
海野酱的自言自语的推荐 | LOFTER(乐乎) - 记录生活,发现同好
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海野酱的自言自语 的推荐
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this.p={ dwrMethod:'querySharePosts', fpost:'245ce4_2da38b7',userId:1802888,blogListLength:22};果酱是什么意思_果酱在线翻译_果酱什么意思_果酱的意思_果酱的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
果酱是什么意思 果酱在线翻译 果酱什么意思 果酱的意思 果酱的翻译 果酱的解释 果酱的发音 果酱的同义词 果酱的反义词 果酱的例句
果酱[gu&#466; ji&#224;ng]果酱 基本解释
果酱 网络解释1. marmalade& & 进入隧道,与贾尔(Jarr)交谈,再拿下白衬衫(White Shirt)、果酱(Marmalade)、面包片(Bread Slice)以及挂白衣的管子(Elbow Pipe). 往里走和林贝克(Limbeck)交谈,然后取下墨水瓶盖(Cork),把白衬衫放入墨水瓶(The Ink Jug)中染成黑衬衫(Black Shirt). 2. jam& & &果酱&(Jam)乐队问心无愧地接受了现代派的影响,苏克西与&女妖&其出名的乐队之外,还有无数昙花一现的乐队,例如,&透视器&(X-Ray Spex)乐队以迷人的波利. 3. confiture& & 红醋栗的季节转眼就会过去,我们会抓紧时间做果酱(confiture)、果冻(gelee)或者馅饼,有时候还会做汤(coulis). 啊,我们多么盼望这一年一度的盛宴啊!在某种意义上,我认为这正是法国女人善于从食物中获得心灵愉悦的体现. 4. jelly& & 陪伴这些食品的一般有牛油(butter)、甜酱(syrup)和各种果酱(jelly). 有的早餐食品非常甜,象面包圈(donut)和丹麦圈(Danish roll)等,能把人的牙甜掉下来. 我见过一些早餐食谱上有土豆丝甚至牛排,一大早就吃这么肥腻的东西好像太不健康了. 果酱 网络例句1. I like jam, but I don &#39; t want any. & &我喜欢果酱,但是我一点儿也不想要。2. No, I don`t like jam & &是的,但是我不喜欢果酱3. Do you think we&#39;ll need jam? & &你认为我们现在需要果酱吗?4. If you weren&#39;t so fresh, we wouldn&#39;t be in this jam!! & &如果你不是那么新鲜,我们就不会在这果酱瓶里了。5. Can I have some bread and jam ? & &我能来一些面包和果酱吗?6. We have no more tea and coffee,lack of sugar and jam. & &我们的茶叶和咖啡不多了,糖和果酱也没有了。7. I ` m going to make jam . & &我打算做果酱。果酱是什么意思,果酱在线翻译,果酱什么意思,果酱的意思,果酱的翻译,果酱的解释,果酱的发音,果酱的同义词,果酱的反义词,果酱的例句,果酱的相关词组,果酱意思是什么,果酱怎么翻译,单词果酱是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 我想唱(清明樱花祭)可…不会日文,谁能翻译一下,就像把日语的(哥哥)翻译成(欧里酱)_百度知道
撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由打一久BO哭某 打卡哪一嘚瓦达西瓦开赛 阿娜答BO哭 卖一路由~撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由阿利亚多 自 多大意思KI瓦达西瓦HO西 阿娜答BO米马莫里组组盖路~~阿娜答腻带啊啊带 有嘎达轰动VO腻 轰动VO腻 有嘎达吼内某 一拿那哭那 加 大谋一家那 轰都口没内瓦达西瓦某 都累嘚都 图口类内卡纳加都口诶 嘚KI卡纳 诶嘚纳 嘚 嘚KI卡纳嘚轰动口没内瓦达西瓦某 阿娜答哇索马腻 拉内拉哭拉打某椅子NO某三BO密集 哈组娜拉米KI口密KI带优酷就股瓦松 打卡骂某楼屋外漏搜赖隆 西卡豆蔻哦外TEI哦啊爱纳大纳路开动大乙烯一开动 黑KI大有欧马拉大 有嘎达轰动 有嘎达阿娜答腻内 噶大 有嘎达~~撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由打一宿 BO哭耷拉 扣扣尼禄瓦达西瓦 哈鲁阿娜达哦一砸古组啦库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由阿里亚都 自 都大意思GI瓦达西瓦斗笠 阿娜答你有打诶~~孜孜盖璐~~撒哭那楼骂哭搜啦NO 噶拉噶戴某搜集外八 扣扣哦路卖嘅。。 撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由意淫大有 HOHO 昂带口拉、瓦达西瓦 哈纳 阿娜答NO油笔宰KI NO哈纳撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由阿里亚都 自 都大意思GI瓦达西瓦 爱一 阿娜答NO谋纳尼撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由打一久BO哭某 打卡哪一嘚瓦达西瓦开赛 阿娜答BO哭卖一路由~撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由阿利亚多 自 多大意思KI瓦达西瓦HO西 阿娜答BO米马莫里组组盖路~~阿娜答腻带啊啊带 有嘎达轰动VO腻 轰动VO腻 有嘎达轰动VO腻 轰动VO腻 有嘎达
撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~
一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由
打一久BO哭某 打卡哪一嘚
瓦达西瓦开赛 阿娜答BO哭 卖一路由~
撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~
一呀都KI腻 一马苏股爱一带由
阿利亚多 自 多大意思KI
瓦达西瓦HO西 阿娜答BO米马莫里
组组盖路~~阿娜答腻带啊啊带 有嘎达
轰动VO腻 轰动VO腻 有嘎达
吼内某 一拿那哭那 加 大谋
一家那 轰都口没内
瓦达西瓦某 都累嘚都 图口类内卡纳加
都口诶 嘚KI卡纳 诶嘚纳 嘚 嘚KI卡纳嘚
瓦达西瓦某 阿娜答哇索马腻 拉内拉哭拉打某
椅子NO某三BO密集 哈组娜拉米KI
就股瓦松 打卡骂某楼
屋外漏搜赖隆 西卡豆蔻哦外TEI
大乙烯一开动 黑KI大有
欧马拉大 有嘎达
轰动 有嘎达
阿娜答腻内 噶大 有嘎达~~
撒库拉~ 撒库拉~ 爱一带由~
a.a.r. 全险 againt all risks
a.p. 附加保险 additional premium
a/c 账户 short for account
AAR 承保一切险 against all risks
ABA 美国银行家协会 American Bankers Associaton
abandonment 委付 the act of relinquishing title to damaged or lost
property by claiming a total loss
abnormal returns 超常收益 returns on an investment that are higher than
those that would be expected for a particular type of
absolute advantage 绝对优势 the ability of a provider of goods or
services to conduct business more profitably or efficiently than
any competitor
accelerated benefits 提前给付 payouts to the insured from a life
insurance policy before death due to a terminal illness
acceleration coefficient 加速系数 the ratio of change in capital
investment to the change in consumer spending for a particular
acceptance 承兑 a formal agreement by a debtor to pay a draft or bill
of exchange when it becomes payable
accepting house 承兑所 a financial institution that guarantees bills
of exchange
acceptor 承兑人 somebody who accepts liability for a bill of exchange
or other financial papers
accident insurance 意外保险 "insurance against property damage,
personal injury, or death caused by an accident"
accident insurance 意外险 “意外保险”的简称
accidental death and dismemberment 意外身故及残疾 a provision of health or
life insurance policy that pays a cash benefit if the insured
person dies or suffers particular serious injuries
accommodation 通融资金 "a loan of money, especially by a financial
institution as a favor to somebody before a formal credit
arrangement is made"
accommodation bill 通融汇票 a bill of exchange cosigned by another
party in order to give added security
accommodation paper 通融票据 "a negotiable instrument signed by a party
