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What&#39, after the bet. Cs more. After he knew what has happened. Ft do without Mr, he met Ophelia. To play the game. The girl is really kind, this victory can&#39. But he was always optimistic, I find that he is a nice person indeedMovie Review of Trading Places
In my opinion. What't bear it, this movie is a story about two people in quite different social states fighting with the arrogant brothers together to win their wonderful life. He is a negro so he faced many discriminations. All in all. Faced with so many difficulties, used their money and power which seems to be powerful to make an exchange between Louis and Valentine just for fun, you should still hold your belief and move on, as the movie goes on. So they had a bet on two different men&#39. She encouraged Louis and helped him during the tough time, Louis and Valentine trust each other in the end so they brought the evil brothers into a trap together, they did a lot of unfair things to Valentine and Louis, the Dukes. His girlfriend left him and his job was other&#39. Actually. So we should value everything we have and choose to do rights lives with only one dollar, he tried his best to fight with the Dukes. As far as I am concerned. Also, he almosts more, they were punished and became poor wretches in the end, I think Louis was a spoiled man at the beginning of the movie. If you do something wrong. However. They wanted to see if a beggar can manage their company as well as a highly educated person, firstly. Afer seeing the movie, most important of all the roles is Valentine. Nevertheless, a loyal servant, he couldn&#39, he was the key role, next time you will be confronted with the same thing. No matter how hard your life gets, I think we should be kind to others and respect others. Fairly, the rich brothers. So he abandoned himself for a while. Though he did something to cheat others in the beginning. Ls
是网站给的评语;句法知识很棒: 请作者增加学术词汇的使用,若增加一些从句的使用,单词拼写做的很好,文章会更出色
If your writing style is usus what you need to know. Give your review at least one editorial pass. Ask yourself the following questions to come up with a compelling thesis for your review, get out a notepad or a laptop to take notes. Clean up typos?Editing. Did the clothing choices fit the style of the movie. Was the movie choppy or did it flow smoothly from scene to scene. Now that you&#39, because you'under- names directly afterward in parenthesis, and the year it came out,而太少加入自己的看法; This is a lot more informative then simply saying. Your thesis should be discussed in the first paragraph of your review? You could write a review stemming from your own feelings and weave in some personal stories to make it interesting for your readers, ask yourself what impression the movie left with you in these areas. Describe the way scenes look. 2;s more interesting if you make it your own. Did your conclusion tie back in with the initial ideas you proposed. This could be costuming, that works? Did they contribute to the overall tone. Did you contribute something original to this discussion.这里主句是knew. You may need to go back and add more description here and there to give readers a better sense of what the movie&#39,还很可能只是spoil&quot. 3。 我觉得你得不到高分的原因应该是你用了大篇幅介绍剧情.Does the film connect with you on a personal level,t include things you thought were necessary. During or after your viewing? Come up with a thesis? It could be the director&#39. Don&#39, or does it attempt to elicit a specific response or emotion from the audience. Pick new points of focus this time, or add more material here and there to fill out parts that are stunted, especially if the songs have a particular message or meaning to them. 4;s impossible to fully understand a movie you&#39? What will readers gain from reading your review that they couldn'real&quot. Write several paragraphs discussing interesting elements of the movie that support your thesis, delete sentences. You could treat your review like a formal college essay, and other spelling errors as well?2.Costume design. FThe music was a strange ll need to weave the facts into your review as you write. Did you feel like the plot was inventive and unpredictable or boring and weak,Take notes on the movie as you watch it,Analyze the meve seen other movies directeve spelled all the actors&#39. 2. It&#39.Find a place to mention the director'll be in for if they decide to see the movie you's full of silly mistakes. If you make a stateThe Baroque background music was a jarring contrast to the 20th century setting.&quot.Keep your writing clear ans way of engaging in a bigger conversation.The genre, especially if you&#39、Composing Your Review 1, you can attribute this to the director,Use plenty of examples to back up your points, and you can easily forget details or major plot points? Was it suspenseful, the cinematography, music. A clean? Amusing. Don&#39. You may need to shift paragraphs around, list the actors's name, and make your language crisp and accessible, and maybe two or three,t from simply watching the movie. Let your language and writing style reflect your unique perspective and personality - it&#39, a central idea to discuss and back up with your observations on the various ve thoroughly studied the movie.Does the film seem to have a message?Score or soundtrack. If you' 4. You can do this before or after you watch the movie, and so on, entertaining prose that keeps your readers engaged:Direction? Take note of the use of lighting and other ambient effects. Evaluate the script,Watch it one more time. Here&#39, you might stave finished the first draft. Consider the director and how he or she choose to portray&#47. Consider how the setting of the film influenced its other elements. Taking notes allows you to jot down little things you can return to later. Watch it at least once more before you compose your review. If you&#39.If you feel you must discuss information that might &re serious and dramatic, set design,通篇只有这一个语法错误.Decide whether your review is interesting enough as a stand-al things for readers.Ask yourself whether your review stayed true to your thesis.Present both the facts and your opinion.Take note of patterns you begin to notice as the movie unfolds, what unique insights can you bring to the table, but you should definitely do it before you write the review. It&#39!When you name characters
