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Books by and about 2012 presidential nominees
about Rep. Paul Ryan (2012)
by Rep. Paul Ryan (2012)
about Pres. Barack Obama (2011)
about V.P. Joe Biden (2010)
by Gov. Mitt Romney (2010)
by Rep. Paul Ryan et al (2010)
by Rep. Paul Ryan (2012)
by Vice Pres. Joe Biden (2007)
by Pres. Barack Obama (2006)
by Gov. Mitt Romney (2004)
by Pres. Barack Obama (1996)
Book Reviews
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Survey of 2010 House campaign websites
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from Survey of 2010 House campaign websites (number of quotes indicated):
(7) Republican U.S. Rep Illinois-16
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Mississippi-1
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Florida-22
(8) Republican U.S. Rep Maryland-1
(7) Republican Challenger 2010 U.S. Rep California-20
(3) Republican U.S. Rep New York-25
(7) Republican U.S. Rep Georgia-8
(4) Republican (lost 2012 primary) U.S. Rep Arizona-3
(8) Republican U.S. Rep Texas-17
(8) Republican U.S. Rep Michigan-2
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Ohio-6
(6) Democrat U.S. Rep Massachusetts-9
(13) Democrat (retiring 2014) U.S. Rep New York-21
(9) Republican U.S. Rep Missouri-7
(4) Republican U.S. Rep Texas-27
(5) Republican challenger U.S. Rep Illinois-10
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Ohio-7
(7) Republican challenger 2014 U.S. Rep Illinois-17
(3) Democrat U.S. Rep Louisiana-2
(5) Republican Governor challenger U.S. Rep Hawaii-1
(2) Republican (Retired 2012) U.S. Rep New Hampshire-2
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Minnesota-8
(7) Republican U.S. Rep New York-19
(3) Republican (Resigned 2011) U.S. Rep New York-26
(7) Democratic Challenger Connecticut
(7) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-3
(4) Democratic Challenger Hawaii
(8) Republican U.S. Rep Michigan-1
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Florida-10
(8) Democrat U.S. Rep Rhode Island-1
(9) Republican U.S. Rep West Virginia-1
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Florida-25
(7) Republican U.S. Rep Arizona-6
(2) Democrat U.S. Rep Florida-23
(9) Republican U.S. Rep Florida-15
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-6
(4) Republican challenger U.S. Rep New Hanpshire-1
(3) Democrat U.S. Rep Florida-24
(3) Former Democrat (until 2012) U.S. Rep Michigan-13
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Washington-3
(10) Republican Senate challenger Oklahoma
(3) Republican U.S. Rep California-10
(5) Republican U.S. Rep South Carolina-3
(8) Republican U.S. Rep Louisiana-3
(9) Republican U.S. Rep Ohio-16
(3) Republican U.S. Rep Nevada-3
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Illinois-8
(3) Democrat U.S. Rep Delaware-AL
(25) Democrat U.S. Rep California-3
(3) Ohio Republican Governor
(10) Republican Challenger 2010 U.S. Rep Washington-2
(11) Republican (retiring 2014) U.S. Rep New Jersey-3
(8) Republican U.S. Rep Michigan-3
(3) Democrat U.S. Rep California-37
(2) Republican U.S. Rep California-23
(3) Republican U.S. Rep Kansas-3
(5) Republican U.S. Rep South Dakota-AL
(8) Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-8
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-11
(6) Pennsylvania Democratic Lt.Gov. Challenger
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-3
(8) Republican U.S. Rep Alabama-2
(3) Oklahoma Republican Governor
(5) Republican U.S. Rep New York-11
(6) Republican U.S. Rep South Carolina-5
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-8
(7) Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-3
(5) Former GOP Challenger (2010) U.S. Rep Georgia-2
(3) Republican U.S. Rep Kansas-4
(1) Democrat U.S. Rep Illinois-5
(4) Republican U.S. Rep Alabama-5
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Virginia-9
(5) Republican U.S. Rep New York-18
(3) Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-7
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Arizona-4
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Texas-23
(4) Republican U.S. Rep Illinois-14
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Idaho-1
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Wisconsin-8
(8) Republican U.S. Rep North Carolina-2
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Florida-11
(8) Republican Challenger North Dakota
(3) Republican U.S. Rep Arkansas-1
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Georgia-7
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Virginia-5
(6) Republican (Lost 2012 primary) U.S. Rep Florida-24
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-4
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Virginia-2
(7) Republican U.S. Rep Colorado-3
(7) Republican U.S. Rep Wisconsin-7
(10) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-8
(9) Republican U.S. Rep Florida-2
(5) Republican U.S. Rep Ohio-15
(4) Republican U.S. Rep Arkansas-3
(7) Republican U.S. Rep Mississippi-4
(10) Democrat U.S. Rep Florida-21
(3) Democrat U.S. Rep Alabama-7
(12) Arkansas GOP Lt.Gov Challenger
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Kansas-1
(6) Republican Senator-Appointee South Carolina
(3) Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-4
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-9
(3) Republican U.S. Rep Georgia-14
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-10
(5) Republican U.S. Rep New York-23
(4) Democratic Senate challenger Mississippi
(7) Republican U.S. Rep South Carolina-4
(6) Republican U.S. Rep Missouri-4
OR click on an issue category below for a subset.
& excerpts:& (click on issues for details)
Chris Murphy:
Authored state's Stem Cell Investment Act.
Alan Nunnelee:
Mississippi Values include sanctity of life.
Austin Scott:
advocate for the unborn.
Bill Flores:
Life begins at conception and every life has a soul.
Bill Huizenga:
Passion for the unborn, beginning at conception.
Bill Johnson:
Endorsed by Ohio Right to Life.
Billy Long:
Oppose Freedom of Choice A reinstate Mexico City Policy.
Blake Farenthold:
Life begins at conception.
Bob Gibbs:
Protect life as one of our most precious resources.
Bobby Schilling:
Abortion takes 1.2 million unborn babies' lives each year.
Bobby Schilling:
Embryonic stem cell research takes life.
Chip Cravaack:
Oppose embryonic stem cell research.
Chuck Fleischmann:
Life begins at conception.
Dan Benishek:
Life is sacred from conception to natural death.