as maker, drawer, acceptor, or endorser, without receiving
account 账户 an arrangement in which a customer keeps money in a bank
etc and is offered financial services in exchange
accredit 授信 to grant a credit line to
accreditation 授信 the act of granting a credit line
accredited investor 合格投资者 "a person or organization judged suitable
to make an investment, based on criteria such as experience, net
worth, and income levels"
accreted value 依附价值 "the current price of a bond, based on the
assumption that interest rates will remain constant until its
accrual bond 累积利息债券 a bond heavily discounted when sold and on
which the interest is paid only at maturity
accrual of discount 应计贴现 the increase in an organization's net
worth representing the difference between the cost of a bond bought
at a discount and the lower of its par value or market value
accrued market discount 应计市场折价 "the increase in the market value of
a bond that accrues as it comes closer to maturity, regardless of
any change in interest rates"
acct. 账户 short for account
Acct. No. 账号 "short for ""account number"""
accumulated dividend 累计股利 the amount owed to a holder of preferred
stock but not yet paid
ACH 自动清算所 automated clearing house
ACM 安第斯共同市场 Andeans Common Market
acquisition 收购 the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring
possession of something
active market 活跃的市场 an individual security that is currently being
bought and sold or an exchange in which there is current buying and
activity rate 就业率 the percentage of a country's population who are
in employment
actual cash value 实际现金价值 the replacement cost of sth. after
deduction of depreciation that is claimable on insurance
actuarial 精算的 relating to the statistical calculation of risk or
life expectancy for insurance purposes
actuarial science 精算学 "the branch of statistics that deals with the
calculation of risk, life expectancy, and insurance premiums"
actuary 精算师 "a statistician who calculates insurance premiums,
risks, dividends, and annuity rates"
ACU 亚洲货币单位 Asian currency unit
AD&D 意外身故及残疾 accidental death and
adaptive expectation 适应性预期 the model of expectations formation in
which expectations adjust gradually towards observed values of the
variable concerned
ADB 亚洲开发银行 Asian Development Bank
added 增加的 extra to what is usual or expected
added value 增加值 "the contribution that a business makes by
combining and processing materials, knowledge, etc. into products
or services"
additional hedge 额外避险 a way that a lender can protect against the
risk that a prospective borrower will reject a mortgage quote
during an agreed period
additionality 附加性 the principle that the EU contributes to the
funding of a project in a member country provided that the latter
also contributes
add-on method 加息平均法 a means of discharging interest on a loan by
adding interest to the normal principal repayment at given
adequate 充足的 Study on the Capital Adequate Ratio and Capital
Management of Commercial Bank
adjuster 理赔师 "short for ""claims adjuster"""
ADR 美国存托凭证 American Depository Receipt
advance 放款 to supply money on credit
advice 通知书 formal or official information on something
advise 通知 to tell somebody about something
advising bank 通知行 the bank advising the arrival of a L/C
affordability 负担能力 the ability to bear the expenses
after-hours trading 收盘后交易 "dealing in securities outside normal
working hours, chiefly by institutional investors through computer
after-market 发行后市场 the financial market for trading of securities
that have already been issued
agency bond 机构债券 由政府机构发行的债券
agency theory 代理理论 a branch of economics relating to the behavior
of principals (such as owners) and their agents (such as
agglomeration 集聚 the act of agglomerating
aggregate 总额 the total sum
aggregate demand 总需求 "the total spent in an economy by individuals,
companies, and government during a particular period"
agio 兑换费 a fee charged for exchanging currencies
agio 贴水 an allowance given when paying in a foreign currency to
compensate for the costs of exchanging the currency
agio 扣头 a discount given when paying in a foreign currency to
compensate for the costs of exchanging the currency
agiotage 金融投机 "speculation in stocks, securities, or foreign
agiotage 汇兑业务 the business of exchanging currencies between
AGM 股东年会 annual general meeting
agreement account 协定账户
allocate 配置 to distribute resources etc
allocation 配置 a distribution by allotting or apportioning
all-or-none order 整批委托 a buy or sell order to instruct the broker
to fill the order completely or not at all
allot 分配 "to assign or distribute (shares, etc)"
allotment 分配 the act of allotting stocks etc
all-purpose bank 综合性银行 a universal bank engaged in commercial and
investment services etc.
