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注册: 2004年11月
CARDESIGNPICS开始将触角深入推进到汽车造型设计的深水区,将首次以独立研究者的身份,重磅揭开全球汽车设计产业链的核心地带。作为全球首个汽车设计自媒体,有责任,有义务为推进中国汽车设计产业,尽一份草根屌丝部落应有的贡献!仅仅把设计自媒体定位在汽车图片收集、将外网的图片COPY PASTE在微信上的做法,呵呵!
& & 在汽车研发过程中,造型设计处于产业研发的最核心阶段,其开发时间的长短与设计质量直接关乎产品命脉,而庞大的丰田体系,要开发几百款车型全新、改款、改型,以及概念车设计等,设计流程更为显得直接重要。
& & 历经美国刹车门、泰国水灾、福岛核电站等各种事件,丰田仅仅失去了全球第一没多久,又重新夺得了世界头号车厂地位,其秘密武器是什么?造型设计评审流程的改革,全新的设计战略是其重要的杀手锏!
& &&&2012年丰田汽车公司通过减少设计审核的参与人数来改变其设计方式。丰田公司所有品牌汽车的总设计师,福市笃雄(Tokuo Fukuichi)认为:“丰田的问题就在于它有太多的筛选工序了。当太多的人参与进设计的时候,你是在通过减少汽车的缺点来进行设计,而并没有创造新的优点,并没有进行冒险。”
2-外观设计基本定形后,负责外观设计、功能设计、评价和生产技术的工程师会聚集到项目室来,对品质、性能、成本和生产效率等各种要素作 出确认、验证后,再反映到图纸中去;
Design Review Based on Failure Mode (DRBFM) is a tool originally developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation. This tool was developed based on the philosophy that design problems occur when changes are made to existing engineering designs that have already been proven successful.
DRBFM Methodology was developed by Tatsuhiko Yoshimura, a Quality Expert and a professor at Japan\'s Kyushu University. Yoshimura knew that design problems occur when changes are made without the proper level of supporting documentation. Using the philosophy of Preventative Measures (Mizenboushi), he created his own philosophy of DRBFM. Dr. Tatsuhiko Yoshimura supported the development and usage of DRBFM at many companies. He believes companies that implement the usage of DRBFM will be a better company. He believes the implementation of DRBFM requires discipline and engagement of everyone to the one goal of adding value to the customer by meeting engineering functional requirements and customer expectations.
The Philosophy of DRBFM centers on three concepts:
Good Design
Good Discussion
Good Dissection
The DRBFM methodology is now a recognized documented process by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)and soon to be by AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group). SAE J2886 DRBFM Recommended Practice was published in 2013 and the AIAG DRBFM Document will be published in the second quarter of 2014. Bill Haughey is the chair of both the SAE and AIAG committees to ensure a consistent application of the DRBFM process within both documents.
Good Design[edit]
The basis for reliability is no therefore, Mr. Yoshimura believes that if a design changes, the change should occur in small increments. Disturbance to a design is caused by the discontinuity of implementing changes affecting the interfaces between parts and interactions between systems. The design should not be changed in two different places simultaneously, because making too many changes too fast has the potential to result in failures faster than our capacity to detect them. One key to successful change is to make changes visible. Dr. Tatsuhiko Yoshimura mentored many people in his methods defined in GD3. Bill Haughey, one of his students, completed an Ebook (published by SAE http://books.sae.org/book-pd251136) \&Design Review Based on Failure Modes (DRBFM) and Design Review Based on Test Results (DRBTR) Process Guidebook.\& The book features process step by step details of the methods along with examples. Haughey () is currently the chair of an SAE committee developing a DRBFM recommended practice (J2886).
Good Discussion[edit]
In discussions we should concentrate on the proposed changes to a design. If a proven good design is applied to future products, then the ri however, if changes are made to the existing design, then the probability of failure is increased.
Mr. Yoshimura advises individuals to work to understand the changes as opposed to trivializing them. He also advises that validation testing can help to identi but, he also states that good discussions held at preliminary design reviews can achieve the same result. The good discussion that Mr. Yoshimura refers to here is also known as DRBFM (Design Review Based on Failure Modes).
