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I try to keep my blog(s) more positive, although sometimes I just feel like complaining, so here it goes.
Since becoming a mom (today we are going to focus on being the mom of a toddler) so many things have started rubbing me the wrong way about how people react to my toddler and his moods.  So in no particular order below is a list of my stranger pet peeves:
1. &He's tired&: Often times when running on empty trying to get everything done, my kid gets over worked or overscheduled, it's life, it happens to all of us.  And when this happens we get cranky.  It doesn't matter if you just woke up from a nap or had a full nights sleep (could you imagine?), you will still be cranky if you have too much going on.  That being said: if I come into the store and he's whiny the last thing I need to hear from a complete stranger is &oh, he's tired.& Actually, no.  It's my fault, I have 3 hours before I have to get to work and 5 hours of things to do before I go. Stets is quite the trooper, being forced in and out of strollers and car seats, running errands, helping with laundry, walking the dog, getting the car fixed.  He's overworked, and so am I, so don't assume just because he's whiny it has to be because he's tired, there's a long list of reasons why he's whiny and if you want to grab a chair I can rattle them off for you, or you can mind your own business.
2. Peek-a-boo: Don't get me wrong, I like when people are interested in interacting with my child.  I do it to other kids too - if they are cute.  But that doesn't mean you can just start playing peek-a-boo and expect him to play along.  He's 2, he doesn't know you and he really doesn't care that you are insulted, as demonstrated by the frowny face and &umph& you give him when he shakes his head.  Go ahead, try to play with him, if he's game, cool, distract him while we are on the train, I'll read my book.  If he's not into it, LET. IT. GO.  Don't keep trying to play, and please don't give him the reaction that you are upset with him, because that's annoying and he takes it literally, so grow up and grab your book too.
3. &He's shy&: What is with people's insistance on defining why my child is acting the way he is?  You don't know him, you have just laid eyes on him for the first time EVER and you are telling me his characteristics?  Nope, sorry, he's not shy - you, my friend, are a STRANGER. He doesn't know you, he's not comfortable with you, he should not have to feel the need to &high five& you.  If it were you and some stranger came up to you and got real close and shouted &high five& I think you would cover your face with your hands too.  So next time when you approach a kid who isn't feeling like particpating with your fun hand gestures why don't you proclaim, &He's smart&, because that's how I see it.
Does this kid look shy to you?:
4. &You want the blue one, don't you?&: this is particullarly for someone who probably just provided us a service, either at a restaurant or play area, therefore I feel bad having this complaint because it's just an indivual assuming something about my child because he is a boy and boys naturally prefer blue, etc, still rubs me wrong.  And, btw, he likes to wear princess outfits and really doesn't care what color balloon you give him, he's just gonna use it to bop people on the heads over and over.  So thank you for offering and sorry for complaining.
5. ANYTHING handsy: 6 words - Get. Your. Hands. Off. My. Child.  Enough said.
I'm sure there are more,these are just the ones that I have dealt with recently.  Feel free to chime in if you have any annoying pet peeves you want to get off your chest, I would love to hear them.
I am going to make a valient effort to try and post more regularlly, I like to post so I can look back, but whenever I have the time I would rather be sleeping or doing something that doesn't require thinking.
Till next time.
Peace, love and applesauce pouches.
Brigid, Brad and Stetson
Today my family did something we rarely ever do (unless someone is sick), and that was nothing.  Well, kinda nothing.  I worked this morning and Stetson had his swimming class with Brad, but after that we all went home, napped and then sat around and read or watched movies or colored.  It was amazing.
This might not sound like that amazing of a thing, but for me it is.  Immediately after getting off work I'm trying to think of what we can do as a family.  Go on a walk? head to the mall? grab lunch?  But Stetson got his first ear infection this week (and he made it a double - go big or go home, right?), plus it was raining, so that ruled out a lot of options for family fun (how lame does that sound?? :)   Anywho, after nagging Brad about something to do he actually explained to me that it might be nice to just do nothing.  Stetson still needs to recover (although he is SO much better than yesterday - thank you antibiotics!) but the weather also isn't accommodating.  So I turned on a movie, cuddled up with my almost 2 year old and read my book. I have not felt so relaxed in weeks.
Thats the problem with me, I feel the need to constantly &go&.  It's no surprise that my son's first, and most favorite word is &go&.  I need stimulation around every corner, I need stuff to do, a calendar filled, when I don't have these things I feel like I'm not doing all I can do with my family.  I'm not filling in the spaces how I should.  But when I do have my calendar filled I feel overwhelmed and exhausted and I'm not the happy mom that I am striving to be when I fill that calendar in the first place.