Dan Webster:
Extend Constitutional protections of life to the unborn.
David Cicilline:
Full reproductive freedom is a woman's right.
David McKinley:
I remain proudly Pro-life.
Frank Guinta:
All human life is sacred and begins at conception.
Jeff Duncan:
Life begins at conception.
Jeff Landry:
Life is a gift from G encourage adoption.
Jim Renacci:
Protect the sanctity of life.
Jim Renacci:
Opposed to embryonic stem cell research.
Joe Walsh:
Pro-life without exception.
John Koster:
Committed to the culture of life.
Justin Amash:
Life begins at conception.
Kristi Noem:
Protect life from miracle of conception to dignified death.
Larry Bucshon:
Roe vs. Wade should be overturned.
Larry Bucshon:
Adult stem cell research but not embryonic stem cells.
Lou Barletta:
Legal protection for innocent human life.
Mark Critz:
Pro- opposes taxpayer funding of abortion.
Marlin Stutzman:
Stand up to the anti-life interests in Washington.
Martha Roby:
Defend the sanctity of life.
Mary Fallin:
Unborn have equal claim to right-to-life as the born.
Mick Mulvaney:
Life begins at conception.
Mike Kelly:
Protect sanctity of human life from conception.
Mike Keown:
Pro-life and pro-family.
Mike Pompeo:
Life begins at conception, with no exceptions.
Morgan Griffith:
Consistently defend innocent life.
Paul Gosar:
P life begins at conception.
Quico Canseco:
Life begins at conception.
Raul Labrador:
Protect and defend innocent human life.
Reid Ribble:
I believe firmly in the sanctity of human life.
Renee Ellmers:
Life begins at conception.
Rich Nugent:
Define marriage as union between one man and one woman.
Rick Berg:
Pro-life strong social conservative.
Rob Woodall:
Strongly pro- supporter of abstinence education.
Robert Hurt:
Life begins at the moment of conception.
Robert Hurt:
Oppose all efforts to end embryonic stem cell life.
Scott DesJarlais:
Pro-life and PROUD OF IT.
Scott Rigell:
Promote a culture that values life.
Scott Tipton:
Pro- no federal funding.
Sean Duffy:
R no judicial activism.
Stephen Fincher:
Judges should be strict constructionists.
Steve Southerland:
Pro-family values includes rights of the unborn.
Steven Palazzo:
Protect the right to life, beginning at conception.
Ted Deutch:
Keep right to choose free from governmental intrusion.
Tim Griffin:
Against abortion except for rape, incest, & maternal health.
Tim Huelskamp:
100% pro- defund Planned Parenthood.
Tim Scott:
Fight for the rights of the unborn.
Tim Scott:
No embryonic stem cell research.
Todd Young:
Pro-life and pro-adoption.
Tom Marino:
Our children, both born and those yet to be born, are a gift.
Trey Gowdy:
Pro-life plus: revisit Roe v. Wade & incentivize adoption.
Vicky Hartzler:
Rights endowed on all Americans, including the unborn.
Travis Childers:
Consistently fought to protect the sanctity of life.
Steve Womack:
Supports Hyde A limit public funds on abortion.
James Lankford:
Abortion causes the unjust death of a human being.
John Garamendi:
I am a strong pro-choice feminist.
Hansen Clarke:
Create a state-operated tax-funded Bank of Michigan.
John Carney:
Get spending under control and reduce the deficit.
Lou Barletta:
Congress is addicted to spending.
Mike Fitzpatrick:
Reduce the size and scope of the federal government.
Rick Crawford:
Debt & overspending are single greatest threat to US.
Trey Gowdy:
Spending must be brought under control.
Travis Childers:
Invest in small businesses, schools, and infrastructure.
Bill Owens:
More balanced budgets and less deficit spending.
Alan Nunnelee:
Mississippi Values include traditional marriage.
Andy Harris:
Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman.
Bill Flores:
One definition of marriage: one man and one woman.
Bill Keating:
Suppo end Don't Ask Don't Tell.
Billy Long:
Define marriage as between a man and a woman.
Chuck Fleischmann:
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
David Cicilline:
Discrimination based on sexual orientation is wrong.
David Cicilline:
Equal pay for equal work.
David McKinley:
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Jeff Duncan:
Define marriage as between one man and one woman.
Jeff Landry:
Keep traditional marriage as one man and one woman.
Joe Walsh:
Marriage can only exist between one man and one woman.
John Koster:
Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Jon Runyan:
Civil unions but no same-sex marriage.
Justin Amash:
Strongly support the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Quico Canseco:
Traditional marriage should be only recognized marriage.
Raul Labrador:
Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Renee Ellmers:
Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Rick Berg:
Protect traditional Judeo-Christian values like marriage.
Robert Hurt:
Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Scott DesJarlais:
Pro-marriage and PROUD OF IT.
Scott Rigell:
Protect traditional marriage in our state Constitution.
Scott Tipton:
Marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
Sean Duffy:
Marriage is o but other contracts ok.
Stephen Fincher:
Protect traditional marriage.
Steven Palazzo:
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Ted Deutch:
GLBT rights same as all, including marriage and adoption.
Ted Deutch:
Ensure that women are provided equality of pay & opportunity.
Tim Griffin:
Marriage should be between one man and one woman.
Tim Huelskamp:
Protect sacred union between one man and one woman.
Tim Scott:
Sanctity of traditional marriage: one man one woman.
Tom Graves:
Defend traditional marriage & North Georgia values.
John Garamendi:
GLBT marriage equality for all Californians.
Chip Cravaack:
Business taxes deter job creation.
David McKinley:
Fewer taxes, fewer lawsuits, and less regulation.
Jeff Denham:
Started several successful agriculture-based businesses.
John Koster:
With lower taxes, businesses can invest and create jobs.
Jon Runyan:
Reduce the corporate tax rate to 25%.
Steven Palazzo:
With less taxes and regulation small business will flourish.
Bill Owens:
End tax breaks for companies that offshore jobs.
John Garamendi:
1990s: Served as California's first Insurance Commissioner.
John Garamendi:
Value and nourish manufacturing.
Andy Vidak:
I'm tough on crime--period.