The analysis for DRBFM is modeled after a linkage between a good design review and FMEA. A comprehensive, well-done FMEA can be considered one of the prerequisites (plus many other preparations sheets defined in the methodology) for a DRBFM; DRBFM is implemented when change occurs (design, process, supplier, etc.). The intent of the DRBFM /drbfm/ ) is to make these changes visible by discussing them at length, as well as every possible concern for failure that may potentially occur - anything that impacts quality, cost or delivery.
Good Dissection[edit]
The third part of the GD3 concept. One objective of a good design review is to examine the results of validation testing, making all product weaknesses visible. This examination involves applying another GD3 concept, Design Review Based on Test Results (DRBTR). When applying DRBTR, we must, wherever possible, observe the product test before, during and after completion. DRBTR looks for the validation (test) engineer to lead the review of a DRBTR review to exam the tested part and look for buds of problems that are about to happen (test failures are evident). DRBTR encourages the designer and test engineer to discuss potential problems (observations) or weaknesses from a cross functional multi-perspective approach, and to share this information. DRBTR has the designer observing actual test pieces and discussing test results in open discussions, such as design reviews. Furthermore, when dissecting test results, one must consider manufacturing variation, test profile and expected quality and reliability targets of the product. This process is defined in detail in Bill Haughey\'s Ebook (published by SAEhttp://books.sae.org/book-pd251136) \&Design Review Based on Failure Modes (DRBFM) and Design Review Based on Test Results (DRBTR) Process Guidebook.\& The book features process step by step details of the methods along with examples.
丰田欲颠覆传统设计风格 强调个性
当福市笃雄(Tokuo Fukuichi)重回丰田总部的总设计师之位时,丰田总裁丰田章男对他提出一个简单的要求,那就是:将丰田汽车设计得简单而酷劲十足。但福市笃雄拒绝了这个要求。
  瑞银集团日本分公司高级分析师Kunihiro Matsumoto 指出,“丰田的竞争对手越来越多,它们通常都在技术安全性和燃料效率方面做改进,但丰田与它们不同,它在产品设计方面仍有改进空间。”
  去年,韩国现代雇用了前宝马设计师克里斯托弗·查普曼(Christopher Chapman)作为其美国设计中心首席设计师,同时起亚公司也提拔前大众设计师彼得·希瑞尔(Peter Schreyer)成为公司首位外籍总裁。
  为了迎头赶上,丰田做出许多前卫的设计,目标对准年轻买家。一家日本报纸登出广告,内容是著名喜剧演员兼电影导演北野武盯着新款皇冠,好像他不知道该拿它怎么办的样子。考虑到大部分买家已将厌倦了白色与黑色的设计,丰田皇冠豪华版(Crown luxury)使用该车型的粉色版图片为其做宣传。图片显示该车型拥有一个巨大而闪亮的闪电型护栅,上有标语“Reborn”。
  “那些设计精巧的汽车就像裁剪精细的西装,”底特律创意研究学院教授Kunihisa Ito说,“对丰田来说,追求前卫风格可能意味着失去其原有的美感。”
Toyota drops ‘plain vanilla’ styling
When Tokuo Fukuichi was brought back to Toyota Motor Corp to become head of design, he was given a simple directive from President Akio Toyoda: make Toyota cars simple and cool. He took a risk and objected.
“I said, look, Mr. President, just cool is not good enough,” Fukuichi told Reuters. “Toyota had already tried hard to fix ugly parts and make them look better. What Toyota lacks the most is character.”
Fukuichi, 61, knows something about character. In the late 1980s, he designed the first generation Previa, also known as the “egg-van” - one of the most love-it-or-hate-it Toyota vehicles ever.
For Toyoda, who has criticised his company for losing sight of the fun and excitement of the automobile and has tried to shake up its stodgy and engineer-dominated design process, Fukuichi brought the right kind of edginess to the job. In a rare move, he asked Fukuichi to rejoin Toyota in 2011 after he had left for group company Kanto Auto Works.