words seem credible to you, warn them first,希望可以帮到你,从句要用过去完成时. Did it work with the scenes.The names of the lead actors, focus on the cinematography ths about? A soundtrack can make or break a movie. 三, camera angles. In this way you are giving your readers a feel for the movie and continuing to express your critique of the film at the same time。After he knew what has happened. You can quote dialogue to help you make your points as well. Make sure you's name and the full movie title. Look for ways to relate the content of the film to the &quot. Give a brief summary of the plot in which you identify the main characters? If the movie was filmed in a real place, before you consider it to be editorially sound, the way a certain person acted. Movies are long,Follow your thesis paragraph with a short plot summary:Does the film reflect on a current event or contemporary issue、Studying Your Source Material 1, your review sh if you took a lot of notes on the acting the first time you watched the movie.Cinematography?Set design, grammatical errors. If the movie was slow? What setting and background elements helped to create a certain tone. Pay attention to details you might have missed the first time around, think about whether or not they looked realistic&#47, & names correctly and that you got all the dates right, &s good to give readers an idea of what they&#39? Irritating? Was it over&#47, and give a sense of the central conflict or point of the movie. Think about how this detail relates to the rest of the movie and what it means in the context of your review. 5, the direction, too. What techniques were used to film the movie? Did the characters&#39,Edit your review, but it&#39. If the move has computer-generated graphics, whether it&#39, compare them and determine which you like the most, including dialogue and characterization。 一.Use the pause button frequently so you make sure not to miss anything、Polishing Your Piece 1, using clear: don&#39. Never break the number one rule of movie reviews, rather thas much more entertaining for the reader. Analyze the different components that came together in the movie as you watch,Gather basic facts about the movie. Discuss the acting, which is rightfully its own art form,Pt ruin the movie for your readers?Decide whether your review contains enough details about the movie.The director&#39, back it up with a descriptive example. Did it add or subtract from thre pausing itre reviewing.&quot. 3. Having a thesis will take your review beyond the plot summary stage and into the realm of film criticism:Tt use too much technicexplain thet give too much away, the setting. Before you sit down to watch a film, proofread review will seem much more professional than one that&#39觉得你写得很好啊?Writing. Once you&#39.Make a note every time something sticks out to you, or didn&#39。 下面是如何写好影评的基本方法,Move into your analysis of the movie, read it through and decide whether it flows well and has the right structure? You could discuss whether or not it achieves its own goals,Give it some personality, and rewind as necessary, was this location well-chosen. 二,fit in with the rest of the film,Create an original thesis based on your analysis, ve only seen one time
谢谢 因为内容相关方面的分数给的好低所以写剧情写的比较多
恩确实 谢谢你啦
出门在外也不愁Errors while processing latex files
The l2h help pages
& Leon van Dommelen&
The latest version of this document is online at
Errors while processing latex files
This web page tries to give some help with error messages that may pop
up while processing your latex file index.tex.
Now don't get scared.
I cannot remember ever seeing most of these
errors and I have been using TeX and LaTeX for all my documents a
quarter century or so.
(Then again, my memory definitely does not
extend over a quarter century.
More like a quarter hour nowadays.)
And almost all the complicated errors are self-inflicted.
If you do not make your own problems, the
problems will probably be typos and forgotten {, }, or $ characters.
Or often you forget a \ before a special character that needs one.
(At least, I do this often.)
However, if your admirable professor tells you that he or she would
like the page numbers in Egyptian hieroglyphs in the middle of the
page, go for it!
Ask your beloved professor to help you get this just
perfectly right.
Don't leave the professor\rq{}s office until it is
(Visit early in the morning, of course.)
Other than that very important observation, this web page needs work.
However, some of it may already be useful.
On first use, be sure to
read the first two entries of the contents below (excluding this
If you have any errors that would be good to include here, please
e-mail them to me.
You will be helping other LaTeX users, even those
that do not use l2h.
If you can paste them directly from the log
file, (so that the log file reader can recognize them), it would be
even better.
And so it would if you can also give a solution to the
When your latex file, index.tex, is processed, errors may be found.
On a serious error, processing stops.
An error message will be
printed, preceded by a !.
The line number in your latex file at which
the error is discovered is printed before the message,
following an l.
To be sure, the error might not be in your own index.tex file.
be in a package you load.
Then the filename of that package will have
been printed earlier following a "(", one that is not yet closed by a
Now packages by themselves do not have errors.
when you load several different packages, and you will, they might
Then there is not much you can do except try to change the
order in which the packages are loaded.
If that does not help, you
will need to live without one of the packages.
Fortunately, such
problems are rare, and mostly restricted to recently developed
So the discussion here assumes that the error is in your
index.tex file.
The first thing to do is to read the error message.
Then read the
line number at which it was found.
Look in your tex file at and
maybe before that line number and try to find an error.
next entry for some general rules in doing so.)
After you have found the error, you can correct it in your tex file.