My baby Godzilla:
Marrying Brad was a wise decision for many reasons, but the fact that he loves to slow things down so much and I love to keep things in constant motion is really good for both of us.  I get him off the couch, but he gets me to just sit back and relax when I need it most. 
I am who I am, I have always been like this, I don't remember a time where I would have prefferred staying in to going out.  But now, as a mom, I need to learn the idea of &dialing it back&.   I put too much pressure on myself to constantly entertain my loved ones (and myself), that if I just take the time, every now and then, to sit back and let everyone around me just relax, I might find the energy for my 4 mile run to the grocery store, followed by the park, followed by working, followed by bath and bed time.  I can't ever just sit around, but being told to do it every now and then is something I need to learn to accept, because after the long cuddle I had this afternoon I feel like I just visited a Zen Garden.
Here's a pic at my life BEFORE I was a mom and had to slow down, you know when I was traveling to a different country every 4 days and had no plan. Happy to have done that when I was much younger :)
On that note, Aquababies was a huge succes and I can't wait to get some pics of it soon (father and son singing and swimming together? Yes, please!)
Sorry I don't post like I used to, I'm just too busy being, um, busy :)
Peace, love and the wheels on the bus  . . .
Brigid, Brad, Stetson and Zeki
Dear Summer,
As I look out my window on the blanket of freshly fallen snow, all I can think about is you. Your warmth, and beauty.  You were so good to me and I don’t feel like I fully took the time to appreciate you.  When you were around I would go outside and just be outside, like it was no big deal.  Winter makes me suck in my breath once outside and wish more than anything I could be inside as soon as possible.
When you left all those months ago, I saw it happening, like it always does.  The days got a little shorter and the heat started to subside slowly, I thought nothing of it.  I didn’t sit there and beg you to stay, I didn’t thank you for all my long nights sitting on the back porch or allowing my days to consist of aimlessly wandering from farmer’s markets to parks and back again.  Winter won’t even let me open my back door, let alone sit on my back porch.
I think of you a lot.  Today, while I was pushing the stroller through huge drifts of snow, I thought of you then. Sometimes I wonder if you ever think of me.  I don’t expect you to, you never expected anything from me.  Winter expects so much from me!  Cleaning off the car and bundling up aside, you won’t believe this but he wants me to shell out SO much cash to pay for indoor activities.  If I try to refuse he lays down the guilt trip telling me how I might start to slowly go insane if I don’t go out, how it’s good for my child, yadda, yadda.  You never asked that of me! You provided me with so many free outdoor activities I sometimes ran out of time to do it all, you were so good to me.  
Don’t get me wrong, winter started off pleasant enough.  He started off cool and slightly brisk.  The snow fell lightly and was, dare I say, “beautiful”, but then he got mean.  It was early January, we had already been through so much together, then he decided to hit my entire family with a storm while trying to drive back to Chicago.  I took that beating and thanked him for letting us still get home safely.  How did he repay me for my patience?  He forced me into isolation.  He cleverly called it his “Polar Vortex” like he was some kind of superhero, arrogant pig!  Fine, I took that too.  I brushed it off as a bad time of the month.  I assumed that was the last of it, I mean what did I ever do to him?  I spent my month of December singing winter theme songs in his honor? Now this?  Well, that wasn’t the last of it, he did it again.  Negative 5 with windchill of below 40.  He smirked at me as I tried to bundle my child up just to get supplies at the store.  But he just keeps doing it!!  I keep taking it too!  Maybe that’s part of the problem, I sit here just accepting this bad behavior and expecting a different outcome, what is wrong with me?
So now it’s March and he’s still here.  I have told him time and time again to leave and he won’t.  So I’m asking you, my dear, dear friend to please come back.  I promise to be good to you!  I will wake up every morning and thank you for being around!
I hope we meet again someday (very soon), because you are missed and loved over here.
Soooooooo...it's that time of year again.  The time of year in which I get excited by just about anything.  You know the first day I'm allowed to start playing christmas music non-stop (thanksgiving), turkey cooking, friends gathering, road trips, presents, Santa, NYE, snow, the list goes on and on.
With that thought in mind I figured I would do a brief update while it's still naptime and before I go months without updating because I am far too busy having the best holiday season EVA!
I know it's been months since a real update on Stets, and to fill you in on everything would be stupid.  Here's the long and the short of it, which I will elaborate on if I think it's worthy.
