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Ralph Orlowski | Getty Images
Europeans have never been wild about the European Union. With the region sapped by the euro crisis, confidence in the institution and the benefits it was supposed to provide is flagging faster and further than ever before, according to an influential opinion survey released Monday.
The results of an annual survey by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan organization based in Washington, show a deepening disillusionment with the union in major member countries.
The results of the survey suggest that more citizens than ever could end up opposing the transfer of more power to European Union institutions that may be vital for transforming the euro into a viable currency over the long term.
"The effort over the past half-century to create a more united Europe is now the principal casualty of the euro crisis," according to a report that Pew published with the survey results. The title of the report summed it up: "The New Sick Man of Europe: the European Union."
The poll pointedly noted that, "No European country is becoming more dispirited and disillusioned faster than France." Last year, 60 percent of the French surveyed said they had a favorable impression of the European Union. This year only 41 percent did, a decline of 19 percentage points that was the biggest annual drop among the countries surveyed.
The results corresponded to some degree to the health of a nation's economy. Only Greeks and Italians professed less belief in the benefits of economic union than the French, according to Pew. In Germany, 60 percent held a favorable impression of the union.
That could have everything to do with the listless economy in France, which is on the verge of joining much of Southern Europe in recession and has an unemployment rate of 11 percent. The German economy has fared better and has a relatively low unemployment rate of 5.4 percent.
"French and the Germans differ so greatly over the challenges facing their economies that they look as if they live on different continents, not within a single European market," the authors of the Pew report wrote. As a result, the "French look less like Germans and a lot more like the Spanish, the Italians and the Greeks."
The gloomy view is understandable given the economic crisis in Europe.
"The limits of the European Union institutional architecture are perceived more directly by the citizens now," said Enzo Moavero Milanesi, Italy's minister for European affairs, in an interview. "They have always been known, but citizens expected a more rapid and efficient response to the crisis and ended up complaining about the lengthy procedures, the many meetings, the difficult discussions.
"But it's a paradox," said Mr. Milanesi. "The E.U. has made great steps toward further integration and a strengthened monetary union. We even started discussing forms of possible political union, but people are still disappointed."
One of the smallest declines in sentiment — two percentage points, to 43 percent — was in Britain. But the economic union has never been popular there.
"We should try and renegotiate our relationship with the European Union," said William Drake, co-founder of the investment advisory firm Lord North Street in London, expressing an opinion shared by many in his country. He added that many regulations were "not being properly discussed and debated by our own democratically elected Parliament. It sort of feels like we don't rule our own country anymore."
The polls were conducted during March in Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland and the Czech Republic, by telephone or in person, with between 700 and 1,100 adults in each country. Each poll has a margin of sampling error of either three or four percentage points.
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In France, where voters eight years ago rejected a constitutional treaty meant to streamline decision-making in the European Union and lay out a blueprint for its future, 77 percent of Pew survey respondents said this year that European economic integration had made things worse for their country. That was an increase of 14 percentage points from the previous poll.
Many opinions in Greece and Italy were harsher. One Italian interviewed Monday, Anna Nardi, said her country's high debt and economic recession indicated that Italy had "lost out" so far as a member of the union.
"But now there are no alternatives," said Ms. Nardi, who is co-chief executive, with her sister, of an outdoor furniture factory in Vicenza, which exports more than half of its goods to other countries in the union. The trouble, she said, was her own country's poor track record in sticking to laws and rules agreed to in Brussels.
"The E.U. says do 'X' and you've got Germany, which applies it 1,000 percent, while countries like Italy or Spain try to find loopholes so that they can get around the issue," she said. "These discrepancies have to be overcome."
Among the French, the Pew survey found a reluctance to provide financial assistance to other member states in trouble.
"Since the euro, everything has all just gotten more expensive," Eric Holenreith, a 37-year-old maintenance worker for the city of Paris, said Monday in an interview.
"We were already overtaxed and now we are sending all this money to Brussels and to help the people in Greece or Spain or wherever," Mr. Holenreith said. "But now these people have no work because of the crisis and they are coming here looking for jobs. It has me worried because there are already not enough jobs for the French."
Sylvia Maucuer, 55, who owns a pharmacy in Paris, said the spate of economic rescue packages for France's neighbors had exposed wide gaps in governments' fiscal discipline. "Everyone is not making the same effort," she said.
One surprise in the Pew findings is that the German public might not be as opposed to providing financial aid to other European countries as the country's policy makers often suggest.