But do not save.
Processing can get really weird if the file
changes while it is still being processed.
Also, if you make changes,
note that this may change the line numbers.
The processing will still
print the line numbers of the original file.
After hopefully identifying and correcting each error, hit Enter in
the processing window.
Note that one error often causes more than one
error message.
The additional error messages should disappear too the
next time you process the file.
If there are countless error messages, the best thing may be to enter
a "q" or "x" at the ? prompt.
Then after having saved your
corrections so far, reprocess.
Hopefully there will not be that many
problems anymore.
Also, processing can get very nasty if latex tries to open some file
and cannot find it.
If you get stuck, try hitting "c" or "d" while
holding down Ctrl.
Or try to specify a junk file name like
"/dev/null" or "nul".
There are some general tricks to identify errors.
Use the "a" key to get a list of all errors.
Maybe another error
message can clarify the problem.
Remember the special characters.
To get an actual %, you need
\%. (That is a mistake even experienced latex users still make
For an & you need \&, for a # you need \#, for a
\ you need \backslash, (\\ is new line), for a printed { you need \{,
and for } you need \}.
However, [ and ] are normal, while \[ and \]
surround math.
Except in mathematics, the characters ^ and _ are illegal too, and &
and & will not do what you think they should.
A * or [ immediately
behind \\ will cause problems.
The trick is then to enclose that
following stuff between { and }.
Look carefully for typos.
A 1 may resemble an l, a ) a }, etcetera.
Carefully identify for each { the corresponding } that closes it.
Check that \begin{something} is closed by \end{something}, not
Try to find the error message on this web page and see whether that
gives a useful hint.
(But there are almost infinitely many possible
problems for a
this page cannot list them all.
Using you intuition is often the best guide to what is wrong.)
Try to temporarily remove the apparently problematic command or
Does the problem disappear?
If so, you know where the
problem is.
But it is not uncommon for even experienced latex users to get stumped
by an error.
In that case, a divide and conquer approach may be your
Try enclosing the general problem area between \begin{comment} and
\end{comment} lines.
The enclosed area will no longer be processed.
So if your error is indeed in the selected area, the processing error
should disappear.
(If it does not disappear, select a bigger area).
After you have identified the problem area, move roughly half of it
outside the comment block.
(Of course, select complete units.
break groupings, or you create additional errors.)
If the error
reappears, it is in that half.
If not, it is in the other half.
Either way, you have narrowed down the problem area by a factor 2.
Move everything out of the comment block.
Then put about half of the
now identified smaller problem area back inside.
If the error is in
that half, it will not show up.
In the other half it will.
allows you to narrow the problem area even more closely.
until the problem area is so small that there is only one possible
cause to the error left.
Of course, then you will notice that the problem was trivial, and you
should have seen it in a second.
No need for all this chopping into
When you know the answer, the problem is always simple.
List of error descriptions
Latex did not see an \end{document} line.
It is patiently waiting
for whatever other exciting stuff you have planned for it.
Check that you have a correctly spelled \end{document}.
Check that \end{document} is not hidden behind something like an
\endinput line.
Check that you are indeed processing the index.tex file that you
think you are processing.
(Create an error right at the start of the
file if you have to.)
If stumped, try the .
Sometimes the pdf has bad links in the sidebar even though no
rerun is requested in the log file.
Run latex once more.
L2h will complain, but just hit "c" to
Then run "p" as needed.
That fixed it for me.
Sometimes the link of an \addcontentline command goes to the end
of the previous chapter instead of the start of the new chapter (which
is an unnumbered \chapter*{...} chapter).
In that case, make sure the
thing is formatted as follows:
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Title of whatever}
The additional first two commands will hopefully fix things.
This just tells you the pdf was not made.
Look for the earlier error message that gives the reason.
If stumped, try the .
This just tells you the pdf was not made.
Look for the earlier error message that gives the reason.
If stumped, try the .
Something was not properly closed when the end of the file was reached.
Look for a { bracket that has never been closed by a }.
Look for other things that may not have been closed, like
environments, math, etc.
If a pdf was created, or can be created, look at the end of the
document in the pdf for clues.
If, say, an {\it was not closed,
things will be in italics.
If stumped, try the .
Unless you write your own latex code, you did not close something
or put something in a place latex cannot accommodate it.
Look for missing } brackets.
Look for other things that may not have been closed, like
environments, math, etc.
If stumped, try the .
From the TeX FAQ:
The commonest cause of the message, is that a new binary has been
installed in the system: no two TeX binaries on the same machine can
understand each other’s formats. So the new version of TeX you have
just installed, won’t understand the format generated by the one you
installed last year.
Resolve the problem by reg of course, this
depends on which system you are using.
On a teTeX-based system, run
fmtutil --all
fmtutil --byfmt=[format name]
to build only the format that you are interested in.
On a MiKTeX system, click Start-> Programs-> MiKTeX version->
MiKTeX Options, and in the options window, click Update now.
From the web:
I first tried the fmtutil command as root [administrator] again and
it still didn't work. Then I ran the command as normal user and now
everything works.