He's made new friends who have come to visit.  He walks, he talks (kinda), he goes to a kiddie center while I work and has a new favorite person because of it, he's SASSY, he knows all he has to do is grab you by the finger and walk you over to an object and you will perform the task he wants done (turn on the ipad, build a block tower, give him milk, etc), he's looking more and more like a little boy every day, his hair is getting longer and he's getting taller, I'm sad and thrilled at the same time.
We have been very lucky to have loads of visitors lately.  First Jeremy was able to visit and hang with our little guy.  Then we had the ENTIRE Mayo clan here to go to the Children's Museum and then the American Girl store.  With every visitor I am proven more and more how different my life is now than it was 2 years ago.  Duh, I know, but before visitors meant nice dinners, nights out and walking around aimlessly for hours looking at the city.  NOW I go the children's museum, have pizza delivered and make sure naptime goes uninterrupted.
As for the walking and talking he's pretty much a pro walker now, albeit he still looks kinda tipsy, he no longer appears the drunkest man at the party, but he definitely should not be driving.  The talking he's still getting the hang of.  He says &higuys& and byeguys& pretty consistanty, and he still says &dots& when you point to the dots on his wall, and he likes to stomp his foot and tell the dog to &GO& because I'm always in a rush and saying that to him, ha! Other words he has said once or twice and pretty much dropped saying them after that (eyes, zeze-for zeki, nose).  I'm not concerned, he's only 16 months and the doc says as long as he acts like he's talking to you, he's good - and the boy can babble, that is for sure!
As most of you know I began working again.  It's only a part-time gig, which somedays makes me feel like I have 2 full time jobs.  I'm up at 4 am to work mornings so I can be home in time to either have Brad go to work, or pick up Stets during my break in the middle of my shift and drop him off at the Kiddie Center where I work.  The Kiddie Center is amazing, it is down the hall from the front desk I work at and Stets has fallen in love with a sweet older lady named Swan.  Him and Swan have the most precious relationship.  When I drop him off there with her he simply says &byeguys& to me while he waves and Swan proclaims &my new son has a arrived&, english being her second lanuage makes the sentence that much sweeter.  Regardless, they are quite the odd couple and so adorable at that.
He is a sas, for sure!  Brad has taken to referring to his sas as a buddhist non-violent protests.  If he doesn't want to do or eat something he simply slides to the ground and lays there until the task is either done with loads of forcing him (and crying on his end) or we figure it's not worth the fight.
He is so good and letting you know what he wants by walking you over to whatever it is, babbling about it and then pointing.  His favorite thing in the world is taking a bath.  About 5 times a day I am led to the bathroom door, where he points to the door knob and tells me in baby talk &bath time, woman!&  Since he can't have 5 baths a day I am often left to pick up the pieces of the non-violent protest while I try to distract him with something more fun (there is nothing more fun, but I can try!)
As for the looking more like a little boy, you be the judge:
Here he is at 9months:
And here he is today (well this pic is actually over a month old so you could imagine!):
Other than that, as I said, we are just getting amped for Thanksgiving, then our visitors over Christmas and our Lil Christmas in Cleveland.  
Peace, love and strawberries are still his favorite!
Brigid, Brad, Stetson and Zeki
I apologize for not posting as of late, but working part time while maintaining my full time job as &mom& has taken up much of my free time.  Also, my last blog post was eaten by the computer demons and the frustration from that prevented me from engaging for some time (seriously, what blog site doesn't have auto-save anymore??), anywho, I'm finally over the loss of my last post and willing to move on.  I know I need to get a good post updating all you alls on Stets and how he's doing (he's flippin' CUTE - and SASSY and plain perfect), but for now, let me give you a piece of my mind.
Lately I have been thinking a lot about only children.  Don't get your panties in a bunch just yet, we haven't made any decisions for future children, but it has led me consider the idea of having Stets be our one and only.  From the time we are young the traditional family consists of parents and siblings.  Only children are considered spoiled and their parents are either thought to be selfish or unable to conceive future children.  But who’s to say this wasn't a choice that was made by the parents, and more so, who's to say that is so wrong.
I love the dynamic of my current family. There is so much laughter and joy, it's calm and although more messy than just Brad and I, still completely bearable.  Adding another child would definitely create more chaos and mess - don't get me wrong, it will probably be mess I would more than endure due to the fact I imagine I will love that future (maybe) family just as much, if not more than more current family, but sometimes I'm left thinking, &if it's not broke, why fix it?&
Brad and I kinda &rolled the dice& with Stetson.  Neither of us were completely sold on the idea of having children.  In fact I remember Brad once saying &I can't imagine us having a baby or a toddler but when I see our future we have older kids we can hang out with and grandkids&, I couldn't have agreed more.  The idea of me, a very social, constantly on the go person, having a baby seemed alien to me (don't even get me started on my thoughts of pregnancy).  But after we moved to Chicago we thought, let's throw caution to the wind and see what happens.  Well, I'll tell ya what happens when you do that, 3 pregnancy tests later and a minor panic attack, along with 9 months of having no idea what you were getting into and you end up with this. . . .sigh - pure love.
