convex functioncombination是什么意思

C_MCC 最大相关熵准则自适应滤波,凸组合,两个 器 matlab 238万源代码下载-
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&详细说明:最大相关熵准则自适应滤波,凸组合,两个滤波器-mcc filtering, convex combination, two filters
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查询“combination attack”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&& The first and last 15 minutes of each half are at the peak of shooting goals, intermediate and short combination attack through the middle route is the major tactrcs of winning points. Long pass coordination attack has been obYiously improved compared with the last championship.In group match, the field in which the stronger team attacks and wins a pofint has moved forward, while it moves backward in the sixteen-strongest-team match. Nearly one thirds of the goals are won by shooting... &&&&&&&&&&&&上下半时前后15分钟是进球高峰期,中路中短传配合进攻是得分的主要战术手段,长传配合进攻效果较上届明显提高,强队进攻破门得分的区域靠前,射门得分区域重心后移;近三分之一的进球是靠定位球战术攻进的。&&&&&&&& The implementation of new regulations arouse to the reform of basketball including the ideal and strategy of its offence and defense. NBA enacted new regulations caused by history factors and the demand of practice .It is more practical and the main tendency that the group defense formed by follow-up defense and pressure defense, and also multi-point attack and combination attack are fulfilled. Young players and international players affect the process of NBA actively, and thus speed up th... &&&&&&&&&&&&新规则的实施引起篮球理念的变革和一系列攻防战术的变化。NBA颁布新规则有历史原因和现实需求。运用补防和夹击形成的集体防守战术与多点进攻、内外结合的进攻战术更趋实用,是本赛季攻防战术的主流趋势。新秀和国际球员的表现和作用积极地影响着NBA的进步与发展,并加速NBA国际化进程。&&&&&&&& A public-key traitor tracing scheme against linear combination(convex combination) attack is presented, which makes use of the oblivious polynomial evaluation protocol in the secret key negotiation process to achieve the asymmetric tracing ability and properties of direct non-repudiation, full frameproof. In addition, all the traitors can be determined by overwhelming probobility in our scheme. Furthermore, any information on the decreption key of users will not be involved in broadcasting... &&&&&&&&&&&&提出了一种可抵抗线性组合(凸组合)攻击的公钥叛逆者追踪方案,利用不经意多项式估值协议构造密钥协商过程,具有非对称的追踪能力及直接不可否认性、防诬陷性等特点,并可确定出所有叛逆用户.由于该方案在发送加密数据产品时不涉及用户解密密钥的任何信息,从而与现有方案相比较提高了安全性能.&nbsp&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社上传用户:wioaenehih资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)在军事范畴,扩频通讯体系常常会遭到工资的成心搅扰,个中最为罕见的是窄带搅扰。窄带搅扰会对体系发生较年夜的影响,严重时乃至会招致体系瘫痪。为了清除窄带搅扰的影响,包管扩频体系正常任务,本课题重要研讨基于自顺应凸结合算法的扩频体系抗搅扰技巧。起首,本文对扩频通讯技巧的根本实际停止了引见,包含扩频通讯的实际基本,扩频通讯体系的分类和特色。树立了今朝经常使用的三种窄带搅扰数学模子,包含音频搅扰模子、自回归搅扰模子和低速度数字搅扰模子。引见了今朝扩频体系中经常使用的抗窄带搅扰技巧,包含时域猜测技巧、变换域直接搅扰克制技巧和码帮助最优滤波技巧,剖析了这三种技巧的机能和优缺陷。其次,本文在研讨单一自顺应滤波算法的基本上,侧重剖析了凸结合算法的稳态性和跟踪性,从实际上证实了凸结合构造集成构成滤波器长处的特征。