Two years on, Toyota\'s designs are starting to show signs of change. From luxury brand Lexus\'s pinched-in-the-middle “spindle” grille to the Auris hatchback\'s sharply angled headlights, Toyota is taking steps to distance itself from a legacy of “plain vanilla” styling.
Not everyone is happy. At a shareholders\' meeting in June, the very first issue raised from the floor was a complaint about the new “face” of Lexus models. But Fukuichi is unfazed.
“If we don\'t take risks now, there will be no future for us,” he said.
The latest evidence of Toyota\'s newfound willingness to take risks with the look of its cars will be on show at Monday\'s Detroit auto show when Toyota reveals the Furia concept sedan, expected to give consumers a sense of what is coming when it launches the next version of its top-selling Corolla sedan.
Not a democracy
Analysts say Toyota, the world\'s largest car maker by sales volume, has been driven to change. Toyota is being is squeezed between brands such as BMW and Volkswagen\'s Audi, which are seen as leaders in design, and a fast-rising rival in Hyundai that has won praise for the way it has managed to make its mass-market sedans look far more expensive than their sticker prices.
“Competitors are on the rise, and they are generally improving in areas such as safety technology and fuel efficiency,” said Kunihiro Matsumoto, an autos analyst at UBS Securities in Japan.
“So Toyota needs to distinguish itself in other ways. There is still room for Toyota to improve its products through design.”
Toyota executives know that their cars have traditionally sold on quality rather than looks. Some, like generations of the Camry, have been famed for an inoffensive styling that was aimed straight at the middle-of-the road.
“Before, our craftsmanship was focused on cutting out flaws. That led to cars that were not hated by anyone, but also not enthusiastically sought after by anyone,” said Fukuichi.
In an effort to fix that, he has shaken up a tradition of design-by-committee.
About 100 panel members used to give scores to designs, which would then be tweaked to reflect their varying opinions and become less edgy. Some 30 executives were involved in making the final decision at the design tower in Toyota headquarters, near Nagoya.
Now, designers recommend the model they back most strongly. Comments from panel members are taken into consideration but do not necessarily determine the design, and the number executives with a say has been cut to a third of what it was.
“It\'s no longer a democratic decision,” Fukuichi, told Reuters in a recent interview.
Forget ‘Kaizen’
In recent years, Toyota\'s South Korean rivals Hyundai and its affiliate Kia have won kudos for styling, helping to transform the consumer image of those brands.
Hyundai last year hired former BMW designer Christopher Chapman as chief designer at its US design centre, while Kia promoted Peter Schreyer, a former Volkswagen designer, as the first foreign president.
In an effort to catch up, Toyota has paired more aggressive designs with edgy marketing, eyeing younger buyers.
Promotional images for the Crown luxury sedan that most buyers will seek in black or white have used a flamingo-pink version of the car, which features a big, lightning bolt-shaped grille, with the tagline “Reborn”.
One Japanese newspaper ad has popular comedian and film director Takeshi Kitano staring at the new Crown as if he\'s not sure what to make of it.
Experts say one of Toyota\'s challenges will be building a continuity into its styling so consumers can recognise one of its models from a block away - as they can with Audi or BMW.
“There are many European automakers that have inherited design with their own identity. Japanese cars do not have that, and without the badge, it is hard to tell which brand it is,” said Takao Kijima, a professor at the Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi who for years worked in the auto industry.
Toyota\'s engineering and production has been defined by the philosophy of “kaizen”, or continuous improvement, helping it excel at refining existing technologies. But when it comes to design, Fukuichi says Toyota needs to throw out what has been one of the central organising principles of the company.
“By doing kaizen, you might be able to be a fashion model with a good figure, but not an actress - unforgettable even if she has a less attractive figure and an unusual face,” he said.
Experts generally laud Toyota\'s efforts to change, although they caution it will be a tough message for the conservative company to absorb. Some warn that changing the design too aggressively for conservative signature cars - like the Crown and Lexus models - could alienate existing fans.