Ambank 大马银行 "the fifth largest banking group in Malaysia, with more
than 200 branches and outlets"
amendment 修改 a change or correction to something
amends 赔偿 a sum of money paid in compensation for the loss or
American Express 美国运通 a diversified global financial services
company that is headquartered in New York City
American Option 美式期权 an option that can be exercised at any time
before the final exercise date
AMEX 美国证券交易所 American Stock Exchange
amortization 分期偿还 repayment in a series of installments
amortization schedule 分期偿还时间表 a table showing the repayment
schedule of interest and principal necessary to pay off a loan by
amortize 分期偿还 "to liquidate (a debt, mortgage, etc) by instalment
payments or by periodic transfers to a sinking fund"
analyst 分析师 an expert who studies financial data and recommends
appropriate business actions
anchoring 锚定 the use of irrelevant information as a reference for
evaluating or estimating some unknown value or information
annual fee 年费 the annual charge paid for a card etc
annual general meeting 年度股东大会 "gathering of the directors and
stockholders (shareholders) of every incorporated firm, required by
law to be held each calendar year"
annual report 年报 "a document that outlines and analyzes the
activities, esp financial dealings, of a company etc over the past
annuity 年金 a series of equal payments or receipts occurring over a
specified number of periods
annuity due 期初年金 an anuity of which payments or receipts occur at
the beginning of each period
antedated 倒填日期的 "refers to cheques which have been written by
maker, and dated at some point in the past"
anticipate 预支 "to seize or use funds before they are legally
available, esp from a trust fund"
anticipation 预支 "the seizure or use of funds before they are
legally available, esp from a trust fund"
antitrust 反托拉斯的 "intended to oppose trusts and cartels, e.g. by
preventing them from using monopolistic business practices to make
unfair profits"
appraisal rights 估价权 "the rights of dissatisfied stockholders in a
corporation involved in a merger to demand the payment of a fair
share price, determined by an independent assessment"
appreciate 升值 "increase in value, especially over time"
appreciation 升值 "an increase in value, especially over time"
appreciation of currency 货币升值 a strengthening of the exchange rate
of a particular currency that allows more units of a foreign
currency to be bought for a unit of its own currency
APT 套利定价理论 arbitrage pricing theory
APY 年收益率 annual percentage yield
arbitrage 套利 finding two assets that are essentially the same and
buying the cheaper and selling the more expensive
arbitrage pricing theory 套利定价理论 a theory where the price of an
asset depends on multiple factors and arbitrage efficiency
arbitrageur 套利者 somebody who engages in arbitrage
ARM 可调整利率抵押 adjustable rate mortgage
ascending bottoms 上升型波谷 "a graph showing a series of low points
over time, e.g. in a security's price, with each low higher than
the last, indicating a rising security or market"
ASE 美国证券交易所 American Stock Exchange
Asiadollar 亚洲美元 a U.S. dollar used in Asian banks and currency
Asia-Pacific 亚太的 a commercial region encompassing some of the
countries of East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim
ask size 卖单大小 the number of shares offered for sale at the offer
assented 同意调换的 describes securities that are bought or held with
the understanding that proposed changes may affect their status or
assented bond 同意调换的债券 a type of bond whose owners have agreed to
reduced interest payments or a reduced repayment of principal on
the basis of a reorganization or rescheduling plan
assess 评估 to examine sth. to judge or evaluate it
assessment 评估 a judgment about something based on an understanding
of the situation
assessor 公估人 "somebody who calculates amounts to be paid,
especially for insurance purposes"
asset acquisition 资产收购 "a method of purchasing a controlling
interest in a company by buying key assets of the company, rather
than its stock"
asset conversion loan 资产转换贷款 a loan that will be repaid once a
particular asset has been converted into cash
asset financing 资产融资 a method of borrowing money in which a loan is
attached to assets that can be sold to discharge the loan in the
event of default
asset play 资产隙 the difference between the current price of a stock
and the assets held by the company
asset swap 资产互换 an arrangement by which two companies agree to
exchange ownership of particular assets in order to produce a cash
flow profile from them that is better suited to each company
asset-backed security 资产担保证券 a bond or note whose payments are
primarily derived from income generated by a pool of assets that
consist of debt obligations such as mortgage loans or credit card
asset-based lending 资产保证型贷款 a type of lending in which a particular
asset or group of assets provides collateral in the event of
assignment fee 转让费 a fee charged by the lender to transfer the
beneficial interest from a company to another
assignment of rents 租金转让 a loan agreement by which a lender is
given the right to a particular income stream belonging to the
borrower in case of default
associate person 相联人 somebody who is authorized and registered to
transact business in the futures markets
assumable mortgage 可转让贷款 a mortgage that permits payments to be
taken over by a new buyer
assumed bond 承继债券 "a long-term debt issued in the name of one
company, liability of payment for which is transferred to another
assurance 保险 "insurance against something that is certain to happen
such as death, rather than something that might happen such as loss
of property"
astute 敏锐的 "shrewd and discerning, especially where personal
benefit is to be derived"
ASX 澳大利亚股票交易所 Australian Stock Exchange
asymmetric information 不对称信息 "information about a transaction that
is available to the parties involved in unequal degrees, resulting
in an unfair exchange"
at call 即时偿付的 e.g. loan at call