So yes, we threw caution to the wind and gave the idea of a child a chance, and it worked out better than I could have ever imagined.  What is often the case with new moms, you find yourself questioning if you could ever love something this much again.  The answer is  - you probably can (I'm assuming), but do you have to?
I'm reading a book recommended to me from my friend/ neighbor.  .  It defends the idea of an only child, although written by an only child who has decided to have only one child, I'm sure it may be a bit bias, but I do appreciate her bringing both sides, and finally justifying why having an only child isn't just wrong, it might actually be best for some families.
She mentions in the book how larger families were a necessity for survival several centuries ago, due to infant mortality rate and the work a family needs to do just to survive (farming, workmanship, etc), that has maintained the idea of an ideal family centuries later after our &need& for one has long passed.
Many arguments are made that only children are spoiled - but so are youngest children, by definition, as well.  People say that only children have selfish parents, but in my opinion if I think I might be happier with only one child, doesn't that reflect on my child's upbringing?  If I have another child simply so he can have a sibling and he, hypothetically, doesn't even like his sibling, where does that leave me?  Don't get me wrong, I am the middle of 3 kids, and I could never imagine my life without my siblings.  Not only do they buffer my occasional annoyance with my parents, but they also are constants in my life whether it is an old inside joke, or someone to lean on.  Would it be fair for me to take that away from my child?
I have spoken to some only children about this recently, I have one friend who admits they would do ANYTHING for a sibling, and another friend who claims they love being an only child and sees their parents as their go-to relatives.  I guess the same argument can be made for children with siblings, some would never do without their brothers and sisters, while others may wish they never existed.  Who knows.
In the end, we rolled the dice with Stetson and won a jackpot, who knows if our luck has run out or if we are only getting started.  We have time to decide but it was something I never thought was an option, if you have kids, then you clearly have more than one.  But I'm not one to let society decide for me, so only time will tell.
Till next time
Peace, love and quiet evenings at home,
Brigid, Brad, Stetson and Zeki
Today I keep reflecting on where I was exactly one year ago.  At 9am I reflected on the fact that I was probably crying:) I cried alot those last few weeks.  I wanted to see and hold you so badly I couldn't stand the anticipation! Well that, and the fact that I could not breath, you had simply run out of room. At this time one year ago I was certainly in the hospital, I was being induced because my wonderful doctor determined you were running low on amniotic fluid, therefore I would need to get you out ASAP - Hallelijuah!! I think at this point I was just waiting on your dad to arrive because we took the L to the doctor's appointment - I was one day overdue and convinced you would be in there for weeks to come.  Therefore your pops had to take the L back home, get my bag (mostly packed, but I was determined to have a an adorable &go home& outfit which I hadn't quite picked yet - thus the pj bottoms and maternity top for my first pic as a mom - tell God your plans, am I right?) Anywho, I think I was just waiting for him to show up after having some uncomfortable procedures done to help get ya moving.  Your father got lost on the way to the hospital - fyi.
I knew you wouldn't be born today, July 16, I was anticipating a July 17 bday after I was admitted, so I was in no rush.  Today I spent the day looking at the lake from my MASSIVE delivery room and just waiting for all the stuff that needs to happen, to happen so I could have you.  We don't need to get into the gruesome details today my love.
Tomorrow is your birthday, at 5:39 pm I was told I could start pushing, and 10 minutes later you were out, although not in my arms, sadly. I was not the first to hold you as I had a fever when the time came and you had to be immediately monitored by the great nurses in the NICU before I could hold you, and then, when I could, it would only be momentary because you had to spend the next 7 hours in the NICU.  Don't worry you were perfect, they were just taking extra precautions, and I was so tired and in some weird dream world, it was ok.  I didn't even know who you were then, my lord how well I know you today.
I have started and restarted this blog so many times in the past few days, I just can not find the words to put down to really express what your birthday means to me, and what you mean to me.  There is absolutley nothing about you I don't love.  You are already such a sass, but so charming at the same time.  You have your father's stubbornness (no doubt) and my hyperness - I know I'm in big trouble and I don't even care.  Bring it on, as long as you are mine.