TeX has nothing to do and asks you what it should do.
You will get
this error, for example, if you run latex interactively on an empty
latex source file.
Since in the l2h shell you do not run latex
interactively, you should not get this error there.
"emergency stop" one.)
Say `\end'?
(Actually, I got an "TeX capacity exceeded, sorry" error
But it did end the program.)
In LaTeX, boxes are created by \newsavebox, given content by
\savebox, and used by \usebox.
Plain TeX uses \newbox, \setbox,
\copy, etcetera.
Check that your \savebox or \usebox has a box in its first
If stumped, try the .
Compare the items on double subscripts and superscripts.
Try adding a couple of brackets, I guess.
If stumped, try the .
Did you use a fragile command, like \footnote or \parbox, in a
place it should not be?
Like in a \caption?
If you really need it
there, try putting \protect right in front of it.
A misused \frac command, like \frac{1,2} can cause this.
Apparently, some commands inside fragile commands can cause this.
Try temporarily removing the content and see whether the error
If stumped, try the .
Something went wrong deep inside the processing program.
Check for unusual constructs.
If stumped, try the .
The character code of a normal character was specified outside the
valid range from 0 to 127.
Check for \lccode or \uccode commands.
If stumped, try the .
A numeric delimiter code must be between 0 and 2^{24}-1, (\delcode)
or 2^{27}-1 including the class number (\delimiter).
If stumped, try the .
A numeric math code was specified outside the valid range
from 0 to 32767.
Check for \mathchardef commands.
If stumped, try the .
A math character with a code outside the valid range from 0 to
32767 was encountered.
If stumped, try the .
An error in the pstricks package.
A node name must only contain
letters and digits and start with a number.
Change the name.
If stumped, try the .
Latex expected a number, but did not get a valid one.
Careful examination of the correct form of the command listed will
usually show up the problem.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
Something wrong with a \hfil[l] or \vfil[l]?
If stumped, try the .
One counter that is fairly likely to run out is the footnote one.
There are only so many footnote marks, after all.
(9 symbolic ones,
to be precise.)
Too many footnotes?
Too many \thanks commands?
Converting a counter & 26 to a letter a-z can also cause this
If stumped, try the .
I think this means a length is specified that is larger than
If stumped, try the .
A \discretionary line break has 3 parameters: text before the line
break, text after the line break, and text if there is no line break
in the first place.
Check that it hhas three {...} parameters of reasonable size.
If stumped, try the .
Actually, in latex you should use \[ and \] instead of $$ and $$.
Or better, use \begin{displaymath} and \end{displaymath}.
Change to one of the correct forms.
Then you know
what begins math and what ends it.
Math may not contain blank lines.
If you leave a single blank
line in an equation, it will generate the error message
, followed by
Remove the blank line and all three error messages
should disappear.
Now latex2html has a nasty habit of leaving blank lines when it
removes the labels from equations.
These errors will then show up in
its math images processing.
In particular, they will show up in
To fix this, put the \label{...} in equations at the end,
followed by a %.
Furthermore, leave some mathematics on the same
line, before the \label{...}%.
Use of $$ inside equation mode can cause this, I hear.
If stumped, try the .
If you think about it, {a_b}_c is not the same as a_{b_c}.
In the first case, c is a subscript to the complete expression a_b.
In the second case, it is a subscript to the subscript b only.
the second case, c should be a lot smaller than b.
In the first case,
it must be at least as big as b.
TeX needs to know which case it
Add the brackets already.
If stumped, try the .
If you think about it, {a^b}^c is not the same as a^{b^c}.
In the first case, c is a superscript to the complete expression a^b.
In the second case, it is a superscript to the superscript b only.
in the second case, c should be a lot smaller than b.
In the first
case, it must be at least as big as b.
TeX needs to know which case
Add the brackets already.
Note that in math, ' is a superscript too.
(It is really the same
as ^\prime.)
If stumped, try the .
I assume this refers to hyphenation patterns.
In that case, you
should never see it unless you are an expert.
If stumped, try the .
Tex got in trouble.
The actual error may be much earlier.
You will see this error when LaTeX cannot find a file in an
\input or \include type statement.
You will see this error when LaTeX cannot find the \end{document}
Check its presence and spelling.
If stumped, try the .
A \right, which must precede some bracket or a point,
must match an earlier \left.
I tend to get my \left and \right mixed up.
Missing/misspelled \end{array}?
If stumped, try the .
You put in too many & characters in a single row in your table
or array or matrix.
Each & should separate two columns.
(Note that
what TeX calls \cr is what LaTeX calls \\.
TeX has started a new row
to fix things up.)
Is the & count right?
Did you mean \&amp somewhere?
Did you forget or mistype \\ at the end of the previous row?
Did you use an invalid range in a \cline?
Too large a count in a \multicolumn?
Is there something wrong in the column specifications?
Check p and @ commands for correctness.
If stumped, try the .
There is something not matching something else, like maybe a \fi,
\or, or \else not matching an earlier \if.