Bill Keating:
Go after sexual predators and prosecute sex crimes.
Cedric Richmond:
Fewer resources on incarceration and more on education.
David Schweikert:
Constitutional amendment establishing crime victim rights.
Diane Black:
Crack down on sex offenders.
Frederica Wilson:
Restore voting rights for felons.
Patrick Meehan:
Formed the Route 222 Corridor Anti-Gang Initiative.
Chris Murphy:
Strengthen our country's public school system.
Andy Vidak:
G reduce Department of Education.
Bill Huizenga:
Parental Rights Amendment: freedom to educate.
Billy Long:
Supports voluntary prayer in schools.
Supports local control & growth-model testing.
Cedric Richmond:
Don't treat all failing schools the same.
Charles Djou:
reduce bureaucracies.
David Cicilline:
Provide students with strong public schools.
David McKinley:
Improve quality by spending directly in the classrooms.
Frederica Wilson:
Won on African-American curriculum & environmental justice.
Frederica Wilson:
Vigilant supporter of quality public education.
Hansen Clarke:
Improve our schools & keep them in use in summers.
Jeff Landry:
Empower parents with home school, charters, & church schools.
Joe Walsh:
Vouchers force competition & provide better education.
Justin Amash:
Don't infringe right of parents to educate their children.
Martha Roby:
Voluntary prayer in all schools, without restrictions.
Mick Mulvaney:
Repeal No Child Left Behind.
Rob Woodall:
Return power to parents to choose public or other school.
Scott Rigell:
Defend freedom to send kid to private & alternative schools.
Steve Southerland:
Federal government should exit the education business.
Ted Deutch:
Increased funding for public schools & teachers.
Terri Sewell:
Investing in public education with teacher incentives.
Tim Griffin:
Support vouchers and other innovative options.
Tom Graves:
Voluntary prayer in all schools.
Travis Childers:
A good education is the best jobs program.
Bill Owens:
Increased funding for higher education.
John Garamendi:
Ensure that teachers have the resources they need.
John Garamendi:
No greater responsibility than educating our children.
John Garamendi:
Budget cuts directly lower school quality.
Chris Murphy:
Oil & gas companies are prevent renewable energy development.
Adam Kinzinger:
Explore nuclear, coal, off-shore oil, & oil shale.
Alan Nunnelee:
Drill here & build more refineries.
Allen West:
Invest in oil, natural gas, clean coal, & alternatives.
Andy Harris:
The answer is drilling at home.
Andy Vidak:
P warming cycle source still unknown.
Austin Scott:
Domestic oil production will foster energy independence.
Bill Flores:
Explore, produce, and develop our rich oil and gas.
Bill Huizenga:
No to the job killing "Cap and Trade" legislation.
Bill Johnson:
Use our own natural resources, including clean coal.
Bill Keating:
Supports Cape Wind and clean energy jobs.
Billy Long:
R drill ANWR.
Blake Farenthold:
Open up land and water for oil & gas exploration.
Bob Gibbs:
No cap-and- no National Energy Tax.
Charles Djou:
Only environmentally-sound domestic oil, gas, & nukes.
Chip Cravaack:
Harvest our abundance of coal, oil and natural gas.
Chuck Fleischmann:
Drill ANWR; drill the Outer Continental Shelf.
Dan Benishek:
Use our own coal, natural gas, and oil reserves.
David Cicilline:
End reliance on fossil fuels with wind & solar.
David McKinley:
Oppose cap-and- the War on Coal must stop.
David Rivera:
Repeal cap-and- explore American energy.
David Schweikert:
D drill ANWR; pursue clean coal.
Dennis Ross:
Drill in the Gulf of Mexico, even post-BP spill.
Diane Black:
M more clean coal.
Jeff Landry:
Drill here, not cap-and-trade.
John Carney:
Prevent exploration and drilling off the coast of Delaware.
John Koster:
Use our abundant and affordable oil & coal.
Jon Runyan:
Focus on affordable energy, not cap-and-trade.
Justin Amash:
No energy taxes, subsidies, or regulations.
Karen Bass:
Nation's most advanced global warming law.
Larry Bucshon:
Explore oil & lean coal instead of cap-and-trade.
Mark Critz:
P oppose cap-and-trade.
Marlin Stutzman:
Cap and trade is a direct attack on Indiana's economy.
Michael Grimm:
Be surer of global warming before we destroy jobs.
Mick Mulvaney:
More oil & coal over baseless claims of global warming.
Mike Fitzpatrick:
Supports clean coal & responsible offshore drilling.
Mike Kelly:
Tap our rich natural resources, like Marcellus Shale.
Morgan Griffith:
Cap and trade scheme will result in massive job cuts.
Nan Hayworth:
Oil and natural gas are the lifeblood of our economy.
Paul Gosar:
Drill more at home, for energy independence.
Quico Canseco:
Energy production instead of energy punishment.
Randy Hultgren:
Cap and Trade is an irresponsible policy.
Reid Ribble:
Expand and balance our energy portfolio.
Renee Ellmers:
Oppose cap-and- support off-shore drilling.
Rick Berg:
Develop our massive reserves of coal, oil, & renewables.
Rick Crawford:
Ensure affordable, available energy to all Americans.
Sandy Adams:
Gas, clean coal, solar, oil, wind, but no cap-and-trade.
Scott Rigell:
Use our abundant fossil fuel, including off Virginia's coast.
Scott Tipton:
Oppose the cap-and- increase gas exploration.
Stephen Fincher:
Drill ANWR; we need to drill, drill, drill here at home.
Steve Southerland:
Creative ways to increase energy supply, not cap-&-trade.
Steve Stivers:
Embrace all options: green energy, nuclear, & clean coal.
Ted Deutch:
Global warming is security, economic, & moral issue.
Terri Sewell:
Invest to spur green manufacturing jobs.
Tim Griffin:
Natural gas, nuclear, not cap-and-trade.
Tim Huelskamp:
Drill ANWR & offshore, instead of cap-and-trade.
Todd Rokita:
Cap & trade harms economy & constitutional rights.
Todd Young:
Reducing domestic coal sends jobs overseas & raises costs.
Tom Marino:
C responsib & renewable.
Ween us from foreign oil with domestic natural gas.
