Can success be disastrous 是哪年哪次2015年sat考试时间题目

sat写作范文分享Can success be disastrous
内容提示:sat写作范文分享Can success be disastrous,写作,范文,SAT,sat写作范文,sat范文,sat作文范文,应用文写作范文,雅思写作范文,公文写作范文,托福写作范文
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下载文档:sat写作范文分享Can success be disastrous.DOCXSAT作文题目类型小结之成功和失败
  下面为大家整理的是关于SAT作文题目类型的整理,主要是集中了成功和失败这一类的内容。成功和失败类的SAT作文题目是SAT考试中最常见的题目类型,出现的次数最多一个类型,需要大家在备考的时候着重的练习和整理。更多SAT备考资料请点击  Does weird behavior indicate an ordinary or an extraordinary person?  It is true that one can always find opportunity ,even in trouble?  Do you believe, with Michelangelo,that it is better to risk failing in the attempt to do  something too ambitious, or to succeed at something you were already sure you could do?  Do you agree with the idea that the strong do what they wish?  What do you think of the view that the worst sorrows are those for which we are responsible?  Do you agree that it is important not to take things for granted?  It is true that the most memorable day of our lives re those in which we underwent some personal transformation or awakening?  Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather that by money or fame?  Do people have to be highly competitive in order to success?  Can success be disastrous?  以上就是关于成功和失败的SAT作文题目的总结内容,只是整理了assignment的部分,并没有同时收录Prompt的部分。大家可以在备考自己的SAT作文考试的时候,根据这些题目的特点和相关的侧重点进行更加有细节化的准备。更多SAT写作相关:北京SAT写作培训如何合理分配SAT写作考试时间?SAT写作经典例子之凯撒大帝11个SAT写作题目练习
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摘要: SAT作文题目的准备是大家应对SAT作文考试的最重要的方法,而把所有SAT作文题目整合起来就是SAT作文题库了。下面就为大家搜集整理了SAT作文题库中最常见的题目分类,方便大家的SAT作文题目备考,供大家参考。 下面对
  下面对SAT作文题目大概分了这几类:亲人篇,朋友篇,失败篇(成功篇,这两个可以互相转化,具体见下文),追求理想篇(比如你是追求金钱和名利还是do what you want),善恶美丑篇,素质道德篇,生活篇等。
  Can success be disastrous?
  It is true that one can always find opportunity, even in trouble?
  Do you agree that it is important not to take things for granted?
  It is true that the most memorable day of our lives re those in which we underwent some personal transformation or awakening?
  Do you agree with the idea that people can exercise control over their fear, or does fear control people?
  Do you agree with the idea that war is never justified?
  Brave heart------for freedom and justice~
  What do you think of the view that the worst sorrows are those for which we are responsible?
  Do you believe, with Michelangelo, that it is better to risk failing in the attempt to do something too ambitious, or to succeed at something you were already sure you could do?
  Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather that by money or fame?
  Does weird behavior indicate an ordinary or an extraordinary person?
  Do you agree with the idea that the strong do what they wish?
  It is true that there are no ugly things?
  Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better?
  What motivates people to change?
  Do people have to be highly competitive in order to success?
  Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money?
第五题:Is the world changing for the better? 世界是不是越来越好?
&&& 第六题:Can
success be disastrous? 成功会不会带来灾难?
第七题:&& Do changes that make our
lives easier not necessarily make them better?
&&& 第八题:Is
there always another explanation or another point of view?
&&& 第九题:What
motivates people to change? 什么促使人们改变?
motivates people to change. 如果我们写过第二题,我们就可以说Adversity motivates
people to change. 同理,如果我们写过第三题,我们就可以说Conscience motivates people to
change。(或者Money, fame and power motivate people to change。
摘要:SAT写作范文之成功可能是灾难性的吗,Can success be disastrous?
  SAT写作范文之成功可能是灾难性的吗,Can success be disastrous?  Throughout the storm of life, people persevere in struggling and fighting, until they notice the dim light radiated from the beacon representing success. However, to a certain extent, success is of disastrous influence on the people or the entire society since no one can precisely foresee the trend of the development of a totally innovative affair. Instances of the Manhattan Project and the literary masterpiece Brave New World persuasively delineate the eternal truth of this notion.  During , the wartime needs begot world-c among them the most epoch-making wartime scientific work led to unleashing the elemental physical forces in the nucleus of the atom after the uranium atom was successfully spilt in Berlin for the first time. Owing to the warning from Einstein, America inaugurated the Manhattan Project confidentially, in order to conduct a decisive blow on Nazi Germany. Eventually, in 1945, the b meanwhile, the man in charge, Oppenheimer murmured,’ Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.’ Although the nucleus bomb served a contributory role to assist the victory of Allies, it still remains controversy concerning the invention of that horrible weapon since great numbers of innocent citizens were negatively affected due to the horrendous burns or radiation sickness. Consequently, it is of high possibility that success is somewhat synonymous with unexpected catastrophes.  Similarly, the opus by Aldous Huxley, Brave New World demonstrates the latent danger from the seeming achievement on account of the existence of abruptly thorny problems. He set the background in A.F. 632, London, a Utopian paradise, with highly organized and controlled society. Due to the distinct hierarchical caste, denizens could discover no ways but Soma, a category belonging to drug, to gratify their uncontrolled greed for happiness. Apparently, life in such surroundings is tranquil and harmonious since people’s lack of free choice and autonomy could not lead to riots with the purpose of unleashing their resentment toward government. However, without freedom to conduct what people want, the society would sink into an embarrassing situation: no communication, no innovation, and essentially no development. Then, the influence of disaster comes into being. Utopia is undeniably an ideal and successful nation but such kind of progress was of no meaningful and everlasting purports to the entire social life.  As has been outlined previously, success is indispensible for the development but we cannot deny that disastrous effects are inclined to occur since the maxim ‘every coin has two sides’ proves practical in modern society. As a responsible citizen, one should positively embrace the success of advancement, but one should solve the possible problems with utmost forces.
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