You changed me in ways I didn't know I could even change.  My life before you was very social, very &on the go&. I always had somewhere to go, and something to do.  My calendar was full of friends and get togethers.  Then you entered my life and I was forced to slow down at such a screeching halt I swear I got whiplash.  I found myself leaving the condo once a week, if that.  I watched tv, ate junk food and worried.  Worried about you, your life, if I was doing the right thing.  I looked at your precious wrinkled forehead and loved you so immensely that my heart felt it couldn't take it.  Was I good enough to you, were you happy, would you grow and prosper? 
And here I am today, on the eve of your first birthday, with the happiest, brightest little boy I have ever known.  You laugh out loud at such inappropriate jokes it's amazing.  You say &Uh-oh& whenever you throw something on the ground, although you pronounce it &uh-uh&.  You follow me around on your little hands and knees, although we all know you can walk, you have done it a couple times, you're just too cautious.  Got a little bit of Mom's worry bug in ya.
I hope so much for you in life.  I look at your bright blue eyes and just want to clear the way for you so you can take on any challenge that you face.  But I know I can't do that.  I know you will feel hurt and pain, and the idea of that kills me inside.  But I also know you will be great.
Stetson, I hope you take life on whole heartedly.  I hope you aren't too embarressed to give out hugs and to laugh out loud.  I hope if you feel like dancing, you just dance. Do it, it's fun.  I hope you find love and that love is returned to you in all the ways you deserve.  I hope you experience the feeling I felt the night I met your father, that scared feeling, in your gut that tells you &this one is the one& whether you are ready or not. I hope you feel joy so strong that it feels like it might jump out of your throat! I hope you explore, I hope you aren't too afraid to take that extra step and look over the edge, but just afraid enough that balancing on the edge doesn't sound fun to you.  I hope you surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and who you trust. I hope you find friends you can trust for years to come.  I hope you choose kindness above all else.  I hope you reach out to someone who might be hurt, that you are considered someone who cares, but you aren't taken advantage of for that.  Above all else I hope you always know you are loved.  No matter where your life takes you, you have someone behind you loving you more and more every single day.
I heard this song when I was very pregnant with you and balled my eyes out.  I then heard it again when you were 5 weeks old and crying all the time, and I balled my eyes out.  Now with hormones set aside, I still hear it, think of you and cry.  I will do everything in my power to prove to you that you are always loved.
Happy birthday sweet son!
I've never been a person who can easily toss guilt aside.  I remember when I was younger and someone left the refrigerator open my father would shout around the house, &who did this?& &we have energy bills to pay!& and everyone responded with &it wasn't me!& While honestly I didn't think it was me, for some reason I would sit there with this guilt that maybe it was me and I forgot. Or maybe I walked past the door and didn't close it. Was it my fault?
As a mother this guilt has grown ten-fold.  I feel guilty about EVERYTHING! Take today, for example. As his afternoon nap time drew near, I realized he didn't seem quite tired.  He was playing indpendently in our cupboards while I was doing laundry and wasn't producing any telltale &it's naptime& signs for me, like rubbing his eyes or resting his head on the ground.  Because of this I let him hang for an extra 5 minutes. Well, when those 5 minutes were up, still no nap signs appeared. I decided to put him down anyways (we had plans this afternoon I didn't want him overtired for).  As soon as we got into his room he screamed - knowing what I'm about to do. I changed him, and put him down - he screamed.  I sat out in the kitchen while he screamed.  I came back in and took him out and let him play (besides the screaming, still no signs of being tired).
After we played for a bit, I put him back down and he screamed.  I took the garbage out, and came back to screaming.  I waited 10 minutes, then went in and read him a book and rocked him.  He then screamed.  
(this pic is so old! fortunately he doesn't scream enough anymore for me to have a camera on hand!)
What am I doing wrong? Am I horrible to want him to nap? Should I stop forcing it just because we have plans today? Am I making him nap for my own selfish reasons (like I want to shower)?  So I made him a bottle, went in and gave it to him, rocked him, put him down and he - you guessed it - screamed.  Am I losing my mind...I feel like I'm not doing the right things, I feel like I'm making him hate his crib, I feel like I'm not giving him what he needs, and then...silence.  Complete quiet. After 5 minutes I peeked in and he was sound asleep, and a feeling of accomplishment swept over me.
So the question is why do I doubt myself so much?  Sure maybe he wasn't ready to nap right at the time I thought he should, but just because I tried doesn't make me a bad mom.  I have had conversations with women who make their children nap at the same time everyday, whether they are tired or not, and if they scream, well they scream till they sleep, and I don't think they should feel guilty. They are good mother's for doing with what works best for their family.  So why do I feel guilty for doing what I think is best for mine?