Vicky Hartzler:
Cap and Tax would destroy over 30,000 Missouri jobs.
Colleen Hanabusa:
Use HI's solar, wind, wave, and other sustainable assets.
Ben Quayle:
Don't CAP our economic growth and TRADE jobs overseas.
James Lankford:
Encourage domestic drilling & refining of oil & gas.
Bill Owens:
Promote investment in solar, wind, and biomass.
John Garamendi:
Authored solar, wind and energy conservation tax credit law.
John Garamendi:
Principle negotiator for the Kyoto Protocol.
Chris Lee:
Increase American-made energy through exploration.
Chris Murphy:
First political battle: protect fragile wetlands.
Ted Deutch:
Proper environmental stewardship to protect the Everglades.
Trey Gowdy:
but no private takings.
Bill Owens:
Investigate milk prices so producers get a fair price.
John Garamendi:
Safeguard our environment for future generations.
John Garamendi:
Garamendi Process: balanced water needs with protection.
Mary Fallin:
Apply faith & family values to public service.
James Lankford:
Defend marriage as an institution.
Tim Griffin:
I believe in the concept of American Exceptionalism.
Ted Deutch:
Rebuild alliances to destroy and dismantle al Qaeda.
John Garamendi:
Moral and strategic interest in strong & secure Israel.
John Garamendi:
Resolved long-standing issues between Guam and US government.
John Garamendi:
Protect Congo's national parks while negotiating peace.
John Garamendi:
Diplomacy should always be our first mission abroad.
Chris Murphy:
Rebuild manufacturing with Buy-American laws.
Billy Long:
Don't obstruct the free operation of the market.
Support free trade with South Korea, Panama and Colombia.
Hansen Clarke:
Buy from American businesses and not foreign suppliers.
John Koster:
One-sided international trade agreements handicap America.
Mark Critz:
Trade deals like NAFTA send jobs overseas.
Stephen Fincher:
Free & fair trade is essential to continued economic growth.
Tim Griffin:
Pass new trade agreements, with labor & enviro standards.
Bill Owens:
Entice Canadian business to manufacture in New York.
Bill Flores:
Eliminate all earmarks and the culture of vote-buying.
Bill Keating:
Forced MA Senate President to accept term limits.
Charlie Bass:
Earmarks are abused to fund wasteful pork projects.
Dan Benishek:
The 4 R's: Read It; Reduce It; Repeal It; Reform It.
David McKinley:
N no campaign-style "constituent" mailings.
Dennis Ross:
Open vetting for earmarks, with competitive bidding.
Jon Runyan:
Pledges to self-term-limit to 8 years in House.
Trey Gowdy:
Read the 9th and 10th A stick to enumerated powers.
Adam Kinzinger:
Strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
Alan Nunnelee:
Right to bear arms is an individual right.
Andy Vidak:
Preserve the right to purchase, possess and use firearms.
Austin Scott:
Second Amendment is one of most important in Bill of Rights.
Ben Quayle:
Defend our 2nd Amendment right to
bear arms.
Bill Flores:
2nd Amendment is as fundamental as rest of Constitution.
Bill Huizenga:
Interstate right-to-carry needed for an armed citizenry.
Bill Johnson:
Protect concealed carry laws and expand states' reciprocity.
Billy Long:
Government should not impede upon the Second Amendment.
Bob Gibbs:
Protect our right to keep and bear arms.
Bobby Schilling:
Elected officials must uphold Second Amendment.
Charles Djou:
Constitution gives individual citizens right to bear arms.
Chip Cravaack:
Second Amendment is unambiguous.
Chris Gibson:
Outspoken supporter of the right to bear arms.
Chuck Fleischmann:
Limiting gun rights is unconstitutional.
Dan Benishek:
Vigorously defend the Second Amendment.
Dan Webster:
Individual constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
David McKinley:
I pledge to defend right to bear arms.
David Rivera:
Protect the right to bear arms.
David Schweikert:
Strong defender of right to keep and bear arms.
Diane Black:
Extend right-to-carry laws across state lines.
Jeff Duncan:
Protect the right to keep and bear arms.
Jeff Landry:
Fight to preserve and protect the Second Amendment rights.
Jim Renacci:
Staunch supporter of Second Amendment Rights.
Supports 2nd Amendment & rights of sportsmen.
Joe Walsh:
Supports right to own hand guns & to carry concealed weapons.
John Koster:
Don't undermine the right to keep and bear arms.
Jon Runyan:
Always stand up for the rights of hunters & shooters.
Justin Amash:
No restrictions on purchase, transport, or possession.
Kristi Noem:
Individual right to keep and bear arms.
Larry Bucshon:
Right to bear arms will not be infringed on my watch.
Lou Barletta:
Individual right to keep, own, and use firearms.
Mark Critz:
Don't infringe basic rights of 2nd Amendment.
Marlin Stutzman:
Don't dilute the meaning of the 2nd Amendment.
Martha Roby:
Second Amendment is under constant attack.
Mary Fallin:
Gun ownership is a constitutionally protected right.
Mike Kelly:
Right to bear arms is an unassailable right.
Mike Keown:
Long-time supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
Morgan Griffith:
Repeal restrictions imposed on law-abiding gun owners.
Nan Hayworth:
I support the entire Bill of Rights.
Paul Gosar:
Don't interfere with the rights of gun ownership.
Quico Canseco:
Protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
Raul Labrador:
Strong supporter of rights guaranteed by 2nd Amendment.
Reid Ribble:
Unwavering defender of personal gun rights.
Renee Ellmers:
Right to bear arms is constitutionally protected.
Rich Nugent:
Staunch defender of gun rights.
Rick Berg:
Protect our second amendment freedoms.
Rob Woodall:
Stand up for gun owners and against further restrictions.
Scott DesJarlais:
Pro-gun and PROUD OF IT.
Scott Rigell:
Gun control only penalizes law-abiding citizens.
Scott Tipton:
Increase con decease other restrictions.
Sean Duffy:
Protect our Constitutional right to bear arms.
Steve Southerland:
Teach kids to be next generation for 2nd Amendment rights.
Steve Stivers:
Strong defender of our Second Amendment.