at one's own risk 自担风险 (of risk) to be taken by oneself
at par 平价 with a selling price equal to its face value
at the latest practicable date 于最后实际可行日期 There were no corporate
proposals announced as at the latest practicable date
at usance 按习惯期限 e.g. payable at usance
ATM 自动柜员机 automatic teller machine
attention economy 注意力经济 a view of the economy in the late 20th
century that suggests that people's attention to websites is a
valuable and tradable commodity
at-the-money 平价的 (of a financial position) with no gain or loss if
an option is exercised immediately
at-the-money option 平价期权 "an option with an exercise-price equal,
or nearly equal, to the current price of the underlying
AUD 澳元 Australian dollar
aurar 奥拉 a subunit of Icelandic currency
austerity 紧缩 "thrift imposed as government policy, with restricted
access to or availability of consumer goods"
Austrian school 奥地利学派 "a school of economics that emphasizes free
markets, individual property rights, and freedom of
autarchy 自给自足 economic independence as a national policy
autarky 自给自足 不如“autarchy”常用
authorized share 授权股份 one of the stocks that has been authorized
for issue by a company
automated teller machine 自动柜员机 an electronic machine that enables
customers to withdraw paper money or carry out other banking
transactions on insertion of an encoded plastic card
autonomous consumption 自主消费 consumer expenditure that is not
dependent on disposable income
average down 摊低买入成本 "to purchase more shares of a stock when its
price is falling, in the hope of reducing costs and increasing
average effective maturity 平均有效到期期限 a measure of a bond's likely
life taking into account the possibility that the lender will call
and repay it before its maturity date
average nominal maturity 平均名义到期期限 the average time taken by a bond
or group of bonds to mature if any attached clauses such as early
redemptions or prepayments are not exercised
average option 平均期权 a financial instrument whose terminal value
depends on the average value of the asset it is attached to over
the life of the instrument
average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向 the proportion of disposable
or national income that is actually spent
average propensity to save 平均储蓄倾向 "the proportion of disposable or
national income that is saved, determined by the ratio of savings
to income"
average up 提高平均利润 "to purchase more shares of a stock when its
price is rising, in hope of increasing profits"
average weighted maturity 平均加权到期期限 "the expected period of time
that a group of securities will take to mature, based on
emphasizing the expiration dates of the most valuable securities in
the group"
B/D 银行汇票 bank draft
B/P 押汇 bill purchased
baby bond 小额债券 "a bond issued for an amount lower than $1,000,
usually between $25 and $500"
back bond 反担保 "a bond given by one to a surety, to indemnify such
surety in case of loss"
back month 远期月份 "in futures and options trading, any month in the
future beyond the nearest one when a contract is due to
back stop 最后担保 "a guarantee by a company to purchase shares of
another company in a securities offering, if the shares are not
purchased by any other investor by the end of the offering"
backdoor listing 借壳上市 acquisition and merger with a listed company
by an unlisted company in order to gain a listing on a securities
back-end load 后端费用 "a sales charge or commission paid when an
individual sells an investment, such as a mutual fund or an
annuity, intended to discourage withdrawals"
back-of-the-envelope assessment 简单评估 a common method for venture
back-to-back 背对背的 denoting a credit arrangement in which a finance
house acts as an intermediary to conceal the identity of the seller
from buyer
Back-to-Back Loan 背对背贷款
back-up facility 备用贷款 a bank line of credit used to provide back-up
liquidity should an issuer be unable to fund outstanding commercial
backwardation 现货升水 the amount by which the price of goods for
immediate delivery differs from the price of goods for delivery at
a future time
baht 泰铢 the main unit of Thai currency
bailout 财务援助 an intervention by a person or company to help another
person or company out of financial difficulties
balance 差额 the amount by which one quantity is greater or smaller
than another
balance of payments 国际收支差额 the difference between the amount paid
by a national government to other countries and the amount it
receives from them
balance of trade 贸易差额 the difference between the value of the total
imports and total exports of a country as assessed over a fixed
balanced fund 平衡基金 a mutual fund investing in stocks and bonds to
provide both income and growth
balloon loan 大额尾付贷款 "a long-term loan, often a mortgage, that has
one large payment (the balloon payment) due upon maturity"
balloon maturity 大额尾付还款期限方案 a repayment scheme with a debt in which
the bulk of the principal is due at the end of the loan term
balloon mortgage 大额尾付抵押贷款 a mortgage that is paid off in a series
of regular payments with one much larger payment at the end
balloon payment 大额尾付 "a large, lump-sum payment scheduled at the
end of a series of considerably smaller periodic payments"
Baltic Exchange 波罗的海交易所 "a commodity market in the City of London
that deals in international trade, especially international bulk
BAN 预期债券票据 bond anticipation note
bancassurance 银行保险 指通过银行既有的分销渠道销售保险
bank 银行 a business offering financial services
bank card 银行卡 a credit or debit card
bank draft 银行汇票 "draft drawn by one bank against its account in
another bank, authorizing the second bank to pay to the individual
named in the draft"
Bank for International Settlements 国际清算银行 a bank in Basel that
provides a forum for the world's central banks to meet and
bank holding company 银行持股公司 直接或间接地控制若干家银行25%以上表决权股份的公司
bank investment contract 银行投资合约 a contract issued by a commercial
bank line 银行授信额度 an agreement for present and future borrowing from
Bank of Canada 加拿大银行 the federal central bank of Canada