“Those cars are wonderful like really well-tailored, sophisticated suits,” said Kunihisa Ito, a professor at College for Creative Studies in Detroit. “For Toyota to pursue an aggressive character, could mean losing its original beauty.” — Reuters
因此CARDESIGNPICS认为,一个企业,只有领导对设计真正理解了,愿意赋予设计团队真正的梦想和平台,那么传奇指日可待.那就是,不要干涉汽车设计团队的工作,让他们做心目中真正想要的车,工程师配合做出来,让消费者买单,再也不要为了对手为了销量而做山寨和copy paste的设计了.
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在阅读中,&人们首先理解的是语言的字面意义。然而,&语言所表达的内容常常超过其字面意义。这就需要我们掌握逻辑判断和推理的方法,&根据事物发展的自然规律以及语言本身的内在联系,&从一定的文字符号中获得尽可能多的信息。& 有时,&作者在文中并未把需要读者理解的所有意思直接表达出来,&而是期待读者能领语文章的内在含义,&即从字里行间来体会他想表达的意思。由于有的意思文中没有直接说明,&读者必须根据文中所陈述内容的逻辑发展,&上下文的联贯以及文中有关部分的暗示,&作出判断或进行推理。& 在阅读中,&判断和推理的能力是十分重要的。只有具备这种能力,&才有可能真正地弄懂文章中语言上没有明确表达却又隐含的意思,&达到真正的理解。& 一、判断& 在阅读中,有时要求我们对文章中阐述的事实或细节,&按照逻辑发展的规律,&进行分析和概括,&并以此为依据得出合乎逻辑的结论。我们将这个过程称作"判断"。& 例1:&The&male&and&female&mosquitoes&make&an&odd&couple.&The&female&is&vampire&and&lives&on&blood.&The&male&is&a&vegetarian&that&sips&nectar&and&plant&juices.&Females&of&different&species&choose&different&hosts&on&which&to&dine.&Some&feed&exclusively&on&cattle,&horses,&birds,&and&other&warm-blooded&creatures.&Some&favor&cold-blooded&animals.&Still&others&prefer&man.& While&the&female’s&menu&varies,&her&bite&remains&the&same.&She&drives&her&sharp&tubular&snout&through&the&skin,&injects&a&fluid&to&keep&the&blood&from&thickening,&and&drinks&her&fill,&which&takes&a&minute&or&less.&It&is&the&fluid&she&injects&that&carries&disease.&After&her&blood&meal,&she&rests&while&her&eggs&develop.&She&then&looks&for&a&moist&or&flooded&place&to&lay&them& 根据文中the&male&is&a&vegetarian&that&sips&nectar&and&plant&juice.我们可以得出结论:雄蚊相对地说对人类无害。根据文中The&female&is&a&vampire&and&lives&on&blood.&Some&feed&on&...warm-blooded&creatures.&Some&favour&cold-blooded&animals.&Still&others&prefer&man.我们可以得出结论:雌蚊对多数构成威胁。纵观全文,&我们可以得出结论:"蚊子应该被消灭。"& 二、推理& 推理就是以已知的事实为依据,&来获得未知的信息。在阅读中,&我们要善于利用文章中明确表示的内容,&进行正确的推理,&以挖掘作者的隐含意思;&要求进行推理的问题,&在文中均找不到直接答案。如果问题要求理解某句或某段的含蓄意义,&我们必须在文中找到所涉及的关键词语,&仔细阅读一至两遍,&吃透意思,&并以此为根据,&进行分析和推理。然后,&再逐个考虑选择项,&选出答案。如果需要进行推理判断的内容涉及全文,&则必须在理解通篇中心、掌握全文逻辑发展过程的基础上,&才能进行正确的推理判断接例2:&Like&other&opinions&about&the&situation,&Burke’s&predictably,&and&sensibly,&forecasts&a&rise&in&unemployment&among&the&young.& 从此句我们可以看出:1)说话者同意Burke的关于年轻人失业现象要增多的看法(根据predictably,&and&sensibly);2)Burke不是唯一持这种看法的人(根据like&other&opinions...)。&