Steven Palazzo:
Second Amendment provides an individual right.
Ted Deutch:
Renew the assault weapon ban.
Tim Griffin:
10+ year member of the National Rifle Association.
Tim Huelskamp:
100% pro-gun voting record.
Tim Scott:
Second Amendment is cornerstone of our democracy.
Todd Rokita:
Defend the 2nd Amendment.
Todd Young:
Repeal Assault Weapons Ban & most gun control laws.
Tom Marino:
Individual right to keep and bear arms.
Trey Gowdy:
Sufficient federal gun laws in place already.
Vicky Hartzler:
Staunch supporter of our Second Amendment.
James Lankford:
No micro- more guns means less crime.
Chris Murphy:
Right to health care, not just sick care.
Adam Kinzinger:
Oppose ObamaC it does not address costs.
Alan Nunnelee:
Government-run healthcare is not the answer.
Andy Harris:
Increased competition instead of government mandates.
Andy Vidak:
Defund ObamaC use fiscal responsibility instead.
Ann Marie Buerkle:
ObamaCare is so fundamentally flawed that it can't be fixed.
Austin Scott:
Defund, repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Bill Flores:
Tort reform & cross-state insurance.
Bill Huizenga:
Repeal O institute market reforms.
Bill Johnson:
Robust health savings accounts, tort reform, and competition.
Billy Long:
No government takeover of healthcare.
Blake Farenthold:
Cross-state insurance & health savings accounts.
Common-sense amendments: cross-state markets.
Bob Gibbs:
Repeal & de-fund O focus on tort reform instead.
Bobby Schilling:
Obamacare destroys greatest system of care in the world.
Charles Djou:
Tort re $250,000 malpractice cap.
Charlie Bass:
No massive government takeover of health care.
Chip Cravaack:
Don't scrap a system that 85% are happy with.
Chris Gibson:
Competition, tort reform, and insurance cooperatives.
Chris Gibson:
Interstate competition & malpractice liability reform.
Chuck Fleischmann:
Eliminat but choose own doctor.
Dan Benishek:
Repeal ObamaCare and replace it with market reforms.
Dan Webster:
De-fund and repeal the Obama health care plan.
David Cicilline:
Give every American access to quality, affordable care.
David McKinley:
Strengthen the existing private market system.
David Rivera:
Repeal ObamaC it taxes the middle-class.
David Schweikert:
Nationalized healthcare blows a massive hole in budget.
Dennis Ross:
Repeal, replace, & de-fund Obamacare.
Diane Black:
Fight to repeal Obamacare.
Frank Guinta:
Pooled insurance & not federally-run care.
Jaime Herrera:
Control costs by cross-state insurance and tort reform.
Jeff Landry:
Nationalized care reduces quality and increases costs.
Jim Renacci:
Increased competition instead of government takeover.
John Carney:
Plan for increased research and prevention.
John Koster:
Portability, tort reform, & Health Savings Account.
Jon Runyan:
Market-driven solutions, not big government takeover.
Justin Amash:
Don't require purchase of government-approved insurance.
Karen Bass:
Prevented dis-enrolling 600,000 kids from Healthy Families.
Kevin Yoder:
Repeal and defund ObamaCare.
Kristi Noem:
Repeal the trillion dollar health care bill.
Larry Bucshon:
Tort reform, HSAs, and cross-state insurance, not ObamaCare.
Lou Barletta:
Cross- develop wellness programs.
Martha Roby:
Cross-state insurance & medical liability reform.
Michael Grimm:
Socialized medicine has failed everywhere it's been tried.
Mick Mulvaney:
More government control is not the answer.
Mike Fitzpatrick:
Don't put government between patients and their doctors.
Mike Kelly:
Repeal O advocate for market driven solutions.
Mike Keown:
Repeal the takeover of healthcare.
Mo Brooks:
Committee who wrote ObamaCare doesn't understand it.
Morgan Griffith:
Replace ObamaCare with market-based reforms.
Quico Canseco:
Market-based reforms instead of government-run plans.
Randy Hultgren:
More transparency & fewer lawsuits.
Renee Ellmers:
Obamacare is the wrong way to improve health care.
Rich Nugent:
Common sense solutions instead of government takeover.
Rick Berg:
Tort reform & competition instead of nationalized healthcare.
Rick Crawford:
Repeal & replace ObamaCare.
Sandy Adams:
Allow Floridians to opt out of the new federal system.
Scott DesJarlais:
Fight for market based reforms, not for bureaucrats.
Scott Tipton:
ObamaC empower the individual instead.
Sean Duffy:
In cross- & tort reform.
Stephen Fincher:
Less government interference in medical decisions.
Steve Stivers:
Health savings accounts& small business insurance pools.
Steven Palazzo:
Fight to repeal & defund Obamacare.
Ted Deutch:
Drive down premiums from private insurance companies.
Terri Sewell:
Coverage should include a robust public option.
Tim Griffin:
Repeal & reform with free market solutions.
Tim Scott:
Fight against government takeover of health care.
Todd Rokita:
Market-driven plan over Obama Plan.
Todd Young:
Tort reform & cross-state insurance.
Tom Marino:
Eli allow cross-state insurance.
Repeal & replace Obamacare.
Trey Gowdy:
Threat of a national takeover is looming.
Vicky Hartzler:
ObamaCa support real reform.
Colleen Hanabusa:
We finally joined the rest of the industrialized world.
Ben Quayle:
Repeal and replace Obamacare with private sector competition.
Steve Womack:
ObamaCare is an example of what's wrong with Washington.
James Lankford:
Federal control of healthcare is unconstitutional.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
Require insurance companies to cover mammograms at age 40.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
Require insurance companies to cover mammograms at age 40.
Bill Owens:
Access to affordable health insurance for every American.
John Garamendi:
advocate for single-payer.
John Garamendi:
1970s: Pushed reimbursements for psychiatric health.
Chris Lee:
Develop market-based approach to affordable healthcare.
Allen West:
American Exceptionalism requires growing armed forces.
Andy Harris:
Ensure the best-equipped and best-trained military.
Andy Harris:
No rights for terrorists.
Ann Marie Buerkle:
No Miranda rights and expensive trials for terrorists.
