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中文翻译(伦敦的)海德公园。a Hyde Park orator 街头演说家。:&&&&n. 海德〔姓氏〕。 :&&&&n. 1.公园,…场。 2.圃囿;【英法】(国王特许的) ...
例句与用法1.I heard they frequented hyde park .我听说他们常去海德公园。2.Hyde park also became a favourite place for duels .海德公园也成了决斗的好地方。3.Hyde park has pop festivals, with 200, 000 people sitting on the grass .海德公园举行流行音乐会有二十万人坐在草地上听。4.The crystal palace was built in hyde park for the great exhibition of 1851 .水晶宫是为1851年的世界博鉴会而在海德公园内兴建的。5.Phyl had her meal at the harold's home, but she had to go on to hyde park alone .菲儿在哈罗德家吃了饭,但是饭后只好独个儿上海德公园去。6.Few people knew that missy actually listed her permanent address for voting as sara's hyde park mansion .米丝为了参加选举,实际上把她的永久地址写成萨拉在海德帕克村的宅第,这一点是没有多少人知道的。7.I meet the canadian cabinet this morning and the quebec cabinet this afternoon, and start thereafter for hyde park .我预定在今天上午同加拿大内阁会见,下午同魁北克市政府领导人会见,然后动身前往海德公园。8.In the hyde park and englewood districts, men organized vigilante groups and sent word to chief of police glenman offering aid .在海德公园和恩格尔伍地区,人们组成地方团队,并通知警察局长格林曼说愿意提供援助。9.A time we all groaned was when the british king and queen visited hyde park and had that infamous hot dog picnic .有一次,英国国王和王后去海德帕克村参观,吃了顿质量糟透了的面包夹香肠的野餐,我们大家当时都暗暗叫苦。10.Will you remind me when i get to hyde park当我到达海德公园时,能不能提醒我一下? &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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it s in beihai park中文意思是什么?
它在 北海公园
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pocket park是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释小公园小型公园:&&&&n. 1.衣袋;钱袋;(袋鼠等的)袋;小袋;【军事】袋形 ...:&&&&n. 1.公园,…场。 2.圃囿;【英法】(国王特许的) ...
例句与用法1.In last chapter , the author gived the steps to vest - pocket parks design第五章提供了袖珍公园景观设计的构架,供实际参考。 2.Innumerable town squares and pocket parks have been created or beautified , even in gritty places like detroit数不清的城镇广场和小型公园正在建造或被美化,甚至是在如同底特律这样的砂质化的地方也是如此。 3.A carpark attendant was sentenced to three months imprisonment for pocketing parking fees totalling 9 , 000 by using falsified parking tickets一名停车场服务员,利用伪造停车票侵吞共九千元停车费,被判入狱三个月。 4.[ 24 ] seven types of urban open space are discussed : urban plazas , neighborhood parks , miniparks and vest - pocket parks , campus outdoor spaces第四、五章运用行为学的基础理论,对城市广场景观设计中的行为预测、控制、评估等作了详尽的分析。 5.Yoho is a cree indian word meaning " awe " or " wonder , " and the term fits this vest - pocket park in southeastern british columbia precisely育空在克里语里面代表“敬畏”或者“惊异”的意思,对于这个位于英属哥伦比亚东南的小型公园来说这是一个再恰当不过的形容词了。 6.In chapter 3 , emphasis are concerned with part designs in the vest - pocket park , and the detailed design of soft and hard environment such as water , afforest , hard ground and trifling environment第三章针对袖珍公园的局部设计,从软、硬质环境入手,详细推敲了水体、绿化、硬地、环境小品设计中的细节。 7.A building supervisor of a property management limited was sentenced to a total of eight months imprisonment , suspended for 18 months , for pocketing parking fees totalling 19 , 500 by using falsified parking tickets一名物业管理有限公司大管工,利用伪造泊车票侵吞共一万九千五百元泊车费,被被判入狱八个月,缓刑十八个月。 8.In chapter 4 , the author discussed the demand feature , detailed design of vest - pocket park in living environment , campus , commucial environment and official biuldings systematically . there also enumerates lots of examples , which supplethe references to put into practice第四章系统研究和探讨了居住环境、大学校园、商业环境、办公建筑里袖珍公园的需求特点、详细设计和实例分析,为具体工程实践提供了导则参考。 9.The dissertation is based on the lots of correlative references and the author s practices and thinking . through the introduction of the produce and development of vest - pocket park , we wound have a clear outline of its conception , classification and design principle . in contact with the different space and examples , we can grasp the spirit of vest - pocket parks design . in the dissertatioathe author pays great attention to the analysis of different space spirits and context characteristics , making the designs of vest - pocket parks humaner . the major research work is showed as follows : in chapter l , the conception and background of vest - pocket parks , and its more effect development in america are studied . with the analysis of classic examples of west and east traditional environmenta full meaning of vest - pocket park is showed本文在广泛阅读相关文献、自身实践和思考的基础上,从袖珍公园的产生、发展入手,较为详尽地介绍袖珍公园( vest - pocketpark )的概念、分类和设计原则,并结合不同的场所环境,通过若干实例阐述了袖珍公园的设计要领。尤其关注袖珍公园设计中不同的场所精神和文脉特征的分析,使其具人性化。具体内容如下:第一章首先介绍了袖珍公园的概念、产生背景及其在美国较为成熟的发展,通过列举东西方传统景观中的小环境典例,廓清了袖珍公园的广义内涵。 10.In chapter 2 , the different characteristics of vest - pocket park with different classification of function , space , age and art degree are analysed . itsdesign principle lies in the nature and humanity , and its standard depends on its aesthetics meaning , good looking and space stream第二章着重分析了袖珍公园按使用功能、场所环境、服务对象年龄结构、艺术层次的四种分类方法和各自特点;其设计原则在于自然环境和人际交往;同时从美学意义、视觉效果和空间层次上阐述了袖珍公园的评价标准。
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