Bank of East Asia 东亚银行 the largest independent local bank and the
third largest bank in Hong Kong
Bank of England 英格兰银行 the central bank of England and Wales
bank outlet 银行网点 The bank outlet has helped students get cash and
take care of financial matters
bank paper 银行票据 "negotiable instruments issued by financial
institutions in order to borrow money, rather than those issued by
companies, governments, or other organizations"
bank receipt 水单 “汇款底单”的俗称
bank receipt 汇款底单 由银行出具的客户汇款受理凭证
bank run 挤兑 the concerted action of depositors who try to withdraw
their money from a bank because the think it will fail
bank statement 银行对账单 a document showing all the transactions in a
bank account over a specific period of time
bank term loan 银行定期贷款 a bank loan with a fixed maturity
bank wire 银行电报系统 the electronic system used to transfer large sums
of money between major banks
Banka 邦加岛 不如“Bangka”常用
bankable 银行可承兑的 readily and legally acceptable to a bank
bankbook 存折 不如“passbook”常用
banker 银行家 someone who owns or runs a bank
banker's acceptance draft 银行承兑汇票 汇票汇付人为银行,由该银行在汇票上承兑的远期汇票
banker's draft 银行汇票 不如“bank draft”常用
banker's order 定期支付指示 不如“standing order”常用
banking 银行业务 the business engaged in by a bank
banknote 钞票 a piece of paper money issued by a bank that may be
freely exchanged for goods or services
barbell strategy 杠铃策略 the strategy of investing in bonds with
short-term and very long-term investment rates while investing
almost nothing in bonds that mature in the medium term
barren money 不生息资金 funds on which no interest is being earned
barrier 壁垒 "anything that prevents or obstructs passage, access, or
barrier option 障碍期权 option guaranteeing the right to buy or sell
that is created or canceled when underlying security price reaches
a particular level
barter 物物交换 trade by the exchange of goods
base coin 劣币 a counterfeit coin made of cheap metal
base currency 基础货币 a currency used by a business for accounting
purposes that may not be the currency of the country where the
company operates
base interest rate 基准利率 不如“benchmark interest rate”常用
base period 基期 a neutral period used as a standard for comparison
in constructing an index when assessing financial or economic
base year 基年 the year that is used as the basis of comparison for
the level of a particular economic index
basis contract 期货标准合同 "a contract that fixes the difference between
the price of a particular futures contract and the cash price of
the underlying commodity, though not the actual price level"
basis point 基点 "one hundredth of one percent, used to express
interest rates and bond yields"
basis price 基价 the cost of a bond in terms of its percentage yield
to maturity rather than the price actually paid
basket of currencies 一揽子货币 a group of currencies of which the
average value is used as a basis for comparison with another
BEA 东亚银行 Bank of East Asia
bear 空头 somebody who sells stocks or commodities in anticipation of
falling prices
bear hug 熊抱 a warning given by one company to another of its
intention to assume control of the other
bear market 熊市 "a prolonged period in which investment prices fall,
accompanied by widespread pessimism"
bear raid 空头袭击 "an attempt to lower a stock or commodity price by
selling large numbers of shares, usually in order to buy them back
at a lowered price"
bear spread 熊市套利 the buying or selling of options that will result
in a gain under circumstances which make the value of the
underlying asset fall
bear squeeze 轧空头 an official intervention by central banks in
foreign exchange markets to force speculators short selling
currency to cover positions
bearer 持有人 somebody holding a financial instrument
bearer bond 不记名债券 a bond payable to the party that presents
bearer check 不记名支票 a check without the name of the entity (its
payee) to whom it is to be paid
bearer instrument 不记名票据 "a negotiable instrument which is payable
on demand to the holder, regardless of whom it was originally
issued to"
bearer stock 无记名股票 securities ownership certificates that are not
registered in a name
bearish 看跌的 anticipating unfavorable business conditions
bearish 卖空的 conducive to or characterized by selling rather than
buying stocks or commodities in anticipation of falling
behindhand 拖欠的 in arrears for payment of a debt
Beige Book 黄皮书 "one of the regular reports on regional economic
conditions, published by the Federal Reserve banks"
benchmark interest rate 基准利率 a threshold interest rate below which
investors will not commit funds
beneficiary bank 收款银行 "a bank that receives money, especially from
another bank"
Benelux 比利时荷兰卢森堡 "Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg"
bequest savings motive 储蓄的遗产动机 the desire to leave money to
descendants as a reason for saving
Berkshire Hathaway 伯克希尔·哈撒韦 "a conglomerate holding company
headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, USA"
best ask 最低卖价 the lowest price for a security acceptable to a
best bid 最高买价 the highest price for a security acceptable to a
Best Efforts 尽力推销 承销商就担任发行公司及投资者之间代理人的承销协议
BEY 债券等值收益率 bond equivalent yield
BIA 英国保险协会 British Insurance Association
BIC 银行投资合约 Bank Investment Contract
bid 出价 to offer an amount of money for something at an
bid price 买价 the price that a dealer on the stock exchange will pay
for a security
bidder 出价人 someone who makes a bid at an auction
bidding 出价 "the act of making bids, as in auction"
bid-offer spread 买卖价差 the difference between the highest price that
somebody is willing to pay for a currency or security and the price
being sold
bid-to-cover ratio 认购比率 "the proportion of bids that are accepted,
especially in an auction of Treasury bonds"
bilateral monopoly 双边垄断 a market situation in which there is just
one seller and one buyer
bilateral trade 双边贸易 a trading relation between two countries that
try to balance their trade with each other
bill 钞票 a piece of paper money
bill 票据 a signed agreement promising payment of a sum of money on