Charles Djou:
America must maintain its strong military.
David Schweikert:
Make sure our military has every necessary resource.
Dennis Ross:
Try terrorists i no tax-funded lawyers.
Dennis Ross:
Deploy BMD; maintain America's qualitative edge.
Diane Black:
Protecting our citizens requires state-of-the-art military.
Frank Guinta:
Keep national defense the strongest force in the world.
Jaime Herrera:
Keep G don't try terrorists in civilian courts.
Jaime Herrera:
Support a robust U.S. military to defeat terrorism.
Jeff Denham:
Enlisted at age 17; served in Iraq & Somalia.
Jeff Landry:
End the war on terrorism by winning the war.
Jim Renacci:
Keep Guantanamo Bay open to avoid civilian courts.
John Koster:
Strong military that is well funded and second to none.
John Koster:
No Miranda rights for terrorists.
Jon Runyan:
Give milit keep bases open.
Lou Barletta:
Deny air travel to those who want to destroy our way of life.
Mark Critz:
and extend TRICARE coverage.
Marlin Stutzman:
Use our strength against despotism, tyrants, & radical Islam.
Marlin Stutzman:
Focus on defeating enemies instead of enemies' legal rights.
Martha Roby:
Maintain military installations as tip of our nation's spear.
Michael Grimm:
Keep the Patriot Act in full force.
Mike Pompeo:
Commit to strong national defense.
Mo Brooks:
F most important federal responsibility.
Nan Hayworth:
Overwhelming force is surest guarantor against war.
Patrick Meehan:
Established model Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council.
Renee Ellmers:
Keep G try terrorists in military courts.
Robert Hurt:
Fully fund our anti-terrorism efforts at home and abroad.
Sandy Adams:
F served in USAF; supports NASA.
Scott Tipton:
Provide our troops with the best equipment.
Sean Duffy:
Support our troops by fully funding their efforts.
Stephen Fincher:
A strong America is the best hope for peace.
Stephen Fincher:
Oppose terrorists' civilian trials & closing Guantanamo Bay.
Steve Southerland:
Increase the ove keep US powerful.
Steve Stivers:
Str give troops all the tools necessary.
Steve Womack:
Commanded battalion in Multinational Force in Sinai.
Steven Palazzo:
Don't give terrorists rights they are intent on destroying.
Tim Scott:
Keep Guantanamo B keep military tribunals.
Todd Young:
Invest in military to keep it strong.
Fully arm our troops as they defend liberty.
Vicky Hartzler:
Ensure that the best military in the world remains the best.
Colleen Hanabusa:
Spending on wars reduces resources at home.
Kevin McCarthy:
Unambiguously support our troops.
Tom Graves:
Fight and win the War on Terror.
Ben Quayle:
Provide resources and support to our armed forces.
James Lankford:
P prioritize national security.
Bill Owens:
Obligation to care for veterans when they come home.
Bill Owens:
Invest in job training for veterans.
Mike Quigley:
Declare Fair and Equal County for Immigrants.
Adam Kinzinger:
First and foremost, secure our borders.
Alan Nunnelee:
S enforce existing laws.
Allen West:
Enforce laws
& strengthen the border.
Andy Harris:
Enforce our borders & enforce employment rules.
Andy Vidak:
N yes to guest worker program.
Austin Scott:
S enforce our existing laws.
Bill Flores:
Control our borders with physical and virtual barriers.
Bill Huizenga:
S then create a guest worker program.
Bill Keating:
O secure our borders.
Billy Long:
Op it's a national security issue.
Bob Gibbs:
Oppose subve absolutely oppose amnesty.
Bobby Schilling:
Immigration laws must be respected and enforced.
Chip Cravaack:
Presence of millions of illegal aliens hurts Americans.
Chuck Fleischmann:
C more border enforcement agents.
Dan Benishek:
Illegal immigration is a national security issue.
Dan Webster:
S strengthen penalties on illegals.
David Cicilline:
Secure our border and send illegals to the back of the line.
David McKinley:
N no healthcare to illegal immigrants.
David Rivera:
Control our borders and strengthen existing penalties.
David Schweikert:
Real border security and no amnesty.
Dennis Ross:
N yes to guest workers.
Jaime Herrera:
S oppose amnesty.
Jeff Duncan:
St oppose any form of amnesty.
Jeff Landry:
Enforce existing laws to close our borders.
Jim Renacci:
N no legal benefits for illegals.
Border security is a key issue for national security.
Joe Walsh:
Secure our borders using the National Guard.
John Koster:
S revamp guest worker program.
Jon Runyan:
S send illegals back home.
Justin Amash:
S stop lawbreakers at the border.
Kevin Yoder:
increase H1B visas.
Kristi Noem:
Porous borders and unchecked illegal immigration are threats.
Larry Bucshon:
N fund the border fence.
Lou Barletta:
Crack down on fraudulent immigration documents.
Martha Roby:
Secure America' no amnesty.
Michael Grimm:
Stopping illegal immigration protects lives & jobs.
Mick Mulvaney:
Begin with
not an amnesty deal.
Mike Kelly:
First, secure our borders.
Mike Keown:
S never support amnesty.
Mike Pompeo:
S stop rewarding lawbreakers.
Mo Brooks:
Remove illegal aliens from A then stop luring them in.
Nan Hayworth:
Border security & strict observation of laws.
Paul Gosar:
Secure our border and oppose amnesty.
Raul Labrador:
Streng redouble our efforts.
Reid Ribble:
S fix the broken legal immigration system.
Renee Ellmers:
O enforce immigration laws.
Rich Nugent:
S never support amnesty.
Rick Berg:
First and foremost, oppose amnesty.
Rob Woodall:
Without a secure border we lose our sovereignty.
Sandy Adams:
Prevent those here illegally from receiving benefits.
Scott DesJarlais:
Plan for illegals: one way ticket out of US.
Scott Tipton:
S punish employers who hire illegals.
Stephen Fincher:
Illegal immigration undermines our law & our labor force.
Steve Southerland:
We're t but need secure borders.
Steven Palazzo:
Enforce laws against it costs $25M/year.
Tim Griffin:
S no amnesty.
Tim Huelskamp:
S no amnesty.