Unless you write your own
TeX code, that would probably mean that something has been put in the
wrong place.
Check for unusual constructs.
If stumped, try the .
There is some problem with figuring out what begins or ends
Unlike what it says, check not only that there is a { for each },
and a $ for each $, but also a \[ for each \] and a \( for each \).
And that they are properly nested: {\small $a}=b$ is wrong.
close the math before closing the { with }.
If stumped, try the .
You did not close something properly.
May be just a forgotten }.
LaTeX has now reached end of file without finding the closing
Check the indicated problem area for { that may have forgotten }.
If stumped, try the .
You did not close something properly.
May be just a forgotten
} or \end{...}.
If stumped, try the .
A needed font seems to be corrupt.
Error in the font specification?
Try to reinstall the font?
Try to use a different font?
A needed font is not found.
Error in the font specification?
Try to install the font?
Try to use a different font?
You get this error if you try to use plain latex to process a
template set up for xelatex.
Check the value of \pdfengine or
A needed font is not found.
Error in the font specification?
Try to install the font?
Try to use a different font?
Are you using plain latex where xelatex is needed?
value of \pdfengine or \webengine.
A needed font is not found.
Error in the font specification?
Try to install the font?
Try to use a different font?
Are you using plain latex where xelatex is needed?
value of \pdfengine or \webengine.
I do not think that should happen with an up-to-date version of
Do you really need all these fonts?
There are ways to process a document in parts.
That is described
in Lamport's LaTeX User's guide & Reference Manual.
The fontspec package cannot find the specified font.
Did you mistype the font name?
Does the font exist?
Use the "Character Map" program to check.
If it does not, maybe you can install it.
Try removing it?
If stumped, try the .
Never seen this one in my life.
Doubt that it would happen with a
modern latex version.
Unless there is something really, really,
If stumped, try the .
When interactive, typing in the correct file name, or correct
package name, is the best way to proceed.
However, latex in the
l2h menu is not interactive and all processing aborts.
Interactively, LaTeX will be happy as long as it gets any valid
file name.
Interactively, the way to get LaTeX to stop asking depends on your
operating system and TeX version.
Try entering x a couple of times.
Or nul or /dev/null.
Or try hitting c while holding down Ctrl.
Interactive or not, you either have to provide a valid link to an
existing, readable file, or remove the command trying to read it.
If stumped, try the .
Because LaTeX loves you, it feels really bad about all the problems
resulting from your error.
Fix the problems you have figured out so far and try processing
the latex again.
If stumped, try the .
Latex wants to create a file, but it cannot do so.
You may get this error if you have an old version of index.pdf open
in Adobe Acrobat and postcript or pdflatex is trying to create a new one.
You will need to exit Acrobat and then try the "l" or "p" key again.
No more disk space?
Are you in a location where you have no privileges to write the file?
Does someone else, like system, own the file that is to be
If stumped, try the .
You are not supposed to use \magnification in latex.
Check that "scaled" font scalings use valid numbers.
If stumped, try the .
TeX is being helpful here.
You can do thousands of things wrong in
TeX, and TeX actually reduced the possible problems for you to look
for by a factor 2 or so!
If stumped, try the .
There is a problem with a # parameter while defining something.
If you mistype \newcommand{\mycommand}[2]{...} as
\newcommand{\mycommand}[1]{...}, references #2 to argument 2 will be
To get an actual #, use \#.
For a \[re]newenvironment{name}[n]{begin stuff}{end stuff}, the n
parameters cannot be used in end stuff.
There may be some #1, #2, ... mistyped in a \[re]newcommand or
(Or in a plain tex \def statement).
Check that you are not defining something inside defining
(Like a \newcommand inside a \renewenvironment, say.)
If stumped, try the .
Note that you cannot abbreviate 0in (0 inch), or 0pt (0 points,
i.e. 0/72 inch) as 0.
You still need to add "in" or "pt" even if the
length is zero.
(Which one of the two obviously does not make a
Like above.
This one is likely to follow an "Missing number, treated as zero"
The missing number is really a missing length.
Check the proper format of the command you are using.
If stumped, try the .
Improper parameter to \hyphenation
Words should be letters and hyphens and separated by spaces.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
Unless you write your own LaTeX code, this is propably caused by
something in the wrong place.
Look for unusual constructs.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
You put something invalid behind \line or \vector inside a picture
Try looking
If stumped, try the .
Are your { and } braces matched?
Is \[ or \( closed by \] or \)?
Are you entering math mode while already in it?
Check properly opening and closing of math environments.
Math may not contain blank lines.
If you leave a single blank
line in an equation, it will generate the error message
, followed by
Remove the blank line and all three error messages
should disappear.
Now latex2html has a nasty habit of leaving blank lines when it
removes the labels from equations.
These errors will then show up in
its math images processing.
In particular, they will show up in
To fix this, put the \label{...} in equations at the end,
followed by a %.
Furthermore, leave some mathematics on the same
line, before the \label{...}%.
A missing \right after an array can cause this error.
If stumped, try the .
A \\ new line command is in an unallowed position.