为进一步进步凸结合构造的机能,剖析了几种分歧的自顺应凸结合算法,指出传统凸结合构造存在的缺点,并提出公道的改良计划,重要包含:进步构成滤波器机能、加速算法早期慢速滤波器的权值更新速度、改良帮助参数的自顺应进程、增强凸结合与构成滤波器间的信息应用。依据所提计划,对传统固定步长LMS凸结合(CLMS)算法停止改良,提出变步长LMS凸结合(VSS一CLMS)算法,新算法将构成滤波器步长及结合步长设计为变步长,应用疾速滤波器进步慢速滤波器在算法早期的收敛速度,并充足应用构成滤波器和全部凸结合滤波器的信息资本,使新算法能依据情况变更停止自顺应调剂,进一步进步了全体凸结合构造的收敛速度。最初,本文提出将自顺应凸结合滤波算法运用到现实的扩频体系中,用于克制罕见的窄带搅扰,并联合自顺应陷波器的长处,设计自顺应凸结合陷波器,用于克制罕见的单频搅扰。盘算机仿真成果注解,自顺应凸结合算法对窄带搅扰具有很好的克制感化。Abstract:In the military field, spread spectrum communication system often being paid the most mean trouble, rare is the narrowband interference. Narrowband interference will occur a greater impact on the system, serious and even cause system paralysis. In order to remove the influence of interference and ensure the spread spectrum system normal task, the subject of important research based on adaptive convex combination algorithm of spread spectrum system anti-jamming techniques. First of all, the fundamental of spread spectrum communication skills practice are introduced, including the basic practical spread spectrum communication, classification and characteristics of spread spectrum communication system. Set current often use three narrowband interference mathematical model, including audio interference model, autoregressive interference model and low speed digital interference model. Introduction the current spread spectrum system is often used in the anti interference techniques, including time domain speculation techniques, transform domain interference restraint skills and code help optimal filtering techniques, analyzes the function of the three techniques and advantages and disadvantages. Secondly, this paper studies the single adaptive filtering algorithm basically, the author analyzes the algorithm of tracking and steady-state convex combination, from the actual of the convex combination structure of integrated structure filter strengths. For the further progress of convex combination structure function, analyzes several different adaptive convex combination algorithm, and points out that the traditional convex combination structure, there are shortcomings, and put forward the reasonable improvement plan, include: progress form filter function, accelerating algorithm for early slow filter weight updating speed, help improve the parameters of self adaptation process, enhance the convex combination and structure between the filter information application. According to the proposed plan, the traditional fixed step size LMS convex combination (CLMS) algorithm is improved, proposed change step size LMS convex combination (VSS a CLMS) algorithm, the new algorithm will constitute step filter and combined with the design step for variable step size, slow progress rapidly applied filter filter in the calculation of the convergence speed of the method of early