Tom Marino:
Strengthen our borders and enforce the immigration laws.
Kevin McCarthy:
Secure our borders by deploying advanced technologies.
Travis Childers:
S enforce our laws.
Trey Gowdy:
S it's respect for the rule of law.
James Lankford:
Illegal immigrants are illegal, period.
Mike Fitzpatrick:
Opposes "card check" legislation.
Bill Owens:
Helped create Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation.
John Kasich:
Kasich rhymes with Basic.
John Kasich:
Host of weekly news show, "Heartland with John Kasich".
Steve Womack:
Elected mayor of Rogers in 1998.
James Lankford:
Shariah Islam not like other religions.
James Lankford:
Council on American Islamic Relations is linked to terrorism.
Adam Kinzinger:
N no retirement age increase.
Andy Harris:
N keep our promises.
Austin Scott:
Safeguard the ag no privatization.
Bill Huizenga:
Make reforms soon, including personal retirement accounts.
Bill Keating:
B or to raise retirement age.
Bob Gibbs:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
Bobby Schilling:
N no raising the retirement age.
Chris Gibson:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
Chris Gibson:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
Dan Benishek:
Give young option of investing in retirement accounts.
Dennis Ross:
Workers under 55 invest in historically-safe funds.
Jaime Herrera:
K no privatization.
Jim Renacci:
Don' don't raise taxes.
Jon Runyan:
N no raising retirement age.
Kevin Yoder:
N keep our promises.
Kristi Noem:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
Larry Bucshon:
N honor our commitments.
Martha Roby:
N no raising the retirement age.
Mike Fitzpatrick:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
Mike Kelly:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
Nan Hayworth:
Investment and savings options to prepare for retirement.
Reid Ribble:
Personalize accounts & stop raiding the Trust Fund.
Rick Berg:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
Robert Hurt:
K no privatization.
Sandy Adams:
P no privatization.
Scott Rigell:
N no privatizing.
Sean Duffy:
No ra no privatization.
Stephen Fincher:
N keep contract with seniors.
Steve Southerland:
P don't raise retirement age.
Steve Stivers:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
Tim Griffin:
N no raising retirement age.
Tom Marino:
Don' don't raise the retirement age.
John Garamendi:
Never allow Wall Street to touch Social Security.
Adam Kinzinger:
Act immediately to make the tax cuts permanent.
Allen West:
American Exceptionalism depends on flattening our tax code.
Andy Harris:
Tax cuts expand government revenue.
Andy Vidak:
We cannot tax and regulate our way to financial stability.
Ann Marie Buerkle:
Lower taxes, less government spending.
Austin Scott:
Lower taxes & reduce regulatory burden of government.
Bill Flores:
Cut taxes to help families and small businesses.
Bill Huizenga:
Flat tax to simplify system & stop draining our spirit.
Bill Johnson:
Tax code penalizes wealthy & keeps poor on entitlements.
Billy Long:
Always support tax relief & simplification.
Blake Farenthold:
Support ok with both flat tax & FairTax.
R lower the corporate tax rate.
Cedric Richmond:
No tax-cut windfall for the richest 1%.
Chris Gibson:
Tax rates are too high.
Chris Gibson:
To cut taxes, must also cut spending.
Chuck Fleischmann:
Taxation--the ultimate form of invasion of privacy.
Dan Benishek:
Reduce oppressive taxation & our-of-control government.
Dan Webster:
Eliminate death tax and capital gains tax.
David Rivera:
Extend the tax cuts for all Americans & businesses.
David Schweikert:
R cutting taxes is fundamental!
Dennis Ross:
FairTax or Flat T abolish the IRS.
Diane Black:
Lower corporate income tax rates & capital gains taxes.
Frank Guinta:
Stop the wasteful spending spree in Washington.
Jeff Denham:
Commitment to protect taxpayers.
Jeff Duncan:
Crusade against big government and higher taxes.
Jim Renacci:
Repeal the death tax & keep capital gains tax at 15%.
Jon Runyan:
Cut marginal tax rates across the board by 15%.
Justin Amash:
Leave tax rates low for everyone.
Karen Bass:
Expand Earned Income Tax C close yacht-owner loophole.
Larry Bucshon:
Reduce both business & individual tax rates.
Mark Critz:
Tax cuts for the middle class, not the wealthy.
Marlin Stutzman:
N no tax increases.
Martha Roby:
Ame abolish the IRS as we know it.
Mike Kelly:
Fight hard to lower taxes.
Mike Keown:
S but no raising taxes.
Mo Brooks:
Some cand Mo Brooks fights the fight.
Morgan Griffith:
Higher taxes kill jobs.
Patrick Meehan:
Fight any effort to increase taxes.
Paul Gosar:
Oppose Congress' tax and spend ways.
Quico Canseco:
Tax hikes affect middle- especially "hidden taxes".
Randy Hultgren:
R reduce tax burden.
Randy Hultgren:
S lower rates.
Raul Labrador:
Oppose any and all efforts to increase taxes.
Reid Ribble:
Flat tax would reduce hopeless complexity.
Renee Ellmers:
Cut taxes and cut spending.
Rich Nugent:
S don't raise taxes.
Rick Berg:
K repeal the death tax.
Rob Woodall:
I believe in the FairTax.
Sandy Adams:
Make marginal income tax cuts permanent.
Scott DesJarlais:
Tennesseans are taxed too much already.
Sean Duffy:
Reduce marginal tax rate on individuals & businesses.
Steve Southerland:
Join me in saying ENOUGH to the tax burden.
Tim Griffin:
Tax relief encourages sustainable economic growth.
Tim Huelskamp:
American citizens & businesses are overtaxed.
Todd Young:
Replace system with consumption-based tax or a flatter tax.
Keep income tax & capital gains cuts.
Vicky Hartzler:
New taxes need to be stopped in their tracks.
James Lankford:
Lower taxes, lower spending, simplified tax system.
Bill Owens:
Let Bush tax cuts expire.
Bill Owens:
$5M estate tax exemption, to protect family farms.
Chris Lee:
Taxes are too high, too burdensome & too complex.
Bill Owens:
Construct I-98; improve Port of Oswego.
John Garamendi:
High speed rail is critical infrastructure.