demand or at a specific time
bill broker 票据经纪人 somebody whose job is to buy and sell bills of
bill of exchange 汇票 a document setting out an instruction to pay a
particular person a fixed sum of money on a particular date or when
the person requests
bimetallism 复本位制 "a monetary system used in 18th- and 19th-century
Europe that was based on the use of two metals, usually gold and
silver, with a fixed ratio to each other"
BIN 银行识别号 bank identification number
binary option 两值期权 an option that pays a predetermined amount if
the underlying asset's price moves as the buyer expects and nothing
if it does not
BIPS 银行互联网支付系统 bank Internet payment system
BIS 国际清算银行 Bank for International Settlements
black economy 黑色经济 "a part of economy that consists of unofficial
or illegal, and therefore untaxed, earnings"
black knight 黑武士 a company which makes a hostile takeover bid on a
target company
black market 黑市 all commerce on which applicable taxes and/or
regulations of trade are being avoided
Black Tuesday 黑色星期二 "Oct. 29, 1929, the day of the New York stock
market crash that led to the Great Depression"
blackwork 黑工 work in the black economy that is paid for in cash and
evades attention of tax authorities
blank check 空白支票 a signed check that has not yet had the amount
payable filled in
blank endorsement 空白背书 an endorsement on a bill of exchange that
does not name a payee and so may benefit the bearer
blanket bond 总括保证保险 an insurance contract providing a financial
institution with cover against losses resulting from employee
dishonesty or theft
blind trust 保密信托 a legal arrangement in which a trustee manages
funds for the benefit of somebody who has no knowledge of the
specific management actions taken by the trustee
block trade 大额交易 "a trade that is usually at least 10,000 shares of
a stock or $200,000 of bonds"
blue chip 蓝筹股 "a stock selling for a high price because it belongs
to a company considered to be well established, highly successful,
and reliable"
blue-chipper 蓝筹公司 a blue-chip company
blue-sky 无价值的 not worth very much money
blue-sky law 蓝天法 "a state law regulating the sale of securities,
designed to protect investors from being sold stocks or bonds with
no real value"
BOB 玻利维亚诺 Bolivian Boliviano
BOC 交通银行 Bank of Communications
bolivar 玻利瓦尔 the main unit of Venezuelan currency
bond 债券 a certificate issued by an enterprise promising to pay back
borrowed money at a fixed rate of interest on a specified
bond anticipation note 预期债券票据 a short-term bond intended to be
withdrawn when replaced by a larger long-term bond
bond circular 债券传单 a disclosure document detailing a forthcoming
bond issue
bond covenant 债券契约 a clause in a bond agreement that either
requires or forbids some act
bond equivalent yield 债券等值收益率 the percentage yield for discounted
bonds so that they can be compared with nondiscounted
interest-bearing bonds
bond fund 债券基金 a mutual fund that invests in various bonds
bond indenture 债券契约 a contract that specifies the rights and
obligations of the buyers and sellers of particular bonds
bond indexing 债券指数化 the strategy of investing in a collection of
bonds that follows the performance of the bond market as a
bond swap 债券互换 sale of one bond issue ahead of its maturity
followed by the immediate purchase of another
bond value 债券价值 the value of a bond to its owner when compared with
the value of other bonds taking into account factors such as
changing interest rates and yield to maturity
bonded 以债券作保证的 secured by or operating under a bond
bondholder 债券持有人 an owner of government or company bonds
bonus issue 派送红股 Bonus issue offer of free additional shares to
existing shareholders
bonus stock 红股 "shares of stock, usually common, given by a
corporation as a bonus with the purchase of another class of
book runner 账簿管理人 somebody who has the primary role in introducing
a security offering to the market
book stock 登录公债
book transfer 账面移交 "the recording of a change of ownership of a
security on computer systems, rather than using certificates"
book-entry 记账式 relating to the recording of ownership of a security
on a financial institution's computer systems instead of using
book-entry security 记账式证券 an electronically traded security for
which no printed certificate is issued
boom 繁荣 "a significant expansion of business and investment, either
across an economy or in a specific market"
boom and bust 一时性繁荣 alternation in an economy or market between
immoderate growth and collapse and recession
boomlet 小景气 a short period of sudden and intense economic
BOP 玻利维亚比索 Bolivian Peso
borrowing 借贷 the process of agreeing to accept money from a bank
and pay it back later
BOT 贸易差额 balance of trade
bottom fishing 抄底 "the purchase of securities, real estate, or
businesses when prices are unusually low as a result of adverse
market conditions"
bottom out 触底回升 "after a decline, to stop falling any lower and
stabilize at a low level"
bottom-up investing 自下而上的投资 an investment philosophy that focuses
on a company's performance rather than on economic or industry
bought deal 买进交易 a situation in which an underwriter buys an entire
share issue for resale to investors
bounced check 空头支票 a check which a bank returns because it is not
payable due to insufficient funds
bourgeois 中产阶级的 "associated with affluent middle-class people, who
are often characterized as conventional, conservative, or
materialistic in outlook"
bourgeoisie 中产阶级 "affluent middle-class people characterized as
conventional, conservative, or materialistic in outlook"
bourgeoisify 使...中产阶级化 "to impose bourgeois values on somebody or
something, or make somebody or something bourgeois in
bourse 证券交易所 "French, a European stock exchange, especially the one
box spread 盒式价差 a collection of option positions that sometimes can
be established at no cost but with the potential for gain
BP 基点 basis point
Brady bond 布雷迪债券 "a bond issued to help countries in financial
difficulty, converting international bank lending to long-term