Moms feel guilty for working, they feel guilty for staying at home, they feel guilty when their child doesn't walk before a year, or when they all of a sudden stop waving when they used to.  They feel guilty for splurging on McDonald's and turning on the tv, they feel guilty for forgetting sunblock or driving past a rest stop when the next rest stop is 40 miles away with the hope their kid won't notice - trust me, they always notice!  And don't get me started on how you feel when you have to pin your child down to apply eyedrops.  Look on the brightside, you could always be worse:
So what are we to do? Well, first and foremost we must support each other.  I do not understand all those fellow moms that feel the need to judge other moms for any reason what-so-ever.  Unless you see a mom hit a child or curse at them, leave the judgements to the side.  We don't need eyes rolled at us when we pull out a bottle instead of breastfeeding, we don't need headshaking when discussing whether we cry-it-out or have a family bed.  The last thing any of us needs is to feel guilty for not being the exact mom other moms want us to be, that is ridiculous.
So I say, go with your gut.  After Stets fell asleep I had to sit and think about my guilt.  First I thought, &he's not hurt&, then I had to think &forcing a nap might actually be good for him&.  He'll feel better when he wakes up and I won't feel like I'm dealing with at ticking timebomb that may go off at any minute.  In the end, I actually think it was right of me to ensure he got a nap, and I also feel it was good to reflect on the fact that stressing about naps is going to do nothing but give me wrinkles, and I need to save my wrinkles for more important things, like stressing over whether or not Brad is going to watch Arrested Development with me or if he already watched it while I was out of town.
(get it? &Call me - Maybe& or Maeby? hahahaha!)
Till next time...
Peace, love and I should shower before it's too late!!
At just over 10 months, Stetson is really coming into his own personality.  He has various likes, and many dislikes and even a few favorites.  
Here are a list of some of his most treasured and favorite items:
1 First and absolutely foremost - Mr. Monkey Face.  Ok, we just call him &monkey&, but without him I'm not sure Stetson would know what to do at bed and nap time.  This is one of two monkeys.  The first one was purchased by my very dear friend Maureen Wagner. When he was a newborn I desperately forced it on him in an attempt to help him &self soothe&,  I soon gave up, and at around 4 months old I handed it to him randomly and he immediately clutched it and brought it to his face.  Now he reaches for it the moment he hits the crib and I often come in to find him talking to it in the morning.  It's also great if he is super upset! I give it to him and his eyes start to roll back and he pulls it close to his cheek and immediately calms, it's amazing! 
2. The computer.  I think it's obvious that he's attracted to it because he sees it used so often.  I try not to use it when he is up, but sometimes I check it quickly in the morning and even if he is all the way across the room, he sees me open it up and will drop what he's doing and hightail over to me.  He then pulls himself up and begins using his little fingers to press the buttons - that is, until I close the computer shortly after he gets over to me, and he begins to SCREAM!  Because of this we have provided him with our old netbook (the trusty Dell we used through all our travels in Europe), I'll let him type away at it and Brad and I like to pretend his writing to his lobbyist or senator:)
3. Cords of any kind.  The computer charger, phone chargers, whatever all those cords are behind the television.  In a similar nature he also likes drawstings to sweatshirts, I don't know what it is about long stringy things, but he can't get enough of them.
4. The menu screen on the xbox.  If we are going to watch Netflix and have to search for a particular show, it is Stetson's FAVORITE tv time! He can be in his play area and hears that telltale bing of the menu screen and he can't crawl around the couch fast enough to get in on the action. Ugh, he's stupid cute!
5. Zeki's water bowl. In fact it is the first item we have consistantly used the word &no& for.  He goes over to it and starts splashing his little hand in it, and I run over to him and say &No Stetson, that's Zeki's&, at which point he removes his hand stares at me, then without breaking his stare reaches his hand back in the water bowl and continues to splash. I like to believe he doesn't know what &no& means yet, right?
6. The bathrooms.  He is OBSESSED with both our bathrooms.  We have to constantly remind ourselves to keep the doors closed or else he will be in there pulling all the garbage out, unrolling the toilet paper, and godforbid we leave the lid up - let's not go there.
7. Mirrors, particularly the full length one on the back of our bedroom door. It's common that babies like to look at themselves in mirrors, and what better way to do it then to crawl into our room (unsupervised), shut the door all by yourself, and just sit there and kiss, and laugh at the mirror, I mean, I don't think he could have a better friend than his own reflection.  The trouble is, once I hear the door slam I have to go and get him because I heard it's unwise to leave 10 month olds alone to tend to themselves.  However, most of the time he stands up against the door, and not being able to stand independly yet, it is a fun little game we play for me to get the door open without knocking him over.