John Garamendi:
Expand bike paths and bike lanes.
Chris Murphy:
Refocus on Afghanistan, not Iraq.
Adam Kinzinger:
Stay engaged in Iraq for training & support.
Allen West:
Radical I stay on the offensive.
More troops to Afghanistan, with no timetable for withdrawal.
Bobby Schilling:
Continue to defeat terrorists in Afghanistan & Iraq.
David Cicilline:
Time to bring our troops home from Afghanistan.
Dennis Ross:
Win the war in A take the fight to terrorists.
Jim Renacci:
Stay on offense in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Volunteered to serve in Iraq.
Jon Runyan:
Fight against radical Islamic extremists as War on Terror.
Michael Grimm:
No unrealistic timelines nor early troop withdrawals.
Mick Mulvaney:
Decide after receiving Defense Secretary report in December.
Paul Gosar:
American w strength wins war on terror.
Steve Southerland:
Our rules of engagement endanger troops & prolong conflict.
Ted Deutch:
Time for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq.
Tim Griffin:
Leave Iraq & Afghanistan in positions to govern themselves.
There is still much to do in Iraq.
Colleen Hanabusa:
Iraq can be self- Afghanistan cannot yet.
John Garamendi:
Strategic interest in a strong, secure and viable Israel.
John Garamendi:
Iraq War was an unnecessary war of choice sold on mistruths.
John Garamendi:
Continued American presence in Afghanistan.
John Garamendi:
Embargo refined oil products into Iran if they keep nukes.
John Kasich:
Chaired committee which overhauled the welfare system.
Stephen Fincher:
Churches provide charity at 1/3 of government's cost.
John Garamendi:
Broaden the availability of food stamps.
Click for quotations from other sources by:
Republican U.S. Rep Illinois-16
Republican U.S. Rep Mississippi-1
Republican U.S. Rep Florida-22
Republican U.S. Rep Maryland-1
Republican Challenger 2010 U.S. Rep California-20
Republican U.S. Rep New York-25
Republican U.S. Rep Georgia-8
Republican (lost 2012 primary) U.S. Rep Arizona-3
Republican U.S. Rep Texas-17
Republican U.S. Rep Michigan-2
Republican U.S. Rep Ohio-6
Democrat U.S. Rep Massachusetts-9
Democrat (retiring 2014) U.S. Rep New York-21
Republican U.S. Rep Missouri-7
Republican U.S. Rep Texas-27
Republican challenger U.S. Rep Illinois-10
Republican U.S. Rep Ohio-7
Republican challenger 2014 U.S. Rep Illinois-17
Democrat U.S. Rep Louisiana-2
Republican Governor challenger U.S. Rep Hawaii-1
Republican (Retired 2012) U.S. Rep New Hampshire-2
Republican U.S. Rep Minnesota-8
Republican U.S. Rep New York-19
Republican (Resigned 2011) U.S. Rep New York-26
Democratic Challenger Connecticut
Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-3
Democratic Challenger Hawaii
Republican U.S. Rep Michigan-1
Republican U.S. Rep Florida-10
Democrat U.S. Rep Rhode Island-1
Republican U.S. Rep West Virginia-1
Republican U.S. Rep Florida-25
Republican U.S. Rep Arizona-6
Democrat U.S. Rep Florida-23
Republican U.S. Rep Florida-15
Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-6
Republican challenger U.S. Rep New Hanpshire-1
Democrat U.S. Rep Florida-24
Former Democrat (until 2012) U.S. Rep Michigan-13
Republican U.S. Rep Washington-3
Republican Senate challenger Oklahoma
Republican U.S. Rep California-10
Republican U.S. Rep South Carolina-3
Republican U.S. Rep Louisiana-3
Republican U.S. Rep Ohio-16
Republican U.S. Rep Nevada-3
Republican U.S. Rep Illinois-8
Democrat U.S. Rep Delaware-AL
Democrat U.S. Rep California-3
Ohio Republican Governor
Republican Challenger 2010 U.S. Rep Washington-2
Republican (retiring 2014) U.S. Rep New Jersey-3
Republican U.S. Rep Michigan-3
Democrat U.S. Rep California-37
Republican U.S. Rep California-23
Republican U.S. Rep Kansas-3
Republican U.S. Rep South Dakota-AL
Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-8
Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-11
Pennsylvania Democratic Lt.Gov. Challenger
Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-3
Republican U.S. Rep Alabama-2
Oklahoma Republican Governor
Republican U.S. Rep New York-11
Republican U.S. Rep South Carolina-5
Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-8
Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-3
Former GOP Challenger (2010) U.S. Rep Georgia-2
Republican U.S. Rep Kansas-4
Democrat U.S. Rep Illinois-5
Republican U.S. Rep Alabama-5
Republican U.S. Rep Virginia-9
Republican U.S. Rep New York-18
Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-7
Republican U.S. Rep Arizona-4
Republican U.S. Rep Texas-23
Republican U.S. Rep Illinois-14
Republican U.S. Rep Idaho-1
Republican U.S. Rep Wisconsin-8
Republican U.S. Rep North Carolina-2
Republican U.S. Rep Florida-11
Republican Challenger North Dakota
Republican U.S. Rep Arkansas-1
Republican U.S. Rep Georgia-7
Republican U.S. Rep Virginia-5
Republican (Lost 2012 primary) U.S. Rep Florida-24
Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-4
Republican U.S. Rep Virginia-2
Republican U.S. Rep Colorado-3
Republican U.S. Rep Wisconsin-7
Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-8
Republican U.S. Rep Florida-2
Republican U.S. Rep Ohio-15
Republican U.S. Rep Arkansas-3
Republican U.S. Rep Mississippi-4
Democrat U.S. Rep Florida-21
Democrat U.S. Rep Alabama-7
Arkansas GOP Lt.Gov Challenger
Republican U.S. Rep Kansas-1
Republican Senator-Appointee South Carolina
Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-4
Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-9
Republican U.S. Rep Georgia-14
Republican U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-10
Republican U.S. Rep New York-23
Democratic Senate challenger Mississippi
Republican U.S. Rep South Carolina-4
Republican U.S. Rep Missouri-4
The above quotations are from Survey of 2010 House campaign websites.
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