branch 分理处 a bank that is part of a larger group and is located in
a different part of a geographic area from the parent bank
breakout 破位 a situation in which a security reaches a price beyond
its previous highest or lowest
break-up fee 解除协议费用
Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森林体系 a monetary management established the
rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's
major industrial states in the mid 20th century
bridge financing 过渡融资 a short-term borrowing while longer-term
borrowing is arranged
bridge loan 过渡贷款 interim financing for an individual or business
until permanent or the next stage of financing can be
bridging loan 过渡贷款 interim financing for an individual or business
until permanent or the next stage of financing can be
broad money 广义货币 "a measure of the money supply that includes M1,
plus savings and small time deposits, overnight repos at commercial
banks, and non-institutional money market accounts"
broken lot 零星交易量 a transaction involving a quantity of stock that
is not a round number
broker 经纪人 "somebody who is paid to act as an agent for others,
e.g. in negotiating contracts or buying and selling goods and
broker loan 经纪人贷款 a bank loan to a broker for the maintenance of
accounts for investors to borrow money for buying stock margin
brokerage 经纪业务 the business of being a broker
brokerage 经纪人佣金 the commission charged by a broker to his
brokerage house 经纪行 a place where a broker conducts his
broker-dealer 经纪交易商 "in the United Kingdom, sb. employed on the
Stock Exchange to buy and sell stocks, shares, goods, or assets on
behalf of somebody else"
brokered market 经纪市场 "a market in which brokers act for buyers and
sellers, as opposed to one in which buyers deal directly with
bubble economy 泡沫经济 an economy in which trade takes place in large
volumes with a discrepancy between the price and the intrinsic
value of the product
bucket shop 投机性证券经纪行 a dishonest unregistered stockbrokerage that
speculates on stocks and commodities using its clients'
budget deficit 预算赤字 the amount by which government expenditure
exceeds revenue
built-in stabilizer 内在稳定器 a factor that reduces an economy's cyclic
fluctuations because of the fact that government taxes and
expenditure changes tend to offset changes in national income
bull 多头 "an investor who buys securities in anticipation of rising
prices, intending to resell them for profit"
bull market 牛市 a prolonged period in which investment prices rise
faster than their historical average
bull spread 看涨的多空套做 the purchase of futures contracts for nearby
months and the sale of contracts for later months in the
expectation of making a profit from rising prices
Bulldog Bond 猛犬债券 a fixed-interest bond issued in Britain by a
foreign borrower
bullet 期末偿还的贷款本金 "a final loan payment, representing the initial
sum borrowed excluding interest, which was paid during the term of
bullet bond 子弹式债券 a noncallable regular coupon paying debt
instrument with a single repayment of principal on the maturity
bullet loan 一次还本贷款 a loan that is repaid in full in a single
payment on a set date
bullet payment 大额尾付 不如“balloon payment”常用
bullion 金条 gold in the form of bars
bullish 看涨的 "expecting or producing good results, especially rising
stock market prices"
bureau de change 外币兑换所 an office or part of a bank where foreign
currency is exchanged
burn rate 资金消耗率 the rate at which a new company uses up its venture
capital to finance overhead before generating positive cash flow
from operations
business 企业 "a company or other organization that sells goods,
makes products, or provides services"
business cycle 商业周期 "a recurrent cycle of growth, decline,
recession, and recovery in the economic activity of a capitalist
business day 营业日 a day on which stock exchanges and banks are open
for business
business interruption insurance 业务中断保险 an insurance coverage
against potential losses as a consequence of having to close a
business for insurable reasons
busted convertible 贬值的可转换证券 a convertible bond no longer worth
converting because the price of the underlying security has dropped
butut 布图 a subunit of Gambian currency
buy and hold 买入并持有 a financial strategy of maintaining a long-term
investment that is expected to provide steady returns into the
buy in 买进 to purchase stock in a company as the controlling
buy into 买进 to purchase an amount of stock in a company
buy limit order 限价买单 an order from an investor to a broker to buy
securities only if the price is no higher than a particular
buy on close 收盘价买进 an order from an investor to a broker to buy
securities when a stock market closes
buy on opening 开盘价买进 an order from an investor to a broker to buy
securities when a stock market opens
buy stop order 停损买单 an order to buy securities at the current
market price only if the security price rises to a predetermined
buy-back 回购 "the repurchase of something such as stock, currency,
real estate, or goods, according to a previously made contractual
buyer's credit 买方信贷 the credit availed by an importer (buyer) from
overseas lenders i.e banks for payment of his imports on due
buyer's market 买方市场 a market which has more sellers than buyers and
low prices result from this excess of supply over demand
Buy-In 补偿买进 投资者需要重新购买股票,因为卖方不能准时送交证券,甚至完全没有送交证券
buying basis 购买基准 the difference between the spot price of a
commodity and the price of the futures contract used as a hedge for
the commodity
cabotage 沿海贸易 "the trade, shipping, or navigation that takes place
in coastal waters within the boundaries of a single country"
CAGR 复合年均增长率 Compound Annual Growth Rate
Cairns Group 斯集团 an informal association of agricultural
exporting countries that promotes trade reform
calendar spread 水平价差 不如“horizontal spread”常用
call 催还 to demand repayment of a loan or bond issue
call date 赎回日期 the date given in a bond for its repayment by the
call deposit 活期通知存款 "a deposit without prescribed deposit term, and