Since the Greek debt crisis exploded three years ago, lawmakers in creditor nations like Germany have warned that their own taxpayers will not accept the mounting costs of bailouts. But among the richer nations surveyed, the Germans were most likely to be willing to extend such aid, though it was with the support of only 52 percent of the Pew respondents.
And only in Germany among the countries surveyed did at least half the public say they supported giving more power to Brussels to deal with the economic crisis. The survey "contradicts oft-repeated narratives about the Germans: that they are paranoid about inflation, disinclined to bail out their fellow Europeans and debt-obsessed," the report said.
That result could buoy some Europeans' hopes that after national elections in Germany in September the government could move more swiftly to adopt policies letting the country share more financial risks with other Union members, a step that many economists regard as the only way to overcome the crisis.
In Germany, support for the euro remains strong, in part because the single currency helps Germany's export-oriented economy. But there is also concern about the cost of the euro zone crisis and the lack of a strong system to ensure fiscal discipline among euro zone countries.
"I am in favor of the euro if we get to fix its problems," Ulf Mark Schneider, chief executive of Fresenius, a health care company listed on Germany's blue-chip DAX index, said Monday by e-mail. "Ever larger bailouts or lower interest rates will not get the job done, structural reforms are needed. The core problem of the euro is that monetary policy is fully harmonized and fiscal policy is not."
Mr. Schneider said the euro zone needed a better system for making decisions, rather than the ad hoc crisis management that existed now.
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    从科技界(拉里·佩奇)到华尔街(彼得·彼得森),到军界(戴维·彼得雷乌斯),到娱乐业(蒂娜·菲伊),19 位成功人士向《财富》透露了“我得到过的最好忠告”
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    纽约市市长,彭博社(Bloomberg LP)创始人
迈克尔市长 这位从政的富豪懂得在什么时候闭嘴(摄影:ANNIE TRITT/NEW YORK TIMES-REDUX)
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    英德拉·努伊(Indra Nooyi)
    彭明盛(Sam Palmisano)
    IBM 公司董事长兼首席执行官
    我得到的一些最好的忠告是无法言说的。在 IBM 的整个职业生涯中,我观察过许多首席执行官、国家首脑和其他身居高位的人。我注意到,一部分效率最高的领导人从不使自己成为众人关注的中心。他们非常可敬。他们善于聆听别人。这是一种优良的个人品质,但也是一种有效的领导作风。他们的无私使周围的人感到心里踏实。人们襟怀坦白、畅所欲言、各尽所能,认为这样的领导才是最好的。说到具体的忠告,最好的一条来自我的一位前任领导,他告诉我:“不要把你的职业看成是一个直线前进的过程。”他建议我采取横向而非纵向的步骤:尝试去经历松散的环境,学习不同的工作方法,走出公司总部去体验不同的文化。我多次遵循这个忠告去做─其中最值得一提的是,去 IBM 日本公司担任一个完全开放性的工作,然后又去从事刚刚起步的 IBM 服务业务。有了这些经历之后,我相信自己有能力把任何事情都管理得井井有条。
    埃迪·兰珀特(Eddie Lampert)
    ESL 投资公司董事长兼首席执行官,西尔斯控股公司(Sears Holdings)董事长