and adequate application constitute filter and all convex combination filter information capital, so that the new algorithm can according to the situation change stop self adaptation adjustment, further progress all the convex combination of the convergence speed of the structure. Finally, this article proposed that will adaptive convex combination filtering algorithm is applied to the reality of the spread spectrum system for restraint rare narrowband interference, and combined with adaptive notch filter strengths, design the adaptive convex combination of notch filter for restraint rare single frequency interference. The computer simulation results of the adaptive convex combination annotation algorithm has good inhibition to the narrowband interference.目录:摘要5-6ABSTRACT6-7第1章 绪论11-15&&&&1.1 课题研究的背景及意义11-12&&&&1.2 凸联合滤波方法的研究现状12-13&&&&1.3 论文主要研究内容13&&&&1.4 论文章节安排13-15第2章 扩频通信技术15-29&&&&2.1 扩频通信技术简介15-18&&&&&&&&2.1.1 扩频通信理论基础15-17&&&&&&&&2.1.2 扩频系统的分类17&&&&&&&&2.1.3 扩频系统的特点17-18&&&&2.2 窄带干扰模型18-25&&&&&&&&2.2.1 音频干扰模型18-20&&&&&&&&2.2.2 自回归(AR)干扰模型20-23&&&&&&&&2.2.3 低速率数字干扰模型23-25&&&&2.3 扩频系统抗窄带干扰技术25-28&&&&&&&&2.3.1 时域预测技术25-26&&&&&&&&2.3.2 变换域直接干扰抑制技术26-27&&&&&&&&2.3.3 码辅助最优滤波技术27-28&&&&2.4 本章小结28-29第3章 自适应滤波算法29-45&&&&3.1 自适应滤波器性能估计统一框架29-32&&&&&&&&3.1.1 随机方程29&&&&&&&&3.1.2 数据模型29-30&&&&&&&&3.1.3 额外均方误差和失调30-31&&&&&&&&3.1.4 能量守恒定律31&&&&&&&&3.1.5 方差关系式31-32&&&&3.2 LMS自适应滤波算法32-38&&&&&&&&3.2.1 LMS算法简介32&&&&&&&&3.2.2 LMS算法的稳态性32-34&&&&&&&&3.2.3 LMS算法的跟踪性34-36&&&&&&&&3.2.4 其它LMS类算法36-38&&&&3.3 RLS自适应滤波算法38-41&&&&&&&&3.3.1 RLS算法简介38&&&&&&&&3.3.2 RLS算法的稳态性38-40&&&&&&&&3.3.3 RLS算法的跟踪性40&&&&&&&&3.3.4 RLS算法和LMS算法跟踪性的比较40-41&&&&3.4 其它一些自适应滤波算法41-43&&&&&&&&3.4.1 变换域自适应滤波算法41-42&&&&&&&&3.4.2 仿射投影算法42&&&&&&&&3.4.3 共轭梯度算法42&&&&&&&&3.4.4 基于子带分解的自适应滤波算法42-43&&&&&&&&3.4.5 基于QR分解的自适应滤波算法43&&&&3.5 本章小结43-45第4章 自适应凸联合滤波算法45-63&&&&4.1 自适应凸联合结构简介45-47&&&&4.2 自适应凸联合算法的性能47-51&&&&&&&&4.2.1 稳态性48-49&&&&&&&&4.2.2 跟踪性49-51&&&&4.3 凸联合算法介绍51-52&&&&&&&&4.3.1 CLMS算法51&&&&&&&&4.3.2 CRLS算法51&&&&&&&&4.3.3 LMS-RLS的凸联合算法51-52&&&&&&&&4.3.4 多重LMS凸联合(M-CLMS)算法52&&&&4.4 凸联合算法的改进52-57&&&&&&&&4.4.1 凸联合算法的改进措施53-54&&&&&&&&4.4.2 VSS-CLMS算法54-57&&&&4.5 仿真分析57-62&&&&&&&&4.5.1 CLMS算法57-58&&&&&&&&4.5.2 CRLS算法58-59&&&&&&&&4.5.3 LMS-RLS凸联合算法59&&&&&&&&4.5.4 M-CLMS算法59-60&&&&&&&&4.5.5 VSS-CLMS算法60-62&&&&4.6 本章小结62-63第5章 自适应凸联合技术在扩频系统中的应用63-72&&&&5.1 凸联合抗窄带干扰分析63-67&&&&&&&&5.1.1 LMS-RLS凸联合滤除宽带信号中的正弦干扰63-65&&&&&&&&5.1.2 CLMS算法滤除扩频信号中的正弦干扰65-66&&&&&&&&5.1.3 VSS-CLMS算法滤除扩频信号中的正弦干扰66-67&&&&&&&&5.1.4 VSS-CLMS算法与CLMS算法的比较67&&&&5.2 自适应凸联合陷波器67-71&&&&&&&&5.2.1 自适应陷波器67-68&&&&&&&&5.2.2 自适应凸联合陷波器68-70&&&&&&&&5.2.3 仿真分析70-71&&&&5.3 本章小结71-72结论72-73参考文献73-77攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果77-78致谢78分享到:相关文献|}


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