whose withdrawal is made upon a prior notification to the
call loan 通知贷款 a loan that is repayable on demand
call money 通知放款 the money that has been borrowed and is repayable
call option 看涨期权 the option to buy a given stock etc at a given
price before a given date
call premiium 赎回溢价 the excess of the call price of a security over
its par value
call price 赎回价格 the price at which a security with a call provision
can be repurchased by the issuer prior to the security's
call provision 赎回条款 a clause in a bond's indenture granting the
issuer the right to buy back all or part of an issue prior to the
maturity date
call risk 赎回风险 the chance of loss resulting from the early removal
of a bond from circulation
callable 可赎回的 describes a stock or bond that is convertible before
reaching maturity
callable bond 可赎回债券 a type of bond that allows the issuer of the
bond to retain the privilege of redeeming the bond at some point
before the bond reaches the date of maturity
called away 提前赎回的 used to describe a bond that is retired before
maturity or stock that must be sold because of the exercise of an
cambist 外汇交易商 a dealer in foreign exchange
cambistry 汇兑学 a science of international exchange
CAMELS 骆驼评级制度 "capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality,
earnings, liquidity, sensitivity to market risk"
cancellation of insurance 退保 "When an insurance filing cancels, an
""Order of Withdrawal Due to Cancellation of Insurance"" is mailed
to the customer"
cap 上限 "an upper limit on something, e.g. the amount that may be
spent on an item"
capital adequacy ratio 资本充足率 a ratio of a bank's capital to its
capital appreciation fund 资本增值基金 a mutual fund that concentrates on
making investments whose value grows fast rather than those that
pay high interest or dividends
capital flight 资本外逃 a situation that capital moves out of a country
because of a high inflation etc
capital formation 资本形成 the transfer of savings from individuals and
governments to businesses for investment
capital gains distribution 资本收益分配 (mutual fund) an amount paid out
periodically to investors relating to growth in the value of the
investments held by the fund
capital goods 资本货物 "goods that are used in the production of other
goods, as opposed to being sold to consumers"
capital inflow 资本流入 "a movement of capital into a country in the
form of securities trading, the acquisition of companies, and loans
by foreign companies"
capital market 资本市场 a financial market involving institutions that
deal with securities with a life of more than one year
capital stock 资本存量 the total physical capital existing in an
economy at any moment of time
capital turnover 资本周转率 a profitability ratio equal to annual sales
divided by common stockholder equity
capital-intensive 资本密集型 using or requiring a proportionately large
financial expenditure relative to the amount of labor
capitalization 资本总额 "the par value of the total share capital
issued by a company, including the loan capital and sometimes
capitated 人均的 numbered or assessed by or for each person
capped option 有上限期权 an option with a pre-established profit
captive agent 专属代理人 an insurance agent who can sell the policies of
only one company
Captive Fund 专属基金 只向持股机构提供投资服务的基金
captive market 垄断市场 a market in which consumers or businesses are
forced to buy something from a single supplier because it cannot be
obtained elsewhere
CAR 资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio
carrying charge 分期付款的利息 "interest charged on the unpaid balance of
a sum of borrowed money, esp the price of sth. that is being paid
for in installments"
carrying value 账面价值 不如“book value”常用
cartel 卡特尔 "n alliance of business companies formed to control
production, competition, and prices"
cartelize 组成卡特尔 to form a cartel of business companies
carve out 部分分拆 to sell a minor equity stake in a division or
portion of a company through an IPO
carveout 部分分拆 a partial spinoff occurs when a parent company sells
a minority (usually &= 20%) stake in a subsidiary
for an IPO or rights offering
cash 兑现 to exchange a check or money order for coins or bills
cash account 现金账户 an account with a securities brokerage whose
transactions are settled on a cash basis
cash advance 预付现金 an amount paid before it is earned
cash card 提款卡 a coded plastic card that a bank customer uses to
access an account by means of an ATM
cash dispenser 自动取款机 a computerized device outside a bank which
supplies cash when a special card is inserted and the user's code
number keyed in
cash dispenser 自动柜员机 不如“ATM”常用
cash letter 现金运送单 "a group of negotiable items, accompanied by a
paper listing sent to a clearing house or the Federal Reserve check
collection system"
cash machine 自动柜员机 不如“ATM”常用
cash out 变现 to sell off an asset such as land that has been held
for a long time to make a profit
cash ratio 现金比率 the ratio that a bank must maintain between
available cash and total deposits
cash settlement 现金结算 the discharging of a contract through payment
cash surrender value 退保现金价值 the amount of cash a policyholder
receives from the life insurance company if he or she actually
surrenders a life insurance policy before it becomes payable by
death or maturity
cash transaction 现金交易 a transaction in which cash is exchanged for
an asset and delivery occurs immediately
cash withdrawal 取现 "a withdrawal from a bank account, annuity, or
insurance policy in the form of cash"
cashier's check 银行本票 a check issued by the officer of a bank on the
bank's own account
cashless 不使用现金的 using an electronic means of exchanging money
instead of dealing in cash
cashless society 不使用现金的社会 "a society in which consumers buy all
goods and services by credit card or electronic funds transfer,
without the use of cash"
cash-out 变现 the sale of an asset that has appreciated for cash in
order to make a profit
cashpoint 自动柜员机 不如“ATM”常用
casualty 伤亡事故 an accident that causes someone


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