8. Cupboards.  Another typical baby thing, but he really can't get enough of opening them, climbing in and pulling every single item out of each cupboard.  We have hit a bit of a rough spot when he found Zeki's cupboard which contains all his food and treats.  Everytime we open that cupboard Zeki gets so excited because it means good things are coming his way, but now that Stetson opens it on his own, ALL. THE. TIME. Zeki is having some anxiety trying to figure out why Stets would tease him so much.  Poor puppy:(
9. This book:
10. The leftover foam siding we used on the coffee table for child proofing. I don't know why, but it is so much fun!
Well, that's all for now. 
Till next time.
Peace, love and THE CABLE BOX! How could I forget how much we love the cable box?!
Brigid, Brad, Stetson and Zeki
I feel like for the past several, several months the only thoughts I have composed were thoughts on Stetson. Now don't get me wrong, he is ever changing and the main focus of my life now, but that doesn't mean that Brad and I are left just staring at him all day. We do things, and we are more than just parents, although sometimes that idea seems foggy to me, I think it is very important for us to take time to focus on ourselves as a couple and as individuals.  This is harder than it sounds.
I have to say, I think for me it is was very hard to focus on myself outside of the role as a mother.  I moved to Chicago with the idea of eventually getting a job and then the universe got involved and I became pregnant before finding employment and BAM! I'm suddenly a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom).  I will say, I never, ever envisioned myself staying at home.  My mom worked, most of my friends work, I truly believed I would always work.  So, here I am, staying home, the caregiver, the homemaker.  All these descriptions never sounded right to me.  I think of being a homemaker, and I think of the Beaver's mom, and by all accounts that is not me, but it is too, kinda.  I clean clothes, grocery shop, cook dinner, all the typical stuff, but it is SO MUCH more than that, which is something I had to realize on my own in order to fully appreciate my new role.
My first few months at home were very difficult.  I found myself needing constant reassurance from Brad that not only am I doing a good job, but it's ok to be home, I'm doing a good thing for our family.  I spent my whole life putting value into a job and the money I made and the insurance I offered, that I felt like somewhat of a hanger-on not going into the office everyday and &working& for a living.  This constant need for reassurance created tension. I think Brad felt like he was constantly walking on eggshells to make sure that I felt appreciated, while I, in turn, felt like I had to constantly overdo what I was doing just to prove that I was a contributing partner in our family.  Silly, right? Well, I had to relearn everything I knew about &contributing&, I had to teach myself that by keeping the house in order, taking care of Stetson, getting food and taking out the dog, were all things we would be paying someone else to do if I did work, so instead, I get to do these things, and really I couldn't be luckier! I feel so blessed that I am Stetson's constant.  I am so lucky to be what he knows and sees everyday, and to be the very individual he will get the most from.  What a huge task and reward all the same.
So how did I teach myself that I can be myself, the quirky (sometimes annoying) Brigid, that laughs at stupid things, loves to go on runs and thinks Jim Gaffigan is SO FUNNY, all while being a mom, with HUGE responsibilities that involve picking out organic baby yogurt while trying to defend the fact that I still use disposible diapers?? I left town.  Honestly, I had to get the hell out of Chicago to even figure out how important I am, and how much Brad does for us as well.  From the time I had Stetson, I was so caught up in having NO IDEA what I was doing, while struggling to do everything perfect, that I forgot to just be me.  It's so hard to put into words, but I spent 32 years being only me.  Even after I met Brad and we quickly became &Brad and Brigid&, I still felt like Brigid, just with a better half.  After Stetson, I became so lost in this new world, that it took going to Key West with my best friends to remember, I'm a new mom, but I'm also, at the core, Brigid.
My BG's (Bay Girls - best friends since high school, some even longer - Tiff:) ) and I started planning a Girl's trip while I was pregnant.  We had one previous trip together before everyone had kids about 7 years ago, and it was in Vegas.  We wanted to try and do a trip again, and I thought Key West because we all wanted beachy and my &aunt& owned a house there that we could stay at for cheaper than any of the hotels or renting a house from a stranger.  
As the trip got closer I became more and more anxious.  It was too soon, I wasn't ready to leave my baby at home with *gasp* his own father. Could you imagine? In all seriousness, I wasn't sure Brad would know what to do, I mean, he is hand's on father, but he works all day and isn't as in tune with Stets' schedule as I am.  Could this work? Would he be calling me at all hours, a ball of stress not knowing where I kept the diaper genie refills? Would Stetson forget who I was or worse yet, believe I left him forever?
