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卡%Tq蔺c8cCJ4Ee-.桠9#Vitra | VitraHaus
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The VitraHaus, built by , is Vitra’s flagship store and home to the Vitra Home Collection. Here, you can view furniture arrangements in different design styles, which include both the great Vitra classics and the latest contemporary designs. This means that you can find inspiration for your home, explore your taste in design and try out, order and purchase furniture and design objects. Enjoy the view from the loft and then set off on a tour of discovery: in addition to the
over four floors, a , the
await you on the ground floor.Contact information & opening hours:Ray-Eames-Str. 1D-79576 Weil am Rhein+49 (0)0Mon-Sun: 10am-6pm24 December 10am-2pm
Inspiration & consultation
Vitra considers all furnishings to be a personal collage which changes over time with the tastes, preferences and the personal circumstances of the owner. In order to always present our visitors with a continuous flow of fresh ideas, the VitraHaus displays change on a regular basis, with new Vitra products continuously being added to the tour. All Vitra furniture and accessories seen can be ordered or purchased here.Contact information & opening hours:+49 (0)2Mon-Sat: 10am-6pm24 December 10am-2pm
Lounge Chair Atelier
The Lounge Chair Atelier gives you the chance to watch a stage of the chair’s production. Here you can witness the craftsmanship that goes into the Vitra design classic – the Lounge Chair – which was designed by
in 1956. In the VitraHaus, you can configure your own Lounge Chair & Ottoman with a selection of leathers, wooden shells and grains – and watch your own personal one-of-a-kind original be put together.An open workshop forms the centrepiece of the Vitra Atelier. It has been relocated from the company’s private production premises to the public campus area. Beginning with the story behind this icon of modern furniture design – produced by Vitra with the same care and precision for more than 50 years – the Vitra Atelier opens up various perspectives. It gives visitors the opportunity to witness materials being used, individual production tasks, as well as the longevity and sustainability of the design, which remains as cutting edge today as it ever was.If at the VitraHaus you decide to purchase an Eames Lounge Chair and to have it made in the Lounge Chair Atelier, the chair will be given a special label that shows that it was made there. Later, it will be delivered to your door.Contact information & opening hours:+49 (0)2Tue-Sat: 10am-6pm24 December 10am-2pmSun & Mon: no production
The shop on the ground floor of the VitraHaus offers a wide selection of design objects, home accessories and publications. These include select furniture designs by major designers such as Charles and Ray Eames, George Nelson, Jasper Morrison, Sori Yanagi and Hella Jongerius, miniatures and faithful re-editions from the Vitra Design Museum, as well as offers from other design manufacturers such as Muji, Alessi, Freitag, Hay and many more. Our selection of books includes the Vitra Design Museum’s exhibition catalogues as well as a wide range of publications on design and architecture. Many of the products are developed based on the museum’s collection and on the research done for exhibitions. The aim is to make important classics of design history available. A selection of products can also be found at the Vitra Design Museum’s .Contact information & opening hours:+49 (0)0Mon-Sun: 10am-6pm24 December 10am-2pm
At the Café, you can enjoy a regularly changing menu of fresh regional specialties. When the weather is nice, you can relax out on the terrace or in the meadow at the foot of the Tüllinger Hill. You can download the current menu
There is also a set menu of the day in addition to the regular menu. If you have any questions, or would like to make a reservation, you can contact the Café between 10am and 6pm. The Café and the terrace can be
for private parties and evening events after 6pm.In addition to the Café, the Airstream Kiosk – an original Airstream trailer, a 1968 20’ Globetrotter – gives Campus visitors an additional dining option during the summer months on the meadow between the VitraHaus and the Vitra Design Museum. The take-away restaurant not only offers small snacks and drinks for those between-meal hunger pangs, but also baskets, blankets and packed lunches for people to take along on their walk along Verner-Panton-Weg to the Vitra picnic area on Tüllinger Hill.Contact information & opening hours:+49 (0)1Please note that larger groups should be registered beforehand.Mon-Sun: 10am-6pm24 December 10am-2pm
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德国,Weil am Rhein ,VitraHaus展馆/ Herzog & de Meuron
&Copyright by 堆糖 2010-, all rights reserved
blogAbstract:'&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 赫尔佐格·德梅隆的巧妙的传递出一种“回家”的情感,不仅由于师来自巴塞尔,同样在于建筑的理念。建筑师通过全球的典型符号来构造VitraHaus。让建成后的室内给人一种恰到好处的舒适比例以及一种家庭般的氛围,同时将建筑交叉的部分营造出戏剧化的角度和视野。
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