with algorithms.
This mean a radical change of mind from both imperative
and OO thinking. What are the benefits, and the drawbacks, of this paradigm
compared to the "standard" OO programming of SmallTalk or, say,
My approach works, theirs does not work. Try to implement
a simple thing in the object oriented way, say, max. I do not
know how it can be done. Using generic programming I can write:
template &class StrictWeakOrdered&
inline StrictWeakOrdered& max(StrictWeakOrdered& x,
StrictWeakOrdered& y) {
return x & y ? y :
template &class StrictWeakOrdered&
inline const StrictWeakOrdered& max(const StrictWeakOrdered& x,
const StrictWeakOrdered& y) {
return x & y ? y :
(you do need both & and const &). And then I define what strict
weak ordered means. Try doing it in Java. You can't write a generic max()
in Java that takes two arguments of some type and has a return value of
that same type. Inheritance and interfaces don't help. And if they cannot
implement max or swap or linear search, what chances do they have to implement
really complex stuff? These are my litmus tests: if a language allows me
to implement max and swap and linear search generically - then it has some
Java is a very new language, still it lacks templates,
so it prevents using Generic Programming. Everything must be a class. What
do you think of Java?
I spent several months programming in Java. Contrary to its
authors prediction, it did not grow on me. I did not find any new insights
- for the first time in my life programming in a new language did not bring
me new insights. It keeps all the stuff that I never use in C++ - inheritance,
virtuals - OO gook - and removes the stuff that I find useful. It might
be successful - after all, MS DOS was - and it might be a profitable thing
for all your readers to learn Java, but it has no intellectual value whatsoever.
Look at their implementation of hash tables. Look at the sorting routines
that come with their "cool" sorting applet. Try to use AWT. The
best way to judge a language is to look at the code written by its proponents.
"Radix enim omnium malorum est cupiditas" - and Java is clearly
an example of a money oriented programming (MOP). As the chief proponent
of Java at SGI told me: "Alex, you have to go where the money is."
But I do not particularly want to go where the money is - it usually does
not smell nice there.
Do you think template-based programming and Generic Programming
will be adopted by the majority of C++ programmers, or will they be confined
to STL, somewhat like manipulators, which were never used outside the iostream
I do not know. It will take a long time before the ideas behind
STL enter the mainstream. We will know in about 10-15 years if anything
comes out of all this.
One thing has always amazed me, is how quickly STL was
adopted by the C++ standardization committees. I mean, these committees
are known to be very cautious and conservative. How do you explain that?
The support of Bjarne Stroustrup was crucial. Bjarne really
wanted STL in the standard and if Bjarne wants something, he gets it. He
is as stubborn as a mule. He even forced me to make changes in STL that
I would never make for anybody else - I am also stubborn, but he is the
most single minded person I know. He gets things done. It took him a while
to understand what STL was all about, but when he did, he was prepared
to push it through. He also contributed to STL by standing up for the view
that more than one way of programming was valid - against no end of flak
and hype for more than a decade, and pursuing a combination of flexibility,
efficiency, overloading, and type-safety in templates that made STL possible.
I would like to state quite clearly that Bjarne is the preeminent language
designer of my generation.
STL is full of creative uses of templates, such as symbolic
types exported from classes, or the pattern matching of a set of overloaded
algorithms onto iterator tags. Surely enough, no standard C++ Programming
book speaks about those idioms. How did you come to these C++ code idioms?
I knew exactly what I was trying to accomplish. So I tweaked
the language until I was able to get by. But it took me many years to discover
all the techniques. And I had many false starts. For example, I spent years
trying to find some use for inheritance and virtuals, before I understood
why that mechanism was fundamentally flawed and should not be used. I am
very happy that nobody could see all the intermediate steps - most of them
were very silly. It takes me years to come up with anything half decent.
It also helped that Bjarne was willing to put certain features in the language
just to enable some of my idioms. He once refered to it as "just in
time language design."
What do you think is the best way to teach Generic Programming
and STL to C++ programmers? Do you think inheritance and other OO techniques
should be learnt before, after or at the same time as STL?
I plan to teach a course on Generic Programming at SGI. I
do hope that it will lead to a book, but I am a notoriously lazy writer
- I never finish papers unless I have a collaborator who does.
I have done a search on Lycos for your papers and I only
found two titles: the STL manual and a resume of you presentation of STL
to the standardization committee.
Well, I am lazy, but not that lazy. I probably published 20
papers and a book. Many of them are on different STL sites. (Dave Musser's
site probably has several.)
Which book?
The book is "The Ada Generic Library: Linear List Processing
Packages", by David R. Musser and Alexander A. Stepanov, Compass Series,
Springer-Verlag, 1989. It is not really worth reading.
STL pushes C++ compilers to their limits. Contemporary
C++ compilers are still unable to correctly compile some STL code. How
could you develop and test STL?