It wasn't until I got off the plane in Cleveland and saw my best friend waiting at my gate eating an ice cream cone that things in my brain started to change.  My massive weight of responsibilty felt instantly lighter, I guess I proved that slightly when I forced a shot of tequila on her while waiting at the airport bar for our other friends.  Soon after this we found ourselves in Florida, giggling with free drinks from fellow travelers in hand, and although Stetson and Brad were in my thoughts constantly, I felt this sense of freedom that I never allowed myself to feel since having my wonderful baby.  I put so much pressure on myself to be everyone's everything (mother, wife, housekeeper, cook, grocery shopper, caretaker, floor cleaner), that I honestly and truly lost sight of myself.
Since returning from the trip I have seen my life in a new light.  Not only was I allowed to let go a bit, but I also realized how much I could truly depend on Brad.  He took care of Stetson with no issues (or at least none he let me in on), and I think he came out of it for a deeper appreciation of me as well.  Sometimes Brad comes home and the house isn't perfectly cleaned, instead I was able to take Stetson and Zeki on run to the park because it was FINALLY warm in Chicago, or maybe we decided to wander around the square just because.  Either way, I feel now, that I can finally accept myself as a mom, but as a mom that is Brigid at the very core.  If we get a babysitter, the first thing I do is get a shot of tequila - because that's how I am, but as a mom that also means I can't have 2 shots, or 3 drinks, but I can still do the things I used to do in moderation.  I don't have to be someone else to be a good mother, I have to be me and, not to toot my own horn, but I honestly believe that Stetson is lucky for that.  I'm never going to wear mom jeans, or I might not have the best after school snack always waiting for him, but I will always be one shuffle mix away from a dance party and if it's nice outside, we will be out there playing TOGETHER, and I can't wait, but once the sun sets and you are tucked tight in bed I will also be having a much needed cocktail on our deck with my favorite man ever, because that's who we are, and try as we might, we can never force ourselves into roles we weren't meant to play.
And in the end I could not be happier!
I know this is a bit off course from our typically Stetson updates, but I also think its important to keep a journal of how we are as people. Even if it's hard to grasp at times.
Till next time. 
Peace, love and Key lime pie!!
Brigid, Brad, Stetson and Zeki
Yep, it's official.. WHAT? No, not that! It's official that I am entirely and uterly obsessed with my baby - wouldn't you be?
The past couple of months have been filled with development for this little guy. From getting &SO BIG& to sprouting two new chompers, my baby boy is getting less and less baby everyday, and it all seemed to happen overnight.
Here he is with his new friend Ollie - the cuteness is taking over your computer screen - be prepared!
About a month ago, I went on a much needed girl's trip to Key West with all my favorite ladies (except Maggie - we'll get ya next time!!) On the morning I was getting ready to leave, Stetson made his first crawl.  it was slow and struggled, but I could tell that when I returned he would be ALL OVER the place, and I was right.  On top of that, the very same weekend he got his first tooth, and started pulling himself up onto furniture (well anything around, sturdy or not).  At this point, he can do pretty much anything for his size.  He gets all over the place and pulls up on everything.  He has just started perfecting the cautious act of sitting down after pulling up as well, I guess falling on your face over and over will help increase the need to be cautious when coming back down.
All this new development has been rough on me - I know I have to let him explore, and I try to stay at least two steps behind him at all times, but some falls I can't prevent (and we all know he needs to fall to learn to walk - but UGH!)  Needless to say, I have been kissing many bumps and bruises, and am starting to realize that I will be kissing bumps and bruises for years to come, as my little boy is a bit fearless.
Beside for all the crawling we also took Stetson on his first plane trip! We were fortunate enough to have Brad's work send him to a conference in Salt Lake City, and since G-Bob and G-Chris Schaefer live in SLC we made it a family affair.  It was so great to see Stetson bonding with his grandparents, that and we got to go on a plane with little to no issues (well, the obvious traveling issues, but none of which were caused by Lil' Stets). He had our whole flight smiling over his uncontrollable giggling at the airplane window - I would simply slide it up and then slide it down and he was unable to breath he was laughing so hard.  Aww, the little things:)
I just wanted to give a quick update on our Stets.  I am going to try and post more often so friends and family can really get to know our everday lives, but until that happens...
Peace love and cutie oranges -  cuz they are the best!!
Brigid, Brad, Stetson and Zeki}


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