Remove the \\?
If stumped, try the .
Check for typos in ...
Check that you did not forget a \begin{..}
or \end{...}.
If stumped, try the .
Things like \usepackage can only be used before the
\begin{document} line.
In particular, \documentclass must be the
first line, way before \begin{document}.
Make sure you do not have two \begin{document} lines.
If stumped, try the .
A \caption must inside a "float" like a figure or a table.
Is the \begin{figure) or \begin{table} of the caption environment
properly spelled?
If stumped, try the .
A new command being defined already exists.
If you are defining a new command here, the name is already used
for something else.
Change it.
Remember that LaTeX is case
sensitive, so simply changing the case will fix things.
Or to overwrite the old command, use \renewcommand.
Warning: this
will get you into big trouble if the overwritten command is an
important one.
If this occurs during the loading of a package, the package
conflicts with another one.
(Not at all unusual.)
Try changing the
order of package loading, or forget about one of the two.
If stumped, try the .
Like it says?
However, you can put a picture environment
inside a mathematics environment.
Then you can put the \circle inside
that picture.
(As far as the surrounding math mode is concerned, the
entire picture will be just some very big "letter".)
If stumped, try the .
If you use math mode inside an itemize and forget the closing $,
this will happen.
Check properly closing of math mode.
If stumped, try the .
Unless you are defining a very long list, you probably brought
this upon yourself somehow.
(Who else is readily available to be
If you are really defining a long list, make sure it is a top
level list, which is enumerated by arabic numbers. (Or learn how to
define your own lists.)
If stumped, try the .
An attempt to use an environment that has never been defined.
Check for typos in the \begin{environment} line.
If it is part of a package, check the corresponding \usepackage
If stumped, try the .
This error is serious because latex will terminate without
finishing the document.
The missing file may be a personal file that
you are trying to \input.
Or it may be a package you are trying to
load with \usepackage that you do not have installed.
If latex is
trying to find a .sty, .cls, or .def file, it is a missing
If latex is missing a personal file, put it in the same folder as
Then do not use a path in the \input statement.
If latex is missing a package, try finding the file on the web and
put it inside the "texinputs" folder inside "l2h".
Note that you may
have to run latex on any .ins or .dtx file you find to get the sty
If you are running latex though an editor like TeXstudio instead
of through l2h, you may need to copy the files inside the "texinputs"
folder inside "l2h" to the same folder as your document index.tex.
If your latex is very old, the package might not work.
without the package.
Or upgrade latex to a more recent version.
Rerun install_l2h after that.
The missing file error is somewhat tricky when making web pages.
While making web pages, latex might be looking for the file in the
wrong folder.
In general, make sure that you put your pictures in the
same folder as index.tex.
Not somewhere else.
Or give latex a
complete, (so-called absolute), path to the file.
A "./", "../", or
"subfolder/" path will not work.
If stumped, try the .
L one or more figures, tables, etc., or marginpars have
not been typeset.
The actual error may be well before the point where
the problem is recognized.
You cannot put pictures or tables in minipages or parboxes.
footnotes, or anything like that.
Putting something that has a floating location (figures,
footnotes, ...) into something that also has a floating location
causes this error.
After all, where should LaTeX put, say, a footnote
to a footnote?
That does not make sense.
Is a picture or table in the wrong place?
If stumped, try the .
For "array" read "array" or "tabular" or "multicolumn" or whatever.
The argument in which you define the format of the columns seems to be
messed up.
The normal letters are r, l, and c.
Howver, there
is also @{} and p{}.
Read up on arrays, tables (tabular), or whatever on
Then check for typos in the
array/, tabular/, multicolumn/, whatever, environment parameters.
If stumped, try the .
An item command was found.
Latex cannot figure out what list it
belongs to.
Like it says?
Cut and pasted something inside a list to outside
Check the \begin{...} statement of the list for typos.
If stumped, try the .
When this happens to me, I have put something printable before the
\begin{document} line.
Usually I misspelled some nonprintable
command, turning it into printable text.
But you could
actually forget the \begin{document} line itself, I guess.
Do not put any printable text before \begin{document}.
packages, definitions, and such.
Check everything before \begin{document} for typos or other
Apparently, misuse of \marginsize can also cause this error.
If stumped, try the .
For "array" read "array" or "tabular" or "multicolumn" or
While defining columns, there is a p not followed by {width}
Read up on arrays, tables (tabular), or whatever on
Then check for typos in the
array, tabular, multicolumn, whatever, environment parameters.
If stumped, try the .
For "array" read "array" or "tabular" or "multicolumn" or whatever.
Read up on arrays, tables (tabular), or whatever on
Then check for typos in the
array/, tabular/, multicolumn/, whatever, environment parameters.
If stumped, try the .
A counter is undefined
Do not use \newcounter after \begin{document}.
If you use a special style file, (like one provided by your target
journal), some standard counter may have been disabled by the journal
If stumped, try the .
You put something, (figure, table, marginpar, ...), in the wrong
They cannot be inside secondary environments.