I do have a lot of gray hair as a result of trying to compile
STL. The unfortunate reality is that a lot of code in the present implementation
of STL is suboptimal because of the compiler limitations and bugs of the
compilers I had to use when I was developing STL. Fortunately, I had help
from Bjarne in figuring out what certain unimplemented features are supposed
to do. It does help a lot if you can ask the language designer what a given
construct really does.
How did allocators come into STL? What do you think of
I invented allocators to deal with Intel's memory architecture.
They are not such a bad ideas in theory - having a layer that encapsulates
all memory stuff: pointers, references, ptrdiff_t, size_t. Unfortunately
they cannot work in practice. For example,
vector&int, alloc1& a(...);
vector&int, alloc2& b(...);
you cannot now say:
find(a.begin(), a.end(), b[1]);
b[1] returns a alloc2::reference and not int&.
It could be a type mismatch. It is necessary to change the way that the
core language deals with references to make allocators really useful.
Could this point out a serious drawback of C++ templates?
I can customize a class using a template argument, but different specializations
are not type compatible. Instead, different subclasses (in OO sense) of
a class are type compatible with the root class.
I think that the problem is deeper than that. T*
is hardwired into the language. In general, I believe that it is necessary
to design a programming language from the ground up to enable generic programming
in a consistent way. I wish that somebody would hire me to do just that.
I find two hash table implementations in the D.Musser site,
and they were both working and quite smart - much smarter than hash tables
commonly found in class libraries. Why were hash tables not included into
Politics. They have to be in. Our new implementation of STL
does contain them. In general, we need to develop a mechanism for adding
things to STL. After all, STL is an extensible framework, it begs to be
extended. There are many data structures that are missing, for example,
singly linked lists, matrices, and graphs. SGI is willing to lead the way
in extending STL.
Are you still working on STL? Doing what?
My group at SGI, - Matt Austern, Hans Boehm and myself, -
just finished a new version of STL. It includes hash containers, thread
safe memory allocation and spectacular web documentation. SGI released
it into the public domain ().
We hope that we will be able to keep STL growing. Multidimensional data
structures, persistence, multithreading are among the things that we plan
do add. Well, it is not clear how long we can keep doing this stuff. There
are no support from my management for any of the STL/generic programming
activities. It is very hard to explain to them why SGI should pay for extensions.
(It was equaly hard to explain it to HP management. They canceled my project
5 months after STL was accepted into the standard.)
It seems that STL has still some drawbacks. First, HP STL
is not thread safe. Then, templates cause a lot of code to be put into
header files. You cannot have true template libraries, nor DLLs or shared
libraries of (uninstantiated) templates: STL is mostly a compile- time
library. The last drawback is that almost no CASE tool and no OOD methodology
effectively supports Generic Programming. For instance, no CASE tool lets
you define generic functions. Also, only the Booch notation is somewhat
able to express templates, but resulting diagrams are not intuitive (to
me, at least).
SGI STL is thread safe. The acceptance of separate compilation
into the standard - designed by my SGI collegues John Wilkinson, Jim Dehnert
and Matt Austern solves your second problem. It was voted into the standard,
but it will take a while before there are compilers that can do separate
compilation. I do believe that separate compilation would eventually require
shipping shared libraries of templates. That was the main reason I initiated
SGI work on separate compilation. It is not that difficult to design tools
that will deal with Generic Programming. And I am quite sure that if there
is some market for it, Grady Booch will change his notation to handle generic
One painful thing for the C++ programmer is that standardization
committees seem to be unaware of each other. OMG has just defined a standard
for distributed programming (CORBA), but the mapping of CORBA to C++ is
unaware of STL. They define their own set of classes, such as Sequence&T&
and CORBA::String. The same problem arises for ODMG and its ODMG-93 standard
for Object Databases. Why does this happen? Are things going to change?
I am old enough to remember all the networking standards that
were coming out in the seventies. Who remembers them now?
What could Generic Programming be in a distributed environment?
Generic Programming is based on the idea that the compiler "knows"
all possible types at compile time. This is not realistic in a distributed
environment. Should we think at a kind of ORB integrated with a compiler?
Or is Generic Programming simply not suited to Distributed Programming
- in that case, Java would be right?
Generic Programming has nothing to do with run time vs. compile
time. The problem that I find with OOP is not just that it is slow, but
that it does not allow me to express simplest possible algorithms. Again,
the signature of max is:
max: T x T -& T
It is not expressible in Java, because the inheritance from some class
or interface T changes it into:
max: T' x T -& T
You need covariant signature transformation and an ability to obtain
types from types, a notion of a virtual type if you like, a v-table containing
type descriptors.
What is an iterator?
An iterator is a union of two theories. The first theory is
a theory of name (handle, cookie, address). A name is something that points
to something else. (operator*). We call it Trivial Iterator theory
in our site. In addition to the dereferencing, it has equality defined
that satisfies the following axiom:
i == j iff &*i == &*j
That is, two iterators are equal if and only if they point to the same
object. (Equality, of course, needs to satisfy all the standard axioms.)