    我在 7~10 岁时几乎每个周末都和父亲一起在院子里掷橄榄球,或是在车道上打篮球。我们玩橄榄球的时候,父亲总是说:“往前走十步然后向右转。”球总是在我转身之前就过来了,而且总是恰好打在我胸前。父亲为什么要这样做?他告诉我:“如果我等你转过身来,你和对方球员抢到球的机会就会一样多。你的机会就丢了。”
    戴维·彼得雷乌斯将军(Gen. David Petraeus)
    1982 年时,我只是个有八年军龄的上尉,正在考虑今后的去向。我的上司、当时任少将的杰克·盖尔文(Jack Galvin)说:“我觉得你应该去体验一下挑战自己智力的事情。”我这样做了。我先是去了利文沃斯堡的指挥与参谋学院,然后去普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊学院拿了博士学位。我在那里体会到了盖尔文将军偶然说起的“磨刀石修道院”式的军官生活─我们的日子真有点像修道院似的,尽量不去抬头看外面的世界。当时,大家在利文沃斯堡辩论的话题之一是,美国需要配备多少枚 MX 式导弹:有的军官可能认为需要 200 枚,另一些军官可能认为只需 100 枚,双方观点的差距很大。在普林斯顿大学,有人则用至少是合理的逻辑争辩说,我们完全不需要任何陆基核武器。
    托马斯·墨菲(Thomas S. Murphy)
    大都会美国广播公司(Capital Cities/ABC)前首席执行官
    我永远忘不了我得到的两个忠告。第一个来自我父亲查尔斯·墨菲(Charles E. Murphy),他曾是纽约州高等法院的法官。这是一个有关伦理道德的观点。他说:“做一件错事,不值得你为之失去一夜好觉。”
    另一个忠告,来自给我们上劳资关系课的哈佛商学院教授本杰明·塞莱克曼(Benjamin Selekman)。他在上最后一节课时对我们说的最后一句话是:“你们一生都要牢记,不要把时间浪费在你无法控制的事情上,而要把时间用在思考自己力所能及的事情上。”
    鲍勃·伊格尔(Bob Iger)
    迪士尼公司(Walt Disney)董事长兼首席执行官
    我父亲在我六年级成绩册上写下了《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)中的一句话,这是波洛尼厄斯对他儿子莱尔提斯说的:“要对自己忠诚。”我那年只有 12 岁,但这句话当时就给我留下了深刻的印象。从那以后,我经常想起它。
    纳尔逊·佩尔茨(Nelson Peltz)
    三角基金管理公司(Trian Fund Management)首席执行官
    是我爸爸给了我受用了 45 年的职业生涯最好忠告:“把销量搞上去,把开支降下来。”这话听上去很简单,却是他在食品业务上常年保持 4% 利润率的绝招,而他的竞争对手只能达到 1% 或 2%。他的目标是,在提高营业收入的同时,防止开支也以同样的速度增大,这样就能扩大利润率。我们在 1997 年收购思乐宝饮料公司(Snapple)后就做到了这一点。我们收回了当初使该品牌大获成功的各地熟食店和比萨饼店,重新经营原先的核心业务。利润率大幅上升,思乐宝的品牌价值也蒸蒸日上。我父亲的这个忠告在实际经营中的成功,足可以用作教科书上的案例。
    张欣(Zhang Xin)
    SOHO 中国公司创始人之一、首席执行官
    查伦·比格利(Charlene Begley)
    通用电气公司企业解决方案产业部(GE Enterprise Solutions)董事长兼首席执行官
    在我正要去担任一个新职位─领导通用电气的发那科智能平台(GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms)时,当时还没担任首席执行官的杰夫·伊梅尔特(Jeff Immelt)给了我这样一个忠告:花大量时间去和你的客户在一起。尤其是新到一个岗位上,你应该做的第一件事就是去找你的客户,请他们对你的公司和对手的公司加以比较,了解他们对你的服务怎样看,对你的产品又是怎样看。在通用电气公司,大家往往会在意你的头衔,手下的人想在你面前显得很恭顺。只有客户才会告诉你现实。他们才不在乎你的头衔呢!他们只想物有所值。没有比从客户那里听到的话更直率的了。
    蒂娜·菲伊(Tina Fey)
    女演员、情景喜剧《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)主创人员
    大约在 15 年前,我看过奥普拉(Oprah)主持的一次电视节目。她在节目里说:“永远做唯一可以在自己支票上签字的人。”当时我没钱。我在芝加哥的“第二城市”(Second City)电视节目里干活。[我是在 1997 年来纽约办《周六晚间直播》(Saturday Night Live)节目的。] 我意识到自己没有做买卖的脑子;而且在听到奥普拉的话之前,我很容易让别人掌握我的钱─我会说:“喏,在我的支票上签字吧……怎么都行。”可是,奥普拉那句话一直在提醒我。如今,不管我有多么困倦,我的业务经理对我谈到钱时,我都聚精会神地听。他跟我说到纳税时,我会变得十分、十分犯困。但我还是在听。
    马克·施奈德(U. Mark Schneider)
    托尼·罗宾斯(Tony Robbins)
    1979 年我 19 岁时,人们老是给我各种相互矛盾的忠告。有一位叫吉姆·罗恩(Jim Rohn)的个人发展辅导师说,“托尼,要这样想问题:如果你最坏的敌人往你的咖啡里扔一块糖,你会有怎样的结果?什么事没有。但是,如果你最好的朋友往你的咖啡里放毒药,会怎么样?你就死掉了。你在脑子里必须有个把门的。”他的意思是说,选择朋友和顾问比什么都重要,不能把任何人的方法一概照单全收。
    采访记者:Jon Birger, Clay Chandler, Jon Fortt, Barney Gimbel, Peter Gumbel, Jessi Hempel, Carol Loomis, Betsy Morris, Jeffrey O'Brien, Jennifer Reigold, Patricia Sellers, Andy Serwer, Richard Siklos, Paul Sloan, Shawn Tully, Jia Lynn Yang
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