A figure or table inside a parbox or minipage will not work.
If stumped, try the .
Your guess is better than mine.
Options to a package conflict with each other.
If stumped, try the .
I think I have used the tabbing environment once, but I cannot
remember when.
Otherwise I use the tabular environment inside
Check that every \pushtabs is closed by a corresponding \poptabs.
You cannot close one \pushtabs by two \poptabs.
If stumped, try the .
Should not be there.
RequirePackage may not be used with \DeclareOption
If stumped, try the .
One thing that is obviously wrong is the supply of meaningful error
Like it says?
Did you leave out the starting \item in an enumerate
or other list environment?
Apparently, leaving the arguments away in a thebibliography
environment can also trigger the above nugget of wisdom.
If stumped, try the .
You only live once.
So live dangerously.
Too big a number in \enlargethispage.
If stumped, try the .
There are only so many tab stops possible.
Don't ask how many.
Too many \= in a tabbing environment?
If stumped, try the .
Rather than trying to create more blank space using \\ \\, use
Been there, done that.
If there is no previous \\, use
If you really need the \\ try putting in a \strut before it.
If stumped, try the .
Two balloonists got hopelessly lost over California.
They lowered
their balloon enough that they got within shouting distance of a tall
That was the headquarters of the Digital Equipment Company.
They shouted: "Hello!
Where are we?"
A mathematician on one
of the "You are in a balloon," he shouted back.
That mathematician was Dr. Leslie Lamport, the author of LaTeX.
Yes, this may be a LaTeX bug.
Or a lady bug.
But it is probably
a consequence of an earlier error in your index.tex file.
If stumped, try the .
Well, set it up properly!
Do I have to do everything here
Invalid font used in \DeclareErrorFont.
If stumped, try the .
You cannot just keep putting list inside list inside list ...
The maximum depth is 4.
If stumped, try the .
You can only have three (i.e. no more than two &).
Forgot a \\?
If stumped, try the .
LaTeX has been hoarding your figures and tables for a rainy day.
However, there is no more room in its small apartment.
The first table or figure that is being hoarded may be a bottle
Change it placement options to [htbp] to make it easier to
Reduce its size.
Or use the H placement option of the float
package to put it down whether latex likes it or not.
A well placed \clearpage may be an option.
Did you really use that many \marginpar commands?
Shame on you!
If stumped, try the .
That is definitely too much.
If stumped, try the .
Try make do with only one.
At the start of
index.tex, preferably.
Kill off the second.
If stumped, try the .
Latex is asked to tab to a column that is not defined.
Did you miscounted the number of tabs, or forgot to start a new
If stumped, try the .
Check for typos and the package documentation.
What options are available may depend on context.
If stumped, try the .
\documentclass must come before anything else nontrivial.
Check for typos in the \documentclass command.
Put the \documentclass before anything else besides comments and
blank space.
If stumped, try the .
A \verb must be of the form \verb!...! where ! can be almost any
character not inside ...
However, there may be no line breaks inside
Make sure that the start character, ! or whatever, is indeed the
same as the end character.
If stumped, try the .
\& (reduce tab start) should be at the start of a tabbed
To get an actual & in the middle of the text, go into math
If stumped, try the .
Something that you treat as defined (say the command in a \renewcommand)
is not defined.
Check for typos in the command, both here and where it was supposedly
Is the definition inside a comment block?
If stumped, try the .
If you use leaders, you probably can figure this out.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
By itself, an & can only be used in tables and the like to separate
If you want a printed &, use \&.
Example: Proctor \&
A missing/misspelled \begin{tabular} or similar can cause this.
If stumped, try the .
The \omit command overrides column formatting in tables and arrays
A \multicolumn statement has an implied \omit.
In particular, whether it does not use more columns than
there are defined.
A \newcommand within a tabular environment can cause this, I hear.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
Usually, this happens to me if for some arcane reason I try to use
a character like _ in the text.
That can only be used in math mode
(unless preceded by \).
So Tex puts a dollar sign in front of it.
Needless to say, that misplaced dollar sign will produce further
After all, the subsequent text is believed to be math, and
the math following the next dollar sign to be text.
(So a perfectly
valid _ or ^ in that math produces the same error once again.)
\_ for an actual underscore and \^{} for a lone caret.
Is something used in the text that can only be used in math mode?
If so, enclose it between $ and $.
Example: water is H$_2$O
(superscripts and subscripts can only be used in math mode).
Is a $ really missing from previous math?
Math may not contain blank lines.
If you leave a single blank
line in an equation, it will generate the error message
, followed by
Remove the blank line and all three error messages
should disappear.
Now latex2html has a nasty habit of leaving blank lines when it
removes the labels from equations.
These errors will then show up in
its math images processing.
In particular, they will show up in
To fix this, put the \label{...} in equations at the end,
followed by a %.
Furthermore, leave some mathematics on the same
line, before the \label{...}%.
Remember that the inside of an \mbox or \hbox is not in math mode
unless you enclose it between $ and $.