The second theory is the theory of successor operation (++i) with
its refinements: successor - predcessor (++ and --) and
addition (++, --, + and -) with the
standard axioms. And, of course, pointer is just a model of random access
Some argue that a pointer is a way to hack any conceivable
horrible and weird thing into memory. Java and Delphi made it right when
they disallowed pointers.
Disallowing pointers that allow you to do pointer arithmetic
is a good thing. Pointer arithmetic should be allowed only where it is
really allowed in C and C++, namely, for pointers into arrays. But disallowing
pointers in general is a very silly thing. You cannot get generic swap
unless you have pointers or references in the language.
"category" is an overloaded word in the C++ community.
How do you call iterator categories?
I often call these things concepts.
I have tried to develop a STL-like singly linked list.
But I chose not to implement the size() member function, because I did
not want the overhead of keeping a counter just to implement size() in
a constant time, as stated by the C++ CD. Was it the right decision?
size() used to be linear time in case of STL lists. It was
the right decision since if a user wants to keep a count it is easy to
do, but usually you do not need it and it makes splice linear time (it
used to be constant). But the standard committee insisted that I change
it to constant time. I had no choice. We will have to change this requirement
I am studying how to express a tree into STL and I have
some problems: every node has one father but two sons. Moving to the father
could be represented as operator--, but I would need two different operator++
to move to the sons. How can iterators deal with not linear structures,
such as trees o graphs?
Even on a sequence you have different iterators. Reverse iterators
are just one example. Stride iterators are very important and will have
to be put into STL eventually.
I must confess my ignorance. What are stride iterators?
Go from i to i+5 to i+10.
What's the difference with random iterators?
Stride iterator is an iterator adaptor that takes a random
access iterator range and provides a (random access iterator) such that
++ on it goes through a stride (a sequence of iterator n steps
How does this relate with the problem of traversing a tree?
I did not mean to say that stride iterators or reverse iterators
have anything to do with tree traversal, but that there could be multiple
iterator types on a data structure for different iteration orders - in
case of trees pre, in and post order traversals.
A frequent dilemma for me was: should I design this function
as a member function or as a generic (global) function? what has been the
rationale of this decision in STL?
Make it global if it at all possible. It would be much nicer
if begin and end were global - it would allow us to define them for C arrays.
It would be so much nicer if operator* was global with the default
template &class T&
T& operator*(T& x) {}
template &class T&
const T& operator*(const T& x) {}
It would allow us to write:
copy(0, 25, ostream_iterator&int&("\n"));
In general, for non-iterator objects operator* should return
the object itself, the "meaning" of a non-naming thing is a thing
itself. I would even love to write constructors and destructors as global
functions. You could do some amazing stuff if this is allowed in the language.
If I define a generic operator* your way,
and in my program I define:
template &class T& class SmartPtr {
SmartPtr(T* _ptr = 0) : ptr(_ptr){}
T* operator*() const {}
than shouldn't I get ambiguity in this code:
SmartPtr&int& sp(&i);
int j= *i; // apply SmartPtr&int&::operator* or
// operator&SmartPtr&int&? both are user defined
No, you do not. Your definition matches better (the unification
is deeper) than the global one. That is what partial specialization is
all about.
Now, a bunch of curiosities of mine: why does not STL have
something like a "sorted container" adaptor?
Set is a sorted container.
Set is not an adaptor. Why was it possible to write a heap,
but not a sorted container, out of any container supporting random access
Remember that it was very hard to push through STL because
of its size. I had to throw away dosens of useful components. (Think what
happened to hash tables.)
Why is the function __adjust_heap in
&heap.h& not documented ? This function is necessary
to use the heap in the Dijkstra algorithm.
I had great difficulty pushing heap functions into the standard.
Originally, I wanted all auxiliary functions in STL to be visible, but
it was not politically possible.
It is hard for me to figure something political about a
heap functions.
It was not any particular function, but the number of them.
Bjarne is personally responsible for reducing the number of components
in STL by a factor of two. He was trying to make it as small as possible
to placate the opposition.
Have your ever been in Italy, for business or for pleasure?
Yes, I spent 10 days in Pisa, visited Florence and Lucca.
I dream of going to Assisi - I am a Franciscan at heart. I cry during the
second act of Tosca and the third act of La Traviata. I keep Dante (in
Italian!) on my bed stand. I love pasta, prosciutto and Chianti, - while
I am a traditionalist, I look much more like John XXIII than Pius XII.
You must know Italian very well if you can read Dante in
its original version: very few Italians could!
Well, my Italian is very poor. The way I do read Dante in
Italian is by having an English translation in front of me. I read a stanza
aloud in Italian and then read the translation.
Thank you very much, Alex. I hope you will be able to come
to Italy and see Assisi soon, reading Dante in the old town of Assisi -
maybe the most charming medieval town in Italy .
Graziano Lo Russo has a degree in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico
of Turin (Italy) and is a specialist in object orientated techniques. He
is a contributing editor to many Italian programming magazines. He can
be reached at .
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