
英语达人帮个忙那个right now right here(天下足球五佳球配乐)这首歌的最后有两个人在那屁话,他俩说的啥,_百度作业帮
英语达人帮个忙那个right now right here(天下足球五佳球配乐)这首歌的最后有两个人在那屁话,他俩说的啥,
Fatboy Slim Lyrics - Right Here Right Now Lyrics Artist:Fatboy Slim LyricsSong:Right Here Right Now LyricsRight Here,Right NowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find,waking up to findWaking up to find,waking up to findRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realWaking up to find your love's not realRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,right nowRight here,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereHere,here,here,hereHere,here,here,here- WBC,and who's this?- Hey,this is Brad out of,this is Brad out of,this is...- Now huh,who's your,who's your favorite artist,what do you wanna hear?- Well,huh,my favorite artist right now is Fatboy Slim,that guy kicks ass.- How tremendous is Fatboy Slim?- The band of the nineties,if you wanna call it a band,because it's a one man name.- Wow...Fatboy,and you wanna hear that new Fatboy song?- Absolutely!- Which one?- The huh...it's "funk soul brother,check it out!"- Sing it,I don't know which one!- Right about now...the funk soul brother...check it out now...the funk soul brother...你指的是这两句屁话吗?- Sing it,I don't know which one!唱一下,我不知道是哪首.- Right about now...the funk soul brother...check it out now...the funk soul brother...就在此时...疯克铁哥们儿那就现在唱给你听...疯克铁哥们儿Funk——中文名又译为芬克或疯克,就像摇滚或布鲁斯一样,它原本也是一种单独的音乐风格.Funk音乐起源于20世纪60年代末的美国,它源自黑人民间布鲁斯.Funk音乐以十六分音符为根基,同时融合了布鲁斯元素,并一向以其夸张的歌词和表演著称.在20世纪60年代,詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)的单曲“Out of Sight”和专辑《Papa's Got A Brand New Bag》点燃了Funk音乐的导火索,那以后,以詹姆斯·布朗为代表的Funk音乐在欧洲进入了它的鼎盛时期,这时,这个以灵魂乐为前身的词汇“Funk”才正式出现.Funk给当时流行的各种音乐都带来了巨大的冲击,而且对各种音乐风格的发展产生了深远的影响.如今我们谈到Funk音乐,也许大多数人想到的就是Funk节奏.的确,吉他在Funk中扮演了与在摇滚、爵士中不同的角色——在Funk里面,吉他由一种以演奏旋律为主的乐器转化为一种节奏乐器.在当今各种音乐风格中你都可以看到Funk的影子.Funk在现代乐队创作和演出中,较少会作为主题音乐的形式出现,大多数时候它是以填补节奏框架的缝隙、增添色彩的节奏形式出现.
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