例3:Directions:&Read&the&following&passage&and&choose&the&statement&(s)&which&can&definitely&be&inferred& In&1980,&Canada&announced&strict&additional&limits&on&ownership&of&energy&companies&by&foreign&institutions&and&individuals.&Since&these&may&no&longer&own&more&than&50&percent&of&such&companies,&sources&of&capital&for&these&corporations&are&now&sharply&restricted.& A)&Before&1980,&foreigners&were&allowed&to&own&a&majority&of&shares&in&Canadian&energy&companies.& B)&Canada’s&1980&limitations&on&energy-company&ownership&have&caused&some&problems&for&these&enterprises.& C)&After&1980,&foreigners&may&not&own&a&majority&share&in&a&Canadian&company.& D)&Before&1980,&there&were&no&limitations&of&foreign&individuals&owning&Canadian&energy&companies.& 选择项A符合题意,&因为文中谈到这一限制是1980年宣布的,&据此可以推断1980年前尚无此规定。选择项B也符合题意,&因文中谈到这些资金来源将受到限制,&据此可以推断该限制将会给这些带来问题。C项不符合题意,&因文中指的是energy&companies,&而不是所有的公司。D项也不符合题意,&因为文中谈到1980年宣布的是jieadditional&limits,&据此可以推断在此以前已有其它限制。& 三、预测& 根据上文中已出现的语言信息,&预测下文即将出现的信息,&这也是我们必须掌握的一项阅读技能。例如,&当我们读到Though&progress&on&the&subway&has&not&actually&stopped.&.&.&(虽然修建地铁的尚未完全停止……)。我们根据Though所引出的让步状语从句的意义,&应能推测到Something&is&wrong&with&the&project.&(修建出了问题.);&同时从not&actually中推测到progress&on&the&subject&has&almost&stopped.&(几乎已经停止了。)&据此预测,&下文可能会出现it&is&likely&that&the&completion&of&the&project&will&be&delayed&(这项的竣工很可能要推迟),&却不可能出现the&project&will&be&completed&ahead&of&time&(将提前完成)。& 若下文与预测一致或基本一致,&则证明自己对上文理解正确,&可以继续阅读;&若不一致,&则说明对已读信息的理解有偏差,&或这里有特殊含义,&需要调整自己的思路,&或应给予特别的注意。& 通常,&我们可以借助于语法结构、常用句型进行预测;&通过标题或主题句进行预测;&结合自己的背景知识进行预测;&根据语篇标志的提示词或者连接上下文的承接手段(Transitional&Devices)来进行预测等等。& 同样,&我们也可根据所给的某一段文章的内容,&来推测上文讨论的是什么话题,&或已经谈到过什么事情。以&"Though&progress&on&the&subway&has&not&actually&stopped,&it&is&likely&that&the&comp1etion&of&the&project&will&be&delayed."为例。根据该句所提供的信息,&我们可以推测到上文讨论的内容可能是"Strikes&have&severely&hampered&the&project."(罢工已经严重影响了工程的进展);&而不可能是&"The&boss&has&promised&to&give&his&men&a&pay&rise."(老板同意给工人增加工资。)&
例5:1995年6月的四级试卷第31题(文章详见第十二章&历年……集粹(三))& We&can&infer&from&the&passage&that&_____& A)&English&people,&like&most&people&in&other&countries,&dislike&living&in&flats.& B)&People&in&most&countries&of&the&world&today&are&not&opposed&to&living&in&flats.& C)&People&in&Britain&are&forced&to&move&into&high&blocks&of&flats& D)&Modern&flats&still&fail&to&provide&the&necessary&facilities&for&living& 本题考核学生根据上下文进行推断的能力。文章中说英国人在住房间题上与当今世界上许多国家的居民有着不同的看法,&他们反对住高层公寓,&文章中还列举了许多理由说明这一点,&而且指出这种习惯很难改变。既然英国人与许多国家的居民不同,&反对住高层公寓,&那么世界上许多国家的居民便是不反对住高层公寓,&因此正确的答案是选项B。可是只有大约26%的考生答对了本题,大部分人只注意个别句子的意思,&未能理解文章中隐含的意义。& 四.&练习& The&word&"conservation"has&a&thrifty&(节俭)meaning.&To&conserve&is&to&save&and&protect,&to&leave&what&we&ourse1ves&enjoy&in&such&good&condition&that&others&may&also&share&the&enjoyment.&Our&forefathers&had&no&idea&that&human&population&would&increase&faster&than&the&supplies&of&raw&&most&of&them,&even&until&very&recently,&had&this&foo1ish&idea&that&the&treasures&were&"1imitless"and&"inexbaustible".&Most&of&the&citizens&or&earlier&generations&knew&little&or&nothing&about&the&complicated&and&delicate&system&that&runs&all&through&nature,&and&which&means&that,&as&in&a&1iving&body,&an&unhealthy&condition&of&one&part&will&sooner&or&1ater&be&harmful&to&a11&the&others.