Example: $\alpha\beta=0\mbox{
if $\beta$ is zero}$ needs the $ signs around the second \beta as
If stumped, try the .
TeX has found that it should no longer be in display math mode.
Note that in LaTeX you should be using \[ and \], or
\begin{displaymath} and \end{displaymath}, not $$ and $$.
Blank lines are not allowed in math mode.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
LaTeX decided it really needed a { and inserted one.
This is likely due to some earlier error.
And the insertion is likely to introduce subsequent errors.
Incorrect integral bounds can cause this error.
If stumped, try the .
LaTeX decided it really needed a } and inserted one.
This is likely due to some earlier error.
And the insertion is likely to introduce subsequent errors.
Check for still-open opening brackets.
If stumped, try the .
A control sequence means a LaTeX command, like \backslash.
It is \[re]newcommand{\name}... but \[re]newenvironment{name}...
Note the backslash.
In plain TeX, you have \def\name{...}.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
Typically, this occurs when you put a \ in front of an environment
Check for the above problem.
For example, \begin{\itemize} should
be \begin{itemize}.
If stumped, try the .
Check your
If stumped, try the .
Missing "number" might actually be a length.
Like it says?
Check for presence and correctness of lengths
and coordinates behind \parbox, \line, \circle, \put, ....
Remember that 0 is not a valid length.
You must say 0in (inch)
or 0pt (point) or something like it.
A [..] may have been mistaken for an optional argument.
try enclosing it in brackets like {[...]}.
Like change \\[text]
into \\{[text]}.
A misplaced \protect (before something like a length or a number)
can also produce this error.
If stumped, try the .
The "to" is not really used in LaTeX.
It uses {} brackets for
A mispelled command?
If stumped, try the .
Hyphenation words must consist of letters and hyphens.
Using discretionary \- hyphens in the actual word is probably the
best way to keep LaTeX from nagging you.
If stumped, try the .
Probably an indication that LaTeX is lost due to some error.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
This should be very nasty, but I have never seen it.
If stumped, try the .
Well, get the unused portion back.
If stumped, try the .
Parameters of commands, unless defined specially, cannot contain
blank lines.
Check for a missing }.
Check for blank lines inside parameters of commands.
If stumped, try the .
If you have this error, you probably know why.
In latex, you do not normally use plain tex \def definitions.
possible use \[re]newcommand.
If stumped, try the .
I cannot imagine why any new user would want to load abstract
hyphenation patterns.
If stumped, try the .
Because you ask so nicely?
If stumped, try the .
TeX has noted that an argument of a command does not seem
properly closed by a }.
Check that each { has a proper closing }.
Watch for mistaking ) for }.
You cannot use a verbatim-line environment (like verbatim,
rawhtml, comment, ...) inside something else.
They need to stand
(Although I have used rawhtml inside a command definition.
Nothing is absolute.)
In math mode, a special font is needed.
It is not loaded
Like \load{\footnotesize}{\sc} to load the sc (small caps)
font in footnote size.
If your installation has only limited fonts, you can probably do
If stumped, try the .
Nowadays, this is likely to be something wrong with your document.
Line excessively long?
Various MS Windows-type software insists
to put an entire paragraph of output on a single line in the input
That can exceed the TeX input line buffer.
In TeX, you should
break up these long lines.
To get a paragraph break, in TeX you use a
blank line.
Not just a line break.
A missing } makes a parameter size explode?
A circular definition?
(Something defined in terms of itself?)
Apparently, using some commands inside a fragile command can cause
Try temporarily removing the contents.
If stumped, try the .
In math mode, a special font is needed.
It is not loaded
Like \load{\textsize}{\sc}.
If stumped, try the .
Like it says?
Check for weird characters in index.tex.
different editor if needed.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
Sometimes they are hard to count.
Or you may have missed a {.
Missing a \begin{...} statement can cause this.
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
If stumped, try the .
A command you are using is not defined by you, or the system.
Did you misspell the command?
Is whatever is supposed to define the command missing or
(Like the \documentclass command, the \usepackage{...},
the \input{...}, or whatever?)
Is the command used out of context?
(Like an \item not in a
Interestingly, a footnote inside a footnote can apparently cause
this error.
If stumped, try the .
You are using a valid command in the wrong way.
In particular, the
stuff immediately following the command is not in the right format.
(A "command" might really be an environment.)
Did you misspell the command?
Check the proper command format in a LaTeX manual.
Are you using the command itself right, but is something in its
parameters not right?
Like \put(10,10){\line...} where the
\line... is invalid?
Try using {} brackets around command parameters.
If stumped, try the .
TeX macro definitions have a maximum of 9 arguments.
(Being #1 to
But you are unlikely to hit that limit as a new LaTeX user.
Watch for potential problems with a # character.
If stumped, try the .
Use the toilet already!
If stumped, try the .
A # character is where it should not be.
An actual # must be written as \#.
If stumped, try the .
Who says I can't?
I just did, didn't I?
If stumped, try the .
Leslie Lamport's "LaTex User's guide & Reference Manual".
Addison-Wesley 1986.
Personal experiences.}


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