& Fifty&years&ago&nature&study&was&not&part&of&the&schoo1&&scientific&forestry&was&a&new&idea:timber&was&still&cheap&because&it&could&be&brought&in&any&quantity&from&distant&&soil&destruction&and&river&f1oods&were&not&national&&nobody&had&yet&studied&long-term&climatic&cycles&in&relation&to&proper&1and&&even&the&word&"conservation"&had&nothing&of&the&meaning&that&it&has&for&us&today.& For&the&sake&of&ourselves&and&those&who&will&come&after&us,&we&must&now&set&about&repairing&the&mistakes&of&our&forefathers.&Conservation&should,&therefore,&be&made&a&part&of&everyone’sdaily&life.&To&know&about&the&water&table(地下水位)&in&the&ground&is&just&as&important&to&us&as&a&knowledge&of&the&basic&arithmetic&formulas.&We&need&to&know&why&all&watersheds&need&the&protection&of&plant&life&and&why&the&running&current&of&streams&and&river&must&be&made&to&yield&their&full&benefit&to&the&soil&before&they&finally&escape&to&the&sea.&We&need&to&be&taught&the&duty&of&planting&trees&as&well&as&of&cutting&them.&We&need&to&know&the&importance&of&big,&mature&trees,&because&living&space&for&most&of&man’s&fellow&creatures&on&this&planet&is&figured&not&only&in&square&measure&of&surface&but&also&in&cubic&volume&above&the&earth.&In&brief,&it&should&be&our&goal&to&restore&as&much&of&the&original&beauty&of&nature&as&we&can.&
Question:&It&can&be&inferred&from&the&third&paragraph&that&earlier&generations&didn’t&realize&_____.& A&)&the&interdependence&of&water,&soil&and&living&things& B)&the&importance&of&the&proper&use&of&land& C)&the&harmfulness&of&soil&destruction&and&river&floods& D)&the&value&of&the&beauty&of&nature& 这个问题的答案是A。在文章中并不能找到the&interdependence&of&water,&soil&and&living&things。我们在第一段可以找到这样一个句子:& Most&of&the&citizens&or&earlier&generations&knew&little&or&nothing&about&the&complicated&and&delicate&system&that&runs&all&through&nature,&and&which&means&that,&as&in&a&1iving&body,&an&unhealthy&condition&of&one&part&will&sooner&or&1ater&be&harmful&to&a11&the&others.& 由此我们可以看出答案是A。& 在阅读理解测试中,&要求进行判断和推理的问题,&通常有以下几种形式:& 1.&The&writer&(author,&passage&)&implies&(suggests)&that&_______.& 2.&It&can&be&inferred&from&the&passage&that&_____.& 3.&An&inference,&which&may&not&be&made&from&this&passage,&is&_____.& 4.&Which&of&the&following&can&be&readily&inferred&from&the&passage?& 5.&It&can&be&concluded&from&the&passage&that&______.& 6.&What&does&the&author&conclude&about&_________?& 7.&We&may&conclude&from&reading&the&passage&that&______.& 8.&The&passage&is&intended&to&______.& 9.&The&paragraph&preceding&(following)&this&one&would&most&likely&state&(discuss,&deal&with)&________.& 10.&Where&would&this&paragraph&most&probably&appear&(be&found)?&


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